#like when Ashton got a response from the rocks that was fully engaging in a prayer or prayer-like or meditative process!
in the course of thinking about all the discussion about the gods and the concept of "well, the gods never answered my prayers" and especially upon thinking about Ashton saying that they HAVE prayed to the gods only to get no answer and that some rocks had a better response, like...
it's occurred to me that many (within the fandom, within the narrative) maybe do not really and fully grasp that there is a difference, and a massive one, between prayer and saying words in a divinity's or similar's direction
there is a sort of focused process to meaningful prayer in which one is to reflect on their intention, what they're trying to achieve or express in this moment of communion, and then make a focused and intentional articulation of that, followed by meditating on that (if you are praying to a deity as part of a petition or prayer of supplication, this is the listening portion, because you aren't supposed to just talk and then hang up). the form of prayer changes per religious tradition, ritual structure, intent of the prayer, setting, etc. but the core idea is that it involves intent, focus, and reflection.
actual and meaningful prayer—not just saying words or making a haphazard request of a god—is a focused, reflective, intentional process that asks you do to a lot of work actually. and, it is often found to be not fulfilling if one does not undertake that work.
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talkfastromance4 · 6 years
Earthshine [1]
I’m so happy to finally be posting this. I literally spent a whole week writing this out. This is the first time I’ve written in the point of view as ‘you’ and even though it’s a universal you, I’ve become so attached to the characters. I even made a playlist that can be found here . Each part is written as different phases of the moon. This will be in 3 parts because it’s just shy of 5k words. Feedback is graciously welcomed, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it :)
Summary: you and Ashton’s love is displayed in different scenarios under a new phase of the moon Without further ado. . . .
Earthshine: the glow caused by sunlight reflected off the earth, especially on the darker portion of a crescent moon
 Some think horoscopes and zodiacs are ridiculous and the people who believe in it are just as fickle as the celestial study. Ashton is part of the fickle party, he believes his astrological sign truly represents him. He’s very creative, adores his family and wants to start a big one of his own. Along with the creativity comes sensitivity and emotions that are felt as deep as the ocean in which his star sign is ruled by.
His emotions roll over him like a wave, one after another, each one more potent than the last. When he’s upset it’s like he’s drowning and when he’s angered the tides become relentless. Aside from feeling so deeply, Ashton is the essence of the sun.
Always smiling, always cracking jokes and making sure everyone around him is happy and having a good time. He loves those around him fiercely, he’s the protector.
He felt so strongly connected to his sign that he got the phases of the moon tattooed on his skin; he’s got both the light and dark within him.
One downfall of his star sign is that he’s a hopeless romantic. He craves to shower someone with his love but with his schedule and inability to fully trust someone makes it very difficult. Until he met you.
How you met was like the cliché way in a romantic movie. He was coming inside a coffee shop while you were exiting and lo and behold, you collided. In more ways than one. When your eyes met the stars aligned and a sense of calm washed over the both of you (even though your hot tea spilled all over him) and it was almost like fate.
Being the gentleman that he is he insisted on buying you a new drink, he simply wouldn’t take no as an answer. You and Ashton talked for four hours. You talked until you were the only ones left in the coffee shop. You talked until the baristas had to kick you out because they needed to finish their nightly duties.
You exchanged numbers under the new moon. Even though it’s not visible it signified a new beginning.
“I wish humans could breathe underwater,” you say as your finger traces the length of the aquarium’s glass. The actinic blue color illuminates across both of your faces, the light shimmers in waves.
“Why’s that?” Ashton chuckles giving your hand a light squeeze.
“Because. The water is my home, I’d never leave,” you shrug then let out an excited gasp as a sea turtle floats lazily by.
It’s been a few weeks since you and Ashton have first met. The chemistry between you two was unlike anything else you’ve experienced before. You both just got each other, you clicked.
“Won’t you come visit me?” he teases.
“No,” you say simply watching the turtle fade away before you turn to look up into his hazel eyes. “Cause you’d already be with me.”
His dimpled smile that you love so much makes an appearance and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He stares at you for a long while as you both continue on the pathway through the tunneled sea until suddenly he rushes you to an area that’s enclosed over a small wooden bench.
No one else is around and in the darkened blue light from the oval shaped glass, he takes your face in his warm hands and kisses you softly. His lips are gentle and familiar even though it’s your first kiss that you shared. You were kissing below the surface of the water but breathing was easy.
Your first kiss was shared on the night of a waxing crescent moon, his kiss proving the intentions of your budding relationship.
“I wish we could stay here forever,” Ashton murmurs into your naked shoulder.
He’s still on top of you with your bodies still slick from sweat and hearts beating erratically. The connection you shared still hung heavy in the air. You smile at his words petting his hair away from his forehead and caress his back with your other hand.
“We’ve got a little bit of forever,” you say, “until the sun comes up.”
“What am I going to do without you, love?” he smiles softly. He ghosts his lips over the pulse point on your neck which has the perfect shape of his mouth imprinted there.
“You’re going to make all your fans happy and rock your heart out with your brothers.”
“It’d be better if you were with me,” he mumbles over your collarbone.
“Mm, you know I wish I could,” you hum. You’re still stroking his hair while his lips kiss your skin.
“There’s only one solution then,” he says into your ear.
“What’s that?”
“Quit your job, pack all your things and come with me.”
You giggle into him, if only it were that simple and you voiced your thoughts to him.
“I’m only half joking,” he chuckles along with you. He removes his mouth from your skin to look at you and his eyes are shining from the twinkling lights hanging from your ceiling.
“I know. And I would love to come on tour with you but the time isn’t right right now, babe.” You cradle his face in your hands memorizing every feature. “But I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
“You sure I’m worth all that waiting? It’s nine months. We’ll be apart for how long it takes to make a person.”
“You are definitely worth the wait,” you say firmly. “I’m all in for you, Ash. Time and distance won’t change that. Of course I’ll miss you like crazy, I already do now even though you’re right here. But you are definitely worth it, you’re my sunshine.”
“You’re my moonlight.” He dips his head to yours and kisses you deeply. “When you say you’ll be right here waiting,” he says on your lips, “do you mean naked and waiting for me?”
You laugh into his mouth looping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. “If that’s how you want me,” you hum before kissing him and biting his lip.
“That’s how I always want you,” he groans.
You laugh again at his brute honesty but his fingers slip between your thighs and your laugher turns into moans. You made love for the second time that night under the first quarter moon, both light and shadow present. The decision to make the distance work was met in the middle.
While Ashton was shining on his own halfway around the world, you were left in the shadows a million miles away. You conversed through voicemails and delayed responses to text messages. It was hard being away from each other. You craved his touch.
The stars were aligned in your favor one night when you tried to Facetime him and he actually answered. Tears sprung in your eyes at finally seeing him and you became giddy by finally being able to talk.
“Hi handsome,” you greet.
“Hey angel,” he smiles. His dimples showed through the screen, your favorite thing in the world. “Apparently 1:00 a.m your time is when we’re both free.”
“I guess so. I miss you so much, Ash. We need to set up a schedule where we can actually talk to one another.”
“Agreed. I hate talking to you through our voicemails,” he rubs his hand over his face in frustration. “It’s so good to see you.” He shifts in his bed so his head is on the side of his pillow.
You mirror his actions and it’s like your inches away instead of miles. You’re both silent as you stare at each other but it’s a comfortable quiet, much like the time you’d be spending if you were physically together.
“I love you,” you break the silence and his smile returns.
“I love you, too, angel. So much.”
You talked for an hour more and came up with a game plan of calling each other when the time is right for both of you. You’d still text throughout the day of whatever was on your mind and at one o’clock you’d call or Facetime to discuss the texts.
You refined the minor problem under the waxing gibbous moon. The distance and different timing was a big sacrifice for your relationship but the change of habit will only make your relationship stronger.
“I have amazing news!” you both shout over the phone on your nightly call followed by laughter.
“You first, babe,” he chuckles.
“Remember how I told you I was in the running for a promotion at work? It was me and two others, a girl and a guy to become senior assistant for the editor?” you say in a rush.
“You got it?!” he exclaims.
“YES! My annual income will be raised 5% and I will be in charge of the platform I came from and will even have my own assistant!” You squeal and practically fall out of your bed from excitement and finally being able to share this with him.
“I’m so proud of you, y/n. I knew you’d get this promotion, you’ve earned it. When do you start as the senior assistant?”
“Next Monday. Cleo and I are going out tomorrow night for drinks to celebrate my promotion and her engagement. Oh! She and Teddy are engaged, did you see that?”
“No I didn’t, I haven’t been on any social media the last couple days. But wow, that’s awesome! Tell them congrats from me.”
“I will,” you smile completely giddy from the thrill of all the great news. “What was your amazing news?”
“We just got told earlier today that we’re nominated for four ARIA’s, the group, album, the Australian live act and for our single.”
“No way! That is amazing news! Ugh, you guys totally deserve this. I’m so proud of you, Ash. I wish we could celebrate together,” you say sadly.
“I know angel, but when tour is over I’ll have the most gorgeous date for the award show,” he says and you can hear his smile through the phone.
“I’ll be able to afford a killer dress by then.”
“So you will be my date, then?”
“Of course I will, silly.”
You continue to chat about your promotion and the excitement of the ARIA’s. What he would wear, what he would say if they actually won. The moon was high and full in the sky as you confirmed your intentions of going to the awards show.
Part 2
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