#like. he wears a bright red shirt . untied showing off his chest hair . the basically giant c*ckring around his neck
doomworm · 1 year
i'm sure this has been said before but bianca is literally varric's beard
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The Party
A/N: Every couple months, I remember Cole Sprouse exists and can’t get him out of my mind. Therefore, here’s some nice Jughead for you.
Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Word Count: 1,908
Warnings: alcohol, partying (not reader, but those around her), jealousy, harassment < angst because of this, ends in fluff because all I write is fluff basically
Summary: You and Jughead go to one of Veronica’s parties and guys end up hitting on you, making you uncomfortable and your boyfriend, Jug, very jealous. 
(Y/N) - your name, (Y/N/N) - your nickname if you have one
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“Do we really have to go to this party?” Jughead asked. He and his leather jacket were leaning on the door frame of your bathroom while you finished getting ready.
You set your curling iron on the counter and tuned to him. “I don’t really want to go either. But we were invited, and Veronica is definitely expecting us to come.” You continued your debate silently. “We could just go for an hour?” you said with a wince.
“One hour. And not a minute more,” he chuckled.
“You won’t have any trouble pulling me away,” you said, unplugging the hot curling iron and giving your hair one last run through with your fingers. Your eyes fell to the reflection of your shirt in the mirror. The lacy fabric had ridden up again.
You hummed in answer, pulling down on the shirt’s hem and wishing it would stay in place.
“You’re beautiful.”
You shot him a bright grin. You were sure you’d never get used to his affection, it always sent you spinning.
But you were still bothered. “You think this shirt is okay? Veronica got it for me, so I wanted to wear it tonight, but I think it’s a bit… much?” You faced the mirror and fidgeted some more.
“You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to,” he said.
“I know. It was nice of her to think of me, but the lace and everything, it’s just not me,” you said, deciding to wear something different to the party.
On your way to your closet, Jug stopped you. “Hold on,” he said. He untied the blue flannel shirt from his waist and secured it around yours. “Now, that is you.” He took your hands in his and kissed them, winking at you.
You already felt more comfortable, feeling the tight knot of the heavy material covering your midriff that was left exposed by the shirt. You squeezed his hands. He always made you feel safe.
“Thank you,” you said kissing his cheek.
He stepped aside and swept a hand out in front of you. “Off to the ball.”
When you arrived at the party, you thanked god that Jughead was with you. You hated parties almost as much as he did and you were dreading this one before you even entered the front door. Already, the bass of the loud music inside was shaking in your chest. When you heard a loud “WHOOOOOO” coming from inside, you looked at Jug and confirmed the plan. “One hour.”
“If we even survive that long,” he said.
You chuckled and opened the heavy door. Even though the place was practically a mansion, you doubted there was space for even two more people. Every inch was covered in couples dancing, bros doing keg stands, and shrill girls yelling about how much they’ve missed each other. You didn’t recognize a single person.
“Come ‘ere, there’s Archie,” Jug said to you, his lips close to your ear. He led you through the guests, his large hand sprawled out over your lower back. Familiar red hair flashed as you dodged the drunks.
When you reached Archie, you met Betty and Veronica as well.
“There they are! Welcome! You guys actually came,” Veronica said.
“I told you they’d come,” Betty said with a smile.
“Of course we came,” you said. Both the girls knew you were lying, but you laughed with them as they shot you teasing expressions.
“This party is insane,” you heard Jughead say to Archie.
Before you could chime in, Veronica cooed over your outfit. “(Y/N), you look hot!” Seriously, I knew that would look great on you. And I knew Jughead would like it too, she said with raised eyebrows.
You felt Jug’s arm reach further around you and his thumb hook into the front belt loop of your jeans. You felt his voice rumble through his chest. “Yeah, the shirt’s great, but I like who’s inside it.”
Veronica groaned and you heard Archie laugh, but you were too busy with the wink Jug gave you.
“Thanks again for giving it to me, Ron,” you said over the music.
“Of course! What are gal pals for? But, I gotta say, when I thought of it on you, I didn’t picture it with Jughead’s flannel,” she said, scrunching her nose.
“Oh, I just didn’t want to be cold,” you said, pushing into Jug’s side.
“(Y/N), it’s hot as hell in here, I think you’ll be fine,” Betty said.
“Well, when I got outside, ya know-”
Your sentence was covered with Veronica’s giggles as she ripped the flannel away and threw it at Jughead. She took your hand and spun you around yelling, “You’re sexy, baby! Show it off!”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile. You were fully aware that you were a little too quiet for Veronica’s taste and this was her way of getting you to have some fun.
Jughead was watching you carefully, ready to return his flannel to you if you wanted it.
You threw your hands in the air and yelled “Alright!”
“Atta girl! Now, come on, let’s leave the boys to themselves, we’re going to dance.”
She pulled you and Betty through the crowd and into the middle of the room where the music seemed even louder. You jumped and twirled until Veronica pulled you close to her and moved her hips with yours. Betty too danced close to you, all in good fun.
Once the three of you were sufficiently danced out, Veronica and Betty left the dance floor to grab some drinks.
Your nerves returned to you when you were no longer distracted by your friends. The moment you stopped swaying to the music, you felt a hand graze across your lower back. You turned to see Jughead grinning at you.
“Did I miss your distress calls?” he asked with a wince. He pushed your hair to the back of your shoulders while your hands slipped inside his unzipped jacket and rested on his hips.
“No,” you laughed. “It was actually fun.”
You looked around for Veronica’s return and saw a couple guys watching you. Your brow furrowed and you stared at Jug’s chest, pulling at the hem of the short shirt again.
“You want this?” Jug asked, tugging at the flannel around this waist.
“Yes, please,” you said sweetly, ignoring everyone around you and concentrating on Jug.
He pulled the shirt away from him and leaned down to kiss your neck as he tied it around you. You hummed in pleasure, but he pulled away too quickly for your liking.
“You want something to drink?” he asked.
“Just a water, or soda or something?” When he nodded you added, “I’ll be over here,” pointing to an open spot on the wall next to a bookshelf.
“No more dancing for you?” he smirked.
“Absolutely not,” you laughed.
You found your place next to the bookshelf and leaned your back against the wall, crossing one heeled boot over the other. You watched the party unfold, wincing at a particularly loud song that made your ears ring.
“Hey, (Y/N/N), where’s Jugs?” Sweet Pea had appeared out of nowhere and startled you.
“Hey, Sweets. He’s just getting some sodas.”
He stood next to you, leaning on one shoulder. “Saw you with the girls, looked like you were havin’ fun.”
“Oh, a blast,” you laughed, making him smirk.
“You don’t normally come to these things,” he said.
“Well, Veronica-”
“Oh, Veronica. She likes to get us all together, doesn’t she?” he asked.
You nodded.
He leaned closer to you. “Ya know, I had to hit a few guys tonight. They were talkin’ about you, askin’ who the new party girl was.”
“Really?” You winced as you thought about the guys staring at you on the dance floor.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “But I took care of ‘em. You’re safe with us.” He crossed over you, about to leave when he stopped before you. He placed a finger under your chin and said, “You do look smokin’ tonight.”
Before you could reply, you heard Jughead’s low voice. “Get outta here, Sweet Pea.”
“Jug.” You got around Sweet Pea and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him toward the exit. “Let’s just go. I’ll explain.”
“Hey, man, I’m not the one you gotta worry about here,” Sweet Pea slurred. “There’re a lotta other guys around here you should beat up before me.”
Jughead put the cups of soda on a table nearby without taking his eyes off Sweet Pea. He pressed Sweets against the wall and threatened him, growling, “You stay away from her. You don’t talk to her like that.”
“Alright, Jug, alright,” Sweets said, his hand raised. “(Y/N/N), I’m sorry.” He walked away and disappeared into the party.
“Jug, let’s just go,” you said.
He nodded and wrapped his arm tight around your shoulders as you headed for the door.
When you passed Archie, he said, “You guys leavin’ already?”
Jug paused and pushed a finger into Archie’s chest. “This is why I don’t come to your stupid parties.”
You pulled him away. “Jug, it’s fine, come on.” You gave Archie an apologetic look as you closed the door behind you.
Jug stormed down the steps and into the road. “How could he talk to you like that? What, he waits until I’m not around and then makes a move on you?” He wouldn’t face you. He rambled and yelled to no one, throwing his hands about, the serpent on his leather jacket moving up and down.
“Jug, come on. Sweets was drunk! He’s our friend, he didn’t mean it like that,” you said.
He turned to you, his brow furrowed and face red with fury. “You didn’t see him looking at you.”
“You didn’t see a lot of guys looking at me tonight. Sweets beat ‘em up out back for it.”
He stopped, his face now filled with concern. “Guys were bothering you tonight?”
“Of course they were.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. You reached for his cheek, your thumb gently rubbing across his skin. “There’s always gonna be guys bothering me.” Your free hand slid inside his jacket and rested on his back. “But when I’m with you, I always feel safe.”
His eyes met yours and the deep color of them seemed to grow. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you forehead.
“And when you’re not around,” you continued, “I know the Serpents are there. Especially Sweets. I would hate for us to lose him.”
Jug sighed. “I’ll call him tomorrow.”
He untied his hands and his flannel from your waist and slid it on you. He took his time buttoning it for you as you ran your fingers through his dark hair. When he reached the last button, he gently pressed his soft lips on yours.
He shook his head. “Let’s just go home.”
He took your hand and led you toward his motorcycle.
“Wait. Do you hear that?” you asked.
He stopped and listened. “What?”
You tilted your head and turned away from the bike. “It sounds like… there’s a milkshake calling your name.”
A smile broke into his features and she shook his head at you.
“Now he have to go,” you said.
His large hands framed your jaw as he grinned brightly at you. “I love you,” he said.
“I love you too, Jug.”
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hellas-himself · 5 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Halloween Pt. 4- Cassian x Feyre
This is the last one for Halloween. The next set will be based around Thanksgiving. 
Cassian and I wake up when we hear Valo at the door. I try to push myself up but it’s no use. I hear Cassian laugh.
“I’ll take him out,” he says. He sounds half asleep.
“I can do it,” I say as I go face first back into my pillow.
I don’t realize I’ve fallen asleep until Cassian comes back to the room. He whistles.
“Wait,” Cas says and Val huffs. I hear Cassian undressing and feel the bed dip as he climbs back in. “Come on, boy.”
I smile as Val jumps up on the bed and promptly comes to try to lick my face. I’m surprised at how much it hurts just to move my arm as I reach out to pet him. Val walks over both of us before going to settle down by our feet. 
“You’re so warm,” Cassian says as he grabs me with his cold hands and pulls me against his chest.
“Oh my god, Cas! What the hell?!”
Valo barks as Cassian starts to laugh.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he says and presses a kiss to my shoulder.
“Breakfast in bed?”
“Oh, I think I know.”
Cassian pushes the covers off us both and I throw my pillow at him while he heads to the bathroom. Valo jumps on the floor, clearly bothered by the interruption. Sitting upright hurts more than it should. My entire body is aching, and my head-
“Fuck my life,” I groan. “Mor is going to kill me.”
I force myself to my feet and walk to the dresser. I make to take the wig off but see blue on my fingertips. But then I hear the sound of water running.
Cassian is getting the bathtub ready. He’s kneeling on the white rug with one hand in the water. I close the bathroom door and walk over to him, cursing the freezing tile floor. I hug him from behind, making him laugh.
“I got some of that weird shit you like for the bath. It’s with your stuff in the closet.”
I kiss his cheek and let him go. The bathroom closet is bigger than my own at the apartment. One side is all Cassian but the other is basically mine. I grab the light green one and when I walk back out, I show it to him.
“What’s this one do?” he asks.
“You’ll see.”
He chuckles and watches me set it down on the counter. I smile at him through the mirror. We brush our teeth together, and Cassian keeps me close to him despite there being two sinks. When we finish, Cassian goes to check on the tub.
“Want to help me take this off?” I ask and hold up my hands.
He’s incredibly gentle as he helps me out of the damn wig and he sets it down before untying my hair and running his fingers through it. He massages my scalp and I let out a sigh, leaning back against him.
“God, I love you,” I say softly. The way he tenses isn’t lost on me but he recovers and presses a kiss to the top of my hair.
“I love you, too, bunny.”
When the bathtub is ready, Cassian turns the water off and helps me get in. I sit down and raise a brow when I see him walk away.
“Where are you going?”
He looks at me funny. “To shower?”
“Oh… I thought-” I blush. “I thought you were joining me.”
Cas breaks out into a smile.
I smile as Cassian stands behind me and ties up my hair.
“You’re the best,” I say with a contented sigh.
“I know,” he whispers and leans down to kiss my neck and then my cheek.
I roll my eyes. “Don’t let it get to your head.”
Cassian laughs. His hands roam over my body and it’s not until I hear our niece say our names that it dawns on me that I’m only wearing his shirt and boxers.
“What are you doing?” Iliana asks and it takes Cassian a second too long to get his hands off me and step away.
“I’m cleaning up the dishes from last night,” I reply, wanting to shove my face into the freezer. I must be beet red.
“You look like mommy,” Iliana says as she climbs onto one of the bar stools. “She wears daddy’s clothes to sleep. Just like you wear tio’s clothes to sleep.”
“How did you like staying over tio’s house?” Cassian asks as he walks right over to her. She laughs as he picks her up and starts to throw her up in the air. Her laughter is contagious.
“It was fun!” she manages to reply. He sets her down on his shoulder and walks to the pantry. “Auntie Feyre and I got chocolate wasted. Daddy was wasted too, but it was on grown up juice.”
I snort.
“Since you’re skipping school today,” Cassian says as he opens the door, “I’m going to give you something.”
“What is it?” I hear her whisper loudly.
“Your dad and I would have this every time we cut class.”
“Which is why your dad and uncle needed your mom and I to help them pass,” I say and Cassian looks my way with a glare. I blow him a kiss and give him a wink.  
“Show me!” Iliana orders and Cassian disappears from view. I already know what they’re going to walk out with but seeing my niece holding two boxes of Oreos and Cas with the peanut butter still makes me laugh.
“I can’t eat this just yet,” Cas says as he brings her to the living room. “But you can…”
He sets her up with Sailor Moon and makes her a milkshake before he gets a start on breakfast. By the time Elain and Az wake up, I’m setting the table.
“Oh, nice!” I hear Az say and when I look towards the living room, I see him sit down beside Iliana who offers him an Oreo covered in peanut butter.
“You are responsible for her when she comes down from her sugar high,” Elain says to Cassian.
“It’ll be fine!” Cassian gives my sister a wink and she rolls her eyes.
We all sit at the table for breakfast- and as always, Cassian’s made a feast. I am not surprised when Rhys, Lucien and Mor show up in their pajamas.
“Oh shit, guys! Mor brought Andy for her very first Halloween hangover breakfast,” Cassian exclaims and Iliana starts laughing.  
“I hope this lives up to the hype,” Andromache says with a yawn. “I’m working for the next four days straight.”
“Feyre’s the lucky one, she gets this every morning,” Mor says as she promptly piles her plate high with food.
“Almost every morning,” I correct her. Andromache smiles and accepts the plate Mor pushes her way. She tries the poached eggs first. Then the French toast. The morir soñando Cassian makes every time he makes hangover breakfast. Cassian has to make extra of that and when he leaves the table, everyone’s attention falls on me.
“What?” I ask.
“Oh… nothing,” Mor says teasingly and I roll my eyes.
After we eat, everyone gathers in the living room to watch Nightmare before Christmas. I take that moment to go put some pants on.
By noon, Cas and I have the house back in order while everyone else is asleep, or getting there. We take Valo and Iliana outside so she can run around with him while we clean up the backyard. Cassian chases them around and I can’t even be mad. I love seeing him with her.
“You’re the best,” Iliana says as Cassian lays out on the ground. She’s sitting next to him and twirling a loose strand of hair in her fingers.
“Better than tio Rhys and Lucien?”
She smiles and nods. Cassian pulls her in for a hug at that. Valo lays up next to Cassian, clearly wanting more attention.
“How come you and auntie Feyre only have Valo?” Iliana asks.
“She can’t have pets where she lives,” Cassian replies.
“No. I know that! I meaaaaaan when are you going to have a baby? A real one?”
It’s rare for anyone to leave Cassian stunned. Iliana waits but grows impatient.
“I think he’s malfunctioned, auntie Feyre.”
It takes a moment for me to speak, but when I do, I surprise myself.
“Well, your tio hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend. And I’m still looking for a job.”
“You haven’t?” Iliana looks down at Cas and shakes her head with clear disappointment.
Azriel steps outside and Iliana forgets about Cassian and I. She jumps to her feet and runs towards her father before he’s even neared the first step.  
“Daddy! Daddy! Tio and auntie Feyre are going to have a baby after he asks her to be his girlfriend and she gets a job!”
“That’s… That’s wonderful, sweetheart,” he says as he picks her up. He looks at me and I just shrug. Az kisses Iliana on the forehead. “So we’re playing Super Smash-”
“Can I play?! If I beat tio Rhys again, I get twenty bucks.”
“That’s exactly why I came looking for you. I wanna kick his ass.”
“I won’t tell mommy you said a bad word,” Iliana says and Az smiles bright.
“That’s my girl,” he says and pinches her cheek. “So, let’s go over the controls…”
I watch them go back inside, already plotting against Rhysand. It’s far too easy to imagine Cassian just like that. But it isn’t Iliana he’s holding. I look over to where he is, still lying on the ground. I’m too afraid to ask why he looks as though he’s made a huge mistake.
I go back to folding chairs.  
I’m lying on my stomach on the sofa. I have one arm hanging off the edge and resting on Valo who is happily chewing on a toy. I love when our family is home, but it’s nice to sit in relative quiet. Especially with how bad my head hurts. Mor practically begged me to keep the wig after I told her I’d fallen asleep in it. Not because I fell asleep in it, but because of the events leading up to that.
I hear the front door open and Valo perks up.
“Daddy’s home,” I say as if he needs more incentive to haul ass to the door.
“Hey, relax!” Cassian exclaims and I laugh softly to myself. I see him walk past the living room with four boxes of pizza. The smell is divine.
“Need help?” I call, pushing myself up.
I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen anyway. He has his back to me and is grabbing plates from the cabinet.
“What are we drinking?” I ask and go to the fridge.
I look his way and just sigh. I close the fridge and cross my arms.
“What is wrong? And don’t tell me nothing. You’ve been weird since everyone left.”
“Nothing is wrong,” he says and turns around, handing me a plate. I take it and put it down on the counter. Cassian sighs. “Beer.”
I get a beer from the fridge and use the hem of my shirt to open it. I hold it out to him and when he doesn’t take it, I set it a little too hard on the counter.
“Is this because of what I said?”
Cassian lets out an exasperated sigh.
“No. Nothing is wrong. Can we just eat?”
“You didn’t have to leave.”
“I wanted to drive. Sue me.”
When I roll my eyes Cassian walks past me and grabs his beer.
“I’m going to eat. I’m not doing this right now.”
“Doing what?” I ask but he keeps going. “Hey! Don’t you walk away from me! I’m talking to you!”
“I can hear you just fine.”
“I didn’t mean to shout,” I say, trying to keep my voice level. “But dammit, Cas. I am not Nesta. If you’re mad at me, tell me. Tell me what is wrong so I can fix it.”
That stops him. I hate to see him so tense, and hate the fact that it’s my fault even more.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to Lia. But it doesn’t make it untrue.”
“That’s not-” Cassian sighs and turns around. He puts the beer down and runs his fingers through his hair. “It’s nothing you said. Nothing you did.”
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t know, Feyre… I just- I don’t know how to do this without worrying that I’m going to fuck it up.”
“I shouldn’t have needed our nine-year-old niece pointing out how fucking selfish I’ve been. You deserve better than that.”
“Better than what? You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. What could be better than that?”
He doesn’t answer me. So I walk towards him and hate that he won’t look at me.
“I meant it when I said you make me feel alive,” I say as I take his hand in mine. “And I know… I know no one is perfect and we’re going to fight. We’re not always going to be happy. But I know that because I have you. I don’t have to be perfect and happy all the time. And neither do you.”
He looks at me in disbelief.
“You have never tried to force me to be something I’m not. I didn’t have to hide how I felt just so it was easier to deal with. You love me when I’m at my worst. And I love you, Cassian. Good or bad. Especially when things are bad.”
Cassian lets out a shaken breath.
“And you are not selfish. You’ve given me everything I needed, and that’s all I want to be for you.”
“You are. You are everything I need,” he says. “I love you, bunny. More than anyone, more than anything.”
I let go of his hand and wrap my arms around him. He kisses the top of my head before hugging me.
“I… I do want more. With you,” I find myself saying. “But if you’re not ready for that, I understand.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
“You haven’t said that you are.”
He sighs. “That’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
“You want more than this?” I ask, pulling back to look up at him. I already know his answer by the look in his eyes, but he still speaks.
“It’s all I think about,” he replies. “I just wasn’t sure if you were ready, if you’d even want that with me.”
“I’ll try to be better about communicating.” He says it mockingly but I know he means it.
“You’re an ass.”
Cassian grins.
“So… I ask you to be my girlfriend, you’ll make babies with me?” he asks and I laugh.
“Eventually,” I answer haughtily. “I mean, is it too soon for us to even think about that? Is that something you want?”
“With you? Yeah.”
I don’t think it’s possible for my heart to feel fuller than it does right now.
“Good. I want that with you, too.”
His smile is like nothing else I’ve seen before. He’s fucking beautiful.
“Why are you looking at me like you’re about to break out your sketchbook?” he asks.
“Because I just might. But we should eat first- it might take a while and I want to get it right.”
“No, wait,” he says and I raise a brow as he keeps me from walking away. “Bunny, will you be my girlfriend?”
I smile, bringing my hands to his chest.
“Really?” I whisper and he nods. I get on my tip toes and kiss him. “Absolutely yes.”
Cassian hugs me tight and we laugh as Valo comes running and bumps into us.
“Hey, Val. I love you, boy, but mommy and I have something important to talk about.”
Cas hauls me over his shoulder before I can react and Valo starts to bark. He carries me to the bedroom and kicks the door shut.
We forget about the pizza. 
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Warm (Stony Quick Fic)
For my darling @creationfail​ 
Omega!Steve is having a bad day and comes home needing his Alpha!Tony to help him feel better. Lots of feels, shower smut and then more feels.
Steve and Tony were such a beautiful couple.
They couldn't go anywhere without being whistled at, or followed by paparazzi or photographed. They couldn't attend a single event without having to stand on the red carpet for nearly an hour, answering questions and smiling for the cameras and being as charming as they could possibly be for every single person that basically swooned at their feet.
Tony ate it up, of course, in his perfectly coordinated outfits and signature flashy grin. He loved the publicity, loved the press, loved that they all loved him and Iron Man. He was a national treasure and a hero-- or so the president had said anyway-- and he loved it.
Steve was decidedly less flashy, always in a well cut but conservative black suit with a tie that perfectly matched whatever Tony was wearing. He stood a little behind his boyfriend, waving and smiling but letting Tony answer the questions and laugh at the jokes.
The gossip rags and magazines always called them a perfect power couple, heavily hinting that Tony was the Omega, the ‘woman’ of the relationship, while beautiful, golden, Alpha Steve Rogers supported and tolerated the Omegas antics, even though judging by the way they were always holding hands, Captain America knew to keep his boyfriend on a short leash.
The team took great delight in reading each and every one of the trashy stories, always coupled with a random picture that could be taken any way, but in the eyes of the “Stony” fans, the pictures were always a show of Steve keeping his mate in check.
“Did you guys read this one?” Clint handed Tony the latest magazine. “‘Stony’ out and about in public, Steve does a good job of keeping former playboy Tony from wandering’.”
“Doesn't it bother you that everyone thinks you're the Omega?” Natasha asked and Tony shook his head.
“Nah. I think it makes for good publicity. Pretty little Omega protected by a big scary Alpha. Iron Man being submissive to team leader Captain America. All that sort of thing. It doesn’t bother me.”
“Yeah.” Clint tossed him another magazine. “This one agrees apparently. ‘Alpha Steve keeping his Omega collared’. ‘Stony is everyone's favorite couple’.”
“Lovely.” Tony said dryly and read the magazine cover idly, smiling at the picture of Steve holding him by his tie, dragging him in for a kiss. “That one does look a little bad I guess. I like our relationship name though. Stony. Catchy.”
“Stony?” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Please.”
“Well it's better than WidowHawk!” Tony sniped. “At least our name doesn't sound like some hybrid animal off a bad sci-fi movie!”
“Hey!” Clint protested, ready to defend his and Natasha’s (ridiculous) name the tabloids had given them. “Just because---”
“Easy, children. They are all good names.” Steve's deep voice cut through their argument, and he bent to lay a soft kiss on Tony's lips. “Good morning, sweetheart.”
“Morning.” Tony's eyes lit with love and absolute adoration, staring up at his mate. “How are you?” He ran light fingers over Steve’s perfectly cut jawline. “Did you and Sam have a good run?”
Steve nodded, but didn't say anything else, closing his eyes and tilting his head down into the touch.
“Are you alright?” Tony lowered his voice and let his hand rest over the bonding mark on Steve's neck comfortingly. The big blonde shook his head and Tony frowned. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Can we go to bed?” Steve whispered, barely audible, and Tony was already standing up, slipping an arm around his waist and leading him from the room.
“Let JARVIS know if you need us.” he said over his shoulder and Clint nodded, waving them off with a concerned look in his eyes.
“We’re fine. Just go.”
“JARVIS, lock up please.” Tony said as they entered their bedroom, and the AI immediately sealed the doors and darkened the windows so the sun wasn't quite so bright in their eyes. “Talk to me, babe.” Tony urged as he started getting undressed. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Steve sat on the edge of their bed, his head in his hands and Tony sighed. “At least take your patch off so I can scent you, hm? Then you won't have to talk very much at all.”  He ripped his own patch off and tossed it in the garbage and waited for Steve to do the same.
The patch had been something he developed for the team last year, a quick fix for hormonal swings, an easy way to mute their biology if needed. It was easier and than having to take a constant stream of suppressants, more dependable than a three month rotating shot and as a bonus, it kept things neutral in the Tower.
No ones biology was a secret within the team of course, but it was already hard enough to all live together, working to save the world together, without Alpha and Omega hormones filling the space. Suppressants and blockers didn't always work and the come down was nearly always terrible. Or sometimes they worked too well, and mates like Clint and Tasha were left unable to even scent their partner, which was never a good thing.
The patch was perfect. They could put it on under their arm and it started working almost immediately, and then when it came time for bed or more intimate moments, it could be taken off and the effects dissipated within a few minutes. 
It was especially perfect in moments like these when his mate couldn't quite find words to say what was bothering him, and all Steve had to do was take the patch off and let his scent and biology speak for him. So Tony waited patiently, unbuttoning his shirt and laying it out carefully so it wouldn't get wrinkled, working at the clasp of his belt, all while watching Steve.
Finally, Steve sighed and reached under his shirt to take his own patch off and Tony only had to wait about thirty seconds for the scent of his mate to fill the room.
“Oh, oh honey, no no no.” Tony stepped out his pants and crossed the room in just his briefs, moving between Steve's legs and sliding his fingers through his hair. “Honey, what's wrong?” he brought Steve's head to his chest, holding him close with one hand, letting the other rub slow circles on the broad back. “What’s wrong, baby?” 
Steve shuddered a little and looped his arms around Tony's waist, hiding his face against the steady heartbeat of his Alpha.
“Shhh.” Tony closed his eyes, swaying gently, saddened by the amount of pain, fear, panic the beautiful Omega was projecting. “I'm here, babe. It's fine.”
He didn't really care that everyone assumed Steve was the Alpha in their relationship. Hell he had assumed Steve was an Alpha until that first unexpected and completely amazing heat. Everything about the man screamed Alpha, from his height to the over developed muscles and a voice that was made for barking orders. In fact, Steve probably could have been an Alpha if they would have tweaked the super serum just a little bit more, but Tony was glad they hadn't.
Because really, it wasn't very often that he got to be the one protecting and sheltering Captain America, and Tony was maybe a little selfish about these times, these moments when Steve clung to him and needed him.
They were his favorite.
Or they would be if his Omega wasn't literally shaking in his arms.
“Did you have a flashback?” Tony kept his voice quiet, his touches light, and Steve nodded against him. “Do you want to talk about it? Or you want me to take your mind off it?”
Steve nodded again, and rubbed his nose against Tony's arc reactor, then lower, dotting soft kisses on his Alphas stomach.
“Alright.” Tony tugged at Steve's hair until the Omegas head fell back and dark blue eyes were looking up at him. “Do you want to play? Need a safe word?”
Steve's eyes filled with tears and he shook his head quickly and Tony gentled his touch instantly, cuddling him close again.
“Shhh sweetheart. That's fine. Going to take such good care of you alright? Can I take your clothes off first? See how beautiful my Omega is?” He wiped a few tears from Steve's cheeks and kissed his forehead. “Let me see you, honey.”
He always had to ask what Steve wanted in moments like these. Whenever Steve had a flashback or something triggered him it always took several hours to come back from it, and each time the Omega coped differently.
Sometimes he secluded himself in the art room Tony had designed for him, and drew for hours. Other times he sat and watched movies with various members of the team taking turns curling up next to him and talking.
Every once in a while he chose a safe word, and Tony would get the box out of their closet that had the ball gag and riding crop and harness and a large assortment of toys and spend the day taking Steve apart before lovingly putting him back together.
But not today.
Today his Omega needed to feel safe and cherished so that's what Tony was going to do.
“Come on, sweetheart.” He let his voice drop, just an edge of Alpha coming through and Steve went obediently pliant in his arms. “There you go.” Tony started pulling the Under Armour up and over Steve's shoulders, then hooked his fingers into the band of the running shorts, humming approvingly when Steve lifted his hips to help Tony work them off.
“Cold.” He whispered. “I'm cold, Alpha.”  
Tony's heart broke.
It had been the ice, then. Something had triggered a flash back to Steve's time in the ice-- the plane impact and the long days of hunger and loneliness and cold it had taken before his body had dropped into hibernation.
“Let's take a shower, hm? Nice hot shower after your run? Come on.” Tony decided and helped Steve stand, leading him to their big bathroom and turning the shower on.
He finished undressing while the water warmed up, then helped his Omega into the shower, directing him under the spray.
Tony started slowly, letting Steve drop his head onto his shoulder and petting through his hair, tugging just the lightest bit, until the Omega tried to shift away. Tony kissed his forehead and brought his fingers down to trace over cheekbones and a stubborn jaw, down the strong curve of Steve's neck, pressing firmly over the bond mark and smiling when Steve leaned into the touch, turning his head to bare his neck even further. It was a submissive move, but also a needy one, seeking comfort from his Alpha’s mark.
“Beautiful.” Tony murmured and spent several minutes mouthing and kissing over the silver scar, the crescent curve that matched his teeth. “My Omega.”
Steve whimpered and Tony bit him gently, a reminder of their bond, before reaching for the soap.
He encouraged Steve to stand, leaned him against the shower wall and soaped up their loofah. One hand resting over Steve's heart, the other was washing over his shoulders and down his arms. Across his stomach, and row upon row of perfectly cut muscles then down to his hips.
Then Tony let his lips and tongue taste over every inch of skin he could reach, rubbing the loofah up Steve's back as best he could while his teeth scraped and tickled over the freshly clean skin and he smiled to himself when Steve's breathing started to speed up, when the cock he had been ignoring jumped and pulsed, dripping wet onto his stomach.
“I love this part of you.” Tony murmured and dropped to his knees to lick into the sharp vee of Steve's hips, sucking and biting a bruise over a hipbone. “Smell good, honey.” Dragging his nose through soft, short, blonde curls and licking at the base of Steve's length until the Omega was whining and winding his fingers into the Alphas dark hair. “More?” Tony glanced up. “You want more like this?” he laved his tongue over the head, tasting the nearly clear liquid gathering at the tip.
“Cold.” Steve whimpered, and Tony stood only long enough to switch positions until the Omega stood under the water again. “Thank you.”
“Omega.” Tony kissed his lips. “Whatever you need. You want more?”
Steve lifted his hips, pressing against the hard line of Tony's cock, and the Alpha ground into him roughly. “Always.” Steve whispered and Tony kissed him again.
“Alright, baby. I'm gonna keep you warm alright? Every inch of you I promise.”
Back down to his knees, and Tony sucked the entire length of his Omegas cock into his mouth, feeling around for the loofah he'd dropped so he could scrub down Steve's thighs and calves as he bobbed his head up and down, sucking and swirling with his tongue until Steve's legs were trembling.
“Turn around for me.” He ordered and Steve obeyed, turning shakily and bracing his hands on the shower wall. “That's perfect, thank you sweetheart.”
The blond moaned when Tony parted him gently, fingers searching for where Steve was warm and tight, and the Alpha growled in satisfaction when he flicked his tongue out to taste and found his Omega already wet, heavy slick mixing with the shower water and filling his mouth.
“Love how you taste.” he groaned and scooted closer, holding Steve open with both hands now as he licked and lapped around his entrance, his tongue poking and prodding gently until with a shudder the Omega relaxed beneath him and Tony could stroke his tongue inside. He could do this all day--press his nose to the curve of this perfect, gorgeous ass and taste and touch and drive his Omega crazy with his tongue, working it as deep as he could into Steve's heat, feeling his mate tremble and shake, broken little moans falling from his lips.
“More.” Steve was panting, pressing his forehead to the shower wall. “Alpha, More.”
Usually Tony would wait for Steve to beg, would wait for his Omega to be a writhing, whimpering mess, but not today. Not when the beautiful blond needed to be warm, and comforted and taken care of.
So he left one last open mouth kiss on him, took one last long swipe with his tongue, then stood back up, messing with the water until it came down on them even hotter.
“My Omega.” Tony whispered, and let the head of his cock bump against Steve's entrance, rubbing through the slick and saliva. “Mine.”
Then, with one hand on Steve's waist, the other on his shoulder to hold him still, Tony pressed steadily forward until the fat tip of the Alpha cock slid through the tight muscle and into so much heat and Steve cried out, dropping his head and sucking in a deep breath.
“Yes.” he cried. “Tony--Tony---”
“I got you.” Tony assured him, and kept moving, urging his Omega back against each little push until he was buried as far as he could be, and Steve was nearly sobbing with relief.
“God, you’re tight.” Tony moaned and Steve rocked back into him.
“Please, please, Tony, Alpha I need---”
“I know, honey, I know.” Tony withdrew slowly, and stroked back in just as slow, again and then again, enjoying every second of the warm slide in and out of his Omega until they were moving easily together as Steve loosened around him.
It was too steamy in the shower to even see, so Steve closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of his Alphas hands on him, the way Tony whispered soft, comforting things as he moved, the way Steve was full of his mate, sparks zipping through him every time that spot deep inside of him lit with every press of his Alphas cock.
This was perfect. He needed this, needed his Alpha in him, around him keeping him safe and warm. The air was filled with the scent of their body wash, the heavy scent of Alpha arousal, the sweeter scent of his own slick, and Steve thought maybe he could hide away like this forever.
But then Tony shifted, and Steve groaned and arched his back, bending over more so Tony could reach further inside, and the Alpha took him faster, harder until the shower was filled with the sound of their hips slapping together and harsh grunts from the Alpha, moans and pants from the Omega.
“Let me--” Tony dragged his nails down Steve's chest before wrapping his hand around the Omegas cock, pulling over him roughly. “Want you to come for me, beautiful, come on.”
Steve bit his lip until it bled, shaking his head because he wasn't ready for this be over yet, but Tony knew him too well, knew his body better than even he knew it, and he was helpless against the rising pleasure, against the sharp edge of his orgasm as it came closer and closer with every stroke of his Alphas cock, every touch of his Alphas hand.
“Al--Alpha---” he stammered and god he tried not to come but then he felt the solid bulge of Tony's knot bumping against his already stretched rim and the thought of being that full, of having so much of his Alpha inside him--”
--Steve was lost, his voice rising in a shout as he gave in, gave up and let his release crash over him. His legs were shaking, breath coming in harsh pants as he spilled himself over Tony's fist, letting his Alpha milk every drop from him.
Steve barely had time to catch his breath before Tony was pushing him to widen his stance, yanking the Omega  back against every thrust until his knot shoved deep inside and then it was just a few seconds, just a few short, jerky thrusts until he was coming as well, his knot swelling and pulsing, pouring until Steve was gasping and groaning because fuck now he was really full and all he could do was try to keep his legs from shaking, from collapsing as Tony leaned against him, growling softly in pleasure, trying to catch his breath.
“We didn't do this right.” Tony chuckled once he could finally talk. “Can't sit down because your big ass will crush me. Can't keep standing because my legs will give out. Can't move because we’re knotted. My bad, sweetheart.”
Steve couldn't even find it in himself to care. He just laced his fingers through Tony's where they sat on his waist and let himself enjoy being with his Alpha.
******************* *******************
“How do you feel?” Tony ran his fingers through Steve's hair, kissing his head tenderly as they lay in bed. “You alright?”
“Yeah.” Steve snuggled closer, pressing his nose to the silver bonding mark on Tony's neck that he had placed there nearly two year ago . “Thank you.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Tony kissed him again and tucked the blankets tighter around Steve's shoulders.
“No.” Steve closed his eyes. “No. It seems dumb now. Stupid. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.”
“Hush.” Tony scolded lovingly. “It's not stupid to be triggered or have a bad moment or an entire bad day. No one expects you to be on your game all the time, Capsicle. That's why I'm here, right? For those moments when you need someone.”
“I'll always need you.” Steve murmured and nipped lightly over Tony's bond mark, warmth curling through his chest when his Alpha growled affectionately.
“And I'll always be here.” Tony nudged him playfully. “Even though, if you ask the tabloids, it's you who keeps me balanced.”
“They have no idea what they are talking about.” Steve grumbled. “It might look like I'm the one in charge but I'd be lost without you. I hold onto you like that so you don't leave me.”
“Never leaving you.” Tony tried to bring him closer. “Not ever. My mate. My Omega. I'd like to see someone try and take you from me. No one wants to see Iron Man pissed off.”
Steve laughed and tangled their legs together with a happy sigh.
“You warm enough now, honey?” Tony's voice softened and Steve nodded, the emotional day and sex making him drowsy.
“Perfect Alpha. Keeping me so warm. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Tony closed his eyes. “I love you too.”
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jennycalendar · 7 years
Imperfections (20/?)
this might be the last update for...a while. or not. who knows. posting this chapter early because it’s fuffy day and it. kind of has some faith/buffy? lowkey? i don’t know. i want to contribute Something at least
and it kind of works as a oneshot i guess? clearly i have no idea what i’m doing
The whole candy thing actually got solved pretty quick. Faith helped save the babies, and Buffy set Lurconis-the-baby-eater on fire with a gas pipe, and then Buffy made out with Faith for her amazing baby-saving skills. Except that last part was mostly in Faith’s head, but Buffy did hug her, so, you know, that was basically making out. As close as Faith was gonna get, anyway.
It was only when they were exiting the sewers, all slimy and gross, that Buffy said with some concern, “Faith, where are Giles and Ms. Calendar?”
“Huh?” Faith was still kinda riding the high from that hug.
“We left them at the factory, but they were gone by the time we were heading to check out the hospital.” Buffy bit her lip. “You think they’re okay?”
“That Ethan guy said the candy should wear off by tomorrow,” said Faith, “and beside which, if Jen’s apologizing to me, she’s definitely not the kind of teenager to murder someone or do some reckless shit that’ll land her in trouble. She’ll keep an eye on Giles.”
“Ms. Calendar was apologizing to you?” Buffy frowned quizzically.
Damn, Buffy was cute. Faith had a feeling that that was the reason she answered honestly. “I was kind of awful to her,” she said, “the day before the candy kicked in, and then when I went to check up on her she was awful to me back. And then she apologized for that outside the factory, which was pretty nice of her. Considering how awful I was.”
Buffy hesitated. “Look,” she said. “I—I don’t know the whole situation, but I think you’re really—” She blushed a little, looking down. “Cool,” she said finally. “And I’m sorry you and Ms. Calendar are having a hard time. You guys seem really close.”
“We’re not—” Faith stopped, blinked, thought about Jen signing forms to buy candy she didn’t need. “Yeah,” she said.
Buffy looked pleased. “Good,” she said. “Because I like having you here in Sunnydale, and it’d suck if you got in some big fight with Ms. Calendar and left or something. It’s nice to have another Slayer in town, you know? You did some great baby-saving tonight.”
“A girl doesn’t hear something like that all that often,” teased Faith. Then, before she could stop herself, “Hey, you want to go grab a milkshake? There’s this diner place that I think is open till two.”
She was expecting B to blow her off. She was already kicking herself for asking. But that soft, almost unconscious smile spread across Buffy’s face, and she tucked a slightly muddy hand into Faith’s. “I’d like that,” she said. “I just hope we don’t get ick all over the diner seats.”
“Hey, their only policy is no shirt, no shoes, no service,” Faith quipped. Her heart was doing jumping jacks at Buffy’s hand in hers. “And we got ‘em all. They can’t turn us away.”
“Diner,” said Buffy happily. “Wow, a milkshake sounds so good right now. Or a hamburger. Or five hamburgers.”
Faith laughed. “Late night dinner with the prettiest girl in town,” she teased, even though she knew she was pressing her luck. She guessed she just had a thing for risk. “How lucky can I get?”
“I don’t know about that,” said Buffy, her smile fading a little.
“Hey, you know who I didn’t ask?” Faith let go of Buffy’s hand to throw an arm around her shoulder as they walked. “Any of the loser boys in your loser high school. Boys are losers, B, and you’re the best thing in that sad, sad, lonely, sad little place.”
Buffy laughed, nose crinkling. Faith felt like she’d just won the lottery.
“Big Dipper.”
“I decided to call that one Big Ladle.”
“Mmm.” Janna shrugged noncommittally, shifting onto her side so that she could rest her head on Ripper’s chest. They were lying together on the hood of Jenny Calendar’s car, looking up at the stars. “I didn’t get why anyone would call it a dipper. Ladle makes more sense.”
“Dipper,” said Ripper, frowning. “Haven’t you ever heard—some people call ladles dippers.”
“Dunno. Some people.”
“I could call you Dipper.” Janna smirked. “Rhymes. Plus, you’re kind of a dip.”
“I don’t like you,” said Ripper, and pulled her on top of him. Janna felt a full-body shiver at the way he was looking at her. “Not,” he kissed her, “at all.”
“Are we going to go back?”
“Mmm. We have time.”
“It’s getting late.”
“It’s early.” Ripper tucked Janna’s hair behind her ear, and she smiled. “Stars are still out. We can stay out here.”
“What if it’s cold?”
“California climate,” said Ripper, and made a face. “Nothing like London.”
“Maybe I’m cold.” Janna made a face back at him.
“Maybe Jenny Calendar keeps a blanket in her car.” Ripper sat up on the hood of the car, hopping off to head to the back and hunt through the trunk. Janna waited, rolling onto her back and looking up at the quiet, twinkling early morning sky. “Hallelujah!” she heard Ripper shout with a laugh. “Bloody hell, Janna, you come prepared.”
“That’s Jenny Calendar, not me,” Janna corrected.
Ripper came back over with the blanket. Janna sat up, and he jumped up to sit down next to her, draping the blanket over her shoulders. “Jenny Calendar is you,” he said with certainty.
“Debatable.” Janna leaned into him.
“Well, then, Miss Smarty, don’t you think Jenny Calendar would say you’re her?”
He had a point. It was weird and roundabout, but it still made an annoying amount of sense. Janna laughed and lifted the blanket up so that it was around Ripper’s shoulders too. “Fine,” she said. “Fine. You win. I’m Jenny Calendar, and she’s me, and I come prepared to every occasion.”
Ripper grinned, looking very pleased with himself, and wound an arm around Janna’s waist, pulling her in for a long kiss. “Tell me more of your constellations,” he said in a low murmur when they’d pulled away.
But the memories seemed dulled, somewhat, not as easy and accessible as they had been a few minutes ago. Janna looked up. “That one,” she said, pointing to a cluster of stars, “that’s Janna-and-Ripper-should-totally-make-out-on-top-of-this-car-right-now.”
Ripper laughed and threaded his fingers through Janna’s hair, kissing her again and again until everything became sensation and feeling. Usually Janna’s mind was working a mile a minute, but Ripper tethered her firmly to the now with the way he was touching her, his hands tugging cautiously at the hem of her shirt. Janna raised her arms over her head, untying her hair from its ponytail as she did so, and let Ripper slide her shirt off.
Ripper paused. “Are you—”
“I’m good,” said Janna, and meant it. This didn’t feel impulsive—it felt natural. And she remembered Rupert now, a little more clearly than she had before, so why not, right? This teenager thing, whatever it was, was looking like it might wear off sooner or later, but Jenny and Rupert cared about each other just as much as Janna and Ripper did. Definitely more, actually. No risks to take here, which felt like a first for Janna and Jenny alike.
Ripper smiled, hesitant in a way that belonged to Rupert, and he kissed her. Janna stopped thinking about names.
“Two milkshakes,” said Faith, glaring at the waitress when she looked dubiously at Buffy’s sewer-splattered clothes. “Vanilla for me, strawberry for the lady.”
“How’d you know?” Buffy looked delighted by this.
“You seemed like the type,” said Faith. Her cheeks felt hot, but she kept her smile bright. “That all right by you?”
“Extra whipped cream,” Buffy said hopefully to the waitress, who rolled her eyes and headed behind the counter.
“So.” Faith propped her chin up on her hand, studying Buffy’s face with casual interest, even though the question she asked was anything but. “Any new guys in your life?”
“Hardly,” said Buffy with a rueful laugh in her voice. “I’m not sure if guys are really my thing right now.”
Faith thought she might want to set the entire diner on fire, because she knew what Buffy meant, but it sure sounded different. What she said was, “You’ll change your mind sooner or later, I bet.”
Buffy shrugged. Then she said, “So, how are you liking Sunnydale so far?”
“I like Sunnydale a lot,” said Faith. “Best place I’ve been in a while.”
“You think you’re gonna stay?” Buffy asked, and Faith could hear the thinly disguised hope in her voice. “Not just on a temporary basis—on a real basis?”
“Yeah,” said Faith. She thought about Jen, who was probably off having some wild and crazy adventure as her teenage self, and smiled. “I’m staying. Too many good things in this town to leave behind.” She wasn’t just talking about Jen, this time, and directed a very pointedly flirtatious look at Buffy. Straight girls never picked up on things like that.
Except—Buffy blinked, then smiled, blushing a rosy red, and directed her gaze at the tablecloth. “I like Sunnydale too,” she said. “I mean, the night life’s not exactly lively, but, um, there are a lot of nice people who show up in town sometimes when you don’t expect them.”
Well. Here was yet another thing that might not be as unattainable as Faith had first thought. “Yeah,” she said. Screw it. Time to put all her cards on the table; if it worked with Jen, maybe it might work with Buffy too. “Listen, B—”
Their milkshakes showed up at exactly that moment. Faith wasn’t super sure how she felt about that. A little relieved, maybe. She took a sip of her milkshake instead of finishing her sentence.
“Yeah?” Buffy prompted.
Faith swallowed. “Just really happy we’re friends,” she said. It felt weird to say shit like that, but also nice. She thought maybe she’d tell Jen that when Jen got back from…wherever she was. “Also, you think maybe we could have a study session in the library sometime?”
“Oooh, you should hang out with me and Willow at lunch!” said Buffy excitedly. Her smile faltered. “What do you do at lunch?”
“Not much,” said Faith, who usually spent lunch in the library with Jen and Giles. Giles was always giving her this semi-worried look, like he thought she should be somewhere else but didn’t think it was his place to say. “Might be nice to hang with you and the crew. Guess I just wasn’t sure whether or not I was a member.”
Buffy looked down, biting her lip. “I’m sorry,” she said. Faith felt a little guilty. “I’ve been kind of distracted lately. I hope I—I didn’t make you feel like you couldn’t be a Scooby.”
“No way,” said Faith emphatically. “We’re cool, okay?”
“Okay,” Buffy agreed, not sounding all the way certain.
“You’re cool,” Faith added playfully.
“So are you,” said Buffy, and damn if Faith wasn’t smiling like an idiot at that.
Faith stumbled home early in the morning and took a long, luxurious shower, enjoying the way it felt to be in a bathroom that she knew really well. The sink was squeaky because Jen had tried to do some weird shit to fix it instead of calling a plumber like a normal person, and there were three toothbrushes in the little toothbrush cup thingy. Faith brushed her teeth and smiled in the mirror, playing with the ends of her wet hair.
She came out of the bathroom to see that Janna and Ripper had come back, both of them fast asleep on the couch. Janna was lying on top of Ripper’s chest and snoring ungracefully, her arms wrapped tightly around him. Faith found them a blanket and threw it over them as casually as possible before giving in and tucking it more securely around Janna. Jen.
She felt a little weird about going to sleep and leaving them out in the living room. Like—if a vampire broke a window or some shit, there might be glass all over the place. Or something. Faith settled into the chair next to the couch, resting her head on her arms and closing her eyes.
She woke up with someone tucking a blanket around her. Faith kept her eyes closed for a little longer than she needed to, which turned out to be a good call, because then she felt Jen gently smoothing down her hair in that way she’d always wanted a little.
Faith opened her eyes.
“Hey, sleepy,” said Jen with a small, wry smile. “Should I start with how embarrassed I am or how sorry I am?”
Faith felt a lump in her throat, pushed off the blankets, and hugged Jen, hard, burying her face in Jen’s shoulder.
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
@legendsofsuperflarrowmemes - fill #2, for prompt #99
Fic: prompt 99 (ao3 link) Fandom: Flash/Legends Pairing: Barry Allen/Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
summary: Coldflashwave. Mick and Barry tag team Len. Or dp.
A/N: this one is for @kickingshoes, who at some point said something about wanting to draw more Len/Barry/Mick action, so - for inspiration!
Warning: adult content
“We just want you to feel welcome,” Barry says earnestly.
“Know you didn’t have the easiest time of it, with the Legion,” Mick adds.
“Given that you were fighting basically everyone all at once,” Barry says.
“Partially my fault,” Mick notes. “The Legion being sucky for you. But in my defense, you were a dick when you were brainwashed.”
“So we thought – what would make Len happy?” Barry continues.
“We discounted the obvious,” Mick says.
“Ice, cold gun, etc.” Barry agrees. “Too straightforward.”
“And I got to thinking,” Mick says. “What would Len have missed?”
“And he came to me and suggested that to help you recover in your post-brainwashing period, when you didn’t remember me at all, maybe I should be more thoroughly involved in your recovery.”
“It’s very important to have familiar objects around during recovery,” Mick agrees. “My shrink’s told me so a million times.”
“So, really, it’s therapeutic, too. But in a good way!”
“Therapy for everyone, really,” Mick says. “It’s both a gift and group therapy.”
“Everyone’s been on me to go to therapy, actually. So you’re really helping me out here, too,” Barry says.
“All for the best,” Mick says. “See? Properly heroic-like of you, just the way you turned out in the original timeline.”
“Well, anti-heroic, really. Len’s always been ambiguous, even with the Legends.”
“Yeah, true.”
“You’re both totally insane,” Len says. “Untie me this instant.”
Barry pets his head. Len’s hair has grown out a bit, so it’s nice and fluffy, and the salt is thoroughly intermixed with the pepper.
He’s at just the right height to pet him, too, since Len is on his knees on the bed, naked, with hands bound behind him and legs bound apart.
“We gave you a safeword, boss,” Mick reminds him. “You want out, you can always use that.”
“Maybe I want you to come to your senses regardless.”
Mick and Barry exchange smirks.
That most definitely was not the safeword they agreed on, and that meant fun time was on.
“I don’t think that’s what you want,” Barry says casually, letting his hands continue to caress Len’s head, slipping down to circle his temples, his cheeks, a swipe of a thumb across his plush lower lip, red as if he’d been biting them. “I think you want something else.”
“I agree with Scarlet here,” Mick says. “He’s got a point.”
“He does not. I want you to untie me and I want to get out of here. That’s all I want.”
Mick knows for a fact that Len can dislocate several joints if he wants to get out of rope bindings. He nods shallowly at Barry, who relaxes, the worried expression fleeing his face like it’s never been.
“I think we know a bit better than you what you want,” Barry says confidently. Len always did like him best when he was being all cocky.
“There’s only one problem,” Mick says, reaching out and running his fingers down Len’s spine, watching his partner shiver a little at the ghost of sensation. “See, Barry here and I agreed to split you –”
Len snorts.
Mick smirks. He knows Leonard Snart better than anyone else, dead or alive, and if there was one thing the man can't resist, it's a godawful pun.
“– but we can’t really decide who gets what,” he continues after a moment’s pause. He’s running his hands along Len’s hips, now, thumbing at the indents made by Len’s hips. Squeezing just a little. Barry’s still stroking Len’s face; Len’s eyes are fixed on him, pupils dilated.
He’s been hard since he woke up in this position, so that much isn’t new.
“At first, Barry here suggested that we split the difference,” Mick continues, dropping his voice down low to the register he knows Len likes best. “He generously offered to take that pretty mouth of yours, fuck you quiet like I know he’s been dying to since day one, make you gag on him and come on your pretty little face –”
Len swallows. His nakedness means he can’t hide it when his cock twitches, no matter how expressionless he tries to keep his face.
“And me, of course, I’d get to fuck your tight ass. Maybe I’d eat you out first, get you all sloppy and open, and then I’d just slide right in. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You always have. Hell, I’m amazed you didn’t jump me out in that battlefield, back in World War I. Must’ve been an epic struggle for a slut like you, seeing what you want in front of you and not getting it.”
Len presses his lips tighter, but his cheeks are flushed.
Barry’s not unmoved by Mick’s recital, either; he’s gone bright red and he’s breathing a bit hard, shifting a little from foot to foot. He’s only wearing a set of sweatpants and a long-sleeved STAR Labs t-shirt, all the better for easy access, and there’s a pretty decently sized tent in the front of them, smear of pre-come starting to darken a spot in the front.
“But then, see, I thought to myself that that was just limiting ourselves,” Mick continues, stepping forward, cupping Len’s chin and forcing his gaze up to meet Mick’s eyes. “I’m gonna wreck that pretty little ass of yours,” he purrs. “Me and Scarlet, both of us. Forget all that bullshit about trauma recovery that those assholes on the ship or in the lab were spouting. That’s what you really need, to get that scheming little brain fucked right out of you. That’s what you want.”
He reaches out blind and catches Barry, reeling him in. “That what you want, Lenny?” he asks, turning his face away from where he’s still got Len’s chin pointed up at him. He pulls Barry into a kiss, makes it deep and long and wet, makes it good, forces Len to watch him slipping the speedster some tongue, watch how Barry moans and wraps his hands around Mick’s neck, how he rubs against Mick’s body desperately. Mick’s in a pair of jeans, the old ones that were always Len’s favorites, rough in texture but worn soft by use, the ones that are so tight they look like they’ve been painted on. His cheap white tank shows off his arms, his burns that he’s so proud of, and it’s already been soaked through with sweat, translucent all the way down to his chest.
Len makes a choked little mewling sound.
“Don’t worry,” Mick says, pulling away from a panting Barry, who’s eyes have gone gratifyingly wide. “I’m not gonna make you beg for it – ” This time, his voice promises, dark and silky. “– I’m gonna let you show us how much you want it through your actions. That’s the important part with Lenny here, Scarlet; you gotta watch what he does.”
Mick wraps an arm around an unresisting Barry and pushes him forward until he’s right in front of Barry, dropping Len’s chin – Len doesn’t move his head an inch – to push Barry’s sweats down his thighs, letting his cock bob free right in front of Len’s mouth and his balls all tight up beneath them.
“Barry here’s just begging for it,” Mick says. “Can’t you tell?” He drops his hand down and gives Barry’s cock a quick pull.
Barry moans.
“Maybe I should just get him off myself,” Mick muses. “Don’t need you, do I?”
Len licks his lips.
“But you want him, don’t you?” Mick smirks and pulls his hands away, leaving Barry swaying.
He pops the button of his jeans, drawing both Barry and Len’s attention to his hands as he slowly drags the zipper down and pulls out his own cock. He’s bigger than Barry, thicker by far. Barry’s maybe a little longer and curves to the side, he observes, unlike his own. But you know what they say - variety is the spice of life.
“You want this, too, though,” he says. “So lucky you. You get both. Get us nice and wet, boss; you’re gonna want us ready to go later.”
Len glares up at him, eyes narrow and dangerous, but that doesn’t keep him from opening his mouth when Mick guides Barry into his mouth, or from hollowing out his cheeks as he sucks on his nemesis’ cock.
“You’re gonna think of this every time he looks at you on the battlefield,” Mick whispers in Barry’s ear, and Barry groans and jerks his hips forward.
Chuckling, Mick moves himself forward, too, grabbing the back of Len’s head to pull him off with a pop. “Don’t forget me,” he reminds his partner, and then he releases him.
Len so revved up, he doesn’t even take the time to roll his eyes before he’s on them, head bobbing up and down on Mick’s cock for a minute before turning his attention to running his mouth down the side of Barry’s. It’s the hottest thing Mick’s ever seen, including porn, and Len’s taking it like a pro.
“We’re gonna do this again,” he says. Promises. “Next time we’re fighting, Flash is gonna kidnap you, pull you away into a closet, and he’s gonna steal me away, and you’ll have both hands free that time, too – gonna let you jerk us both off while we’re waiting for you to suck us off – you wearing that stupid parka of yours –”
“Jesus, Mick,” Barry says. He’s got a hand clenched on Len’s shoulder for balance, the other one holding onto Mick’s arm. He’s got sweat rolling down his face. “You’ve got a dirty mind.”
“You can’t say you didn’t think about it,” Mick retorts. “Now, Lenny, show him what you can do, will you?”
Len hums in agreement and slides Barry in deeper in a fluid motion, gags himself on Barry’s cock until his nose is pressed up into the patch of hair right above Barry’s cock.
“Holy crap!”
“Bet you didn’t think that was possible outside of porn,” Mick laughs. He certainly hadn’t, not until the first time Len’d done it for him – it’d been a surprise to them both, a surprise they’d both taken their sweet and most enjoyable time in exploring.
“Fuck – I’m not – it’s gonna –”
“Go for it,” Mick says, stroking his own dick. “Come in his mouth. You’ll get it back up by the time we’re ready to fuck him.”
That just gets Len to suck even harder.
“I want –” Barry pants. “You said earlier –”
Mick laughs. Kinky little speedster. He can see why Len liked him so much. “You wanna come on his face, huh?”
He reaches out and grabs Len’s head, one hand on his head to steady him and the other by the chin, pulling his mouth open.
“He wants you to,” he says to Barry, who’s started thrusting helplessly into Len’s slack mouth, fucking in good, using him just the way Len liked it. “C’mon – mark him up – have that image in your head every time you go after him, every heist, every team-up, every meeting out all alone in the woods –”
Barry pulls out and strokes himself once, twice, and then he’s coming.
Mick knew that encounter in the woods was more charged than either of them had been admitting.
“There you go,” he says, running his thumb along Len’s lower lip, catching some of the come that was dripping down and smearing it in.
Len’s panting now, all defensiveness gone, expressionless mask a distant memory. His cock is red and dripping.
“Wonder if you remember the first time we did this,” Mick muses, pulling away to grab Len. Len makes it easy, wiggling into position, letting Mick lift him onto his cock. “I used a toy on you, slide it right in alongside me. You remember that?”
“Yeah,” Len says. “Yeah.”
“Think you can do it again?”
Mick’s glad they stretched and lubed Len up earlier, because he’s still slick inside, still open, and he’s able to just slide right in to Len’s groan of pleasure.
“Mick,” Len pants. “Mick – Mick – Mick –”
Mick loves having Len moan his name like it’s the only thought left in that brilliant brain of his.
“Barry’s next,” he says in Len’s ear. “Look at him, he’s getting hard again already, just at the sight of you. He’s gonna climb onto this bed and I’m gonna hoist you up, and he’s gonna slide in right next to me. You’re gonna be filled up, Lenny, just the way you like it.”
“Oh god,” Len groans, and lolls his head back.
He’s definitely not objecting.
Barry does just as Mick says, stretching Len open first with his fingers, sliding the narrow digits right in beside Mick’s cock, and then replacing them with his cock.
Even Mick has to groan when Barry slides in, the tightness doubled, the feeling of Barry’s cock hot against him.
“You like that, don’t you?” he says, barely knowing if he’s talking to Len, or Barry, or himself. “Yeah, you do –”
And then Barry starts fucking vibrating, and they’re both thrusting and Len is shouting and coming all over himself, Barry’s hand on his cock and Mick’s arms around him and Mick’s only a few minutes behind.
Barry pulls out, still hard, and jerks himself off all over the two of them, lying there curled up on the bed. He’s got a thing for marking people, their little speedster. Possessive little superhero.
Mick grunts and pulls himself out, too, enjoying the sight of how his come drips out of Len’s ass to mingle with Len’s own, and Barry’s too.
“Nice,” Mick says.
“We are definitely doing this again,” Barry says.
“Naturally,” Len says, grabbing Barry’s arm – wait, when did he get out of the ropes? Goddamn sneak thief – and pulling the speedster into his arms, very pointedly snuggling back against Mick with every evident intention of the three of them staying put. “I need a lot of therapy. We all do.”
“Group therapy really is the most effective,” Mick says.
Barry rolls his eyes and laughs, but he stays, which is what’s important.
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