#like ues i feel bad i liked his gf hes sad
xsecretblastsx · 4 years
Am I the only one who wished that they gave Nelly Yuki a date with Dan after she confessed to him?? Twice, might I add!! After Vanessa, I feel like they could’ve made them work but they basically made Dan do to Nelly what the UES had done to him, Dan completely blew her off
I think it would have been sort of funny in S2. In an alternate universe Dan did went to Yale, and he keeps running into Nelly and it's kind of awkward at first, she creeps him out a bit because the whole thing feels kind of stalkery (he ofc doesn't see the irony in that) but eventually he decides to go out with her just this one time because things aren't going as well as he thought they would at Yale, so he needs the ego boost, I can see it going both ways: they hit it off or the date is a disaster with Nelly realizing Dan is obnoxious as hell and she calls him out of it, which he thoughts is ridiculous and he lash out at her and her UES ways. They spend the rest of their time at Yale being bitter enemies.
In S6 though I did feel bad for her when he lets her on the bar to go after some random hot girl, she looks so sad, but still I mostly feel like "Girl, you don't know the bullet you just doged". Dan was awful to all of his gf, and I feel he never really grasped his own shortcomings, and because of that he never really change for the better. So Nelly, you got lucky.
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