#like. imogen has had the most focus...but I don't think she's had the most development
utilitycaster · 1 year
apropos of the question I got yesterday re: Orym and some of the things I said in response, truly, I advise throwing out the idea that arcs within a Critical Role campaign are contained series of episodes dedicated to one character specifically. I think this might be a lingering hangover of the Briarwoods, but again, even the Briarwoods, while very much about Percy, was considered the point when the show got really good for a huge number of other reasons including the fact that those episodes are standout episodes for the entire party. It's also, to be honest, an arc about Percy, but Percy's character arc essentially begins there rather than is contained to those 8 episodes. The way to have an arc like the Briarwoods is really only to have a backstory and end goal that requires it, and not all cast members tend towards that in their character creation! But also if you can't look at a character like (for example) Vex or Beau, who didn't have as clear a self-contained series of episodes about them, and still see an incredible character arc with no shortage of standout episodes and moments, then I think you're clinging too hard to the idea that arc = Briarwoods and not arc = the journey that specific character takes.
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astralleywright · 15 days
How do you feel about Orym's deal with Morri?
There was something kind of funny about Liam getting increasingly obvious - 'ORYM HAS DARK VINES IN HIS VEINS. YOU CAN ALL SEE THIS.' and it still going unacknowledged, but now it just feels like a damp squib. (to me at least)
anon i had no fucking idea what a damp squib was. i thought you mispelled squid. it makes perfect sense now that i've looked it up-you damn british-and i agree but i was SO confused about what squids had to do with any of this
anyways, onto the actual answer-yeah. it's a shame, because its one of the most interesting decisions Orym has made, and maybe the most interesting one that has managed to stick around and inform the character, but. it's been treated so underwhelmingly so far that its hard not to think about it as such.
and i don't blame the other hells at all, really. they were on the moon! and then FCG died and who knew if Orym's deal was relevant any longer! one of their own spontaneously learning to teleport is just an average tuesday for them! (as i've joked before, they might just think its ashari shit! [FCG voice] he's doing it! his aramante!)
as someone who's been playing a similarly reticent and repressed character for the last year and a half in a weekly COfD game, one thing i quickly learned is that if you sit back and wait for the other pcs to ask, you might be waiting a really long time. if you're waiting for the other pcs not just to ask but to push and prod over your continued avoidance, you might be waiting forever. the other players are fallible, and probably don't know your character as well as you, and have their own characters as well as a billion other things to focus on. they may be too wrapped up in their own problems or the problems of the pcs who already shared to (or might simply be playing a character that would not) ask about yours.
take the confession during swordgate: it was in the middle of a tense situation where one of the party members (Laudna) was in clear emotional distress, two of them (Imogen and Ashton) were completely focused on her, and two of them (Dorian and Braius) didn't know what Orym even meant by it or that it was a secret up to that point. that left Fearne and Chetney, and Chetney may or may not have been asleep at the time. so that leaves Fearne. she clearly clocked it and has the most reason to care, but Fearne is honestly even more emotionally repressed and avoidant than Orym, and with all due respect to Ashley, she is not who i would rely on for "initiating rp conversations" and "remembering things."
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(Also Fearne tried to check on Orym earlier that day and this was his response, so like.)
TTRPGS are collaborative, yeah, but i would argue that part of that is not leaving the responsibility of your own character’s development largely to the other players. Or if you do, accepting that you might be playing a character whose vivid inner life remains entirely hidden, and also that that might not be as interesting to the other players as the things they can readily interact with. Which makes it less likely for them to follow up on it, and so on, until "sold the rest of my life to a hag to protect everyone" kind of feels like a damp squib.
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