shadowsofourminds · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain (Peter)
“No no, the recipe says we’re going to be sweating the onions. Christ look at me reading that wrong.” Peter clicks his tongue with his nose buried in the recipe book that him and Lilli are working from, mumbling that last part under his breath. “But, the rest should be quite easy.” He sets the book down onto the counter and turns to look at her with a grin.
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unfoldedstories · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain ( Rosalie)
Rosalie has nothing but a grin plastered onto her face, her hands shoved into her jacket pockets as she rocks on her feet. “I heard there’s a new art exhibit being shown annnd I was wondering if you’d like to join?”
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forntidafriheter · 4 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain || ties, and other fun implements.
It was one thing to send flirty texts to one another, lighthearted banter throughout the day while Mikael was in Stockholm, molding the minds of young humans into what may be the next class of ‘Stephen Hawking’s. It was something else entire to bombard the Swede’s phone with far less than appropriate words, teasing half-images and even videos.
Lilli knew what she was doing, often far too well. She knew what buttons of his to push. 
The door shut with a resolute thud as Mikael stepped into the house. He dropped his bag at the door, kicking off his shoes. 
“Lilli.” He called, though it was less of a question and more of a command.
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cvlrymjor · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain || you’ve been recruited for a home improvement mission
“Lilli, watch your feet.” Gilbert had a rug propped up against his hip, looking at his younger sibling expectantly. Deciding to entirely redo his Berlin apartment had been something of an undertaking, turning a place once believed by the Prussian to be the place he was going to die in into a place where he could live happily was no small feat. The apartment was old and still had a lot of the same furniture in it that it had upon its creation, dull and gray and harsh. A reminder of what it had been built for, nothing more than a holding cell for a dying nation.
Or, so everyone thought.
He’d paid people to take the old furniture away, and the apartment was a clean slate. There were paint swatches on the walls, tile and carpet samples on the single new piece of furniture Gil had bought: a lovingly worn coffee table made of warm cherry wood that now stood in the living room pushed against the empty fireplace
“This thing is not light, Lils, move. It needs to go right in the middle there.”
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eisfrendin · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain Being the youngest of three, the baby of the family is usually spoiled rotten with anything they want. The same could be said for Emma, though she is not the baby. She is the only daughter, the king’s little girl, and with that comes tutors and dresses and whatever she so desires.
That’s what got her here, in a hospital standing bedside with bandages and sutures while the young doctor fussed over yet another soldier. There were always too many young men, brothers and husbands who came through here. Injuries from swords, from being knocked from horses, and even some from the budding technology of guns misfiring.  The doctor she was working with was nice enough, a bit full of himself and far too smart for Emma’s taste. But, he was willing to teach her, and realistically that was all that mattered. Any ulterior motives of his were lost to Emma, who was busy wrapping their patient’s arm.
“There,” She said, fastening the clips at the end of the bandage. “Just yell if you need anything, alright?”
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overthefjords · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain || little demon? nah.
"Oh, come off it, you." Lilli tsks at Aleks even though her cheeks color with a bit of a blush at his compliment. "For all you know I could have turned out to be the same sort of vicious little brat Mikael apparently was when he was younger."
“Never.” His smile is cheeky, pulling the wooden blanks cut to size off of the saw and setting them on his workbench. He was busy making new chairs for his office. “That boy was devilspawn when he was young, I swear. You could not compare.”
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codexandcompendium · 3 years
“ maybe you think it’s your job to look after everyone else. but it’s not supposed to be like that. it works both ways. and now it’s my turn to look after you. okay? ” (for Gil)
so you had a bad day || accepting
Gilbert was at the end of his own rope. He was a proud man, one whose nature was to be independent, to rely on himself and to never let anyone down. He had a duty and he would accomplish it, no matter how much he destroyed in his wake.
Even if that destruction befell himself. Which was more often than not the case these days.
"It is my job," His voice came out in a hiss, nearly pulling away from Lilli's grasp on his arm. "It has always been my job and it will always be my job." If his voice wavered or cracked, he didn't make notice of it. He was a proud, proud man whose ideals were still so stubbornly stuck in the past when it came to himself. His inability to do as he always had was yielding a painful sort of pit in his stomach, one that lived on his guilt and fed on it, relishing in his pain.
He who swears on Prussia's banner swears he has nothing more his own to bear.
Practice always fidelity and honesty, until your cool grave; And stray not the width of one finger, from the ways of the Lord.
Prussian virtues truly were a blessing and a curse. Especially when one felt as if they were breaking them over and over not of their own accord, but one that they could not control. That was the core of the issue, but Gilbert was too emotionally charged to see it.
Practice always fidelity and honesty.
A heaviness settled on the Cavalry Major's shoulders, fight leaving him as quick as it had come. The burn of his wounds were just too much, even with his incredibly quick healing, plus the ringing of two of the core virtues making his head hurt, a phantom ache settling on the inside of his left arm.
"... Apologies, Lilli."
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hailcolumbia · 4 years
“There’s like, three people in your country who the hell are you shooting?”
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turkcentric · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain / cont'd.
Sadik chuckled as he held the phone to his ear, quite content to simply listen to Lilli speak as he reclined on the couch in his livingroom. She had a pleasant voice after all. "You could say that," the Turk replied with a bit of a smile as his gaze settled on the ceiling. "Next best thing next to those two as far as I'm concerned, but to cut the conversation short on flowers for now... How have you been, huh? It's been far too long don't ya think?"
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shadowsofourminds · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain (Peter & Piper, Riding)
A few days had gone by since the last ball was held, and the staff were in preparations of the McCloud manor having guests over. Piper, having finished readying herself ran down the stairs to make sure her riding gear was in order. “Aren’t you excited, Peter? I’m glad you see you’re finally courting someone.” He looks up from his newspaper on one of the couches. “Today is mostly for you two I hope you know, but... yes, it will be nice to have her here.”
She rolls her eyes and pulls the paper from his hands. “Don’t be so sour, go have yourself some coffee or something while we wait.” Peter sticks his tongue out at her before grinning and removing himself to do so.
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unfoldedstories · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain (Eve, dress consultation)
“Goodbye, and thank you again for shopping with me!” Evelina watched as her last client walk out the door with their finished dress. Looking to the clock on the wall she made note that it would be about fifteen minutes before her next appointment. Plenty of time to clean everything up and set up once more. It felt good to be back in town again for the season. And Eve always adored seeing the girls happy with their new clothing.
Just as it was about time, the bell atop the door rang upon being opened. Quickly she folds up the last of the display fabric and smooths out her dress, heading over to her next guest. “Welcome, Miss Valkerath.”
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forntidafriheter · 4 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain​ a little moment with Mikael
Lilli freezes and for once the bitter chill of a Winter night is not the cause. No, this time it is the simple action of a gentle giant brushing some hair from her face, caused by a stray bit of wind. Suddenly, she finds herself grateful for the necessity of darkness while stargazing. At least in the dark, Mikael can’t see her blush.
“Ähm, thank you,” she mutters after sheepishly clearing her throat. What to say, now? Lilli’s hand still hovers on the end of Mikael’s telescope, which she had been using mere moments before.
“Could you, äh, show me again?” There it is. The reason Lilli stopped peering through the lens comes flooding back almost as quickly as Mikael’s touch scattered it moments earlier. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can find it.”
The slight ruffle of the woman’s blonde hair before her face had merely drawn the Swede’s attention even in the dark of night, his eyes long having adjusted to the minimal light. Mikael didn’t think twice about tucking it away at the moment that it happened, but he too was grateful for the cover of night and a new moon to hide the heat on his face. He was never so bold, but something about the comfort of inky darkness made him brave. 
“Of course,” He replied with ease, leaning down to peer into the scope after putting his glasses atop his head. Ah, it had gotten knocked slightly out of line. No matter. A few twists of the positioning knobs and the fine-tuning dials had the spot where the meteor shower was most active brought right back into view. He waited until one of those whitish streaks flew across the viewfinder before standing upright once more. “There we are. These are the November Orionids; it’s a meteor shower.”
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kiwioverlord · 4 years
"He's lame and puts on old french love records"
They're lazily chewing on some granola, half listening to her. "Who? A new boyfriend?"
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aux-armes-citoyens · 4 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain: Cardverse Bonding
It had been a long day for the King of Diamonds- one full of hearing pleas and signing papers and all of the unglamorous tasks that being a king entailed. He saw it as a necessary evil, and one that surely would save him from purgatory if he were to ever die. Being so incredibly busy, he had absolutely no idea where his wife was; however he was making his way to her parlour. They had recently settled into a sort of routine where they met up before dinner to wind down and chat. Surely enough, she was sitting there, presumably waiting for him to arrive.
“Lilli, I have had the most exhausting day. How many peasants can I hear talk about the plague without going absolutely mad.” He plops down on a chair opposite her, leaning his elbow on the elegant table beside him. “I cannot change God’s plan for disease.” He gestures to one of their servants for a glass of wine. “Nor can I save them.” This problem felt so removed from Francis- living a life of luxury and glamour in his large palace, and away from the unsanitized life of a peasant. He couldn’t empathize. 
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overthefjords · 3 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain from here
"Not even the Austrian Empire," Lilli counters Aleksander's statement with a wry smile. It is safe to say that she has formed an attachment to this Prince. At the very least, she likes him more than she has like any other suitor. "Or my terrifying Vati?"
“Dear, I am not afraid of the Austrians.” It came out as a laugh, Aleksander leaning back against the bench as they sat in the garden. It was a warm summer’s evening, the fountain bubbling nearby providing a bit of cool to the covered gazebo where they sat. “Your Vati, though, I have cause for concern.”
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eisfrendin · 4 years
@lilli-of-the-mountain from here
Shrugging out of her coat, Emma plops herself down next to Lilli and holds out the small notecard-sized box. It’s a powder blue metal tin decorated with flowers, a little nameplate on the front reading ‘family recipes’ in Dutch. “I didn’t get it for you, I made it myself. Well, not the box but what’s in it.” 
Which, is a collection of laminated, handwritten notecards, all well-loved recipes from the Benelux. 
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