#like you are not being fucking serious right you silly mfer
golbrocklovely · 9 months
i think its hilarious people are calling m cb’s girlfriend when that horny mfer is still liking half naked insta models pics as of a day or two ago. if he had a gf he wouldn’t (i hope) disrespected her like that. whereas i think sg and k are probably together or at least in the early stages bc they definitely seem cutesy together whereas all pics of cb and m (including nye) have ‘we’re just having fun’ vibes. also the way m is dressing and still posting on insta, she’s definitely not giving off ‘i have a bf’ vibes.
people just stiring drama (not u, ofc. ur the only snc blog i keep up with bc you have reasonable answers to this stuff) in the tag calling both girls the ‘girlfriends’ lol
plus as a personal observation as someone who’s only known who snc are since october, cb doesnt strike me as someone who will settle down before 30 (if he ever wants to). hes 27 now right? maybe in the coming years he might start wanting something solid but he strikes me as someone who isnt looking for that rn. idk im 29 this year and im sort of in the same boat. like only the last 6 months have i been thinking ok its probably time to find someone…
i mean, i would assume he'd not do that either, but i think it also depends on what m feels like. she might not care. also there are a lot of girls colby is just friends with, and he'll like their scantily clad pics so idk about it being an issue.
and as for what she wears, again, i don't think that matters. colby doesn't seem like the type to want his girl to fully cover up or whatever. and also, just bc you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to dress conservatively. you still have the same body underneath, whether or not you show it off. and if she feels confident, who gives a fuck what colby thinks lol
but as i've stated before, idk how serious m and colby could be. they've only known each other since sam's bday. so they've only been together for a month and some change so… eh. if they want to be together forever, so be it. that's awesome. if not, it is what it is.
as for sam and k/la girl, yeah idk about them either. they've seemingly been together since septemberish. so, it could be serious and lead to something more committed. or it could just be a silly fling that lasts for a bit of time and then ends. but i hope they enjoy whatever time they do spend together.
colby has had almost exclusively flings since 2016 after he broke up with his only girlfriend (or he claims to be his only girlfriend). he has a lot that he needs to work on internally before he starts committing to anyone. he himself has said that basically. so i don't see him settling down anytime soon, but who knows. and same thing with sam. he just got out of a long relationship, so my first thought would not be to jump into another one. but he also has said he's a monogamous person and likes being in relationships. so… it's a bit up in the air for both of them. but i don't see them settling down any time soon.
and as for me, there's always been just a lot going on in my life so i've never really taken time to focus on my love life. or the couple times i have, it's been unrequited and heartache. however, i'm very happy i didn't date when i was younger bc i genuinely hated myself for a long time. and i just know i would have tolerated a lot more bc i didn't care about me and just didn't want to be alone. like i was borderline abused by dudes i wasn't even seeing back then. now, i love myself (for the most part lol) and have no issues being alone. and i also know what i want. and if a man, or woman, ever tried anything with me, i'll just leave lmao
i would like to get married in the future, but it definitely isn't gonna be this year or most likely the next sksk
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cccshutdown · 4 years
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 give the deets mfer!!
FUCK, you sound fucking elated so instead of a sentence i’ll give you a long excerpt from the backstory of my ff14 char (under da cut mind you cuz it’s long,)
“... Hey. Scoot over.”
“Hn?” Hikaru blinks a few times before he realises I’tori is trying to climb onto the armchair. He struggles and moves a little bit, sitting at a sideways angle a bit awkwardly as I’tori seems to plop himself right into Hikaru’s lap. Hikaru’s blush is no longer hidden at all, and he quietly lifts his book and puts it on the table next to him. “... What… What’s all this for?”
“You aren’t paying attention to me,” I’tori huffs, leaning on Hikaru, “Come on… If you can’t read out loud to me, at least talk to me instead of being awkward and quiet."
“Eh-?!” Hikaru seems very confused. “I…! I’m sorry..?”
I’tori sighed, pressing his head against Hikaru’s chest, his long, fluffy tail twitching. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he huffs, a small smirk on his face. “We’ve done dumber shit, it’s fine. Just hang out with me for a minute and just… Talk about something, I don’t know. I can’t sleep.”
Hikaru blinks very slowly before huffing. “... Fine…” He takes a few moments, reflecting on their shared past, before a small chuckle escapes him. "... Remember when you would pretend to be that Ishgardian knight? Like the novel I read you. I'd play as the Astrologian and you would be the knight, and we would pretend to be in battles and protecting each other."
I'tori laughs, shifting a bit as he tries to get comfortable on his perch on top of Hikaru. "Yeah, I remember that…! Gods, I remember the play swordfights with K'ukei. He'd hit really hard and sometimes hurt me, and then you'd rush over and make sure I was okay, always so serious… You never wanted me to get too hurt."
Hikaru rolls his eyes. "K'ukei was always so rough… He’d try to get in fights with everyone all the time. I remember when he grabbed my horn too roughly and I just shrieked, and you came running out and had to wrestle him off of me before Miss M’ashala ran out.”
“Yeah! I remember that too. Gods, you were so sensitive when you were little.” I’tori smirks and pokes Hikaru’s nose. “You still are, really. You just act serious all the time because of the whole Arcanist guild thing and you helping out Miss M’ashala and Chichiro all the time with the younger kids.” His head tilts a little, his black strands of hair falling over his face. “But I know you’re a softie.”
“Hey…” Hikaru rubs the back of his head, shifting a little bit in the chair as best he can while I’tori still sits on his lap. “I guess I am, but… It’s not that bad now. I don’t cry when people grab my horns or something anymore.”
I’tori smirks and raises a hand as if to grab at one of his backwards-curving horns, but Hikaru raises a hand and grabs the Miqo’te’s hand before he can do anything. I’tori chuckles softly and shakes his head. “Fine, fine, I get it. They’re still kind of sensitive, huh?”
Hikaru nods. “Yeah… Apparently, once they grow in fully, they harden more and kind of lose more of the weird feeling. But that’ll probably take… A year or two, I guess, I’m not sure how long It’ll be… I do miss sleeping on my back though,” he says with a sigh.
I’tori shrugs. “I mean, I can’t relate to that, I sleep all curled up anyways. You’ve had to carry my weirdly bundled up body to bed before, you know how it is.” Rather than grab at his horns, I’tori moves to brush some of Hikaru’s blonde hair out of the way. “Gods, your freckles make you look so dorky, especially with the glasses on. You already look like a full-blown Arcanist already. I can already picture you in silly mage robes…”
Hikaru huffs, turning his head away defiantly. “Hey. They’re important because the materials and aetheric energy infused in them help with casting and protection against beasts and spells alike. The mage robes are there for good reason…”
“Oh! There it is, what I wanted to hear.” I’tori’s tail waves excitedly as he leans a little bit on Hikaru. “Did you learn that today?”
Hikaru nods in turn, but says nothing. I’tori takes this opportunity to scoop up Hikaru’s book again and place it in his hands. “So…! Read to me! You acted like I wasn’t interested in the first place and you never let me answer to see if I was. And I am interested, thank you very much.”
Hikaru seems… A little embarrassed, not asking if I’tori actually was curious or not. He gives a quiet nod and sighs, giving in to his friend’s little request, who has not moved from Hikaru’s lap the entire time. If anything, the smaller boy seems to be adjusting to get more comfortable in his lap, leaning onto Hikaru and twitching an ear, waiting for the Au Ra to speak.
Hikaru sighs, pushes up his glasses, and begins to read.
“… Thus, when summons are used by arcanists, summoners, and scholars alike, they draw upon both the aether of the world around them and the aether of the caster themselves, similarly to the aforementioned aetheric summoning of primals, though in a significantly more controlled manner... “
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