isaac-d-buchanan · 4 years
where: David Buchanan’s residence who: Isaac Buchanan and Lily Evans ( @mcrningevans )
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With Isaac being back home, everything was supposed to be familiar but it wasn’t. It wasn’t where he used to live in the last year. That place was burned down, he was told. But it was the house where he grew up. David’s house. His father’s house. His home. Isaac often found himself wandering around, looking at the rooms, waiting for some memory to come crashing it. But none ever did. 
Isaac was sitting alone in the living room, browsing through the photos on the mantle when he heard a knock on the door. David was at work so it would be up to Isaac to turn them away. It wasn’t the first time someone tried to get to talk to him. Journalists, independent investigators, and other shady characters have tried to talk to him but David turned them all down. Isaac was supposed to do the same. Like many times before Isaac walked up to the door without opening it. “I’m sorry. David Buchanan is at work. You’ll have to leave.”
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firebringcr · 3 years
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“Got any hangover cures in here?” Ollie had fled the cafe in favor of Tamed Wildes as soon as the morning rush ended. He absolutely loved his cafe, but his head hurt more than he could express, and the hustle and bustle was slowly killing him. “I need to stop drinking like I’m 21. I never learn.” // @lilyxbrighton​
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marlowesees · 4 years
Que Sera Sera || Lily & Marlowe
“All right there, Margie?”
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Marlowe skids to a screeching halt next to the bench where her best friend is already unlacing her skates. A few of the other girls are on the other end of the bench gathering their things and making plans for drinks. Still buzzing with energy after practice however, Marlowe had taken a few laps around the track by herself, only nearly eating it once.
She grips the front of her artfully slashed tank top with her equal artful catchphrase “Que Sera Sera Bitch” scribbled across the front and uses it to fan herself.
“Wanna go for a drink?” she asks after spitting her mouth guard into her other hand. “Or two?”
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lorelaihastings · 4 years
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“ Logan’s roommate, ” Lorelai greeted, barely offering a smile. “ Or... one of them. Which one are you again ? ” She struggled to remember their names. “ Was it ... Daisy ? Marinara ? Was there a third one ? ” Waving off the question, Lorelai didn’t really care. They only saw each other on rare occasions, and she wouldn’t have invited them herself anyway. “ I hope you’re having a stellar time. ”
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ofwxtches · 4 years
ilAlice liked her little flat. It was small, a lot smaller than the huge manor she had grown up in, but she liked it. It was probably a good thing she liked it, since she really couldn’t afford anything bigger. It was a step up from having a room mate though, and she would take that. Though it was small, Alice had really made it her own. The place practically screamed Alice, and that made her happy. There were cute potted plants dotted around, fairy lights literally everywhere, and lots of blankets. It was very Alice, and if she was at all honest, it felt more like home than the Rosier Manor had ever felt.
Tonight Lily was coming round for one of their regular wine dates. Although the girl was younger than her, they were good friends, and Alice adored her. She’d gotten two bottles of wine for the night, knowing that they could easily polish them both off. She was currently lounging on her couch, watching some netflix as she awaited her friends arrival
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mary-mxcdonxld · 4 years
date: 10 april 2019 location: sirius & marlene’s flat status: closed starter for @fierylily-evans
After her conversation with Sirius, Mary decided to wait for Lily in the room where her best friend was staying, sitting on the bed. She figured Lily was finishing up some funeral preparations, and there was no way that Mary was going to leave without giving Lily the chance to be real about how she was actually doing. Mary knew her best friend, and she had the feeling that since James’ death, Lily had been putting on a brave face, holding herself and everyone else together.
But her fiance had just died, for fuck’s sake. And Mary was determined that with her, at least, Lily didn’t have to be strong, didn’t have to put on a brave face and take care of her. Mary would do the caretaking, here. Sighing, Mary crawled under the covers, laying her head on Lily’s pillow and inhaling the scent of her best friend. It was comforting, and with how tired Mary was from the conference and traveling back, Mary was lulled to sleep quickly.
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pctterprongs · 5 years
Lying wasn’t the best thing. It wasn’t the right thing. In the time from exams after their fifth year until now, there’s been a slow growth. Like molasses, moving and gumming up from time to time, that was where he stood now. Terrible comparison, James thought, as he limped onwards up the small hill. The cove of the Castle’s entrance was dimly lit, his wand in hand.
He’d need to see Pomfrey, the Whomping Willow’s antics becoming more and more violent, even with spells and such. Bloody thing is getting a mind of it’s own. Not that it needed. Trudging through the muddy grounds, snow soon to set on the grass like a white, comforting blanket, as he pulled his cloak around his tall frame.
Being Head Boy had perks—as now, when he walked passed Professor Binns in all his ghostyness, floating about the castle. “Poor sod doesn’t know what to do when he isn’t bloody putting people to sleep in class.” James murmured under his breath. Footsteps shuffled, and at the last second, he looked up.
He’d recognize that particular shade of red anywhere. “Shit—“ He hissed under his breath, ducking behind a pillar, as hues squeezed shut from the pain. No. He had fibbed, if only to keep a much more important secret as that. He moved, pulling his cloak around his frame, hoping she’d pass by without a peep.
If she kept walking—ignoring him— “Potter’s hiding behind the pillar!” Was the damaging tones of Peeves, as his voice rang out, echoing along the corridor walls. “Potty Potter hiding behind the Pillars!”
“You know,” He moved into the light, back to Lily. “Your rhymes are getting a bit weak, mate. Might want to work on that.” He spoke through gritted teeth, as he shook his head, watching the Poltergiest disappear from sight.
Pivoting slowly to not bring attention to his wounded knee, as he kept his cloak wrapped around him. “Hi—“ He begun. “What—Are—are you still doing rounds?”
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katyawoodkrum · 5 years
who: @hcro                        “you’re the one who was tempting me to do crime the other day.”
“I feel like that’s a bit of an exaggeration—-pointing out that Vera flying into a tree or narrowly avoiding a building would be an excellent distraction for an escapade isn’t really tempting, right? Just, you know, assessing the options. Also, I maintain that if the Whomping Willow wouldn’t get in trouble for knocking out Volant, nobody else should either.”
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nerdjocktyrant · 6 years
where: diagon alley when: january 5th 2024 —- towards the end/when the potter sibs are reconnecting who: @hcro
                                    “what happened to you?”
“Gemma fucking Gamp,” Viv spat in response, having extracted herself from James in order for him and his siblings to check over each other. “Well, that—” she jabbed at a cut on the side of her face, “—was from earlier, getting Isa away from one of those sadistic masked fucks, but that absolute bitch is the worst of it.” If Viv’s expression was an immensely dark scowl, well, she wasn’t surprised. She was furious that Gemma had gotten the best of her — that she’d let her guard down — and the fact that she’d given as good as she’d gotten before being distracted was only a mild balm. Fuck, her nose — or what was left of it, she thought darkly, knowing it was probably all there but certainly not intact, that bitch — hurt. “What about you —- the fuck did that?”
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zoeollivander · 3 years
Location: London Coffee Shop Time: Morning With: @liliumss​
Caffeine was a beautiful molecule that was essential for Zoe to excel at work, without it she would simply not have the energy to carry out the countless tasks she had each day. Every morning, she waited patiently in the queue of regular strangers that grazed the coffee shop each morning. It was a routine so familiarly carved into her brain, that sometimes she craved to make it slightly different and less mundane. So this morning she decided that she’d pay for the person’s behind her as well. “Good Morning,” she chimed to the girl behind the counter before reciting her order, “I would also like to pay for the person’s behind me.” Turning to face a redheaded girl that was stood behind her she smiled, “What ever you are having I’ll pay.”
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roxvnnes-blog · 6 years
( @lilyissms )
attending awards shows was far from normal to roxanne. since she’d moved to california all she’d done was stay at home, work, and hook up with someone on occasion. minor exceptions included travelling for minor performances at music festivals. still, it wasn’t that she was shy--far from it, just that having people prying into her life wasn’t her style. she was open in her music, talked about her past and where she wants to be in the future, but reporters and paps were a different story. the ama’s were full of all kinds of people: publicists, celebrities, reporters, camera crews. it was a madhouse, and everyone in attendance had likely been in the game longer than she had. though the stone expression on her face did not let her fears show, even when she introduced herself to an iconic performer she’d long been a fan of. “hi, ms. caine?” she began. “i can’t even believe we’re in the same room right now, it’s got to be a dream. roxanne, completely pleased to meet you.”
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Andromeda had carefully chosen her outfit for the day -- dark green cloak covering a simple black dress; respectful enough to acknowledge the “loss” the wizarding society had suffered the day before, but not outright mournful. She knew the part that she had to play here, and Andromeda Black was not the type to play her role anything less than perfectly. The Blacks weren’t close enough to the Potters to feel the need to pretend at mourning this loss, but they were both pureblood families, and it would be indecent of them to carry on as if nothing had happened, even if they were the ones who had put the plan for Potter’s death in motion.
Andromeda made her way purposefully through the streets of Diagon Alley, sure to keep her face composed to hide the inward glee that was coursing through her. It was clear the the wizarding world was reeling, and Andromeda found a keen sense of satisfaction in knowing that they had dealt such a painful blow to the opposition. Entering her favorite bakery on a side street of Diagon Alley, Andromeda ordered a batch of cookies to go with the bundle of flowers that was hanging out of the side of her bag, a condolence gift that would go to the Potter family from the Daughters of the Sacred 28 foundation. The Potters might not be a part of the Sacred 28, but they were still a pureblood family in society. Besides, Andromeda found it sweetly satisfying to be sending a condolence package to the family of the man whose death she had helped orchestrate. 
Leaving the bakery with the box of cookies in hand, Andromeda headed back to the main part of Diagon Alley. As she rounded the corner, she ran straight into someone else, nearly dropping the box of cookies. Righting herself, Andromeda looked down to make sure her bundle hadn’t been ruined. “Excuse me, I didn’t see you there,” she said politely, looking up to see who she had knocked into. 
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oftherebels · 4 years
who: @lilyevanspctter​ where: safe house when: late ; before the emergency meeting
Her familiar head of red hair hadn’t left his sight since he’d entered the room, he’d made sure of it. James might have been his brother in arms, his closest friend, but Lily meant plenty to him, too, all the moreso because of his friend’s love for her. Besides, she’d given him Harry, given him a godson to dote on and spoil and corrupt, and now that shining light had been taken from them all. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay because I’m not an idiot.” But he wanted to, and as much was written clearly across his face. The answer was written just as clearly across hers anyway, and if the panic and anger and everything else he was feeling was any indication, he couldn’t even imagine that Lily was anywhere close to okay. He was floundering, forced to hold everything together when he’d already spent the day falling apart, but he had to be strong for them, and he was trying his hardest to be what everyone else needed him to be. “What can I do, Lily? Let me help.” It was as much a plea as it was an offer, heart clenched tight with a desperate need to hear that there was anything at all he could do. He reached out a hand as if to grab hers, but hesitated halfway, suddenly at a loss. There was little that he knew how to do to assuage others, but he knew damn well a comforting touch wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface.
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minerva-mcgonagxll · 7 years
recovering | lily & minnie
Late February Hogwarts { @wallflower-lils }
Minerva had spent most of her life wandering the halls of Hogwarts. It was as familiar to her as the palm of her own hand, as each birthmark and scar and even freckle that dotted her skin. It was so familiar to her that no matter her destination, she didn’t have to pay attention to where she was going or think about her route. She was sure that she could get to where she wanted to go even sleepwalking, it was so automatic to her. So when it was her turn to patrol the hallways of Hogwarts on this early Saturday morning, she didn’t have to think about what her route would be--she just let her feet carry her through the castle that was her only home.
Sighing, Minerva paused as she passed one of the windows overlooking the lake, leaning against the window sill. It had been a long month. After everything that had happened, Minerva felt exhausted, and not just physically. It had been a draining month. It was so easy, when she was tucked safely here inside these walls, to forget that there was a war raging out there, and war didn’t stop to let her catch her breath. It just kept raging, requiring them all to keep up or die trying.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the window and continued her patrol down the corridors, glad to have the chance to meander through the castle without having to worry about running into any of the students. The times when she could wander the castle as just Minerva and not Professor McGonagall were rare, and she cherished them whenever they came around. Of course, the mask could go up in an instant were she to come across a troublemaking student, but it had been a quiet patrol. It was still too early for even the biggest troublemakers to be out and about. 
Her eyes flicked up as she caught movement at the end of the corridor (for apparently she had relished in the peace a little too soon). Minerva tensed as she saw a figure (still too far away to make out), her lips pursing into a thin line as she quickened her pace, ready to dish out a detention unless there was a good excuse. But as she neared the figure, recognition washed over her, irritation giving way to surprise. “Lily? What are you doing here?”
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unchosens · 4 years
who: @lilylune sent 😡 for an angsty starter where: grimmauld place when: january 12, before the memorial service
It was the last chance he was going to have for a long time. Harry didn’t know if that thought filled him with regret or with relief. Difficult though it was to live in hiding, the worst part had been knowing that his children were here - to have little else to do each day except be thinking about where they were in the house at each hour and what they wanted and needed from him that he was unable to give. 
He could imagine what this must have been like in the past, seeing his daughter off with an embrace between them, some sorrow at the parting. Now he eased his way into the doorway, leaning against the frame of the kitchen where Lily stood, alone and spoke stiffly, “From the stories I’ve heard, Hogwarts has always been something of a battlefield, even for me. Still ...” It was, already, one of the longest sentences he’d ever said to Lily, and Harry forced himself to stop avoiding meeting her eyes. He meant this. Even if he could give nothing else, his voice now lowered, pained but serious, “I hope you’ll stay safe.”
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anthxnyrizzo · 6 years
It had taken some time to get used to living with a rambunctious kid, but Ant was dealing. He appreciated Lily offering him a room when he barely had anything. The only thing he really needed to worry about now was the random splashes of water Luke decided to throw at him to see the tail. Anthony had gotten pretty good at it, but today was not one of those days. He rounded a corner only to be met with water, the tail following quickly after as he hit his funny bone on the floor. “Ow,” he painfully laughed, laying on the floor as his hand held the hurt elbow. “Why do they call it a funny bone if it isn’t even funny.”
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