#like your shitty American nationalism DOES NOT need to be included in a sacred space
The American Christian insistence to have their flag hung up in their churches is so strange. I feel like if you did that anywhere else in the world, you'd get (rightfully) told to take it down.
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This guy needs a new American dream
The guy was mid Sinatra song
Singing like some real-life crooner
As the room full of musicians
Obliged him
This one glory
Which I didn’t bother listening to
Instead taking a seat on the couch
After singing
Which is when he sat beside me
On the filthy smoke stinking
Practice space
He did lots of cocaine
Blow was all in his brain
Not a single look at him
The entire night didn’t see him
Slicing up piles of white powder
But don’t get the wrong idea
his lines were small
Not only that
He didn’t even shoot it
Matter of fact
There wasn’t a needle in sight
What a waste
so it’s not really like doing drugs even
His high wasn’t worth much
In Jesus feels
And sunflower blooming
he was high,
but w
ho here wasn’t?
These guys were always handing 100 bills over
For cheap blow
All cut with filler
You want good coke
Get it from the real drug addicts
Their guys would be out of business if the junkies street supplies
Weren’t always the real thing
Guys like me who know their drugs
Know who has the hardest hard drugs
I run with smart girls
Pretty girls
Break your heart types who fly by the seat of their pants
Paint perfection
Star flower Lillie’s by the bouquet
Make me dream again
Kill me omg
Running with wicked women who create whole worlds around their souls
Sneak me into bathrooms
Stick needles full of cocaine, meth amphetimine, heroin, fentenyl, death dreams come true in this morning haha omg omg
Hey man you guys should have seen how the rain fell
Dead best friends
Dead lovers
Dead sacred presences who held every secret
Dead lips long to learn again lips kissing passion sharing living in this reality
Spaces of me given over for keeping, heart beat, sacred holy human electricity, magnetic fields which surround outside the end of body
Fields of us shaping our shapes and us our molecules all bound into frequency DNA schuman resonance
Everyone with whom I became one
Bawling on bathroom floors beneath sinks sinking into arms like Jon’s who just hold me love me hold me and will hold me forever hold on for hours as blood orange suns rise and
Tell me over and over
They are with me
They are here with me
They will love me
That they won’t ever not love me
That we have been through everything together
That kissing me in high school
Eating LSD
Phish festivals
Huge homemade bongs
How I first taught him how to write songs
That he knew every song I ever wrote
They’d be remembered forever
Because he knew
I forgot
All the time
And even Blue who said
“What happened to you man? You used to be so smart, Jon and I were always so impressed trying to chase down your latest accomplishments and catch up. I’m not trying to be a dick. I just want to know what the he’ll happened to you”
But Jon held me every night
Vodka Drunk and demolished by all day boozing everyday
10am to sundown to sunup
So much I’ll never say
But Jon is gone
Alyssa, gone
Caity Perretti
Hannah Serbun my heart hurts so much
Photos of her so dirty that every hour of our days of our years of our life together
Of our friendship
And of her as wife
Wicked games of womanhood who are worlds of wanting whatever will ease this agony, inside claws crossing through organs guts puss mess goo and excrement air of alone and in a room suffocating on everything oxygen and breathing, seeing, thoughts at all, every turn
osh told me
‘this guy likes to talk a lot. A lot”
That was packed fact
as it turned out
But maybe that’s why
when he saw me
hunched over
the blank notebook page
for hours
he asked
what are you youwriting a novel
Not a novel
A poem
it’s this idea that
every poem
is written in
like on the subway or
while I’m walking through Cambridge or
pulled over on the side of the road or
in a room full of friends
who become strangers
as the ink
becomes more flash
then my body
and the page is
more eyeballs
then my eyes
“I’d love to read some of it”
Thanks the interest
this poem is terrible
There’s an old one here
My friend told me I don’t understand holy
No one understands holy holy holy holy
Can look at this now
How look at this now
how can you say that man
this guy needs a new take on old the old American dream
Cigarette machines gas stations diesel fuel Highway 69 thumbs up hitchhiking roaming from highway to highway across America eating apple pie diners more gas stations restrooms and gas stations big rig trucks with 18,000 wheels growing through the symphony of pavement High on meth and feta means so that sleep doesn’t come tonight but the bigger paycheck does cops and blue uniforms the ones that talk to neighbors and no the town maybe somewhere in Iowa like that place Hansberry lives the kind of town you take your New York Matt wife to and raise a family 34 dogs all with cancer and missing legs that live forever are like 900 years in people age who never read the Bible or pick it up until they’re in a church and it won’t offend anyone no one can get the wrong idea about them God liberals good liberals hate Trump are convinced that his election will end the world you know the type working a lifetime in office rooms and building up towards windows to look out while becoming a skeleton and sure as shit about American values and that half America doesn’t have them or or stupid The sort of folks who find everyone but themselves dumb or stupid just because just because.
This guy needs a new tag on the American dream something without all the apple pie dad coming home to cook dinner obedient mom who pops benzo’s and never fucks anyone Who lives in a different neighborhood or doesn’t know their lawn or has an old car or drives a truck with make America great again stickers and a friendly smile when greeting strangers who work behind counters or have shitty jobs or are perceived to be judged like they themselves feel judged by the America with real values who judge everybody who decide no one can have a good intention if they watch Fox News or have good things to say about the party of Trump or if they are conspiracy theory rest and say things like Alex Jones shouldn’t be allowed allowed to be censored because generations of our ancestors died laid down their lives for the right to have freedom of speech people who say things like I don’t care if you say vaccines don’t harm anyone everything affects everyone including injecting mercury various poisons cocktails of chemicals created by pharmaceutical companies like Purdue Pharma who told all the doctors to start prescribing Oxsee cotton nonaddictive Oxsee cotton because it’s not addictive no one gets addicted to it just like every facts and nation vaccination is totally homeless homeless harm this
Before I even started it man I was like this guy needs a new take on the American dream that was even before the poem started talking about the American dream and I got it the dead American dream night we were sold the world different than the world we live in but you need a new take on it a better take
Why don’t you write a poem and include hope in it
This American dream has no hope.
You need to have hope in an American dream if you’re going to have one otherwise what’s the point right
to which I thought in response
my question exactly
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