#add passport number on covid certificate
anexperimentallife · 2 years
So grateful to everyone who helped us get so far with El's situation*. Thanks to y'all, El's citizenship is recognized, she has her passport, and our visas are reset for another three years.
Unfortunately, even with donations, this whole ordeal has left us 14K in debt.
PLUS now that El's citizenship, passport, and visa stuff is resolved, the US embassy is making us go to Manila AGAIN in December (for about another 1K--and yes, that's the earliest we could get an appointment), to apply in person for her social security number. (Which they would not let us apply for until after we had her passport.)
It'll take about three months to get her SSN, and only THEN can we apply to add her to my disability. No idea how long that will take.
Y'all, having a baby overseas during a national lockdown when BOTH parents are foreigners, especially if there's a birth certificate error that needs corrected, is a stressful and expensive hassle involving multiple visits to various local and national offices and the embassy.
I'm not even concerned about the surgeries I need right now (throat, jaw, and possibly joints). Eleanor is my top priority.
(*In case you didn't see the earlier posts, we're a disabled, neurodivergent, interracial US couple living in the Philippines, where it is actually possible to live on the pittance that the US pays for disability. Our daughter was born here under the lockdown as our visas were expiring, and an error on our daughter's birth certificate left her stateless, which cascaded into a series of bureaucratic/legal woes that had eventually put us in danger of forced separation and possible incarceration. That part is finally resolved thanks to y'all, but we've still got some challenges ahead.
During all of the above, @thesurestthing had to be hospitalized a couple of times, and I nearly died from COVID twice, spent a month on oxygen, had blood clots that screwed up my right retina and temporarily paralyzed one side of my face, a persistent two-year infection that required foot surgery and industrial strength antibiotics to resolve, and ended up with heart issues that are likely permanent--so even with the cheap healthcare here, it took a huge chunk of cash just to keep us--especially me--alive.)
So yeah, unfortunately, you'll be seeing another donation post within the next couple of days--hopefully more coherent than this one.
I'll go ahead and add the donation links here anyway, though.
We prefer pay pal donations, because they take the lowest fees, but we can also accept donations through go fund me and ko-fi.
pay pal: https://href.li/?https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AAPN4HRA9YLA4
ko fi: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/anexperimentallife
go fund me: https://href.li/?https://www.gofundme.com/f/family-riding-out-covid-overseas
And if you've actually read all if this, here's a reward of the most adorable baby on this or any other planet (holding my cane, which she keeps absconding with lol).
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Again--Thanks to everyone who has kicked in or reblogged so far. We will never be able to adequately express our gratitude. <3
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tanzanisafaricost · 2 years
What are the Current Travel Updates for Tanzania Safaris?
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If you’re planning a Tanzania Safari in the upcoming months, you should be aware of the current travel updates. After 2020, Tanzania’s Tourism has seen a huge surge in the number of international visitors.
Below is a guide to all the latest travel updates regarding Tanzania Safari Tour.
1.    Latest Updates for Travel in Tanzania
Tanzania opened its borders for tourism in 2020. And many tourists have been visiting this wonderful destination for a safari post-pandemic. The number of international visitors in 2020 was 616,491. But, in 2021 it surged to 922,692. And, 2022 and 2023 predictions are high as well.
Yet, you should always know and follow the latest travel updates. Don’t worry as the following will give you all the required information you need:
Here you need to add some recent data like the number of people visiting.
1.1  Covid-19 Safety Protocols in Tanzania
The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) has put into effect the following Covid-19 safety protocols (effected from 22nd Sep 2022):
Individuals that are fully vaccinated (with all the doses approved by the World Health Organization) are exempt from PCR and Antigen Tests.
Visitors that are not fully vaccinated will have to show a negative Covid-19 PCR certificate. Or NAATs certificate (with a QR code) received 72 hours before departure.
Those who don’t have a negative Covid-19 vaccination certificate will be tested upon arrival. The cost of the test is $10 (23,000 TSH).
All visitors must complete an online Health Form (https://afyamsafiri.moh.go.tz/#/) 24 hours before arrival. They will receive a Unique Health Code after completion. And, present it to the health officials on arrival.
Children below the age of 5 are exempt from PCR and Antigen Tests.
In public places, visitors should wear face masks.
The protocols for departure will be in line with the destination country or the airline. The current travel advisory level is ‘Level 1’ (i.e. Exercise Basic Precautions).
Our Recommendation – Visitors that don’t have a QR code on their certificates should upload their vaccination details to Global Haven. https://globalhaven.org/. If there’s any medical emergency, call the
Health Emergency Number: 199 for Tanzania Mainland.
1.2  Flight Updates
For US travellers, some of the top airlines that fly into Tanzania include Swiss Airlines, Turkish Airlines, KLM Airlines, Kenya Airways, Etihad Airways, etc. One-way and last-minute flights are also available. As well as return flights.
Business Class Flights are great for people on a higher budget. Prices start from $6000 and return trips are included.
Our Recommendation – For great deals, consider booking flights in November, KLM, and Qatar Airways provide great discounts.
For travelers from Europe, there are two direct flight options:
From Amsterdam to Kilimanjaro and Dar es Salaam
From Istanbul Ataturk International Airport to Dar es Salaam
Our Recommendation – KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is the best airline option for European travellers.
1.3  Entry Requirements in Tanzania
Below are the latest entry requirements for travellers on Safaris in Tanzania:
To enter Tanzania, you must have an international passport that’s valid for at least six months.
Most nationalities require a visa to enter Tanzania for either business or tourism.
Before leaving, you should obtain a visa from the Tanzanian Embassy or the nearest consulate.
A yellow fever certificate is also required. Immigration officers may request to see Yellow Fever vaccination records or exemption records upon arrival.
Our Recommendation – Tanzania entry requirements vary from nation to nation and are subject to change. Always confirm the documentation required for travel to Tanzania with your government and the Tanzanian embassy.
1.4  Security and Safety Updates
Tanzania has a comparatively low crime rate. However, you should still exercise all reasonable precautions.
Our Recommendations - Don't go out and drive at night. Don't leave your belongings unattended either. Keep a safe distance from the wildlife while on game drives in Tanzania's national parks, and obey the regulations of tour guides and park officers.
1.5  African Scenic Safaris Way To Ensure Travel Safety?
All the guides have been fully vaccinated. And they carry hand sanitizers as well. The team is taking all the necessary measures and covid-19 preventative norms to ensure the safety of visitors.
2.    The latest status of Vaccinations in Tanzania
8.8 million Doses of covid-19 vaccines have been given to the people of Tanzanian (as of June 2022). People that work in the Tanzania Tourism sector have also been given priority. A rough estimation is that almost 95% of the staff that works in the Northern Safari Circuit have been fully vaccinated.
Many accommodations have also stated that all of their staff are completely vaccinated. Including safari guides, rangers, trackers, and drivers.
There are some other general vaccinations that visitors should take before a Tanzania Safari Tour. They are listed below:
In Tanzania, there’s a risk of malaria. So, take all the general safety precautions like taking anti-malaria pills/tablets and having a mosquito repellant (preferably with DEET).
Keep in mind that you need proof of yellow fever immunization if you’re travelling from a country that has a risk of yellow fever. So, have a certificate of vaccination with you.
You should also take all the routine vaccines. They are influenza, measles, tetanus, polio, and hepatitis (A and B).
3.    Level 1 Travel Advisory Precautions
The following are some general safety precautions that travellers should keep in mind:
Avoid swimming in contaminated freshwater streams, lakes, ponds, or rivers
Avoid wearing dark-colored clothes while on game drives in national parks as they can attract tsetse flies.
Eat food that has been cooked well and served hot. Only eat vegetables and fruits that you’ve thoroughly washed and properly peeled.
Understand what steps you should take to maintain your safety and health while travelling. Some diseases can’t be cured by vaccinations, thus your actions are critical.
4.    Some Suggestions From our Travel Experts
Follow     all the regulations set by the national parks and game reserves     authorities.
Avoid     wearing fancy jewellery out in public areas.
The     use of plastic bags is prohibited in Tanzania. So don’t bring any plastic     bags on your trip.
Avoid     taking pictures of military bases. And, ask permission to photograph the     locals.
Book     a Tanzania Safari in the low or shoulder season. There is     less number of visitors in these seasons. And, you’ll enjoy discounted     costs for accommodations and Tanzania Safari Packages.
5.    Is it safe to visit Tanzania during Christmas and New Year?
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Tanzania’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism has opened the borders of Tanzania post the pandemic. And, has made sure that tourists will have a safe and wonderful Tanzania Safari Tour. So rest assured it’s completely safe to visit Tanzania during Christmas and New Year. But do make sure to exercise the general safety precautions.
With the latest Travel Updates – Start Preparing!
Travelling to Tanzania will be one of your best decisions in life. And with all the above latest updates, your Tanzania Safari experience will be hassle-free and exceptional.
You can also reach out to our safari experts to get all this information in more detail.
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adamhaydenblog · 3 years
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tinyshe · 3 years
Story at-a-glance
In the spring of 2021, the Biden Administration said it was seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn it’s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regime’s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who don’t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts
This article was previously published on April 6, 2021 and has been updated with new information.
As predicted in 2020, vaccine passports are being rolled out across the world, including the U.S. As reported by Ron Paul in his Liberty Report,1,2 which streamed live March 29, 2021, the Biden Administration said it was "seriously looking into establishing some kind of federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens."
While Biden has yet to formally announce such a program, Paul warns that if it happens, this system "will quickly morph into a copy of China's 'social credit' system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished." I've been saying the same thing for many months now, and there's every reason to suspect that this is indeed where we're headed.
Indeed, listen to Ilana Rachel Daniel's emotional plea from Jerusalem, Israel, where a "Green Pass" is now required if you want to enter any number of public venues and participate in society. Daniel, who emigrated from the U.S. to Israel 25 years ago, is a health adviser, activist and information officer for a new political human rights party called Rappeh.
The COVID-19 data simply don't support the rollout of this kind of draconian measure. In the absence of a serious, truly massively lethal threat to a major portion of U.S. citizens, having to show vaccine papers in order to travel and enter certain social venues is clearly more about imposing top-down government control than safeguarding public health.
We're Looking at the End of Human Liberty in the West
Mandatory vaccine passports will be massively discriminating, and are quite frankly senseless, considering the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines" don't work like vaccines.
They're designed to lessen symptoms when the inoculated person gets infected, but they do not actually prevent them from getting infected in the first place, and they don't prevent the spread of the virus — which is being proven by the number of fully vaccinated people who not only are coming down with the Delta variant of COVID, but are being told they can spread it to others.
With statistics like this, vaccine passports are nothing but loyalty cards, proving you've submitted to being a lab rat for an experimental injection and nothing more, because in reality, vaccinated individuals are no safer than unvaccinated ones. It's a truly mindboggling ruse, and unless enough people are able to see it for what it is, the world will rather literally be turned into a prison planet.
In Israel … we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world. ~ Naomi Wolf
As noted by former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf, mandatory COVID-19 passports would spell the "end of human liberty in the West." In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News' Steve Hilton, she said:3,4
"'Vaccine passport' sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what those platforms can do. I'm [the] CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it's not about the virus, it's about your data.
Once this rolls out, you don't have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans.
Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. You credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included.
This has already happened in Israel, and six months later, we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world.
It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized."
Largest Medical Experiment in the History of the World
As noted by Donald Rucker, who led the Trump Administration's health IT office, the individual tracking that goes along with a vaccine passport will also help officials to evaluate the effectiveness and long-term safety of the vaccines. He told The Washington Post:5
"The tracking of vaccinations is not just simply for vaccine passports. The tracking of vaccinations is a broader issue of 'we're giving a novel biologic agent to the entire country,' more or less."
In other words, health officials know full well that this mass vaccination campaign is a roll of the dice. It's the largest medical experiment in the history of the world, and vaccine certificates will allow them to track all of the millions of test subjects. This alone should be cause enough to end all discussions about vaccine mandates, yet the experimental nature of these injections is being completely ignored.
Again, by shaming people who have concerns about participating in a medical experiment and threatening to bar them from society, government officials are proving that this is not for the greater good. It's not about public health. It's about creating loyal subjects — people who are literally willing to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their children at the request of the government, no questions asked.
Vaccinations Are the New 'Purity Test'
Wolf also points out the horrific history of IBM, which developed a similar but less sophisticated system of punch cards that allowed Nazi Germany to create a two-tier society and ultimately facilitated the rounding up of Jews for extermination.
Suffice it to say, some of the most gruesome parts of history are now repeating right before our eyes, and we must not turn away from this ugly truth. Doing so may turn out to be far more lethal than COVID-19 ever was.
The short video above features a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor who compares mask wearing to, as a Jew, having to wear a yellow star to mark their societal status. However, back then, everyone understood what was happening, she says.
At no point were they lied to and told that wearing the star was for their own good, which is what's happening now. So, in that respect, the current situation is far more insidious. She says the "hypocrisy in the public narrative," which claims that we need to wear masks to protect the old, "is absolutely unbearable." "I would love to die in a state [of] freedom," she says, "than live like this."
She adds that at her age, her life expectancy is short, and she would gladly exchange her death for the life and happiness of the next generations. She wants the younger generations to have the freedom "to live their lives, as I have lived mine ... To see people defile their children with masks is something totally unbearable to me," she says. Vaccine credentials, in my view, are even more comparable to the Jewish yellow star, but in reverse.
Not having the certificate will be the yellow star of our day, which will allow business owners, government officials and just about anyone else to treat you like a second-class citizen and deny you access to everything from education, work and travel, to recreation, social engagements and daily commerce — all under the false guise of you being a biological threat to all those who have been vaccinated.
According to the public narrative, vaccine certificates are a key aspect of getting life back to normal, but the reality is the complete converse, as they will usher in a markedly different society that is anything but normal.
Florida Bucks the Trend
As a resident of Florida, I must applaud Gov. Ron DeSantis who announced March 29, 2021,6 that he would issue an executive order forbidding local governments and businesses from requiring vaccine certificates.
He followed up with that order April 2, 2021, saying he was calling on the state legislature to create a measure that will allow him to sign it into law. Unfortunately, U.S. District Judge Kathleen M. Williams issued an injunction August 8, 2021, against enforcing the order; whether DeSantis chooses to fight to keep it is yet to be seen.
"It's completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society," he said at the time he announced the order.
But, no matter what comes of DeSantis' order, other states and countries that do decide on such a requirement are also bound to face the problem of black market vaccination certificates, which have already started emerging.7,8
As reported by the Daily Beast,9,10 a number of health care workers have been caught bragging about forging vaccination cards on their social media channels. Apparently, they have not yet realized the public nature of the internet, but that's beside the point.
In Florida, a man working at a web design company was fired after posting a TikTok video advertising fake vaccine cards,11 and in Israel, where the two-tier society is already forming, a man was arrested for making and selling forged COVID-19 vaccination certificates, which are now required for entry into restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, swimming pools and other public venues throughout the country.12
Around the world, people are also being arrested for administering fake vaccines13,14,15,16,17 and selling bogus COVID-19 tests.18,19
Eugenics and Hygiene Obsessions
While it's often considered bad policy to compare anything to the Nazi regime, the comparisons are growing more readily identifiable by the day, which makes them hard to avoid.
Aside from the parallels that can be drawn between mask wearing and/or vaccine "papers" and the Jewish yellow star, there's the Nazi's four-step process for dehumanizing the Jews,20 — prejudice, scapegoating, discrimination and persecution — a process that indoctrinated the German people into agreeing with, or at least going along with the plan to commit genocide.
In present day, the public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people.
With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. This in and of itself also harkens back to the Nazi regime, which was obsessed with "health guidelines" that eventually led to the mass-purging of "unclean" Jews. As reported by Gina Florio in a December 2020 Evie Magazine article:21
"When Hitler first came to power in Nazi Germany, he kicked off a series of public health schemes. He started by setting up health screenings all over the country, sending vans around to every neighborhood to conduct tuberculosis testing, etc.
Next up was factory cleanliness — he launched a robust campaign encouraging factories to completely revamp their space, thoroughly clean every corner … After the factories, the next mission was cleaning up the asylums …
What started as seemingly innocent or well-meaning public health campaigns quickly spiraled into an extermination of races and groups of people who were considered dirty or disgusting. In short, the beginning of Hitler's reign was a constant expansion of who was contaminated and who was impure …
We're seeing an obsession with covering our faces all the time so we don't spread disease or deadly germs; most public places we walk into won't even allow us to enter without slathering our hands in hand sanitizer; and people act terrified of someone who isn't wearing a mask.
Nobody can say with a straight face that this is normal behavior … We're even seeing people advocate for some kind of tracking device to show that a person is vaccinated or 'clean' enough to enter a venue … Let's hope we can all learn the lessons from the past and we don't witness history repeat itself."
History Is Repeating Itself
Indeed, everyone calling for vaccine certificates — which became part of the public narrative early on in the pandemic — is guilty of following in the well-worn footsteps of this infamous dictator, repeating the very same patterns that were universally condemned after the fall of the Third Reich.
Highlighting them all would be too great a task for one article, so two glaring examples will have to suffice. In December 2020, Andrew Yang, an entrepreneurial attorney with political ambitions, tweeted the following:22
"Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated — like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be … Tough to have mass gatherings like concerts or ballgames without either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signaling."
Signaling what, if not your "unclean" biohazard state? In his March 2021 Tweet, law professor, political commentator and former U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Harry Litman, was more direct about the ill intent behind vaccine certificates, saying:23
"Vaccine passports are a good idea. Among other things, it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines, who will be foreclosed from doing a lot of things their peers can do. That should help break the resistance down."
Comments like these demonstrate that vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who don't want to be part of the experimental vaccine program.
The justification is that they're too "unclean," too "unsafe" to freely participate in public society and must therefore be identified and shut out. In reality, it's really about identifying the noncompliant.
During the Nazi reign, those slated for segregation, discrimination and elimination were identified by their affiliation with Judaism (there's controversy as to whether Jewishness is an issue of race, ethnicity, religion, national identity or familial bonds, which you can learn more about on JewInTheCity.com,24 but all were relevant criteria in the Nazi's hunt for Jews).
Today, the global elimination strategy foregoes such identities, and focuses instead on identifying who will go along with the program and who will be a noncompliant troublemaker.
In short, vaccine passports are a device to identify who the loyal subjects of the unelected elite are, and who aren't. Those unwilling to enter the new world of technocratic rule without a fuss are the ones that need to be eliminated, and willingness to be a test subject for an unproven experimental treatment is the litmus test. It's really not more complicated than that.
Are You Ready To Be an Outcast?
This is essentially the conclusion drawn by Mike Whitney as well, detailed in an article25 posted on The Unz Review. I would encourage you to read the entire article as it succinctly summarizes the reasons behind the current censorship.
In his article, he points out that behavioral psychologists have been employed by the government to promote the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and maximize vaccine uptake. They also have a "rapid response team" in place to attack the opinions of those who question the "official narrative."
Mike also highlights a National Institutes of Health report26 titled, "COVID-19 Vaccination Communication: Applying Behavioral and Social Science to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and Foster Vaccine Confidence," which lays out the intent to turn vaccine refusers into social outcasts as a tool to coerce compliance.
"This is very scary stuff," Whitney writes.27 "Agents of the state now identify critics of the COVID vaccine as their mortal enemies. How did we get here? And how did we get to the point where the government is targeting people who don't agree with them? This is way beyond Orwell. We have entered some creepy alternate universe …
If behavioral psychologists helped to shape the government's strategy on mass vaccination, then in what other policies were they involved? Were these the 'professionals' who conjured up the pandemic restrictions?
Were the masks, the social distancing and the lockdowns all promoted by 'experts' as a way to undermine normal human relations and inflict the maximum psychological pain on the American people?
Was the intention to create a weak and submissive population that would willingly accept the dismantling of democratic institutions, the dramatic restructuring of the economy, and the imposition of a new political order? These questions need to be answered …
Vaccination looks to be the defining issue of the next few years at least. And those who resist the edicts of the state will increasingly find themselves on the outside; outcasts in their own country."
Will You Obey?
As detailed in an internet blog titled, "Will You Obey the Criminal Authoritarians?" the 1962 Milgram Experiment (embedded above for your convenience), tested the limits of human obedience to authority, proving most people will simply follow orders, even when those orders go against their own sound judgment. They'll commit atrocious acts of violence against others simply because they were told it's OK by an authority figure.
We've already seen examples of this during the past year's mask mandates. Suddenly, people felt empowered to verbally harass, pepper spray and physically attack others simply for not wearing a mask. Families were kicked off planes because their toddlers wouldn't wear a mask. People were even shot for the grievous "crime" of not wearing a mask.
If those things were allowed to happen over mask wearing, one can only imagine what will be tolerated, if not encouraged, when vaccine certificates take full effect. The most obvious answer is to take a firm stand against devolution into inhumanity, regardless of whether you think COVID-19 vaccinations are a good idea or not. The question is, will you? In many ways, the months and years ahead will test the ethics and humanity of every single one of us.
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natureboundafrica · 3 years
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It’s official – vaccine certificate system goes online The Department of Health brought its COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate System online (October 5th 2021). The system, which features a scannable QR code, produces a digital copy of the physical vaccine card which is linked to the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS). Discover A View Like No Other! Fairview House Several tourism leaders have been advocating for this, with President Cyril Ramaphosa noting that the digital vaccination certificate can be used to facilitate travel, access to establishments and gatherings and other forms of activity that require proof of vaccination status. “Our approach is informed by World Health Organization guidelines and is in line with international best practice,” he said, adding that streamlining and standardising proof of vaccination would also go a long way towards getting a number of international travel restrictions both from and into the country eased. Speaking recently on Peter Ndoro’s TV show, For the Record, Mia Malan, respected health journalist and Editor in Chief and Executive Director of the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism, said some organisations and associations in South Africa had expressed the fear that South African vaccine passports might not be created according to international standards already in play globally, and this might be an encumbrance to travel plans. But, as Malan pointed out, there was not yet a common international standard, but there were guidelines set by WHO, and these were the guidelines that South Africa had followed and was following. She quoted the Department of Health as saying it would add more security features in time, including digital signature technology. https://sacoronavirus.co.za/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CUt3U2jNNcB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 08/10/2021
South Korea:  (URGENT) S. Korea reports 2,021 new COVID-19 cases as of 9 p.m. Tuesday
Texas:  ICYMI: The TEA said that school districts in Texas will not be required to conduct contact tracing this year for students who contract COVID-19, in its newly released guidelines. This, and other protocols, have concerned doctors ahead of the semester. LINK
Arkansas:  As the state sees soaring rates of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant, Arkansas school districts will—at least for now—be able to set their own local mask requirements.
World: Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time LINK
Pennsylvania:  MASKS NOW REQUIRED: Erie County is requiring masks for everyone in county facilities, regardless of vaccination status, starting today. LINK
World:  Andrew Pollard, JCVI chair, says Covid herd immunity is "mythical" "I suspect what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations. "That’s even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine programme around herd immunity"
RUMINT (Texas):  655 patients (63 ICU) in the region are in ERs waiting for general or ICU hospital beds, per SETRAC. For context, Houston could build another Ben Taub Hospital, fill it, and still have patients waiting.
US:  Growing number of colleges and universities in US overwhelmed by fake Covid-19 vaccination certificates
World:  Research shows how SARS-CoV-2 variants are evolving towards increased furin cleavage efficiency LINK
Arkansas:  #BREAKING: Arkansas COVIDComm, the state’s #COVID19 transfer system, reporting as of this morning, it has no where to send COVID positive patients within the state. #ARNews
US:  JUST IN: U.S. COVID hospitalizations could quadruple by Labor Day. LINK
Texas:  Dozens of Texas hospitals have run out of intensive care unit beds as COVID-19 surges faster than any other time during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Gov. Greg Abbott has blocked local officials and schools from issuing safety measures, like mask mandates.
Israel:  New concerning results, Israel 2021 (Prof. Retsef Levi) MDA Emergency calls: 25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29). 83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29). According to the study, this increase was correlated with Mass vaccination.
Israel:  "The Israel Police will start using drones during its enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions, Channel 12 news reports. The drones will have a loudspeaker through which cops will encourage people to wear face masks, the report says."
Israel:  JUST IN - U.S. moved Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, into its highest travel advisory tier, "Level 4 - Do Not Travel"
Texas:  Ambulances wait outside hospitals as COVID infections spread LINK
US:  NEW - Dr. Fauci: "I'm sorry I know people must like to have their individual freedom… but I think that we're in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done."
North Carolina:  Wake County Identifies COVID-19 Outbreaks at Four Local Facilities LINK
India:  All schools shall remain closed except residential schools from August 11 to 22. However, teaching and non-teaching staff shall attend the school. Education department shall frame SOPs for the residential schools to contain COVID19: Himachal Pradesh Government
Canada:  Participants needed for study on mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines LINK (What’s the worst that could happen? Wait...)
Canada:  Quebec to implement COVID-19 vaccine passport on Sept. 1 in the face of 'inevitable' 4th wave LINK
Kentucky:  An alarming quote from Kentucky @GovAndyBeshear’s COVID-19 presentation today: “The COVID unit is full. Our local hospital CEO told me that his day begins and ends with texts from other CEOs around Kentucky asking if there are beds available to transfer patients.”
Florida:  As kids return to school, most Florida counties report COVID-19 cases four times higher than last year LINK
Germany:  Unvaccinated people in Germany need to show a negative COVID test to enjoy indoor dining, visit cinemas or go to the gym.   If you can get vaccinated and choose not to — you will need to pay for tests yourself, announced Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Germany:  Europe’s largest newspaper Bild: “End the restrictions in our rights. No to mandatory vaccinations. Stop the dividing of society. Same rights for All. Chancellor we want unity, justice and freedom"
California:  'This is not sustainable': California hospitals filling again as Delta variant rages LINK
US:  U.S. health officials are currently changing their tone around the risks COVID poses to children. "About 45,000 children have been hospitalized. 350 children have died. These are not numbers we can ignore any longer," Bloomberg reporter @rileyraygriffin reports.
US:  The simple and inexpensive device allows users to test themselves for multiple variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at home LINK
World:  Progress of the Delta variant and erosion of vaccine effectiveness, a warning from Utah | medRxiv LINK
US:  Those in hurricane-prone areas should get vaccinated now, says @POTUS, explaining that "if you wind up having to stay in shelter you don't want to add COVID-19 to the list of dangers."
Australia:  Residents of Dubbo in central western NSW and surrounding areas are being urged to get tested for COVID-19 after a case was detected at a local public school. LINK
Hawaii:  76 new cases were reported in Hawaii County, 15 in Kauai County, 33 on Maui, 3 on Molokai,  292 on Oahu, and 17 cases out of state.
Louisiana:  Louisiana is reaching twice the amount of cases than the height of their winter wave. This is not a red or blue state issue, no state has reached vaccination rates high enough to protect the healthcare system and I am shattered on how we've allowed this to happen. Stay safe.
Australia:  NSW recorded 344 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night. Of these locally acquired cases, 115 are linked to a known case or cluster – 97 household contacts & 18 are close contacts – & the source of infection for 229 cases is under investigation
Florida:  Florida doctors are exhausted and angry as the state's COVID-19 surge unleashes pandemonium inside hospitals: 'Humanly, you just break at some point' LINK
Mississippi:  Current #COVID19 stats worse than last post. Worse than ever. Mississippi schools reporting 69 new outbreaks in schools just last week. Over 4000 quarantined, 900+ students infected & 300 teachers. Where is the leadership?  #LeadershipMatters
Georgia:  When #COVID19 overruns hospitals, they can't take folks who've had car wrecks, heart attacks or sports injuries. "As of the afternoon of Aug. 9, Piedmont hospital was on Total Diversion and could not accept EMS patients. St. Mary’s hospital was also listed as overcrowded." #GA
RUMINT (Alabama):  Alabama is dead last when it comes to vaccinations. Intubated an 11-mo, 7-mo and 6 mo old last week. Unfortunately none of them made it. Our youngest patient so far is 1-mo. Hospitals on diversion because ICUs are full. We’re losing the battle here.
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mkznews · 3 years
New York Metropolis’s Vaccine Passport Plan Renews On-line Privateness Debate
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When New York Metropolis introduced on Tuesday that it will quickly require individuals to indicate proof of at the least one coronavirus vaccine shot to enter companies, Mayor Invoice de Blasio mentioned the system was “easy — simply present it and also you’re in.”Much less easy was the privateness debate that the town reignited.Vaccine passports, which present proof of vaccination, usually in digital type resembling an app, are the bedrock of Mr. de Blasio’s plan. For months, these data — also referred to as well being passes or digital well being certificates — have been underneath dialogue world wide as a software to permit vaccinated individuals, who're much less in danger from the virus, to assemble safely. New York would be the first U.S. metropolis to incorporate these passes in a vaccine mandate, probably setting off comparable actions elsewhere.However the mainstreaming of those credentials might additionally usher in an period of elevated digital surveillance, privateness researchers mentioned. That’s as a result of vaccine passes might allow location monitoring, at the same time as there are few guidelines about how individuals’s digital vaccine information must be saved and the way it may be shared. Whereas current privateness legal guidelines restrict the sharing of data amongst medical suppliers, there is no such thing as a such rule for when individuals add their very own information onto an app.The second is paying homage to the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, assaults, privateness advocates mentioned. That was when adjustments made within the identify of nationwide safety led to lasting results together with taking off sneakers in airports and information assortment enabled by the Patriot Act.With out safeguards now, presenting a digital vaccination passport each time individuals enter a public place might result in a “world map of the place persons are going,” mentioned Allie Bohm, a coverage counsel on the New York Civil Liberties Union. The data could possibly be utilized by third events for revenue or be handed over to legislation enforcement or immigration authorities, she mentioned.“How can we ensure that in 20 years we’re not saying, ‘Effectively, there was Covid, so now I’ve acquired this passport on my telephone that can be my driver’s license and likewise has each well being report I’ve ever had and each time I am going right into a retailer I've to swipe it?’” Ms. Bohm mentioned.She added that the passes might notably drawback teams which are extra involved about privateness, together with those that are undocumented. The New York Civil Liberties Union and different advocacy teams have supported laws to forestall vaccination information from being shared with legislation enforcement officers and to make sure that the passes don't turn out to be everlasting well being trackers.Vaccine passports have largely been rolled out with out a nationwide framework in the US. President Biden has dominated out a nationwide vaccine move, leaving states, cities and personal firms to find out whether or not and how you can have their very own digital techniques to maintain observe of vaccinated individuals.Some firms which have developed digital vaccine passes have tried to pre-empt privateness considerations. Over 200 non-public and public organizations not too long ago joined the Vaccination Credential Initiative, a coalition that goals to standardize how vaccine information is recorded and guarded.Many builders mentioned that they had taken pains to ensure the passports don't cross privateness boundaries. Clear Safe, a safety firm that has created a well being move utilized by over 60 organizations, lots of them sports activities venues, mentioned well being information about its customers was “dealt with with the utmost care” and guarded by a wide range of instruments. Employers or venues can see solely a crimson or inexperienced sign displaying whether or not a consumer has been inoculated, it mentioned.The Commons Undertaking, a nonprofit that has developed a vaccine move referred to as the CommonPass, shops vaccination and testing information on customers’ telephones and uploads the knowledge solely briefly to a server to examine {that a} traveler has met necessities, it mentioned. Airways which have adopted CommonPass, together with JetBlue and Lufthansa, can see solely whether or not a passenger has been cleared for journey, it mentioned.JP Pollak, a co-founder of the Commons Undertaking, mentioned the group’s vaccine move was “reliable” as a result of customers’ information was not saved on the cloud and since the move limits the knowledge companies can see.However whereas vaccine passports stay nascent, Covid-19 contact-tracing apps that had been launched earlier within the pandemic have already been utilized by extra authoritarian nations in ways in which increase privateness questions. That offers researchers little confidence about how these vaccine passes is perhaps used later.In China, for instance, a program referred to as “reportInfoAndLocationToPolice” throughout the Alipay Well being Code, utilized by the Chinese language authorities to evaluate individuals’s well being standing, sends an individual’s location, metropolis identify and an figuring out code quantity to a server as quickly because the consumer grants the software program entry to private information.In Singapore, officers mentioned in January that information from the nation’s coronavirus contact-tracing system had been utilized in a legal investigation, though leaders had initially mentioned it will be used just for contact tracing. In February, Singapore handed a legislation limiting such use solely to “severe” legal investigations.“One of many issues that we don’t need is that we normalize surveillance in an emergency and we will’t do away with it,” mentioned Jon Callas, the director of know-how initiatives on the Digital Frontier Basis, a digital rights group.Whereas such incidents usually are not occurring in the US, researchers mentioned, they already see potential for overreach. A number of pointed to New York Metropolis, the place proof of vaccination necessities will begin on Aug. 16 and be enforced beginning on Sept. 13.For proof, individuals can use their paper vaccination playing cards, the NYC Covid Protected app or one other app, the Excelsior Move. The Excelsior Move was developed by IBM underneath an estimated $17 million contract with New York State.To acquire the move, individuals add their private info. Beneath the usual model of the move, companies and third events see solely whether or not the move is legitimate, together with the individual’s identify and date of beginning.On Wednesday, the state introduced the “Excelsior Move Plus,” which shows not solely whether or not a person is vaccinated, however consists of extra details about when and the place they acquired their shot. Companies scanning the Move Plus “might be able to save or retailer the knowledge contained,” in response to New York State.The Excelsior Move additionally has a “Part 2,” which might contain increasing the app’s use and including extra info like private particulars and different well being data that could possibly be checked by companies upon entry.IBM has mentioned that it makes use of blockchain know-how and encryption to guard consumer information, however didn't say how. The corporate and New York State didn't reply to requests for remark.Mr. de Blasio instructed WNYC in April that he understands the privateness considerations across the Excelsior Move, however thinks it's going to nonetheless “play an essential function.”For now, some states and cities are continuing cautiously. Greater than a dozen states, together with Arizona, Florida and Texas, have in latest months introduced some kind of ban on vaccine passports. The mayors of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle have additionally mentioned they had been holding off on passport packages.Some enterprise teams and corporations which have adopted vaccine passes mentioned the privateness considerations had been legitimate however addressable.Airways for America, an business commerce group, mentioned it supported vaccine passes and was pushing the federal authorities to determine privateness requirements. The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, which helps its members work with Clear, mentioned utilizing the instruments to make sure solely vaccinated individuals entered shops was preferable to having companies shut down once more as virus circumstances climb.“Folks’s privateness is efficacious,” mentioned Rodney Fong, the chamber’s president, however “once we’re speaking about saving lives, the privateness piece turns into rather less essential.” Source link Read the full article
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