#like.... one piece is SOOOOOOOOOO QUEER
swordsofsaturn · 2 years
i can't believe oda was really like. hey i'm going to make a safe queer haven in the middle of the most hellish prison you can imagine and it saves the protagonists. yes this is a shounen still i promise
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brothersonahotelbed · 8 months
my coworker and i were talking today about the new season of loki and how neither of us has watched any of the new episodes yet and what was crazy was that he said he had heard next to nothing about the new series, whether it was bad or good or anything like that, and he's on tiktok and instagram and twitter, like he's very active with social media. and then i was like ..wow you're right come to think of it i have not heard a LICK about the new season with the except of one piece of fanart from the tumblr radar. and he was like if i didn't know better i wouldn't have known at all that there was a new season because there's been zero talk about it online and only a few commercials on tv. and then i confessed to him that despite loki being one of my favorite characters ever i really wasn't all that into the first season and hardly excited about the second and i really felt like they didn't do his character justice and also i think the sylvie arc was stupid as hell and mobius should die and to make things even worse they barely gave loki ANY cool sexy audacious outfits to wear. like. he wore a fucking dirty white button up and slacks and a tie nearly the whole time it seemed. also i didn't say this to him but i hhaaated that they were pushing loki and sylvie to be together, and i didn't hate that because it was "weird" that it was "selfcest" or whatever like that wasn't even the worst bit the worst was that sylvie's character is bland and boring and kind of anoying and it makes me feel like i'm a misogynist for not liking her but honestly i think th emarvel writers just threw her in there and maybe they're the real misogynists here. like everything about the show just sucked and it's like okay are you going to give loki an actually interesting arc or are you just going to make his whole character about being abused and neglected and soooooooooo close to redemption but it turns out he'll always be the bad guys haha! like what the fuck. marvel always fucking treats him like trash not to mention i thought the plot of s1 was kind of boring and i would MUCH rather watch a loki tv show that was all about his youth on asgard or honed in specifically on his relationship with thor OR GOD FORBID HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS MOTHER??? QUEEN FRIGGA??? DOES ANYONE REMEMBER HER CAN WE GET A LITTLE SPOTLIGHT ON HER?? AND THE WAY SHE TREATS LOKI SO WELL AND MAKES HIM FEEL LIKE HE'S REALLY WORTH A DAMN IN THIS WORLD?? I WANT TO SEE THAT KIND OF STUFF NOT MARVEL'S SAD AND SORRY ATTEMPTS AT HETEROSEXUAL ROMANCE CONCERNING A CHARACTER WHO IS CANONICALLY QUEER. GET LOKI A FCKING BOYFRIEND AND THEN DIE !!!!!!
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vagabundista · 4 years
I so agree with you about pete. I wish more people would have this perspective whether they support him politically or not.
exactly. I feel like I'm losing my mind. out of all the things to criticize that man for, they scrutinize the fact that he waited until social attitudes towards homosexuality relaxed a bit to come out. it's disgusting that that's being framed as some kind of scummy opportunistic thing when it's one of the goals of the gay rights movement: to make it easier for people to come out.
and I read that masha gessen piece that's being circulated as a "brilliant takedown" of buttigieg's supposed lack of queerness. it's garbage, a lazy reductionist summary of "radical queer vs. assimilationist" politics of the past 20 years. pete buttigieg isn't gay/queer enough not because of his political record or campaign proposals (which are only slightly less progressive than sanders'/warren's if you actually read them) but because he and chasten looked "heterosexual" on the cover of time magazine. seriously.
it's soooooooooo very telling that all of these "mayor pete isn't gay enough" articles are written by white middle-/upper-class queer intellectuals who have more in common with buttigieg than they're willing to admit.
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