#lilihierax x lorik
callista-curations · 3 years
New Year's fic recs (2021-2022)
It’s about time I put the curations part of my tumblr to work on the fanfics side of things, so here goes: A selection of my favourite fics (with turians) I read in the last half year or so.
Yes I am fashionably late, I was going to post this before new year...
The Primarch's Advisor by hardinginhightown
M, oneshot (9k words), Adrien Victus/Castis Vakarian
A rarepair you didn't know you needed in your life (why have one turian dilf in a fic if you can have two). Hard hitting and packed full of emotion, but also exploring a lot of backstory between them and their sons.
NoisyNoiverns' Kryterius collection
G, 13 oneshots and shortfics, Kryterius
A set of 13 Kryterius fics, mostly set in a no-reaper AU, spanning their long lives. Everything from light hearted joking about to the sweetest of fluff. I would particularly highlight “When the Lights Go Down”, also highly recommend checking out their Desolas/Abrudas pieces.
Observations upon waking by interventionsandlullabies
M, oneshot (4k words), Shakarian
Aptly tagged: “Read for free therapy.” A collection of snapshots told through Garrus’ eyes, from the soft to the sharp realities of the war. Fantastically written, intimate and personal.
Loyalty Mission: The Coldest of Hearts by Orionis
T, shortfic (38k words), Shakarian
Set in ME1, early on when they are first working together, this one won’t punch you in the gut with a few truckloads of emotion, though it is a very interesting study of Garrus’ character and Shepards struggles with him (and the rest of her crew).
Same Song, Different Verse by suddenlycomics
T, WIP (12k words), Femsep Garrus and Tali
An exciting AU where Shepard never joins the Alliance, Garrus is a Spectre, and they meet Tali on Earth.
The Softer It Falls by BronzeAgeLove
T, shortfic (10k words), Lorik Qui'in/Lilihierax
Complete with lovely illustrations by heavenlyeros. Gentle, slow, and introspective. Really wonderfully written all around, a gem of an introduction to a(nother) rarepair you didn't know you needed in your life.
Points of Contact by buskie
E, WIP longfic (32k words), Shakarian
A first contact AU fic where Shepard and a certain lost Turian fall in love, comes with plenty of seriousness, silliness, shenanigans, and some smut to top it off.
I'll See You Again by courtmartialed
M, WIP shortfic (5k words), Shakarian
Another First Contact story, this time in a Reincarnation AU. “The captain and lone survivor of that crew is Shepard, though her name is not Shepard yet. And the lone Turian, piloting the ramshackle dinghy that finds her ship, is Garrus.”
On Galaxy's Edge by DatSonyat
T, oneshot (1.5k words), Saren and Desolas
This piece still floors me every time, Saren being this soft just stops my heart mid beat, honestly it's something I've lately felt more and more need to indulge myself in. It's so slow but hits like a fully loaded train, all the emotion is expertly hidden just under the surface. Probably one of the best pieces of writing I've had the pleasure of reading, period.
Much love to all the writers and artists for making boatloads of fantastic content last year, I wish everyone has a fantastic 2022 (with many turians).
I hope you have a nice time reading some of these, and when you do, remember to share your love with the authors!
Author of one of these fics (or illustrator/artist mentioned) and want your tumblr, twitter, or something else linked? Pop me a message and i'll edit it in.
Other comments, questions, or suggestions? Let me know!
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masseffectarchive · 4 years
Primary characters involved: Lilihierax, Lorik Qui'in Primary pairing (if any): Lilihierax/Lorik Qui'in Verse: OT Word count: 10186
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teklacat · 8 years
Mass Effect 1, 3, 13, 22, 24! :D
1. Your favourite non-canon ship? Zaaed x f!shep. I ship this so hard. I think you all know this about me by now. :D
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)? See above :D Okay, I’ll add a couple more though. F!shep with any of the following: Lorik Qui’in, Lilihierax or the turian C-Sec Requisitions Officer. 
13. Name a ship that deserved more content. Thane in ME3.
22. Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have? Nope. I have no shame when it comes to ships. I may not mention them all but it’s never out of embarrassment or whatever. :P
24. What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships? I always want a happy ending. Always.  Repeatable romance moments like we got in DAI, only better and with more variety. 
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