#like. I really really love fictional robots ♥
hyperkitten224 · 5 months
Introductory post since I have a hundred-something followers now. yay?
Hi hello I go by Hyper, I am a dumb autistic young adult on the Internet, I am a genderfluid asexual lesbian, and I do drawings. I do nothing but drawings. thassit. if you want to see said drawings. um. check out the #hyper drew this tag on my account :) (but jsyk, I have two art styles and one of them is less detailed than the other)
my "sona," I guess, is the little dude in my pfp. pins are optional. I also have a few other sonas, including a more detailed alt of this lil guy with clothes and hair and stuff but this one's the most basic and cute so yeah
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if you wanna tell me anything. questions about how I interpret my special interests, doodle requests, you name it, just shoot me an ask. previous asks can be seen on the #ask answered tag if ur curious :3
while asks are okay, DMs scare me (if I don't know who you are.) if you want to talk to me, you can use the ask feature, and if you want to follow me, just frickin follow me. I will not care lol
my special interests include The Amazing Digital Circus(which is my current special interest), Splatoon, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale/Deltarune, Portal, Spooky Month, Inscryption, and many many others. don't ask me about my special interests or else I will infodump
anyway that's all I have to currently say. I might update this in the future. bye now
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This is embarrassing but I am bad at reading. I only read graphic novels sometimes but as a kid I always hated reading since my dad forced me to read those classics. I want to get into reading novels but I want to start easy. I want a book that's for an adult but the writing is for like a 12 year old. I also can't stand anything that's like 100 pages but I don't wanna read kid books since I want adult topics. Is there anything like this?
Hi lovely anon! ♥
Okay I'm THRILLED you asked this question because I get to put on my librarian thinking cap. :)
First, I want to say right off the top there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
People have different ways that they learn and absorb information and that’s perfectly fine! I really wish the publishing industry took into consideration other readers besides a generic population because so many readers are left behind and miss out on some great stories because they can’t access them for whatever reason.
Graphic novels get a bad rap for some reason, but they are FANTASTIC works of art. They connect visual storytelling with action, movement, and dialogue.
When I worked at my local library, it was so, so painful to watch parents ridicule their child for picking up a book that interested them but it didn't *fit this box* (wasn't their exact reading level, wasn't "educational" etc.)
For kids with ADHD or other learning problems, or just the way they interacted with the world...graphics novels were sometimes the ONLY thing that held their attention. They needed different stimulation - the art helped them visualize the story better than pages and pages of text ever could.
If you like something, read it. Enjoy it. That's the point of literature! ♥
Also, I really, really love illustrations with books. I like the visual aspect that adds extra punch to the story and I wish more adult literature had illustrations because I miss that so much. Graphic novels are badass so definitely don't feel bad about enjoying them! :)
I’m going to do my best to recommend some things here. I haven’t read everything on this list so take it with a grain of salt! Because most publishers require a set word count/page count, 100 pages or less might be a bit difficult to pin down. But I’ll see what I can do! :)
Anthologies/Magazines - 
Anthologies and short fiction magazines are great because the stories are short - most of the time around 40 pages or less - and you get a range of authors so you can sample their writing styles. 
Some anthologies/magazines I would recommend include:
They post their back issues online so you can read them AND listen to an audio recording of them for FREE.
Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine
I recently picked up a few of their copies and I’m really enjoying the range of author styles they include in each edition. They include poems, short stories, and novelets (longer than a short story, shorter than a novel). The whole thing is roughly 200 pages but you can always stop reading after one story and get a satisfied ending :)
Podcastle (audio)
This is an honorary mention because of the compact storytelling they aim to cultivate. Podcastle (fantasy) and it’s branching publications - EscapePod (science fiction) and Pseudopod (horror) - publish stories via podcast. It’s not quite novels, like what you’re looking for, but they do look for stories that grab your attention and can be read well aloud. If you’re looking to spark an interest in a wide range of fiction, this might be a good resource to browse! :)
Fiction - 
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells
I personally haven’t read this one yet - it’s on my to-read list! - but each book is around 150 pages told through the eyes of an increasingly self-aware robot that has nicknamed itself “Murderbot.”
Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire
This adult series is about a home for wayward kids who regularly come and go through magic portals to other worlds. Each book is fairly short, a little under 200 pages.
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Binti is the first of the Himba people to go Oomza University - one of the best institutions in the galaxy. But learning comes at a price and her journey won’t be an easy one (96 pages, book 1 of the series)
The Gunslinger by Stephen King
This was 50-50 for me. I liked the concept, the ending was a little...too out there for me to grasp. But it’s 230 pages, a little gritty, a little grimdark, with action.
Honorable Mentions -
I’m not sure what genre of graphic novels you’re reading (humor? dark fantasy? superheroes?) but if you want to venture into some fun fiction that’s a little longer, here are some authors that have taken me on a wild romp across the pages - 
Terry Pratchett
Neil Gaiman (I like some of his stories, others are a miss for me, but he explores a wide range of fiction so you can dabble in lots of different things! :)
Adrian Tchaikovsky (particularly Spiderlight, lots of epic high fantasy adventure)
A.J. Hartley
Jeff VanderMeer (Annihilation)
I hope some of these help a little! Good luck! :)
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, March 1
Buffy: Love has nothing to do with this. Xander: Maybe not, but I'll tell you this: people don't fall in love with what's right in front of them. Willow gives Buffy a sad, knowing look. Xander: People want the dream. What they can't have. Willow looks over at Xander longingly. Buffy understands only too well. Xander: The more unattainable, the more attractive.
~~Some Assembly Required~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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3 sentence ficathon fills (Buffy/Faith, others) by beer_good_foamy
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Faith, Introduced (Faith, crossover with The Avengers, G) by Hecate
Who Wants To Live Forever? (Cordelia/Doyle, T) by Nadja_Lee
Son Of A Saviour (Cordelia/Doyle, T) by Nadja_Lee
To Childe, With Love / To Sire, With Love (Angel, Spike, G) by Nadja_Lee
Searching My Soul (Cordelia/Spike, M) by Nadja_Lee
Where the Streets Have No Name (Giles/Faith, T) by Hecate
The Girlfriends (Giles/Joyce, Faith/Buffy, T) by summers-maclay-lehane
(Lean On Us and We'll) Keep Your Head Above the Water (Giles/Xander/Wesley, M) by soft_princess
All's Fair In... (Buffy/Giles, E) by prairiekretch
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Far From Home, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Angel, M) by aboutafox
The Burbank Station, Chapter 1 (Caridad, crossover with Chuck, T) by Starfox5
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Stranger, Take My Helping Hand, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
The Dragon's Gold, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Iamblichus
Arpeggios from Hell, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Axell
Bygone Days, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Ginger
Same same but different, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Miss Marisol
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Seeing the Glass Half Full, Chapter 15 (Buffy, crossover with Captain America, FR18) by RogueAngel
Dungeon Designs and House Keeping, Chapter 14 (Tara, FR18) by MistofRainbows
Wonderful Tonight (Buffy, crossover with Gilmore Girls, FR15) by mmooch
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Mischief managed (Spike, crossover with Harry Potter) by Da_Lila
Video: Crazy in Love (Damon/Buffy/Spike) by Da_Lila
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Artwork: Dawn sketches by artsying-ifer
Artwork: Spike by dustoftheancients
Artwork: The Slayer Slays, the Watcher… Watches? (Giles) by eagling
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Video: spuffy ♥ ice cold heart by softchimera
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 26: Ted by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
[Fandom Discussions]
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Things that robots can (apparently) do on BtVS by thenewbuzwuzz_nonfic
Five reasons that writing fanfic is fun (for me) by Shadowscast_meta
Ordered Lists of Names by Shadowscast_meta
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I think there’s a really deliberate contrast between the pre-battle speech in The Gift and the one in Chosen by mybitca
Some Assembly Required’s plot seems to pick up immediately from the plot of When She Was Bad by visitingthefuneralhome
Cordelia has been trying SO hard to fit in and hang out with the Scoobies by visitingthefuneralhome
Headcanon re: Ted and Warren by thelonegunmann
Seven Things I Liked About Season 7 by cauldronofmorning
Re: Top 5 things you would do differently if you were showrunning Buffy? by mybitca
you can totally tell what each season is about based on what random kind of violence dominates it by impalementation
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Discussion of 6.14 "Older and Far Away" by Cheese Slices
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I kind of feel bad for Harmony by WeeHootieMctoo
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and-dreeaa · 7 years
20 Questions Tag
Tagged byyyy @-happytbh-
Nickname: Andrea... I dont really have one? haha. A couple of my coworkers, and my mom call me Dre.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 
Height: 5'6″. 5′7” when I‘m not slouching.
Orientation: Uh, good question. I kinda just go with the flow? I like who I like, I don’t really feel the necessity to put a label on it.
Nationality: American 
Fave Fruit: Watermeloonnnn
Fave Season: Autumn or Spring. The vibrant colors, and perfect hoodie, or sweatshirt weather.
Fave Book: If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’ve actually finished a book since Highschool... So its been about 6 years. :| 
Favorite Scent: Vanilla, light floral scents(sweet pea, cherry blossom) and Maple. 
Fave Animal: I dont really dislike any animals, but man am I a sucker for any and all dogs. And Wolves♥
Fave Colours: Red, and a combination of bright green and dark purple.(Think Eva unit 01)
Coffee, Tea or Hot Choco: Man, oh man. I love my coffee. But also, Milk tea is the bomb. I think I’ll have to go with coffee still.
Average Hours Of Sleep: if i’m lucky, 6. But Id say average is between 4-5?
Cat or Dog: Like I said before, biggest sucker for dogs.Like. I’m whipped for my brother’s dogs.
Favorite Fictional Character: I dont even know. Do Gundams count? They’re kinda... Robot Characters? if so, Sandrock Gundam. ♥ 
Number of Blankets: I have a ridiculous amount of blankets, but I really only use one or two maybe
Dream Trip: Theres so many places I want to go for the food. I’d love to visit Scotland and Ireland for the scenery, and Italy for the food, and scenery. Japan to experience Tokyo, food, and then hop on a train to the more rural areas, cause I love that shit. And Korea to see Seoul, and try so much food. I’m a real food nerd, and as much as they terrify me, big cities also fascinate me. NYC is almost a second home to me now. haha
Blog created: 2013, I think?
Number Of Followers: 97, I think most of them are inactive though. haha
Fave Bands: The Beatles, BTS, (Older)Chiodos, The GazettE, Infinite, SHINee, Mayday Parade, Mamamoo, One Ok Rock, Outkast, Versailles.
Fave Solo Artists: Conor Oberst, Miyavi, Kreva,  Theres too many to choose from. I just love music.
Song Stuck In My Head: D.L.N. by The GazettE, cause its playing right now. haha
Last Movie I watched: Moana
Last TV show I watched: Chefs Table
What Stuff Do I post: Mostly Kpop, Probably more Zelda than anything else, but Video games, general Meme-esque things? oh, and selfies. Nobody cares about that though, haha. 
When Did Your Blog Reach It’s Peak: A peak? I guess that would be now? haha
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Kind of? haha
Do You Get Asks Regularly: haha, not at all
Why Did You Choose Your URL: Its my name. haha
Following: 144 
Posts: Posts what? What do they post? They post what I reblog?
Hogwarts House: I'm not entirely sure?
Pokemon Team: Lemme get at my most recent game(Y): Charizard LVL86, Emolga LVL 76, Blastoise LVL 74, Fennekin LVL 78, Gallade LVL 85, Lucario LVL74.
Lucky Number: 13, or 7
What Are You Wearing RN: Assassin's Creed III shirt, Black jeans.
Dream Job: I really enjoy cooking, so I'm kind of in the right field now. But, If I were more musically inclined I'd love to do something with music.  
I have roughly 5 people I’m not sure would mind if I tagged them other than you, @-happytbh- haha.  So, if the following friends care to, heres a tag thing to do if you’re bored.  @trulyexpendable @war-of-hormoan @baldeaglekris @mochiibebe @faster-than-im-falling-in-love
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