#like. ok. bins are my job right. I do it closer to tea so that I might get the opportunity to either hide what I'm eating
david-watts · 1 year
kinda getting sick of the near daily ‘why don’t you do anything around the place’ argument from a hag who won’t even sneeze in the direction of being patient enough to like. let me do things
#yet alone consider that there might be a system in place for things#like. ok. bins are my job right. I do it closer to tea so that I might get the opportunity to either hide what I'm eating#if it's a frozen item because she yells at me for eating.#which gets annoying after a while lol#or if it's a night I have to get something in I can leave the door unlocked so it's easier because I get yelled at for that too#which I get it's not good for me but she leaves me with one other choice in Not Eating and doing that fucked with me so#I'd rather eat the unhealthy thing than nothing y'know#that's a tangent. anyway#but to her that's awful and bad even though grandpa did the same thing for a similar reason (they'd usually have frozen stuff for tea then)#she's conveniently forgotten that fact and has started doing it herself which for starters iss terrible for her#she's nearly eighty-five she shouldn't be doing that#and because she doesn't know what has to be done she ruins the order of operations#between this and the whole last week's bin scenario just. ugh.#she keeps thinking she's a poverty-stricken farmer when she won't even tend to her own veggies half the time#my m*ther does that!#she'll read about sleep and then yell at us for 'sleeping at the wrong time' and the article'll literally be on differing sleep schedules#being not only normal but ok#if you're not up by eight and home by five you're lazy#she genuinely thinks I spend all day doing nothing when I've been working and like yeah that work is drawing and reading oftentimes#but it's still work I have to get done!#even if i wasn't exhausted by the time we get home because y'know I have five million things wrong with me#I have fibromyalgia. I have pots. that makes me exhausted walking upstairs#I wouldn't be allowed to do any housework because 'it's too late in the day!'#ugh
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Ch. 18
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi
Chapter Summary: Part two of the photoshoot
Previous Chapter here 
----------- Jimin was right. It was pretty boring. Yoongi would pose with the props, get told to make a certain face. Hold that pose. Switch poses. Touch up make-up and hair. Move slightly, change outfits, repeat. Once the newness wore off, you found yourself just sitting in a chair, watching the images on a screen they had facing you, Bongcha, and Alice. 
“He’s getting sweaty. Water break.” You said. At the next cut, you grabbed a water bottle and took it over to the pretend kitchen. He was leaned over the counter, scrolling through his phone.  You placed the water bottle on the countertop in front of him. “Hydrate.”
He stood up. “I thought I was your boss,” He rolled his eyes, but opened the bottle and started drinking it nonetheless.
“I gotta make sure you don’t wilt. Wilty models don’t take good photos. Here,” You handed him a small towel to blot his face.
“Thanks. These lights are hot. We should be about halfway done.” He took another large swig of the bottle, completely emptying it. He handed it to you. “Thanks.”
Bongcha walked over with her make-up apron. “You ready?” She asked him.
“Yep,” He responded. “Hold on,” he pulled out a stool to make his face more accessible. He then sat still as she started to pull out brushes.
You took the now empty water bottle over to the recycling bin and walked over to your prep table. You watched as Bongcha delicately re-applied the eye-makeup and then powdered his face. You saw him say something, the crinkles of his eyes slightly moving into a smile and she laughed. You felt something. Was that...jealousy?
You shook it off. This is an office setting ma’am. They were coworkers. You and Yoongi were coworkers. Even if you lived together and are supposed to start dating. Eventually. Apparently. Even though he hadn’t brought any of that up since your interview and the one time to tease you. You scrolled through your phone for a few seconds to distract yourself.
“Hey,” You heard Alice say as she walked up next to you. “Oh man...Bongcha has such a crush on Yoongi. They look so cute together, don’t you think?”
What was that feeling in your stomach? That nauseous feeling. Jealousy? No. You looked back over. She was reapplying his lip gloss as he pouted out some words and she laughed. Yes. That was jealousy. 
You stood there, staring. You couldn’t control your thoughts, but you could control how you reacted to them. You repeated your therapist’s  words as the Director yelled for photography to start again. Bongcha walked over to you and Alice, smiling brightly. 
“Heyyyy. I’m going to go grab some coffees. Do either of you want anything?” You asked, needing an excuse to take a break for a few minutes.
“We couldn’t ask you to do that,” Alice politely declined.
“Really it’s fine. I need the caffeine and Yoongi will probably get the shakes since it’s been more than three hours since he last had coffee. I don’t mind.”
“Ok I’ll take an iced latte.” Alice responded.
“Bongcha? Can I get you anything?” 
“Sure, I’d love an iced Americano. Here, let me get you some money.”
You smiled tightly. “That’s ok, BigHit will be paying for this round.” You picked up your purse and headed out to get some air and caffeine.
You walked a little further out of your way to Chachacha Tea and Kaffe since you knew Yoongi didn’t like Grindhouse. You took out your phone.
YG: Where are you?
YN: Coffee run for you and the stylists. Do you need something?
YG: Can you grab an outfit from Hoseok on the way back up? They forget to send a piece.
YN: You got it!
You returned with the coffees and garment bag perched upon you. Alice was kind enough to grab the drinks from your right hand, leaving you with just the outfit. “Thank you,” you mouthed as the Director was in the middle of giving Yoongi directions. You walked over to the garment rack and unzipped the outfit. It was a green sweater and jeans. Tied around the hanger was a bag with the purple scarf, a silver brooch, and belt. A note was attached: Use with glasses #34 or #56.  No detail left out by Hoseok. You looked back where Yoongi was posing on a chair. Just sitting there. Looking all hot. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the table where Bongcha, Alice, and the coffees were. They had kindly waited for you as you distributed the drinks. You took a sip.
“Cut. Alright, next outfit.” You heard the Director of Photography yell.
“Hey...do you mind if I take this over to Yoongi Oppa?” Bongcha asked, an excited smile on her face.
You felt slightly like the air was knocked out of your lungs but you managed a “No, of course not.”
Bongcha picked up the twin to her coffee and headed over to Yoongi, her long ponytail happily swishing behind her.
“You ok?” Alice asked, sensing your change in demeanor.
“Oh yeah. You know, just my ladytime. Day two is always rough.” You half-lied. 
You watched as Bongcha handed Yoongi the coffee. Stupid feelings. You sighed and then headed over to the racks to get the next outfit into the changing room. You didn’t see Yoongi looking for you as Bongcha handed him the coffee. 
Yoongi made small talk for a minute and then stood up. He headed over to the dressing room, walking up behind you. “Hey,” he said. Causing you to jump slightly. “Thanks for grabbing this,” he gestured to the outfit,  “and the coffee.”
“Yep,” you forced a smile. “Just doing my job. Alright. Get this on. I have to go grab the glasses from the accessories trunk.” You walked away quickly.
Yoongi looked confused for a second and then went ahead and changed into his last outfit. He was thankful it had only been four hours. Sometimes these shoots ran into the night. He was glad the team was all working so well together.
You walked up to the curtain on the other side of the changing area. “Ok, I have your glasses ready. Hair and make-up are ready to manhandle you some more.” You said before you could stop yourself. You clamped your hand over your mouth. To your surprise you heard Yoongi laughing hard behind the curtain. Hearing him laugh made you smile even though you were in a shitty mood. The curtain opened. 
“How does it look?” He asked, jokingly striking a pose. At this point you knew he was trying to make you feel better. 
“It’s just ok. I guess. If you’re into looking super hot. Watch out. These girls are oppa hungry enough.”
Yoongi smiled awkwardly and said quietly, “I know, I’m the one they manhandle.” 
You returned in a hushed tone, “Oh please, what a terrible problem to have. Your glasses, sir.” You handed him both pairs and then headed back over to the main area. 
You picked your coffee back up from the make-up table and watched Alice sit on the couch and hairspray the shit out of Yoongi’s hair while Bongcha reapplied some make-up that had transferred off while he was changing. You felt better, but still weird. The two of them walked back over. 
The shoot wrapped up about twenty minutes later. "Thank you everyone for your hard work!" Yoongi said, having changed back into his regular clothes. Everyone clapped. You overheard Alice loudly whispering to Bongcha "Just ask him. Do it. Ask him!" 
"Ok ok.” She replied in a hurried tone to her friend. 
You felt like you were suddenly in slow motion as Yoongi walked over to you, and Bongcha walked towards Yoongi. You wished yourself invisible, but it didn't work. You were still there, standing in between them, as Bongcha asked, "Hey! Do you want to go out and grab drinks?" 
Yoongi could not have been more oblivious, you thought, as he rubbed the back of his neck and said, "No. I need to go wash all this makeup and hairspray off. Good job today, ladies." 
You actually felt bad for her. You stood there awkwardly as he turned to you and said, "See you tonight :]" He left the area, leaving the three of you girls standing there. 
You cleared your throat and smiled awkwardly. “I’m going to return the clothing pieces to the style department. I’ll see you ladies around. It was nice to meet you.” You wanted to get the hell out of there.
You hung all the clothing back on the hangers, put the accessories in their bags, and the glasses back in the trunk. You rode the elevator alone down to the 6th floor. Ugh. This was so awkward. You felt bad for Bongcha. And then you felt weird. You were jealous. Why? Did you like like Yoongi? You’d known him a week. This was too soon to like somebody, you reasoned with yourself. It was a natural byproduct of spending time together with someone so nice. (You don’t feel this way about Jimin// Quiet brain!) But it was good you like him, because you guys were supposed to get closer. Right? Ugh. This was confusing.
The elevator opened and you walked into the style department. It was dead. Like a sack of deflated rainbows.  Everything was packed up for today. You walked over to the big door and knocked. “Hoseok?” You waited a minute and to your pleasant surprise, he answered the door. Gone was his jacket, but the rest of his sunny outfit remained.
“Hey. I wasn’t sure if anyone from styling was going to come get these so I thought I’d return these myself.”
“Well, aren’t you the most thoughtful thing? Thank you. I was going to come grab them later.” He looked over the pieces, draped a dress shirt over his arm and rubbed the material between his fingers. “How did the shoot go? Did Yoongi really like any of the clothes?”
“It’s Yoongi sooooo…” You shrugged. “Maybe he’ll write a song about one of them and then we’ll know.”
Hoseok laughed, his whole body shaking. “Ok. Well If you had to pick one for him to keep, which would it be?”
“I like the green shirt and jeans. And the brooch. It’s pretty.”
“Noted. Well thank you.” He said in a rare serious moment.
“You’re welcome. Ok, I'm off to make sure the food gets packed up. Did you get some strawberries?”
He smiled, “Yes, I had one of my staff sneak some up here for me.”
“Great. See you,” You waved and turned around. Today had been busy and invigorating and awkward. NEXT CHAPTER  @lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny @livelyjay @niniita-ah @bobbyboops @honeysunandsoil @deathkat657​
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darwinism00 · 8 years
Chapter 5
CHAPTER 5 SEEING THROUGH WALLS (We are approaching the Montrose stop. Exits will be on my left.) The British robot voice calls over head. Keera stands to exit the tran cart. Outside were street sweeping robots and mandated recycle bins on every sidewalk corner. She normally didn't travel this far North in Chicago and couldn't fathom why Duke would get a job so far South from where he lived. As she walked to the address on the sticky note she tried to rationalize it. He is probably a fucking Hunter sent to kill me. She scolds herself. But then why would he quit? She found herself having this argument with herself all the way to his building. She looked up at the sky scraper with bared in balconies that had hybrid plants peaking their way through. These plants were engineered for air support in higher altitudes and they doubled as light at night when they glowed in the dark. They were a newer invention from New Vegas so they were very expensive. “He's fucking rich.” She mumbles out in disappointment. She stared at the grey building trying to image which unit was his. They all had white blinds drawn down for privacy. Her eyes followed the floors cascading up into the sky. The floors where at least narrow, like 4 units per floor Keera guessed. The problem was that the front entrance was a brass bar security door that lets you into the corridor that had a thick glass door which both required a form of security to enter that she did not have. Now what? Keera mentally kicked herself. She paced back and forth for about 20 minutes until she saw someone that swiped their card to get in. Stopping mid pace she followed the older man in. He had grey, short, well kept hair but was attractive for someone who looked to be in their late 40s. He wore an expensive suit and carried a bag of Groceries that read Organic Food Basket on the front. When the man gave her an alarmed look she smiled and said “Thank you for holding the door. I was told I had a package and I am in a hurry.” If Keera was good at anything it was making up a story on the spot, though she only did this when it was deemed necessary. The man smiled back and after a quick glance at her cleavage mumbles the words. “My pleasure.” and continued to the elevator staring shamelessly at Keera until the doors to the elevator closed shut. Keera leaned down to read the names on the mail port plaques that lines the wall magnificently. The whole inside the building was completely different than the outside so far. Instead of a modern look it had a antique decor and was well kept. Old paintings of the city in the 1900s were hanging on the beige colored walls and the few pieces of furniture looked as if they belongs in some upper North side Library. There were plants in the lobby but nothing genetically altered. Keera focused on the names, if she didn't find Dukes name he is a hunter sent to capture or kill her. If she did he was a lousy bartender that had hypnotized her into having romantic feelings for the first time in a very very long time. She followed along reading each name on the port plaques. These were used so that if you had a package you placed your key card into the slot with your name on it. The plaque then distributed a ticket. Then you place that ticket in a slot at the front office that had your package on hold. Most apartments on the ground didn't have a port station in them. Usually you had to bring your ticket to the local port stop but this apartment building was in a nice part of town and obviously cost enough to afford one in house. She continued to scan the names on the next floor. Dr. Mary Ghindi Scott Nelson Scott Whitmore Duke Koli She looked again and her heart started to race. Jesus I am so nervous. She thought with her hands shaking. “Fourth floor” she whispered out loud. He actually lived here. Holy shit! She yelled in her head. She was actually doing this. Room 402 is what the plaque read. In order to use the elevator you had to have a key card so Keera prompted to use the stairs. As she reached the fourth floor she felt light headed from all the adrenalin pumping through her veins. Why am I this nervous? She thought as she shook her hands as if she could shake the nervousness out. She paced back and forth taking deep calming breaths. Just fucking do it Keera! She yelled at herself and knocked two ticks on the door. When there was no answer she pounded. God dammit how fucking dare he make me feel this way and then quit she rationalizes in anger in her head. She felt like she was going crazy. Is this how stockers feel? She thought briefly giving her actions a quick evaluation. Just then the door slowly swung open to Duke, wearing boxer briefs, messy tousled hair, and nothing else. His lean tanned muscles flexed as he rubbed his eyes because Keera had obviously woke him from the dead. He looks at her with such a shocked expression she was rendered once again speechless; for a moment. Then, once again words just began tumbling out of her mouth with no controle. “I really don't like wasting my time Duke!” She glared and pointed her finger giving his bare hairless chest two jabs before inviting herself in walking right past him to continue her fumbling rant. If she had time to process her thoughts at that moment she would notice how clean and neat his apartments was. He had an intricate hand made looking Indian rug hung on the wall and trinkets that look to either be family airlooms or Indian collectors items lining the walls on floating shelves. He also had a picture frame of some soccer team and the British flag hanging up. There were noticeably a crazy amount of plants and a lot of high tech gadgets, a comic book display and enough video games that if he decided to sell would probably put a store out of business. Yes, he was in fact a geek. Keera thought after a quick glance. She turned on her heel to face him in sudden silence and he slowly closes the door not daring to say a word. He just stares at her with those eyes. Drinking her in. She hardly knew what the hell she had said so she blurted out. “Well?” raising her hands in frustration and a sort of embarrassment. He looks to the ground and says “Well, since you're here would you like some tea?” His eyebrows raise up and he gives her the most handsome grin she has ever laid eyes on. She melted inside and felt like an explosion of butterflies got released into her stomach and even though she preferred coffee she found herself sitting on a stool at Dukes kitchen bar in silence watching him make tea in his underwear. Her senses were so heightened and she was so nervous that she couldn't stop her mind from vibrating long enough to form intelligent sentences. So she sat quietly letting her mind wonder. It was like she had been lost in space and now she suddenly is being pulled to something or someone. Like she was a planet and Duke was the sun. She almost hated this feeling but she found herself craving it more. It was like this awful drug that was slipped to her and now she couldn't help but seek out another hit. Craziness be damned. Is this was dipping was like? She mentally gagged at the thought of injecting that poison into her veins. The vision she had burnt into her mind of the last time she saw her mother was reminder enough that nothing was worth that much sacrifice. Then she thought of Albo and the first time they kissed. She opened up to him and blurted out with a shaky voice. “You're my drug.” Albo smiled an endearing smile and then very seriously said. “And you are my peace.” That was the moment she knew without a doubt that Albo would be the love of her life. However now Keera was feeling guilty as her chest hollowed out at the thought of comparing Albo to anyone else. She just didn't think this feeling could exist anymore inside herself. She watched Duke’s lean muscles flex. He has intricate symbols tattooing his back, shoulders and chest with a flat stomach which lead her to be pleasantly surprised. God why am I so infatuated with him? She continued to talk to herself in her head. He turns with two tea cups on saucers in his hands and nods his head to the couch. As they sit down Keera takes one of the saucers from Dukes shaky hand and makes a mental note to tease him about the floral print of the couch sometime in the future. If she sees him again after this. She thought. A laugh slices through the silence. “Ha.” Duke laughs out nervously. “Guess I should get some clothes on.” He says as he looks down and realized that he is still only in his boxers. Keera smiles and says “So now you're embarrassed? You don't have anything I havent seen plenty of times.” Well that came off as incredibly slutty Keera! She yells at herself inside her head. She goes to say something else to correct her statement but then thinks better of it. She just can't talk around him. “Look I am really sorry but you and I both really know that I am not cut out for that job. I really thought I was doing everyone a huge favor.” Duke blurted out while looking down. He just looks at his cup sort of rubbing the tip of his finger on the rim. Not knowing what to quite say Keera blurts out. “Well I know you cut yourself are you ok?” Keera reaches for his hand and grabs it. She was half curious and half desperate to touch him. She feels a soft amazing electrical charge shoot through the fingertips and up her arm. Her breath hitches. She looks at his hand flipping it over to see nothing there. She glances to Duke's face to read his expression but he wouldn't look at her so she grabs his other one to see the same. They are perfect and large and warm. Her chest is moving in large breaths when she looks to his face again. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern and anticipation. Those eyes send cold liquid joy and fear down her spine. Fear of rejection and the unknown. When he looks up and their eyes locked they slowly move closer like magnets unable to move in any other direction. Her lips touch his and they are even better than her dream, soft but firm. She feels an explosion in her chest, desire takes over and she smashes into him. She climbs on top of him and tangles her hands into his hair holding on like she may fly into pieces from everything she is feeling and bursting out of her. He is kissing her with the same intensity. Gripping one hand on her thigh and the other in the small of her back. Duke pulls her close and as tight as he can to him. She rocks her hips back and forth feeling his bulge grow and she wants nothing more than to feel him inside her. She has never felt lust like this. No not lust but desire. Its burning her up inside hotter than any fire she could ever start. He kisses her neck and she tilts her head back. He kisses the part of her breast that are bulging out of her dress. Her lungs burning for air. Duke groans and pushes her hips down into him. She parts his lips gently to make her way in. sucking at him, biting him gently, tasting him. She is hot, sizzling for him. She hears a shatter of glass behind her and glances back to see both tea cups broken on the coffee table and steam still lingering in the air. Then she hears sizzling and looks down to see Dukes mouth burning in almost blisters, and charred hand marks where her hands were on his chest. She jumps back across the room in pure horror. Closing her eyes she calmed herself quicker than she ever has so that she could rush to his aid. “Fuck.” She barely breathes out fumbling to the floor on her knees she clumsily crawls to his feet. He sits there with his head back and fists to his chest breathing heavily with his eyes closed. “I'm so sorry Duke I didn't mean to. I have never.” She didn't know what to say. Tears ran down her face uncontrollably. She had never cried in front of anyone but her mother and that was a quick lesson learned. He couldn't even look at her from the pain. He was breathing in large even breaths not saying anything. She ran to grab her cell out of her purse but knocked it to the floor in her panic. When she retrieves her phone she drops it fumbling to get the code to her hand print to work. She had charred her prints off again and it usually takes a few days for them to come back. She needs to use her backup passcode but since she hasn't had any accidents in forever she couldn't remember it! “FUCK!” She cries out in frustration. “Put the phone down Keera I'm fine.” Keera looked up, shaking, tongue numb from anxiety and mascara running down her face to see Duke standing up looking at her in perfect condition. No burn marks, no blisters, no nothing. Just eyes that bored into her very soul. Knowing eyes. Someone that knew her secret. A secret she had kept from her closes of friends and had her on the run most of her life. “We should talk.” Duke says hands raised like Keera was pointing a gun at him. And then before she could respond the numbing moved down her arms and into her vision. Her last thought was that she was having a full blown panic attack, just like the ones Angel has, before darkness claimed her and she passed out. Last thing she remembers is Duke running to catch her before she hit the floor. Keera awoke coughing. She couldn't breath. Where's mommy? she frantically thought. Mommy may be taking one of her naps on the couch which were impossible to wake her from. Keera contemplated in her adolescent mind. There was no space to breath, and the thick fog of smoke started blanketing her every sense so she couldn't see. She rolled to the floor and under her bed dragging her once white teddy with one eye with her. She cuddles him fiercely as if without him she may fly away like an ember in a fire floating off into the sky. Her chest burned and she couldn't cry out but the tears in her eyes helped with the stinging. She clasps her tiny hands around her teddy even tighter and wished harder than she had ever wished that it would stop. She yelled stop even though no sound seemed to come out. The sound of the fire eating in loud continuous chomps was too much. She lays there screaming for eternity she felt until she had no more tears to cry, no more breath to scream and no more strength to go on. She closed her eyes and wished to be taken away. When the firefighter found her she was asleep under her bed and everything else around her was ash. They couldn't explain it at the time but she wasn't harmed. Her bed sit in tact. When she is woken she is tucked into the arms of a frantic fire fighter yelling words she couldn't make out. Her ears rang and her blonde braid is mostly undone causing soft waves to cascade over his uniform that is dusted with soot. She grasps him tightly trying to wake up from this dream. Her feet are freezing as they hit the frigid December air with no socks. Though it didn't snow in the desert the nights would still get unbearably cold. She can't tuck them in so she just curls her toes and thinks about the heat she was blanketed in. Her oversized pajamas hang loose on her frame and her Teddy is barely held on, pinched between her thumb and forefinger by its arm. When she passes what was the couch she cant help but glance at the ashes that sat in a mound in a body forming her mother. The images flash of her mother that have so many times been burned into her six year old mind of her mother passed out in that very spot after coming home drunk. Keera’s mother was unable to be woken from either the alcohol or the high on whatever drug that would keep her comatose for long periods of time before her next fix. Keera does not cry because she has no tears left. She simply stars at the ashes that once was her mother and etch them into her memory; locking them in a box deep in her mind for later mourning. Mourning that took place at night in the dreams that terrorised her almost every sleeping moment. When she thinks about the dreams that terrorised her childhood and young adulthood she connects the dots to a scene that is actually a memory and not currently taking place and wakes up in a whimper. She opens her blurry eyes scanning the room like she often does when searching for something. She was in a large room with white walls. A picture hung of an elephant being pet by a young boy in Africa if she had to guess. The next framed picture was of a greenhouse of exotic looking plants and a young man looking to be 16,dark brown skin with long dark hair smiling and holding a particularly peculiar plant in a pot posing for the picture. The dresser underneath was grey with silver knobs. Everything on top of the dresser was perfectly aligned, nothing was strewn about. The floor was hard wood with middle eastern looking rugs placed about. Keera looked up to see the bed had a soft material tied to the long posts of the bed creating a curtain like effect. The bed was large and soft swimming in white sheets and a feather filled comforter and about a half dozen pillows. She rolled over still collecting her thoughts. She caught eye of a side table with candles that had looked to be burnt all the way through their wicks. All six laid in a mound of melted wax placed onto a brown circle board. Before she could take anything else in her eyes settled on a figure. He sat leaning back in a brown antique looking wicker chair. One foot was resting on his other leg almost crossed. His hand was over his goatee as though he was thinking but at his face there was only evidence of concern and angst. Like he was waiting for a mother to get out of a highly risky surgery type expression. She sits up clearing her parched throat avoiding his grief stricken eyes as the events that played out earlier come rushing back to her. She looked to the window and saw that it had no light shining through. “What the Fuck Duke it's dark! I'm supposed to be at work” she yells in a raspy voice while ripping the covers off of her and jumping to the cold hardwood floor. “No it's fine.” Duke says as he stands up, hands out as if he is following a toddler just learning to walk. Annoyed Keera stopped and then realized she was naked. Well in her thong and lacy bra but still. “You strip me down and then make me late for work?” she continues towards her shoes no dress in sight. “I got your shift covered. Angel is working for you. I told her you were sick.” Duke says in a hurry and follows her as she heads towards the two light brown boots in the corner that she recognized to be hers. “You what?” Keera says thinking how she couldn't believe that her BFF would ever buy that story. Duke reaches for Keera hand. “Are you ok love? How are you feeling?” Keera jerks away in an automatic reaction to being grabbed and snaps. “You had no right!” Taking a quick glance at his worry stricken face and instantly regrets her candor. “Well then what would you have me do?” Duke pleaded trying to catch Keeras gaze, worry painting his. “You were out cold, dress was burnt up and you were having devilish dreams.” Keera felt more naked than before. What did I say in my sleep? She asked herself frantically and instantly angry with herself for putting her into this situation to feel humiliated. “Yeah well I have never called in!” is all she could muster up to say in a half hearted tone, avoiding Duke’s eyes as she grabs her boots up and turns quickly; instantly getting dizzy and losing her footing. As she falls to the floor she anticipates the pain of the fall but is irritated that she is dizzy enough to fall in the first place. Panicked at the thought of missing work and a small part of her is embarrassed to be falling once again in front of Duke, or whoever he actually is. Her butt and thigh hits the floor but her waste is grasped tightly in warm gripping hands. Hands that are connected to firm, tone forearms wrapping their way behind her and crushing her body protectively against him. She gets goosebumps from her neck down her arms when he whispers into her ear through her hair. “I got you love.” Even though she is stable and sitting down on the intricate woven rug his grip doesn't let up. She can feel his inhale of her hair from behind and she closes her eyes giving into his protection. Such a strange addiction to have. she thought quickly while goosebumps painted her again from his breath down her neck. She could feel his heart pounding against her back as he held her. She feared that this was all a game, just a ruse to catch her and her abilities but when the memory of Dukes abilities and how he healed himself pop into Keera’s head she thought better of it and took the leap. She leans back to read his expression and when she locks in on those eyes his intentions were no longer of any concern to her. She looks from his lips to his eyes tilting her chin a fraction closer to his, testing him. He looks almost pained with his eyes furrowed probably thinking the same thing she is. Torn between desire and rationality. Does he really want me or is this an act? Keera thinks despite moving a little closer and raises her hand to the back of his neck stroking it in encouragement. He closes his eyes at her touch and then tightens his grip around her turning her onto his lap. She responds greedily pressing into his lips with a feverish lust. She tangles a hand in his hair and scratches his back with the other. He pulls back grabbing her wrists with his hands, breathing heavily. “I'm sorry.” Keera says searching his face for injury. Duke smiles softly though his eyes are still shut. “I'm fine love, let's take this slower.” He opens his penetrating eyes to look to her for validation. Keera was confused by the notion. Did he think I was a slut and thought sex on a whim was bad? She thought self consciously. Duke releases her wrists and places her hands on his chest. He then cups her face with his warm hands staring straight into her eyes almost as a sort of permission. His brows furrow and Keera felt vulnerable. She for once did not feel in control and she was leaving it that way trusting Duke with the wheel. Butterflies felt like they were flying through her whole body now. Duke slowly and softly kisses her mouth. His hands released her face and while one stroked her left hand in a soft caress the other rubbed the small of her back leaving goosebumps up and down her arms and legs. He softly kisses her mouth parting her lips and working his tongue in to taste her. He tightened his hand on her back and the soft strokes turned to rubs as his kisses got more passionate and deeper. He seemed so confident and sure but she could feel his heart racing underneath her palm which set her mind at ease.
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