#like... he would genuinely rather be drawing chalk outside with his sister
dylanconrique · 2 years
ngl i hope there's an episode where genny is in danger and tim flies off the handle like he did when lucy was abducted.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Irritated 2
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A chorus of bangs ring out on the cold metal door echoing in the small space of your hotel room. At first you jump, your nerves frayed as memories flood the forefront of your thoughts. That is until you take a deep breath knowing full well who is impatient enough to beat on a woman's hotel door. Irritation paints your features as you finish touching up your makeup in the bathroom mirror.
"Oi!" The culprit calls out, his voice pulling you out of your ritual head space causing a vein to pop up in your forehead.
"I'm coming!! Damn." You shout back slamming the tube of mascara onto the vanity top giving yourself a once over in your hero suit. It's a body con black suit, nothing fancy, no modifications. A zipper in the front that can stop at your navel. But you never unzipped it past the beginning of your cleavage. It was just a suit fit for summer that is breathable and wicks sweat. You twist this way and that as you over look your body thinking only of the comments made about it.
Did you look too thicc in your suit? Were you leading males on just because a tight suit benefited easier movements?
Hell no you weren't leading anyone on. You blow a kiss to your reflection before flipping your French braid behind your shoulder stalking out of the room with a card and a tube of chap stick angrily.
You open the door just as Katuski was about to bang on it. He either cannot or does not, stop his fist from following through the motion and it lands harshly on your shoulder, his gauntlet rattles from the force.
If only it put you out of your misery.
You look at Katsuki with the most annoyed face you can muster, shoving his arm away as Deku stands behind him offering a sheepish smile and small wave.
"Uh hello Y/N." He all but squeaks. His hero suit, now all black, is snug over his chest and stomach, his mask pulled off of his face resting on at the top of his sternum while his cowl lies unused on his back.
"Hello." You say dryly looking at both of their costumes. Deku doesn't seem to have pockets or at least pockets large enough to hold your items as well. Leaving you to glare at the man in front of you. His uniform all black for stealth, having long lost the little orange and black flair that comes off of his mask. His muscle tank is snug as well, hugging every line of his muscles leading to a set of almost lose black pants tucked into his combat boots. He still has his utility belt of mass destruction and his knee pads for cracking teeth with.
You grimace as the gods have decided your fate on who you will have to stick more closely too. You sigh audibly thinking for a fraction of a second that maybe his pockets are bigger but you know they are not.
You hold out your chapstick, a must as you would rather die than not have your beeswax chapstick, your card, and your phone to an exasperated ash blonde.
"The hell is this?" He snarls and your eyes narrow to slits as you pick his left pocket to shove your items in knowing full well he keeps his phone in his right.
"OI!" A blush so faint dusts his cheeks but you mistake it for rising blood pressure as you smooth your hands over your hips.
Where pockets should fucking be but honestly they would fuck up the aesthetic.
"No pockets." You shrug shoving past him as you guide the way, "So you're stuck with me."
Izuku shares a look with Bakugou before he shrugs his shoulders falling in step behind you as scarlet watches your fading back.
The crowd outside erupts as the three of you make your way into the convention center, a building that dwarfs the block. You wave and smile, stopping here and there to sign somethings for many female fans.
And the occasional male that looks decent.
Izuku takes the time to sign a few items for fans too and even begins fangirling with one over a limited edition All Might magazine the fan wanted to share with him as Bakugou sticks closely to you.
Offering a grimace to many of his squealing fans but it does nothing but encourage them more.
"Please take a selfie with me!!" One screams loud enough that it catches his attention. He smirks when he sees the grenade gauntlet tattoos she has on her forearms and snatches her phone. He sets it to selfie mood but is smart enough to be at least a foot away. He offers his deadliest smirk, throwing up three fingers getting mostly himself and the tattooed fan in the picture. He returns to phone to her hand and she freezes before exploding into a fangirl scream.
Sometimes he loved to make women scream.
"Please have my babies Ground Zero Sama!!!" She yells and for whatever reason he is not bothered by her. So he throws a rare bone to her.
"Maybe one day." His voice comes out gruff and majority of the crowd by him SWOONS. Panties SOAKED for sure.
You roll your eyes but cannot fight back the smile that paints your lips or the butterflies in your stomach from his interaction.
The excitement is infectious.
"Tejina over here over here!" A male shouts and you grab the pen and sign a tasteful magazine photo of you, avoiding everyone who has screenshot pictures of your Instagram printed out.
"Gosh I love you so much! My sister has a similar quirk and thought it was lame until she saw you!" He beams as he watches you make the pen dance across the inked page.
"I'm glad I can help. No quirk is lame. Make sure she knows that too." You offer a genuine smile and suddenly the fan feels different about you. His respect amplifies as he stands frozen. You try to move to the next screaming fan who happens to be another male, you're trying your best to be fair despite your past track record.
"Tejina, this is what the meet and greet is for." The security guard places his arm between you and the fan.
"This is what the meet and greet is for. They will keep you here all day." He says sternly as he guides you toward the doors.
"She is always such a bitch don't you think?!" The now jaded fan shouts. You start as if jabbed after hearing the comment and some of them yell in agreement but they are drowned out by the excitement for Bakugou and Izuku.
At least you drowned out to all but you.
And a hot head who walks behind you, baring his teeth at the fan who snaps his mouth shut after seeing the death glare.
The colors of the convention quickly lift your spirits as you see memorabilia and paraphernalia of heroes current and past. Fans pause at various stations all dressed as various heroes. All Might of course being the biggest and first life sized cardboard cut out that you see.
Izuku shoves his phone into your hands as he shouts.
"Oooo take a picture of me with it!"
Your laughter rings out while Katsuki rolls his eyes.
"Dont you have tea with him like every other day?" You ask but pull up the camera for him, "Move closer."
"Yea you useless Deku you see the real thing all the time."
"But you guys know..." He trails off and you make a gesture with your finger for him to smile. He drops his sad thought and beams as the camera.
And not with his weird imitation smile he so badly wanted to use. No he used his true smile, the one he wears so well to save people with.
Slowly becoming the hope of the nation but people enjoy a badass hero equally as much. Speaking of him.
"Hey he was your sensei too right? Get in there...Kaachan." You tease with the nickname and he glares daggers. Flushed cheeks from rising blood pressure.
"I'll kill you." He says but makes no effort to keep his steel toed combat boots planted as he walks towards the cut out. Izuku keeps the same pose and smile as Bakugou crosses his arms, standing a little ways away from the cut out like a brooding teenager would his father in a forced picture. You snap it happy and yet not just content with it.
"Get closer and smile!" You whine as incoming fans begin to form a line, "Others are waiting!"
He looks your way to see five or six people waiting before he gets closer. He looks up towards the cut out and feels something familiar burning in his stomach. Awe, respect, and sheer arrogant determination to outshine him one day. He faces the camera with the smile and you capture it perfectly.
The smile does something to you but you push it down as you quickly send the pictures to yourself slipping Izuku back his phone as you spy something that catches your eye.
"I need it!" Is all you say as you drag the boys before either can look at the photos properly. They find themselves in front of a soft pink booth with a wide eyed artist who seems to be struggling to speak as you look over the work.
The same artist who drew fan art of you with Midnight, and you with your cat posting it to her Instagram account. Not daring to tag you but some other fan had and you couldn't thank them enough.
"Ah here it is!" You hold up the prints of your favorite drawings in cool and warm colored pastels. You make a gimme motion to Bakugou. It takes him a moment before he rolls his eyes fishing for your card from that he since placed in his own wallet for fear of losing it.
"Ah Tejina. Please you do not have to p...pay me." The artist finally croaks out and you whirl on the sweet little bean faster than she can blink.
"Are you not an artist?"
"I...uh I am."
"And are you not charging anyone else?"
"Oh no I am charging them."
"Then you're charging me. I want one of everything. I love your work." Her eyes water as she looks up at you.
"Are you...are you sure. Some of it has..." Her eyes trail to the hot head beside you and you smile.
"Yes I'm sure. Somehow you've even made *him* seem tasteful." You smile and she hesitantly takes your card before placing items into a large black backpack that has a dreamy, almost sleepy looking Bakugou in soft blues staring up at the viewer. She passes you the bag and you wonder how she could capture a side of a person that you're sure no one has ever seen. Something about the image causes a stir in your stomach. You chalk it up to nerves as you make eye contact.
"Th..thank you." She stammers and you smile so brightly.
"No thank you. I adore your work." You give a small bow before giving your bag and your card back to Bakugou who glares at you furiously.
Yet he slides the backpack onto his broad shoulders as he slips your bank card back between his own. He rolls his eyes as Izuku now leads your little party to a group of cosplayers.
"They're us!" He shouts excitedly, fussing over the cosplayers.
"No shit, Deku." The real and fake Bakugou snarl in unison before the real one smiles cocky at the imitation. The fake glares at him, internally fangirling before adding harshly.
"The fuck you lookin at?" The real one cracks a smile as he steps closer, noting not only his assholeish attitude but the attention to detail of his suit.
"Heh." He cracks before crossing his arms, "I'll allow you to parade around as the best. But remember a copy is just a copy."
You go to repramand him but find yourself curiouser as the male fan blushes, fighting to keep his glare as if he was paid the best compliment. The two Izuku's gush politely to one another before you and your fake share photos of your cats.
*"Attention: The cosplay contest will be starting in building B in five minutes."*
"Fuck we're late!" Fake Bakugou exclaims grabbing the wrist of Tejina, "Come on babe."
Katsuki's eyes widen as he watches your and his own carbon copy rush toward the other building both blushing and yelling in excitement about meeting their heroes.
"Good luck!" You call out before they totally fade away. The three of you aimlessly wandering through the buildings. Buying things here and there, Izuku being the worst. Who has a large almigh book bag stuffed to the brim of items. You let your eyes rove over stations buying fan art here and there. Something of Azaiwa holding the fattest cat you've ever seen to even art of every day heroes you've interacted with solely for the purpose that their art makes them seem so normal.
Doing normal everyday things, the simplicity of attempting to capture their vulnerable sides you know they must posses but what you and the artist have never seen.
Izuku fangirls with another All Might collector Bakugou growls to no one in particular as he grows impatient with his rival. You quickly lose interest in the comversation and something catches. You squint unsure as to what the stand is selling until you actually see it causing you to burst out laughing.
Hard enough for tears to well in your eyes.
"I'm dying!" You exlaim, gasping for breath as Bakugou says what the fuck about four times.
"I'll show you." You wheeze grabbing onto his hand to guide him through the crowd. He feels stunned by your touch, his cheeks heat for some stupid fucking reason again as he looks at you. He's frustrated, irritated even but he is thankful that most of the fans believe you three to be cosplayers.
"This." You hold out the body pillow to him to show him a panting version of himself in a torn shirt and looking needy with heavily blushed cheeks. Large hand in hair while the other trails down his own abs.
"No." He says in horror as you can't help but bust out laughing again.
"Oh fuck I might just have to buy one. This Bakugou seems sweet." You can barely finish your sentence as you attempt to reach for his wallet to get your card but he takes a step back. Mortified before a malice laced smile pants his lips, you swallow thickly.
"Yea well this Y/N seems more submissive than the real one." He cocks an eyebrow as he produces an even more needy version of yourself with your hero suit unzipped to your pierced navel, the sides trying to fall away to reveal your breast. The expression they have of you is a few faces away from ahegao. You're panting, one hand behind your head while the other hovers over the space between your legs.
"Hmm must be accurate since they got the belly button ring." Scarlet eyes trail your torso and stop at the tiny bump that shows through indicating the truth about the pillow. You did have a belly button ring but you had to REALLY be looking to see it.
Your face burns as you stare at the pillow while his comment now haunts you, embarrassment rips up your throat.
"OOOOKAY!" You try to snatch the pillow but Bakugou takes delight in your discomfort as you did him. He plans to use this pillow to torture you further. It would be more than worth the embarrassment of owning it.
"I'll take this please." He states as he reaches for his wallet.
"Like hell!!" But he holds it high in his hands and you have to press against the pillow and Bakugou to attempt to reach it. You take in a sharp a breath to yell but it sticks in your throat as you smell something almost hypnotic.
Like deep spices and burnt sugar. You blink furiously as he side steps you to hand the vendor cash
"What about you little lady?" The older man asks in a gravely voice. Bakugou attempts to answer for him but snatch his wallet and spy your card quickly.
"Yes please." You pass him your card, fending off Bakugou as you wrap up your transaction.
"All yours." He offers you both a creepy smile as he lingers on you, "Enjoy."
You visibly shutter and you squeeze the Bakugou pillow closer to you before mirroring the real one's body language. He holds the pillow mockingly as if it were his date.
"Y/N I think we should move onto the next booth." He teases as he walks with pillow in hand and you match his stride never falling behind him.
It becomes quickly apparent that the two of you were venturing into the very NSFW 18+ section of the convention as the hero art become more and more lewd. Yourself, Momo, Midnight and many other heroines were lining the laws as banners. You all mostly undressed if not naked with stars or hearts over your goods.
"Is that her?" A vendor whispers and you catch his green eyes. He holds eye contact not daring to look away.
Bakugou's face sours harshly at the art works, the vendors comment going unnoticed by him and he turns to you. When he sees you looking down with that solemn expression on your face something causes his gut to twist.
"Oi." He nudges you, "Look."
He points out the most embarrassing thing there, himself. Full on ahegao face with the likes of Kirishima and even Deku.
It earns a small smile until you see yourself depicted on your own sheet next to the odd combinations of his own.
"We never speak of this part of the con again?" He asks placing his hand on the small of your back as his guides you and yalls pillows to the safer more PG rated version of the con.
You still feel those green eyes boring into your back but you don't want to let it bother you. You tell yourself its nothing.
"Why, you don't want people to know you actually make that face?" The jab is half hearted he can tell but he pretends to be flustered over it. You laugh when you see his angry face and how his lips curl over sharp teeth.
"I'm hungry let's gooooo!!!" You whine, this time pressing further towards the food court, "Text Izuku-kun we won't have much time to eat!"
"Yea they might run out of food too if you're eating." He teases pulling his phone from his pocket as you stick your tongue out at him, your nose honest to God guiding you towards food stands. But before Bakugou can finish his text a familiar voice rings out.
"Bakugou! Y/N!" Izuku sounds happy and deep as it nears closer before it changes an octave, "Oh my Kami! Do you know what's on the back of those?!
Izuku blushes furiously as a security guard stands impatiently next to him. The two of you blanche having never thought about the fact that most body pillows like this had two sides. You both flip yours at the same time and DIE laughing. Both of you depicted in lewd positions and faces. Clothes more torn than before almost revealing too much on either of you.
"Oh man this side is better." You wipe away a tear, "I'm bringing this to the interview."
"You will not!" Katsuki exclaims, his laughter dying quickly.
"Actually this nice gentleman was sent by Yami to pick up our things and take them to the room." Your eyes follow Izuku's hand to see it pointing to a little wagon. You set your pillow in there nicely as Bakugou come closer setting his own blackmail pillow and your book bag of items into the cart.
"Thank you!" The three of you bow as he grunts wheeling away towards the hotel.
You three walk past a few straggling booths before starting to get into the food area as you do so you spot a tumbler cup with a cute cat being held by Aizawa. Both the cat and Aizawa look bored, irritated at the viewer and MOOD in written in caps beneath.
"Suki my card!" You half shout digging into his right pocket with his wallet.
"Oi you need a purse." He growls but makes no move to stop you as you rush with your card away from them barely in sight.
"This please!" You say holding out the cup and placing it for them to ring up. They pass you back your card while they gently wrap the cup up in paper. As you wait the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up just before you feel a hand ghost over the small of your back, hip and even cupping the cheek of your ass. You turn to see green eyes and suddenly you feel unsettled.
"Watch your fucking hands." You seethe with a shaking whisper of a voice as you quickly flee back to the boys.
"Where's the cup you needed so badly?" Bakugou asks angrily wondering why you're empty handed after making such a big fuss. You place the card into his open palm unable to look him in the eye right now.
You feel like a coward, you need just a moment to yourself so you can collect your composure and spot the bathroom.
"Oh let me use the bathroom right quick I'll be right back." You say as you cross the busy convention traffic to the restrooms. Thankfully few women are in there allowing you to take a moment to breathe. You splash your face a few times with cold water before watching it drip off of your reflection. You stare yourself in the eyes and purse your lips. Snatching paper towels to dry your face figuring you've been in there long enough. You toss them into the trash as you exit the restroom.
"Oh sor... " But the apology dies in your throat when you see the same green eyes again. You squeeze your hand shut to keep your power from flinging him into the opposite wall.
"Ah excuse me." You say tightly as the anger begins to seep back into your bones calling on your power. Your heart pounds as half moons begin to eclipse red in your palm. He does not move and he is close enough you can feel his stale cigarette breath fanning your face before you feel a light pressure on your stomach.
His fingers just barely brushing agaisnt your belly button ring, you watch his eyes gleam with ecstasy as he fingered the ring. You see red, about to explode before you're brought back to earth with a memory.
*"I'll fucking sue you for damages and ruin your career if you don't at least give me one of your worn, dirty suits. Look at me?! I'm bleeding and my arm is broken."*
*"Who will they believe?! An established man in this community or a recluse upcoming desperate heroine."*
You bite the inside of your lip until you taste copper. You swallow your pride, your anger and choke on them as you struggle to speak around the lump in your throat.
"People are expecting me. You have me confused." You manage to slip past him and fight the urge to run. That always makes it look worse to the crowd. As if you're guilty and it would do everything for the green eyed male. As that would give way to his instinct to chase.
Relief floods you when you spy Bakugou, you latch onto his bare muscled arm seemingly nonchalant all the while bitching about how hungry you are. His skin and agitated voice have never been more soothing.
He looks down at you and doesn't miss your odd behavior. Sure you've been touching him here and there but you've never held onto him like this. Maybe Deku, but never him.
And you may think that you are hiding it well and maybe you are to everyone else. But not him. He sees the soft, almost unnoticeable glow to your eyes that hints you have or want to use your powers. It's a telltale sign only he's picked up on from battles and one v ones with you. No one else can ever seem to notice and he doesn't miss you glancing over your shoulder as you would on a mission if you were bait or suspected being followed.
No...something was definitely wrong with you and the fact that you wouldn't even think to share it with him or hell at least Deku, had ire BURNING in his stomach and hands. He flexes his arm confirming that you're keeping your hand tense and squeezing into his bicep for reasons unknown but it was answer enough for him. He resists the urge to give your suspicion away by glancing over his shoulder although it may be for the best that he didnt. Because Bakugou knew that if he did whoever he found your eyes land on...well let's just say they wouldn't make it through the weekend.
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I wonder if my roommate can tell I’m drunk
Name something that you saw within the past week that made you smile::
My sister and I fangirling over Kim Possible
Name something within the past week that made you frown::
I poured my heart into a choir audition and I didn’t get picked for the solo.
Name somebody who you wish would cut you a break sometimes::
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have::
I want to say my mom. She’s sad frequently. But rather than a better life, I wish she had a better perspective. She’s so hard on herself (I wonder where I get it from..). She’s made a beautiful life for herself and she deserves to see that.
Name something you own that has high sentimental value::
My Anastasia music box
Name something that you hope is different by this time next year::
America. I’m ashamed of this Presidency.
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: :
Doing dishes
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: :
Making friends
Name something that you like about the person you argue most with::
I can’t think of people I argue with frequently. But when I argue I like having the opportunity to learn a perspective outside of myself
Name something that you strongly believe in: :
Pineapple on pizza
Name something that was funny to you but not to anybody else::
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you::
My best friend
Name something that you had to learn the hard way::
Name something that you think should be illegal::
Discrimination - gender, race, religion, etc
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: :
I used to know so many. I’m drawing a blank. March 7. I lost my virginity.
Also May 4. It’s Mike Dirnt’s Birthday. And Star Wars day. AND my friend Kyle’s birthday! He LOVES Star Wars, I’m happy for him.
Do you like pudding?:
The Jell-o vanilla homemade is the only way to go
What was the last thing you complained about?:
My best friend living so fucking far away
Do you tend to use a lot of big words?:
Do you fall for guys/girls easily?:
I fall a lot. For boys. For girls. For fictional characters. For my love of gravity.
Do you have low or high self esteem?:
It’s more of a spectrum than a consistent low/high status
Are you a heavy sleeper?:
Heavy dependency but I can never quite get my fix. Always jonesin’ for a nap
Have you ever felt like you’ve hit below rock bottom?:
Yeah I live there, pull up a chair and I’ll put the kettle on
When someone copies you, are you more flattered or annoyed?:
My  little sister used to copy my style growing up. Bugged me so bad, cause I worked so hard to be myself. And yet, I adapted a lot of MY older sister’s trends. We learn from what is important to us, and I’m annoyed this didn’t click earlier. I’m not “flattered”, more like honored in this instance.
BUT if someone copies my school work I will not hesitate to slap a bitch (mentally) and then be very annoyed
Are you trustworthy?:
What’s one of your favorite quotes?:
“No man can eat fifty eggs”
Favorite song lyrics?:
“Forgetting you but not the time”
“All was golden when the day met the night”
“Truth be told, I never was yours” “I don’t wanna make a plan for a day far away,
While I’m young and while I’m able all I wanna do is
Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda?:
Fuck ‘em both, stale or not.
Have you ever been heartbroken?:
Yes, but the pieces are still beating
Have you ever carved a pumpkin?:
I’ve carved several in my lifetime, I’m proud of my creations and the memories accompanying them.
Are there any CD’s that you enjoy listening to all the way through?:
Young the Giant (self titled)
Talking is Hard
American Idiot
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
Pretty. Odd.
Spirit Room
Let Go
Is there a lot of drama in your life right now?:
Lol no.
Do you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?:
I have somethin’
Have you ever set off a fire alarm at school?:
Do you like raviolis?:
Ravioli ravioli give me the formuloni
What’s the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?:
There is always learning to be had
I can’t do enough to check it off the list
It kills me
Do you have a silly side?:
I have many sides
Like an icosidodecahedron
Were you obsessed with those bead/jewlery making kits when you were younger:
BEADS FOR DAYSSS - also lanyards
What’s one show that you wish was still on the air?:
What’s something you’re looking forward to?:
Finishing this semester and basking in the sunshine of summer break
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:
I exist
Did you ever play with side-walk chalk?:
Yeah. Sometimes I even drew things with it.
Are there any fast-food restaurants that you hate?:
KFC & Arbys are yucko
Are you a picky eater?:
Oh yes, I love picking what I eat
Do you like the band Rise Against?:
There are a few songs I adore, but their sound wears on me after a while. It gets redundant. Though, I do appreciate Rise Against as a band for sure. My boyfriend loves them to pieces and he’s shown me more of their stuff, it’s a pleasant introduction.
Who’s the hottest guy and hottest girl out there?:
Hottest guy BRENDON FUCKING URIE no question. What a beautiful human being. His music is so raw, and he is sincerely genuine when interacting with people. THAT IS HOT AS HELL. And if you need a second opinion go watch the girls/girls/boys music video #yourewelcome
Hottest girl? Hmm..my high school crush
Are you stubborn?:
I can be
What’s your favorite song at the moment?:
First - Cold War Kids
Do you live your life to the fullest?:
I oughta, I hate myself every day that I don’t
Have you ever questioned your sexuality?:
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been called?:
Someone said I was a bitch when I was a freshman in high school and that broke my spirit. I was more worried about them than what they called me; what could I have possibly done to make you feel like you thought I was a bitch?? I’m so sorry I hurt you????
Have you ever burnt your ear with a straightener/curling iron?:
Hahaha oh yeah
Are you any good at the game Rockband?:
Rock band ain’t no game for me, that’s my life yo
What’s your favorite board game?:
MALL MADNESS. 90’s edition. Fuck all the new renditions.
Do you believe that sometimes life is unfair?:
It wouldn’t be fair if it were fair
Do you have a hard time with making new friends?:
Depends on what I’m drinking.
The hardest part isn’t making new friends, but rather sustaining friendships.
What’s your favorite kind of doughnut?:
The kind that goes in my mouth
What’s the most important quality in the preferred sex?:
Have you ever used a port-a-potty?:
Hell yeah
What’s your favorite ride at the fair?:
The big ol swingy ones that are 2 seaters back to back on either side
When was the last time someone gave you a piggy-back ride?:
Have you ever been onstage in front of a lot of people?:
Again, that’s my life
What was the last stinky thing you smelled?:
Are you more of a girly girl or a tomboy?:
A girly tomboy. FIght me
What’s something you’re craving right now?:
Kissing a girl
Have you ever been on a boat?
Yeah, while you’re at kinkos flipping copies
Have you ever been camping?:
Yes, it’s been forever. I last camped in 2014, it was so nice. Music festival up in the mountains :) I need more of that in my life.
What’s your favorite outdoor activity?:
Do you ever shop at Hot Topic?:
I’ve been shopping at Hot Topic since the logo was red and the store front was the gates to hell.
Do you ever trip over your pets?:
A couple times, she’s a sneaky little fuck
Do you have any Christmas lights up on your house?:
I use christmas lights in my bedroom
Do you watch Spongebob Squarepants?:
When I have access to it
Are you currently in a relationship?:
So I’ve been told
Is your foot asleep?:
It’s sad
What did you last look in the fridge for?:
My will to live
0 notes