#link passport and covid19 certificate
adamhaydenblog · 3 years
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shutterbugkw · 3 years
Module 5 - Assignment
1. Misinformation
https://www.facebook.com/flavoursforlife/ This is a Facebook post of a local Filipino restaurant in Waterloo. I’ve been there before, and I like to support local businesses like this place. Last month, they released a statement on their Facebook page that might look harmless as they closed the dine-in section of their restaurant. The majority of the restaurant owners were hoping to have the dine-in options before stage 2 as there are not enough customers coming in. The main reason this restaurant closed the dine-in option, so customers do not have to show their vaccine receipt. They are not anti-vaxxers, but the owner feels they don’t want to put their staff in an awkward situation when asking for the customer’s vaccine passport. The restaurant believes that they don’t want to discriminate against people if they are vaccinated or not. The motive might be beneficial for the staff and trying to serve all their customers, but refusing service to unvaccinated is not discrimination according to Ontario Human Rights Commission: http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/ohrc-policy-statement-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-and-proof-vaccine-certificates
See the screenshot of their statement via Facebook post:
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I found this link from my Facebook page from one of my connections. The Facebook user shared this No Jab for Me website: https://main.nojabforme.info/ that provides an option to get an exemption form with links to the list of US lawyers. You can also get a sample letter to anyone requiring proof of vaccination as a condition of employment or access to a school, gym, bar or restaurant. If you go to the next page: https://main.nojabforme.info/ there is a long list of manipulated and fabricated content links to reliable sources that can be misleading. Besides providing some reliable sources, the website has links to some misleading information that might cause harm. I can easily see why someone innocently viewing this website might easily believe that COVID19 is a hoax.
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3. MAL-INFORMATION One of the examples of mal-information is revenge porn or leaked images of someone - e.g. ex-partner, celebrities, politicians, etc. I won't share a link as most of the sites use an example that I found inappropriate. The leaked images of someone in revealing or sexually explicit pictures or videos posted online without their permission. The victim might experience trauma, emotional distress and embarrassment. There is one website that is non-consensual pornography (NCP) imageboard, also called a revenge porn site, allowing users to share the victim's personal information without the person's consent in the photo or video.  There might be a couple of reasons why someone would violate someone else's images without their permission, but causing harm and pain to the victim might be on top of the list.
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covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 08/10/2021
South Korea:  (URGENT) S. Korea reports 2,021 new COVID-19 cases as of 9 p.m. Tuesday
Texas:  ICYMI: The TEA said that school districts in Texas will not be required to conduct contact tracing this year for students who contract COVID-19, in its newly released guidelines. This, and other protocols, have concerned doctors ahead of the semester. LINK
Arkansas:  As the state sees soaring rates of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant, Arkansas school districts will—at least for now—be able to set their own local mask requirements.
World: Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time LINK
Pennsylvania:  MASKS NOW REQUIRED: Erie County is requiring masks for everyone in county facilities, regardless of vaccination status, starting today. LINK
World:  Andrew Pollard, JCVI chair, says Covid herd immunity is "mythical" "I suspect what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations. "That’s even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine programme around herd immunity"
RUMINT (Texas):  655 patients (63 ICU) in the region are in ERs waiting for general or ICU hospital beds, per SETRAC. For context, Houston could build another Ben Taub Hospital, fill it, and still have patients waiting.
US:  Growing number of colleges and universities in US overwhelmed by fake Covid-19 vaccination certificates
World:  Research shows how SARS-CoV-2 variants are evolving towards increased furin cleavage efficiency LINK
Arkansas:  #BREAKING: Arkansas COVIDComm, the state’s #COVID19 transfer system, reporting as of this morning, it has no where to send COVID positive patients within the state. #ARNews
US:  JUST IN: U.S. COVID hospitalizations could quadruple by Labor Day. LINK
Texas:  Dozens of Texas hospitals have run out of intensive care unit beds as COVID-19 surges faster than any other time during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Gov. Greg Abbott has blocked local officials and schools from issuing safety measures, like mask mandates.
Israel:  New concerning results, Israel 2021 (Prof. Retsef Levi) MDA Emergency calls: 25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29). 83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29). According to the study, this increase was correlated with Mass vaccination.
Israel:  "The Israel Police will start using drones during its enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions, Channel 12 news reports. The drones will have a loudspeaker through which cops will encourage people to wear face masks, the report says."
Israel:  JUST IN - U.S. moved Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, into its highest travel advisory tier, "Level 4 - Do Not Travel"
Texas:  Ambulances wait outside hospitals as COVID infections spread LINK
US:  NEW - Dr. Fauci: "I'm sorry I know people must like to have their individual freedom… but I think that we're in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done."
North Carolina:  Wake County Identifies COVID-19 Outbreaks at Four Local Facilities LINK
India:  All schools shall remain closed except residential schools from August 11 to 22. However, teaching and non-teaching staff shall attend the school. Education department shall frame SOPs for the residential schools to contain COVID19: Himachal Pradesh Government
Canada:  Participants needed for study on mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines LINK (What’s the worst that could happen? Wait...)
Canada:  Quebec to implement COVID-19 vaccine passport on Sept. 1 in the face of 'inevitable' 4th wave LINK
Kentucky:  An alarming quote from Kentucky @GovAndyBeshear’s COVID-19 presentation today: “The COVID unit is full. Our local hospital CEO told me that his day begins and ends with texts from other CEOs around Kentucky asking if there are beds available to transfer patients.”
Florida:  As kids return to school, most Florida counties report COVID-19 cases four times higher than last year LINK
Germany:  Unvaccinated people in Germany need to show a negative COVID test to enjoy indoor dining, visit cinemas or go to the gym.   If you can get vaccinated and choose not to — you will need to pay for tests yourself, announced Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Germany:  Europe’s largest newspaper Bild: “End the restrictions in our rights. No to mandatory vaccinations. Stop the dividing of society. Same rights for All. Chancellor we want unity, justice and freedom"
California:  'This is not sustainable': California hospitals filling again as Delta variant rages LINK
US:  U.S. health officials are currently changing their tone around the risks COVID poses to children. "About 45,000 children have been hospitalized. 350 children have died. These are not numbers we can ignore any longer," Bloomberg reporter @rileyraygriffin reports.
US:  The simple and inexpensive device allows users to test themselves for multiple variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at home LINK
World:  Progress of the Delta variant and erosion of vaccine effectiveness, a warning from Utah | medRxiv LINK
US:  Those in hurricane-prone areas should get vaccinated now, says @POTUS, explaining that "if you wind up having to stay in shelter you don't want to add COVID-19 to the list of dangers."
Australia:  Residents of Dubbo in central western NSW and surrounding areas are being urged to get tested for COVID-19 after a case was detected at a local public school. LINK
Hawaii:  76 new cases were reported in Hawaii County, 15 in Kauai County, 33 on Maui, 3 on Molokai,  292 on Oahu, and 17 cases out of state.
Louisiana:  Louisiana is reaching twice the amount of cases than the height of their winter wave. This is not a red or blue state issue, no state has reached vaccination rates high enough to protect the healthcare system and I am shattered on how we've allowed this to happen. Stay safe.
Australia:  NSW recorded 344 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night. Of these locally acquired cases, 115 are linked to a known case or cluster – 97 household contacts & 18 are close contacts – & the source of infection for 229 cases is under investigation
Florida:  Florida doctors are exhausted and angry as the state's COVID-19 surge unleashes pandemonium inside hospitals: 'Humanly, you just break at some point' LINK
Mississippi:  Current #COVID19 stats worse than last post. Worse than ever. Mississippi schools reporting 69 new outbreaks in schools just last week. Over 4000 quarantined, 900+ students infected & 300 teachers. Where is the leadership?  #LeadershipMatters
Georgia:  When #COVID19 overruns hospitals, they can't take folks who've had car wrecks, heart attacks or sports injuries. "As of the afternoon of Aug. 9, Piedmont hospital was on Total Diversion and could not accept EMS patients. St. Mary’s hospital was also listed as overcrowded." #GA
RUMINT (Alabama):  Alabama is dead last when it comes to vaccinations. Intubated an 11-mo, 7-mo and 6 mo old last week. Unfortunately none of them made it. Our youngest patient so far is 1-mo. Hospitals on diversion because ICUs are full. We’re losing the battle here.
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sharepresentation · 3 years
PPT on Guide to Link Passport with COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate.
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expatimes · 3 years
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Kuwait Covid19 Vaccination Registration Link Ministry of Health in Kuwait launched Covid19 Vaccination Registration Link early time this year. You can register by simply entering the following link: https://cov19vaccine.moh.gov.kw/
How to register for Kuwait Covid19 Vaccination
Enter https://cov19vaccine.moh.gov.kw/
Fill out required personal details as shown above. The required details as following:
Civil ID No. Civil ID Serial No. Passport No. Mobile No. Email ID. Education Qualifications. Tick any chronic diseases you have. 3. After submitting the details , you will get a confirmation saying thank u for registering. You will be notified with a text message about date and location. 4. You will be vaccinated with one (1) shot. Then, you will be informed of the appoint of the next shot. 5. Subsequently, you will receive an SMS notifying you about completing your vaccination shots. 6. Accordingly, you will fill out your Civil ID No. and Phone No. 7. Next, you will receive a softcopy of the Vaccination certificate.
What are the Vaccines Approved for Use in Kuwait
Two (2) vaccines are approved in Kuwait. they are as follwing:
Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2.
Oxford/AstraZeneca AZD1222.
For more information, you check the offciial website here https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/country/kuwait/
Don't miss: Kuwait Mosafer
Kuwait Covid19 Vaccination Process expanded
Kuwait  COVID19 vaccination drive will be almost complete by September. With the 850,000 citizens completed in the next three months if vaccines are available. Also, Kuwait health minister Bassel Al-Sabah made the statement based on the country’s plan. The plan is to vaccinate 300,000 people each month, state news agency KUNA reported. Furthermore, Kuwait is expanding its vaccination capacity. With the opening of two new COVID-19 centers in Al-Naseem and Al-Masayel. Kuwait is deploying two vaccines. First one, developed by Pfizer-BioNTech. Secondly, Oxford-AstraZeneca jab.
Kuwait Started Covid19 Vaccination to Expats
Additionally, Ministry of Health began vaccinating non-Kuwaitis. Starting off with the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, local media reported. Besides, a member of the COVI19 health committee, Khaled Al Jarallah, stressed that the Ministry has ramped up vaccinations. In addition, It opened new vaccination centers in order to vaccinate as many people as possible. With the aim of reaching herd immunity. Given that only those above the age of 16 are eligible to receive the vaccine. Based on last week’s statistics revealed by the Minister of Health, Dr. Basel Al Sabah. Out of the three and a half million people above the age of 16 in Kuwait, 137,000 of them have received the vaccine.
Also, almost half a million people have pre-registered to receive the vaccine, 238,00 of them are non-Kuwaitis. Majority of the non-Kuwaitis that have been vaccinated are health care and frontline workers.
So far, around 86.8 per cent of the total number of people who have been vaccinated are Kuwaitis.
Last word
Registration process online is straightforward. All you need is to access the official website mentioned above and fill out your details. Should you require further inquiry, don't hesitate to drop a comment below.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=19481&feed_id=39494
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goldmynetv · 4 years
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Nigeria to withhold passports of persons arriving from abroad as airports open ...returnees must provide COVID19 negative certificate; must still undergo two-week isolation period The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 has issued a REVISED QUARANTINE PROTOCOL for persons arriving Nigeria from Abroad (including returnees/stranded Nigerians). The revised protocol contained in a circular to all diplomatic, consular and international organisations accredited to Nigeria on the COVID-19 protocols to be observed by passengers arriving Nigeria includes depositing their passports with the Nigeria Immigration Service for two weeks, pending the verification of their COVID-19 status. According to the revised quarantine protocol which comes into immediate effect, the arrivals are expected to self-isolate for 14 days and to remain in the city/state where the point of entry is located (i.e Lagos or Abuja), throughout the duration of self-quarantine. The protocol states further: “If not resident in Lagos, passengers shall make arrangements for accommodation at their own cost. Please note that the federal government will not be responsible for providing accommodation or transportation to the place of abode. “Passengers will be cleared through the Nigeria Immigration Service System’s Migrant Identification and Data Analysis System and their passports retained until after successful completion of 14 days self-quarantine, except diplomatic passport holders.” It said after all the COVID-19 protocols had been followed, instructions would be given to the NIS to release the passports to their owners. According to the protocol, alternative arrangements could be made to collect passports via special delivery. The protocol said persons who are unable to remain in Lagos or Abuja throughout the period of self-quarantine may return to their states of residence only after their samples had been collected and had tested negative for COVID-19, adding, “such persons must also make their full contact details available.” All persons, whether citizens or foreigners, are to comply with this protocol. Click the link in bio to read more or www.goldmyne.tv https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHvprrlhJs/?igshid=mqtmc4dd2xer
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4 June 2021
Not feeling 100%?
This is more anecdote than data, but I feel like I've been seeing a lot of clustered bar charts (where you have a number of bars, for different series, bunched together in each category) with quite a lot of bars per category recently.
This sort of thing:
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Lest I risk being stripped of my Peston Geek of the Week badges, there isn't anything particularly wrong with this - it just happened to be one example I noticed this week! But personally, I find four bars per category a bit much - I don't think the key stories are as easy to read as they might be. (I should confess my own sins at this point.)
In instances like this one - where the results for a single age group will add up to 100% - I think there's an obvious alternative: a 100% bar chart.
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I think this makes the same point - that attitudes to lifting lockdown divide along age lines - more clearly. The thing you might lose is being able to easily compare should/should not for a particular age group, but that's not the main point being made and (personally) I think that takes some time with the original anyway.
Again, there's nothing particularly wrong with the original in this instance. But I've definitely seen more egregious examples, where the number of clustered columns becomes a bar to understanding the data.
Some initial thoughts on other subjects:
DB I thoroughly enjoyed last night's Data Bites geo-special, which you can watch as-live here (and will appear in slightly edited form here). I even included a chart-based quiz - question here (it does get there eventually), answer here. We'll be back on Wednesday 7 July with the next one, and then back on 8 September after a short summer break.
VPs Reports (Meta data, below) suggest the government has backtracked on many of its 'vaccine passport' plans for domestic use. (Rumours government will leave much to the free market are still a concern - government needs to provide clarity and be wary of harms, whoever is developing such systems.) Here's the Ada Lovelace Institute report on vaccine passports I was involved with.
GPDPR Also below are many links about the planned General Practice Data for Planning and Research, a new NHS Digital initiative to use patient data, which is now starting to become A Thing in the press.
LN If you're interested in data sonification, a new podcast - Loud Numbers - is launching with a whole festival on the topic this Saturday. Here are my collected sonifications for the Institute for Government podcast (which I've been saying I'll write up for about a year and a half now...)
ODI There are some great jobs - including researcher and senior researcher roles - going at the Open Data Institute, where I'm a special adviser (but don't let that put you off).
OGP NAP If you'd like to get involved in shaping the UK's next national action plan for open government, remember you can sign up here.
CogX And last but not least, I'm delighted to announce I'll be chairing a session on 'AI Governance: the role of the nation in a transnational world' at this year's CogX at 1pm on Wednesday 16 June.
W:GC will be taking a break next week, and perhaps the week after if I'm feeling really decadent. Remember there are 100+ other data newsletters, podcasts or event series you can sign up to here.
Have a great weekend/week/fortnight
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Today's links:
Graphic content
Viral content
Peru has world’s worst per capita Covid toll after death data revised (The Guardian)
Pretty big validation... (John Burn-Murdoch)
Covid-19 deaths in Wuhan seem far higher than the official count (The Economist)
This is an analysis of the rate of growth of the "delta variant" (Alex Selby)
COVID-19: Indian variant now dominant in a fifth of areas in England - do you live in one? (Sky News)
How the Indian Covid variant has surged in England* (New Statesman)
Side effects
Covid catch-up plan for England pupils ‘pitiful compared with other countries’ (The Guardian)
How England’s school catch-up funding falls £13.6bn short* (New Statesman)
Concerns about missing work may be a barrier to coronavirus vaccination* (Washington Post)
COVID-19 passports: Britons are still in favour even as government scraps plans (YouGov)
Most people in UK did not work from home in 2020, says ONS (The Guardian)
UK's culture war divisions exaggerated but real, say public – as shown by views on equal rights, cultural change and class, and online bubbles (The Policy Institute at King's College London, Ipsos MORI)
Lewis Baston: London voting patterns 2021. Not so much a doughnut as a swirl (On London)
Labour, not the Conservatives, was the largest party among low-income workers in 2019* (New Statesman)
The Greens are on the march. Who should be afraid?* (New Statesman)
Gender in public life (IfG)
Is this the beginning of the end of marriage? (Tortoise)
Small share of US police draw third of complaints in big cities* (FT)
Biden Targets Racial, Social Inequities With Vast Spending Push* (Bloomberg)
Hunger has declined dramatically across America in the past year* (The Economist)
NYC’s School Algorithms Cement Segregation. This Data Shows How (The Markup)
The Persistent Grip of Social Class on College Admissions* (The Upshot)
Building a Home in the U.S. Has Never Been More Expensive* (Bloomberg)
Nature, environment, energy
Cicadas, insecticides and children* (The Economist)
Corporate-led $1bn forests scheme is ‘just the beginning’* (FT)
European Banks’ Next Big Problem? The CO2 in Their Loan Books (Bloomberg)
How an Insurgency Threatens Mozambique’s Gas Bonanza* (Bloomberg)
Everything else
English clubs are dominating European football once again* (The Economist)
Unpacking the 2021 Digital Government Survey (FWD50)
A collection of visualization techniques for geospatial network data (GEOSPATIAL NETWORK VISUALIZATION)
Reconstructing the Neighborhood Destroyed in the Tulsa Race Massacre* (New York Times)
Meta data
Viral content
NHS Covid app signs £10m six-month contract extension with developer Zühlke (Public Technology)
The UK’s response to new variants: a story of obfuscation and chaos (BMJ)
Exclusive: UK vaccine passport plans to be scrapped* (Telegraph)
Introducing Covid certificates is a ‘finely balanced’ decision, says Gove (The Guardian)
Sharing data to help with the Covid-19 vaccination programme (DWP Digital)
How Modi’s fraught relationship with pandemic data has harmed India* (FT)
All those pub apps you’ve downloaded are a privacy nightmare* (Wired)
Losing patients?
Our perspective on the new system for GP data (Understanding Patient Data)
Helen Salisbury: Should patients worry about their data? (BMJ)
Your NHS data will be quietly shared with third parties, with just weeks to opt out – GPs like me are worried (i)
Dear #research, People are opting out in droves – Matt Hancock’s data grab, facilitated by NHSX, is damaging your work (medConfidential)
Matt Hancock has quietly told your GP to hand over your health data. Why? (openDemocracy)
Plans to share NHS data must be reconsidered* (FT)
GPs warn over plans to share patient data with third parties in England (The Guardian)
The Guardian view on medical records: NHS data grab needs explaining (The Guardian)
Your medical records are about to be given away. As GPs, we’re fighting back (The Guardian)
UK government
Government Digital Service: Our strategy for 2021-2024 (Strategic Reading)
Geospatial Commission sets its 2021/22 priorities (Geospatial Commission)
Office for Statistics Regulation Annual Business Plan 2021/22 (OSR)
Office for National Statistics: the number-crunching whizzes keeping Britain afloat are the unsung heroes of the pandemic (Reaction)
Digital Strategy for Defence: Delivering the Digital Backbone and unleashing the power of Defence’s data (MoD)
Introducing a Head of Digital role to DfE (DfE Digital and Technology)
Why we’ve created an accessibility manual – and how you can help shape it (DWP Digital)
Working in data, insight and user research roles at GOV.UK (Inside GOV.UK)
How to make hybrid or ‘blended’ meetings work for your team (MoJ Digital and Technology)
AI got 'rithm
How soft law is used in AI governance (Brookings)
The race to understand the exhilarating, dangerous world of language AI* (MIT Technology Review)
Can AI be independent from big tech?* (Tortoise)
Sentenced by Algorithm* (New York Review of Books)
Google says it’s committed to ethical AI research. Its ethical AI team isn’t so sure. (Recode)
Facebook’s AI treats Palestinian activists like it treats American Black activists. It blocks them.* (Washington Post)
Privacy, people, personal data
Privacy group targets website 'cookie terror' (BBC News)
EU to step up digital push with digital identity wallet (Reuters)
ICO call for views: Anonymisation, pseudonymisation and privacy enhancing technologies guidance (ICO)
Data isn’t oil, whatever tech commentators tell you: it’s people’s lives (The Observer)
Everything else
In big tech’s dystopia, cat videos earn millions while real artists beg for tips (The Guardian)
Rescuers question what3words' use in emergencies (BBC News)
Gadgets have stopped working together, and it’s becoming an issue (The Observer)
German Bundestag adopts autonomous driving law (The Robot Report)
Code is cheap; ignorance is costly (Matt Edgar)
The internet is flat. (Galaxy Brain)
EVENT: AI Governance: the role of the nation in a transnational world (CogX)
Full programme
EVENT: Special Topic Meeting on R/local R/transmission of Covid19 (Royal Statistical Society)
EVENT: Deploying algorithms in government (Global Government Forum)
EVENT: Emerging approaches to the regulation of biometrics: The EU, the US and the challenge to the UK (Ada Lovelace Institute)
SURVEY: Help to shape the National AI Strategy (AI Council, supported by The Alan Turing Institute)
JOB: CEO (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
BEIS seeks chief for research agency championed by Cummings (Civil Service World)
JOB: Chief Digital Officer for Health and Care for Wales (Health Education and Improvement Wales, via Jukesie)
JOB: Head of Data Strategy (Companies House)
JOB: Head of Data Policy Analysis Team (DCMS)
JOB: Data Architect (GDS)
JOBS: Open Data Institute
JOBS: Open Data Manchester
JOB: Manager, Data and Digital Team (Social Finance, via Jukesie)
And finally...
Baked in
We collected data on 1,500 politicians' favourite biscuit. Here's what we found. (Democracy Club)
NYC Mayor Race: Ranked-Choice Ballot Explained, With Bagels* (Wall Street Journal)
Countries coloured by the number of other countries they border (Helen McKenzie)
An orange or an egg? Determining the shape of the world* (The Spectator)
I'm planning to cycle around London looking at bits of internet infrastructure and general sites of interest in computer history (Reuben Binns)
"How much of Scotland is further south than the most northerly part of England?" (Alasdair Rae)
'It's just counting!' (Scott Murray)
Help a Computer Win the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest (The Pudding)
Everything else
Can you make AI fairer than a judge? Play our courtroom algorithm game (MIT Technology Review)
Behind the painstaking process of creating Chinese computer fonts* (MIT Technology Review)
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