#lina my beloved πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
lynxalon Β· 2 years
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I posted 20,649 times in 2022
That's 10,438 more posts than 2021!
122 posts created (1%)
20,527 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,552 of my posts in 2022
#lynx speaks - 107 posts
#answered asks - 51 posts
#flowers i would make a dress out of if i were a fairy - 22 posts
#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 19 posts
#πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š - 15 posts
#<3&lt;3<3 - 14 posts
#ough - 10 posts
#😍😍😍 - 9 posts
#lina my beloved ^^ πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š - 8 posts
#omg - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Lynx!!! tell me a story when you're free, pal!!! about anything you want, i like reading the things you write!! :D
During Windtide
There is something surreal about seeing Times Square as it was before, lit up and populated and vintage looking. The tacky smooth, sleek cars of the age were frozen in a moment in time behind the large red words detailing whatever magazine they were and what current events were happening in "the modern" world. There was nothing modern about them, as every present moment of every second of humanity has been the most modern that it gets. Even now, with our advanced technology and ideals, we will become obsolete also.
It's a beautiful thing to reach for the stars, but everything is more beautiful when you have something to reach to. The stars are too well known now; not one being has wished on one in so long. The wind picked up, and my grip tightens on the worn leather-bound journal. It's led me this far and if I lose it to a storm I'll lose that bet.
The windtide is rising again.
I open up comms and listen to the Earthling's chatter. Most of them don't have to worry about windtide right nowβ€”they're not crazy enough to be out exploring like thisβ€”so they talk about their finds, speak aloud hypotheses they have, and detail their movements. It's relaxing to hear them especially when you're the only ones on planet Earth. We now total twenty-seven; Pygmy went off planet nearly a fortnight ago and we all know what that really means.
Dory thinks they never left Earth. Doe is the only veteran researcher who's been stationed here before, but that was under different jurisdiction. Sometimes, after a bad find, doe tells us of how different this time is. No locators. No grouping. No signals.
Nothing reaches us here.
We only have comms, but Dory says we'll be lucky if those don't lose power. I'm inclined to agree with doe. But then again, I'm the only one who goes out during low windtide. I've seen the old graffiti, read the diaries, connected the dots between the lives of our ancestors. Whatever is left to salvage; whatever has stuck around after the storms. I see it all. I want to see it all.
Dory says I remind doe of doeself. Before, that is. We don't talk about it, but this used to be more exciting when it wasn't basically a researchers worst nightmare. Stranded. Soon to become history like everything else here.
We're not the first researchers sent down. The first few missions got lost at high windtide. I've learned from their mistakes and mastered my storm safety measures, drilling my chains down during low windtide and waiting them out. The currents get so strong that it wipes away almost everything; multiple times I've had to search miles for my bags and there was that memorable event when the straps twisted around my arm and dislocated my shoulder. Not the worst by far, but certainly the most aggravating.
I unmute my end once the wind picks up again, waiting a beat before muting it. Comms used to be a lot quieter before Dory, but doe's implemented many rules. For our safety and our sanity. After one too many months without a check in from me, back when I was in the gulf storm, doe set the most recent rule of indicating when high tide is. It interrupts everyone's murmurings, but ultimately has been the most helpful rule. At first, I didn't get it, until Dory visited the islands; I worried at my lips till they bled, then.
The horizon turns crimson as the storm sets in, wind whipping past. It's the one good thing about windtide, it's the only place the heat can't reach. I check and pull at my straps, cranking each until they lie firmly against my halehide. The sun bursts for a bright, brilliant moment, and I'm reminded of how scared I was when I came here. How I never left the safety of my designated region.
When I studied for this, I was told I shouldn't try and be a survivalist. I should stick to theoretical research. Stick to the known planets. It annoyed me to no end, but now I can't remember why I applied for this mission. Maybe it was an act of rebellion or spite but I only remember feeling resigned. Like this was the only path for me.
Life has a way of saving us, I think, though I'm not sure younger me would agree. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have stepped anywhere near the academy. Young me would have turned heel, and been worse for it. I know I'm braver than I began, kinder than I knew I could be, more loved than I ever imagined.
I know I'm a better person. When the sun lights up the sky I think that this was all worth it.
Even though I'm never going home.
12 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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it he! the MOST jumboed mumbo to ever
13 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
The Ghosts in Real Estate
Aimsey had learned at a young age that all houses had their ghosts but they didn't meet the first one until they went out on their own. The first ghost they met wasn't really a ghost; she was so alive. Vibrant, shining, but not meant for this world. A ghost before she had died, haunting a home that wasn't hers because she didn't want it.
The second ghost Aimsey met was shortly after the first, and he was a proper ghost. He needed a place to haunt, but it seemed like Aimsey was haunting him. They stuck close by and became friends with the ghost. No one else visited them, so no one saw how deathly pale Aimsey became.
The third ghost was a tall man with excited hands that danced as he talked, gesturing towards a house that could become a home. He showed them around the place with the familiarity of someone who knew it well; yet he was detached, said he would be around but he was selling the place. It would finally get some use.
Aimsey shivered as something ice cold ran in their veins. A dead guy sold them a house, parading around like he was still alive. A dead guy was Aimsey's friend. Again.
The fourth ghost looked at Aimsey with broken fury and claimed he was invincible. A ghost that couldn't be killed. That begged to be killed. He pushed them off the path and as they fell, he jumped after. He never hit the ground. Aimsey did.
It went something like this: dark, cold, cold, cold, cold, dark, warmth, light, burning, burning, light, air, cold, light, air, air, flowers and dew and cold. Life, again. Somehow.
The terror never left. The terror never arrived. The terror was there when Aimsey saw the dead guy again, and the terror haunted them once he'd left.
This brainrot was inspired by this epic art by @calli0p3
19 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
49 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
IT HAD TO BE DONE i need my tumblrinas to see this one !!
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See the full post
114 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review β†’
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voidendron Β· 3 years
Varrich my beloved!! But also Xaerez my beloved. I can choose two, right?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜¬ (~Dina)
they! I Love rambling about these two, thank you, Dina / @thedinalixlegacy! πŸ’šπŸ’œ
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Canon Varrich takes up drawing to 1) train his left hand, since his dominant right hand is the one he lost and the prosthetic isn't exactly gentle (also to try and get used to his lack of depth perception, since losing an eye kinda Does That); 2) work through his trauma cause he just Won't talk about it; and 3) because he wanted to find a way to relax when he wasn't in the field and his chronic pain made it impossible for him to work out to get his strength back.
They're messy, more scribbles than anything, but over time he actually develops kind of an eye-pleasing, sketchy concept art-type of style. As he develops the skill more, the Odessen wilderness is his primary muse.
His favorite piece though? Lina was playing with her baby girl, and he wanted to capture the sheer joy on his sister's face.
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Xaerez was...let's just call him a handful as a teenager.
He hung out with the wrong crowd - the type of crowd that would've ended with him arrested - and did things that were far from legal. Blackmailing an Ascendency official had to be #1 on his list of Stupid Things He Shouldn't Do while he was still on Csilla, and was the thing that finally got him caught.
It was only his slicing and disguise abilities that kept him from prison or worse when he was discovered and apprehended. His criminal record was wiped (though a handful of Ascendency individuals kept hold of copies if the need for blackmail ever arose) and he was put through rigorous training to better shape those skills to become part of Csilla's secret police.
This was the first time he had his face surgically reconstructed to make it harder for people who knew him to recognize him, and he personally arrested a number of his old "friends."
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
Lynx my beloved!!!!!!! How have you been?? :D
Lina!!!!!!!!!! Hiiiiiiii beloved <3 I'm answering this at the tender hour of 5am <3 I've been good! Minecrafting and catching up on Tubbo's return vod!! It's been very funny so I was just chilling while I mined/smelted shit/de-graveled one of our mountains! One of these days I've Gotta remember to post some cool screenshots of my builds and stuff! Thank you for the ask!!!! I hope you are well πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
hi hi Lynx my beloved!!!! Happy holidays!! How have you been?? Here's an ask for the ask game! "what is your favorite sense to incorporate in your writing and why?"
Hihihihihi Lina!!!!! I've been pretty snazzy!!! Been playing minecraft and genshin which has been very fun, and I got a job!!!!!!! So yesss, am very good, and I hope you're well beloved πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
Oooooo my favorite sense honestly depends on the character! Generally, I use smell a lot, because that's a big one for me. I associate certain smells with some of my favorite memories, and I adore incorporating that in my writing! But, other characters need something different. Where I might remember the smell of clovers and cut grass underneath myself and a childhood friend as we talked about our passions and thoughts, certain characters might remember the visual aspects like how the light turned brown hair and brown eyes to amber and reds, the glint of their jewelry which they always wore, and how the wind picked up and their hair flew into their mouth and they both laughed and continued talking. Or, maybe a character is more auditory. Whereas I might remember a memory starting with the smell of hot food that everyone brought to the gathering, and the scent of cold air that stings my nose, and the lovely smell of my nana's home, an auditorily focused character might remember a memory like that from the sound of shoes scuffing the porch as they arrived, the happiness of everyone's voices as they greeted one another, the warmth of hearing everyone piling in and talking and laughing brightly. Using that same scenario, a touch oriented character would remember how the warmth of the home offset the cold outside, how the pressure of that greeting hug was tight, loving, and welcoming, and how the rooms ended up a bit packed so brushing into others and receiving bright smiles and starters for conversation was a given.
Honestly, these are things that I always consider when writing characters, but I'm so used to it because I've been writing for so long that observing the way a character interacts with the world and then implementing it is second nature, so it's interesting to talk about it! Showcasing which sense a character uses the most is one of the best ways to create a solid foundation for a character, and a strong connection between the character and reader. The reader will either relate to or understand the character, and that makes any story more griping.
Here is the ask game this is from OwO
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
tarot reading!!!!!! goodness gracious you have many great skills!!!! what's your favorite card? :O
Definitely the heirophant! I feel like it's an atypical card to choose as a favorite, but I've drawn it so often and learned from it so much that it easily took it's place as my favorite :D
I used to be more focused to learn how to interpret them more easily, but it does seem overwhelming at times so I'm gonna try more at a later date. Tarot has been a big comfort to me all throughout childhood, and eventually my mother's deck back mine and I love them so so much!!! So, yeeee we do a bit 'o tarot reading, we do!!
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
Lynx!!!!!! I hereby assign thee the 'hiiii' and 'yeehaw' options from the ask game!!! there are seldom positive ones in this one? or at least from my limited understanding,,, ily!!! :D
Hiiii right back you beloved!! And thanks for the yeehaw as well XD
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
Lynx!!! Are ya gaming, pal? :D Take this πŸ“ for the ask game!!
Lina πŸ₯° I am gaming XD and winning O.O!!! Thank you for the πŸ“ this is for you ^^
You are someone very eye-catching, shining and iridescent and so very lovely to be around. If I could take you somewhere, it'd be stargazing so I could make up constellations with their absurd stories that we could laugh at, and I'd be laughing because I know they'd never compare to you.
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
Dearly beloved Lynx!!!!! Is today your birthday?? Happy birth, friend!!! here's to many more~ I hope you get a lot of neat things!!! :D
It is!!!! Omg I totally forgot I queued the cute lil birthday post! :D Thank you Lina!!! Look! My discord pfp is this for the occasion (I just drew over it lol)
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
(throws you a cat) Lynx!!! what're some of your favorite Kpop songs, as of late? I listened to sticker and had this expression '-' the whole time,,,I need new recommendations XD
Omg! A cat!!!!! am giving the bby a lil forehead smooch 😚
Ngl I am Tragically behind in the kpop scene! When I listen to kpop it's typically bts bsides, although I listen to the solos a lot, especially Tae's cause mans got that smooth smooth voice that just drags you in, like damn. And, I also listen to stray kids bsides, mainly earlier stuff cause I love the vibes. I don't even know who all's comeback with new stuff, like I think everglow did at some point?? But yeaaaah
So, unfortunately I don't have much tor recommend on the kpop front, but Aurora just came out with a new album and it is so so good! I think my favorite song is either exhale inhale or everything matters, mainly cause the french at the end is so pretty. Artemis is also a good one, pretty epic if I do say so!
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lynxalon Β· 2 years
Lynx omg!!!! While trying to ask you a question I accidentally pressed the following button and it unfollowed you... this is what happens when I don't pay attention >:(
OUGH you are just like me fr !!! i have notifs on for you and a few days ago i misclicked on your notif and muted you so i was like. okay well i will just. fix this rq. and well i unfollowed and was like
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
Lynx!!!!! How about 6. and 20. for the ask game? :D
Lina!!!!!! hiiiiiii ty for the asks beloved :D q20 is under a read more cause I had. a little of a lot to say lol
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
- Oof uuuuuuh maybe Tommy, even though I'm not very confident when writing him XD I just like the way cc!Tommy talks, so portraying his tone in writing is just super fun!
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
- Lina. Lina you know the way to my heart <3 I love this question!! Okie, so, TMOD. There's. A Lot of stuff that I don't expect people to see or find out. I love adding stuff like this to a story, cause I think it adds a certain depth when writing it. In TMOD, there's so much foreshadowing towards the ending of the story, cause I love rereading stories and catching lots of tidbits that pointed towards the big twist. There're also references to dsmp, osmp, 30 days smp, and stuff like that cause. yes <3
A lot of the character/relationship development will come from Ranboo, although I want there to be a clear distinction between all of the characters and who they are at the end. Ranboo's character arc is very centered on learning who is he and his own personal purpose in life and connecting to his family.
Tubbo's is in learning his strengths and coming to terms with the fate that befell him; his strengths aren't in the things he can do, but who he is is worthy. He worthy all on his own, cause he exists, and because he exists he is strong and he is loved and he is allowed to love. He gets to be himself, because there's always going to people people who love who he is. Honestly, I've put a lot of care into Tubbo's arc, because he's a fae so there's a lot of parallel between neurodivergence and fae behaviors. Different ways of thinking and acting, and that can be an incredibly lonely thing to not be understood or being made to feel like you're not worthy of existing. Well, it's not going to be so straightforward and heavy handed in the writing, because I want the focus for Tubbo to be very shown throughout the story. Out of all of the characters, his battle is the most internal which will be a fun challenge to write.
Tommy's... oof my boy I outta apologize to him cause he strugglin a little. His is centered on learning trust, finding a way to hold people responsible for their actions without demonizing anyone else like them. His situation is particularly terrible, so I don't want there to be any focus on whether the people who did what they did were wrong or right. There's no debate there, those people were definitely wrong, but Tommy deserves to grief and also love and be loved.
Lastly, cause gosh this is getting a little long, there's A Lot of decay symbolism in TMOD. I'm a big fan of decay and rot in living things, so yeaaaah XD
This was A Lot of fun to answer, thank you Lina!!!!!!
This is from the writing meta ask game if anyone wants to send some in :D
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
OOOHHH YES!!! yes yes yes!!!! that would be so much fun!! you can reblog posts with matching aesthetics to the TMOD characters there too!! it's so nice to have everything in one place~ like when you're feeling a ways you can always jog your ideas when you go back to a space specifically for your work!! I have separate discord servers for my works too, for the same reason! I would totally follow your blog for the fic!! I'm excited to see your ideas!!! :D
Ooooooo!!!!!!!!! Okie! I will make it tomorrow!!!! Omg I'm so excited! In my opinion, this is the most organic epic story I've created, things roll together so smoothly :D
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lynxalon Β· 3 years
;-; thank you for cherishing the cat!!! no worries, we are in the same boat,,, I like the older style of BTS songs!! and YES to the solos omg!!! (skz Felix voice) so good!! each member has his own time vibes, ya know? tae's deep tones for 7 - 9 pm, RM at 3 - 4 am, JK from 4 - 5 pm and so on~ there's a stray kids song for every occasion, too!! you have great taste!!! I'll go give aurora's new album a listen!!! :D
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Oh lawd he comin!!! Have a leedle lynx fren :D I don't have too much to add, BUT wait wait wait :O
Okay, so I've been working on a fic, The Mystery of Deofell is the working title, and I really wanna talk about but. Hmm. I'm not sure if I wanna clog this blog with it. I've seen @/wyrtt-au around, where they've made a blog for the fic and update as they're making it. What do you think, Lina? Should I do that for TMOD? πŸ‘€
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