#like— a famous pro hero au post and its all about their media presence and how meme-y some of them would be
shotorozu · 2 years
ok ok last one for the day.
katsuki and izuku midoriya are the hottest couple in pro hero hollywood. or they would be if they would stop fucking with people in public.
like yeah, they're everybody's dream guys, but instead seeing them as dreams, they're constantly prancing around being the japanese equivalents of martin freeman and anthony mackie.
reporter: so deku can you tell us why it took you so long to apprehend the vilain this morning?
deku: well we chased him so hard that he ate shit and after catching him me and kacchan spent 37 minutes and 43 seconds laughing in his face.
reporter: *so done with these fucking losers* thank you, deku. please keep doing your best.
deku: *literally smiling like a ray of light* of course!
bakugou: *just coming back from chatting with cops* did you tell the dude how that extra ate shit.
reporter, while deku and bakugou start dying laughing again: *tiredly* this has been the news.
i don’t necessarily ship them but this is funny LMAO
like separately— reporters and everyone in PR like them just fine. bakugou? he definitely had a colorful vocabulary, but hey, when reporters ask him the really interesting questions, he’ll deliver on the answers. (but ngl getting interesting questions from reporters are rare for bakugou since reporters kinda ask him the same (ex: you took down that villain today, yes? you were in top speed, did you break your record in villain takedowns?) but again i kinda don’t blame him that man is something else 😭 /lh)
as for izuku, he’s either a heaven sent or kind of a mess 💀 again, the reporters like him more than bakugou because of how nice and sunshine-y he is. it’s definitely a nice break from getting lambasted /hj
(at the same time, he’s so authentic it hurts 😨 and i mean it in the way that he’ll give a really detailed answer in such a short amount of time AND sometimes he’ll go off track but its okay because he’s the number 1 hero, right 😃 but it’s still kind of hell for reporters because they gotta think of a quick and witty response 😭 poor them sometimes 💀)
but put those two together 😭 romantically or platonically— they’d be every reporter’s (and also every pr employee’s) worse nightmare because 😭😭 they’re a mess together whether they realize it or not and even when they do realize it it kinda gets messier but hey! the memes
like there’s this one comic i saw of izuku giving a response in an interview and bakugou just runs into the frame and screams at him randomly— and izuku laughs, being alarmed 😭 (it was also based off an actual interview, though idk which one ☹️💀) and i think that’s pretty accurate. they’re so chaotic in media.
but this is absolute hell when they actually need to be professional and serious 💀 both of their pr teams are always this 🤏 close to just crying on the floor that one midsommar scene style every time they’re supposed to be giving a professional-yet-authentic response to reporters, and even press conferences because it’s almost impossible when those two are in the same frame istg
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
Deku being an famous online fanfiction writer and class 1A is a group of die hard fans
Izuku has been writing meta and fic almost since he first learned to write, by the time he reaches high school, he is well experienced and well known at the craft. His blog has thousands of followers were he dumps astute analysises and well crafted fics about heroes and hero society. If he drops off a bit after he enters high school, well his followers understand.
As he learns and grows at Yuuei, he gains a better understanding of his classmates and teachers and shows his love through writing. It starts off simple, quirk analysis of the public figures of yuuei, stories have OCs with gravity quirks, that talk with their hands, who have bad relations with their pro hero parents. He writes some of the first Eraserhead fanfiction and those in the know marvel at the thoughtful analysis and speculation on personality not knowing he gets to see the man up close and in person. The more popular certain students become, the more emboldened Izuku is to write about them.
Its Kaminari who first discovers the blog, a self proclaimed meme king and frequent social media user, he finds an author who has uncanny insight into Yuuei, most of the information isn’t sensitive but the author captures the feel and personality of students and pros so well. He comments on his official chargebolt blog about the accuracy and it explodes. Izuku nearly falls over dead when he logs on the next morning and sees his username plastered over fan sites, speculating onto his identity.
The students are on the lookout but they never look Midoriya’s way, he’s too cute, too shy; definitely not one to write a 40k fic detailing Endeavor’s failings as a hero and a person. Bakugou, had known Deku his whole damn life and is well aware of his online premise sits back for a change to watch the fireworks (its not like he’s jealous Deku’s blog is bigger than his own, he’s not invested in his theories like some kind of nerd). Pretty soon, all of the hero course is following the blog that just gets them. Izuku hastily backtracks and deletes anything compromising and the few pity posts he’d made late at night when his depression and anxiety were running high. He tries to stop before he gets caught but creativity always needs an outlet and he cannot resist.
They’re living in the dorms when it comes out. “You’re that blogger everyone talks about, ribbit,” Tsuyu says one night during a movie marathon. Izuku twitches so hard the popcorn in his lap falls to the ground. “the latest story talked about Ochako and I working with Ryuuku, it mentioned an application of my quirk you mentioned in training last week. I haven’t had the chance to use it in the field so it had to come from you.” Heights Alliance descends into chaos.
“You always write me as the comic relief,” Kaminari cries, “and that scathing review of my sports festival performance almost made me cry!”
“You hardly ever write about meeeeeeeee,” Hagakure whines, “what am I, invisible?”
“Midoriya this is a flagrant misuse of your position as a student of Yuuei and a breach of your classmates privacy and potentially their safety,” Iida lectures, “that said I do appreciated your heated defense of Tensei against Stain fans.”
“Oh! Oh! I know, you should do a villain Au with us!” Ashido claps. “Villain AUs are so popular these days, reverse us with the League and be sure to call me Alien Queen!”
Aizawa shuffles out of his room to see what the commotion is about and is unsurprised to find his problem child right in the middle of it all. Honestly, he’d warned the boy of the dangers of running a public blog. He was getting fanmail  sent to the school because of the brat overhyping his abilities. Izuku apologies and says he’ll stop but in the end, he never does.
Pro Hero Deku, one of the most beloved, popular heroes in the country, doesn’t have much of a social media presence beyond his official accounts. “I’m just too busy,” he says with an awkward little smile, “being a hero is a full time job.” But a certain blog started out of loneliness in middle school is still active, still producing new stories, new theories, new critiques and suggestions for the ever changing hero society. It’s his most closely guarded secret, second only to One For All, and one of the few bits of normality he has managed to keep in his chaotic new life. He says he’ll give it up one of these days but never finds himself able to. So if Deku uses a turn of phrase from a popular blog or notes something found in a popular text post, no one takes it too seriously. Because the one thing the public knows about Deku is that is a fan, just like us. 
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