#they both exist and are both valid and like WTF
aspectations · 5 months
Ace discourse in this year? Its more likely than you think.
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starberry-cupcake · 1 year
Something I find really amusing about CCSakura lore (as messy as CLAMP can be with consistency) is how Touya and Syaoran both have in common the fact that they inadvertently fucked over Clow's predictions and are now crucially inserted in whatever goes on whether they want it or not, having both insane unpredictable magic.
Touya derailed Clow's plans possibly just by being born and that he didn't consider that Fujitaka could have two kids. Him just existing and finding Yukito already changed everything. Yukito's independent nature from Yue's memories, born from the need of him to ignore his given purpose until the right time, gave him a clean slate of freedom of choice which he used to stick to Touya instead of Sakura, as Clow had considered would happen. Yukito fell for him without even knowing that he or Touya had magic. Then Touya gave Yue his magic, while acknowledging Yue as a different entity separate from Yukito but equally as valid and worthy of being saved, and as much as Yue cares deeply about Sakura, you can't convince me that magic gift in itself wasn't something that finally pushed him to start moving past his grief for Clow once and for all, especially at a time they knew for a fact that Clow was somehow lingering, because his magic was showing up.
Not only that but Touya ended up having even more magic, independent from Clow's own, and is one of the incredibly few people in existence who can control time magic and when asked by Kero, Spinel and Ruby Moon wtf is up with that he goes like 'what, like it's hard?'.
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Then Syaoran, after losing his right over the cards, just decides to stick around, risking his life persistently to save and assist Sakura, and instead of feeling a sense of competition forever because of his bloodline and what he was taught to feel entitled to due to his upbringing, he just decides he'll give her whatever he can to help her if she asks, because he loves her. And Sakura also falls in love with him. And the cards become attached to Syaoran because Sakura is attached to him and their magic intermingles in a way in which not only she can lend him cards, they tag along with him out of their own free will without Sakura even knowing because they care for him too, out of Sakura's love and out of their own choice because hey, this kid is good.
And Syaoran develops his magic as a separate form from Clow's and it becomes powerful enough to break through insane powerful magical barriers to reach Sakura when she's in danger.
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And neither of them really knew what the fuck they were actually getting into in the first place, because one was just vibing with a guy he met at school and the other one was sent at age 10 by his family to pick some cards in a foreign country and now they're magical beacons forever attached to Clow's legacy.
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sunnysaystuff · 1 month
My stance on the Jegulus-Jily-"All Death Eaters suck because canon says so" dispute (or whatever):
After receiving MULTIPLE hate asks (wtf I'm literally nobody why do you care so much) guess I have to put this out here!!
first up - stuff I think is important:
Wolfstar isn't canon and it's the backbone of the fandom, so why do we suddenly decide canon is the shit when people write Jegulus/Jegulily fics? "James would've never liked a Death Eater" fanfiction means you can make stuff up, regardless of what canon James would've liked or wanted.
"Canon-compliant Jegulus fics don't make sense" did James explicitly tell you to your face that he would never date Regulus :0 canon-compliant is a very loose term. a lot of the time it just means that canonical deaths and plot-related events occurred, moreso than relationship-related events.
Jegulus haters often say that Jegulus fans constantly villainize Lily, but the fact of the matter is that they don't. You see more Jily fans villainizing Regulus for originally being a Death Eater than you see Jegulus fans villainizing Lily. "Regulus deserves the villainization and Lily hasn't done anything wrong" - reminder that you can hate on canon Regulus all you want (despite the fact that he eventually changed) but you should know that fanfiction might present him differently. Random fanfic Regulus is not the canon Regulus you despise.
Jegulus fans who despise Snape for his actions in canon aren't being very fair. He joined the Death Eaters and then he ended up working against the Dark Lord, just as Regulus did. Yes, he spent years bullying Harry, but do you honestly think Regulus wouldn't have behaved similarly if he had been in a similar position? If Regulus had been in love with Lily, and James and his brother and their friends were constantly making fun of him, and then Lily died after marrying someone he hated, do you think Regulus would have treated the godson of his estranged brother who betrayed Lily, the identical-to-James son of his enemy, with fairness or kindness? Regulus was canonically also not a nice person at all - was literally a Voldemort fanboy, and Snape wasn't even confirmed to be that much - and in fanon he's often characterized as this petty little shit. So do you think Regulus wouldn't have been awful to Harry as well?
Adding on to that, people call Snape toxic and creepy for being "obsessed with Lily" (he loved her because she was a bright spot in his awful life, platonic or romantic. Obsessed? Maybe <- My hot take), but when Regulus does it with James, it's sexy?
"Stop romanticizing Death Eaters" if it's not your cup of tea, don't read. I think these characters are just that, characters, and fanon stuff means you can do whatever you want with them! You can rewrite someone's entire story and personality if you want (ex: THOSE Dark Harry fics, a number of Dramione fics).
my personal opinions:
Jily and Jegulus are both super fun ships. Love 'em equally, though I'd say currently I'm leaning toward Jily.
I love Jegulily. I think it's really fun and has a lot of potential :0
I'm alr with Snape bashing and no Snape bashing (it's not that deep gang, same for Peter 'cause honestly it's kinda silly how people try to sub-in other characters as the 4th Marauder. Peter existed y'all.)
I think the Black sisters deserve more attention :0
Yes sometimes the characters are ooc in fics!! What to do when you see this and don't like it is click the back button!!
I don't have a problem with Remadora, but I prefer Wolfstar :)
I don't believe in canon casanova of gryffindor tower; I think it's cute in fanon though<3
endnotes/tldr since I wrote a whole essay:
ship and let ship. every (non-proship) ship is valid. this is what fanon's for.
let people hc and do what they want omg pls stop throwing hands over little things
have your opinions they're valid! just don't try to force them on others!!
feel free to argue with me in notes if you want; just be respectful please! I'm down to hear others' opinions; you might change my mind on stuff!!
might add more if I missed anything! I just thought it was lowkey important to put my opinion out here.
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altocat · 10 months
Smh too many people here lately who just don't understand any of these characters. Wtf FF fandom
I'm fine with different interpretations. To each his own. But I don't like the recent surge of victim blaming going around for Seph, Genesis, and Angeal. I think it's wholly possible for fictional characters to be both victims worthy of sympathy and victimizers worthy of blame. But it's important for people to pay attention to context in BOTH regards. And everything points back to Shinra. All three characters are exactly what Shinra made them and they all act accordingly. If not for Shinra they either wouldn't exist or would have had healthier, normal lives where their actions wouldn't have even been an issue.
They're all deeply broken, deeply exploited individuals. Individuals with FLAWS, both human and inhuman. And it's fine to lean more towards one way than another in the victim/villain spectrum. But it's also equally important to acknowledge the other side of the coin as well.
More than anything, I'm tired of the mentality that any moral grayness is automatically seen as giving these characters a pass for their actions. No. It doesn't. It contextualizes and adds nuance to their actions, NOT validate. The goal is to understand these characters, follow their arcs and stories, and fill in the missing pieces when the writing falters. That's how you build a story and its mythos. To lump characters into basic categories drains them of their color and potential. It takes away all a fandom could be, rich with lore made by people who love these characters and want to explore them and the world at large. And god, even MORE so when you sit there and put labels on passionate people who are just trying to enjoy and escape. It sets a harmful precedent that shames people for being curious, for opening their feelings, for showing any empathy at all.
BE curious with these characters. Be empathetic. Be their potential when the writing fails or the story stumbles. Breathe for them and add your own emotions and rhythms. That's what keeps characters alive, what keeps FANDOM alive.
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For the, what I'm calling, Arceus Creation Akari AU, Ingo needs to take Akari on her own journey of self discovery. He wants to see his Akari again, not the Panic and Depressed Akari that came reom her realization that she's a Clone of Champion Dawn.
Also, my idea is that Akari and/or Rei are from a Failed Platinum World, like the Failed Diamond and/or Pearl World, where Cyrus succeeded, with Akari and/or Rei being safe because of Arceus. But because of Cyrus using Giratina, that world dies and Arceus takes Akari and/or Rei to Hisui to start fresh, not counting on Ingo deciding that he will take Akari and/or Rei with them back home.
Ingo going on a journey with Akari is really sweet!!! Maybe Ingo, Emmet, and Akari go on a break from everything and travel around another region for a while. Emmet needs the break, he's been working both his and his brother's shifts for years and a vacation is long overdue. Ingo needs the time to acclimate to the new living conditions that he's just not used to anymore. Both perfectly valid excuses that won't make Akari feel like she's eating up their time worrying about her!
Because she will try to close herself off. She came to the future with Ingo under the assumption that she would eventually be reunited with her own family. She was not meant to be Ingo's responsibility, especially not in the long term. Ingo may have taken her in after the revelation that she doesn't "exist," but that might just because of obligation— after all, she brought him home, so maybe he feels like he has to put up with her, rather than truly wanting her around.
Going on a vacation and journeying around with her could potentially put her fears to rest, in that regard. Now it's just Ingo and Emmet trying to get her to understand something that might be a bit difficult for her; you don't need a purpose to live. Sometimes you just exist.
I want her to eventually get to that point where she realizes the only "purpose" she needs to have anymore is to love a lot and enjoy her life as she lives it.
In regards to the "failed platinum world," I find it really difficult to imagine simply because Cynthia... is perfectly capable of beating Cyrus' ass. It's actually kind of wild to think of but the protagonist in the DPP games wasn't necessarily needed to save the world, they just did it because they wanted to and they happened to be around.
Actually like. Shame on Cynthia and literally the entire Sinnoh league for leaving everything into the ten year old's hands, like wtf you could EASILY have handled that clusterfuck yourselves. What are you even doing.
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riverstixxelf · 6 months
I love the SPN fandom but honestly it’s so stressful sometimes 😭
For example earlier today I googled “Misha Collins girlfriend” because I heard a rumor that he has a girlfriend, I couldn’t find much besides stuff talking about Vicky so I scrolled down and saw a tumblr post saying something about Misha being attracted to men (which I don’t necessarily disagree with, but I don’t want to tell another person what they are) and women so I clicked on it and it was a huge post (like, a couple paragraphs) talking about some strange things. I don’t remember exactly but at one point the user brought up the “fact” that Misha makes jokes about women and sex?? As in making jokes at the expense of women… and I was like… are we talking about the same Misha here? He DOES make jokes about sex but I don’t recall him ever making jokes at the expense of women. Only thing I can think of is that one story about one of his earlier acting jobs and he didn’t know the “no tongue rule” but that was mostly at the expense of himself. Then I scrolled and found another post that was pretty disturbing…
Someone had screenshotted a regular instagram caption that Jensen posted just talking about how he just got done traveling, he wanted to take a nap, something like that—nothing sexual about the post at all or anything that would suggest that—and someone captioned it with something talking about him and Misha rubbing their [babymakers] together??? I audibly laughed out loud because wtf 😭😭
I don’t want to shame Jenmish shippers (I say Jenmish because Cockles is just a… very interesting name), even though I think it’s the slightest bit strange to be shipping real people… but again I never want to put anyone down for anything because I myself have said some stuff about Jensen and Misha that might suggest something between them.
Another thing is just the amount of hate for various cast members. Mostly the hate I see is for Jared and Misha; J2 fans who hate Misha, Jenmish fans who hate Jared, etc. There’s a lot of love in this fandom but ohmygOD there’s so much hate too. I guess that’s true for any fandom, but it’s so tiring sometimes.
Also, in this fandom, you’ll get hounded for any opinion you have. If you don’t like destiel, you’re homophobic. If you do like destiel, you’re also homophobic for some reason because queer bating or whatever… for the record i’d like to state that I am a proud destiel shipper just fyi. But I see so many people take it to the extreme, make little things into big things or something along those lines. Same thing with cockles shippers I was talking about earlier. I feel like I have a pretty neutral viewpoint on stuff regarding destiel; I see most things how they are, and I make my assumptions based on CANON things. I don’t say “Dean and Cas are definitely fucking”, I say “Dean and Cas love eachother but they cant express it, because Cas wasn’t even sure what love was and Dean’s highest ideal of love is family, which is why he says Cas is like a brother to him”. Now, if you don’t agree with me, guess what… that’s okay! If you don’t think destiel exists, that’s a valid point, and i’m not gonna dox you just because you have a different opinion than me. Because that’s just it, it’s an OPINION.
I could get into Sam haters and Dean haters and stuff… but I’m tired. Actually, you know what, screw it. I WILL GET INTO IT!!!
I’ve had a few experiences with Dean haters especially, and most of the time they just ADORE Sam and thinks he’s done nothing wrong. Let me clarify that I don’t hate Sam- like- at all. Then again, Dean haters who happen to be Sam stans have warped my view on Sam a little, but I won’t let that get in my way of honest judgment.
Sam. has. done. bad. stuff. DEAN. has. done. bad. stuff. Please don’t compare their trauma, they both have their own issues, one isn’t better than the other.
I might be biased because I relate to Dean so much (like a crazy amount it’s not even funny…), but for the millionth time in a row I DO NOT HATE SAM. I saw someone saying how Dean was the cause of almost every single world-ending event that happened in SPN… like honey no. Another person replied to their comment listing all of the world-ending events… and guess what… Sam was the cause of most of them!! Does that make him a hate-worthy character? No!!
I don’t know what point i’m trying to make here. I just think there’s so much in-fighting within the SPN fandom and as much as I love being in the fandom sometimes you just gotta have a break from all the drama. If you made it this far… go outside or something don’t pay attention to me i’m chronically online.
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ashironie · 7 months
Gerry sound so… happy
At first I didn’t recognize his voice and assumed Jonny just named another character Gerry, but then Gertrude was there and…
That all makes me so happy.
Ugh, they are so in love. They sound like a toxic st8 couple that’s been married for 50 years and makes ‘ball and chain’ jokes.
Also the statement seemed like… ok here’s a list of everything I could get from it
“and feelings of the uncanny” (about liminality) (1)
Two things for this quote “it creates an effect of absence despite presence, an ‘architectural hunger’ of a sort.” (4)
“The top of the tower… featured unmatched panoramic views of the surrounding rural countryside on all sides.” (3)
“a soulless fairground,” (regarding the previous area) (2) (4)
“there were less and less people every night.” (2) (4)
“There was a nebulous haze across the entire car park…muted colors punctuated with more vivid reds, whites and yellows… I realized it primarily hovered above the asphalt.” (1) (2) (4)
“the phenomena was accompanied by a disquieting sense of absence. Of hunger.” (4)
“kaleidoscope” (1) (4)
The description of the “You Are Here!” Woman (1)
“a particularly high tide of color swept down the corridor toward me.” (1) (4)
The repeating patrons of the Restaurant (1)
The Void (3) (4)
“Their grip on me tightened, a dozen hands pushing and pulling me as one.” (1) (2)
“opened his mouth, and bit into me.” And the ensuing cannibalism (? Is it really cannibalism if you aren’t human?) (2) (4)
“leaping out one of those windows into pure oblivion” (3) (4)
Okokokokok SO! I’ve put numbers to everything so I can talk about everything easier. (1) The Uncanny (both from The Stranger and The Spiral, they have similar enough vibes to me) (2) The Lonely (3) The Vast (4) The Hunger/The Nothing.
The uncanniness of this statement is undeniable, reminds me of the previous episode actually. It’s also worth a mention that the author constantly denies the validity of anything he says and just thinks he was going through an episode, which could be Spiral coded or just statement stuff. Since everything is copy and pasted that seems closer to that idea but still.
The author keeps talking about the lack of people at the beginning and a particular fixation on how they act (seems very Martin domain core to me). Also fog. And the people stuff reminds me of Mag 48 Lost in a Crowd, the otherness you feel, the loneliness because of it. Maybe this is a cannibalism and animal nature as a metaphor for the ✨horrors of other people✨. That kinda feels like a stretch but it makes sense in my head.
Ahhhh, the call of the void, the fear of uselessness to things that don’t even know you exist. The void is obvious Vast coded, especially with the oblivion comment (imo). I don’t have much to say that I’m not gonna say next but this needed its own section bc the void.
My favorite theory about wtf is happening in this episode that I made the fuck up right here right now. At multiple points in this statement does ‘Hungry’ and ‘Hunger’ come up, specifically when talking about your reaction to a deficit in something. This could also be cannibalism coded, being so desperate for someone, anyone, that they eat the only ones around. Which brings me to the second half, the nothingness. This is mixed with basically all the Lonely and Vast feelings of this statement, a lack of something, be it people, color, etc. This could maybe be something that is trying to be more like sensory deprivation, the more deprived you are the more your brain tries to make things to be less deprived, and the more empty you feel because of it. This episode kinda gives me overwhelming feels too? Like when everything is too much and too little at the same time? Overstimulation and understimulation mixing to make the worst thing in the world. Idk
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radiostatik · 1 year
Would you consider yourself more of a Hazbin Hotel or a Helluva Boss fan, or are you into the entire Helluvaverse fandom as a whole?? I've known some folks who are fans and care more about Helluva than Hazbin and I've met others who care and love Hazbin more than Helluva, I'm someone who falls into the second category and even when I was a HB fan, I've honestly always loved Hazbin and it's characters more, IMO. I also wanted to ask if you have any concerns and worries for HH since it's not that far from release and we only have a couple of months, HB S2 hasn't been the best and some have expressed their concerns for HH as HB hasn't been the best honestly, I honestly wanted to know your thoughts if you don't mind responding and answering, it's up to you! 💗
I don't mind answering questions at all!
When Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss both released their pilots these were my first thoughts
Hazbin Hotel: I was awestruck by the pretty and unique art style and animation, I thought the jokes were pretty funny, and it seemed to have a lot of heart. I loved Charlie, she makes a perfect protagonist for taking place in hell. She's clever, optimistic, good hearted, but not afraid to throw a punch.
Sir Pentious was so silly, and had such a fun, hilarious dynamic with Angel Dust.
Alastor drew me in with his goofy, non chalant subtle sadistic personality, along with his old times radio voice that sounds straight outta the 30's.
I enjoyed the pilot and had a lot of hope that it would be a good series. An adult comedy with an appealing art style, an lots of heart is hard to find.
Now let's talk about Helluva Boss
I decided to check out the pilot, but it's whole existence weirded me out. I was like, "Why are you making a pilot for another show right after just making one? Why not just make episode 2? Isn't it a bit early to be making a spin off of a show that has barley started? The view count also said a lot, with Hazbin Hotel Pilot having almost double the views of the Helluva Boss Pilot. And I can see why.
The characters... aren't all that likable. They are all just mean to each other. I know Millie loves Moxxie, she gaslights him when he's rightfully upset.
There's a noticeable difference between the main couple in Hazbin (Chaggie), and the main couple in Helluva (M&M):
For example
Vaggie: *Is rightfully upset at Angel, but is getting a little too worked up*
Charlie: *Agrees with her and tells Angel what he did was not cool, tell Vaggie to try to relax, things will be okay.*
Meanwhile M&M:
Moxxie: *Is rightfully upset at Blitz for stalking and filming him and Millie , but is maybe getting a little too worked up*
Millie: "It's not that big a deal" "Calm down, you're gonna have another panic attack"
👁👄👁 Millie wtf. How do you not validate your husband's concerns and condem Blitzo's action.
The whole Helluva Boss Pilot has terrible pacing. We have a flashback within a flashback, the first few times seeing it I was so confused. When Loona says "Come on, you know why", I expected the next flashback to explain the "Moxxie is fat" joke. But there's no explanation. Just another scene of Loona being mean I guess?
The next scene is of Loona telling Blitz he has a phone call. These flashbacks are supposed to show us how mean Loona is. But the Stolas phone call... doesn't show that. It just shows how Blitz has another problem because this one night stand is acting really clingy. We then get the flashback, within the flashback, of Blitz stealing the book.
Blitz says the line "If I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, non of us would have access to the living world." Nothing wrong with this line, but the way it's delivered makes it seem like having access to the living world is a bad thing?? Maybe the line would make more sense if he said "Sleeping with that privileged asshole is the ONLY reason we have access to the living world." It still works even with Moxxie saying "You what?😶"
There are a few funny lines in the HB Pilot, but a lot more gore. The only "gore" in Hazbin are egg yokes, and some blood from an insect Katy kills with her pen.
The gore in Helluva is amped up and a bit disturbing. A child is shot, then mutilated. That scene made me sick to me stomach.
The kid wasn't even that mean. He said to Moxxie "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackals, I'd Rip out your spine." Implying that Moxxie DOES have a spine.
Speaking of the kid, how did he enter hell without turning into a demon? How are they able to shoot him without him responding back into Hell? Why did I.M.P. even take him with them? Give him back to his mom or just leave him where you found him! It's weird to think they cared enough to take him with them, yet they'd kill him despite not getting any money for it.
I'd love to get into the other Helluva episodes, but maybe if I get another ask about it.
There are some thing I like about Helluva, but a lot of things I dislike. So, yeah I'm more of a Hazbin fan, but I still somewhat enjoy Helluva and look forward to new episodes coming out. (No matter how disappointing some of them have been)
Do I have any fears about Hazbin Hotel coming out?
I'm glad it's finally coming out, but I'll be honest, I wish it were under better circumstances. This is not the way I wanted it to happen. The entire voice cast has been replaced, the animation style has changed, the main characters all received major downgrades with their redesigns, and major characters that were part of the original lineup (Baxter, Mimzy, + Crymini) all appear to have been dropped from the series. So much for female focused.
I'm still excited for it tho because it will still have Charlie and Vaggie, and we will hopefully get to see more concrete proof that they are a couple within the series.
I'm hoping the new voice actors will do the characters justice, but I'm still not over how Viv screwed the pilot cast over in the way that she did.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 9 months
IPKKND thought i would love your take on:
I think when it comes to Shyam's revelation scene the only disappointment i felt was in Arnav's reaction which we can chalk upto Barun's unavailability but its honestly not surprising that other members didnt respond very strongly. We have a bias as viewers since we are witness to everything so we are aggressively countering Shyam's arguments from our screen. But for everyone else its a massive shock and they dont wanna jump the gun about a decision which will possibly break the family. Even with Khushi, she was a victim and its very unfair for us to expect her to counter this logically like a debate. This took a heavy emotional toll on her which is why its understandable why she is mumbling even if she is in the right. Same with her confrontation scene with Arnav. For Khushi, these moments are too overwhelming to be able to answer the questions thrown at her with logical. Maybe once her emotions are settled down a bit but in the moment i totally understand it and i dont feel its OOC like many claim. I would've loved to see her actually sit through it and talk it out with someone who has the emotional bandwidth to help her or atleast listen to her. But yeah I don't understand when people expect her to be bold and bindass when she is confronting (kind of) her abuser.
Hi Anon,
This is an absolutely valid point. You see my issue with these scenes is actually not the characters but the INTENT of these scenes and the tightness of the writing and how well it delivers a payoff.
As you’ve aptly put out - expecting rationality from Khushi from either situations is unfair cause she’s in deep stress and there’s a HUGE shock for most characters when they come to hear what Shyam and Khushi have to say.
But the INTENT is what ruins both of these scenes.
During the final showdown between Arnav and Khushi on the terrace - the very fact that Khushi’s attempt to unalive herself is treated with comedy is disgusting and disparaging.
Out of everything that could’ve been a trigger for Khushi to demand the truth, for her to go with Arnav has married her to get rid of his fault on his astronomical birth chart is so stupid. The makers are going “lol, Khushi so crazy she can think anything!”
The show keeps branding Khushi as “crazy”, which, to be honest, after a point is offensive because Khushi’s inability to rationalize is a serious problem if it’s leading to her justification on unaliving herself over things that don’t exist at all.
She needs help, serious help.
It’s not even played for dark humour. Rather slapstick humor.
And when I talk about her and Arnav’s conversation - the dialogues aren’t veered towards an angst or angry conversation! In fact a few things are kept in mind for their showdown.
1. Arnav needs to insult Khushi’s character as much as possible (right after she tried to unalive herself for his happiness - WTF?)
2. Khushi has to be fulfill the necessity of a good bahu. That is, her motivation to hide Shyam’s truth is never the honest threat it posed to Payal’s impending marriage. Rather Khushi is such a nice bahu that she wants to preserve Anjali’s ideals of marriage and happiness. This is very very ITV sanskaar coded because Shyam has harassed Khushi at multiple points by this time and it’s never shown that she’s bound to preserve Anjali’s marriage by no choice but that she truly believes Anjali should be kept happy (because Arnav won’t be able to take the truth?) and that Khushi is perfectly fine with Anjali staying married with a harasser.
3. No acknowledgement of Khushi being harassed and absolutely nothing to show Khushi being at fault and nothing to indicate to Arnav he might be mistaken. This is critical. The show keeps wanting to maintain that Arnav’s terrible opinion of Khushi is unchanged! Arnav’s PTSD is conveniently forgotten (which they remember every other time) and Khushi will absolutely not clear anything that can give Arnav another perspective. The show, despite showing harassment multiple times, sidesteps from acknowledging Khushi is being harassed. So Khushi obviously has no “idea” of the terrace. And it’s not written that she’s so traumatized she has suppressed it.
4. Khushi needs to prove herself to Arnav. Arnav has emotionally and verbally abused Khushi multiple times in this marriage and they had to ensure that this is all about Khushi proving her character to a man who never believed she had one. It’s terrible because Khushi needs to prove that she’s not having a relationship with the man who has been sexually harassing her. No justification is expected from Shyam and he’s pretty much Scot free for sexually harassing Khushi.
This showdown was everything. We needed a PAYOFF. A payoff for why Arnav was quiet for three months. A payoff for the whole misunderstanding.
You realize this would’ve been perfectly angsty if Arnav came to the conclusion that Khushi ultimately chose to condemn Anjali in a terrible marriage because it would protect Payal’s marriage. This was a valid reason to be upset on Khushi that is non sexist.
And Arnav makes far more sense in these episodes than Khushi does. And this is important because for the show Arnav has to maintain his misunderstanding of Khushi.
Khushi dissociates in traumatic situations - again this is not addressed and this is a grave situation.
And now coming to the Shyam revelation scene. I feel this was a perfect situation to give the other characters dialogues to explain their utter confusion.
Because the intent of this episode was to show “oh Arnav believes her over everything” and the whole family needs to have doubts over Khushi’s character and I was just personally DONE with a female lead’s character come up in question multiple times.
And the intent is to make Arnav feel heroic for slapping Shyam.
That’s why it makes no sense why Khushi admits she said she hated Arnav and wanted his property to lure Shyam out. What is the intent of this?
To show Arnav still believes her and he’s hero?
Shyam had the best dialogues and Arnav had the least impactful. They needed to give Arnav dialogues (everyone else could have had more valid follow up questions). Arnav’s dialogue is so bleh and the things is Arnav KNOWS.
He isn’t blindly choosing Khushi - he just saw Shyam switch narratives because Shyam himself told Arnav that HE is obsessed with Khushi and he’ll do anything to get Khushi back!!
And it’s again to really horn in that “oh Arnav has defected towards his wife who we can’t quite trust,”
So you see these cause an issues.
It’s not a payoff to Arnav having misunderstood her so grossly. They tried to do it but it came out flat as best barring Shyam - man what amazing dialogues and it’s so in character because he IS a lawyer.
And like what was with NK behaving like as if he was going to flip on Khushi?
See moments like these heighten my issue with these scenes. Neither gives a payoff to the misunderstanding of the terrace night.
So these are my point of views.
Thank you and take care,
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
i'm ngl the more i think about it - and i've frankly been of this opinion for a while - the more it feels like the strain between tom and greg, the lack of true culmination of an undeniable Thing between them, the continued evidence of both of them being very much in the closet and tom in particular barely closer to coming out than ever... exists purely for the greater narrative.
and i'm NOT saying this as like "and therefore it's bad bc wtf who put a STORY in my story", or anything like that, but rather just that it is absolutely valid to see tomgreg as something that SHOULD happen. this is the worst timeline. this is a capitalist hellscape. everyone is stuck, a few characters got something that they wanted OR needed, no one got both, no one is actually fully happy. no one is free. the current state of tom and greg's relationship is clearly NOT the result of them not actually being good for each other or not loving each other, but rather consistent environmental obstacles as well as meta reasons for them to be stuck in a tragedy. bc as we know very much of the literal goings-on in the succverse are simultaneously symbolic, like it's all connected and everything and nothing is real etc etc. i would argue that it's on the same vein of succession being a tragedy that it's very much cohesive with canon that tomgreg WOULD be realized and good etc if only they existed in a narrative that had a different Point
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that-golden-lyre · 8 months
How DARE you @flowerflamestars
The way I SPED through and CRIED. I am unwell. I am UNWELL. Wtf is this!!!! ❤️😭❤️
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Ok why don’t we just stop making me re-live my Francesca era please and thank you. Because is he wrong??? NO.
Sexy murder
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I cannot express to you how many times I SCREAMED reading this-
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But no really Elle is SO valid for that because SAME babe 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Literal “whoop”-ing noises made. 👏🏾
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The fact that Star kissed her? I’m NOT over iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
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Also, not you making Jason Todd into the most green flag or ever green flag amongst all of the green flags??? (Am I ignoring the murder? Yes. I have selective sight, thank you very much 😌). But also, if a man came to find me, offered me a hair tie and then proceeded to pour his heart out to me I would simple cease to exist. So understood 🫡.
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I feel like this is the reverse of the “But did you die” joke that Jason constantly spins and @flowerflamestars it was perfect. I’m literally giggling a kicking my feet. I’m sitting here in a puddle of my flimsy little emotions because they’re both MAGIC and magic is blood and love and pain and I’m UNWELL. How could you do this to me @flowerflamestars 🙃🖕🏾.
(Now off I go break my own heart again and read your Padme and Maul fic AGAIN because I have ZERO self preservation skills 💋.)
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lost-eternity · 8 months
Supernatural Matchup -Closed-
This is a matchup trade with @perseephoneee
TW: Substance abuse (alcohol)
Let me know if I am wrong but.... are you a Dean Winchester girlie by any chance?
Idk that’s the vibes I got from reading over your blurb. 
That being said... I am not sure he is the best fit. 
Mainly because y’alls love languages clash hella. I can’t see Dean enjoying physical displays of affection to any extent (especially if it is public) and validation and compliments from him are exceedingly hard to come by. 
He is more likely to insult you than praise you for.... Anything really. 
You would have to thrive off playful banter and keep a tough exterior because Dean would accidentally just take it way too far. While also being okay with never actually hearing him say things like “I love you”. Or anything that indicates he actually cares. 
So I don’t think this would be a super healthy or satisfying relationship. (Obviously besides the fact that Dean, in of himself, is a flag redder than Mars but sometimes we need to be a bit delusional to fuel the soul). 
So, if not Dean then who? 
Well, without further ado here is your mans.
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•──⋅☾CASTIEL ☽⋅──•
Right so, I knew immediately off the bat it was either going to be Cas or Sam. Both of these men are more sensitive and willing to listen. Both would try to take an interest in the things you like and would not disregard them as fanciful or frivolous (looking at you DEAN). But ultimately I strayed more towards Cas than Sam. 
Cas is clueless. We love him, but it is true. 
That being said, he does try his best. He would not understand wtf you are talking about, but he would delight in the way your eyes light up when you begin to speak about something you are passionate about.
The sheer joy that these topics bring you would be enough for the man to be enamored with what you are saying. 
Just be prepared for a lot of questions. 
Because like I said, he is clueless. 
I chose Cas over Sam mostly for this reason, actually. 
While I am sure Sam would do his best to take an interest in the things you like and listen to you when you speak of them, he is much more grounded. I could see him being “too busy” and not devoting his full enrapt attention to you. So you may end up feeling like he is being dismissive of you.
Moreover, you and Castiel are very similar in your self-sacrificing tendencies. Which, I suppose would compound a pre-existing issue. But I also think it means you will take care of each other. 
He would do whatever he can to make sure you are taken care of, even at his own expense. And you would do the same for him in kind. As a result, both of you serve each other in a way that is completely selfless and wholly dedicated. 
Which I think is very sweet. 
But I could see this getting toxic if taken to extremes. So please set boundaries. 
Another reason I selected Cas for you. 
You said that you enjoy emotionally unavailable men. 
Well. Here you go. 
As an angel, Castiel expresses very little external emotion. 
Especially earlier-seasons Cas. 
He is very objective and collective. Which, I suppose would make communication easier. But it would be difficult to rile him up about anything. 
I do not think he would get into many fights or disputes for this reason. 
But I could also see it being very frustrating. 
Trying to coax even the smallest amount of emotion out of this man would be like pulling teeth.
Especially if you are already frustrated with him?
Imagine trying to scold him for his recklessness and disregard for his own life on a past hunt and he just stares at you blankly and hits you with the “Okay.” 
Like, dude. 
Some amount of concern for personal safety would be nice????
Also, it is just really hard to argue with someone who agrees with everything you say.
Perhaps most hypocritically, I could see him getting genuinely pressed if you acted with the same disregard for safety. 
Your self-sacrificing nature reflects his and he would not be happy about it. 
Probably would scold you for your disregard for personal safety. 
And if you try to point out the hypocrisy in his argument he will just get even madder. 
Mainly because he cares. Buit does not really know how to express it. 
And he does not care if he dies. 
But losing you?
Somehow, that is so much worse than death. 
I also think your feistier side would be so cute with Castiel’s deadpan countenance and inability to grasp sarcasm. 
He would try to learn from you. 
But it would come out like a boomer trying to use Gen Z slang.
And you are all just staring at him like “Oh, hunny. No.” 
I think the two of you would play off each other very well.
Similar to how Dean and Cas do in the show. 
He would not get ANY of your references. 
But that is okay because you will force him to get them.
Please educate this man. 
Although he WILL try to also make references. And it will come out super awkward. 
Again he is trying. 
Many date nights for the two of you would likely consist of movie marathons/netflix binging. As it is your sacred duty to update the funny angel man. 
Just wait until you have to explain to him what a Dashcon Ballpit is 💀
Cas strikes me as the type who is silently touch-starved. 
But he would not know what to do with the affection. 
You could run up to him and wrap your arms around him and he just tenses up. 
Not because he does not like it. 
But because he does not understand how to react. 
He eventually learns to crave it and will pout if you don't hug him enough. Not that he’d say this. 
Okay okay but like. Imagine...
Castiel hasn’t been doing too great. He carries the weight of a silent storm, his once calm and reserved demeanor eclipsed by shadows of turmoil and despair. His temper is short, his eyes are defocused and cloudy. He hangs around like a mere shadow of his former self, the fading embers of a dying flame drenched in self-doubt. 
And you have no idea how to help him. 
You are biding your time, your lithe fingers flitting across the worn pages of the novel, tracing the well-traveled path of smudged ink. The world beyond your book seems to fade into obscurity. Each word, each sentence, is a lifeline to a reality untainted by the chaos that threatens to consume your life in the real world. 
The clamor of metal against concrete shatters the fragile illusion of peace. Alarm rips through your spine and you immediately spin around, instinctively reaching for one of the blades positioned by the reading table. 
And there he stands, a disparaged silhouette against the threshold of the doorway. Castiel is leaning against the wall, his iconic trench coat stained with a mystery liquid you would rather not question. His usually-tousled brown hair clings damply to his forehead. His eyes are half-lidded and hollow, haunted by specters of a past he can never reclaim. They wrinkle ever so slightly in the corners as he squints against the dim mood lighting of the room. 
The two of you remain there for several moments, merely regarding one another. It is hard to get a reading of the angel’s deadpan visage and your expression is tinged with concern. You open your mouth to speak again but Castiel interrupts. 
"Cas?" you call out, the syllables hanging in the air like an unanswered prayer, but he offers no response.
He awkwardly shuffles forward, his movements hesitant and disjointed, staggering and leaning against the table with a shaky exhale. 
With a trembling hand, he reaches out, his palms are clammy and cold against your wrists. The acrid scent of alcohol bathes your tongue. He pulls your arms up and gently lowers them around his neck then stoops forward, standing there, head hanging. 
Without words, without preamble, you understand.
“You want a hug, don’t you?” 
The words are mumbled so quietly even you can barely pick up on them. 
A frown tugs at the edge of your lips but you do not hesitate. With gentle hands, you enfold him in your embrace. He leans into you, his weary frame finding solace in the warmth of your touch, resting his forehead against your shoulder in silent reverence. 
Okay, depression is over. 
But like.
The same thing would apply to kissing. 
He has no idea. 
Not a clue. 
You will have to train him. 
But it works out because he is not about to be upset or offended by it. He will readily take your advice and apply with exuberance. 
Sometimes too much exuberance. 
Either way, it makes him infinitely better than most men. 
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xsoulxsilencex · 3 months
So yeah, we're done with arc 9 and well... you can count me as one of the "wtf was that arc final" people.
I'm gonna talk about Yuamu, the Darkmen but also how I feel about this arc as a whole but first of all:
If anyone sides with Yuamu/thinks she's valid for her actions? Fine? But I really hope that I don't have to see anyone throwing a "you just hate on Yuamu because she's a girl, you would let it slide if a guy did the same" at me because put Yuhi in her place instead and you can bet that way more people would be ready to call him a traitor and a-hole than Yuamu. (and yes, I would call out Yuhi too since that behaviour is shit imo and it doesn't matter that I like him) Like honestly, playing the misogynist/sexist card in this case is silly.
But with that said, I can start with the actual post.
Most people might have already seen my posts about ep 115 so my general thoughts on Yuamu/her reason to become the main antag should be clear. But seriously, Idk why GR does that with Yuamu. Is this some weird "make up" for doing barely anything with her in season 2 besides making her get possessed by darkness twice? Turning her into the new main antag to give her some relevance? Yuamu as a villain could've worked but I really can't with the execution we got. She says she wants to be the new Otes and save Yuga and his future and I just can't buy it. Also: What would Yuga think of her actions? I doubt he'd be proud of her becoming Otes in his place. Heck, imagine Yuamu at her "villain peak" just for Yuga showing up to tell her to stop and she eventually does? Like we all know Yuga isn't gone from GR for good. He's coming back and at worst, he's gonna bring his Sevens friends. And as a Sevens fan I say to this: This better not happen at all. Also is it just me or I don't get the feeling that Yuamu truly cares for the Darkmen besides Kuyamuya? So if they died to revive the Velgearians, I doubt she would cry for them.
Speaking of the Darkmen: Oh boy, where do I start? They had potential being an interesting group but from the current point, they're just existing besides Fukamura who stayed behind instead of joining Yuamu? Sabyuas went from sadist for "pretty weird reasons" to Zwijo simp, Bruyea is just a walking mama kink and Zeyet shouts "osu" here and now. Oh, and they all lost their duels. The only "Darkmen" winning were Yuamu and Zwijo - who aren't og Darkmen. Heck, even the Goha Siblings felt more threatening as the Darkmen and also showed a more interesting dynamic despite having to share their debut arc with Lukeman who ended up as the "main antag" of said arc. Can I expect anything from Sabyuas, Bruyea and Zeyet for arc 10? I don't know. Also disappointed how there was no good dynamics between Team Yudias vs Team Darkmen. Sabyuas vs Yuhi? Well, nothing besides Sabyuas enjoying the sight of Yuhi needing to piss. Bruyea vs Nyandestar? Bruyea was all about making Nyandestar his new mama even when he lost but when he sees her again, there's zero interest? Fukamura vs Manabu? I still think Fukamura vs Epoch would've made more sense due to them both having shut-in experience and while Manabu respected Fukamura as an opponent, Fukamura didn't show much interest in Manabu. Zeyet vs Yudias was like the only duel where there was hope for friendship but she doesn't really care for Yudias later so...
And besides Yuamu and the Darkmen: This arc was so boring imo? I thought this could be interesting with the search for Yuamu, trying to find a way to revive the Velgearians, Manabu being back as a proper part of the main squad (him being clowned less is like the one big positive point I can say about arc 9)... but instead I get what? CPT who was annoying af and turned out to work for Yuamu from the start? The huge focus on curry bread? Almost half the arc spent on Pawtner for no good reason? Epoch finally leaving her box just to become more like Tiger (looks and breath power) than she initially was? Yudias and co. not reaching Velgear and visiting the Go Rush Yu since all the dead Velgearians are somehow in the Dark Matter Zone to play shield?
Kuaidul being back is also something I'm not sure of. I mean I expected him to return but like *that*?
Now Yuamu is heading towards Earth with most of the Darkmen, Zwijo and Yuhi (to get Monster Reborn?) while we dont know what Yudias, Manabu, Nyandestar and Epoch will do. Likely follow the others but since Yuamu took Valvelgear with her, the only way I can see them leave the Dark Matter Zone is either by making a new space ship out of dark matter or fixing Zaidavelgear.
Since Asaka also seems to prepare Mutsuba Town for a battle, we should get more old characters getting involved again. Man, feeling bad for the UTS 8 when they're gonna see Yuamu acting as a villain but also for Manya (as Yuamu's childhood friend) and Sky (who had so much respect for her). And we can't forget about Yuna since I really believe in her scheming something on her own since Yudias and co. left Earth and it's gonna be Yuga-related. Who knows, she might either bring Yuga back or managed to stay in touch with him somehow.
I know this post is mostly negative thoughts than positive and honestly, I wished I could be more positive about GR - but that show's writing really makes it hard for me.
If anyone still loves Go Rush then cool? But I do hope that even those who love the show can at least admit that it has some flaws. Idk why I have seen people who still want to act like GR is an almost masterpiece.
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b-0-ngripper · 8 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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Bro, wtf are you talking about? why would I think that??? All orientations are valid imo. We just use these labels to better understand ourselves and present ourselves to a world that is always forcing us to justify and explain who we are. Being bisexual isn't better than being gay, lesbian, aroace, grey-spec, m-spec, etc. Now I regret writing all this because for you to send me such a message means that you are 1. A fucking dumbass 2. You do not know shit about me and my politics nor do you care to know them. So I'm just gonna go for the classic "go kill yourself loser". So, go kill yourself loser <3
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Ultraman Anime Season 3 Review
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This was absolutely the best season by far, theres much less inconsistency and plotholes this time around. And with 12 episodes, it definitely felt more comprehensive and less rushed.
Tho there were still some sticking points which Ive made a list of while binge-watching the season such as:
1. I felt that the portrayal of the scene where Hayata supposedly “dies” couldve had a much greater impact if it was shown that Shinjiro was able to identify Hayata on the rooftop prior. It was really weird to see Shinjiro act out when the blast imploded when previously it was shown that he couldnt even make out what was happening on the rooftop.
2. The whole idea of “Bemular being Ultraman” point has been put off so far by this point that seeing him working behind the scenes felt so painful and contrived to watch cause no one from the main cast really “acknowledges” him even tho they should since hes literally Ultraman. And with all the events tied to his existence, aka Shinjiro’s 2nd awakening and the Space Contraction event from Season 2, has no one bothered to consult him on the validity of the Universal Alliance Council? 
3. Daisuke later pointed out that Bemular was Ultraman, but previously no one seemingly make the link so to have this reveal being taken so nonchalantly at that point feels like a total waste of dramatic reveal (but then again, its a reveal thats been late for 3 seasons alr so..). But in fact, they didnt even outright reveal that, they just simply pointed out that Bemular somehow has access to Specium, as a manga-reader im like bruh wtf is this, its like the anime writers are trying their absolute best NOT to establish this connection like wtf
4. I found it really weird that Adad didnt really bother to give more info about Mephisto to Dan, sounds like prolonging the plot for no reason and being mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, because there was really no reason why shouldnt, especially since at that point in time, the SSSP were dealing with the Univeral Alliance Council as a whole, which threatens bascially everyone
5. Anyone else had the feeling that Taro was nerfed for the first half? Dude was just reduced to shooting fireballs and not literally sprout actual flamethrowers and pulses of pure fire like in Season 2
6. So Rena just stupidly decided to trust Seiji even tho his suit was spotted killing her dad? Plus Seiji’s filmsy explanation was really weird considering he was framed.  This is some Asahi-leveling of illogical behavior coming from both sides since this new piece of revelation shouldve stunned and alarmed both parties in question 
7. There was a pretty convenient plothole here, that Taro told Ide that he was gonna go to the hospital that Endo is at but Shinjiro went to the hospital that Ultraman and Zetton fought in, and only later it was revealed that apparently its the same hospital wut? Alot of conveniences here this season
8. Another convenient point to hasten plot progression was Bruh Jack and Rena showing up at the SAME town that Shinjiro and Taro are in even tho they came from vastly different locations? Jack had just arrived from the US and Rena literally came from the Alien city
9. Another convenient point was why didnt Zarab just killed off Endo instead of leaving him alive in the first place tho? In fact, why was he hurt in the first place? It was obvious that Mephisto already knew about the “Calamity” plan, and Jack even detailed it out to the rest later on. In fact, why didnt Bemular just pop up to the SSSP and explained wtf was happening to Shinjiro and how to manage it, it was apparent that he knew what was going on from the get-go but seemingly as an act to artificially prolong the plot, he refused to talk directly to the SSSP and this bascially setup the redundant chain of events that lead to Endo’s assassination attempt
10. Valky pointed she had different goals from Mephisto, but we have no idea what it was even till the end? Was it a planned subplot that got abandoned again?
11. While Taro did came to the conclusion that the there was indeed the existence of Fake Ultraman, this was truly only valid to explain the cases of Shinjiro going berserk in the 1st and 3rd instance. We saw that Shinijiro truly went berserk during the 2nd instance when he envisioned Zetton for the 2nd time but he didnt really point that out either during Taro’s monologue.
12. Bemular died too quickly and we still don't have an in-anime explanation why he became like this
13. So it was never really explained why did Shinjiro not evolve into a Giant of Light again? And why is evolving into a Giant of Light a bad thing either? Would he lose himself after evolving or...? Cause it wouldve helped if we had more exposition on this, this whole line of logic of Shinjiro becoming a Calamity was very obviously rushed and botched considering its aided by the fact that Bemular for some reason, refuses to actually provide his expertise on wtf is going on with Shinjiro throughout the season
14. The various “visions” Shinjiro had throughout the season was so random, literally the exact same situation as Orb in UFO having visions about ES of all things, except in this case, this was purely done for convenient plot progression like bru
Overall, it was kind of rushed near the end because the fact that Shinjiro still went out of control seemingly on purpose in the public eye made it still hard to believe he didnt had his power under control
Plus from the standpoint of the public which was deluded so deeply by Mephisto prior and had their reservations, truly it wouldve been less convinced. Esepically at the end of the day, Mephisto and Edo’s of logic makes complete sense and the anime totally sidestepped addressing the crux of the conflict between the 2 ideologies with no reconcilation, it ended up being reduced to Shinjiro’s personal character development instead. Especially so since Edo and Mephisto were sort of lumping their attitude towards the New Ultras with the impact of the original Ultraman itself
But this season gets BIG bonus points as imagine my surprise when Maya was still alive lmao (since yall know from my s2 review that I really didn't like how they handled Maya's character then) for the post-credits scene, but it still dosent explain the plotholes of the other Warudan aliens in the previous season
Again, this was definitely the best season by far and with EVEN MORE exciting action. 
Although this is the final season, I doubt TsuPro is actually done with this venture since Season 2 was Netlflix Japan’s Number 1 anime last year and I have no doubt Season 3 would be the same this year. And tbh, this is literally the final season purely because the Manga just simply doesnt have enough content at this point to warrant a 4th Anime Season. So I suspect that this sub-franchise most likely continue with as said, the Tiga/Zero route and either theyre gonna be following the Novel concept of also including the previous Ultra suits from the first 3 seasons, or itll be a totally brand new, fresh slate with totally new suits and characters involved only.
Personally Im hoping itll be a mixture of the 2, but for this to work, they would most likely have to nerf Shinjiro and have him being able to only use the Type B suit. And I really hope we get to see the suits of other ultras like the ones we saw some years back like Gaia, Max, Hikari etc
In fact, I believe I read somewhere that theres gonna be some news about this on the 21st of this month, so stay tuned
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umbralstars · 9 months
Zelda fandom rant:
Totk is not a retcon. It literally is not. It has a few weird story things going on with BOTW in regards to the Sheikah tech but that's it. It does not up-end Any part of the time-line other than saying fan theories that people got overly attached to aren't true.
It is never stated anywhere (in the game or the books) that the Link and Zelda from Skyward Sword are the founders of the Kingdom of Hyrule. We did not know when or who established the kingdom, and we now have Rauru and Sonia as likely candidates. I fail to see how this could be such an upsetting "retcon" to people when all previous lore had the time between Skyward Sword and Minish Cap as multiple Vague happenings.
"Where is the Triforce?" "What happened to the Zonai?" both of these questions honestly have the same answer: the Era of Chaos. You know the one where the Triforce and the Sacred Realm gets sealed and when we know that at least one race gets yote from Hyrule's plan of existence? And that the Zonai at their height were not only the direct descendants of the Gods (so basically gods themselves) and very powerful magic users? By the time Hyrule's established the Triforce is already sealed away until OoT, and the Zonai also have their own powerful objects in the form of the Secret Stones (which could be any number of things. Aspects of the triforce, mimicries of it, things given to them by their godly ancestors, idk have some fun with it). And it's not a stretch to say that Rauru wouldn't know about it or the Hyrulians own heritage from the skies with the loftwings; eventually leading to the crest of Hyrule that we know.
The sky in and if itself is already a realm of the gods separated from the surface reality. Just because we don't see the Zonai in SS doesn't mean they weren't around or weren't doing things on the surface before the Skyloftians re-establish themselves on the ground. They're capable of existing as their own thing. I don't really ever see people get this upset over like Oocca (even tho like,,, wtf is up with them?), and I can only assume it's cause TwiLiP is already in the fandom consciousness as a "good Zelda game" so it won't get scrutiny like the new one.
Idk I'm seeing people get personally upset and offended over percieved changes in the time-line. Even though I would argue with my whole chest nothing has been retconned or changed.
Also it's very funny watching people who were so against the idea that botw could mean that the time-lines converged now tout the theory; just so they can shove both it and totk (including all the "in the past" stuff with Rauru and Sonia) so far in the future it can't touch their precious "classic Zelda." And the time-line that I remember a lot of the fandom not even liking.
Like I believed in the convergence theory back during botw cause it made sense to me and we were already dealing with time magic. But no, it was Impossible until the new game did something people didn't agree with.
It's fine to disagree or have different theories but to say that the game is objectively bad and was trying to retcon things? I have to disagree. I really think it's a matter of people disliking change and totk not being the game they built up in their heads (or not Entirely following up on some of botw's story, like the fight with Calamity Ganon from the legend. Which is a valid criticism and one that I kinda hold myself). But making up false statements about the game to justify your dislike? That's pretty weak.
(And that's not to say I'm above hating games or spin offs. I don't like Hopes pretty much at all, but I Try to keep my hate grounded in things the game actually did)
To go off in a side tangent: I'm sorry but totk Does tell you the order it wants you to do it's story in. It tells you to go to certain areas first (like talking to Purah, then to Kakariko, then to Impa, etc), to talk with Impa on your way to Rito Village which is the first area the game directs you towards. Then when you go to the forgotten temple: there is a map on the ground showing you the exact locations of all of the glyphs plus the glyphs lined up on the back wall in a way that suspiciously looks....ordered. And Impa's dialog prompts you to try and figure out what this all could Mean. And you get a camera right at the start of the game which would maybe allow for something like Documenting the map and the wall mural.
Idk bout y'all but I figured out this riddle after a few seconds of looking at it on release day. So there was no guide or anything to "help" me. And yeah I'm being sarcastic because the answer is so blatant and obvious. The game Wants you to pay attention and do the glyphs linearly but is was not going to hold your hand and force you. And there is other dialog abounds which asks you to do the plot in a certain order, but you still don't Have to.
I don't know how to sign this off other than saying that, in my opinion, totk is a fantastic game. It's a good Zelda game. And yes, I have played plenty of classic Zelda games before anyone tries to accuse me of "not getting it." The lore and the story is also very important to me, I just disagree with much of the discourse I've seen (especially on Zelda YouTube). It's okay if you don't like it, but people who do like it aren't bootlickers or whatever.
And yeah there are things that I do dislike about the game, don't get me wrong. But gods it's not a bad game and it's not world ending. Maybe try having fun with the lore for once?
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