#like this au for forcing two characters with poor communication skills to constantly interact with each other
pchelaus · 2 years
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i read a rus fanfic once where for some chapters these two shared a body, not as in “Sock Opera”, they both have the same amount of control over the body. So i was thinking of an AU where bill somehow gets stuck in dipper’s body, idk maybe dipper touches bill’s statue several years after the wierdmageddon or (insert your own idea cus i have none). Now they have to figure out how to get rid of each other (i guess for the sake of this au there should be a reason bill can’t just kill dipper, let’s say he’s weak or maybe axolotl did give bill a second chance so he has to play nice), also bill may not be as helpful as expected because no way he will let pines family decide which way  they will dispose of him. Basically i just like to think of all the situations and interactions there can be with such set up
#also dipper will absolutely become a local freak at his uni#if he haven’t already#he is at least a weirdo there#i have some more ideas for this that i plan to draw#maybe#if i have time#bill enjoying insulting ford as dipper#so yeah even if they try to keep this situation a secret that won’t last for long#there is no way bill won’t spill the tea just to look at ford’s face#like this au for forcing two characters with poor communication skills to constantly interact with each other#they both need to have some alone time but can’t get any#at least they don’t have access to each other’s heads#i just don’t like the idea of it but also think that dipper at some point have secured his head with ford’s help#he was too paranoid even after bill’s “death”#not able to talk to each other in head will lead to dipper constantly “talking to himself”#he will get so many weird looks from people that he’ll just stop giving a shit#yeah yeah he’s a weirdo whatever he can’t waste time thinking about it#he has a certain demon to deal with#at some point dipper will start to wear colored lenses to cover his now yellow eye#imagine them putting lenses on for the first time#just sitting here with tears all over the face cause dipper’s eyes are not used to it#that scene provided by first-hand experience#throughout the AU they become something like a team#first week is a total disaster#a war inside one body#then they are just tired and exhausted#turns out bill can cooperate provided he also gets some things he personally enjoys#like spicy food or sometimes choosing what to wear maybe#i think i forgot to write some more things#guess i’ll add them to later posts
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ask-endless · 4 years
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Alternate Universe by ErroneousArtist The image used was created by Arctic_Mizikio
Endless!Sans is a character that belongs to a broken alternate universe of Undertale. Due to some leading factors in his backstory he is able to exist outside of these AUs and interact with them.
What is an Alternate Universe (AU)? An Alternate Universe (AU) is when someone creates a spin-off of the original storyline. Usually this means many possibilities, concepts, settings, abilities, personalities, even social differences or standings. Sometimes it has many inclusions of the original cast from Undertale or additions to those characters. The collection of these AUs are called the Multiverse.
Can Endless!Sans travel throughout the Multiverse? Endless!Sans can create portals in a digital fashion consisting of glitching and distortion to access other universes. Even some that are otherwise unreachable by normal means due to his code ability. However, due to the complications of some universes this may not be possible due to the interference of other creators.
Is Endless!Sans part of the Bad Sanses? Yes, because of his hatred for humans and resets he tends to work for Nightmare. This allows him to be able to execute his plans for all timelines to stop resetting even if the results are negative timelines.
What is Endless!Sans’ weapon of choice? Endless!Sans uses the knife that his Chara had when they completed their multiple Genocide Routes. This is mainly due to his low production of magic after his soul was shattered and corrupted by hatred. Still he has other abilities that will be explained further in this FAQ.
Official Design Sheet
The image created by Kikyo_Tora
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The following information is base on Endless!Sans’ backstory. This is simply a guide to his official outfit and character design.
Endless’ outfit is overall gray-scale due to a factor in his backstory which turns his clothes into gray-scale. This happens with all his clothes. On average it takes anywhere between 5mins to 60mins for clothes to completely turn gray-scale.
There is a hidden scarf that is extremely torn and near gone under all of his clothes that once belonged to his Papyrus. He is extremely attached and will not let anyone touch it.
Layers go as follows: Hidden torn Scarf of Papyrus, White T-Shirt, Black Shorts with white lines down the side, Vest-Hoodie with fluffy hood and pockets, sometimes wears White Socks, and his fluffy Slippers. 
Red rimmed glasses for when his left (red) eyelight is not active due to his poor vision. He hates wearing them in front of others so it is unlikely he is to wear them at all even if he is near completely blind without his left eyelight.
There are dust markings on his hands and feet do not come off. No matter what it is bound to him as a reminder of his sins; this is mainly due to the Karma (KR) that he has inflicted on himself in his battle with Frisk/Chara.
Endless!Sans has three tongues that are almost tentacle like in nature. However, he can force his magic to only summon one though it takes more magic to do this since he has to force it to make a singular tongue.
Any ecto-parts that are summoned are bright red to represent the determination he has within him. Very rarely can blue or yellow ecto be seen sparkling within it to represent the original Sans but this is an extremely rare occurrence. 
During times of stress or upon his death there will appear a “Death Slash” across his chest where Chara killed him on many Genocide runs. Often it will “leak” with determination.
Endless!Sans is also a glitch. Often a few white glitches will appear or he will randomly distort. This is due to his messed up coding.
Why are his eyelights two different colors? The right eyelight is white due to being the original Sans he use to be. However, it is often faded cause of his backstory which caused his right eye to become almost completely blind. His left eyelight is fully red with a black center. The red is due to Determination that fuels his magic. Sometimes on very rare occasions the blue or yellow from his original magic can shine in.
Is there a reason why his bones are black? Due to absorbing Chara/Frisk’s soul it turned his own soul black due to the hatred within Chara. Over time in his Save Screen his bones began to turn black and the dust stains on his hands became more noticeable.
Does this mean his blush is red? Endless!Sans’ blush is red. On rare occurrences it can have ‘freckles’ that appear throughout his face. His magic also smells like Chocolate covered Strawberries.
✧ Personality and Traits ✧
Small Warning: Mental illness will be spoken about. Research has been done about these illness as well as the creator themselves suffers from a few of them. Please note that these are not used to insult anyone with these disabilities. The following are all canon personalities and traits for Endless!Sans:
Endless!Sans would be best described as socially awkward when it comes to others (this excludes any Papyruses/Papyri).
Endless!Sans is also a extremely passionate chef. There is few things that bring him joy in the multiverse and cooking is one of them. He is very proud of his cooking skills. Described by their creator as the Gordon Ramsey of Sans.
Endless!Sans is a hypocrite. Do as he says not as he does.
Endless!Sans constantly is under the effects of Karma (KR) which made him very hard to communicate rationally with.
Endless!Sans hates humans. There is nothing that can be said or done that will change his mind about such things. He blames mostly Frisk/Chara for everything which often leads him to tracking them down in each universe and killing them without mercy. 
Endless!Sans tends to avoid harming any Papyrus/Papyri in any universe.
Endless!Sans can sew and crochet. Though he isn’t very good at crocheting. He tends to rip his clothes a lot by accident so he has learned to sew them up without it looking like patchwork.
Endless!Sans absolutely hates Ink!Sans, and highly dislikes Killer!Sans (however is willing to work with him due to joining Nightmare!Sans’ crew).
Endless!Sans will glitch out or become distorted if he is stressed out.
Endless!Sans has mild Haphephobia, Chronic PTSD, Manic Depressive, and Anxiety. These are the confirmed disorders he suffers. However, he avoids seeking professional help and prefers to run away from his problems instead of facing it.
Endless!Sans will often visit surface worlds just to look at the cities and skies. This is due to never having a true Good Ending. He tends to hate going to the underground unless he is ordered too go there.
Endless!Sans cannot die permanently. Due to the high amounts of Determination he continues to absorb from many universes he persists even after death and will “respawn” back in his Save Screen in Endlesstale. However, it can take anywhere between an hour or a year before he is able to escape the Save Screen.
=============================================== Nightmare and Endless The image used was created by CoolCowboyCody. 
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✧ Backstory Information ✧
The backstory is currently in the works. However, please refer to this guide.
What is the original name of Endless’ AU called? Endless and Endlesstale is not the original names that he had went by. However, it has not been revealed what these original names were.
What happened to Endless’ Soul? Is it really just a shard? When Endless absorbed the human soul of Chara it almost killed him. He managed to get to the Save Screen with his determination before he completely dusted. From there certain events occur before his his bones turn black.
How did he escape his Save Screen? Often Ink!Sans would visit to see if something new happened to Endless’ story. However, one day the artist spoke about a reset that happened in a universe he had visited which set Endless into a rage. They fought briefly before Ink tried to just run away. However, not realizing how quick Endless was Endless had tackled him at the moment of Ink using his paint for teleportation. From there he completely glitched out and ended up separated and in a part of the Mutliverse where he discovers his portal ability.
What happened to Endlesstale? Before Ink!Sans showed up Endless had shattered the Reset button completely. Destroying all chances of any new game to be played. The last save is the only save file which is after Endless killed the human.
✧ Additional Information ✧
This is some additional facts and information. Please note that you are free to make your own Head-Canons.  All information provided is just his canon to Endlesstale.
When was Endless created? October 14th, 2019 was the official date of creation.
Is Endlesstale accessible to other Sanses? Only few of the AU Sanses have the ability required to get into this AU. Ink!Sans being one of them and unknown if anyone else has been able.
What is Endless’ birthday and age? August 1st is his official birthday. Endless is 23 years old canonically. However, he isn’t sure on his birthday this is just what he remembers.
Official height for Endless? Endless is slightly taller by the original Sans by an inch. 
What are some of Endless’ abilities in battle? Unfortunately, Endless lost most of his abilities that a normal Sans would have after absorbing the human soul. Such as he does not typically summon bone attacks. Either he cannot or he chooses not too. That has yet to be explained.  Endless is actually very quick. Faster than most Sanses due to glitching. He is not limited to one reality but he tends not to use his abilities due to being rather lazy. Unless it comes to human hunting. So, he rather just die and respawn back in his own AU if things are dire enough.  The ability to summon his Gaster Blasters is vastly cut short. He can choose to summon many at once that do little damage as well doesn’t have the KR ability attached, or one big one that is highly powerful. Both options slowly take away his magic usage over time. Instead he relies on his his weapon of choice; knives. Though he is outmatched by Killer!Sans when it comes to blades (except Endless’ knifework in the kitchen). Another reason he cannot stand him.
Is Endless ambidextrous? Yes, he is actually!
What are Endless’ hobbies other than working for Nightmare? Endless tends to enjoy cooking even though he is not so good at baking. He has gotten rather good at it and perfected many of the Papyruses/Papyri’s recipes.  Aside from cooking he enjoys memes, dark humor, sewing or crocheting, stargazing, or watching cooking shows. 
Does Endless sleep? No, he tends to be wired on coffee, whiskey, and pure will-power. This is due to his haunting nightmares. He will never get a restful sleep. Instead he just tends to busy himself with work.
What is Endless’ assigned font? https://www.dafont.com/endless-boss-battle.font
Is there a canon gender for Endless? Endless is male.
What is Endless’ canon sexual orientation? Endless is not romantically or sexually interested in anyone.
✧ Bad Sanses ✧
This is some information about how he acts with the Bad Sanses. Please note that you are free to make your own Head-Canons. All information provided is just his canon to Endlesstale.
How did Endless become employed by Nightmare!Sans? When Nightmare was invading a timeline one day he came across Endless killing humans but leaving monsters alive. This generated much negativity, naturally, Nightmare was very curious about him. When Nightmare realized that Endless was a walking negativity emitter due to his constant state of Karma (KR) he and Endless struck up a deal.
What is Endless opinions of all the Bad Sanses? Going down the list... Killer!Sans - Endless dislikes him. His complete disregard for killing anyone and everyone makes him sick. The fact that Killer has no remorse about who he kills especially when it comes to a Papyrus makes Endless boil in rage. Dust!Sans - Even though Dust hurts Papyrus’ his remorse for killing his own brother still allows some tolerance of the matter. Though he still keeps his guard up at all times around him. Horror!Sans - These two actually get along fairly well. Due to Endless being a chef he tends to make food for Horror and even present it to Crooks (Horror’s Papyrus). This makes them get along fairly well. Especially after a few puns are shared. Cross!Sans - One of the only ones that Endless could become friends with to some degree. They both has the same taste in humor as well both are friends with Epic!Sans.  (bonus) Error!Sans - These two, while having similar goals and very much common interest, they do not seem to get along. It also depends if Error!Sans knows about Endless’ past. This would cause the destroyer to either hate him entirely or avoid him.
✦ Can I use him with other information than what is listed above? Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page. ✦  Can I use him for things such as Roleplay, Drawings, Fanfics, etc? Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page.
✦ Can I use him to ship with others?
Absolutely! As long as everyone understands the differences between canon and fanon then there is no harm in enjoying this character. However, please be respectful and do not force your opinions on others. If people have issues with how you use him please show them this FAQ page.
✧ Using Endless ✧
Please be sure to have read the above sections before reading this.
Must I tag you for credit every time Endless content is made?  Please do! I would much rather be tagged. He is still my original design and would not like anyone to misrepresent that. For all SFW credit please use the details below: @ErroneousArtist is my handle on most places. Such as the following: Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Deviantart, etc. #Endlesstale #EndlessSans #ErroneousArtist For all NSFW credit please use the details below:  @ErroneousSins is my NSFW handle. Such as the following: Twitter #Endlesstail #NSFWEndlessSans #ErroneousSins
May I use him for things not related to Undertale? No, please do not do this. Endless is still my character and I would like to keep him within the Undertale community. Thank you.
Am I allowed to draw/write fanart of him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to add him to comics or interacting with other characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to add him to Undertale related games? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to pair him with my OCs or other characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to design Endlesstale characters? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to roleplay as him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to commission other people to draw him or am I allowed to accept commissions with him? Please do! Please be sure to use the credit as listed above.
Am I allowed to make merch (plushies, keychains, posters, etc) of him to sell? As of right now, please message me privately about it. If I allow it then please be sure to use the credit as listed above. ================================================ Credit to TheCrayonQueen for Aftertale and Errortale inspired stories. The characters Geno!Sans and Error!Sans belong to CQ. All inspiration is drawn from these characters and should be respected as such. Please understand that while the original concept and theme is being used with approval from CQ themselves via their FAQ... Endlesstale has an inspired theme but taken its own liberties to become its own story. Please respect the original concept artist and developer. Design layout of this FAQ credited to Comyet. It helped be able to properly set up everything needed.
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