#lisia new year 2023
3627889 · 5 months
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: Gordie and I were thinking about how to entertain our fans the other day!
Lisia: I want my fans to always be smiling!
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crystalelemental · 9 months
Sync Pair Retrospective - New Years 2023
Last year, the New Years alts were leaked somehow, and I was personally really excited by the decisions made. It feels like New Years always lands on at least one really good inclusion. That year, it was two. But, now that it's been a year, how are they doing overall?
New Years Lisia Lisia is a candidate for the most unfortunate character in this game. Her base form sucks so badly that she's the only pair who is made weaker by the presence of zone. Her New Years alt aimed to fix this, making her an excellent damage dealer for Fairy type, and a rare physical one to boot! Giga Impact Fairy Shift is the Hyper Beam equivalent, and those are always in style. So great, she's gonna be amazing, right?
Well she should be, but no Zone support. Wally wasn't a good match. That's fine, we'll wait for the next. Oh, SS Hau has it, but is entirely specially inclined? Well okay, eventually they'll...oh, we're getting a third already, and SS Mina is also specially inclined? Well hey, that's fine, field effects are old hat anyway, now we're all about rebuffs which...also went to a specially focused support. At least eggmon Sylveon is there?
Lisia cannot catch a break. Every other Fairy type around her has received buff after buff after buff, and Lisia has stagnated completely in time. Her situation is downright depressing. To make her life worse, her designation as one of the only Physical Fairy type options was severely challenged by the inclusion of an F2P pair, BP Valerie, who can actually sync nuke comparably while on-type. So unlike, say, Raihan, who has merit due to Steel-weak Glacia, Lisia is not in a comparable boat.
Lisia's life sucks. She's maintaining as a good overall pair because high BP moves like this will literally always be in style. But it's hard to consider her exceptional, so much as flatly alright. At the very least, few pairs are as difficult to work with, given the unreasonable amount of Fairy support that all skewed special. I hate it.
New Years Dawn Dawn, on the other hand, is hilarious. Initially, everyone dunked on her because the kit seemed bad, but then we got to learn about what Extra Special Ghost Damage does, and that tune changed quick. Dawn has good damage potential, and a stellar sync, backed by some nice tanking potential. Evade tanking is risky, but her rapid debuffing of Atk and ability to hit other stats is divine. Her doubling of stat boosts is an ongoing blessing, as supports with a +4/+2 focus like Penny actually work for her, and Spectrier's TM becomes wildly powerful.
Dawn's trouble is that, despite her abilities, she remains heavily reliant on support. She can't get away with cheaper options, she needs heavy support. Her debuffs are also random, which limits her overall effectiveness with others despite how useful many of her traits are. Evade tanking is inconsistent, as is her MPR on trainer move, and her confuse status.
It's weird, because I do really like this pair, but I honestly never use her. I feel like something just always holds her back. I could not tell you what. Maybe it's a gauge thing? Maybe I just need to use her offensively more often. Whatever the case, Dawn's kit has merit that I just don't see a ton of use for.
Final Thoughts Like many New Years pairs, I think Lisia and Dawn are middling. They're not strictly bad, in the same way that NY Lance still has really good Flying damage if supported, or NY Sabrina can still Endure tank. But New Years never really excels, and that trend seems to be continuing. Oh well. At least the alts look good.
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ampheresart · 1 year
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Lisia ORAS Concept Art
Normal + Shiny, plus an outfit pattern inspired by her New Years 2023 Shiny Galarian Rapidash sync pair in PokeMas
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gaycey-sketchit · 3 years
(Gary anon) And with that, Ash will potentially fight half of the Masters 8. (I think the last 3 will be fodder. Characters that we know of, but will be primarily be used to show off what Ash is up against) I remember being half as mad when Togepi was around, so that doesn't surprise me. xD I'm mostly indifferent. (I know XY fans are currently happening with Clemont and Bonnie; their VAs did express wanting to play them again. Wallace is here, along with his niece Lisia)
(Re-resend Part 2) (Predictions are already lining for May, Dawn and maybe Serena performance for the Wallace Cup.) Everyone's been asking for/predicting it would happened. Though this version does confirm we're now in the final stretch of episodes. (Sunday will be the definitive check-mark if Gen 9 is confirmed) Re-edit: I'm gonna wait until we get a less blurry image, but the raid battle IS Articuno. Goh will have help here; I wonder if he needs to get its feather. Like Gary with Moltres
(Part 3) Okay, found the less blurry image. The Pokemon confirmed for the raid battle are Lucario, Cinderace, Umbreon and Gardevoir. We know who the first two belong to, I'm not sure about the Gardevoir unless it's Diantha's, a COTD, or a Chaser. (And I swear, if the Umbreon isn't Gary)
Exciting times and hopefully epic battles are ahead!
I don't remember ever really minding them myself, which is surprising to look back on because I was a very angry child who was annoyed by a lot of things.
Yeah, seems a lot of people are excited to see Clemont and Bonnie! With my limited knowledge of XY they seem nice. I hear Bonnie once killed a man.
Wallace and Lisia is very exciting!! Nearly eight years after ORAS came out Lisia finally makes her anime debut!
Yeah, Wallace Cup would be a good opportunity to see some other coordinators! Considering Kaori's condition (always wishing her well) I don't really expect May to have a speaking role, but we could at least get a silent cameo and maybe an appearance from her brother too.
Oh wow, I can't believe Journeys is going to be drawing to a close this year. It still feels so new but at the same time... looking back on the past couple years they've come so far.
Tomorrow!! I'm so excited to hear whatever they've got planned for the year (as much as I'm still hoping we don't get gen 9 until 2023).
Ooh, that sounds promising! I don't want to get my hopes up too much but... they can't show us an Umbreon in a Project Mew episode and it not be Gary's. The Gardevoir's a mystery though, guess we'll find out.
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: Hey, look at this outfit! It looks like kimono from Johto! It's so cute, right?
Lisia: I've been to other regions for work, but this is the first time I've worn an outfit like this!
Lisia: It's so glorious and wonderful!
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Lisia: I wanna do loads of more work wearing different kinds of outfits!
Lisia: I'm an idol! I love cute things!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: Do you know about the traditional way of singing that's been around Johto for a long time?
Lisia: It's a very powerful way to sing. Once you hear it, you'll want to mimic it!
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Lisia: The song I listened to was something like, “I'll Be at the Olivine Pier! Waiting Forever for You!”
Lisia: The lyrics are about a sad farewell, but it's also about moving forward towards the future with hope.
Lisia: I just feel like humming it sometimes! Do you wanna sing it together?
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firecodex · 2 years
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Icon and Header of the Pokémon Masters EX Twitter account after the New Year's Live Show Cheer Rally
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firecodex · 4 months
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I've got some idol work to do tomorrow morning, so I'd better sleep soon! I hope we both have sweet dreams!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: I'm turning over a new leaf! Hey, can I tell you my goal?
Lisia: I wanna be a Trainer that's as charming as Dashie and Ali!
Lisia: In order to bring out my Pokémon's charm, I have to be a charming Trainer, too!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: Heya, [player name]! I was waiting for you to come!
Lisia: “Our New Story is Beginning!”
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: I've got some fans who call me by the nickname Lissi!
Lisia: If you don't mind, could you call me Lissi, too, [player name]?
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: I wanna be cool like Roxie and Piers sometimes!
Lisia: It'll be like, “Let's Show It Off! A Bright New World!”
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: I often imagine who I'd like to team up with as an idol unit.
Lisia: Skyla would share her energy with everyone, or Whitney could bring smiles to the performance…
Lisia: Or maybe Serena, who's fashionable and shines in a different way than me?
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firecodex · 1 year
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Lisia: In my dream, it was like my heart and my fans' hearts were one and the same!
Lisia: Let's make this the best live show, Dawn!
Dawn: Yep! It's nerve-racking to perform in front of everyone, but…
Dawn: if I'm gonna do it, I wanna enjoy it with everyone!
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firecodex · 2 years
New Year's 2023 trailer
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