#like we want them to do well but baby calm fown
joeynewgarden · 2 years
my fav thing is the europeans posting about the us rn. “it’s still called football, amerwicans ugly, i dinmt ejsgwjshd,” and americans are just like “ah the ravens play at 7, got enough time to mow the lawn.” y’all are having one sided beef with the most idgaf nation in the whole tourney
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a-black-pegasus · 6 years
We Told you so
I finnally saw Venom! Whoo!
Venom! And Eddie of course. Jk there's also a borrower.
Venom was mearly resting while his host Eddie did sleep. Eddie needed this sleep. A lot of it, every night in fact. He would come home watch some TV, eat some tator tots and usually something else, and then go to his bedroom and sleep.
He would sleep for usually a third of the twenty four hour day. Almost eight hours of vurnerableness, of unconscious unawareness in which his host could be attacked!
It was a good thing Venom did not need to do sleep.
Venom could feel something was off lately. Ever since they moved here to this apartment he could feel eyes on them. And those same eyes were on Eddie's bed side table.
"Eddie...Wake up..."
Eddie cracked an eye open, and rolled over. "No, it's still late. Go back to sleep...." He murmered into his pilllow.
Venom sighed. It was always hard to wake Eddie up. He was such a baby. "Eddie. Get up look at your table. There's a—"
"Shhhh..." Eddie shushed.
Venom stirred annoyed inside Eddie at having been brushed aside. "Look! On the table! A being! Can we eat it??"
"What? We just ate— what do you mean 'A being'?" Eddie finnally sat up, and turned the light on.
As the bulb flickered on, a tiny person standing on the table froze mid way tearing some tissues out of the box.
"Oh...damn there is..." Eddie mumbled, shocked.
"We told you so! Now can we eat them?"
You had lived here awhile, but the human had moved in only a week ago, and as far as humans went this one was downright bizarre!
He ate an unnatural amount of tator tots, and although that wasn't bad by itself, he talked to himself as well. Although it was more like giving a one sided lecture to someone that wasn't there. The topics were so.....odd. Not killing good people, not eating the neighbors cats, and debates about eating something besides tator tots were only a few of the subjects.
He was also much quicker than average humans.
There were a few times in the past week alone you were nearly caught. Times when you though he had no idea you were there, that he would suddenly snap his head towards your direction, eyes flashing white. But in the next moment he would pull his head around, his eyes back to normal and muterr "stop that" or "knock that out."
One time while making a tater tot casserole, and chopping up potatoes his head started twitching. Eddie threw his knife down, and gripped the counter shouting.
"Stop that! You're being paranoid you stupid parasite! There's nothing there!" He snapped frustratedly— and then he slapped himself!
That was two nights ago.
Tonight however you went out to borrow some tissues from the only place with an open tissue box. His bedroom.
All was going ok, until the human started talking in His sleep.
'Calm down, this doesn't mean anything... he's just a chatter box. He's just talking in his sleep.... you're good.' you thought, trying to reassure yourself.
Suddenly, he sat up, and turned the lamp on.
You froze. Your nails cut into your palm through the thin tissue as you began inwardly panicking. 'He's gonna kill me. I know it! This guy's insane!'
"Oh....damn there is.....No!" He shouted.
You flinched, and dropped the tissue. It wasn't worth it! Spinning on your heel you jumped fown from the box and ran to your hook. Before you could make it even half way across the surface something sticky and squishy nabbed your foot, and dragged you back.
You were pulled up to sit face to face with a horrible monster! He was sitting on the bed where the human was only moments ago!
He was inky black, covered in the same slime that held you. Two milky white eyes, like a giant fly were tilted down at you. His face split into a grin, and a pointy long tounge snaked out to lick your face.
You whimpered. Tears threatened to spill out of the corners of your eyes as his tounge trailed over you, but then you heard the humans voice.
"No! Stop! We don't eat tiny people Venom!" His voice shouted from inside the thing.
"We are curious. Is it tasty? Is it juicy?" You shuddered as his tounge finnally drew away. "But we won't Eddie." It seemed to sigh wistfully as it looked you over. "They are barely a mouth full anyways." And with that it sunk away, leaving the human in its place.The human, Eddie, looked down apologetically at you, and took a tissue to wipe away the saliva.
"I am so sorry about him. He's not as bad as it seems. Venoms just pissed that I didn't believe him." He paused, and spoke pointedly as if to the thing. "But he didn't need to take it out on you!" A beat passed. "What's your name? Are you ok?"
"(Y-Y/N)..." You stuttered, trying to dodge the fingers. "I...I don't..." You fell silent. You didn't want to tick off the human, or the black inky thing.
A few minutes passed until you finnally couldn't take it any longer. "P-please!..put, put me down!"
"Ok ok. I can do that." Eddie nodded his head lowering you, when his arm raised back up. "....what are you doing? Put them down."
"No. We like holding them. And if we cannot eat them we will hold them more." The symbiosis replied.
"No. Venom—" Eddie tried to speak patiently. "That's not how it works. We let them go now—"
"No. We want to hold them more. And We change our minds. They are weak and pitiful. We must protect them."
"Venom no. We can't keep them." Eddie said frustratedly.
You stiffened. He wasn't going to let you go! You didn't know what was going on, but you wanted out right now! You started punching, and kicking at his fist.
"Hey hey I'm sorry I—" He licked his lips and began setting you down, but then his arm jerked straight up. "Venom!" Eddie hissed.
"Let me calm them down."
"What? No! That is a very very bad idea!" He shook his head rejecting the idea. "You can not come out—"
"This will only take a few minutes. We will be hasty." Without another word venom came out. He slid over Eddie, his form slipping up the hand you fought against. "Listen, hey look." Venom laughed turning your head towards his face.
Your chin was tilted up, forcing you to meet Venoms eyes. Once you looked at them, it was like you were entrapped all over again. Your fists loosened their grip, and shook.
"We will not hurt you. Because you are small, weak, and Eddie thinks you are a good guy. And we only eat bad guys."
Did you hear Eddie sigh?
"Don't tell them you eat people." He groaned tiredly.
"But we do, but only the bad ones." Venom smirked. "We will see you again. We are sure of it...." It paused. "We have your scent. Goodbye tiny." And with that final promise, or threat...it let you go. Putting you down on the floor.
You didn't wait a single second. You took off running, pumping your arms and legs furiously as you took off back to your hole. There was no way you were letting yourself get caught again!
Eddie sighed as he sat on the bed. He was somewhat irritated, but also slightly surprised. "Why'd you let them go? I thought you said.."
"We have their sent. They are still in the room, in the walls. We do not have to hold them to keep them safe. We know where they are, and can find them again if they need us."
Eddie was shocked. "Wow. You know Venom that's very nice, and kinda sweet of yo—"
"Plus, we can get them, and hold them whenever we want now." Venom added cheekily.
"And there it is." Eddie mearly let it be as he layed back down again. "Goodnight buddy."
"Ahhhg. You're sleeping again?"
"Yes! It's like two in morning. So GOODnight." Eddie said firmly, flopping back in bed.
Venom grumbled. "Goodnight."
Heyo! Hope you like it! Thanks for reading!
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