#like yes absolutely i love it omfffgggg
latestageyouth · 5 years
When you walk away (Nothing more to say)
chapter 3 - The tales of spider Susan the matchmaker
trigger warnings: sympathetic Remus and Deceit, spiders, arachnophobia, talk of deafness and becoming deaf, spider eating a live cricket (let me know if i need to add something)
word count: haha a what :)
summary: Logan is an arachnophobic mess that doesn't know how to respond to flirting, that is all.
author’s note: iiii am just gonna upload this all at once :/
"The only Dennys in the town and you make us run away without paying!"
"C’mon Ro, it's not like you have to make such a big fuss about it," Remus grinned.
Roman put his hands onto his face and whined, "We won't be able to go there anymore. We are criminals."
"There are other restaurants then Dennys here, Roman," Damon pointed out.
"But Dennys is the best!"
Logan and Virgil rolled their eyes and continued their own conversation, "I saw you signing with your uncle, do you know sign language?" Virgil nodded, "Excellent, So do I. My mother lost her hearing when I was six years old, so I had plenty of time to learn."
'Why?', Virgil signed.
"She has Presbycusis. It usually occurs after the age of 50, but early haring loss runs in my mother's family. More than half of my relatives from my mother's side are deaf or have some form of hearing loss."
'Will you be deaf too?'
Logan looked up in thought, "It is highly plausible that I will have impaired hearing by 30, yes."
Their discussion was interrupted by Roman, "Hey, me and Remus think we'll go back to our house, you guys coming?" the other three shook their heads, "Alright, see ya tomorrow then!" and so, the twins departed from the group. The remaining three looked between each other.
"So...what now? School is supposed to be over by now, so do we just...go home?" Damon said with uncertainty. Virgil tapped Logan's shoulder and signed something Damon couldn't understand to him. Logan turned to face Damon.
"He's asking if we wanted to go to his house. Do you want to come?"
Damon raised his eyebrows, "Uh, yeah, sure."
They walked in the direction that Virgil led them, while still signing and Logan interpreting, "The house isn't too far from here, just a few minutes. Emile didn't see me all day, so he's probably worried anyways. By the way, what did you do to him? He's, like, super nervous when it comes to me hanging out with you."
"As I said, we got sent to Picani a few times. Also, you know how Remus is, and I am not exactly a teacher's pet if you haven't noticed, of course he will be hesitant when it comes to us," Damon didn't look hurt or offended, more like he was used to it. Virgil didn't like that look on him, but he didn't have time to address that, as his house came into view. As he walked to the front door others followed. He twisted the handle and opened the door.
Virgil knocked on the door in the same way Anna did in Frozen, which just told Emile Virgil was home when he couldn't talk. Soon, Emile peeked his head out of the kitchen, "Oh, Virgil, you're home early," he looked between Damon and Logan and beamed at them, "Virgil, you never bought anyone home before, why didn't you text me we will have company?"
Virgil rolled his eyes as he took his sneakers off and went to the kitchen. The others did the same, awkwardly shuffling their way into the kitchen.
"We're having spaghetti today, you two wanna join?" Emile beamed in their direction.
"Sure, Mr. Picani..." they said in unison.
Emile waved his hand dismissively and laughed, "Now, now, no need to be so formal. You can call me Emile. Also, Virgil, I forgot to feed Susan this morning, do you think you could feed her now? Thanks, sweetie."
Virgil nodded and gestured for Logan and Damon to follow him. They walked down the hallway and into Virgil's room. The first thing the two noticed was a terrarium with dirt, sticks and...what Logan assumed were spiderwebs. It also had a human skull with a big hole on the side, which hoped was fake.
They didn't see the supposed Susan who they assumed was the terrarium for. Virgil walked over to the terrarium and opened a drawer under it. He reached into it and pulled out a pair of tweezers and a plastic jar with the lid on. The jar was making a noise like something was tapping against it fast with multiple fingers. He unscrewed the jar and gestured for the other two to come closer. Virgil took the tweezers and reached into the jar. It took him a few seconds but he pulled out what looked like a live cricket, as it was still wiggling. Logan jumped back for a second when he saw it. Virgil opened the terrarium at the top and put his hand in, putting the cricket on the ground while still holding it. Slowly, the three saw a large tarantula crawl out from the leaves, walking towards the cricket. Virgil took the tweezers out and watched as the tarantula jumped at the cricked and started eating it. Then he put the tweezers and jar back into the drawer and closed it.
"What a beauty," Damon said, smiling.
"What...What species is that one?" Logan pointed at the black and yellow tarantula. Virgil fingerspelled something, going slowly over each letter for Logan to understand, but Logan was lost nonetheless, "I have absolutely no idea what you just said," Virgil huffed and spelled out something different and shorter this time, "...Chaco golden knee, don't, uh, don't think I heard of that one before..."
"Remus would be ecstatic to know you have a spider, I'll text him a picture," Damon took out his phone and turned off the flash. The typed on his phone before laughing a little, then showing the messages to the other two:
"Told you he would like it," he typed something before putting the phone back into his pocket.
Virgil chuckled and crouched down next to the terrarium, watching Susan eat. Then, he furrowed his eyebrows. He turned to Logan, signing again. Damon really needed to learn it, this was getting annoying. He saw Logan furrow his eyebrows, "I don't see any."
Virgil gestured at the substrate which was full of white spots.
"Oh, that's mold?"
Damon crossed his arms and spoke up, "Can someone tell me what you two are talking about or am I supposed to deduce it myself?"
Logan turned his head in Damon's direction, "Virgil asked if we could help him...rehouse the...tarantula, a-as there is mold in the terrarium, which can be deadly to...uh, tarantulas if not dealt with."
Damon raised an eyebrow, "Is that so? That's terrible. I would be honored to help you rehouse Susan, and I'm sure Logan would be too, am I right?"
"Uh, yes, of-of course. Just...Susan isn't...particularly aggre...aggressive, is she?"
Virgil shook his head and began signing 'If she scares you, you don't have to.'
"I am not scared!" Logan shouted and pointed at Virgil. The other two flinched, "Uh, I apologize..." he adjusted his glasses.
Three knocks came from the other side of the door, "Everything alright in there?"
"Uh, yeah, sorry," Damon said.
"Okay, just play nice," Emile replied and walked away from the door. As soon as the three couldn't hear the footsteps anymore they sighed.
Damon rolled his eyes, "Yes, Logan, totally not scared."
Logan scoffed in return, "I think I changed my mind, I am going to Roman's house."
"And Remus'."
"Okay, you won, I'll stay. Let's just...get this over with."
Virgil and the rest walked over while he removed the top of the terrarium. He turned to Logan, 'Could you find a plastic container and poke some holes in it? thanks.' So Logan walked away from the terrarium, searching around the room, eventually finding one and poking the holes with a screwdriver. Virgil carefully picked Susan up and put her in the container, closing it with a lid. He brought an empty bucket and put it next to the terrarium. The two stared at him for a while, before he grabbed a handful of the substrate and put it in the bucket. After they started putting the dirt and things in the terrarium aside, Virgil went to get a new substrate, which was in the garage. As he passed the kitchen, Emile spoke up, "Virgil, honey, where are you going?"
'To the garage for substrate, we got mold.'
"Oh, holy moly, I didn't even notice that. Well, what are you waiting for? Susan's gonna be thrilled for a home renovation!"
Virgil huffed and walked to the garage. While that was happening, Logan was the only one in the room actually working.
He rolled his eyes at Damon, "Will you stop staring at the tarantula and come help me or should I do it all myself?"
Damon smirked at him, "I dunno, you've done a great job so far, wouldn't want to ruin it" he shut his eyes tight when Logan threw some of the substrates on him, "What the hell was that for?!"
"Do you want me to list off the reasons? I have a list."
Damon chuckled, "Not so professional now, are we, Mr. 'I wear a necktie as casual clothes.'"
"That was for one year! I was a freshman!" Logan pointed his dirty hand at Damon, who just smiled at him.
"It's still fucking hilarious..."
Logan scoffed, "Great, so now I am the weird kid."
"Don't be stupid, Remy is the weird kid. You're more like...the 'um, actually,' of the school," Logan gave him a puzzled look, so Damon explained further, "The know it all."
"Ah," Logan said, "Well, I suppose some people may see me like that. Though the trope is always portrayed as negative and annoying...Is that how people see me? Am I annoying?" his eyes drifted away, staring at nothing in particular, only looking at Damon when he spoke up.
"Nah you're not, if you were I wouldn't be hanging out with you. If you want to describe someone as annoying, try Patton, he's the definition of annoying."
Logan adjusted his glasses, dirtying them a bit, "You know that Patton was homeschooled up until high school, he has no social skills at all. He may be frustrating to deal with sometimes, yes, but it's not his fault. At least not all of it. "
Damon's eyes widened, "...No, I didn't. I just...thought he transferred schools," he said, "Why did you think the rumor about him having to transfer because of a fight got around so fast? People don't just assume you're homeschooled, they want juicy stuff."
"Oh, I apologize. I guess I assumed...huh, assumed, what hypocrisy."
Damon moved closer to the terrarium, taking off his fingerless gloves. He took the substrate into his hands and dumped into the bucket, which was half full now. Logan raised an eyebrow at that.
"I thought..."
"You thought wrong for once."
A subtle smile crept up on Logan's features, "And for once I am not mad about it."
They both looked up when the door opened, revealing Virgil who was holding another, this time red, bucket. He placed it next to the other one.
"And what's this?" Damon pointed at the full bucket. Much to his dismay, Virgil signed again. Damon sighed heavily.
"Oh, it's the uncontaminated substrate," Logan went silent as Virgil signed more, "...Yes, I think we'll leave that to you."
"Leave what to him?"
"Washing the terrarium."
"Oh, yeah, I think I'll pass on that one."
Virgil picked up the dirty, now empty, terrarium with one hand and gave them the two-finger salute with the other, heading to what the other two assumed was a bathroom. Once again, silence fell on the room, until Damon spoke up a few minutes later.
"So...how do you even know Patton if he was homeschooled? You don't seem like the social type."
"Oh, it was actually Roman who introduced me to him," he rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know how they met, but since both of them are...rather enthusiastic...It isn't hard to imagine them getting along."
"Uhum....and how did you meet Remus? You two seem like the polar opposites, but of course, as they say, opposites attract, so..."
"Oh, no, no, no, no," Damon shook his head, "You got it all wrong, we're just close friends, I would never date a trashbag like him. We met while waiting in front of the principal's office somewhere at the beginning of high school."
"You would befriend him but never date him?"
Damon huffed, "Would you date Roman?"
Logan nodded, "...Fair point, not exactly my type."
"What is your type then?" the taller laughed.
Logan's cheek turned crimson red in an instant, opening and closing his mouth as if trying to find the right words, "Uh, well- I mean...That...that, uh, de-depends on...You see, I-uh, you...uh...."
At that, Damon just laughed, while Logan turned even redder.
"Y-you don't have to...laugh at...me..."
"Oh, no, I am not laughing at you. Well, technically I am, but...just gimmie a second to breathe" after Damon calmed down, he took a deep breath and continued, "I am not laughing at you because you're embarrassing, I am laughing at you because you're cute."
Logan hid his face in his hands as the blush began to creep down his neck, "F-falsehood..." this time, Damon didn't laugh, instead settling on a smug smirk.
"Of course, you're just so composed, professional, aloof, serious, should I go on?" Damon tilted his head. Logan mumbled something that he couldn't hear, so he raised his eyebrows and put a hand to his ear, "Come again specs?"
Logan still mumbled, but this time Damon actually heard him, though he had to strain his hearing, "...On a date, maybe..."
Now it was Damon's turn to blush, "I, ah, I mean...do you, uh, do you, like, want to..." he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and looked away from Logan.
Logan removed his hands from his face in favor of waving them defensively in front of himself, "No, no, it's-it's fine, I just...I am sorry, let's j-just...pretend I totally nev-never said that!"
"It's fine! I, uh...I never t-thought that...you would...you know....like...me?" Damon scrunched up his shoulders.
"I deeply apologize, I never intended to...uh...to let that leave my thoughts! I-I just..."
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I am not mad. Far from that actually, it's fine," Demon said reassuringly, hesitantly putting his hand on Logan's shoulder. It seemed to calm Logan down.
"Just...please d-don't...say anything...at...school. Please..." Logan rubbed his arm, "I...I don't want to seem like a...creep of some sort..."
Damon moved his hand away, "What's that supposed to mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I just, uh-"
The door opened before Logan could finish the sentence. Neither of them knew if it was for the better or for the worse, but there was nothing they could do about it now. In the door was Virgil, hands empty, gesturing at something behind him, before leaving the doorway empty. The pair looked at each other shortly and then followed him. Virgil led them to the kitchen, which was also the dining room it seemed.
"I assumed that you two must be starving by now, so I grabbed you a serving too, unless..."
"No, no, Mr. Picani, we love it!" interrupted Damon.
"It looks great, thank you!" followed Logan.
Virgil and Emile exchanged weirded out looks, before settling on their default expressions, which, for Emile, was a smile, "I am glad! Now hurry up and eat!"
And so, the awkward dinner began. Picani was talking about something with Virgil, who was either nodding or shaking his head. He sometimes included Logan or Damon in the conversation, but the two responded with short and quick answers, clearly not wanting to talk. They also haven't looked at each other the entire time, but they weren't sure the other two noticed that. By the time they stopped talking, food was eaten and plates were in the sink.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?" Picani asked for one last time.
Damon nodded, adding a quick, "Yeah," before disappearing into the night.
"I am afraid my parents would not allow that even if I planned it beforehand. Although I had a wonderful time. See you tomorrow at school," Emile and Virgil didn't know who the last comment was for, but nodded regardless of the fact. They watched as Logan walked out of the door and into the street, eventually disappearing too.
Emile closed the door, "Whew, what bunch'o charming fellas! Didn't think you would make friends that quickly, but I'm glad!" Virgil shrugged his shoulders and gave a small smile. Emile's smile softened and he put a hand on Vigil's shoulder, "I know it's hard, but you're doing so well. I am proud of you, Virgil, I really am," he didn't really expect Virgil to hug him, but hey, who is he to complain?
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