sanpatron · 4 years
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“ Y’all think it’d be a health code violation if I set up a bonfire in this building? ” He asks while mixing cocktails.
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hushedblade · 4 years
A familiar curl of red, tucked under an equally familiar hat. She watched him for a moment, genuinely stunned. It couldn’t be, she thought; it didn’t make sense. Dead people didn’t make a habit of walking around-- someone that had killed others before knew that fact well. Yet, regardless of what she believed to be quite the established fact, there was the Roman Torchwick, walking about alive and well. 
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It was a little difficult to initially process, to say the least.
Perhaps if she were more of a verbal woman, she would have called out to him. Instead, with quiet foot steps, she snuck up to suddenly appear at his side. It had been so long, she thought, since she stood beside him. The parasol she was currently carrying did pale in comparison to Neopolitan’s preferred weapon, yet it gently poked Roman in the side well enough. She wasn’t really the subtle type, after all.
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petaltrail · 4 years
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@liketorchwork​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  SAID   :
What's that out the window, Ruby? ... It's Roman-- but he's just standing there... menacingly! ... Well, more like loitering-- but surely it's nefarious!
(  shut up. you’re not even saying anything, but shut up  )  //
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           SHE   doesn’t like this. 
           She’s enjoyed being alone the past few days --- holed up in her new room, relatively isolated aside from Blake from time to time. That was a conscious choice, and not only was her peace and quiet being interrupted, but it was being interrupted by one of the most disruptive people on the planet: Roman Torchwick. His mere presence was disruptive.
           Ruby can’t even muster the energy to be annoyed; she can barely muster up the care to be curious. She pulls out her not-scroll Scroll, brows raised as she continues to stare at his hat through the window. 
           TO : Torchwick.             FROM : Ruby R. 
[TXT]   Uh... I can see you.
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ribellaione · 5 years
"So, guess you're more popular around here than I thought. Just look at all the busy people, out and about for Blake Friday. I'd be a tad jealous... y'know, if this wasn't a day of trampling people over for sales and all."
    “ You know, you should join in on it.” 
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          “ Maybe you’ll actually find a sense of style half-off. Or better yet, an interesting personality– maybe some bird repellent for future use. “ and if all else fails, there’s the trampling–
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sustray · 5 years
              ❛   Ugh...   ❜
        THERE   were some slow days at Stingy Jack’s that still managed to be entertaining --- little relationship spats, some good pocket change ( so to speak ), an almost-fight that was nearly as interesting as a fight-fight... But today was a genuine slow day. In fact, she wasn’t sure who was more eager to leave --- her or Torchwick. But the benefits of being staff meant she still left sooner than he could hope to, a fact she acknowledges with a small smirk. 
        A smirk that was promptly wiped off her face as soon as she turned away from the front doors. Just at the edges of her vision, everything was... changing. Emerald glances to the left and right, trying to get a handle on it all --- and just like that, everything bore a stunning resemblance to Vale. The buildings were the same, of course; Stingy Jack’s was still Stingy Jack’s, Crimson Lane was still Crimson Lane... But all this thick ash ?  The smoldering faroff flames, potent enough to still be felt on her face ?  The utter chaotic energy... ?  This was Beacon, pure and simple. 
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        Needless to say, she abruptly turns on her heel and swings the doors right back open --- shutting them behind her just as swiftly. She coughs into the inside of her elbow a few times as she leans against the door, surprised to see the inside looks... More or less the same. 
              ❛   ... You  DON’T  wanna go out there. City’s acting up again.   ❜
@liketorchwork​  , city’s haunted.
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headmastering · 5 years
@liketorchwork (Okay fine I’m here.)
   ‘Well’, Oz muses standing outside of Stingy’s Jacks, ‘Might as well get this over with.’ With a heavy sigh he pushes on to walk inside the joint, eyes scanning here and there for a familiar hat covering orange hair. Honestly the wizard has no illusions about this visit or how much he stands out. If he’s lucky that will just alert Roman to his presence quicker so they can have this ‘chat’ and be done with it.
    Thus he finds an open seat at the bar and waits, wondering if Torchwick actually did possess his desk or if that was just a ploy to get him to come. He supposes it doesn’t matter. The criminal will get his answers- it’s just a matter of how much he likes them.
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24hrmajimachan · 5 years
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“Oi, oi. Haven’t I seen ya somewhere before?” 
It wasn’t often he knew people here at a glance. So many faces and working on getting his footing here had left him impartial to getting to know too many. Of course, his many ventures out for leisure did leave him finding a few he could recall. Where had he seen the other...? 
“Ah, that’s it! Ya were at that one party ol’ Vic-chan had, weren’t ya? Y’ know, the one uh.. dang, forget what the ol’ loon was celebratin’ but he invited his ‘good friends’.”
He doesn’t mention that the party in question was supposed to be for Saints only and he’d barged in. Vic thankfully made sure nobody kicked him out, though.
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cataclysmal · 5 years
          CURIOUS, SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN. mayhap that was why she has stopped briefly at the sound of commotion, crimson falling upon the scene of what seems a crime. murder, she cannot fully tell despite people laying on the ground, though certainly there was some sort of activity. even now she continues to look on, weighing the angles which it could be approached, until the leading man of the act seems to take note of her likely unwanted presence. ❝ Oh, are you going to do something to me, too? Well, if you were the one who did all this, that is, ❞ she chimes, ever so nonchalant as she tilts her head.
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          ❝ Well? If you’re gonna do it, then come on. Get it over with. ❞ lips curl into a small smile, wondering what he might do. even if he let her go, it wasn’t as if he was aware she had no intentions of going to the police, let alone that death, to someone like her, hardly phases her in the slightest otherwise.
                                                          「 @liketorchwork 」
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trggrhppy-blog · 5 years
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“‘Ey, Roman, right?” Johnny inquired, holding a hand out, “Name’s Johnny. Probably heard about me from our mutual Boss. Been achin’ t’ meet my ‘replacement’ for awhile now.”
Replacement was a strong word and Johnny knew that. Still, it was all in good fun. For now, at least. He’d apparently been gone longer than he thought and the Saints picked up new faces without him. It was rather odd, honestly. After being in the gang longer than it’s current leader, he was the one that ended up feeling like a spring chick now. He could count the people he knew on a single hand.
“So, how long ya been with th’ Saints? Hopefully long enough that Boss doesn’t give ya a headache 24/7 anymore.”
Like that was a thing. Boss always gave people headaches.
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sanpatron · 4 years
Ah, feels like it’s been forever since the entire island was on the brink of destruction again. It’s sort of weirdly comforting in a way. A very very weird and unhealthy way, sure, but you tend to pick up bad habits when you’re a notorious criminal who continuously avoids death over and over again.
One of the days it’ll get him. One of these days.
Anyhow, seemed like it’d be a smart idea to call up his second-in-command and get his input on the latest in a long line of hellish nightmares that always plagued the island. Surely Roman must have some kind of plan, or at least the basis for one.
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“ Hey. You catch that whole spiel? Sounded interesting. Pretty sure it’s gonna wind up setting the whole island on fire again as usual. ”
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redreaping · 5 years
liketorchwork replied to your post:           “ BECAUSE that worked out so well last...
local bird ambushes criminal at wendy’s parking lot, more at 11
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     criminal’s last words before he was stabbed: “ what are ya gonna do, stab me? ”
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petaltrail · 5 years
"Y'know Red, I think it's time for a bit of a truce. In a sign of good faith, allow me to present to you the /perfect/ costume for the little party coming up this weekend." Tada! It's a... Ruby Rose-sized trash can, complete with openings for her arms and legs. It even has a label with "TRASH" written on it for extra emphasis.
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          SHE   really didn’t want to do it — really didn’t want to make the obvious retort — but the  ‘TRASH’  label had truly been the last straw. It was time.
              ❛   Oh, ha-ha,  ❜  Ruby replies in a tone Weiss would ( she hopes ) be proud of.  ❛   I’ll get  RIGHT  to work on your  NEVERMORE  costume. Truce acknowledged !  — Oh, uh… Should I just make a Nevermore  HEAD  , or the whole thing — ?  Nevermind, I’ll figure it out.   ❜ 
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ribellaione · 5 years
  it was unsettling, how every enemy on the field had the exact same face, the one that belonged to the Dark Lord. how full of themselves must one be to do that? she didn’t want to know, but it did make knowing who to strike down that much easier. but their numbers were overwhelming. one after another the former faunus took out and three more took its place. her semblance was great for crowd control, but Blake couldn’t rely on it forever-- her aura would run low eventually. already she can feel her joints protesting with each movement and what she thought to be a moment to take a small breather was interrupted by one of them latching on to her. a harsh blow with her elbow was delivered to its stomach, grip loosening as she moved back from it.
    before she can retaliate, something hits and knocks the creature back. normally, Blake would offer a thanks to whoever helped her. but something seemed familiar about the attack and if she didn’t know any better, then the woman would assume one Roman Torchwick was behind it. but he’s dead. but so was Adam. taking a breath she turns and low and behold, it is him. while the man wasn’t someone Blake would willingly work with given any other circumstance, he did just help her. which meant he wasn’t sitting back and enjoying the carnage. 
 from a few feet behind him, she sees it before he does. Blake moves quickly, seemingly aiming for him but at the last minute, she jumps, flipping mid-air and coming down on the creature with a hard kick to send it back. landing with a huff, she speaks.
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     " This is the part where you’re supposed to thank me. “
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isolaradiale · 6 years
Looks like I finished up just in time. Let's turn that reserve into an app right now! Roman Torchwick from RWBY here, you can find the app on the /app page.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Grimm chow!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 233.
You’ll retain the ability to shield yourself using your aura, but you can only take five strong hits per day before it’ll break and won’t recharge until the next day. You’ll also be given a wooden cane.
– mod altair.
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headmastering · 5 years
@liketorchwork No Place Like Home (Decor)
Unlike many, Ozpin doesn’t necessarily want too many reminders of his home world. He’s long since come to terms that what Remnant’s become is a nightmare abandoned by the gods (and perhaps part of the blame lies with him as well). Still, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss any of it, especially his home in Vale and his school, beacon. So inevitable remains the visit to one of the various little sales in the ward.
Walking and browsing aimlessly among the pieces of furniture at first, it takes a double take to confirm the impossible, stopping in his tracks.
An amber eye trails along the form of something the headmaster never thought he’d see again. A very large desk, filled with moving clockwork and cogs stands  by itself at the back of the lot. Just walking up to it brings with it a sense of deja-vu, of entering his old office. Gently, a trembling hand reaches out to lightly trace the edge, the fear of it simply vanishing as a mirage seizing his heart as he does so. But it’s real. It’s really here. 
A soft smile start blooming on his face- only to freeze as he glances up to see someone he wishes were a trick of the mind. At the other end of the desk, stands one Roman Torchwick, one of the main culprits behind his school falling in the first place.
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“Don’t.” Is all he says. What a cheerful greeting.
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muted-criminal · 3 years
@liketorchwork​ started you
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    Neo gave a muted giggle as she waved at the ginger conman from her perch above him. She winked, twirling Hush lazily against her shoulder. 
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