yarrayora · 3 months
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lisono comic commissioned by @pinkestlittlebutterfly
tfw accidentally giving lily the grip and just went with it
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Merry (late) Christmas to everyone and especially @revoleotion!! I am your Secret Santa this year and since I know your tastes so very well I made you the fluffiest, most tooth-rottingly sweet Lisono you have ever seen. Enjoy!!
(You can also read it here on AO3, if the format suits you better)
Lily is quite excited; so much so that he forgot to take off his Santa hat. 
Misono pauses halfway down the stairs to the front door, where his Servamp is waiting for him, and takes a moment to savour the sight. The little white pom pom dangling off that Santa hat’s tip is bobbing up and down as Lily bounces on his feet; and the man is grinning much like a schoolgirl about to have her first date, giddy in a way that is almost childish. 
It’s cute; and flattering considering this is far from their first date. It’s not even their first Christmas date. They’ve had one every year since Misono discovered the shocking truth behind the big, bearded man bringing his gifts every year; one Christmas Eve when he was sixteen or seventeen and caught his Servamp in the act of taking off his fake beard, very nearly causing the first heart attack in Lily’s long, immortal life with his cry of outrage. 
(He never told Lily it was fake; that he knew long before that night. He deserves a secret of his own, he thinks, and it’s a nice one to keep. It would have been cruel to deny Lily the comfort of this familiar ritual right after the war, after so many things in their lives had already changed, so he played along for a few more Christmas Eves before ripping off the bandaid, making room to find new rituals, for a new love in a new time.)
“Do you need a few more minutes to get out of character?” He asks as he approaches his Servamp. Lily looks confused for a second but lowers his head obediently when Misono reaches up, allowing him to pull off the hat. 
“Oh my,” He says and chuckles, taking it from his Eve to stuff it into the closest cabinet, where the children currently enjoying their brand new, Santa-chosen toys somewhere in the house won’t find it. “I am inconsolable, my love, my excitement must have gotten the better of me.”
“Your age is getting to you,” Misono tells him, slipping into the coat his Servamp holds open for him, turning so he can button it up for his Eve, as he loves to do. “One day you’re going to get caught by someone who won’t be quite as forgiving as me.” 
“I will simply have to take the risk.” Lily’s sigh ghosts down the not-yet-buttoned collar of Misono’s coat, caressing his skin softly. “I can hardly think straight at the prospect of spending this night with you, my love, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.” 
“You’re a flirt and a tease, Lily,” Misono says. But he won’t even act as though Lily’s flirting doesn’t do it for him, and he quite likes the triumphant grin with which his Servamp cups his blushing cheek, so he kisses him anyways.
Lily is quite excited; and Misono knows exactly why. 
They planned on taking the train into town, as Dodo prefers to spend Christmas Eve getting drunk on eggnog. Lily walks nice and slow for his Eve as they make their way through the snow to the station, but there’s a bounce to his step that betrays how very badly he would like to break into a sprint. Misono grabs his arm, tethering him to his side, and Lily grins at him from somewhere beyond his three metre alpaca wool scarf. 
Lily is a romantic at heart. He’s always been, no matter how hard he tried to deny it in the past. Lily loves love and Lily loves loving in a way that is grand and beautiful and blatant like that in the romance movies he makes Misono watch every December weekend. He loves flower bouquets and matching jewellery and pillow talk at midnight and kisses under mistletoes and every other romantic cliché in the book. And he loves being loved like that in turn, in a way that is undisguised and unconcealed and impossible to mistake for anything else. 
Certainly, there’s more to this – hidden little truths to decipher when cooped up in their bedroom, with one another’s comfort close. But for tonight, there’s no need to think about it too deeply. It’s simply part of who Lily is, who he has become with Misono by his side – when they first went out on Christmas Eve, to calm both of them down after the shocking revelation of Santa’s true nature, he nearly cried with joy wandering beneath Tokyo’s gorgeous canvas of Christmas lights; and in the end Misono found it impossible to deny him when he begged to do it again next year. 
Not that he would ever want to deny him. A walk beneath the Christmas lights, food and wine at the Christmas market, a night spent in a five star hotel booked months in advance are classic and cliché and thus, quite perfect in his book. They find free seats on the train and sit close to one another; and Lily rests his head on top of Misono’s and hums a joyful little tune. 
As they come closer to their destination, thick snowflakes begin falling beyond the train windows, a thousand little white gems against the darkened cityscape, adding onto the thick, fluffy blanket already carpeting gardens and rooftops and trees in the parks rushing by underneath them. 
“Look at that,” Misono says, nudging Lily, who is so busy burying his face in his Eve’s hair he probably has no idea what’s going on around them. “We’re having a white Christmas, what a terrible cliché.”
“You’re so brave for bearing all that kitsch, my love,” Lily says, positively trembling with excitement. 
Misono keeps watching him as they leave the train and spot the Christmas market just beyond the platform; a sight like what would be expected from the front page of a travel magazine Christmas special. Little wooden huts stand in neat rows, their little roofs covered in snow as though they’re puff cakes doused in powdered sugar, and framed with warm white fairy lights. Happy couples meander in between, and the air is ripe with their chatter, and heavy with the scent of spiced wine and cinnamon and sugar. And above it all, dangling off facades and spanning between houses, swaying gently in the wind as they cast gentle, warm light upon the glittering snow, like a night sky crowded with a million stars, there are more Christmas lights, utterly picturesque and almost too delightful to bear. 
Lily takes the sight in with stars in his eyes. It reminds Misono of the pictures Yamane took of him when he was younger and got his first look at a festively decorated Christmas tree; wide-eyed and so full of awe it’s almost jarring in the face of a vampire who has seen hundreds of winters before.
“How utterly scenic,” Misono says; sarcasm with no real bite. Truly, he could watch his Servamp smile at this idyll all day long. 
Still, when Lily turns and looks at him instead to smile even wider, he can’t help but blush. 
Lily is quite excited, which is understandable because Misono just told him they should look for their Christmas dinner. 
They’ve been wandering the Christmas market for half an hour or so now, hand in hand, taking in every picturesque detail. There’s fir trees in between the booths, decked out in silver and gold. There’s happily crackling fires over which meat and salmon are roasted. There’s lametta-adorned speakers blaring Christmas carols, and a gaggle of children laughing over some holiday-themed festival game, a giant Christmas pyramid slowly spinning at the market centre and happy, eggnog-sated couples taking selfies at its feet. 
There’s a lot of food, too, most of which they could never get from the Alicein kitchens. Christmas market meals have no obligation to be healthy, which makes them all the more enticing. 
Lily’s hands land on his shoulder with the weight of a very important discovery, and Misono stands at attention. 
“They have whole cheese wheels over there.” 
That is important indeed, so they go check it out at once. 
The cheese wheels, as it turns out, are for making pasta within, which is exciting enough for Misono to buy two bowls, even though the amount of cream poured over them is slightly worrying. It’s delicious; rich and flavourful and so creamy it sticks to his lips for Lily to wipe off with his thumb and a warm, indulgent smile on his face. 
It’s also way too much for him. But he has a Servamp willing to eat anything as long as it is from his Eve’s hands, and Misono feeds him the rest of his pasta as they wander on, looking for stollen or churros or maybe a crepe. 
It’s disgustingly cute. But he has come to enjoy disgustingly cute; at least once a year. 
Lily is quite excited. It looks gorgeous on him. 
They shared a cup of spiced wine; and it has painted his cheeks a lovely red and Misono’s vision a bit more rosy. He doesn’t contemplate his Servamp’s beauty very often – it’s a sight that has been present in his life since he could think, and it is as normal to him as every other part of who Lily is. But sometimes, all it takes is a few sips of warm alcohol and he can’t take his eyes off the man anymore. 
Lily looks so soft beneath the night sky of twinkling Christmas lights, their warm glow mirrored in the red of his eyes and catching in the loose strands of hair framing his face, making the snowflakes caught in them twinkle like diamonds. At some point his scarf came loose to flounce and dance around him as he pulls his partner through the twilight of the Christmas market, looping around his long legs whenever he turns to look at Misono. 
It all pales in comparison to his smile. God, he is so happy. He is happy to be here and excited for every little bit of it, and Misono can’t get enough of the sight. 
“Lily,” He says. Lily stops and turns to him, just in time to catch him in his arms. 
Misono looks up at him. They found themselves a little opening in the tightly packed market, a little square above which the strings of Christmas lights converge in a glittering canvas of twinkling stars. Lily looks like an angel, framed by their glow. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Misono tells him. 
Lily looks close to tears. Misono knows there’s no one else in this world who could bring out such a look in him, no one else in whose attention Lily revels quite this much. 
But he doesn’t cry. He just cups Misono’s cheeks, and kisses him, right underneath the Christmas lights. 
And if it was a romance movie, it couldn’t be more perfect. 
Lily is quite excited. The closer they get to their hotel, the greater his anticipation grows. 
It’s a different kind of excitement now. Less giddy, not one that shows in the bounce of his steps, his giggles, his wide, fanged grin. It’s quiet and confident. It’s a hand on Misono’s shoulder as he checks them in, an arm around his waist in the elevator. It’s in how he wordlessly takes their bags so Misono can unlock their room, in how he holds the door for him and locks it behind them. 
It’s in how he turns to Misono when his name is softly called and gives in to the gentle tug of his Eve’s fingers burying in the collar of his coat, pulling him down. In the hitch of his breath, the tremble of his lips before Misono presses his own against them once more, in how easily they part for him. In how he whispers “I love you” as they part. In how he’s so confident to hear it back but still blushes softly as Misono mutters “I love you too”. 
Perhaps this is the most romantic thing of them all, Misono thinks as Lily’s hands settle on his chest to work open the buttons of his coat, as his own respond in kind, slowly doing away with the layer of thick cloth separating them. That Lily is so sure of his love now. That in the comfort of each other, the small acts of love have become as undisguised and unconcealed and unmistakable as the big ones; that Lily is excited for him in the way he is for coming home. 
That he can give him what no beautiful and blatant movie romance in this world could achieve, in this moment that’s small and soft and unassuming and for no one but the two of them. 
Thank you for reading!! And finally, thank you to @animes-trash for organising the event again
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berrieswherewelie · 5 months
Beware of spoilers for chapter 136!
No explicit scenes, but nsfw-ish.
At first Misono thinks – it is wrong. 
Lily has been his for not quite a decade yet when it first comes up, one summer night when his Servamp steps out of the shower in nothing but a towel. It grows in the years that follow, and Misono watches closely as it blooms in ever richer colors, wondering when it’ll poison him. 
Lily is beautiful. Lily is tempting, tantalizing, and a thousand other synonyms for a word that feels quite vulgar to think. Misono has always known love. This is something else.  
It would be kinder to keep it a secret. But secrets have never worked well for them, and sometimes it grows too big in Misono’s throat and chokes him and maybe, saying it out loud will purge it from his flesh. When he tells Lily, he makes sure to apologize. 
Lily is silent for a moment. He’s sitting on his bed, fingers splayed against its fine silken sheets.  
“What are you so sorry for?” He asks. 
“It’s cruel. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
Lily nods. He does not deny his own pain anymore – what Misono has confessed to feel for him has hurt him badly a long time ago, has killed him once, and its lingering memory can reduce him to tears even today. 
“It’s different with you,” He says. 
Misono has seen the boy his Servamp was long before becoming “Lily”; sat by the side of bustling city squares, flecks of snow in his hair. He rarely offered himself, but he was a beautiful sight to behold and that was enough to assume him available to whoever wanted him. It makes Misono afraid, of being the same, of demanding too much, of twisting the love he holds for Lily into what the coins he was lured with back then represent – a token by which he can be bought. 
But Lily asks for him, begs for him, seeks out his gaze in crowded rooms, with hooded eyes and a smile that oozes desire. Calls his name in a voice that is husky and raw and desperate, pleads with him for more. Says he wants him. Misono was never good at denying his wishes, and even worse at denying his own. 
Beneath Lily’s fingers, those fine silken sheets tear and crumple. He smiles, trapped between Misono’s arms, his lips parted for quickened breaths, his naked shoulders painted silver by the moonlight from outside the bedroom window. 
“I love you,” He says – moans, really, a lewd, gorgeous sound that stokes a fire deep within Misono’s chest. Its burning heat is strange and new. Its gentle warmth familiar and safe. Misono kisses him, and tastes salt on his lips. 
“I love you too,” He whispers, with what little breath remains in his lungs. 
Misono is not quite sure what to think anymore. It should be wrong, and yet he just loves the way Lily comes undone at his hands.
The boy from back then was kept alive by his beauty, and even today he maintains it with unwavering discipline. It’s only in the space between his Eve’s touch and the break of dawn that he allows it to be ruined, and what’s left of it is only for Misono to see. 
Lily’s perfect hair is a mess, tousled and ruffled where they moved against the bedsheets in a feverish rhythm. His cheeks are painted cherry red, adorned by black streaks from mascara-stained tears of pleasure. His lipstick is smeared, its remnants dotting his neck and shoulders and collarbones and wherever else Misono’s lips could reach. 
He does not allow anyone else to see him like this. That’s just fine with Misono. He marvels at his handiwork from where he’s nestled into Lily’s side, and thinks his lover  is at his most beautiful like this. He thinks he’d quite like to keep the sight for himself. 
Then he gets up despite his tired body’s bitter protest, gets water and a hairbrush and the fancy lotions Lily likes to treat his face with in the evening. He wipes away the streaks of black and flecks of red and brushes out the tangles in Lily’s hair, and Lily holds still for him, and chuckles, and reaches for him once he’s done to ease the soreness in his muscles. They fall asleep like this, tightly curled into each other. 
Sometimes, when Lily speaks of how things used to be, he talks of waking up alone in the morning. That’s when he starts to shiver, when his voice cracks and breaks. He says those times were the worst of all. He says that's when he most wanted to die. 
When he wakes up with Misono’s arms wrapped around him, he smiles. He confesses, in a quiet moment, that when kissing his Eve is the first thing he does in the morning, it feels like everything was worth it. 
He confesses to a lot of things now. Once, when they fall into their sheets, spent and gasping for air, he pulls Misono against his chest, and hides his face in his hair. 
“I never knew it could feel like this,” He whispers. “Thank you, Misono.” 
Misono holds him as he cries into their fine silken sheets, and buries his ideas of right and wrong that night.
Thank you for reading! The idea of Lily being a hot mess post sex, and the sweetness that comes with it, were stolen from @mahi-does-some-art
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lordlevian · 1 year
It's 24 here already so ummm....
@pinkestlittlebutterfly I was your secret santa!
I hope you like my drawing of Lisono!
I made it to lokk like those old style-y movies....
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n-yrn024 · 2 years
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@pinkestlittlebutterfly のリクエスト!!ありがとうございます!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Servamp (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arisuin Misono/Snow Lily | All of Love Characters: Snow Lily | All of Love, Arisuin Misono Additional Tags: Swimming Pools, Fluff, Post-Canon, Pre-Slash, Love Confessions Summary:
Wanting to kiss his Servamp is one thing. It's old news, really. But now there's this stupid swimming pool and it makes things a little more complicated.
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kitsunenomegami · 2 years
Misono in wordenland 🐰❤
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revoleotion · 2 years
credits to @yarrayora for some of the dialogue + concept! thank you for letting me write this!
"God, I wish some of you had boobs," Iduna says, which sounds like a perfectly normal thing to say coming from her until the meaning fully registers in Niccolo's brain.
"… Huh?" Mahiru asks.
"Ask Lily," Misono provides without looking up from his book. "He'll gladly show you his boobs."
"But Lily is a man," Iduna practically wines. "I'm so lonely in the women's bathroom."
Mikuni clears his throat, causing Niccolo to jump. "If you want one of us to join you in the bathroom, all you have to do is ask."
"Ew! No!" Iduna exclaims.
"Why would anyone even want boobs?" Niccolo asks. "We don't all secretly think about having boobs, right?"
No laughter but the pause following those words is long enough to cause anxiety to rush through Niccolo's body.
"If you want boobs, you should've said something earlier." Licht is about the last person anyone expected to speak up, and looking up reveals that Licht's eyes are looking right at Niccolo. Or perhaps even further. He seems to see more than that.
"I don't want boobs!" Niccolo says. "Why would anyone want boobs anyway? That was a joke, I promise."
Licht looks away. "I could've given you mine," he says after a couple of seconds.
"I don't think that's how it works," Niccolo says even though it's almost painful to speak.
"Are you doubting my angelic charity?" Licht asks, but when Niccolo looks up, he is smiling a little.
"No. Never."
"Good. I would've given them to you."
"I… I appreciate that. Even if I don't… Don't necessarily need them. Want them, I mean."
"Why are we talking about boobs?" Tetsu finds his way into the conversation, sounding not exactly judgemental, mostly confused. When Niccolo looks at him, the Eve's eyes are fixed on Misono, as though he expects him to explain. Tetsu puts so much of his trust into Misono that Niccolo feels the secondhand pressure from it. Of course, Misono can take it. Misono is so much stronger than all of them sometimes.
"I don't know. If I'm being honest, I don't care much for boobs. Unless they are Lily's."
"We heard that," Mikuni informs him.
"Yeah. I said it loud enough for you all to hear." Misono has not once looked up.
Niccolo looks over to Licht. The pianist is occupied with his Nintendo again, and no matter how long Niccolo stares at him, he still doesn't look up.
It makes her think that all the other Eves may be the bravest people she has ever encountered in her life. Perhaps she can be brave too.
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teutaranaway · 2 months
kuromahi is a bit weird bc mahiru turns 16 like a week after the first ep so technically its not That weird but i still see them as brothers so.
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year
What're your favourite servamp fanfictions
Ok first of all, i am So Sorry for taking this long to answer!! i am not used to asks and my brain has also been doing a big ol blank whenever i tried to answer this!!! also i am going to be biased bc these are my own favorite fics/authors of said fics so :P
NEXT!!!! My first recommendation is actually something i haven't read yet but really want to; the Children's War series in Ao3 by @yarrayora. I really need to read it bc i love all the info i get about it thru posts but my executive function is not Functioning. I also just recommend yarra in general because his characterization of every single character is fanominal to me and hits DEEP. also sorry for the tag jdnfjfh
up next is stuff written by @katzkinder. Most of their stuff in here on tumblr and all of it is very fantastic and usually soft. A lot of their writing leaves me feeling rather soft and comfy. Again, sorry for the tag KFNDJ
then we got @pinkestlittlebutterfly, who writes a lot of Lisono and does a FABULOUS job at it. Her work is found on Ao3 under the username TheGoldenGirl!
"Common Duality" by Kahori_Katsushika on Ao3 is also a very good read and honestly i need to catch up with the last three chapters jfjfjf
"Love Interest" by NyanBerri (Ao3) is one of my all-time favorites ever since i found it! Its very cute!!! I wish for more updates on it but i also understand the author's shift of inspiration so im just patiently waiting in the corner lol.
I would also be a bit snobby and rec my own fics but the only good one on my ao3 rn in my most recent, "We Are Warm Withing The Snow" and my biggest, best fic is still in the works so 😔😔😔
THATS ALL I CAN REALLY THINK OF RN BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! IMMA DO MY BEST TO ANSWER STUFF. i also gotta get the other two asks that have been collecting dust in my inbox answered.... Fibi, Ben, im so sorry but ill answer ur asks soon i SWEAR....
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yuiicorn · 2 years
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This is for the lovely @pinkestlittlebutterfly
Aaaai can finally post this aaaa, I’m so happy I decided to join the secret Santa this year :) i hope you like it :)
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yarrayora · 7 months
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king and concubine as commissioned by @pinkestlittlebutterfly
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Commission work done by the wonderful @im-fri, whom you can also find here on Instagram
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berrieswherewelie · 3 months
What are some Servamp ships/headcanons you have?
That's a really broad question, which is dangerous because I love to hear myself talk, but I'll try and answer as best as I can!
Generally I like a lot of ships; I like most of the more common ones in this fandom and you can convince me of (almost!!) anything if you're passionate about it. But there's some I love more than others!
Speaking in broad terms I enjoy Servamp/Eve ships especially. I like the power dynamics of the vampire who holds the power and the human who holds the leash; and they're all so well-written in the manga that it's hard not to get invested in their complexities. A Servamp and their Eve complete and complement each other; and there's something really sexy about a bond that manifests in both a physical chain and a mental/emotional link.
I also love Servamp/Servamp ships! Especially now that we know a bit more about their past (though most of it remains shrouded in mystery, which is intriguing in itself). The Servamps are really the only ones who can even try and understand what it is like to live as they do, which I think gives their relationships the potential to be so rich and bittersweet; and since they're a varied bunch you can get so many flavours by combining them.
My favourite Servamp/Servamp ship - so much so it gets a paragraph of its own - is Jeje/Lily. They can be extremely sweet; they've known each other for centuries, they're so very comfortable around each other (especially in the extra materials), their aesthetics go amazingly well with each other. They can be extremely sad; they're both tangled up in a scheme that resulted in Lily (more or less) causing the death of a woman Jeje loved, and though the paths that took them there have yet to be unravelled, they're most likely quite dark. They are polar opposites, with an immaculate repressed/slutty dynamic that I love deeply; they are the same in their shared disdain of their long lives. They're also both very pretty.
On kind of the other end of the spectrum I also love Touma/Tooru. I think Touma's disdain of Tooru and his general way of being an asshole are so much fun to write! But I struggle to give them depth, so I don't really manage to write long or meaningful things about them, and most of it is just hatefucking. I love it when my friends talk to me about them, though, so I can fill them with some substance.
My favourite Servamp ship, finally, is Lisono. I should not go too in-depth about why I love it, because I've already been yapping for way too long, but the relationship canon gives them is the most beautiful and complex in this manga, and rife with love and conflict, and I love spinning it beyond what we're shown, into what they might be like in the future. I am so excited to see the culmination of their arc!
(Since I am a smut-focused account, I also think they're the most interesting sexuality-wise - Misono who is inexperienced as can be; Lily who carries significant trauma with him.)
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"Needed a drink,
I never thought this would consume me whole-"
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n-yrn024 · 2 years
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@pinkestlittlebutterfly のリクエスト!!ありがとうございます!!
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