#like there’s a lot you can do with unreliable narrators and the rumor mill and stuff
serregon · 7 months
I hate the Borgias show not because I’m clutching my pearls over the incest but bc Lucrezia is so interesting to me but the most mainstream depiction of her just takes ahistorical slander at face value
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grimalkinsquill · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 🍬📗💘
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favourite fic of yours for each fandom?
Yes! I write for multiple fandoms for enrichment purposes (what I learn in one fandom space can be translated to another and I am literally a hunter-gatherer for tropes and prompts for my friends of one fandom).
Uh, this answer will be long, but favourite fic for every fandom I've written for (as recorded by Ao3, as my Quizilla fics and FF.net fics are no longer accessible):
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cliché Spy Tactics. Rivals-to-friends-to-mutual-idiotic-crush meet-cute! I still find it actively hilarious.
Red vs. Blue: Storytelling. An unreliable narrator fic told entirely by the world's most eccentric best friends.
Overwatch: Sostener. A start of redemption, built out of the Year 1 Overwatch Lore of Scraps. One of the things that endears me to this story is that I got to play with my SoCal heritage with it.
Warframe: Midnight Mother, Cinnabar Children wins by default, being my only Warframe fic 😂 I do think there's good about it though, simply from the two lines
Simaris snorted. “I’m so glad you’re not like them. You’re sensible.”
“False,” she teased, “I have you to be sensible for me. Like a father of ancient myth.”
Dungeons & Dragons: Dangerous Woman wins by default, but also because it spawned me to write a 72-page homebrewed worldbuilding document that's gained a life of its own.
DC Comics: Guardian. My beloved "Drag Black Adam from Lawful Evil to Lawful Good" fic. What stands of it now is largely me pulling together different instances of his backstory together into something remotely coherent. Runner up is A Study in Cyan, largely because it has a cat-based hero who compares the experience of her boyfriend slowly coaxing her down from her various traumas to "getting a cat out of a tree" and that's a metaphor I'll stand by.
Young Justice: It has 3 fics in it, but the Low-Key series overall is my baby. I think it gets extra shoutouts for having 80k words of platonic slow-burn (it takes Captain Cold a LONG time to figure out that Theo is His Kid. Like, not biologically his kid, but oh my gods is She His Kid. Like, emotionally. He has been dadding her for 75k words and he writes it off as being a team leader and a mentor for a baby hero. Understanding he's Being a Dad takes him an embarrassingly long time. His teammates knew before he did, the bastards [derogatory]. Like. Way before him. Right when she first stole his signature cold gun from him, the little shit [affectionate], which is at like. Chapter fucking One of the first fic in this series)
Guild Wars 2: EASY WINNER the four times that pact commander magna and shining blade asset canach gave the rumor mills false ammo and the one time they didn't. It's SO FUNNY. Fake dating during a dragon-slaying saga between two non-humans with different cultural spheres. All because a nosy 6-year-old thought they should have (gasp) friends.
Fallen Hero: Rebirth: Does it say? is still. So fucking good. I took a scene from the game and slipped in personal traits in between, lovingly-crafted flashback sequences pondering the nature of what it means to be human. Fall In Line is a very close second, as it unpacks a LOT of gender trauma for me (in a way that's subtly mirrored by Felicette's Everything. Fall In Line is more blatant about it than Felicette's arc will ever be).
Pokemon: Do Something Crazy! It's a story of healing and growth for everybody involved! And also includes speculative biology, because y'all know I Am Like This.
FFXIV: Ganzhyllsyn's 4 Steps to a Heist, hands down.
Critical Role: I was broken; now We're golden. I saw Essek and went "what if big brother?" and ran with it.
Fairy Tail: the heart is hard to translate / it has a language of its own. My sole attempt at a NaNoWriMo-esque challenge. I still like this weird translation of the manga's events as MMORP events and inter-guild drama.
Miraculous Ladybug: of Sages and Warriors. Duh. You knew this. Close seconds are O' Neighbour Mine and A Tricky Treat.
Na Daoine Maithe: I only have Lighting the Wick thus far, but there'll be more. This visual novel has lit brainworms and they are persistent.
And uh, if you're still here after all that, here are the OTHER TWO questions you asked (I'm sorry, I like a lot of things and thus write a lot of things)
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
So like. I have three original project ideas, two of which are interactive fiction games. The first idea is that I take Dangerous Woman, strip it of all the DND stuff, and make that a novel in its own right (because that'd be extraordinarily easy for me to do, I'd just have to, y'know, finish it. I know how it ends, it's just a matter of landing the execution).
My two interactive fiction game ideas:
You play as an orphan in the setting of Dangerous Woman, ending up as one of King Oberon's adopted kids. You investigate a weird anomaly in Oberon's territory and meet a cast of odd characters (some of whom are romanceable, all of whom are friendable).
You play as someone who just got reincarnated as one of those flat villainess characters in a fantasy novel...that you, the player character, have never personally read. Frantically remembering the info-dumping of your best friend, you try to survive: will you give in to how easy it is to be what people think you are or will you fight it?
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Fluff. Any day of the week. I find a lot of what people consider to be angst to be boring melodrama and a lot of what people think of what I think of as angst to be "tame". Like a lot of things with me, both terms have an asterisk and a lot of variables, but fluff has fewer variables, so fluff wins.
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