#liliana alvarez | intro
fadiingstarliight · 3 years
{ cis woman, she/her } did y'all see JEANINE MASON at the farmer’s market earlier? turns out that it wasn’t them at all! it was really LILIANA ÁLVAREZ! they’re that 29 year old, UNEMPLOYED from down SQUIRES LANE. y'know, the IMPULSIVE & DRAMATIC one! ‘course, some people say they’re BUBBLY & REALISTIC too. either way, they’re a NATIVE around these parts, so that makes ‘em family.
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LIli’s intro is under the cut with connections. If you want any open connections or if I missed putting anything in, pls hmu!!
Born into a strict family and the only child, Lili’s life was miserable and the only thing she did was follow the rules set for her. It only got worse when her mother who had a miserable marriage of her own left her father when she was 17. She couldn’t even blame the woman for leaving her. After high school, she went to study medicine in Chicago with her cousin Esme, but her father saw that as giving her too much freedom, so then moved to Wakefield to get married at 23 to a man of her father’s choosing who treated her terribly. She completed her studies in Charleston and began to work there. When she was 26, her father died from heart failure which led to her being truly free for the first time in her life and she filed for a divorce immediately and quit her job. Her ex-husband as well as father’s brother tried to take control of her life and her father’s wealth but she didn’t let it happen, instead getting a lawyer to kick them out of her life and choosing to live life to the fullest now that she had the freedom to be. 
Open: Someone she dated in Chicago who she dumped because she was made to go back and get married, Old friends in medical field, Friends who look out for her, friends who encourage her new lifestyle, crushes, people who don’t like the ‘new’ her, or people who didn’t like her before but do now, people she slept with just to piss off her now ex-husband, open to adding more to below taken connections too. 
Celia, Mira, Hugo, Iva (cousins)
Esme, Nat (extended fam)
Thalia (best friend)
Chicago crew (friends)
Elanur (friend)
Sterling (HS bf)
Kasim, Declan (fwb)
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