#like this guy looks like Pitaya Dragon and is also called Pitaya Cookie someone’s gonna make a connection
quibbs126 · 1 year
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Ah yes, the most extreme name change ever
Like seriously Hollyberry, you could have at least made it Dragonfruit Cookie
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Hehehe, the brain juices are working..
Anyways, another AU has been marinating in my mind, I like to call this one "Reborn Ancients", it gets the point across.
Basically, before the ancient cookies could get corrupted, their souljams self destructed. Causing the ancients to die with their souljams,
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They quickly grew as tall as the beasts and started to fall and fade into nothing, leaving behind silhouettes of their giant forms in the land they fell on (like Golden Cheese leaving behind an oasis in the shape of her in the dessert, for example), the souljams dying with them.
Anyways, death doesn't stay permanent for beings like them, lol. So, for various reasons, they get thrown back into new lives. Here's a summary of the reborn ancients + their new names.
Whipped Vanilla Cookie: A very many winged shepherd who knows everything that has been and will be. He doesn't let that stop him from venturing the world with his bestie (Witch's Lily) and being a rambunctious happy little guy. (He believes that every sight looks better in person, and that applies to what he sees in his mind too)
Holly Bush Cookie: One tough plant lady, literally. She's just visiting between the dragons valley and the Hollyberry Kingdom, happy with the environment and enjoying the people within. She's also hunting down Pitaya Dragon Cookie because she wants to fight them. So she's thriving over all.
Cacao Dust Cookie: A very surprisingly sweet guy who just so happens to have four arms and kinda a spirit despite not being dead. He lives as a guide to people lost in the storms in the Dark Cacao Kingdom and as a swordfighting teacher. A group of spirits saw him guiding someone through a snow storm, thought he was some spirit king, and were attached to the guy by the time he told them that he was infact, just some guy with an odd appearance (unknowing liar).
Solar Cheese Cookie: Phoenix girlie was born from a lake in an oasis next to the Golden Cheese Kingdom's pyramids, eventually meeting the cheese birds and the cookies of the Golden Cheese Kingdom, and quickly swearing to protect their Kingdom and mines from the outside with a very sudden undying loyalty. Solar Cheese thrives in the oasis outside, flying about and fighting any force that dares to attack what she protects, and staring up at the blazing sun with determination. (She's gonna fight it.)
Witch's Lily Cookie: The Faerie Kingdom decided to handle the world's latest new being of darkness and chaos with a little more nurturing kindness and care, resulting in Witch's Lily not wanting to destroy the entire world, infact, she just wants to explore with her many, many dogs! And so she does, meeting Whipped Vanilla along the way and sticking with the guy (her dogs help heard his sheep, and he heals her when in danger, alongside being each other's friends). In all truth, she's a chaotic girlie who hates DE with a burning passion, loves her friend, and wants to have fun and see the wonders of life instead of being told them.
I have SO much more to say about these guys, so if anyone wants to ask about them, please do, I beg of you.
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felsdumpsterfire · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for knight cookie? Or any of the characters?
I hope you don’t mind me rambling about some relationship headcanons that I have too, haha
(Also if you want to request more character for later, please feel free! I’m gonna stick with Knight for now because I just have so many, jaldkjf-)
Knight Cookie Headcanons
I got this headcanon from somewhere else, but you can pry it from my cold, dead hands: Knight Cookie is trans
He and Princess Cookie have known each since before he knew his gender and, later on, his transition 
He was best friends with Fire Spirit Cookie until all the shit with Pitaya went down; now his super salty at Fire Spirit, but still wants to pursue and maybe rekindle the relationship they once had
He’s super into Rockstar Cookie’s music. No one would think it, but he’s a mega nerd for this guy- he’s one of his biggest fans!
He prefers to keep his helmet on, even when he doesn’t have to because people either mix him up for a very handsome lady or a little boy and he hates it 
If he’s ever feeling dysphoric about himself, he’ll call his closest friends, so either Princess or Pistachio or White Choco, and they’ll get together and have a nice little cuddle session
He likes to go out adventuring by himself every once in a while and explore places he’s never seen- he gets ecstatic if he finds anything cool he can bring home as a souvenir to his friends
When he was younger he used to have long hair because his crush Dark Choco Cookie (this was before the curse) really liked his hair
He used to stay up hours with Dark Choco as he combed out his hair
But he cut it soon after Dark Choco got taken over by the curse
He has a huge scar on his stomach from where Dark Choco stabbed him. He swears that it still throbs
Has a lot of guilt over that- he feels he should have done more, even though he couldn’t have known what was going to happen at all
He has a deep hatred of dragons due to his village being burned down by one
He knows there’s more dragons out there; he just hopes they’re smart enough to stay away
Him and Fire met by chance when he still considered himself a girl and the two hit it off real quick 
Fire Spirit was the one who taught him how to use a sword and his main weapon, the lance, he just built off of that and made the styles his own
He has a really unique way of wielding his  lance that makes him a highly sought after knight
Princess has to shoo off other royals because they try to convince her to give him to them- but like hell she’ll do that!
He and Adventure Cookie have a really strong bond 
The two share stories and will stay up all night just chattering
Knight only opens up to certain people, otherwise he’s very stoic and calm- he might even come off as stern to the new recruits
Loves Pistachio Cookie as a little sister and always has her back 
He’s tired 25/8 and just needs a good nap
But, between the castle always being under some sort of brink of destruction danger, him going out on expeditions to look for Dark Choco cookie and Fire Spirit, his unbridled guilt giving him insomnia, and Raspberry basically harassing him at all hours of the day to fight him- this boy gets little to no sleep
He relaxes by reading books
He’s basically taken in Angel Cookie and treats the little pal as his own kid, so he’ll end up reading to them as they snuggle up next to him and drift to sleep
Roll Cake Cookie likes to hang around Knight because Knight knows how it feels to not fit in, so they’re like kindred spirits that come together
Also he feeds him, so what more could he possibly need? 
Knight is just really good with kids and is usually designated as the baby sitter if anyone needs someone to watch their kids
He almost screamed when he met Unicorn Cookie- HE. LOVES. HORSES.
Highkey headcanon that he grew up on a farm and was recruited as a knight because of how skilled he was with weaponry 
He’s a shorty- 5′3″ and gets teased about it all the time
He’s one of the most skilled fighters in all of the kingdom- he can and will kick your ass
He’s a fucking horse whisperer, bro
He can’t stand goats tho. They have freaky eyes and he doesn’t trust them 
He’s punched Dino Cookie in the face because he was being a little shit, and no, he doesn’t like him either because he doesn’t know half of what he’s talking about with that entire “but dragons are so cool crap” and what do you mean he sounds like an old man???? What the fuck is a Boomer, Princess-
Fucking broke his nose and was ready to curb stomp a bitch before a (very impressed) Purple Yam Cookie stepped in 
He’s a really good brawler too, like, RIP you if you ever have to fight him with or without a weapon, he’ll kill you
He has... the driest humor... He’s also shit at picking up any jokes
Like, everyone else could be wheezing and he’ll be sitting there with a straight face not knowing why the fuck everyone is laughing and then you just hit him with a dad joke and he’s gone
Gets along amazingly with Ice Captain Cookie
He’s pretty good at cooking
Knight needs to really cry, but he’s emotionally constipated, my pooR DUDE
Princess likes to paint his nails and he lets her
His favorite armor is the Rose one because Princess had that specially designed for him, so it has a lot of good memories in it
He also loves the color pink
He’s really oblivious to when people have crushes on him. He has more things to worry about then if people like like him or not 
When he gets his hands on Dark Enchantress Cookie, she’s dead, my guy, D-E-A-D 
Ok, I’m ending them there because??? This is already 1000 words with just headcanons, jdsjkfls, I still have so many moooooore, well, I’m gonna go to sleep now, night! Hope you enjoy them!
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