#like. remember the third or so episode? when grix was introduced and one of tbk immediately was like
maxdurden · 4 months
look. no one's asking y'all to like the rat grinders. but, even the greatest rat grinders hater has to admit that it sucks that the show that started with 'people are the instrument through which the universe cares' is going this way. maybe the problem is that the rat grinders were too nuanced of a villain for tbk to handle on a comedy show—but they reached out to the nightmare king and rehabilitated cassandra. when fabian was an ass because of his toxic masculinity, it was called out in the narrative and he changed and grew.
it feels thematically disappointing to see tbk be cruel bullies all season and.... not grow? not change? not learn a lesson? the lesson of freshman year was about friendship and caring! the lesson of sophomore year was varied, but everyone grew individually as characters and reformed a corrupted goddess! the lesson of junior year is.... checks notes.... it's okay to bully/torment/kill people if you really are just that good at what you do?
look—at the end of the day this season has been very funny and that's fine, i guess (obligatory disclaimer here that i HAVE enjoyed this season,,,but that doesn't mean it's above a little criticism). but if the intrepid heroes wanted a villain to dunk on, maybe a different villain would have been a better choice (or they could focus on dunking on porter?? the actually evil responsible adult in the room). and i dont think you can blame people who were primed for emotionally satisfying, thematically interesting, character focused storytelling from sophomore for being a bit bummed that this season kinda feels like it's fumbling the thematic bag.
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