#listen cat loki is very cute but if lokitty is going to sleep in someone's lap i'm going to assume he would also do that when humanoid
worstloki · 4 years
Concept: post IW, pre EG. Thor finds a cat on his doorstep, injured and weak, and decides to take it in. He names it Loki, for its deep black fur and its brilliant green eyes, and its mischievous nature. The cat is actually Loki, stuck in Cat form while he heals both seidr wise and physically wise. When EG rolls around, Loki is almost completely healed. Thor brings him along and every meeting thingy has Lokitty in his lap, while Loki is debating if shifting back is wise in a room of the Avengers
Loki changes back during a particularly boring meeting and just sits in Thor’s lap hugging him so that he’s facing away from the Avengers and if he can’t see them they can’t see him, right? It doesn’t work.
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