arthurshelbyy-blog · 10 years
Hey could you please check my blog out when you have time, yours is amazing x
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tah-ti · 10 years
Mind checking out my blog lovely x
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revining · 10 years
Hey, do you mind checking out my blog? Thanks :) Btw, your is amazing :3 
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espoi--r · 10 years
would you mind checking out my blog? xx
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asenav · 10 years
Hi my name is Vanesa and i just went through your blog and i think it is adorable. I would love to co-own your account because i think you're lovely and i absolutely love your blog style. I put a lot of effort into my blog yet i have teeny amount of followers, so it kind of sucks. I know you may not pick me but i just want to let you know it would be amazing if you could give me a shot. I'm on tumblr a lot, i already have two blogs to maintain yet i would put a lot of effort into yours! I promise to be active as im on holidays and i would love to explore more of your blog type. You're lovely, thanks xx
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reinex · 10 years
Hey I'm Sandy and I would love to be you're co-owner. I'm active and trustworthy. I'm on holidays so all I do is tumblr pretty much so you know I'll be active. Your blog style is different to mine so it would be an opportunity to see your dashboard and reblog things that are different to mine. I will only reblog posts that are related to your theme. I'm friendly and encouraging and will be uber nice to your lovely followers just like how I am with mine. Hope you consider me xx
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bronzex · 10 years
Hey Lovely
My name is Penny and I am 15 yrs old from Sydney. I can't really say that 'I would love to be one of your favs' because really, it is up to you... I have a fresh modern blog but I don't just reblog the same shit over and over like I like art a lot so arty things are cool also gypsy is also some stuff I reblog and there are many others. I am also very interested in fashion so things from the runway end up there. So yeah, I really hope you consider picking me!!!!! Love Penny
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zepyhrus · 10 years
voted for you! i don't need a promo hon, good luck!
ah thank you thank you thank you!!!! xoxox
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imoveddd · 10 years
Limefrexsh's Golden Ones!
Hello Yasmine! (:
My name is Valerie, 15 this year and I'm from Singapore! I really like fresh blogs and am currently learning how to improve on my blogging. I also really like food ^^ Um, I would love to be one of your golden ones because your blog is really pretty and fresh and it's going to be one of the blogs which I'll be reblogging from the most (: And the sound of Limefrexsh's Golden Ones sounds so asdfghjklingl atas and awesome already.
SO yeap! thank you sososo much for reading this & I hope that you had a great christmas hohoho! Love you xx
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lushalla · 10 years
✖ Followers ignore ✖
Hi beautiful! I would love if you checked out my blog please ;) It would mean the world to me <3 I love your blog! Stay fab xx
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wilmxt · 11 years
To all my followers, ignore!!
Hey lovely people! I would love to be in the Music Network because I love almost all types of music and I think it would be great to change some ideas  about it and some musics too with everybody! Since I love meeting new people, I love make friends with the same taste in music as me! Ahah, I think it's a great network and I would love to join! Xxxx 
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prisone · 11 years
Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions from who tagged you, then write 11 new ones.  3. Tag 11 people and link them. 
 4. Let them know that they are tagged.
1. What is/was your biggest fear in your life and why?
Failure and I'm afraid to dissapoint people. I don't want people to see/think I can't do something if I have or want to do it. It gives me a bad feeling when I think I'm not got enough. I want people to see what they exspect from me or more.
2. What is your biggest addiction (if you have one of course :p) ?
Tumblr ofcourse ! and my phone :)
3. If you won 1 billion dollars tomorrow, what would you do with the money and why?
I would travel the world and take my besties with me. And than I would start my own clothing brand :)
4.What the favorite food you’ve ever eaten?
omg this is the hardes question ever! I don't know, I've eaten so many good things! Well, I looovee vanilla milkshakes sooo much and the tapas i ate in Sevilla (Spain) and I really like Italian food like pizza and pasta and things!
5.Describe one of the prettiest person you’ve ever met?
My best friend; she has light brown hair, has a beautiful natural skin and perfect eyes. Her body is lovely and her clothing style so unique and pretty. But what I like most about her is her heart, she's always there for me and she understands me like nobody else. I love her so much.
6.What’s the most important thing that had changed your life?
My best friend cheated on me when we were 12. We've been bffs forever and then she started flirting with my boyfriend and she put pressure on me and I was just following her because she was getting so popular and had a lot of friends and I just felt like the 'nobody'. But I had a wake up call after 2 years. I realised I wasn't myself anymore, I wasn't enjoying things as much as I used to because she was in my way. And I said to her I wanted to end the friendship and after a long fight we didn't talk to each other anymore. And it helped, I feel much more happy right now. Even tough I miss her sometimes, it's better this way and I finally could myself.
7.If you were an actress, with who would you like to collab in a movie?
Lily Collins, she's just sooooo perfect!
8.What is the most embarrassing thing who’ve ever said to someone?
I have no idea actually :)
9.Who’s your role model (if you have one :p) ?
I don't really have a role model but there are a few people I really like :
Lily Collins (again), my best friend (littlemissptite), Jennifer Lawrence (look at her ugh) Vanessa Hudgens, my mom and Miley Cyrus. Stop judging her, she's a great person.
10.What kind of person would be your dream girl/boy?
My boy would look special. Not 100% perfect, but with a little unique thing, I don't know what. And mostly, I like dark hair. He would have a good music taste, maybe like mine, i don't care which style as long as it's no 'hitlist' style. He would be shy but also have his own opinion. I like boys who read books but also can be unexspected bad boys. Surprise you with things you weren't looking for. He would be sweet and at the same time mean and I know I'm so difficult haha.
11.Wich month is your favorite and why?
January because it's my birthday month! (the 18th, hint hint)
1. What's your clothing style like?
2. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in your life?
3. Is theres someone you really miss? And why?
4. If you could be a person for one day, who would it be?
5. What do you like most about yourself?
6. Describe your dream boy/girl.
7. Have you ever been bullied or did you ever bully someone?
8. What are you your mom most thankful for?
9. Do you have brother or sisters? How's your relationship with them?
10. Have you ever done something you now wish you had never done?
11. What's your biggest wish?
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fruiteau-blog · 11 years
hey jen, i love your blog, srsly! it's just flawless. i normally don't do this, it's my first time to do this but could you maybe check out my blog? :$ sorry for bothering you haha, if not it's okay :)♥
Heya *waves* Naw thanks love, you're making me blush. *hides* I love yours too, it's fab. And yes sure, I'll check your blog now :) x Oh no, it's not bothering me at all. I'd love to check out blogs and talk to you all.
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mercur-ie · 11 years
Hey, I'd be absolutely grand if you took the time to check out my blog! It would mean a lot! 
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golde-lux · 11 years
heyy your blog is really lovely<3 mind checking out mine? thanks!(:
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lushaize · 11 years
oh and I liked your video "sweather tag" and commented it :D♥ could I get a screenie maybe? xx
check out my videos ,like them/comment on them and message me for a screenie to 10k
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