#like... did mortimer want manco as his partner..
pasta-pardner · 1 year
When Mortimer learns Manco is a fellow bounty killer...
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He smiles softly, hinting that he's already considering asking Manco to become his partner.
Manco, on the other hand...
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...comes to the same realization with a sour grimace. He enters full blown this-town-ain't-big-enough-for-the-two-of-us mode.
Manco repeatedly tries to instigate a fight as he attempts to kick Mortimer out of town. He steps on Mortimer's boots, punches him in the face, and-- of course-- shoots his hat.
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Despite Manco's repeated attempts to provoke him, Mortimer never escalates the confrontation. He only reciprocates gestures that Manco introduces. When Manco steps on Mortimer's boots, Mortimer reciprocates. When Manco shoots Mortimer's hat a comical number of times, Mortimer reciprocates. Mortimer doesn't punch back, and he doesn't take the opportunity to injure (or kill) Manco-- even when Manco is at a range disadvantage.
This is noteworthy, because earlier in the film, Mortimer remarks:
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"Why should a man walk around with a pistol and then let himself be insulted?"
Mortimer goes through most of his encounter with Manco wearing a calm, curious expression. Manco, meanwhile, seems enraged by Mortimer's very existence.
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Why is Mortimer so unperturbed by Manco's antagonistic behavior?
Well! Though Manco clearly views this interaction as a skirmish against a rival... Mortimer views it as an opportunity to court a potential partner.
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His smile from the earlier scene indicates that he wants to work with Manco. That's why Mortimer reciprocates actions instead of escalating them.
Mortimer's goal was never to "beat" Manco in their quasi-duel; it was to convince Manco that he was worthy of an equal partnership.
I believe that Mortimer began the night already fully intending to invite Manco up to his hotel room for the partnership proposal.
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He just needed to shoot a hat to make it happen.
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khazadspoon · 9 months
"why did you do that?" Manco/Mortimer
Sorry this took so long! I got kind of introspective with this but here you go!
Manco watches his partner checking over his guns, watches the careful and delicate movements of his fingers, how each component is checked over before being put aside. Manco takes in each detail and catalogues it. He’s known many men, many women, many people who care for their guns like an extension of their own bodies. Colonel Douglas Mortimer is more fastidious than all of them.
He reaches out, picks up a checked and checked again firing pin, and turns it around so it faces the other direction.
“Why did you do that?”
Mortimer doesn’t look annoyed, doesn’t sound it either. There is only an idle curiosity on his features that Manco finds a little irritating.
“Felt like it.”
Mortimer huffs a small laugh and smiles, a small upturning of the corners of his mouth. “And you wonder why I call you a boy.”
“Oh I know why you call me a boy,” he teases back, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table.
“And why is that?” Mortimer looks up at him with that same curiosity in his eyes.
Manco rests his chin on his right palm, his left hand plucking at the fibres of his vest. “You like to remind me I’m younger than you. You like me to know you’re older, that you’re one of my betters.”
The curiosity fades fast. It is replaced by a frown, one that makes Manco’s chest tighten uncomfortably. “It’s not like that at all. Don’t presume things, my boy, it’s not good for you.”
That makes him pause. It has always been that way before; older folk deciding he was a boy despite the things he has seen and done, the things done to him as well. People decide he is too young to know his business as well as he does as soon as they see him. It’s just the way the world works.
But Mortimer has surprised him yet again.
“Tell me what you mean, then.”
The man across the table appears to think for a moment. He looks like he is trying to find the words to describe what is going through his mind. His frown is no longer displeased, his brow furrows, a slight purse of his lips as he thinks.
“You are young, yes, but not that young. I suppose it’s… there’s something about you that’s as of yet unformed, undefined. Manco isn’t your real name,” he pauses as Manco parts his lips to argue, holds up a hand to stop him, “I’m not asking for you to tell me. I’m only telling you what I know. Whoever you were before isn’t who you are now. And who you are now isn’t who you’ll be a few years down the line. I call you boy because I don’t want to tie you, or myself, to someone that will fade away.”
When Mortimer stops talking the silence feels charged. Manco wants to speak, to argue or play it all off as a joke, considers moving more of the gun parts to change the order man’s focus. Those eyes, warm like the mid morning sun, stare into his own. He feels opened up. He feels scratched, pricked, a small shallow cut that he hasn’t noticed suddenly flaring with sharp pain.
“You’re not responsible for me,” he ends up replying, hears the strain in his own voice.
Mortimer’s smile is slow and more than a little sad. “No,” he breathes, “no I’m not responsible for you.”
“Then… why did you do that? Why did you say those things?” He knows he sounds petulant. He feels petulant, feels as young as he assumed Mortimer thought he was.
The man shrugs and looks down at his disassembled guns. “Because we’re partners. And because I like you. I’ll be straight with you even if you aren’t straight with me. Sometimes that’s how it has to go.”
Manco doesn’t know how to respond. He only knows he feels small and indistinct. It isn’t the worst feeling, he finds.
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hellodarjeeling · 3 years
For A Few Dollars More Novelization Notes
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• Mortimer’s eyes are “so light a brown that they could almost be called sorrel”
• Now they’re described as “tawny” like a mountain lion’s eyes
• Manco memorizes the faces of his bounties
• Nino brought Indio’s favorite horse when springing him from jail (so sweet)
• While looking at Indio’s wanted poster, Manco calls him “sweetheart” and “you beautiful, beautiful beast”
• He also refers to him “baby” (no I am not making this up)
• Mortimer’s bag spills during the attempted hotel eviction, sending shirts and underwear flying. Manco offers to help gather them
• We hear Mortimer’s third reason for suggesting a partnership 👀
• Mortimer opens his watch and gets lost in his memories. Manco leaves, closing the door “very softly behind him”
• Manco has to meet Indio alone because as he says he’s “the one who has the date with Indio—just me personally”
• Mortimer is extra sassy in the book, lol
• Question: when’s the best time to flirt with your partner? Answer: while tied up in a barn after getting your shit kicked by a gang of outlaws
• Presented without context: “Grab hold and grit your teeth. This won’t be pleasant but it will only be for a moment.”
• Indio referring to himself in the third person is giving me strong Miette vibes. You DOUBT Indio? You think he has overlooked something in making his plans? Oh! Oh! Jail for Nino! Jail for Nino for One Thousand Years!!!!
• Nino is obviously in love with Indio
• That Bible Mortimer carries around? Hollowed out and home to a pair of pearl-handled derringers
• Almost every other word out of Mortimer’s mouth is some pet name for Manco (my boy, lad, son)
• Manco also carries a little derringer, sewn into the fringe of his poncho
• Mortimer’s sister and brother-in-law were killed on their wedding night :(
• “You sure you can take it anyhow?” No comment
• Real talk, I bought this specifically to see if it explained how Manco managed to take Mortimer’s watch. This is what we’re given: “Up in your room this morning you got a little too careless, Colonel, and I got a little too curious. I had to try to figure out what the business with the watch was all about.” Make of that what you will
• The watches were made in Switzerland. Mortimer bought his first and his sister was so taken by it that he had another made as a wedding present (heartbreaking)
• After Indio dies, both Manco and Mortimer collect the fallen into the wagon. Teamwork babey!
• Somehow Manco asking after their partnership sounds even more pitiful in the book. He’s so sad guys
• But! Mortimer said maybe he’ll come visit that little spread upcountry and they can “talk about forming some sort of a new one.” (The fanfics write themselves)
• Manco asks after the “lovely face” inside the watch lid and haltingly says he could see a trace of family resemblance. Bruh
• Manco takes one last look to watch the Colonel’s figure grow tiny in the distance… and then 👏 snags 👏 that 👏 money 👏 honey
Overall this was a quick, entertaining read (my edition was published in 1977 and smells amazing!) Joe Millard did a fantastic job capturing the atmosphere of the movie and the extra characterizations were great. (Let me know if you have questions about the novelization. I’m more than happy to share snippets)
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bleak-nomads · 7 years
Mantimer ship questions
I know I’m late to the party on this one but....whatever. I also thought about doing this for Blondeyes but since I see their relationship as aromantic as heck, most of the answers were “n/a dude”. Mantimer are good for this tho. Thanks @cudvac for these discussions :) 
1.  Big spoon/Little spoon? - Manco / Mortimer. Even though I think Mortimer is a tiny bit taller, Manco is broader. Plus Mortimer needs cuddles. 
2.  Most common argument? - Mmm, mostly about how Mortimer can sometimes be a little passive aggressive and not open up about his feelings. Oh and that Manco is a bit of an impulsive risk-taker sometimes. These two feed in to each other. 
3.  Favourite non-sexual activity? - reading together. Manco recommends pulp fiction for Mortimer, Mortimer takes Manco through old classics. I drew a bit for this. 
4.  What is their favourite feature of their partner’s? - Mortimer loves Manco’s shoulders / shoulder blades. They’re strong and good at hugging in addition to being darkly beautiful. Manco loves Mortimer’s ass. I mean....really... it’s perfect. 
5.  What’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for the other? - Mortimer gets a lot more self-conscious and is more likely to second guess himself and/or cut and run. Manco starts scheming I feel, about how and when he’s going to let him know. 
6.  Who worries the most? - Mortimer by a long shot. 
7.  Who tops? - Both are power switches but Manco tops more.
8.  Who kisses the hardest? - Manco
9.  Who wakes first? - Also switches, but mostly Mortimer. 
10.  Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? - Manco, if Mortimer gets the fire going :) 
11.Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch? - Mortimer-- it can be anything, poetry snippets, riddles, romantic shit, “did you take out the trash” shit....
12.  Who tells his family/friends about the relationship first? - They don’t have friends and their families are dead hah
13.  Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? - Mortimer probably knows how to dance, so I’d say him. 
14.  Who is better at cooking? - Mortimer by a long shot, hah. Manco’s cooking is....functional. 
15. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines? - Manco, the dumb punk
16.  What would be their theme song? - I have a playlist for this exact purpose, hah. 
17.  Who would sing to their child back to sleep? - I think Manco, actually. he has a mumbly but sweet singing voice. 
18.  What do they do when they’re away from each other? - kick ass and worry a little about the other, I guess? More brooding. 
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