#linhardt doesnt go on to wear feminine clothes but i think this opens her eyes to gender expression
beetlebane · 1 year
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T4t casphardt sketchy comic i made a bit ago.
Caspars a bit confused at first but he always finds a way to make linhardt feel better.
My handwriting can be hard to read so heres the text
C: man, linhardts room is a total wreck. How many books does one guy need? Theres not even any pictures.
C: oh lin, youre finally here. Are you gonna help me clean your own your room or — what… what are you wearing?
L: ah well, Dorothea and Mercedes wanted to practice their “make-up” skills on me. They decided to braid my hair as well while they were at it. As for the outfit, its one of Mercedes spare uniforms. They insisted i put it on to “finish” the look.
C: seriously? Did you just let them do that or did they get you while you were asleep?
L: I was initially against it, of course. But i found it rather relaxing, especially the braiding. So i allowed them to continue.
C: YUCK! That stuff feels so gross on your face. I hated it when my mom would make me wear it. Not to mention the clothes, UGH. I dont know how anyone can wear those skirts. It made climbing trees like so hard. I got no idea how the girls wear those to battle.
C: you should change out of that, we can clean your room together after. Aaaaanyways- youve got like way too many library books dude. No way one guy can read all this.
L: mhm
C: uh, you ok buddy?
L: Im fine caspar. Im just thinking about how youre right. Not about the books of course.
C: uhh…. Thats just how I feel man… do you like it?
L: dont be ridiculous caspar, why would I like this?
C: ack! I dont know… i hated that stuff when i was little so i dont really get it. But maybe youre like the opposite y’know? I always liked climbing trees and fighting and all that…. “Stuff” got in the way. When i cut my hair and started wearin’ my brothers old clothes i felt… uh, more like me, pretty much. If you like wearin’ that stuff too then thats cool. I guess in that way i understand pretty well.
C: Arg! I dont know man- i mean! Lin! Im not good with all this thinking and explaining! Lets get back to cleaning your room. We gave inspections soon. Remember last time your room was a mess and you almosr got written up! (Ramble ramble)
L: thank you caspar
C: y-yeah
L: I didnt know you were capable of that kind of emotional intelligence
C: wow! give me some credit lin, its different when it comes to you
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