#lil harbinger dude! i just can't
anemxvisions · 2 years
hoyo: here is Tartaglia in his Harbinger regalia outfit me: he so soft and cozy! look at him!
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
I love we now made venti a potential hitman, like he’s so eager to kill for the all creator just to get attention, just imagine on the rare occasion you send him to kill some boss guy that been a nuisance for a while. Like on the outside to the public your the gentle all loving god. but in the shadows you have a team of your most loyal followers willing to kill people that you send out to take care of stubborn nuisance that refuse to make peace with you after giving them every offer you can. I imagine childe would be on the team of course, but also surprisingly, venti would too, like seriously, you a big bad boss guy that has unknowingly pissed off the all creator and this bard dude is sent to kill you? Only to come back to him master covered in blood and smiling cheerfully. Just, pure all creator secretly has a dark hitman unit she uses. She’s not all pure.
Really I mean what desperate acolyte wouldn't kill for the creator, I can't imagine there would be a lot
If we're talking about who all would be a willing hitman for their divine grace, all the Archons immediately make the checklist and also all the characters who have caused a death before, so obviously Childe's there, like a few different times
I'm just saying it would be really funny if the list looked like this
1: Childe
2: Venti
3: Tartaglia
4: Zhongli
5: Ajax
6: Ei
7: The 11th harbinger
But something's just weirdly wholesome about the image of Venti covered thoroughly in blood, happily trotting back on his merry way to gush to his beloved how good he was for them, smiling and blushing as you clean up his face with a wet washcloth and he recounts the death in explicit detail, then you give him a lil kiss on the forehead for a job well-done
Que Childe pouting in the corner cause he didn't get a lil kiss
Anyway, yeah, it really is unrealistic to expect dear creator to just be all happy-go-lucky "let's solve this with the power of friendship!" when they literally came from our world, which is not notorious for having a lot of conflict solved in that manner
I mean at some point you just have to call it and resort to the secondary option, ie. murder
And who is a better helper than the drunk innocent bard, who looks as if the very worst he could bring himself to do is maybe steal a few sips of wine from unsuspecting patrons when they finally blackout after a long night
Realistically, if word ever got out to the general public that some 'less than innocent' things were going on behind the scenes, they would be relatively fine with it, I mean you have the right to enact divine judgment on whoever you see fit of course, and the fact that you're so loving and caring and pure on the outside only helps emphasize that everything you do is justified for one reason or another
And also what are the harbingers if not a team of 'problem solvers', I mean let's be real here, the game already has a canonical hitman team loyal to a divine power that everyone seems generally ok with, so you really wouldn't have to worry too heavily about that, your word is absolute after all
But if word did get out, there would suddenly be a very long list of people that want to join your elite hitman team, just saying, the line would be out the door
Then you'd probably have some of them claiming that they're actually better than the harbingers because they're loyal to a higher divine power, and then there's just Childe there who has to nervously sweat in the corner for being a part of both
Poor guy always gets swept up in divine hitman teams for some reason, if I had a nickel for everytime—
Anyway yeah, feral characters covered in blood and ready to kill 👌, more of that in fiction pls, we deserve it
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kosi-annec · 2 years
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ok she pretty, and mildly scary? idk why but somethin bout her creeps me out
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lmao imagine if he becomes playable, like just this short old dude kicking ass or somthin XD i know he's a harbinger but still
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eyo its the lil shit, featuring his chill outfit. I mean, look at him, he looks so cozy
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oooohh imagine her attacks are just her summoning this big mofo in battle, she also looks like a maid
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who tf are you?? he has no face, or it's just a really black mask, either way i wanna know wut he looks like >.>
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omg i has a fukin beard, and wait a minute... does his eye look like kaeya's and dainslief's eye? is he from khaenri'ah o.o
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Genshin players won't roll for a male character that's just a downright shady dude. That's why the latest event is making Scaramouche out to be not as evil as he is (shout-out to Mihoyo forgetting how he's responsible for a few of the major Inazuma clans downfall and he essentially caused the Inazuma isolation event). All villains get hit with the woobie stick in this game.
You mean regarding him letting Niwa's descendant(?) go? I mean, if he's screwing over the Raiden Gokaden for revenge for his friends, it might make sense that he doesn't want to completely torch everyone involved. It's not like we ever got Scaramouche's point of view in all this - just flashbacks and other people's recollections well after the fact. So like, I don't actually know how evil this guy is. I've only seen him cackle at me a couple of times, and try to have me killed when we were enemies, so it's not like I have any decent metric for his personality beyond "yeah he's an enemy and at least a lil loony".
You know what would've been, I don't know, good writing that makes any of this relevant? If Scaramouche had actually been targeting anyone in the modern day. The Kamisato Clan and Kaedehara heir are right there, have Scaramouche target them! Have him try to screw Inazuma over out of spite! Make it relevant!!!
Anyway, Signora didn't necessarily get hit with the woobie stick. She just died like an idiot. With prior patterns in mind, I think Genshin's stance on the Harbingers from now on will be keeping them hilariously disconnected from their own backstories in the main game but still somehow expect us to feel bad for them after we've finished finding all the jigsaw puzzles necessarily to fill in their wikipedia page.
Also, Genshin players are cowards. I STILL can't believe they complained about Yae. Don't get me wrong, FGO hits villains with the woobie stick too, but that's usually after they've been a huge bastard in their own chapters, but at least there's the whole "this is a different version of that servant summoned under different circumstances" excuse to roll with unless they came from fate/extra in which case uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
if i want to ignore lancer artoria pendragon entirely and preserve the lion king and the lion king alone, long may she reign, in my mind, that's my business
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