#like whyyy I got carried away nooo
prisonpodcast · 1 year
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Laito Sakamaki Sub-Scenarios– (Kanato)
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Place: Glimmer Main Street /グリンマーストリート表通り
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Kanato: ~ ♪
Yui: Ah, Kanato kun. Looks like your are holding a yummy ice-cream.
Kanato: Fufuh, it’s very popular in the Demon World.
Laito: Hee...then, you gotta eat before it gets melt.
Kanato: I’d would simply do that even if you didn’t tell me. Well then...let’s ea一
*Ice-cream falls*
Yui: (Ah...His ice-cream had dropped...)
Kanato: ...Uhuh. Whyyy...I didn’t even take a single bite...uuh...uuh...*crying*
Yui: You okay, Kanato kun? The store is just right ahead, so what about buying a new one...?
Kanato: Are you telling to wait up again in that long line...That’s right! You go there instead of me!
Yui: Eeh?
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Laito: Hey, hey~, Don’t drag Bitch-chan into these.
Come on, calm down Kanato kun. This younger brother will solve the problems of the big brother, you know?
That being said, leave it to me.
Yui: (What Laito kun is planning to do...?)
Laito: My familiars, come here right now. Time for some work.
Yui: (Waah. The familiars are bringing a ice-creams towards Kanato kun one after another.)
(But, where did they bring that from...)
Laito: Get started Kanato kun. You can have as much as you want  ♪
Kanato: Really!?
Laito: Yup, there’re so many, so eat these without any hesitant.
Kanato: ...mn...
Fufuh...so excellent taste...
Laito: Kanato kun, you can still eat right? I’m gonna bring more so wait here.
Yui: (They’re coming carrying the ice-creams again...!)
Kanato: mnn...nnmm....
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These bunches of ice-creams...it’s the first I ever see it...mnn...
Laito: It’s good that you’re happy~ But, there’re still so many left  ♪
Kanato: ...Mnn...nmm...
...I’m full. Laito, you can stop.
Yui: (...Huh? His face color looks a bit pale, and also he’s shievering...is he okay?)
Laito: Eeeh~? You are not eating at all. You don’t have to hesitate though.
Kanato: It’s not like I’m not hesitating or something.
Laito: But, there are still so many left, it’ll be a waste if you don’t finish these....Oh yeah, got ya!
Which flavor you want next? I am going to feed you. Say, aaa~
Kanato: Eek...kh, N- nooo...! It’s enough!
Laito: Oops, you can’t run away. Bitch- chan, can you pin him down?
Yui: Eh, pin him down!?
(He’s refusing it so much...Laito kun, what’re you trying to do)
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Laito: I’m trying so hard for my big-brother as your little brother, yeah? You’re pleased, right?
This is why, let me do my best more?
Kanato: Ghh...I was glad at the beginning...But right now, I am not happy even just a little bit...kh!
Laito: Oh come on, it’s unfair to lie.
Here, you must listen to your little brother properly. Big brother Kanato?
*Laito holds Kanato*
Yui: (Ah...he grabbed Kanato kun’s arm so tightly...)
Kanato: Heek...! Let go of my hand!
Laito: Hey, big brother. Open your mouth widely...fufufuh...
Kanato: Mmm~~~!!
Yui: (Uuh, his smile was creepy...maybe Kanato kun won’t be able to finish eating the ice-creams at the end.)
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20,  Chapter 21, Chapter 22
Chapter 23
"Out late again, huh?" She said in a sassy tone.
"Up late again, huh! Shouldn't you be in bed already?"
"Were you out with that charr girlfriend again? Getting some of that, rawwrrrr?"
Kaleb lost it.
“SHUT UP RACHEL! I'm sick of your nonsense!"
She screamed back. "Well it's true! You have been seeing her, haven't you?"
"It's none of your damned business who I see!"
The commotion woke up their youngest sibling, Katie. Within a few moments, she ambled down the stairs carrying her stuffed teddy bear as she looked at her big brother with a sleepy set of eyes.
"Why are you yelling?"
Kaleb ran to her and picked her up. "Sorry sweetie. Your big sister and I were just having a little discussion. Rachel - put her to bed, please."
"Why me? You were the one who woke her up by yelling at the top of your lungs," Rachel retorted.
"DO AS I SAY!" Kaleb erupted.
Forgetting that he was holding his little sister close to his mouth, the force of his shout hurt Katie's ears to the point she started bawling. The noise had finally drawn the attention of Mother Shirley who had come to investigate what all the hoopla was about.
"What in Dwayna's name is going on here??" Mother Grimwald said tersely as she strode over to comfort a wailing Katie.
"Sorry, mom. It's just Rachel being a little mouthy brat, that's all," Kaleb commented while trying to console his bawling little sister.
"At least I'm not getting pussy...cat late at night with a charr!" Rachel shot back.
Kaleb was now flushed with rage. "Don't you know when to cut it??"
Shirley looked her son in the eyes as the nature of her facial expression began to change. "Rachel - take Katie to her room right this instant! Son - that look on your face... I've seen it before."
"What are you talking about, mom?"
"He's in love with that charr. The two of them have been doing it with each other. I have proof," Rachel said as she carried Katie up to her room.
"What are Kal and the charr doing with each other?" Katie asked innocently.
"Nevermind sis. When you get older, you'll understand," her older sister said as she opened the door to her younger sister's room.
"Kaleb! Is it... is it, true? Have you actually been...?" His mother was at a loss for words.
"Mom. Rachel is trying to embarrass me, that's all."
His mother's look suddenly changed from shock to an expression of sadness mixed with rage. "No. Nooo. By Lyssa's mercy, it can't be!!"
Shirley began to bawl openly as she pointed towards her son. Within moments, the elder Grimwald, Daniel, stepped in from the back kitchen door while hobbling along using a crutch. As soon as she saw her husband, she walked over towards him, nestled her head into his chest crying then pointed towards Kaleb.
"Our son has been having relations with that female charr! I know that look on his face anywhere. It's the look of a forlorn lover, that's what it is!" His mother's bawling became even more intense.
"What's this all about? Shirley, what in the Sixs' name is going on?" Daniel said as he tried comforting his distraught wife.
"He is in love with that charr whose life he saved, that's what. Ever wonder why he packed so much meat during his picnics?"
Moments later, Rachel came down the stairs carrying a large book with a tan parchment piece of paper inserted between the pages.
"He has been screwing that charr too. Here - I have proof!"
His sister ran to the dining room table then laid out the book. She opened it to the pages displaying the explicit illustrations of charr engaged in mating positions. She also placed the letter on the table that Amalthia had written to Kaleb as well.
Both of Kaleb's parents saw the illustrations as Rachel stood back with a wide, sinister grin on her face.
"Son. Is this true?" The elder Grimwald asked with a voice of shock.
"What are you talking about?" Kaleb responded.
"Did you have carnal relations with a charr?" His mother asked pointedly. "Rachel - go to your room NOW young lady. I will discuss the nature of your possession of such a filthy book at a later time. For now, just go!"
The middle child ran back to her room but not before giving Kaleb a razzing before departing.
"Answer you mother's question, son. Did you have unholy relations?" His father asked in an even tone.
Kaleb stood his ground. "Father, there is nothing about our relationship that is unholy. She and I have been together for awhile."
"Answer the damn question, son... did you have this kind of relationship with her?" His father said as he pointed towards the graphic illustrations.
"What business is it of yours if I did?" His son spat.
His mother summoned the courage to read the love letter. When she did her expression turned to sheer horror. Father Grimwald read it as well. When he did, his face darkened with anger.
"So it's true... you are in love with this charr."
Mother Grimwald became unhinged as she ran over, grabbed the objectionable book and began tearing the pages to shreds. As she shredded the material, she began reciting every scriptural verse she was able to recall.
"This evil is to never defile our blessed house again! Such immoral filth has corrupted your soul, son. May Grenth have mercy on your misguided deeds," she said as she frantically began gathering up the hewn remnants of the book.
"Well, Grenth can just stick it where the sun don't shine! Same goes for the other Five. And yes, I am in love with Amalthia. She has a name in case you didn't comprehend that. Oh, and hail Abaddon!" Kaleb snarked as he gave a mocking ceremonial bow to a god he did not believe in.
His father had reached his breaking point. "Son. You do not blaspheme the Six and you certainly do not praise the Fallen One. What's happened to you?"
"I fell in love, dad. With someone I truly care about and who truly cares about me. Is that so hard to understand?"
"Patricia cares about you, about us, about this family!" His father shot back.
"She only cares about this land, father. You more than anyone knows this to be true."
"Why, son. Whyyy??" Shirley started to bawl again.
"So you leave a perfectly beautiful girl with a prosperous loving family to be with, to be with an animal?"
Kaleb's rage had tipped the boiling point as well. "If you weren't my dad, I would deck you for calling Amalthia that. Grow a godsdamn backbone for a change, father! You only approve of Trish because Mom is so desperate for a Grimwald to pop out some grandkids. She doesn't have any clue how much Trish's father, Milton, has been coveting this land and for how long."
"That's it, son! You've talked back to me, insulted your mother, blasphemed the Six and committed unholy relations with a beast. You Kaleb Grimwald, are no longer welcome to stay under this abode!" His father shouted in a raging tone that Kaleb had never heard before.
"So you're kicking me out onto the streets? Who’s going to run your business?"
"My brother, Bill, and his son will offer a hand. Either way, I'll manage. I just want you out of this house within the hour. Otherwise I will call the authorities," Daniel said as he gave his son a harsh glare. Kaleb sunk to the floor as a torrent of tears fell from his dark brown eyes. Everything that he ever knew and loved was collapsing all around him at once.
It took a little over an hour for Kaleb to pack his belongings. When he was finished, he wandered with only a backpack over his shoulders and his trusty weapons by his side. As he was heading down, Katie opened the door from her room then ran down the stairs to hug him.
"You have a nappie pack on. Where are you going?"
Kaleb knelt down and hugged her. "It's okay, sweetheart. Big brother has to go away for a while. Remember, no matter what happens, your big brother will always love ya."
"How long will you be gone?" His little sister asked.
"I wish I knew, Katie," Kaleb said as he leaned past her and looked at his father's stern expression.
I wish I knew.
He departed the one place he had called home his entire life. Once a promising son who was slated to take over the wagon making business, was now unemployed, destitute and - for the first time in his life - without a place to call home.
Kaleb knew the only place that was like a home away from home for him was the Jotun's Corpse tavern. Perhaps Ulfgar would offer him a place to stay. He had the skills to become a freelance bounty hunter along with plenty of local connections, so finding a way of earning income wouldn't be a problem. At least he wanted to believe that, anyways.
When he arrived at the tavern, it was already past one in the morning. By this time, the establishment would normally be closed. However, on this night, he found that the gaslights were still illuminated. As he reached for the door handle, he noticed a hand-written note that was stuck to the front window.
A special someone has been waiting here for you for quite some time. Feel free to come in.
The bar was empty save for the massive norn who was wiping down the mahogany top. Kaleb walked forward and Ulfgar waved for him to sit down.
"Took you long enough to get here. What's with the long face, boy?"
Kaleb looked down somberly. "Long story. I got your note on the door. Who's this 'special' someone?"
The old norn looked at him, smiled then waved his hand as if gesturing for an unseen someone to come on over. "Who could be, eh? A mighty fine lass, she is."
"Kaleb?" Came the voice from behind the young man.
He recognized it immediately.
When he turned around to look, he saw her standing there, head bowed, her somber amber eyes looking straight at him. As she approached, her facial expression changed to a much more joyous one as she opened her arms wide.
"Kaleb! Get over here, you!" The two lovers embraced and Kaleb's heart was filled with a measure of happiness once more.
"I can't believe you waited all this time hoping that I'd be here. Not that I'm complaining, mind you," he said to her as they held hands.
Amalthia's ears twitched while squeezing his hand hard. "I would have slept in the pouring rain next to a mucking stall if it meant you would eventually be there. Kaleb, there's so much I have to tell you..."
"It's okay, Ama. I'm in the same boat too."
Ulfgar smiled at both of them then offered each a stein of mead. "Yer two outliers if I ever saw 'em. These are on the house. Now tell your good friend Ulf what happened, lad."
Amalthia looked at him and was curious as well. "At the risk of sounding like a drunken parrot, what did happen?"
Kaleb lowered his head as he stared into his mug. "My parents found out about our relationship - no thanks to my backstabbing little twit-of-a sister. Anyway, I got into a heated argument with my folks and wound up getting kicked outta the house."
"Oh no!" Amalthia said as she tried to console him.
"That's terrible news, lad." Ulfgar shook his head.
"So now, I have no place to go."
"Lad. You'll always have a place here when things get tough. So long as you can earn yer keep, there's a room upstairs waitin' for ya. Both of ya, in fact"
"Ulfgar, that is too kind of you. Thank you!" She said as she reached over to give the old norn a hug.
"It's never a problem helping friends. Your sire and I go way back and the least I could do is help his only cub. Besides, I would very much like to get to know you better as you won over one of the best humans I've ever had the honor of serving drinks to."
"Thank you, Ulf. It means a lot. Kaleb - I wanted to tell you that my sire, um... father holds no ill feelings towards you. What he did was just an act to convince mother we were no good to her anymore. From now on, she should no longer pose a threat to you or anyone. For all intents and purposes, she's out of our lives for good," Amalthia explained.
"Thank you, Ulfgar." Kaleb, then, looked at Amalthia and said. "None taken. I probably would have done the same thing had I been in his paw pads. You are lucky to have a father who protects you the way he does."
Kaleb gazed into her amber eyes then kissed her on the forehead. Amalthia's ears twitched in gratitude.
"I'm assuming you are no longer working for your family anymore. If that's the case then how do you plan on making an income?" She asked.
A sudden flash of inspiration came into Kaleb's mind. "Amalthia. How about you and I go into the business of freelance bounty hunting together? We worked really well as a team before and with your skills and mine paired together, we could make a killing! Quite literally, I might add too."
She thought about it for a moment before smiling and nodding to him in agreement. "Funny thing. I was thinking along similar lines as well. But what shall we call our little enterprise?"
Ulfgar chimed in. "Um. Outliers sounds like a fitting name if ya ask me."
Both Kaleb and Amalthia looked at each other and smiled widely.
"You are an inspiration, old friend!" Kaleb said as he clapped the norn on the shoulder.
Amalthia had a flash of insight of her own as well. "We need a theme to go with our brand. Hey! I could talk to Ariyana. She does all kinds of custom outfits. I think I could talk her into designing us some."
"Good call. But we are going to need a catchy logo of some sort. Oie! My brain is exhausted from all of the excitement," Kaleb said as he tried to think of some interesting concepts.
"There's been plenty of excitement for both of us, Kal. Ulf - I'm still employed by my sire so I've got plenty of coin if you need a down payment for rent," Amalthia said as she pulled a leather coin purse from her pocket.
"Thank you, lass. But you and Kaleb have to get your house in order first. I'll quote you a very fair price once the two of you get things squared. Now get some rest, both you pups. Tomorrow is a brighter day."
Ulfgar showed Kaleb and Amalthia the upstairs room that was available. Once they were settled into their new surroundings, the pair mutually decided that donning garments of any kind was far too burdensome. Thus, they stripped down until both were lying on the large bed, completely bereft of clothing.
Amalthia nestled her head against Kaleb's chest as she purred in contentment. "My lower horns aren't hurting you, are they?"
"Nah. You're fine, honey," he said as he began stroking her long, golden mane.
"I'm just glad to be here with you." Her voice became a soft purr as she pushed her muzzle into the crook of his neck.
Resting his hand between her larger upper horns and stroking her lovely mane, something dawned on him.
"You know what?"
"This will be our first night in bed together. I sure hope you have some birth control," Kaleb said in a tongue-in-cheek tone.
"Oh shut your hole, you! We are birth control together. Besides, it's not like my plumbing works down there anyway," Amalthia said as Kaleb rolled on top of her.
"Crap! I forgot about that. I'm so sorry."
She just smiled then slid her raspy tongue down his mouth for a moment before withdrawing. "I'm not. Now stop talking and make love to me, you big not-so-hairy beast!"
That night two souls from two different worlds shared their love together, for the first time, under the same roof.
(All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 23 is posted here.)
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“Sam” - Jack and Wiishu Mini-Fic
I don’t know what gave me this idea but I think it’s super cute! ^-^ Hope you like it! :D
Jack and Signe’s little boy, Sam, was now four years old. Just like his father, Sam was a happy bundle of energy; he would run around and play excitedly, like he would never get tired. It was now a sunny day, and the three of them were out for a walk together. Little Sam was running ahead, giggling as he sped along.
“Slow down, sweetheart!” Signe called out to him, wanting him to be careful. He appeared to take no notice as he carried on at the same speed. “You’re gonna end up hurting yourself,” she continued concernedly. He did slow down for a while, but he starting running again when he saw some ducks up ahead.
“Ducks, ducks!” he shouted enthusiastically.
“Sam, don’t run so fast,” Jack called.
“I wanna see the duuuucks!” Sam replied excitedly. His little feet continued to hurry forwards - until he slipped. He crashed to the gravel and started to cry. Jack and Signe rushed to his side.
“I told you not to go so fast,” Jack said to him as he knelt down. “Where does it hurt?” he asked caringly.
“My knee!” Sam sobbed. Jack drew back Sam’s trouser leg to have a look and saw some blood from where Sam had caught his knee on a stone. “It hurts, Daddy!” Sam cried.
“Aw, it’s alright, little man,” Jack comforted him. Signe took off her backpack and began rummaging through it.
“I think I have some plasters,” she announced as she searched. Moments later, she took out a little box - exactly what she was looking for. She took one out and knelt down at Sam’s side. “Let’s make it all better,” she reassured Sam. He sobbed a little more as she put the plaster on.
“Ow!” he whined in pain. She finished putting on the plaster, and then kissed his little knee.
“There, all better now,” Signe said gently.
“Will you be more careful now?” Jack asked Sam.
“Yes,” he cried in reply.
“Good boy,” Jack smiled. Once they stood back up, Sam reached his arms up to his father. “C’mere you,” he said as he lifted Sam into his arms. The little boy rested his head on Jack’s shoulder, his hands clinging to him. “It’s alright,” Jack soothed him as they walked again, putting his hand gently upon Sam’s head. “I got you.” Jack kissed his head, and Sam began to calm down. “I know what will cheer you up,” he stated with a smile, before doing an impressions of Sam’s favourite cartoon characters. The boy began to giggle.
“I know, do your Mark impression!” Signe suggested, “He loves that.”
“Alright,” Jack chuckled, following it with his imitation of Mark’s laugh. Sam’s giggles were louder and brighter this time; he had certainly cheered up! When they were close to the ducks, Jack decided to put Sam down. “Be careful now,” he advised as he lowered his son to the ground. Sam walked calmly to see the ducks, even making sure that he wasn’t too close to the water.
“I wanna go in!” Sam chirped.
“You can’t go in the water,” Jack responded apologetically.
“Whyyy?” Sam whined.
“Because you can’t swim yet, sweetie,” Signe explained.
“But I wanna be a duuuuck!” he cried.
“You wanna be a duck?” Jack asked.
“Yeah,” he bawled.
“You can be a duck,” Jack said, “Ducks walk too!”
“They do?” Sam checked excitedly.
“Yeah!” Jack replied.
“What sound does a duck make, Sam?” Signe asked him.
“Quack! Quack!” he answered joyfully, bouncing. He giddily continued to repeat the word as they continued walking, sometimes giggling again.
“See? You’re a duck!” Signe said to him brightly.
“Quack! Quack!” he continued. “I want bread!” This addition amused Jack and Signe. They had some bread with them, in case Sam decided he wanted to feed the ducks.
“Are you a nice duck?” Jack asked. Sam nodded. “And how do nice ducks ask for bread?” he added.
“Can I have bread, pleeeeease?” Sam politely requested.
“Yes,” Jack answered with a smile.
“Nice ducks can have bread,” Signe agreed as she got some out for him. “Here you go,” she said as she handed a piece to him. “What do you say?”
“Thank you!” Sam replied. After having a couple of bites of bread, he then thew some towards the water at the ducks. Sam did this until there was only one little bit left; he decided to eat it instead, but it didn’t quite go down right. Sam stopped walking. Jack and Signe immediately turned to see if Sam was alright, and very quickly realised that something was wrong. It wasn’t long before they could tell that he was choking. Jack went down to his level and began to slap his back to try and help dislodge the obstruction.
“It’s alright, honey,” Signe reassured Sam, although her voice slightly wobbled with worry as Sam still couldn’t breathe. It seemed futile at first, but soon Sam began to cough and the piece of bread shot out of his mouth. He immediately began to cry. “Don’t cry, sweetheart, it’s okay now,” Signe comforted him, but Sam wept loudly.
“It’s all better now,” Jack reassured him, rubbing his back gently. “You’re alright.”
“Come here, darling,” Signe said as she took the little boy into her arms. She stood up and held him close, rocking him slightly. “Shhh, it’s alright. Mummy’s here.” She shushed him as they continued to walk slowly, but the poor child didn’t stop crying. It wasn’t long before her phone rang, and she wanted to answer it in case it was important - but she didn’t want to abandon Sam the way he was. She turned to Jack helplessly.
“I’ll take him,” Jack offered. “C’mere,” he said as Signe carefully handed him to Jack. Sam still cried as he held onto him. “Alright, little guy. Alright,” Jack soothed him softly, stroking Sam’s head. “Shhhh.” It was as though nothing would calm him. “You’re alright,” he continued to comfort him, gently rubbing his back. “I know it was scary,” he sympathised, “But you’re alright.” Sam quietened a little. Jack began to softly and slowly hum the tune of ‘All The Way’ to him, gently rocking side to side. Sam’s crying eased gradually, his tight grip on Jack loosening. He eventually fell quiet. Jack looked and saw that the boy had fallen asleep with his head on his shoulder. He smiled and placed a loving kiss on the child’s head. Signe was soon finished on the phone, and she smiled too when she saw Sam sleeping peacefully in Jack’s arms. Jack and Signe kissed each other, before continuing to walk and make their way back home. By the time they got there, he was awake and energetic again. When they arrived, he ran into the house. Jack locked the door and he and Signe entered the living room. He was about to question where Sam was, but then they could hear Sam’s feet pattering around. Jack chuckled, before going out to the kitchen to find him. But before he got there, they heard a loud thud followed by Sam wailing. The two of them dashed to him, and found him on the floor by the kitchen counter.
“What you done to yourself now, you poor boy?” Jack asked as he went down to his son’s level. Sam just howled. “Where does it hurt?” he prompted him gently.
“There!” Sam sobbed, his hand on his head. Jack gently moved his hand and saw a little bump on Sam’s head.
“You’ve really been in the wars today, haven’t you, eh?” Jack said to him fondly.
“It hurts, Daddy!” he wept.
“Aww, I know,” Jack replied with sympathy. “We should put some ice on it,” he added to Signe.
“Yeah,” she concurred, before leaving to get some for Sam. She got a little ice pack and wrapped it up, took it to the kitchen, and placed it on the boy’s head.
“Owww!” he cried, pushing it away.
“I know it hurts but it will make it better,” Signe explained.
“Nooo!” Sam whined agitatedly, trying to dodge her hand as she tried to put the ice back on him. Jack gently held him still and Signe carefully reapplied the ice pack. Sam cried louder in complaint.
“You need it to feel better,” Jack reminded him gently.
“I don’t wan’ it!” Sam bawled.
“I know,” Jack understood, “But it’ll stop soon.”
“I don’t wan’ iiiiit!” he cried again, slightly kicking his legs. But the longer the ice was on his head, the quieter and stiller he became as he grew used to it. Eventually he was like a statue, and only quiet little tears fell down his face. After a while, once it had been long enough, Signe took the ice away.
“Good boy,” she praised him.
“You’ve been brave, haven’t you?” Jack concurred proudly.”And do you know what brave boys get?” Sam shook his head. Jack picked him up, and opened one of the kitchen cupboards. He took out a tin and removed the lid.
“Cookieeeee!” Sam squealed. He took one of the cookies happily. “I got a cookie!” he said with excitement.
“That’s because you’re a brave boy,” Signe responded cheerfully.
“You’re our little soldier,” Jack smiled, “Our septic soldier.” Cookie still in hand, little Sam threw his arms around Jack, who snuggled him affectionately.”Give Daddy a kiss,” he said lovingly to him. Sam happily gave a kiss to Jack, before nuzzling into him again. “And you,” he added, smiling at Signe. She went closer to him and they shared a tender kiss. Jack put his arm around her and she cuddled him; the three of them were huddled up together with love radiating through them. The bad things that had happened that day didn’t seem to matter to them anymore, because they had each other.
Having a four year old nephew definitely helped me write this :)
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