#like yes its not fair for pete to be upset but also thats your BEST FRIEND
grgie · 9 months
going insane about clark telling pete btw.
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Whiterose babysitting Ersta
((Whiterose isnt my fav ship, but it isnt a ship that I have a problem with! I think it can be done really well and it can be a great read or fandrawing!!!! I wrote this to try to get out of my comfort zone and try to do a ship that isnt in my otp list (again I have no problem with this ship its really cute) and I'm also writing this to say thank you. btw Ersta Schnee is a oc of mine from my fanfic Whitley's Dilemma thats on fanfiction.net)) Ruby knew Weiss would be back from Atlas this afternoon, but she didn't expect she’d come back with her three year old niece. “I convinced Whitley to let me babysit her for the weekend.” Weiss explained holding Ersta in her arms. The three year old reached out to shake Ruby’s hand and greet her like how she saw her father greet someone new, “It’s a pleasir to meetchu Aunty Roob.” Ruby did not appreciate her girlfriend just bringing her niece over without letting her know, but she smiled anyways. “It’s nice to meet you too Ersta!” “my name means first snow.” Ersta let her know matter of factly. Ruby nodded “that’s cool.” “your Aunty because I already have a Aunt and a Ant.” Ersta explained. “oh really?” “mhm!” Ersta nodded “Aunt Nene lives with me and this is Ant Why.” Ersta patted Weiss’s cheek, Ruby giggled. Weiss put Ersta down so she can go play in the living room. Ruby dragged Weiss into the kitchen and gave her a glare. “why didn’t you tell me we were going to watch her for the weekend?” Weiss winced at Ruby’s scolding. “I know I should have talked to you, I just, I want to be a part of my Nieces life. I don’t spend any time with her. Sun has spent more time with her for pete’s sake! Sun!” Weiss ranted, trying to explain herself. Ruby took her hand, “I get it, I’m not going to make you take her back or anything... Just promise me you’ll talk to me next time.” Weiss nodded and promised her. Ruby gave her a quick kiss before going back to the living room to check on Ersta. She was on the couch trying to do a handstand, falling over every time. Ruby decided to help her by holding her legs. Ersta giggled and shouted “tada!” Ruby sat down next to her and let her go, she fell over, her feet landing in Ruby’s lap making her giggle again. “Aunty Roob, do you love Ant Why?” “mhm, I love her very very much.” “does that mean you’ll have babies?” Ruby laughed awkwardly, “haha how about I put on a show you can watch so I can help Ant Why with dinner?” Ersta nodded and said ok. So Ruby quickly found an age appropriate show for her to watch and quickly left that situation. Not even 15 minutes afterwards the couple heard Ersta shouting then calling for Ant Why. Weiss quickly entered the room. “yes? What's wrong?” she asked worried. Ersta pointed to the tv pouting angrily, “She’s invalidin me!” Weiss blinked in surprise, “she’s invalidating you?” Ersta nodded sniffling. “how so?” “she’s ignorin me when I'm tryin to answer her and she keeps on repeatin herself like she can't hear me!” “huh… I guess that is an example of invalidation.” Weiss grabbed the remote and changed it to a cartoon meant for older kids. Ersta enjoyed the new show a lot more. Weiss went back to the kitchen, Impressed. “apparently she knows what invalidation is.” “what really?! I haven't even heard that word until I went to Beacon!” Weiss raised an eyebrow, “hey don't judge me! Anyways how is she so smart?” “well little kids are like sponges, soaking up as much information as possible. It appears that Whitley is using that to his advantage by using a big vocabulary and teaching her as much as possible at an early age.” Weiss explained. Ruby guessed that made sense. --- Ruby took a bite of her spaghetti, “so Ersta,” the arctic fox faunus looked up, “if you have an aunt, ant, and aunty… who’s Winter?” “Specialish Winner. Her title is importint to the millitary so I have to respect it.” Ersta explained matter of factly, before starting to eat again. Both Weiss and Ruby blinked then said “huh.” in unison. --- After dinner Ersta tried to convince Ruby to play Chess with her. “you know how to play Chess?” Ruby asked. “I need help from an adult but I really like to play.” Ersta admitted. “well ok then, I guess I’ll play.” Ruby needed more help playing Chess than Ersta did. Weiss was amused while Ruby felt humiliated that a toddler was beating her. --- Ruby flopped onto their bed with a groan. Weiss put her book down and frowned, “Whats wrong?” “well apparently if a fairy is ruling a kingdom she isn't a princess, ‘the awesome reaper’ isn't enough detail and awesome can mean the same thing as awful-” “that is actually true.” Weiss interjected “and someone falling in love after hearing someone singing is ‘not realistic’.” Ruby pressed her face against her pillow. “did Ersta say all that?” Weiss asked, Ruby nodded. “I’d be a terrible mother.” Ruby mumbled loud enough for Weiss to hear. Weiss swallowed hard. “first of all, you’d be the best mother. Second of all, where is this coming from?” “earlier today Ersta asked if we’d have babies and that got me thinking. And I would be a bad mother! I turned on the show that made Ersta upset, I’m terrible at Chess, and I can't even tell her a good bedtime story!” “that does not mean you’d be a bad mother Ruby. I don't think she meant to hurt your feelings, she knows what invalidation means after all, rather, I think she was just trying to voice her opinions in a way she's used to.” “yeah I know,” Ruby nodded “I don’t think she has a mean bone in her body, I still feel competent though.” “Incompetent.” Weiss corrected then winced apologetically when Ruby glared at her. “Sorry.” Ruby turned away from her and refused to acknowledge her existence until she turned off the lights with a sigh and went to sleep. A good few minutes later Ersta crawled into their bed and on top of Ruby. She was already awake. She held the little faunus who was sniffling and wiping her face with her sleeve. “what’s wrong?” “is my Daddy dead?” “...what?” “my mommy’s dead, my Daddy can be dead too.” “I'm sure he’s fine.” “how do you know?” Ruby thought about what to do for a minute. “how about we call him?” Ersta nodded and said a small ok. So she picked up Weiss’s scroll, since she had his number, and called him. It took a couple moments but Whitley answered with a tired hello. “Daddy are you dead?” “why would I be dead?” he asked. “because mommy is dead, if she can die so can you.” Ersta explained. “fair enough reasoning,” Whitley admitted, “but you don’t have to worry, Miss katt and Mister Coal is protecting me.” Ersta nodded, “okay. I love you Daddy.” “I love you too my little bean, are you being a good girl for Weiss and Ruby?” Ersta nodded with a lot more energy, “yes! And I’m having a lot of fun too! We played chess and I won and Aunty Roob told me a bedtime story! I like Aunty Roob and Ant Why alot.” Ruby smiled fondly holding her a bit closer. “I’m glad you're enjoying yourself. I’ll see you on monday my little bean. Gute nacht.” “Gute nacht Daddy.” she hung up. “Gute nacht?” Ruby asked, Ersta told her it means good night. “I'm going back to my room now.” Ruby nodded as she let the little white haired and eared faunus go. Her small feet pitter patting back to the guest room. Weiss rolled over, she had woken up sometime during the phone call, “I told you you had nothing to worry about.” Ruby snuggled up to her girlfriend and they kissed, “I'm still mad at you for correcting me.” “I’ll make your pancakes with extra strawberries tomorrow.” “damn you, using my weakness against me.” They kissed one last time before falling asleep. ((Sorry if the Whiterose wasnt good enough, I did try!)) @2013ann @drunkdragondoes
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