#listen IRL I dislike coffee chocolate fizzy drinks and lemon desserts
scarlettohairdye · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what does make a ship annoying to you? Like, the actual canon portrayal? How the fandom is about them? You just don’t like the look of them? The fact that they’re everywhere? I don’t have any ships blocked (just tons of other stuff) and I’m wondering what would make me block one.
Usually an absolutely visceral "yuck" reaction that has nothing to do with the content of the ship and everything to do with me. I don't generally mention which ships I have blocked because I don't want to be an ass about it to the people who like those ships, but it's like... Some ships are pickles to me. Fine for people who like pickles, but when I order a sandwich and find a pickle spear on my plate getting its gross pickle juice all over my beautiful grilled cheese, I have been BETRAYED by Big Pickle and I want to never have to deal with it again.
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