#no one can drag Loki off Thor because 1 thor wants him there for the hug and 2 loki weighs too much for them to move
themculibrary · 7 months
Gym Masterlist
And All The Lights That Guide Your Way Are Blinding (ao3) - Not_Crazy_Just_a_Fangirl T, 4k
Summary: 5 times Peter Parker met Matt Murdock + 1 time Daredevil met Spider-Man
AKA: some Post- No Way Home angst and Peter finding a new pseudo-parental figure in Matt
Another (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight steve/thor E, 22k
Summary: Steve Rogers feels out of place, lost and lonely in a time period he never expected to live to see.
He spends his time drawing or working out until he can barely stand--anything to keep him from thinking too much, from dwelling on how he feels.
A surprise moment with Thor leads to an entire night with the Demi god and when it happens again and again, and Steve starts thinking he has finally found where he belongs.
When Thor leaves to visit Jane, Steve wants nothing more than to call him home and drag him into bed for Another-- another kiss, another embrace, another night spent loving each other.
But what if Thor doesn't feel the same way?
avengers tower gym (ao3) - silver_drip loki/tony G, 4k
Summary: Loki breaks into Avengers Tower to battle… Pokémon.
Breathe and Release (ao3) - exfatalist steve/tony, sam/sharon T, 15k
Summary: Since being honorably discharged from the Army after an injury sustained while deployed in Afghanistan, Steve Rogers has found a new center of balance as a yoga instructor at a small Manhattan gym. It just stands to figure that one day media crisis-plagued billionaire Tony Stark would come waltzing in and throw everything off. As he guides his controversial new student on the journey to inner peace, Steve learns to deal with some negative energy of his own, and finds something unexpected on the way. [ Non-Powered AU, Modern!Steve. ]
Darwin's Theory (ao3) - bakinglaw steve/natasha E, 2k
Summary: “You know, according to Darwin, men demonstrate their physical fitness to enthrall a mate.” Without breaking eye contact, she sat down on the bench press, her ass hanging slightly over the edge, and leaned back onto her elbows, spreading her legs to give him the perfect view of her pantiless sex. “Should we test your prowess?”
Easing In (ao3) - linguamortua steve/brock E, 4k
Summary: Brock Rumlow's just a man. A man with jackboots and a penchant for face-fucking. Poor, desperate, Captain America doesn't really stand a chance.
Float like a butterfly (sting like a bee) (ao3) - gottalovev steve/tony, clint/phil T, 19k
Summary: Steve Rogers is looking for a new Team and signs with Nick Fury in his quest to climb back in the professional boxing ranks after a 5 years break. When he realizes Fury’s gym is owned by Tony Stark, billionaire-playboy-entrepreneur and up-and-coming boxer, sparks fly and not in a good way. At least at first.
Gym Day (ao3) - howdoyousleep steve/bucky E, 19k
Summary: He sits up and rolls his neck, hands planted on either side of his hips on the wooden bench beneath him, focusing on his posture, and looks over at the man sitting with him.
Oh shit.
james and the giant peach (ao3) - wearing_tearing steve/bucky E, 6k
Summary: “Peach…” Bucky’s eyes widen in horror at himself. “It’s— I mean— Dude, guy, man, person in front of—”
“Peach?” Peach Butt grins, delighted, and then wiggles his brows at Bucky. “It’s because of my butt, isn’t it.”
keeping count (ao3) - ClaraxBarton clint/steve T, 2k
Summary: “Twenty-four,” Clint calls out.
It’s eight days later, and Clint is working out in the gym with Natasha.
Working out is the term Clint likes to use when Natasha is beating the stuffing out of him during their set-in-stone, much mythologized sparring sessions.
Steve has just entered the gym, dressed and ready to warm up for his scheduled work-out - with Bucky, who refuses to spar with anyone else except for Natasha, and only then if she is in a truly awful mood and needs to work out her frustrations on someone less likely to actually suffer injury than Clint is.
Steve stretches and waits for Natasha to pin Clint to the mat before responding.
Clint gives him a triumphant smirk, and then groans when Natasha’s knee slips.
Leg Day (ao3) - Brokenpitchpipe steve/bucky E, 12k
Summary: “So talk to him,” Sam says.
“I can’t,” Bucky groans. “I can’t, Sam, I. He just.” He fluffs his hair up and stares at Sam, distraught. “I want him to bench press me.”
“Okay, so it’s serious,” Sam interprets. “Got it."
(Or: The one where Sam is Bucky's long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.)
My Temperature is Rising (ao3) - spazzgirl steve/natasha E, 3k
Summary: sometimes sparring sessions can make sexual tension a whole lot worse
Push Ups (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight steve/tony M, 2k
Summary: It started out as a joke.
“I can definitely do more push ups than Steve.” Sam said casually– oh so casually– over cereal one morning. “His muscles just look pretty, there isn’t any real strength there.”
“You can definitely do more push ups than Steve.” Bucky casually– just so fucking casually– agreed, studiously ignoring the way Steve was coughing milk out his nose and swearing about how badly Trix tasted coming up the wrong way. “Your shoulders can carry the weight of the world, Steve’s are only there to balance out them ridiculous tiddies.”
“Oh Sam can 100%, no questions asked, without even breaking a sweat, do more push ups than Steve.” Clint had to raise his voice over the ruckus Steve was making in the background. “Sams arms are like ebony pillars, Steve’s look like the supple limbs of an Irish milk maid who spends the afternoons staring at her reflection in ye olde river in the back of ye olde pasture.”
“I can definitely do more push ups than Steve.” Sam decided.
It started out as a joke.
Then Steve yelled, “SQUARE UP MOTHERFUCKER!”
Stumbling Home (ao3) - SidheRa clint/natasha E, 61k
Summary: or, Things to Do in New York when You've Been Injected with Sex Pollen
Working Things Out (ao3) - Ralkana clint/phil E, 10k
Summary: Clint is a personal trainer. Phil is his new client. Clint might be showing him how to work out, but Phil's got something to teach Clint about himself, too.
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worstloki · 4 years
Concept: post IW, pre EG. Thor finds a cat on his doorstep, injured and weak, and decides to take it in. He names it Loki, for its deep black fur and its brilliant green eyes, and its mischievous nature. The cat is actually Loki, stuck in Cat form while he heals both seidr wise and physically wise. When EG rolls around, Loki is almost completely healed. Thor brings him along and every meeting thingy has Lokitty in his lap, while Loki is debating if shifting back is wise in a room of the Avengers
Loki changes back during a particularly boring meeting and just sits in Thor’s lap hugging him so that he’s facing away from the Avengers and if he can’t see them they can’t see him, right? It doesn’t work.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Hi, can you make a part 2 of going too far about the readers recovery ,loki's guilt ,apology and some smut ?
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you! I finally did write the next chapter. I hope you like it.
For everyone who hasn't read part 1 click here first to read it Do read the warnings before you start to read!
Warnings: Aftermath of forgotten safeword and sex (18+)
Going too far: the aftermath Loki had slept in his cell. The next morning his brother came for him.
‘Are you sure you want to release the monster back into the building?’ Loki spat.
Thor just sighed ‘Look, I don't get it. She says it was consensual, sort of... To be honest it is because of her you are free to go at the moment’
Loki bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from arguing. He would argue about it eventually with Thor, but right now he had more important things to do. He had to find you and beg for you forgiveness. And even though he was known for his silver tongue, he hadn't slept all night. He was too busy thinking of how to even say hello to you. Let alone talk about the rest. He hoped the words would come once he saw you.
He quickly got up and walked past Thor.
‘Loki!’ he heard his brother yell. But he didn't care at the moment. He rushed out of the room and quickly walked towards the living room. Tony and Natasha were sitting on the couch and looked surprised at his sudden entrance.
‘(Y/N)?’ was the only thing he half-yelled at them.
‘Seriously Loki, how do you even enjoy activities like...’ but to Loki's surprise it was Natasha who spoke before he had the chance.
‘Jesus Tony, what they do in the bedroom is their own business’ she intervened before she turned her attention to Loki. ‘But seriously, she is pretty shaken up about it. And I don't think I have to tell you who is at fault at the moment’
Loki let his head hang in shame ‘I didn't..’ he started.
‘I know. Don't tell me, tell her. She is in her own bedroom’ Loki nodded at Natasha in thanks, who went back to arguing with Tony about his sex-life. He would love to put Tony in his place at the moment, but he didn't have time. Finding you, priority number one.
He fast-paced towards your bedroom and to his surprise he was out of breath the moment he stood in front of the door. His throat felt dry and he just stared at your door. Unable to say a word, unable to make a move. His mind was racing.
Did you hate him? Were you even together anymore? Would you even want to see him? Would you even stand to be in the same room as him? Maybe it was better if he left. He could go to Asgard, maybe try to start over there. Thor surely would help him set up there.
His thoughts were interrupted when Natasha cleared her throat and stood next to him, also staring at the same door. As if it was normal to do.
‘She got up too soon, slipped and fell in the tub. She hit her head and fell on something sharp. After that she stumbled to the bed and fell unconscious. We were startled when we found her, as you can imagine’
‘How ehm.. was she after?’ Loki asked.
‘After Bruce checked he she had a mild concussion but was fine. Mostly shaken up, but she kept apologizing. It took a while but we finally dragged out of her what had happened. But not everybody understands, you know that right?’
‘Does it look like I give a fuck?’ he said.
Natasha just laughed ‘No, but it looks like you too scared to go in. She doesn’t hate you, you know’
After that she clasped Loki on the back and left. He had to admit, even though their relationship started of rocky he was growing quite fond of her. She seemed to have a certain openness and calmness about her, while being very closed off at the same time. She was also always right, he was scared. But there was no other way than to face you. He knocked on the door, nervously awaiting your answer.
‘Come in’ he heard your rasped voice answer.
He slowly turned the knob and stood in the doorway. ‘Hi’ was all he managed to say.
‘Hey’ was al you said back. And then there was an uncomfortable silence.
‘Can I come in?’ he asked.
‘Yeah of course’ you were laying on the couch with a book in your lap when he entered. You put the book on the coffee table and sat up right. Loki hesitated but walked towards the couch and sat down, as far away from you as possible. At this point he didn't want to do anything that might pass your boundaries. He was thinking deep and hard about possible words you could say towards him. But none came to mind.
‘I forgot’ you suddenly whispered and he saw the change in demeanour. You put your knees up high against your chest, to curl yourself up as far as you could. Tears were forming in your eyes.
‘I'm so sorry’ Loki immediately said and was surprised to hear his own voice break. He felt tears well up in his eyes as well, watching how you tried not to cry at the moment.
‘Are you mad?’ you asked and Loki was absolutely shocked you even asked that question.
‘Mad? Why would I be mad?’
‘I didn't mean to get you in this situation’ you barely made audible.
Loki needed a moment to gather his thoughts about the whole situation. And then he broke. He got off the couch and fell to his knees, still a large distance away from you. He felt the tears stream over his cheeks, but he didn't care that you saw him crying. The only thing he cared about was that you were all right.
‘Don't ever think for one moment that I would be mad at you. This whole situation is my fault. You put your trust in me and I betrayed you. I never meant to do that, but I did. I should have known you weren't fine, I should have picked up on it. You shouldn't have to tell me. And I don't know what I can ever do to even make it remotely right, to help you through this. I- I, you should hate me, dump me and I think it's safer if you stayed away from me’ he started to rant while still crying on his knees. His eyes were tightly shut and he hadn't noticed that you moved from the couch.
You touched his face. His eyes flew open and at the moment he looked genuinely scared. He quickly leaned away from your touch. ‘Don't’ he whispered.
‘I don't want to stay away from you, I don't want to lose you’ you said back.
‘You deserve better. I am a monster’ Loki got up and took a few steps back from you. As if he was infected and couldn't go anywhere near you.
When you took a step forward, he took a step back. ‘Loki, what happened was... we should maybe have had... I, I thought about it. And I think we could get through this, build everything back up. With the help of a professional’
‘You want to stay with me?’ Loki asked genuinely perplexed.
‘Yes, I love you’ you answered almost desperately to get through to him.
When you took a step closer Loki didn't move. He just looked at you while the tears were still streaming from his eyes. His eyes were red, puffy and you imagined you looked about the same at the moment. You cautiously walked towards him. When you were near him you wrapped your arms around him. Loki stiffened and didn't say anything or moved. After about a minute her slowly wrapped his arms around you, and leaned into you.
‘I don’t deserve it’ he whispered. And you knew that if you wanted to build your relationship back up, the two of you had a long road ahead of you.
About 5 months later
You thought that Loki would be difficult in therapy, because a mortal stranger was trying to analyse him and gave the two of you assignments to work on outside of the sessions. But Loki really tried his best and kept an open mind. You guys worked on communication and trust together. When the team saw that things were good between the two of you, they decided to act normally towards Loki and nobody ever mentioned the incident again.
There was just one problem, and that was intimacy. Loki held off all physical contact at the beginning. After three months he finally let things, like a kiss or cuddling when you watched a movie happen. After that point the two of you got some exercises regarding physical intimacy. It started small, but tonight was going to be the biggest step, yet. The two of you were going to give each other a sensual massage. The two of you went out to dinner and afterwards went back to your room. You set the mood with some music, candles and even bought massage oil.
‘Are you really sure? Because I don't want to..’ Loki started for the third time this evening.
‘Yes, I’m really sure. We can just give each other the massage, talk and see what happens. Are you okay with that?’
Loki nodded. To make it easier for him you decided you would massage him first and afterwards he you. He took off his shirt and you swallowed hard when you saw him shirtless. It has been a while since you were able to look at his toned body, and it definitely did something to you. You knew it would take a lot longer to heal everything and have the kind of sex life you had before. But you were starting to miss the intimacy and your needs were growing. Loki didn't notice and laid down on your bed. You sat down on your knees beside him and put some massage oil in your hands to warm it up. After that you spread it across his back and started to massage him. You could tell that Loki was tense, but after a while he loosened up. The two of you were talking to each other about everything and nothing. After a while he even started to purr softly. Unfortunately, that was when the timer went off and the two of you had to switch.
‘How do you want to do this?’ Loki asked a bit unsure. You could tell that he was nervous.
‘Would you maybe help me with my dress?’ you asked him.
Loki got up and moved behind you on the bed. At first, he didn't do anything, but after a moment you felt his hands carefully at the zipper of the dress. He slowly pulled the zipper down. When it was all the way down you got up and shimmied out of the dress. You now stood in your bra and thong before Loki and saw his pupils widen. He swallowed hard and quickly averted his eyes when he noticed that you caught him looking. You laid down on the bed and Loki got the massage oil. He softly spread the oil across your back and started to massage your shoulders.
Loki moved his hands lower, and that's when your bra got in the way. ‘I can take it off, if you want’ you said to him.
‘Oh, you don't have to if you don't want to. I can work around’ Loki answered.
Before you could answer he started to massage your lower bag. He worked his way upwards and it felt amazing. Your arousal grew the more and more he touched you. When Loki moved more upwards your bra got in the way again. This time you got up and sat down with your back towards him.
‘What are you doing?’ Loki asked confused.
‘I want to take it off, can you maybe unhook it?’ you whispered.
You heard Loki swallow hard, but felt his hands at your bra. He slowly unhooked it one hook at the time. When it was completely loose you took it off and threw it on the ground. Loki continued with his massage. The two of you got closer together and you were practically siting on his lap. You could hear his breathing, feel his breath on your shoulder and could tell he was holding himself back. He was caressing the top of your shoulders when you leaned back into his chest. He moved your hair towards one side of your face and you felt his lips leave feather light kisses on your neck. When he reached the top of your neck by your ear, you felt him inhale deeply.
‘Darling, maybe I should go’ he whispered to you.
But you didn't want him to leave, you wanted him. You turned your head to look at him. You saw the lust in his eyes, but there was also doubt and you saw that he was a little afraid. You didn't know what you could say to ease his mind, so you didn't say anything. You closed the distance between the two of you and kissed him. You were glad that Loki returned the kiss. It was slow and it really felt like he was savouring every taste of you. You opened your mouth and felt his tongue sliding in. You leaned more into him and moaned. Loki wrapped his arms around your waist and fully pulled you in his laps. You felt his erection standing rock hard in his pants, and knew he wanted this as much as you did. Loki broke off the kiss and held you tightly. The two of you looked in each other's eyes.
‘Will you stay the night?’ you whispered.
‘Of course, I would love to if you want me to. But only if you are absolutely sure’ he answered.
‘I'm sure’ you smiled at him.
‘Do you want me on the couch or?’ Loki asked.
‘Loki, I want to have sex with you and then I want to fall asleep in your arms’ you said back. You thought it was best to be as clear as possible in this situation. You could see the discussion that was going on inside Loki's head.
‘And before you can ask, I’m absolutely sure’ you added.
You felt Loki's grip around you tighten. ‘I'm afraid that I'll hurt you again’ he finally said.
‘We'll take it slow. And you won't, I trust you’ you answered. ‘But if anyone of us gets uncomfortable we can always stop’
Loki just looked into your eyes deeply and nodded. You kissed him again and he eagerly returned the kiss. His hands landed on your hips and he pulled you closer. The kissing turned more heated and you put your hands through his hair, making him moan slightly. While you kept kissing him your hands reached for his belt and you slowly started to unbuckle it. Loki involuntarily bucked his hips upwards. You stroked his erection through the clothed pants. Loki reluctantly broke the kiss and you got off his lap. He stood up and removed his pants and underwear. He was now completely naked and you had missed the sight.
You moved further away, so Loki could crawl back in the bed. You laid on your back with Loki laying between your legs. He was popped up on his elbows and kissing your neck. You were caressing his back and lowered your hands to his ass. Loki lowered his kisses towards your chest, and your hands found his hair again. He very slowly reached your breasts. With his tongue he hardened your nipple while he let his fingers play with your other nipple. You were panting hard and moaning shamelessly. Your arousal only grew and you bucked your hips upwards. When Loki was finished with your breasts, he looked at you.
‘Is it okay if I continue?’ he asked.
‘Yes, oh god yes’ you gasped.
Loki continued his kisses to your stomach until he reached your underwear. He hooked his fingers around the waistband. He looked at you while he slowly slid your underwear down. You were now completely naked underneath him. Loki started to kiss the inside of your thighs and took his time, making sure he covered every inch of your skin. He got closer to your core and you were about to lose it. That's when you felt him drag his tongue slowly over your clit. You moaned loudly, while Loki kept toying with your clit. You couldn't hold yourself back and you started to ride his face. Loki grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulder. He immediately returned and started to eat you out like he was starving and this was the first meal he had in weeks.
‘Loki, I'm about to come’ you panted heavily.
‘Let go, come for me’ he said back.
You let your orgasm wash over you, while Loki worked you through your high. He lapped up al. the juices that had started to flow. When you came down from your high, Loki moved his face near yours.
‘You still all right?’ he asked.
‘Yes, that was amazing’ you smiled at him. He smiled back and you were glad to see he was smiling.
He kissed you again and you could still taste yourself on his tongue. While the two of you were making out again, you moved your hands lower. When you got hold of his erection, Loki gasped into your mouth. Before you could start to pump, he was already moving his hips. Fucking himself in your hand. He stopped and suddenly turned on his back. You moved with him and straddled his legs.
‘Want me to begin on top?’ you asked.
‘Please’ Loki said.
You grabbed his cock and slowly positioned yourself on top of him. You took your time while sank down on his cock, watching his face consort into pleasure. You started to rock your hips back and forth. Loki put his hands on your hips and slightly guided your movements. You leaned back a bit and started to play with his balls, earning you more cries of pleasure from Loki. He was watching you intently, while you kept riding him. You bent down to kiss him, which he eagerly returned. He grabbed you and slowly turned you on your back, so he was on top.
‘Can I?’ he asked
You nodded in agreement. Loki started to pump slowly in and out of you. He was watching intently and making note which move made you gasp and what made you moan. He started to kiss you again. He began to pump faster and you knew he was getting close. His hand snaked down and he started to play with your clit again.
‘Oh god yes’ you panted.
He chuckled when you gasped. You felt your orgasm build up again. Loki was panting heavily and stroked your clit faster. Your walls clenched around his cock and you came hard moaning his name. Loki pumped a few more times before he grunted, you felt his cock swell and his see spill inside of you. He rode out his orgasm and stilted inside of you.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asked.
‘Amazing, and you?’ you smiled.
‘Really good’ Loki smiled and kissed you.
After that he pulled out of you. ‘Do you mind if I use my magic or would you rather have that I grabbed a towel?’ he asked.
‘Magic is fine’ you said.
Loki flicked his wrist and everything was clean, magic did really have its benefits. The two of you crawled under the blankets and you snuggled up against his chest. Your face was near his heart and you listened to his heart rate slow down. He put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer against him.
‘I love you’ you whispered to him.
‘I love you too’ he whispered back. That was the first time since the incident that he didn’t add that he didn't deserve it, and you knew the two of you were going to be all right eventually.
Taglist: @delightfulheartdream @theaudacitytowrite @pescadoavocado @theestorm @justacripple @taurusbeing
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
I think abt this all the time
Loki being friends with a reader who grew up to be one of the palaces maids/servants and he isn’t really allowed to be friends with them anymore because he’s no longer young, and its frowned upon to be friends with palace workers? but when they’re older (like around thor 1) he comes across them sneaking away from their duties in the library and they sorta meet up there as much as possible and then fall in love?
im sorry if that too specific <3
Lovely, I posted a similar idea a while ago but definitely could write this, I change one tiny thing but everything is what you asked for I hope
Being Loki’s servant friend growing up includes:
You were brought into the palace too early in your life
It was basically the worst day of your life, since you were ripped off your family
That’s how things worked, your parents rebel against Odin and get punished
It was out of mercy from the queen herself that you were decided to be turned a servant instead of facing the same fate they did
Since you were young, you were given the position of the princes personal servant
They were alright but you didn’t feel like making friends with them
Thor was the one who dragged you and his brother into crazy adventures that will eventually lead you to getting in trouble
You lost the amount of times he was hurt and you and his brother had to lie about his injuries and say he just fell
That’s kinda how you started your bond with Loki
He was the smart, the one that like to learn and be careful about his own trouble he brings
And there were you sucking up any new information he’ll throw at you
He made living in the palace more barbel and fun
And when he got the god of mischief, it made a lot of sense but also it meant another thing
Loki was an adult and a prince
Odin did not want him to be spending his time with a servant
So you were ripped off of your title since childhood
You were sent to serve other important names in the palace and was told to never speak to him again
That would be the second worst day of your life
At least this time you were a grown up and he wasn’t actually dead
He wouldn’t notice but you’ll watch him from afar, hoping one day that maybe he will come looking for you
It stayed like that for years
Until one day during one of the huge parties the palace held from time to time
You were tidying up the library, because apparently nobody cared enough to put backs back on their shelves, even the teachers
"I swear these people are driving to retirement sooner than granted"
Loki was just trying to get some alone time, away from crowds and in his favorite place in this palace
When you look up from the mess in front of you, your eyes meet and it’s like time freezes
His beautiful green eyes stared into yours and your body moved by itself
"Loki!" You couldn’t help it, you jumped to his arms and he held you so tight
"Where have you been!?"
Quickly you realize that you haven’t seen the prince this close for almost 200 years and now he’s so much more grown and beautiful
"Gods, I missed you so much"
You two spend almost the enter night tidying up together and talking about whatever happened to you and his changes
Eventually this becomes your meeting spot
Every two days you’ll meet up, in the same time and just block the outside world, Loki would use his magic to lock the doors on you both
It felt like when you were little, when all you worried about was getting yelled at by Odin or scold by frigga
Though a few things changed
You looked at him longer, his features that became more sharp and his hands that became somewhat rougher due to battle
And one day, you found yourself asking the strangest question
"Can I give you a kiss?"
And you did
Your first kiss was with a prince, and you could tell he liked it
"Let’s do this often" he’ll say, his cheeks would be so red and flustered
And it went on like that, sneaking around to see each other, kiss hug and eventually even more
Than he found out about his true blood
Everything went down the hill after that
But you didn’t lose faith this time, you had a feeling he wasn’t dead and when it was confirmed that he wasn’t, you down on your knees and thanked the gods
He was back but locked up in a prison
You didn’t care
He would feel ashamed to see you at first but his mother would insist because she knew, she just never said anything
You heart shattered when you saw him and your cried
"I didn’t want you to see me like this"
"Oh shut up you drama queen!"
After that frigga took upon her own hands to protect you both from Odin and allow you to visit loki every single day until his punishment would be lifted
"I trust that you love my son, so you have my word"
"Thank you, your highness"
Loki is secretly planning to marry you when he’s out so be patient too
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
I saw the ask about having the person feeling like that the Loki show is objectively bad. I liked the show, here is why.
I love Loki, and I love the MCU, but I don’t go into any of it expecting consistency. Tony and Loki are my favourite.
Tony goes through character development in his own movies, IM3 especially that main canon just kinda ignores. So I didn’t go into work he Loki show expecting them to get him consistent or right. I just went in prepared to enjoy the show for what it is in isolation. I also know that no one looks at the stories they write for the MCU critically, so I try and turn off that for a first time watch.
I really like the show, that doesn’t mean I think they made it consistent or in character for Loki. I get why people don’t like it.
I really like the TVA and all the concepts it introduced. I really liked seeing Tom acting his heart out. And I really like Loki/Sylvie because I find something very compelling about a character who hates themselves, meeting another version of themselves and being able to love them. It is not a ship I’m going to write fic about but I like them within the show.
Basically what I am saying is that I go into MCU media with the expectation they will mess up at least one character or plot point badly every time. I like the media for what it is, and I appreciate whatever it brings to the table that I can then cannibalise into da works.
Yeah that's fair. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Fandom is better when there are a diversity of opinions and we can all respect each other and engage in open and good faith discussion rather than attacking people for having the "wrong" views or trying to harass them out of fandom.
For me personally I feel like the show fails on 3 fronts.
1) To me it fails as a Loki show. I really enjoy Loki as a character and I wanted a show about him. And I didn't personally see him in the show at all. I saw a completely different character who does not behave, speak, act, respond, react, stand, emote, or make choices like Loki does. He doesn't even LOOK like Loki because they did his hair and makeup wrong. And that's really what I wanted. I didn't want Larry (as I call the show character). I wanted Loki. That was what was advertised and to me he was so ooc that he was unrecognizable. If I just saw a clip out of context and didn't know what it was from I would have assumed I was seeing Tom in a totally different role.
Thor Ragnarok felt like a different take on Loki that definitely retconned some of his personality and history, but still felt like an alternate interpretation of the same character in the sense that I could recognize the character as Loki (albeit a different version of him); some people liked that, other didn't. But here it wasn't that. It just felt like a completely new (and to me far less interesting and compelling) character. And beyond that it felt like the show went out of its way to make a mockery of the character played by Tom and by extension anyone who ever cared about Loki's character. Like it felt like a mean spirited caricatured parody. Loki is also extremely sidelined in what is supposed to be his own show. And it most certainly didn't feel like a show about Loki, which is what I wanted. So for me the show didn't provide what I was looking for.
2) To me it also fails on its own merits. If I view it in isolation without comparing it to previous canon and just view it as its own thing it also fails. The quality of the dialogue felt very poor. None of the humor made me laugh and it all felt very juvenile and forced. The plotting and characterization seemed nonsensical and all over the place. Like Sylvie sets off those charges and the episode ends on a cliffhanger with that but then it's never addressed later.
The reason that Loki and Syvie allegedly falling in love breaks the timeline didn't really make sense. Sylvie is going around murdering timekeepers and yet Mobius somehow immediately like and trusts her and says he prefers her to Loki. Loki and Sylvie are simultaneously presented as the same person and also totally different people. Loki allegedly learns self love but we never see that - we see him call himself degrading things like pathetic. And we see him think that Sylvie is better than him. That doesn't seem like self love. The romance feels extremely rushed and unrealistic and awkward and we aren't given a compelling reason for why they are in love or what they even have in common. Sylvie doesn't really have much of a character. Mobius and Loki don't interact much and Mobius consistently mistreats him but Loki somehow thinks of him as a friend. Mobius is portrayed as a good guy for cheerfully carrying out the TVA's ends but Kang is a villain for creating the TVA. The TVA seems to be all made up of humans even though it's in charge of all reality.
If Loki did bad things, then the TVA did worse things and thus are not moral authorities. If the TVA’s actions are acceptable then so are Loki’s. If Loki was wrong to violently impose his will on a planet (let’s forget about the context with Thanos for a minute) then the TVA is wrong to violently impose its will on all of reality in order to eliminate free will. If Loki was wrong to kill a few people, then the TVA was certainly wrong to kill trillions. And thus neither Mobius nor the TVA are moral authorities when it comes to Loki because they are infinitely worse. If the actions that Mobius and the TVA took are acceptable, then there is no reason to criticize Loki because he did far less than them. Etc etc etc.
The cinematography is also very poor and unprofessional and the costumes look extremely cheap and unprofessional. The whole story feels confused and disjointed. The directing is bad because the actors are all very capable but the performances often feel wooden and forced and fake. And the pacing is terrible. A lot of it drags and then plot twists come out of nowhere with no setup so it just makes them feel jarring rather than earned or entertaining. 
3) To me it also fails on a moral front. The show contains a lot of problematic depictions and messages and promotes messages that are offensive or even downright harmful.
Mobius gleefully subjects Loki to physical torture by leaving him to be repeatedly beaten in the genital area. This is a very clearcut and straight forward example of physical torture. And Mobius feels no compassion for Loki or remorse over what he has done to him. If anything he seems to find it amusing. And certainly the audience is supposed to find it amusing (which is gross and harmful messaging on Disney’s part). He also subjects Loki to psychological torture. This is a fact. There are multiple instances in the show where the TVA and Mobius subject Loki to treatment that would meet the legal definition of torture under both US law and international law. Furthermore, Mobius and the TVA are holding Loki against his will and forcing him to labor without compensation or any hope of release because they view him as belonging to a group of people (Variants) that they view as inferior and not really people. That’s a pretty textbook case of slavery. So objectively Mobius is Loki’s jailer, torturer, captor, and enslaver. And yet Mobius is presented as justified in what he does to Loki. The writer and director have even called it therapy. And a result many people have parroted this which is very harmful.
The queer “representation” feels straight out of bigoted propaganda. Loki’s personality traits have been retconned to map onto harmful stereotypes about queer men. He is overly expressive, makes grand gestures, is flamboyant, cowardly, dishonest, weak, bad at fighting, lazy, spineless, meek, unused to exercise etc. Now a person could be all these things and also happen to be queer. However, Loki was never like this before. His character was retconned to be this way only in this series where he is confirmed to be queer.
Furthermore, the entire premise of the series seems to be that it is funny and entertaining and justified when Loki is dehumanized, mocked, humiliated, hurt, tortured, beaten, assaulted, and/or robbed of his dignity. That’s the premise. That’s the whole show.
In addition to pro torture and pro authoritarianism and pro victim blaming messaging the show also has problematic depictions of black characters  (see here and here), Asian people (see here) and also has a lot of fludphobia and transphobia issues. And much more.
@nikkoliferous has put together a great compendium here of various posts explaining the various issues with the show if you're curious about why some people disliked it.
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 15
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 4800+
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, fighting
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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“Okay, girl. Let’s move onto your two-three combo, and then you are going to come at me with a right hook as if it was your ex’s face,” Val instructed, holding up her mitts.
You dropped your hands, looking at her. “I’m not doing this because I want to kick his abusive ass. I am doing this for me. To build up my confidence and get stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You just want to look good naked for Rogers.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and you started punching the mitts. “Thata girl, I knew I could hit a nerve,” she chuckled to herself. 
You completed a few more rounds, then Val decided it was time for a cool down. You nodded, breathing heavy, and stepped out of the ring. You wiped the sweat from your brow with your forearm while Val came over to help get you out of the gloves. 
“You’re killing it, YN. Like, if someone ever decided to jump you, well, I think they would lose a hand.”
You chuckled at Val’s compliment. “Thanks, I do feel more confident in my movements, and my punches feel like they have more power behind them.”
“They do,” she agreed, “but it’s not hard enough to make me need to ice my hands or anything, like some of the coaches have to do when M’Baku is practicing.” She raised her eyebrows, shaking her head. “Men always have to be the strongest, but they’re not always the smartest.” She let out an annoyed sigh, rolling her eyes. “How are things with Rogers?”
You smiled as she started to untie your other glove. “He’s good. I think we’re good. Why, what’s the gossip at the station?”
“There’s not much. He tends to keep to himself about you, but there are times when he does get all flustered, blushy, and red when we pick on him about you. It’s cute,” Val smirked, eyeing you over, feeling yourself have the same reaction as him. “Have you two kindled the flame yet?” She wiggled her eyebrows, making your face heat up even more. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Don’t tell me then,” she winked. “When Carol and I talk about you two, we think you two look good together, and from what you both have been through, you both deserve a win, and I’m happy you two found each other.”
You smiled, undoing the hand wraps. “Thanks, Val. Speaking of Carol--” you peeked up at her, watching her closely “--how are things? Have you told the crew yet?”
“Not yet, but I am sure most of them already suspect something is going on?” Val shrugged, taking a sip out of her water bottle. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, they’re men,” you chuckled, rotating your wrists back and forth.
“Good point,” she laughed, tilting her water bottle at you. “They can be a little slower at picking up hints.”
You sat on the couch folding laundry, following a developing armed robbery happening downtown at the Ideal Federal Saving Bank. 
“Christine, how are things looking there? Have any of the robbers been identified?” Megan Henderson asked from the KTLA studio to Christine Everheart at the scene. 
“Yes, Megan. We know two of the assailants at this time, Jack Rollins and Jasper Sitwell. They are two notorious criminals who have been involved in numerous robberies throughout the state of California, Nevada, and Arizona. We are still unsure about the three other associates assisting with this robbery at this time…”
The monitor by the front door started buzzing, pulling you away from the screen to see who was there. You smiled at the screen, seeing Thor waving at the camera with his hands full of groceries, and you buzzed him in. 
You walked over to grab the remote, seeing the film crew circling the bank in a helicopter, and switched off the tv. You would need Thor's full attention when he helps you make your mom's chocolate chip cookies for fire safety at the station tomorrow. 
“Sister, I come bearing gifts,” Thor shouted, somehow being able to open the front door with his hands full. “And did you see that robbery hostage situation--” he pointed in the direction to downtown LA “--Nat and Clint have their hands full with this one.”
“Yeah, they do,” you agreed, leading Thor to the kitchen to drop off the bags on the counter. You furrowed your brows at the multiple bags of groceries. “What did you all get? All I needed was flour, chocolate chips, and eggs.”
“They were having a sale, and I couldn’t resist.” He lifted up a six-pack of beer, smiling like a child on their birthday.
“Well, that’s not going to take you long to finish,” you smirked at him, pulling groceries from the bags.
“No, I got this for us to drink while we bake mom’s cookies,” Thor added with a sincere smile, scratching his beard. “You know brother-sister bonding. I also grabbed snacks, so we are less tempted to eat all the cookies.” 
You grinned, staring at him in awe. “Sounds like fun, let’s get these cookies started.”
“And I’ll open a beer for you and supervise,” Thor added, going into the drawer to get the bottle opener, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Are you sure you’re doing it right?” Thor watched over your shoulders while you started creaming the butter and sugar together. “I don’t remember mom using one of these fancy mixers. She did it with one of those hand mixer thingies.”
“It just makes it go quicker,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “And you can do a bigger batch.”
“They’re not going to taste the same.”
“This is how I’ve always made them. You have literally watched me make these cookies with this machine before.”
“Oh well, I noticed they tasted different.”
“You’re insufferable, Thor,” you stated, turning around and pushing him to the other side of the counter. He laughed, taking a seat on the stool across from you.  “Do you want to find my cookie scoop? You’re scooping once I have everything mixed.”
“Finnneee,” he dragged out, complaining. He went over to the drawer and pulled out the scoop, and returned to the stool. “How have things been going with Steve?”
“It’s been fun,” you smiled, adding the eggs to the mixer bowl and turning it on.
“I’m glad. I’m the one who told Steve he could date you.”
“Wait,” you narrowed your eyes at him, “did he ask for permission?”
“No, I just told him that if I had to choose someone from the station to date you, I’d pick him.”
“Oooooh, so you picked him for me?” You scoffed, eyeing him while you added the dries in a little at a time.
“No, no, nothing like that. You can make your own decisions, but you’re a good person, and I wanted you to be with a good man. Besides, Steve is an old fashion guy, and with Dad not around anymore to ask, I figured I was the next best choice since I am the eldest.”
“And Loki was okay with your decision.” You scraped the bowl, adding in the chocolate chips and turning the mixer back on. 
“Well...I didn't ask him per se, but I think he would agree with me on this,” Thor stated, taking a sip of his beer.
“But, when have either of you agreed on anything...ever?” You turned off the machine, taking the bowl off, and started scraping the dough off the paddle. “Besides, you know I can make my own decisions right. I’m an adult.”
“Yes, of course,” he chuckled, playing around with the cookie scoop until it flew out of his hand and skimmed across the kitchen island. “Of course.” He nodded. 
“Says the man child, playing with a cookie scoop,” you snorted, shaking your head.
The last batch of cookies was in the oven, and the rest were cooling on sheets of newspaper. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get a few stares when you made cookies with an audience, but every time you made them with your mom, she’d use a spatula to get them off the pan and then place them on newspaper. You didn’t want to break that little tradition you got from her. 
Thor plopped down on a stool at your small island. “Why did I have to scoop them all?” Thor asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“They’re for your job, I’m not going to do all the work,” you sassed, shaking your head, forcing him to crack a side smile. “Now you wash, and I’ll dry.”
“Do I have to? I just sat down,” he asked with a slight frown.
“Yes,” you stated as he groaned, standing up and making his way to the sink. 
He let out a loud sigh, turning on the faucet, and narrowing his eyes in your direction. You stuck out your tongue at him while you continued to put ingredients away. He sighed loudly again, and you gave him the side-eye as he leaned against the counter, watching the suds magically appear in the water. “I’m happy for you.”
“Okay?” You replied more in a question than a statement. You narrowed your eyes at him, not knowing where that came from. 
“It’s nice to see you smiling and having fun again. You know, putting yourself out there. It’s nice having the sister I grew up with back. I’ve missed her.” He stood up straight, cracking a child-like smile at you. 
“Me too,” you smirked, leaning against the counter. 
He turned back to the sink, placing a few dishes in, and started washing them before placing them on the drying rack. It was weird to watch him do civilized things because he never did them when he was younger. When he left New York, the annoying older brother you grew up with started taking responsibility for his actions. While most actions not involving his nightly escapades. You take a sip of your beer, grabbing a clean cloth to dry, and start putting the dishes away. 
“I filed for divorce yesterday,” you mentioned, hearing Thor drop what he was washing into the sink.
He placed his hands on the edge of the sink, clenching his jaw at the sudsy sink. 
“He’s going to know where you are. Are you okay with taking that risk?” He inquired, scratching at the short beard on his face, turning to you.
“I know it’s a risk, but the only way I am ever gonna feel free of him…is to be free of him.”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “Are you going to feel safe here? Cause I can take the couch and stay for a few days. I can take work off and…”
“Thor, Thor,” you interrupted, placing your hand on his upper arm. “I’ll be okay.”
“I know, I just… I want… I want to make sure you’re safe.” 
“I know, and I will be,” you smiled at him, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.
“Is Steve gonna come and stay with you?” 
“I don’t know, maybe.” You shrugged, keeping a close eye on your brother; his bottom lip trembled as his eyes darted in all directions. “Is everything alright?”
He nodded his head aggressively. “Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine,” he stated in a high-pitched voice, laughing it off.  “But um…I think it would be better if someone stayed here with you, so I know… so we--we all know you’re safe,” he stumbled over his words, wringing his hands together. “Have you at least talked to Loki? What does he think? Does he want me to stay with you?” He asked, rambling on in one breath. 
“I was going to call him tonight and let him know,” you informed softly, trying to calm him down. “Thor--” his worried-filled eyes connected with yours “--I’ll be okay. Okay?” You gave him a reassuring nod. “I know after what happened before...that you blame yourself or you feel like you failed, but you didn’t. I don’t blame you for what happened because it wasn’t any of your doing. I put myself in that situation, and I continued to go back.”
“But, I could have gotten you out of that situation. I am the eldest, and I should’ve done a better job at protecting you, or at the very least, listening to you. I shouldn’t have taken Billy’s side, and for that, I blame myself,” he sniffled, clearing his throat. 
“Thor--” you rubbed his arm, making him look at you “--Billy is and will always be a master manipulator. We all fell for it…”
“Loki didn’t. He saw right through the man,” Thor tried to reason, raising his eyebrows. 
“But he didn’t stop me from going back to Billy. I mean, he tried, but Billy already had me wrapped around his finger.” You paused, biting your lip. “There is no sense in playing the blame game when the only person we should be blaming is Billy.” Thor opened his mouth to say something, but you continued. “You’ve helped me more these last few months than you will ever realize. Don’t think about the past and how you could’ve helped me, but think about right now, and how you did help me. I still don’t know how to thank you for it.”
“You can thank me by letting someone stay with you for a couple of weeks.”
“Wow...we’re still on that,” you scoffed, forcing a trembling chuckle out of him. “I know open communication was never our family's forte, but I love you, brother.”
“Love you, too, sis,” he smiled, leaning towards you and pulling you into a hug. 
You walked into the station through the open garage doors, noticing the spotless, shiny red trucks glistening in the sun, bringing a sense of ease over you and a smile to your face. This place felt like a second home that came with a family that you didn’t know you needed. You spotted Steve helping a few guys set up chairs in front of a portable tv while others set up tables for interactive activities for the kids to participate in. There were even goody bags with plastic red firemen hats and the treat table that continued to grow. 
“YN, I see you got talked into making something, too?” You looked over to see Nat, holding a pan of brownies, and you lifted your two containers of cookies. “I swear these boys wouldn't survive without us. I mean, Val and Carol would be safe, but the boys.” She shot you a tight smile, shaking her head. 
“Agreed,” you chuckled.
“And there is my nerd now, I’ll be back,” she winked, walking over to Bucky. She handed him the brownies, and he leaned down and kissed her ever so gently. 
“It’s disgusting, isn't it?” You looked to your right to see Sam with his arms crossed, rolling his eyes. 
“I think it’s kind of sweet,” You chuckled, rubbing your lips together and glancing at them one more time. Steve caught your eye, and a sweet smile broke across his face. “You’ll find someone, Sam. You’re such a catch.”
“Uh-huh,” he grunted.
“Would some cookies help?” You offered, handing him the containers. 
“Yes.” Sam grinned his gap-tooth smile, taking the container. “Thank you, YN. This is why you’re my favorite.” He took a bite out of one of the cookies, walking away, holding it up in the air. “The best batch yet.” 
Steve shook his head at a grinning Sam, walking over to you, and pulled you into a hug. You giggled into his chest, wrapping your arms around your waist, and he started swaying back and forth. You rested your chin on his chest, staring up at him. He leaned down, giving you a quick peck on the lips. 
“How did Bucky and Steve get girls like that?” Sam asked Val at the treat table.
“I guess some people just get lucky.” Val shrugged, and Sam angrily took a bite out of another cookie.  
“Want some ice cream?”
“Yes, I want all the ice cream,” Sam added, following Val to the break room. 
“Question--” Steve stopped swaying and pulled away from you “--do you have any plans for tonight?” 
“No, why do you have something planned,” he teased, shooting you his signature smirk.
“What are we doing?”
“I’m afraid that is classified, but I have something for you.” You reached into your purse, pulling out a manila folder, handing it to him. 
Steve narrowed his eyes in curiosity. He opened the folder, his eyes scanning it over. “Divorce papers. This is a big step, YN,” He smiled at you, but it quickly dropped to concern. “Billy is going to know where you are.”
“I know, but I feel like it is time to put the past behind me and move on with my life.”
“Okay, as long as you’re ready, then I’m here for you with whatever you need.” 
“I know,” you smiled shyly.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Thor clasped a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m proud of her,” Steve winked, making your smile spread wider.
“As am I,” Thor smiled, squeezing Steve’s shoulder. 
You shake your head at them. “I better get to my shift, but Sam has the cookies, and I want my containers back ASAP, or I am going to hurt you, Thor.” You stated, walking backwards.
“I’ll make sure they are in your possession tonight.” Thor saluted, making you shake your head.
“Have a good shift, YN. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Just know this, Steve, if you hurt my little sister, we will have more than words,” Thor stated, squeezing Steve’s shoulder a little harder watching you walk out of the station with Nat by your side.
Steve nodded, turning to him. “I don’t intend to.”
“Good man.” Thor patted him on the shoulder, giving him a closed-mouth smile. “Before she met you, she was lost in her own little world. Fighting the beast, invading her dreams, and trying to tackle her own troubles. She thought she could only rely on herself to make the important choices but soon realized she had supporters, like you and me. So, thank you, Steve, for helping bring my sister back.” 
Steve nodded to Thor as the tall man went back to help the group set up.
“Did he threaten you?” Bucky asked with a breathy laugh, coming over to him.
“Ahh…yeah…sort of….I think.” Steve's eyebrows knit together, trying to figure out what exactly just happened. “But, I’m gonna make a quick call.”
“Do your thing, pal?” Bucky patted him on the shoulder and went over to help the group finish up.
Steve took out his phone until he found the name he was looking for; He brought it to his ear as soon as it started to ring. 
“Hey, Steve. How’s it going?”
“I’m good. Listen, I’m not going to be able to play pool tonight. I got a...I  got a date,” Steve smiled at his own words, scratching at his beard.
“Oh, is this the one you have been kind of seeing?”
“Yeah, YN.”
“Good for you, man.”
“Thanks, but I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you later.”
“I have a feeling we’ll see each other soon. Have a good night, Steve.”
“Bye, Jig,” Steve smiled, sliding the phone back into his pocket, and headed over to finish getting everything ready for fire safety.  
The team stood by one of the open garage doors in anticipation for the first group of young students and their teachers to arrive. The workout room was transformed into a small teaching area, complete with fold-out chairs and a roll-away tv. Snacks and goody bags were also waiting for them with a welcoming banner hanging from the second-story loft. 
Steve let out a deep breath with his hands on his hips, eyeing at what they were able to accomplish.  It looked very welcoming, but he didn’t know what was going to happen. He liked kids but wasn’t always great at talking to them, but Carol reassured them that the first group of students might not go as planned, but they had another six to make up for it. 
“First group approaching,” Sam shouted, going over to the door to greet them. Sam shook the teacher's hand, flashing her his famous gap-tooth smile. 
Bucky scoffed beside Steve, gripping his shoulder. “Don’t be nervous, pal. Just avoid swearing or talking about anything too scary. Kids think we are badasses, and they look up to us. We are heroes to them.”
Steve swallowed, nodding at him. He rubbed his hands together, taking in the twenty little kids, grabbing snacks, and taking their seats while Carol stood in front of them with a huge smile.
“How’s everyone doing today?” Carol asked, earning a group of students shouting while others remained silent. “I’m glad to hear it. My name is Captain Carol Danvers, but you can call me Ace, and I am in charge of Station 107. Those wearing the dark blue shirts around you are my teammates.” She pointed to Sam, who then introduced himself as they went around the room. “Now that you know my team, what are your names?”
The teachers introduced themselves before the kids went around the room saying their names. Steve stood off to the side, nodding his head, trying to remember every kid’s name. His eyes stopped on one familiar little girl, Morgan Stark. She caught his eye, and she waved with an exciting smile on her face. He nodded at her, mimicking her expression on his face. Steve noticed she also waved at Sam. Seeing her brought back the memory of his first encounter with YN and losing his dispatcher cherry while saving Morgan from the electrified pool in the process. 
“Do any of you know the number to call in case someone needs help?” Danvers asked, bringing Steve's attention back to the present. Hands flew into the air, including Morgans. Danvers pointed to one of the students, and he replied with 911. 
Steve zoned out as Danvers continued to talk with the young kids. His eyes traveled around the room, noticing how some of the teachers would catch his eye but then quickly look away. He smirked, realizing Thor and YN weren’t kidding when they said the teachers would flirt with them. Thor winked at one of them, and she blushed, unable to keep the smile off her face. Steve shook his head at them, returning his attention to Danvers.
“....when you dial 911, your call gets directed to a dispatcher, and they use a system called CAD, which is a computer-aided dispatch. They punch the address you give them in, and the dispatcher can figure out what unit is closest for them to send help. Now, how many of you know your address?” A few hands shot up, and Carol nodded. “It’s okay if you don’t just go home and talk to your parents about it. They love to watch you learn and would be more than willing to help.” She nodded, clasping her hands together. “We are going to watch a quick safety video and then break off into groups and do a few different activities and see some cool things. How’s that sound?” She got a few cheers from the students while the others kept quiet. Danvers smiled, switching the tv on and pushing play on the DVD player, before stepping off to the side. 
The kids broke off into four smaller groups; Bucky and Steve took their group around, showing them different trucks, and explained their purpose. Steve couldn’t help but smile when the kids’ faces brightened up upon seeing the inside of the trucks. They did their best to explain what some of the equipment inside was, but most of the kids seemed too excited to listen. According to Bucky, kids like seeing the trucks and could care less about the other activities they had set up.
The first group's time was coming to an end, and the team could see the next class approaching in the distance. The team handed out gift bags, and all the kids were smiling and putting on their red plastic hats. The teachers told the students to say thank you, and they did so in unison before they retreated towards the door.
Steve stood by the entrance waving goodbye to the previous class, awaiting to greet the next class. He felt a tug on his pants, and he looked down to see Morgan smiling up at him.
“Hey, shouldn’t you be up there with your partner?” He leaned down to her eye level, resting a knee on the ground.
“She is waiting,” she pointed to her, and Steve smirked, seeing her waiting impatiently. “Besides, my teacher is still talking to the tall one.”
He glanced over to see the tall one was Thor, and he was doing the thing he always did. “Look at that, you’re right.” He nodded. “What can I do for you, Morgan?”
“I wanted to give you this--” she handed him a homemade card “--the tall one helped me make it at the coloring table.” She rocked back and forth on her feet and blushed.
“Aww, thank you.” He opened the card, reading: Thank you, Fireman Steve, for saving me, and it was an image of her in a pool with him on one side and Sam was on the other. “You’re welcome. I like it. You are quite the artist.”
She smiled. “I gave one to Fireman Sam, too.” She pointed at him with a smile.
“I’m sure he loved it, too.” Steve smiled at it. “I'm going to have to put this on my fridge at home.” He chuckled, and in an instance, the little girl wrapped her little arms around her neck and pulled him close. He patted her on the back and pulled away. “Stay out of trouble, and don’t get into any more electrified pools.” 
She shot him a funny look. “You too,” she smiled, running over to her partner.
Her teacher passed by him, folding a piece of paper and sliding it into her pocket, which Steve could only assume to be Thor's number. He shook his head, looking back at Thor to see him staring at her retreating figure. 
Thor caught Steve's eye, and he shrugged. “What? I like women, but you know, not in a creepy way.”
After the first class came through, the rest of the groups were easy; having got the lay-of-the-land and knowing what to say. Although towards the end of the day, the older kids, the 2nd graders, asked more daring questions, in which Steve tried to keep it G or PG.
“And with that, class is dismissed,” Danvers stated, plopping down in one of the fold-up chairs, sighing loudly. 
“Hear, hear,” Sam nodded, plopping down next to her. “It’s the repetition that gets me. I could go home and fall asleep right now. Who knew kids could be so exhausting. I praise the teachers cause I know I couldn’t put up with their shit all the time.” Everyone murmured in agreement.
“How are you all tired?” Thor asked with his hands on his hips.
“We weren’t at the coloring station. We were explaining and answering questions trying to keep things kid-friendly.”
“Well, you should’ve been. In my opinion, it’s the best station.”
“No, the trucks are, the arts and crafts station is the boring table. The kids were talking about it,” Bucky added, folding up a few chairs. 
“Doesn’t matter, I got a few numbers. And...” he walked over to the snack table, taking the last of YN cookies “--I got the last cookie,” he chuckled, taking a bite.
“Let’s quit complaining about what activity was better and remember it was about teaching the kids,” Danvers stated. “Now, let’s get this cleaned up, so the crew can do their job tonight.” Everyone mumbled, nodding in agreement. 
Thor snapped the container to your Tupperware shut, shoving the last bite of cookie in his mouth. “I could drop off the Tupperware tonight if you’d like. I’m meeting up with her after her shift,” Steve offered, packing up the leftover snacks. 
“Yes, I suppose you could, but if they go missing and she doesn’t get them. This all comes back to me, and I don’t need that on my conscience right now.” 
“Probably a good idea you do it then,” Steve chuckled. 
Standing in front of the mirror, you try to get your hair to do a thing, but it isn’t doing the thing, so you decide to leave it as is. A buzzing sound at the front door brings an excited smile to your face. You trotted down the stairs, seeing Steve and Cosmo at the gate. You buzzed them in and went into the kitchen to grab two wine glasses and a bottle from your stash. You set them on the kitchen island, hearing Cosmo barking on the other side of the door. You smirked to yourself, walking over to the front door, remembering Steve mentioning how much Cosmo missed you. It was utter nonsense, but you couldn’t help but smile. You opened the front door, and your smile quickly disappeared.
“Hi, honey. Did you miss me?”
AN: Thanks for reading part 15! Those pesky cliffhangers! Where did Billy come from? Has he been watching her this whole time? Hmmmm....any theories?! And of course, all of this had to happen when things between her and Steve were finally going forward. It's almost like I planned it! Muwahaha! And speaking of Steve...what could’ve happened to him and Cosmo? Besides the ending, did you like Thor and her little chitchat, the brother-sister bonding sesh. We did learn that Thor clearly still blames himself for what happened way back then, but maybe now after their little chat, he will finally start forgiving himself, but who knows with the current revelation happening! 😬 And Val and Carol, did anyone guess that happening?! Also, did you enjoy fire safety day?! I thought it would be a good throwback to the first chapter and bring Morgan back, and I thought it would just be cute seeing the team trying to keep things G/PG when talking about their job. Haha! Better prepare yourself for the next couple chapters, cause things are going get deep! As always thanks for reading, comments always welcome! 
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littlepupthoughts · 3 years
Warming Up to You Chapter 1
Chapter 2 now out!
Aprox 1,300 Words
Content and Triggers: Thor x Loki x Reader - Fem!reader - puppy pet play- Dub-con? - Drinking -pet names- light smut- bdsm lifestyle
Summary: Loki knows what’s best for his little puppy, and being socialized is an important part of any pets life. Luckily he knows that Thor has always had a soft spot for dogs, though he’s never met one quite like you.
A/N: Really light stuff to start off with, the next chapter will be much more smutty. But I wanted to split this up since I want this to be a longer chapter based fic. When I first had the idea for this story I didn’t have any characters in mind, just basic archetypes and here we are. A loki fic, how surprising. I hope to have the next chapter finished in a day or two. And as always send in your requests, I'd love to write them for you.
The breath of an unknown mouth was warm on the back of your neck but not as warm as the muscular body in front of you. The heat radiating off the three of you was almost too much but your body refused to move, too comfortable to be bothered.
Blinking slowly you tried to remember where you are looking around the dimly lit room for answers. The glow came from a TV playing a late night infomercial selling a Captain America kitchen set, boasting about the microwave safe bowls decorated to match his shield. The screen suddenly changed to show a bright white background making you squeeze your eyes shut as the narrator started rambling about their nonstick pans. As the after image faded from your eyelids you noticed the thick smell of ale hanging in the air stirring memories of the night before.
It was a rowdy celebration, every party headed by Tony was. The drinks were flowing, music pounding, everyone was there having a good time letting loose after another successful mission. Usually parties made you on edge, so many people in such a small space but tonight Loki was there with you. He was gracefully moving with you through the crowds, hand on your lower back like it always was. He had been drinking and was grinning as he brought you a glass of your own.
“Relax little love,” he cooed, gently touching your cheek. “Everyone here knows you are mine, No one would dare try anything with you. And if they for some reason don’t know you are claimed this lovely collar of yours will be warning enough.” His hand moved down from your cheek to your neck where the thick leather band rested. Slipping his finger through the metal D ring he tugged you closer pressing his lips to yours possessively.
You nodded up at him smiling knowing he was right, you and he announcing to the avengers and shield that you were an item had made life much easier. You had been rightly terrified but telling everyone yourselves was better than the rumors that would inevitably spread. Plus it meant you had more control over who knew what. By now everyone important knew you and he were steady, but only those closest to you knew about the puppy/owner relationship that had been hidden behind closed doors. They were all pretty accepting of the idea, Peter even piped up saying that it made sense considering how excited you would get when they came back from a mission.
Since then not much had changed, everyone got used to you laying in Loki’s lap and the praise he would give you. It really set in after the first time you got told off for tracking mud through the house. You were definitely embarrassed at first but no one paid any mind to Loki’s stern words except for you. Some of them even played along, Peter complimented your collar the first day you wore it and Tony would occasionally threaten to tattle on you because you were “interrupting his genius,” while poking around the lab.
The first drink calmed your nerves, the second one made you comfortable, the third got you to dance with Wanda and Peter to songs that you will never remember. The nights memories become less and less hazy as you replay the party in your head. Blurry bits of people saying they were going to turn in, the sound of glass breaking and Tony shouting at Thor to knock it off. Loki drunkenly nibbling your ear as Natasha dragging Thor over and talking to Loki over the music. He bent back down to your ear and whispered something…What was it? You screwed your face up thinking hard.
“I’m sorry my little one but we have been tasked with babysitting this oaf,” He gestured at Thor who had the largest grin on his face. Tunelessly humming and swaying to the music, oblivious to being ejected from the party. You nodded smiling and grabbing Thors large hand and tipsily dancing with him leading him in the the hallway Loki bringing up the rear laughing at the two of you bumbling about. You remember making it back to Loki’s rooms and watching tv with them in the small living room included in the suite.
Your eyes peeled open to get a better look at the warm bodies on either side of you confirming your suspicion. The breath tickling the back of your neck belonged to Loki which meant the solid body in front of you belonged to the one and only god of thunder. Still slightly intoxicated you giggled at the predicament, your inner puppy enjoying the dog pile. Loki stirred gently sitting up smiling as you wiggled excitedly looking back at him.
“Aww is my little puppy enjoying the cuddles? I am sure Thor is nice and warm,” he hummed and began running his hand up and down your side. You looked at Loki with a moment of concern flashing across your face, “No no it’s ok pup you may cuddle him, I am sure he could use the comfort. Plus I can share,” A grin spread across his face, but you were too busy wriggling back down in to the couch to notice.
When you woke back up it was still dark out and you had rolled over with your head buried in Loki’s chest. His hands were scratching through your hair, he must not have fallen back asleep. Thats when you felt it, the warmth of strong hands on your hips and the pressure of large fingers pulling you back in to his pelvis. Thor was still asleep as he ground himself against you mumbling quietly to himself. You looked up at Loki your eyes growing wide as they met his blue ones, sparkling mischievously. In one quick movement he bent down and bit your neck making you gasp and arch your back, pressing your hips against Thor. He started waking up clutching you even tighter groaning quietly.
“It seems like Thor finds you attractive my little love, and if I remember correctly you found him attractive as well..At least that’s what I overheard you telling Natasha when you first joined the team. Is that true little one?” You could hear the smile in his voice as you blushed madly. Of course you found him attractive, you didn’t know anyone who thought otherwise. You nodded in to his chest knowing that he would know if you said anything but the truth.
“Would you like to play with Thor y/n?” Your face grew so hot it felt like you were glowing pink in the dark. Loki took your chin between his thumb and finger tilting your head upwards, “I asked if you would like to play with him y/n.”
The smallest whimper escaped your lips while Loki’s eyes deepened with lust sealing your fate. He reached down and moved Thor’s large hand from your hip up to your breast, the movement fully waking up the sleeping god. He instinctively began kneading your warm flesh before realizing what was happening. You could feel him freeze behind you and saw Loki’s gaze shift to just over your shoulder.
“Thor, it seems my pet needs attention, would you help me play with her?” Your eyes were glued to Loki’s face searching for any change of expression. Then there it was at the corner of his mouth, the beginning of a devilish smile making your head spin.
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tarithenurse · 3 years
Stolen - 47
Fandom: MCU Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!gifted!reader Content: ...sorry...I really am sorry. Also lack of beta’ing. A/N: 1) Don’t hate me for this chapter. 2) Reminder: this is unrelated to the D+ Loki series. The only thing in common between the two is the background (ie: the MCU movies). Ask or re-blog for tag.
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47. The Death Song
…   Reader   …
Time itself is a paradox…at least that’s what you’ve heard that some scientist should be claiming but you hadn’t been sure until today. Until the shield of the ship and failed and Loki hadn’t had time to teleport (as you call it) it or the people on it because he already was busy doing the same for the Asgardian flagship.
The impact had ripped a huge chuck off the bridge and the decks below and you watched the shrapnel and people, still licked by dark flames, sucked away and into space for the eternity of seconds before you got launched backwards into a wall.
Next thing you knew, you were coming to conscious, drifting through space while the battle still raged soundlessly around you. Gasping to regain your breath after the impact, you had time to slap yourself mentally because there was no air to fill your lungs before panic started to set in and clouded any semblance of thought process. You could feel the dizziness slowly tug at your senses, could see the patches of blackness despite the similarly dark backdrop to everything around you. This is it, you realized, consciousness flickering.
But it wasn’t. Of course not. It was naïve to think you’d get away that painlessly.
A vast shadow loomed over you, pulling you in until you were resting on a metal surface and a metallic gate had swept closed in slow motion. Together with heat, and sound, came the air you needed so badly to cry out in desperation at realizing you were alone.
“Loki?” you gasped at first before filling your lungs, “LOKIIIII!”
There were voices around you and you felt hands grasp your flailing limbs. Then there was the face of Frigga, and you knew where you were but it didn’t matter as long as it was just you.
Another bout of words that you couldn’t be bothered to listen to until, “[Y/N], get yourself together.” You blinked owlishly at the stern face of your ally. “You are needed and Loki sent you into our path for that reason…don’t let his act be in vain.”
“Loki?” you whimpered at the name. Where was he then?
You recognized a pain flickering across Frigga’s face. “Yes, now make him proud, child.” She pulled you onto your feet and lifted your chin in much the same way your love had been prone to do. “Will you let Thanos get away with this?”
No. Something stirred deep within you, something you had never felt before and it scared you while simultaneously enticing you as your blood began to boil with rage. No, he will know pain too.
You allowed Frigga to guide you to the bridge of the vessel. From there you could see the chaos outside, watch the clusters of metal and glass that already were trying to stay in small orbits around each other only to be pushed apart as something came barrelling through, dragging it along in long wakes of destruction. But you saw Thanos’ ship across the battle space. You saw the bands of the wings whir silently as they turned and clicked into place to allow a new wave of smaller fighter flights gain access and kill.
Death…so much death.
The ship you had been on was not the only vessel that had succumbed to the enemy. You had been told that was likely to happen even before boarding the ship and setting out, but watching it was too painful. Ruined, hulking wrecks floated by with a stream of dead in their wake. Where is Loki? But you didn’t want the answer. You wanted revenge.
People around you are cheering despite the devastation hovering in ribbons and clusters outside the warship you’re on. You know, you should join them – even though Thanos hasn’t been killed, the Mad Titan has still suffered a scalding defeat today – and cheer for those who fought whether they survived or not. But you can’t. Just...can’t. There’s an emptiness inside you, numbing, but void of anything else than disbelief as it renders all senses useless.
“Saviour.” The High Priestess has been among the survivors recovered among the debris right after their flagship was shot to smithereens. “You have done well. Be proud.”
“Thank you,” you mutter despite not feeling the pride she’s talking about. What is there to be proud of?
Every ship are sending out little teams for search-and-rescue, mostly bringing back corpses with bloated and blistered skin and blood-shot eyes. They’re covered in frost. Cold to the touch the few times you’ve tried to reach out to find a pulse before giving up helping out. It’s not the same chill. And you can’t help but wonder: will Loki feel this way too once they haul him back onto a vessel?
Someone big and warm plops down next to you, stretching leather-clad legs out before him and wraps an arm around you to envelop you in heat and sweaty musk that clings to his muscles.
“Don’t fret, little one,” Thor’s voice rumbles, “my brother rarely stays dead for long. He’s always pulled pranks, you know.”
“Thor...” you can’t listen to him. Can’t hear his tales of denial when it only highlights how fruitless it is to hope because this time...if Loki has been picked up by the coalition then you’d have known by now. And if it’s someone else who has found him alive...? You don’t want to finish the sentence.
“- this one time, he had transformed into a snake...and you know I love snakes...so I went to -”
“Thor!” You startle the poor guy shut, the look he gives you full of understanding underneath the wetness nearly daring to tumble down his cheeks. “I’m...I’m sorry, Thor. It’s just...can we not talk for a moment?”
He tugs you closer. “Of course.”
That’s how you sit when the search is called off together with the last inkling of hope you’d manage to nurture. That’s how Frigga finds you leaned against her last son.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Chapter 5: Dangers of love
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word Count: 3273
Warnings: graphic description of injury, swearing
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @magicalpieex @lokiyoulittle @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp
A/N: Okay, so I got a little carried away with this chapter because things are heated! We got some Bucky vs Loki conflict as well as hurt Bucky. It’s time to spice some things up in this love story.
“We need you! Bucky got hurt and may not live! We need you to save him!”
Panic begins to set in as you scramble to get off of Loki. You run towards Sam who’s eyes still dart between you and Loki who is laying on the floor, face covered in a disappointed appearance. Sam grabs your hand and pulls you toward the Quinjet, running as fast as you can.
Loki lays on the ground and watches you run off with Sam. The feeling of your body on top of him lingers and his eyes miss the sight of you. He knows Bucky is hurt and your job is to heal, but he can’t help but feel jealous. You at their beckoning call. Pulling you away from him. He wanted to keep you there on top of him… forever, but Bucky once again steals you from him. Loki finds his way to his bedroom, saddened by your sudden absence and filing his time with something else.
You and Sam rush in the Quinjet as the door starts to close. You sit down and stare at the floor, dreading the sight that is about to be in front of you, as Sam rushes to get some basic gear to cover you. He straps on a helmet and a bullet proof vest to you in a frantic manner, struggling to clasp the buckles. His hands are shaking, so you place yours on his, forcing him to look at you. You give him a look of comfort, yet control. His anxiety melts at the calm fear in your eyes, knowing you’re just as scared but determined.
After 1 agonizing hour, you land in some unknown desert country filled by tents and soldiers. Sam grabs your wrist and starts sprinting to a broken and abandoned building surrounded by American soldiers. Steve stands at the door waiting for you. Stress blows off of him as he sees Sam dragging you behind him. 
“Hurry, he’s barely holding on!” Steve yells.
The three of you enter the building and rush to the second floor where Natasha is leaning over Bucky, putting pressure on the wound. 
“Two bullets below the heart and one to the left. They barely missed, but he’s bleeding out like a bitch. There was also a large boulder on him so I’m sure there’s internal damage,” she informs.
You drop to your knees and lean over Bucky. He looks up to you, face full of pain and desperation. Even in his own demise, he gives you a smile and warm eyes. You shake your head at him, You’re not supposed to die you idiot, you thought. Taking Natasha’s hands, you force her to push on his bullet wound harder, implying she isn’t putting enough pressure on it. Steve and Sam stand behind you panicking, but informing the rest of the team through the intercom. 
“Yeah, she’s here… I’m not sure… let’s hope,” Steve mutters.
Bullets are flying through the air as Bucky attempts to run around. Their camp was attacked late last night when no one was prepared and the battle has been going on for hours. No one was sure where it came from at first, all that they did know is that they’re surrounded and out manned.
Steve and Bucky started running first, trying to get to the general and end things, but as buildings started to fall down, things got harder. Soldiers were getting trampled, crushed, hit. Rocks were flying everywhere within the rubble falling.
Bucky loses track of Steve, the two getting split up somewhere about ten minutes ago. Leaning against a large chunk of wall, Bucky sits and regains his breath. He looks over the wall seeing that no one is near him. After all of this fighting, Bucky prays they’ll be taken home finally, knowing the opposing enemy is almost out of tricks considering they did a surprise attack.
He can’t wait to get home. He can’t wait to feel you jump in his arms, lay on him as you read, lean your head on his shoulder when you can’t stay awake during a movie. Two weeks is too long to go without you after spending every day together for a while. He started getting antsy to see her three days ago. Knowing he can’t stay in his location forever, Bucky starts to get up and dash.
“Bucky, look up.” Steve says over the head set.
Bucky looks in front of him to see Steve hiding behind one of their trucks looking over by him.
“To the left, there are three soldiers, go the opposite direction and they won’t see you at all.”
Bucky nods to him and takes a deep breath. Turning to his right, Bucky stands and starts to sprint. Gunshots go off and completely drown out Steve yelling “to my left, not yours!”. He barely takes a step before feeling an awful pain in his shoulder. 
In slow motion, Bucky feels himself slip and get pushed down by an invisible force. Another burst of pain hits below the first one and one to his other shoulder. His vision goes blurry as he falls, his back slamming into little rocks and pebbles. Hitting his head on the ground, everything goes dark.
Steve watches as his best friend gets shot three times. Fear settles in as he sprints over to Bucky, but the enemy sees him running. Quickly, they shoot the corner of the building next to them, sending shards down around Bucky’ unconscious body. Steve stops and blocks his face from the oncoming rubble, panicking about losing Bucky in the dust.
“Everyone, Bucky’s down! I need back up!” The dust settles and Steve sprints to Bucky and looks down, “Wake up, Buck. Come on.”
Steve takes Bucky by his shoulders before realizing the bullet holes beneath his thumbs. He wildly lets go of Bucky as he stares at the open wound. Blood gushes out of Bucky as he lies in the sand. 
Next thing Steve knows, there are S.H.I.E.L.D agents surrounding him with their shields and Natasha is joining him on the ground. Natasha carefully picks up Bucky’s shoulders as Steve grabs his ankles. They attempt to drag him to the building when they notice opposing men in the main floor.
“Someone clear the building for us! We need to get him to safety!” Steve yells over the intercoms.
“I got you.”
Tony flies over in his suit, shooting down the men in the building and around the perimeters as Steve and Natasha drag Bucky inside. 
“We’ve got him secured, but we need someone quick before we lose him!”
“Steve, doesn’t Y/N have healing powers?” Tony inquires.
“Holy crap, yes. Sam! Get to the Quinjet fast, we need Y/N!” 
“Copy that.”
Sam sprints to the Quinjet with adrenaline bouncing through his veins. 
“I need someone to watch the building as we wait,” Steve orders, “Nat, put pressure on the wounds, I’m going out to defend for a moment.”
“Will do.”
Steve rushes out of the building to find the agents from earlier setting up a temporary barricade. Thor runs over out of breath and covers for them. Steve watches Sam running back, praying that he can get there in time with Y/N to help Bucky, but for now they have to keep fighting.
Steve watches as you stare at Bucky, praying that you know what you are doing. He can see the panic in your eyes as you look down at Bucky. He knows that fear. It’s doubt. It’s the same doubt he felt when he was first in charge of a mission. The tears start coming in your eyes as you look up to Steve.
“You’ve got this,” he comforts, “I know you do.”
You look over to Natasha and nod for her to let go of the wounds. She quickly pushes herself away as you take control. Putting pressure onto the wounds, you close your eyes and focus. You feel the powers surging through your body and pouring into Bucky.
Steve and Natasha stare at you in awe. Light emerges from your body, surrounding you and Bucky, but not blinding them. You look so graceful as you pour your heart and soul into him. The blood starts clotting as it comes out before it stops all together, but as it stops, they watch as the light from you slowly flickers. You start to wobble over his body, looking more tired as you go on.
“Is it working?” Sam asks.
“I think so, but somethings wrong.” Steve answers.
Steve rushes to your side, holding you up from the back as you start to fall over. You start to get light headed as you pour all of your energy into Bucky. Opening your eyes for one second, you see the wounds not closing up between your fingers. They’re too deep for you to comfortably heal. 
You take your hands off of Bucky for a second to lean back. Steve catches you as your arms barely keep your body up as Natasha rushes over back by Bucky, applying pressure again but not as much.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks.
You lift your hand to shake it, signaling you're fine before holding up your index to signal that you need one moment. Steve holds you tight, almost laying you across his lap. He looks over to Sam who’s staring at you. 
“It’s like she ran out of energy,” Steve comments.
“It might be too much for her. I think we have to pull back and go home.”
“Sam, you know how much I love Bucky, but we’re so close to finishing this.”
“I can contact Fury or Coulson and see if we can get sent back, the rest of the soldiers can stay here and fight until called.”
“Then do it.”
Sam furiously runs back to the Quinjet to get a better signal, hoping they’ll be able to take Bucky back home. Steve looks down at your tired body sprawled across him. You start to waken a little bit more, looking over to Bucky in determination.
“Wait, Y/N. Do you think it’s a good idea to-”
You ignore Steve as you push Natasha off of Bucky. You get up on your knees before taking Bucky again and emptying all your energy. The brightest light Steve and Nat have ever seen comes out of nowhere, shining from your body. 
People describe a terrifying event that their “soul had left their body”, but you literally feel every fiber in your body get drained. You lose breath, surrendering everything you have in you. Bucky starts to stir, coughing as he gains consciousness. Steve rushes to his side and holds his head up. Shielding his eyes, Steve sees your eyes go completely white, glowing as if the sun had entered you. Your face has gone blank as you black out, losing yourself in healing Bucky.
Nat runs to your side as the light disappears at once. You fall over as she catches you, trying to keep you from hitting your head on the ground. There’s silence in the building as Nat and Steve attempt to get both you and Bucky up before Sam stumbles in.
“We can go back! What happene-”
“No time to explain,” Steve interrupts, “Avengers, fall back. We’re heading home immediately.”
The Avengers sprint back to the Quinjet. Sam carries you as Steve carries the limping Bucky back, setting you both down on the floor. Clint and Wanda run inside as see you and Bucky swapped appearances. Wanda starts asking a million questions that Nat tries to answer as they take off.
“Steve,” Bucky coughs, “what’s going on?” “We’re heading back to the compound. You were injured severely and Y/N saved your life.”
“But I thought she was back at the-”
“Sam got her after you got shot. She did everything she could.”
Steve nods over in your direction. Bucky looks over to see you passed out on the ground, Natasha and Sam tending to you. He starts to panic at the sight of your paralyzed body lays next to him.
“Bucky, you have to hold still. Your wounds are still-”
“No, no, no, no, no, no.”
“Bucky, calm down!”
Bucky whips his head to look at Steve who’s frantically trying to keep him on the ground in a sederatary fashion. 
“I can’t Steve. Is she alive?”
“She’s fine. You need to worry about yourself. She’s tired.”
“You promise?”
Bucky searches for an answer in Steve's eyes, but he knows Steve can’t promise that. No one really knows if you’re okay. There’s a tense silence throughout the quinjet as it flies home.
Loki hears the engine of the quinjet as it lands. He rushes off the couch to stand at the tower’s bridge doors, watching it land. As the door opens, he hurriedly walks onto the bridge looking around each Avenger as they walk out to see you. Steve and Tony stop when they see the writings on Loki’s body, recognizing your handwriting from the notes on Bucky’s arms.
“What the-” Tony mutters.
“Where is she?” Loki asks worriedly.
Sam steps off the quinjet carrying your body bridal style. Loki rushes to him as the other Avengers stare at him in awe. Laying his hand on your forehead, Loki reads your brain to find you asleep. He forces you awake with his magic, having awakened in Sam’s arms. You look up to see Sam holding you and Loki next to you. Reaching out, Loki takes your limp body from Sam, carrying you to the med bay as the Avengers follow behind. Bucky watches as he leans on Steve’s shoulders, anger rising in his body from seeing Loki’s appearance and behavior towards you. Everyone glances at one another in disbelief of the sight in front of them.
You don’t remember falling asleep again, but you wake up in a bed in the med bay. Loki sits on a chair next to you asleep. By the looks of it, he hasn’t been able to sleep in a while. His hair is all distressed and there are bags forming under his eyes. You try to sit up before you feel a pounding headache start.
Loki wakes at the sound of you rustling around in the bed. He sees you gripping your forehead in pain.
“You’re awake. Careful, your body may still be weak,” he warns.
You smile at him for being so kind to you. Loki reaches for  a water bottle sitting on the stand beside your bed and a small container of pills. 
“Take these. I was told they would help.”
He hands you the little bottle of Advil and the water. You timidly take them from him and take one pill. Your hands are still shaking from how tired you are. Loki gives you a gentle smile, but you can see the sadness behind it. Your state of being concerns him, seeing how exhausted you are. “Are you feeling okay?”
You nod weakly with a smile, trying to comfort him, but you know until you have complete strength, nothing will make him feel better. The two of you sit silently for a moment before Loki gasps and pats down his pockets.
“I forgot… I have your pen.”
He hands you the ball point pen you use to write on him, which makes you smile. Why does he have this on him? You think.
“Just in case you need to tell me something you can’t sign.”
You look at him confused.
“I can read minds.”
All of the thoughts you’ve had about him run into his head. You freak out internally, wondering what all he had read.
“Don’t worry, I don’t read it often. In fact, this is the first time I’ve read your mind.”
He leans forward and sets his leg on your bed, pulling up on his pants to reveal his ankle.
Loki chuckles at you. He likes being able to talk to you, even if it’s through pen and skin. 
The Avengers sit outside your room, listening to Loki talk to you. They give each other quizzical looks as they hear Loki laugh.
“Do you think he’s torturing her?” Tony asks.
“Oh stop. Did you see the way he was covered in writing? They clearly bonded while we were done,” Nat points out.
“Oh they did more than bond.
Everyone looks at Sam, confused about his comment.
“When I came to get Y/N, I found her on top of Loki on the ground. She was laying on top of him and leaning over his face. It looked like they were about to make out or something.”
Bucky is fueled with rage at Sam’s description. Steve looks over to his friend to see Bucky’s hands in the tightest first he’s seen in a while. There is nothing but anger seeping through his eyes, jealous of the way Sam talks of the two. Bucky storms off towards the hallways before slamming his door closed. The team looks over to Steve worried, knowing Bucky has feelings for you.
Is Bucky okay?
“Yes, he is.” Loki’s heart drops. Even in your own pain and healing, you worry about Bucky. He forgot about your attachment to the solider due to his own growing feelings for you. “He’s alive and doing well, thanks to you. You’re a good person.”
It’s the right thing to do. I don’t like it when my friends die.
A little flutter of hope flickers in Loki’s mind when you refer to Busy as a friend. He knows that you have more of a relationship with Bucky than the others, but ‘friend’ gived him hope.
“Most people don’t like it when friends die, but I won’t lie dear, I’m surprised you consider him a friend.”
He knows what he’s doing by starting this conversation, but better to have his feelings squashed now then later when he’s ever more attached to you.
What do you mean?
“It just seems like you and him have a special bond.”
Like a dating bond?
“I suppose you could say that.”
No, we’re just friends. Besides, I like you.
Loki meets your eyes to see nothing but warmth and comfort. 
“I like you, too. You’re much more enjoyable than the others.”
The next day comes and you’ve gained more energy, enough to get out of bed. Feeling the cold floor on your feet for the first time sparks new joy and hope. You grab onto Loki’s arm, who hasn’t left the med bay since he brought you there. Slowly, the two of you shuffle out of the room and into the elevator. 
As the elevator opens us, the Avengers laying in the main room turn to see you weakly walking, clinging on to Loki as you move. He looks down at you with a proud smile across his face. Bucky watches from the kitchen with jealousy in his eyes. Steve gives him a warning look, not daring him to do anything. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Steve says sympathetically, “Are you feeling better?”
You nod with a smile which brings a smile to everyone’s face, except Bucky’s. When you spot him to your left, you notice the cold stoic face he gives you and the way he stares at Loki, his eyes burning holes at the writing on his fair skin.
“I’m taking her to my room so she can rest more,” Loki informs.
No one misses the way he says ‘my room’ and not ‘your room’ and they definitely don’t miss the way your hand slides from his biceps down his arm to tangle into his hand.
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Welcome to New York
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 1
"We begin our story in New York"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,306
Warnings: language as always
A/N: I have wanted to tell this story for so long but I was insecure I will ruin it. I am still not sure if my writing is good enough for this. But this is my idea and my story to tell, so with a little confident boost from my mutuals here we are. For all the non-swifties: The whole 1989 album has hidden messages but this one is different because it all combines to tell one story. the link to the song is down below!
A/N 2: thank you for @sweeterthanthis for giving me the encouragement, and to @slothspaghettiwrites for beta reading this alongside @nacho-bucky and to @chrissquares for making me custom dividers especially for this series! I love all of you!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
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song on Spotify or YouTube
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"Do we have a deal then?"
"You assisted us, and our motives align- we will get those powers." The man closed the long suitcase, the red skull on it shining through the dimmed warehouse.
They went their separate ways after that, he heard the loud noise through the wind before it got quiet yet again, the wind was howling as he carried his case close to his chest, protective of it.
 You walked through the crowd of New York, through the rushing people until you saw the doors to the big Avengers tower. After all this time you still weren't used to the extravagant halls, but you will have to eventually. This is your world and now this is your home.
Your powers were of no use to SHIELD, so after a long debate, you started to work with the avengers, being there every day and not living there seemed unreasonable- so you finally gave in to Tony's offer. "Your room here will always be waiting for you." He told you until you took him up on it.
Perhaps this additional new start will be good for you. You decided to abandon the past behind you a long time ago.
"Y/N dear, so glad that you're here," Tony hugged you and ignored the loud yells coming from his phone. "Set up in your room, then come down here, we have a special visitor."
"Oh okay, anyone I might know?" you smiled at him.
"No, he is not really important." Tony scrunched his nose and escorted you to the private Avengers elevator. You waved at him as the doors closed.
You ignored the bright lights and walked in with a smile into your new room, leaving all the past behind you as you shut the door. So here it was- your own little space all fresh and new- your small little corner in the tower. Well, it wasn't little by any means- if anything it was an apartment, but it was still yours.
"Hello new home" you said to yourself, looking at the four corners with anticipation of what's to come.
"Hello Miss Y/N" F.R.I.D.A.Y chimed in, causing you to laugh. You dropped your bags on the floor and went to unpack all of the boxes that were already there. Your music was playing at full volume as you danced around your room until it was clean and filled with all your favourite things.
"I'm glad to see you're settling in." Natasha's voice startled you and you turned around with burning cheeks. "Those are quite some dance moves."
"Haha very funny, you didn't see anything." You rolled your eyes, stupid spies. "What do you want?"
"Nothing, just came to see how you were doing, the room looks great." She smiled at you and giggled as you hugged her. "Finally you're here for good! Tony wanted to throw you a little welcome party."
"Tony? Little? The only time those two can go in the same sentence is if you're talking about height."
"Don't worry I talked him out of it. Besides, he was soon occupied with Thor when he got here- you haven't met him yet now did you?"
"Thor? Like the god from Asgard?" you stared at her in shock, but she just laughed at you.
"Yes, but don't worry he is really nice and surprisingly down to earth."
"Tony said he is not important." You let her lead you as the two of you made your way downstairs.
"Of course he did."
"He is doing better, he is even courting a young maiden, I am certain their marriage will be arranged soon." You heard the booming voice getting louder and louder. "Loki is on the right path I assure you, my friend."
Your heartbeat sped up more and more, but you willed yourself to look more put together when the god was in your sight, sitting on couch that seemed so little now, next to Tony and Steve.
"Thor, meet Y/N," Steve introduced you to the god and you nodded to him as he shook your hands.
"It is very nice to meet you Lady Y/N" Thor smiled at you, and you relaxed a bit.
"It's nice to meet you too. I am not a lady though." You chuckled.
"Well I have heard high praises about you so I assure you that you are." He spoke with such certainty that you decided not to argue it.
"Well she might look sweet, but don't piss her off." Tony snickered.
"Hey, I won't do anything." You stared at Tony who was quick to fix his mistake.
"She will kick your ass in training, trained by the Black Widow herself."
"That I can confirm." you looked at Natasha and winked.
You sat with them for a chat then. You might have been a different person before everything went down but you always did have manners even if you wanted to adjust in your room. You shook your head when Tony's phone ringed and he hastily took Steve and went out with him.
"What's up with this surprise mission?" Clint asked as he walked onto the quinjet, with his combat suit and his arrows. It has been ten minutes since F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you of a new mission. You were already on your way with Steve, Tony, Clint and Maria Hill. You were on edge by the fact that she's here, clearly, some things about this mission were left unsaid.
 "We are going to get some intelligence from an underground building we found," Maria answered instead of Steve.
"If that's the case then why am I here?" her eyes turned to you now, you could see her calculating an answer.
"Because the place is not abandoned at all, it is full of agents but we don't know what we are there to pick up, and we need the people there alive." Tony replied.
"Oh fun, I get to keep hydra agents alive." You took in the new information, something was still off about this mission, but you'll probably figure that out soon enough.
The snow was heavy as you walked through it; your daggers were safely tucked inside their pockets, not wanting to accidently draw attention to yourself with a glimmer of light.
According to Tony the small warehouse that was on the ground was mostly empty, so you advanced forward with Tony from above, searching for any devices that may lay hidden in the snow.
So Tony went down first, then Clint, then you, Maria and then Steve. You exited into a big area underground, you could already hear the hydra agents coming your way so you split up, as Maria and Steve went to find whatever it was they were trying to find, the three of you provided backup and tried to clear rooms.
The four of you got to the doors, and as Tony blew up the doors you moved in, pulling your weapons out at the soldiers. There were only seven of them there, but with the sounds of the fighting and the gunshots, it was certain that your presence was known.
"Y/N there are three scientists coming your way, keep them alive, to a certain degree at least- whatever you want." you heard blasts from your earpiece and you smirked when you saw the scientists in front of you. When you saw the guns in their hands you smiled at them.
"Hi," you advanced towards the first one, your eyes caught his- he saw the glimmer in your eyes and in panic he raised the gun and shot forward. You dodged it and quickly came closer, gently taking the gun from his hand keeping eye contact with him until he dropped to the ground and closed his eyes. "I hope you enjoy my gift."
The other two scientists tried to fight you but soon their eyelids closed and they fell with a silent scream. You sighed and grabbed the back of their coats and dragged them to an empty room, oh what you wouldn't give for some telekinesis now.
The mission had to go on. So you got up and went to show some other agents your gift. Another agent to the kill, he screamed as he looked at you, the machine in his hand shattered and he fell to the floor before you were even near him. Shit. You relaxed him a bit when you reached him, his shaking calmed down a bit. You didn't mean to show him that much, but he brought it on himself- it was really easy to find with this one. Every weakness played as if it's a movie in your brain, you showed him just some parts of it now, and paralyzing him until you'll bring him out if you will at all.
"Y/N we need you here, leave them where they are- Tony will pick them up."
"Are you kidding? I kept them in a safe room for nothing? They are some heavy sons of bitches Steve!"
"Language," Steve sighed, you smiled. "He was busy then but now we need you, we found what we were looking for, but there are too many of them here, they will ruin the weapons."
"Or use them on us."
You came here for weapons? You jump a story down and advanced towards Steve and Maria.
"Go loose on them, they'll survive, we can't lose what they may have here."
"You don't even know exactly what they have there?" you questioned Maria, she only glared at you. So you went into the room, the doors slamming against the walls, you let yourself go, eyes sparkling as you reached into every soul in the room, their eyes going blank as you showed them every version of themselves that you wanted. You tuned out their screams until they passed out.
"All clear." You replied, and went around the room, looking at the files and unfamiliar technology. All sorts of sealed boxes were on the desks, they must have been packing. You passed a desk, and right then objects flew out as they combust into flames. "What the fuck?"
"Y/N stay away from this, we don't know what this does," Hill talked to you when she opened a case that you couldn't see. "Get out of the room."
It was an order with which you didn't argue and closed the doors behind you, leaving Steve and Maria in there.
They were shooting at you now, and you stole the best defense you could get from Steve. You snatched the pillow from under his arm and shielded yourself from the attack of popcorn the two redheads were now throwing at you. A girl has to fight back, so pretzels it was
 "You can't use a pillow Y/N! That's not fair!" Wanda yelled at you. You will get betrayed by those closest to you.
"No, what isn't fair is you using your powers on the popcorn! It's not my fault that you threw all the pillows to my side- that was not a good strategic move for you."
"She's right about that- we are way better a team." Steve dodged a water bottle the spy expertly threw at him for the comment. The war always leaves scars.
Your laughs were cut short when F.R.I.D.A.Y called all of you in from the living room.
"What's up Tony?" Natasha asked when you walked into the room and saw all the other avengers there.
"We found some concerning new details about what hydra has been up to lately," Tony paced through the room, leaving you waiting.
"Did you contact Thor? Is it confirmed?" Steve asked him then and the billionaire nodded.
You shook your head and looked at them as you leaned on the wall opposite them.
"Hey boys?" Steve and Tony looked back at you and you smiled shortly at them before they had a chance to stop you when a flash of purple crossed your eyes.
Steve was annoyed when he saw the thunder in the distance and the rain pouring down on him and Tony. Tony grumbled and looked around Steve at the muddy ground they were surrounded with.
Within a second they blinked and saw the room in the compound, taken aback for a moment.
"Did you have fun boys? I personally love the rain but now I am just annoyed so can you please just share with the group for fuck's sake?" they glared at you now.
"Y/N, you can't just use your powers on petty things like that." Steve shook his head, shaking the imaginary feeling of the rain from his face.
"Don't ever, place me in that disgusting place again, you are lucky I wasn't in my favourite suit there!"
"I'll be sure to keep that little detail in mind next time you annoy me." You smirked.
"You little menace- Okay, we found Asgardian weapons and technology in the custody of hydra."
"What the fuck? How did they get it?" Natasha rose up now from the table.
"We are trying to figure it out, but from what we managed to gather is that these are ancient things… so we need an expert."
"Then why is Thor not here?" Bruce asked his friend, who pinched his nose.
"No, I said we need an expert…" he then looked behind you, and you turned when you heard the door opening. No, your past should stay sealed shut.
There in front of you came in Loki, when he caught your eyes, you were sure his look of shook matched yours. And you were frozen in place.
"Y/N?" he was confused to say the least, but your eyes never left each other even when you felt all the eyes in the room focusing on you. You shook your head at him. No.
"You said you'd never come back." It felt as if you stabbed him with that comment.
 Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
Natalie Holt implying that Loki slept with Sif before cutting off her hair honestly makes my blood boil. The first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character that was an outcast in Asgard, and a scapegoat in his family. Everything now just seems like Marvel trying to take all of that away. So many people are saying, "Well, now I know why Sif doesn't like him, lol!" And that is exactly as intended. We are supposed to see Loki as an ass and everyone else as a saint for putting up with him. :(
I'm just really baffled at how it's either a) supposed to make sense, or b) explain anything about their dynamic?
Like, okay, let's assume that they do hate each other bc they slept together. Why would that be? Even if you catch feelings and get rejected, that's not really justification to hate someone. Ideally you'd just go your own separate ways but since Loki and Sif shared a social circle, that probably wasn't an option, in which case the next best thing is to just be civil while you move on/get over the feelings. No hatred necessary, and certainly not for centuries.
I don't believe that either of them is stubborn enough to harbor a grudge over being rejected. Sif bc I wouldn't believe that she caught feelings for Loki anyway, and Loki bc while he would certainly be hurt, and his pride would be wounded, I just don't see him holding onto that for longer than it would take for him to move past it.
And where is the hair-cutting supposed to come in? Are we implying here that Loki is so childish and petty that he cut off Sif's hair in retaliation for her not returning his feelings? (Seeing it written down like that, I am guessing this is exactly the implication, bc of course it is, smh.) Was he 12 when they fucked, or ??
So here's the thing, though. You pointed out that the first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character who was an outcast and a scapegoat but no, actually, it didn't. Thor 1 showed us a jealous, vindictive loner turned villain. That's the problem - the MCU isn't taking anything away as much as they're trying to re-establish the characterization they intended for him to have all along.
Thor 1 left things out that would provide more context to Loki's motivations. Thor 1 actively deleted scenes that showed Loki as sympathetic. Thor 1 set up a "good brother vs evil brother" black-and-white dichotomy between Thor and Loki, in which the narrative and the supporting characters all behaved as though Loki was innately the evil brother and there wasn't even a question about that. Thor 1 was Thor's movie, and while I obviously have no problem with that, it being Thor's movie means that to a lot of the audience, Loki was never going to be perceived as sympathetic. In order to make Thor the hero of his story, Loki has to be the villain and most people just accept that at face-value.
Is Loki sympathetic? Yes. Was he an outcast in his society and a scapegoat in his family? Yes. Was he evil at heart? No. Did he do bad things? Yes. Did he intend for them to turn out as terribly as they did? No. Etc.
These are all things that a lot of us know because we've taken the time to know them. One needs to be interested/invested enough in Loki to make the effort of interpreting his motivations and his characterization but, that said, having a vested enough interest in Loki to be an active fan doesn't necessarily mean interpreting him sympathetically. There's this weird divide and things that seem obvious in hindsight, such as Loki's sympathy as a character or the nuances of what he was really trying to achieve in Thor 1, are things that a lot of the audience + his fandom either don't pick up on or don't care to see.
There's a reason 2011-13 Loki isn't as popular as Ragnarok Loki. There's a reason there are so. many. posts. in this fandom that start off with "I love Loki, but -" and then proceed to drag him. There's a reason why a lot of his fans are like "lol I mean he did murder all those people though?" or why the "you just like Loki/apologize for Loki bc you want to fuck Tom" argument is so prevalent. There's a reason why headcanons like "Loki just fucked his way into the GM's inner circle" are treated as canon, or why nobody questions whether or not it actually made sense for Loki to randomly betray Thor right before the obedience disk scene.
The reason is that Thor 1 didn't show us who Loki really was, and because of his portrayal in that movie and in Avengers (subtext and word-of-god confirmation is clearly insufficient for the wider audience to realize that Loki wasn't acting of his own accord - no, he's just evil), there are very many fans who are just never going to see him as anything besides villainous at worst or "a fun but greasy little shit" at best, who causes trouble and does shitty things for the lulz.
"Loki cut Sif's hair for no other reason than to be a dick after they fucked" falls perfectly in line with that characterization, and the result is that you get tons of fans who are like "LOL that's SO Loki!" or "No wonder Sif hates him!" etc. And if, in 2021, ten years after Loki was introduced into the MCU, people are still coming away from his narrative arc + his own series believing that he is, or ever was, just a rotten little shit who caused trouble for the lulz? Then that is clearly the Loki that they see, that they stan, and that means whatever he means to them, and regardless of how our portion of the fandom may object and cry foul, there's honestly just nothing we can do about it.
So, I mean, there we are. People can feel however they want about Loki. It is what it is. And I think I'm just tired of getting upset about it. Re Loki/Sif, I will share my opinion that it's a trash headcanon and laugh at it, but I'm tired of allowing myself to get genuinely upset about how other people perceive this character, especially when there's nothing I can do about it and the only person who ends up suffering is me when my mental health spirals downward (bc I care way too much about fiction and I have no problem admitting it).
I didn't intend for this to be so long, and obviously this is not any kind of rebuttal against you or your ask personally, anon. It just gave me an opportunity to put into words what I've been feeling for quite awhile. It is what it is.
I also feel it's worth mentioning, again, that I think Natalie's soundtrack is absolute fire and I have nothing but respect for her as the composer in this series, but I do not think that earns her any merit in how she perceives these characters. Loki/Sif is her headcanon, and she also said that Loki looks at Sylvie the way he looks at his mother, which is like, and how do you think he's looking at his mother, Nat? Cause uh. I don't think they are the same. I know most people won't agree, but I feel like her words need to be taken with a grain of salt and not accepted as canon based on nothing more than her position of being someone who worked on the show.
I should put this behind a cut, but meh. Also, I know a lot of people reblogged/added onto my Loki/Sif post from last night and I was going to engage but I just don't have time, so please accept this as my general response + stance on the entire clusterfuck.
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amiechuchu · 3 years
Magic, Mayhem, and All Things in Between.
There's something about magic and mayhem that just goes together so perfectly. Maybe it was because it bent the rules of science, the rules of logic.
So unreal.
So unnatural.
So chaotic.
But... Wasn't that the same as love?
[AN: It’s been awhile since I’ve written and, well, throws this at you. I hope you enjoy! I’m not a very experienced writer when it comes to things that are creative. This was also not reviewed due to time constraints of medschool HAHAH pain :’)]
Warnings: none 
Chapter 1: Problem and Hypothesis
Everything in this world was meant to have rules bound to logic – bound to science: from the concept of life till death and everything in between.
Systematic. Methodical. Logical.
Or so you thought.
It was until you were recruited by a certain Mr. Tony Stark, a very close friend of your uncle, Bruce. Confused, you asked your uncle why they needed a medical doctor. You were far from being good at grasping anything about physics, more so astrophysics. To your dismay, even your uncle was just as clueless; however, because Mr. Stark promised him that you would not be doing anything dangerous, he left him to his endeavors.
The anxiety of embarrassing yourself tugging at your throat. Your mind rambled on as you walked under the hot New York summer sun. Wiping the droplets of sweat from your forehead, you made a mental note to yourself to wear scrubs instead of slacks and a turtleneck along with your pristine white coat when in New York. Finally, you see the silhouette of the ever-popular Stark Towers. A troubled sigh came out from your mouth upon entering the building. You enjoyed the surge of sudden coolness though.
You whipped out your cellphone to text your dear Uncle that you had arrived at the lobby, asking if he could pick you up from there. Knowing your anxious tendencies, it was no surprise that he agreed, and, so, you stood there waiting, enjoying the last few moments of not being crushed by expectations.
A familiar voice called out your name as you fiddled with your phone.
Looking forward, you saw your uncle, Bruce. Your eyes lit up, and you smiled.
“It’s been a while,” Bruce said, pulling you into a hug, “how’s our little doctor?”
“Clueless and absolutely terrified,” you answered.
The both of you pulled away from the hug and began to walk towards the elevator. Your steps, out of tempo, as Bruce’s strides were difficult to catch up with. Walking beside tall people should be a sport, you thought.
Bruce let out a chuckle as he noticed your struggle. Slowing down, he reassured you, “Well, I’m certain you’ll do fine. You have an amazing brain, so full of potential – new ideas.”
“That’s the problem, uncle,” you sighed, “I absolutely have no idea what I’m doing here. I’m not an astrophysicist. I’m a physician! I’m a doctor, but they’re two different things!”
Both doctors made their way up to Stark Labs, chit-chatting along the elevator ride. Trying to catch up with your uncle.
The elevator doors opened, revealing a full-blown laboratory.
Your eyes twinkled in awe as it surveyed the area.
There was a main table right at the middle of the room decorated with a variety of beautiful glass apparatuses. Looking at the far end, you noticed that there was sophisticated machinery lined up. To its right, there was an isolated room, a little bit dimmer than the rest of the room. Squinting, you noticed a biosafety cabinet and smiled. A small hallway can be seen to the side of the said room. You ignored your uncle as you were entranced by the beauty of scientific experimentation and walked to check what that small hallway had to offer. It was just the reagent room.
That was a bit anticlimactic, you thought to yourself. Shrugging that thought away, you continue admiring the pristine white machines against the steel walls, the little laboratory trinkets that littered the table, and the faded laboratory precaution signs. This. This felt like home.
It did not take much more for you to realize that this entire floor was an experimental laboratory and a top-notch one at that. Giving a sigh of relief, at least it was something you were sure you could handle. You finally looked at your uncle, “So… You needed a doctor for actual doctor things?”
“Yes, precisely!” someone had answered. 
Looking back at the elevator, you see the one and only Mr. Tony Stark. He crossed his arms, “We need a medical doctor to do medical doctor-y things.”
You had mumbled a confused okay, hoping to get more context of what you are actually here in this lab for. Tony extended his arm to the duo that accompanied him. Two tall men exuding absolute polar opposite auras.
Your brow raised, still visibly confused. Your uncle giving a deadpanned look at Tony, begging him to just tell his niece the details.
“Okay…” Tony clapped, the sound bouncing off the steel walls, “Uh, Thor, Prince of Asgard, here will be your personal test subject. Reindeer games, Prince of Asgard’s brother is just here, so your uncle dearest can babysit him.” Thor, the blond, waved and gave a light hello. Reindeer games, on the other hand – you assumed he was talking about the tall, raven-haired, brooding man – furrowed his brows at Tony, visibly insulted.
Why Reindeer games, though? And Asgard what place is that? The longer I’m here the more questions I ask I swear to God.
“You see, these two are gods. Literal gods,” Tony continued.
You blinked in disbelief.
“Gods?” you asked, eyes wide-open, voice filled with skepticism, “you’re joking. I can believe mutations and possibly aliens, but gods? If you’re playing a prank on me, you have to try better than that, Mr. Stark.” You gave off a light laugh and looked at your uncle. Bruce, giving you a nervous smile, and nodded.
Oh, he’s serious.
Tony Stark smirked at you, enjoying your visible confusion. The man of iron knew you were an unbeliever when it comes to things that bend the concept of reality. Your uncle wanted it to stay that way to keep you safe from this line of work, but there were more pressing matters to attend to, or so he assumed. Again, he was kept in the dark by Tony. However, you were accepting of it so long as the data matched.
He glanced at Tony, curious at what this plan of his was. You, on the other hand, were staring intensely at the duo, mentally asking how in the world were they gods?
Your eyes met the raven-haired God's, entranced by his emerald, green ones. There was a glint in his eyes that spelled trouble, or so you’d think.
It would be a terrible lie that Loki didn’t enjoy your naivety towards the existence of Gods like him. Something in him felt like
“Mortals,” he thought, “so weak, so pitiful, so naïve.”
Tony broke the tension, “So… The reason why you’re here, little doc, is Thor here will be your personal Bugs Bunny. The goal is to identify whatever he has in his system that us, non-gods, can be able to utilize.”
Thor raised an eyebrow and muttered, "So... I'm going to be turned into a rabbit? How? Is my brother going to conjure something for that?" He looked at the other with bright eyes, excited for his rabbit-faith.
You smiled at this interaction but gave out an exasperated sigh as you tried to wrap your head around everything, “What you’re saying here, Mr. Stark, is that I come up with, say, a serum that could help turn cute little, tiny mortals like me into a god?”
Loki rolled his eyes at her statement.
How could cute little, tiny mortals like you ever turn into a god? Midgardians were meant to be used, ruled, subjugated.
Then, something clicked in him. The God of Mischief smirked. 
You looked over to him, confused. Was there anything wrong with what you just said?
“Hmmm, yeah that’s about right. Or anything really. You have free reign over your very own Bugs Bunny here, little doc. You’ve done a fair share of research regarding whatever makes the body tick. What’s so different about doing it on a god?”
You paused. He was right. Good point.
You were horribly curious regarding what makes a god, a god.
“Alright, so for the benefit of humanity, I’m here performing experiments on Thor-“
“Bugs Bunny, yes."
You could've sworn there was a twinkle in Thor's eyes.
“Alright. I’m in.”
This is going to be a fun scheme, Loki thought.
The room was filled with the sound of  your heels pacing to-and-fro. Because Tony had not given you any context regarding his request, you had no method to begin with - no plan. You held your arms close to you, with a hand resting under your chin making a stern thinker-like expression. All eyes were on you, and you absolutely hated the feeling. You now had more expectations to live up to, and, oh dear did that anxiety pool to your chest, scratching at your throat. 
A plan. I needed a plan.
Loki, observing from afar, entertained by your meltdown. It was interesting to Loki that you, a mortal who was just dragged out of the blue to participate in that Man of Iron’s scheme, was already devoted to the betterment of mankind. He scoffed at this saying. Mortals would never be on the level of gods like him. They were meant to be ruled, subjugated, and used. The raven-haired god’s eyes followed your pacing, attempting to understand how the little mortal’s brain worked, how he would be able to use her to scheme his way out of this hell hole.
He peered over to Bruce, and Bruce did the same. Except, there was anger written all over his face. His brows furrowed and lips pulled to a frown. As if, telepathically, he was telling Loki not to try anything funny to his niece or he was going to snap him in two. The god could’ve sworn that Bruce began turning green for a split second. However, this did not faze him, knowing that the uncle’s beloved niece was nearby. Loki raised a brow to him, feigning innocence, and shifted his gaze back to the pacing doctor.
You were pulled to your own world. A world filled with research designs, methods, and principles. So deep in thought, you had blocked everything and everyone in your periphery. Unbeknownst to you, the God of Thunder had put his hand on your shoulder and laughed, pulling you out of your science-inhabited mind, and laughed. Your ears rang. The sound of tinnitus followed thereafter.
“Perhaps the little doctor’s thoughts have travelled past Asgard! So, have you devised a plan that turns me into a rabbit as what the Man of Iron said?” Thor boomed, his laughter reverberating through the laboratory. You flinched, not used to sounds so boisterous.
Loud. But, a sign of reassurance. You murmured an apology to Thor for having to intervene with your internal thoughts. 
You closed your eyes and exhaled, trying to pull yourself together. Until, you felt a light tug on your shoulder. 
Curious and confused, you opened your eyes to the direction and found Loki’s gaze set on you. He gave you an apologetic smile, seeing that you flinched slightly to the loudness of his brother. You smiled back at him, warmly. 
“You don’t have to worry, little doctor,” the God of Mischief began. His voice, silvery - like ear candy - filling up the gaps of awkwardness that you had oh-so naturally set up. Shooting a glance at his babysitter, he carefully made his way towards you, as if he was trekking through landmines. “Knowing that you were just dragged into this nonsense, it’s understandable that you don’t know where to start.” 
You watched as Loki made his way to your periphery. The room filled, once more, with the slow pitter-patter of boots. 
Up close, he was tall and imposing. Raven curls slicked back and so chaotically organized, draping the sides of his face and accentuating his jawline. sharp, it could cut a man. Eyes so alluring, yet so full of mystery. Then it hit you, the god was attractive - very attractive. 
“You know, it’s rude to stare,” Loki gave a low chuckle, snapping you back to reality, “but I suppose I do have that effect on everyone.”
Flustered, you immediately put your hands in the pockets of your pristine white coat, looked away, and choked on an apology. You were having word vomit. You, a professional, was caught admiring a person - a deity - that you had just met. A shame.
“I am terribly, terribly sorry. I didn’t know what-” and so began the second wave of your word vomit.
The sound of joyful, boisterous laughter rang in your ears again, and, once more, pulled you out of your trance.
“Now, brother, you’ve just met her! No need to start bullying the maiden,” Thor echoed. Playfully, he slapped Loki’s back as a sign of brotherly affection. 
Loki stiffened at this action. “A little softer next time brother,” he mumbled and got his bearings together, “I apologize for that. I didn’t mean to. I just have the habit of playing tricks on people.” He stole a glance towards Bruce, who still had his guard up. 
The God of Mischief extended out his hand, “I am Loki of Asgard, Son of Odin, God of Mischief.”
taglist: @gaycatlord-stuff <3
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midnightsnace · 3 years
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A Thousand Worlds
Summary: Fix it fic of sorts after the trauma that was episode 6 of the Loki series. Loki is in pain after discovering Mobius doesn’t remember him. He’s been living in apocalypses to avoid capture by this new TVA until he formulates a plan to get his Mobius back.
Rating: T for later chapters
Emotional angst.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
“And so that’s where I grew up, the ends of a thousand worlds.”
The ends of a thousand worlds. The words of his accomplice echoed through the god’s mind as he fiddled with the straps of his worn and tattered holster. The fluorescent above him flickered with every gust of wind that battled against the sides of the building that Loki was crouched down in. He slid his long legs out against the tiled floor in front of him and sat with his head propped against the wall. He sighed. Loki tapped his foot on the door of the space he was hiding in to close it, drowning out the cries of fear from the people outside in their final hours of life. There he sat waiting for the tempad to charge. Alone. Living in another world where every person he met would be dead by the end of the day. Another world where Mobius didn’t exist. His Mobius.
Was this what it was like? For her? To never be able to stay in one place for more than a day? To always see the same faces riddled with fear as they awaited their painful fate? To only know destruction, screaming, fires, earthquakes, the literal gates of hel? To be utterly alone with your only desire to live in the hope that one day your glorious purpose would be fulfilled?
Glorious purpose.
Loki scoffed. The god didn’t know what his purpose was anymore. Taking down the TVA was a complete failure. The chances for fixing the mess they started seemed impossible now as branches grew and new timelines erupted, with endless TVAs to monitor every universe. At least, that’s what Loki assumed. He knew next to nothing about what they had unleashed. It wasn’t the same TVA. Different hunters, different analysts, different ruler. Many he recognized, but they were still different people. They weren’t the same. She wasn’t the real B. He wasn’t his Mobius. And Loki was at a complete loss on how to find them again.
The first tempad he stole only brought him back to the place he snatched it from. The same Time Variance Authority where Mobius didn’t remember him and not a single file existed for Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief, God of Outcasts, God of Lies. Even when he dragged the analyst through the timedoor into the roxxcart parking lot to access his memories, nothing existed of him. No laughter over silly metaphors, mischief at pompeii, not even the memory of their first encounter in the elevator. It was like they never met. This led to Loki wasting away their days hopping from one disaster to the next until his brain racked up a solution. The TVA never once did follow him. Why would they? No one remembered his brilliant discovery about the apocalypses. He could run free. But as the days whittled by, the hope Loki had began to fade into nothingness.
For awhile he kept track of the places he went and the time that had passed.
Day 1 - I finally stole a tempad and left that dreadful place. I came here first. Hoping I’d see you. But I guess that’s not how time travel works in apocalypses. No trace we were ever here. The storm reminded me of my brother. I hope to see him again one day. Now that I know we could have been friends. Everything was eventually going to be okay.
Day 24 - I’ve been sitting in a coffee shop awaiting the earthquake of 2098. Met a lovely redhead with the most peculiar of tattoos. But alas! Little does she know this friendship could never blossom in the wake of death!
Day 37 - I miss him. My brother. The pain that solitude brings makes me think of home more often. How ironic that the very place that caused me the most pain I miss. But anything is better than this. So today I visited home right before its destruction. I saw my brother. I saw Thor from afar. Oh how I wish I could have talked to him somehow and tell him i’m sorry for being such an ass.
Being there brought back memories of the silly metaphor he made using Mobius’ lunch. The corners of Loki’s mouth crept into a smile at the thought. But that smile faded away in the next second and was replaced with tears.
Day 56 - I went to Pompeii again. I stood in the shadows. I tried to picture your expressions of skepticism at my insane ideas. I tried to picture how your face lit up with pride and joy when you realized I was right. I wish I could have stayed longer but I never can anywhere I go.
He whistled like a bird before he exited through the time door.
By day 125 he had lost his will to live again. It was their fourth visit to Lamentis-1. Perhaps it was a mistake on his part to journey here once more and feel both the pains of betrayal and heartache at the prospect of never seeing Mobius again. The second time they had visited Lamentis, the god decided to stay until the very last second with the false hope that maybe him facing death would create a nexus event. His mobius would come find him and save him at the last second. But the time door never came. Maybe it was because he knew there was a chance to escape and he could take it. Or maybe it was because there were so many time branches no one would care to fix a world that was about to end.
“You were always meant to be alone.”
And so this time Loki threw the tempad to the ground and waited. He watched as the lethal disaster unfolded before his eyes once more, ready to die. Alone. Alone with no one to assure him everything will be alright in the face of death. Not a single soul would know he was gone. No one would care.
But at the last second they saw something on the tempad that made them change their mind. A glimmer of hope.
Any hope Loki had, a glorious purpose he had left to fulfill, it was in finding Mobius. It was the only desire left that fueled him to keep existing. He was all that mattered. His only friend. The only person left among the universes who trusted him and saw beyond his flaws. The only person left who hadn’t betrayed the fragile levels of trust the god could give. He was his hope that one day, he wouldn’t have to be alone.
And so he found himself walking the streets of New York in the summer of 2197, on the brink of some disaster he knew nothing about. Not a single idea when it would happen, where it would occur, and what he was doomed to witness. He saw something that could potentially lead him to his destination. The tempad had given him an alert for an aura match - two of the same people in one place. An oddity. Something that wasn’t supposed to exist.
They weren’t just any entity either. They were registered hunters in the TVA database. Which meant one had to be from another universe.
And he knew the TVA would be coming for them.
He had to get there first.
Loki speed walked down the sidewalk frantically scanning his surroundings for any clue as to what was happening. He couldn’t read any signs of fear or confusion on the faces of those who passed him. He didn’t know how much time he had.
Upon hearing shouts of anger, Loki broke out into a run across the street towards the source, dodging every dystopian vehicle that nearly collided with him in the process. It was coming from the roof of the parking tower. With a snap of his magic, Loki teleported himself to the top, hiding behind a parked vehicle to assess what he was working with.
There were two agents standing about 10 feet away who looked nearly identical, one waving her arms frantically while the other looked on stoically, possibly from shock, with a pruning stick in hand. Loki locked eyes on the tempad fastened to the belt of the frantic one. Then he glanced at the one in the other hunter’s hand.
Well shit.
Now he had to figure out which agent had jumped from the other timeline. He quickly flashed himself closer to the two, but not before one caught on that someone was there.
“I was given orders by a man to…what was that?” one of the hunters asked.
Loki crouched down farther on the other side of the wall. He reached for a dagger, ready to pounce once their suspicions subsided. They listened intently to the words from the first hunter for the first clue on who to attack.
“He sent me here to grab this,” the hunter pulled up someone on her tempad, “entity and leave. Those were the orders given to me. So if you’ll excuse me.”
The other hunter planted herself in front of her clone. “I can’t let you do that. Not until you’ve told me everything I want to know. How are you me? How is this possible?”
The first hunter was from an alternate timeline. Loki took that as his cue. But before he could sneak behind the hunter, he was shot backwards by a blast of energy from a ring of light.
Out from the ring stepped a peculiar man with graying hair who was wearing blue robes and an assymetrical cloak that sparked the curiosity of the confused hunter. Within a split second, the portal closed behind him. Loki laid very still on the concrete and held his breath in the hopes that the man would believe him to be dead.
“You know I can tell when someone is playing dead.”
Loki grimaced and winced as he heaved himself off the ground. He came face to face with the strange man, his hand lingering in the air where he placed the pocket for his dagger.
“You.” was all the man said.
“Am I supposed to know you?” the god questioned.
“You always manage to show up in New York again at the most in-opportune times.” The man raised his hands and Loki mimicked his movements, summoning his daggers in place.
“I’m gonna assume we’ve met before sir, perhaps in the future? I don’t know! And i’m terribly sorry about New York! Look let me explain…” they lowered their hands in their attempt to make peace with the angry man in front of him.
“Dr. Strange.” He kept his fist in the air, golden sparks flying from whatever spell he had in mind to attack the prince with. “And until you prove otherwise Im going to assume you are here for hostile reasons.”
Loki blinked. Well he’s kind of not wrong, they thought.
“Well I’m afraid I can’t prove anything else.” and with that the god blasted the sorcerer into the nearest column with their magic and teleported across the space.
Loki noticed that one of the hunters had disappeared. He assumed she had returned to the TVA. The other was charging towards him fast. He whipped out his daggers to face his attacker, but suddenly his feet were dragged out from under him and he hit the concrete hard. He was being dragged backwards, body scrapping against the concrete. So fast, that the god could barely think about what was happening to him.
When he came to his senses he cut the magic ropes with his powers and rolled across the ground. So he was dealing with another magic user, this “Dr. Strange.” Loki teleported again before he was up on his feet to where he was standing directly behind the hunter.
“D-11…” Dr. Strange said with a hint of caution in his tone.
So this was the man Hunter D-11 was working for. Before the hunter could turn around to face them, Loki snatched the tempad off her belt and snapped himself to the furthest side of the building. Dr. Strange reacted quickly and stood his ground in front of Loki, prepared to attack again.
“Loki, perhaps we can work out some type of deal. What is it that you want? Maybe I can help you. Maybe we can reach a compromise.”
Offer him a deal? Nah.
“I’m done trusting people I’ve just met. All they ever do is stab me in the back.” he conjured the time door behind him.
Strange titled his head. “You do realize we can follow you right straight back to the TVA?”
Loki turned to face him and D-11. “You’ll never find me. You won’t know the first place to look.” The time door closed with Loki inside of it, before the two even had a chance to reach their hands out to follow the god.
And that’s how Loki had ended up here. At Roxxcart again, waiting for the new tempad to charge up before hopping through timelines again.
He breathed in deeply as he felt the bubble of excitement, relief, and happiness build in his chest for the first time in months at the prospect of achieving his goal. Being reunited with the only one who mattered: Mobius. His Mobius.
But as he released his breath in a sigh, his chest tightened again and worry clouded his mind. What if this didn’t work? What if this was just another dead end? What if this was just another one of the countless TVAs that might exist in the vast multiverse?
At first, all Loki felt was sadness and regret in the days following Sylvie’s betrayal. But now all he felt was anger boiling deep inside him. That same unwelcome feeling he experienced after discovering his father lied to him. The feeling that harbored in the abyss of Thanos’ chambers. The feeling that never left his soul until Mobius looked him in the eyes and assured him that he didn’t have to be the villain in his story.
She had taken everything from him and he was afraid he couldn’t wash away the resentment this time. He wanted desperately to feel anything besides the pain he had known for the past year.
He needed to feel love again.
“He cares about you.”
Loki couldn’t wait any longer. He picked up the tempad and tapped the time door request for the TVA home base. He drew in a shaky breath as he paused in front of the portal.
This was it.
He was either about to be reunited with his greatest source of happiness, or find himself hiding in apocalypses again for months as he searched for another plan.
And he would do it. He would search through a thousand worlds to find him.
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates, Actually Pt 4
(read part 1/part 2/part 3)
A sharp, shrill alarm blares before the sun has even risen, rousing Loki from a perfect slumber. Loki groans their disgust, but it’s muffled in the meat of Mobius’s shoulder.
“Easy, sunshine,” Mobius says, and the infernal man is actually trying to move.
Loki grumbles louder. Mobius, chuckling, eases Loki away from him and onto the pillow instead. It’s not the same - too soft and not nearly warm enough. Loki clings tighter around Mobius’s waist in retaliation.
“We talked about this,” Mobius says. “I have to go back to work today.”
Loki huffs in frustration as they let Mobius remove their hold and lower their arms to the bed. The pillow is a poor replacement.
For a moment, Mobius brushes Loki’s hair back away from their face. His fingers linger, feather-light, at the edge of Loki’s cheekbone. Too soon, the touch is gone.
“I’ll be back at six pm sharp.”
Loki rolls onto Mobius’s side of the bed and falls asleep again.
When they awaken, the sun is bright and the sheets are cool. Loki’s stomach rumbles. They groan as they pull themself out of bed and finally face the day.
The long, lonely day.
A week has passed since Thor’s departure - a week of Loki and Mobius redecorating and cuddling and learning each other.
They bought six plants of varying sizes, new drapes the color of the ocean, and a soft bedspread to match. Mobius fixed up the broken bathroom door, and Loki hung a few new art pieces and string lights.
The La-Z-Boy they arranged in front of a small boxy television set became a fast favorite.
“What did I tell you?” Mobius said the first time Loki relaxed deeply into the recliner. “It’s the perfect throne.”
Mobius may not understand color palettes, but the man knows comfort.
“It will do for now,” Loki told him, not wanting to give too much away.
Mobius’s smile never wavered. “Mmhm.”
Now, Loki drags themself to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Ten minutes later, they are perched on the recliner, plate on their lap, watching soap operas on television.
Claudio is surprised to find that his fiance Regina’s twin sister Georgina has been behind all of his misfortune, but the plot twist has Loki rolling their eyes.
“Amateurs.” Loki bites into an apple slice.
The hours tick by. Loki watches the anchor-shaped clock that hangs in the kitchen - much of their new decor has an ocean theme. But the more Loki watches the clock, the slower time seems to pass.
Time flew by with Mobius here. But without him...
After the soap operas, the courtroom shows begin. And then the news programs. Loki walks laps around the apartment while listening to the weather forecast for the third time - partly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing. The local high school football team might make county finals, whatever that means.
At quarter to six, Loki thanks the cosmos. Finally. Mobius will be home and put an end to this monotony.
Loki cleans up a bit, dusting some crumbs off the arms of the recliner. They place the plates in the sink.
Then, because they don’t want to appear too eager, they grab a book and stretch out on the bed.
Six o’clock comes and goes. Mobius does not arrive.
By seven, Loki is annoyed.
By eight, they are angry.
By ten, they are concerned.
Dubuque seems relatively safe. And Mobius has lived here alone for a long time before Loki.
But Loki has enemies. Many, many enemies. All of whom would be more than happy to get their hands on their soulmate.
Mobius is probably fine.
But what if he’s not?
At eleven, they are examining the photo of his office building that Mobius keeps on the dresser. Mobius had taken them to see it in the past week, though they hadn’t gone inside. It wasn’t too far a walk, if they recall. Loki is certain that they could find it again, even in darkness.
So they change into a black suit and hurry out the door. The Dubuque city streets are barren this time of night. Loki encounters no one on their trek to the office - until they barge through the front door and are stopped by a security guard.
Loki promised Mobius that they would not hurt anyone, so instead they create a projection of themself to distract the guard while they themself head toward the elevators. Following the signs for the data analytics department, they ride the elevator to the fourth floor.
They step off the elevator into a darkened field of cubicles. Each is the same - small desk, computer, and chair. All are empty. But Loki isn’t alone here. They follow a light through the cubicle maze and come to one that is occupied.
Mobius has a foot-high pile of files on his desk. He’s tapping at his computer keyboard with the index finger of each hand and peering at the small monitor.
Mobius jumps, then clutches his chest. He exhales when he sees Loki standing in the opening of his 3ft x 4ft cell. “Give a guy a warning next time.” He smiles. “But it’s good to see you. How’d you get here? Security let you in?”
Loki only frowns at him. “You said you’d be back at six.”
Mobius’s smile loses some of its brightness. “I have to work a little late. Next time we go out, we’ll get you a phone so I can call and let you know -”
“’A little late?’ Mobius, it’s been hours. I thought you were...” They won’t give name to their truest fears. That Mobius had been kidnapped or killed. Or perhaps that he had finally seen the true darkness in Loki and left of his own free will.
Mobius shakes his head. “Come on, Loki. It hasn’t been that long. It’s only...” He glances at his monitor. “Midnight? That can’t be right.”
“I assure you that is accurate.”
Mobius sits back in his squeaking chair, and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m sorry...” He releases a drawn out sigh and his whole body droops. “Boss was cheesed that I bailed on the conference. I have a lot of work to make up.”
The stack of folders towers over Mobius’s slouched shoulders.
“Would it helped if I -”
“You can’t kill him,” Mobius says.
Loki closes their mouth. Tries again. “He needn’t be killed. I could simply... frighten him.”
Mobius shoots Loki a flat look.
“Fine,” Loki says, disappointed. “But what is your intention? To stay here all night?”
Mobius side-eyes the folder mountain. “I’m going to have to.”
Mobius sighs. “Loki -”
“This is a place of employment, Mobius, not a living space.”
“It’s my own fault. I should have come back sooner.” He rubs at the corner of one eye. “Maybe I should have stayed at the conference.”
The words stab Loki between the ribs.
“Magicking away was not my best idea,” Mobius says. “I shouldn’t have run from my responsibilities. I’ll never catch up on this work.”
More stabs, a thousand tiny cuts.
“So you regret everything,” Loki says, fighting hard to keep the hurt from their voice. They are disappointed by their own surprise, their own pain. They had thought Mobius was different. They should have known.
Thor was wrong when he said no one could hold Loki’s interest. It was the other way around. Loki protected themself by leaving before the other could get bored. They should have done that here.
But they thought...
Mobius is supposed to be their perfect match.
“No, hey,” Mobius jumps from his chair. That’s all it takes to put him in Loki’s space. Loki takes a step back. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t regret everything, just some things.”
“You regret coming with me when we escaped.”
“N-no,” he says, but not without hesitation.
“You could have stayed. They weren’t chasing you. You could have told them I brainwashed you and gone on with your day.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” The bags are heavy under Mobius’s eyes. He’s tired, Loki knows that - but Loki’s tired too. Sitting, waiting, stressing.
The room sparks with tension. Loki’s pain festers under their skin.
And Mobius regrets.
Loki takes a breath, searching for calm. For understanding. For their soulmate. “Come home,” they say, “And we can continue talking in the morning.”
Mobius exhales again, too sharp. He places his hands on his hips and looks at that damned pile of folders again. “I can’t go anywhere.”
“Mobius -”
“This is my life, Loki,” Mobius tells him. “Data analysis is my life. You have to understand that.”
Something dark in Loki’s chest snaps clean in half. “This is your life. This.” They wave a hand around. “This tiny box in a sea of tiny boxes. Where everyone else has left you here in the dark. Where your employer buries you under papers so deep that you cannot find your way out of them. Is all this extra work truly because you left the conference? How often would you work late before I arrived?”
Mobius looks away, and Loki knows they’re right. The answer, too often.
“Are you at least receiving additional benefits for all this extra time spent here?”
Mobius still won’t look at them.
“They are taking advantage of you, of your loyalty, and you are letting them.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mobius snaps, the sharpest he’s ever spoken to Loki.
Loki stands taller. They’re used to anger, to cutting words, to pain - more than they were ever used to kindness.
“I am trying to protect you,” Loki says.
“I don’t need protection from my job.”
For one wild moment, Loki thinks of grabbing those folders and tossing them across the room. They dream of throwing Mobius over their shoulder and saving them from this drab place and its tan carpet and eggshell walls.
Instead, they insist, “No, you do. You owned three photos when I first met you: one of your parents, one of a jetski, and one of this office. Can you not see how depressing that is?”
Mobius face hardens.
“You are meant for better things than this. When was the last time you even rode a jetski? Or had fun of any kind?”
“I’m an adult. I don’t need fun.”
“That is absurd.”
Mobius’s brows draw together. “Listen, not all of us could be born into royalty, and just go around doing whatever we want all the time.”
Born into royalty. A fresh sting, not one Mobius could know would hit so hard. But it does all the same. Loki steps backward from the force of it.
Mobius unhooks his arms. “Loki -”
Loki shakes their head. Mobius watches them, confusion replacing frustration, followed quickly by concern. He lifts his hand, but Loki steps back again, further out of reach.
“It’s fine,” Loki says, lying. “Stay as long as you like.” They bury the pain down deep. It’s familiar, an old, hated friend. “I wouldn’t dare dream of treading on your unhappiness.”
Mobius drops his hand. “I am happy. I am perfectly happy.”
“Good,” Loki says.
“Great,” Mobius says.
They stare hard at each other. Loki refuses to look away first.
When Mobius finally does, turning back to his cubicle and his chair and the stack of folders, disappointment floods through Loki.
They don’t wait to be dismissed, they turn and leave on their own.
Loki does not return to the apartment. Instead, they walk and they walk and they walk. They almost hope to be accosted by vagrants, so as to release some restless energy in a fight, but they see no one. They reach a river and follow it into a forest.
They sit along the riverbank and watch the sunlight crest over the trees.
Maybe they shouldn’t have surrendered the scepter. With the tesseract, they could have traveled anywhere. Now they are limited to the distance of their own two legs. Not that they would know where to go anyway.
The only place they want to be is back at the apartment with Mobius.
It’s evening when they eventually make their way back there. Their stomach growls, and they’re thirsty and tired. With some food and a good night’s rest, perhaps they could leave again with a plan this time. Hire a taxi to an airport and take a plane. Find a city of decadence and lose themself for a few decades.
They don’t expect Mobius to be home. It’s only shortly after seven, far too early for his beloved late nights. Yet as they place the key into the lock and start to turn, they barely have time to remove it before being yanked forward into the apartment and into a crushing embrace.
“Don’t leave me,” Mobius says. His arms are sure around Loki’s waist. His nose is buried in the crook of Loki’s neck and shoulder. His words are muffled by Loki’s forest-dirty suit coat. “I’m not happy. I haven’t been in a long time. Not until you. And not without you.”
Loki sags into his arms, and he holds tighter, keeping Loki upright. Keeping them safe. They close their eyes and let the warmth of Mobius’s body chase away the chill of the Iowa evening air.
“You scared the hell outta me,” Mobius says, voice shaky. “I looked for you everywhere, but I kept checking here. I kept hoping you’d come back. I’m so sorry.” Mobius leans back. He reaches up and cups Loki’s face between his palms. Gently, he rubs his thumbs over Loki’s cheekbones. “I want to be good for you.”
“How could you think you’re not?”
Regret shines in Mobius’s eyes now, more than it ever did during their argument. “I hurt you. I don’t want to ever do that again.”
Loki places their hand over one of Mobius’s on their face. “I hurt you, too, I suspect.”
“No, everything you said was right.” He swallows. “Work’s all I had for so long, and when I was back there, and they started piling it on... Everyone else in that office has always had someone, so before I would take on the extra work myself. It was better than coming home alone. It’s a hard habit to break. Loki, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to do this.” But Loki still wants to hear it. Each of Mobius’s words are a balm over their pain. Mobius keeps going. He doesn’t even stop for breath.
“I lashed out at you, and I only did that because you were right. And I didn’t want to hear it. But then you were gone.”
“I’m here,” Loki says. “I’m here now.”
“I am a lousy soulmate.” Mobius smiles, but it’s too soft, too sad. “After so long alone, I don’t think that I know how to be with somebody. But I want to learn. I want to deserve this, with you.”
“Mobius,” Loki says, and their mending heart threatens to break again. “I am no great prize.”
Mobius starts to laugh. “I’m trying to be serious, Loki.”
“I am too,” Loki says, and whatever Mobius sees on their face stops the laughter. Loki studies the softness in Mobius’s gaze, the adoration, the great care, memorizing as much as they can, in case this is the last time they see it. “I’m a monster.”
Mobius, voice flat and unamused, says, “Be serious.”
“I was not born to royalty. Not like you think,” Loki says and waits. Dread rolls over them in waves, but Mobius does not react more than a slight cant of his head. “I’m not...” It would be easier to show him, but Loki can’t. If they do, Mobius will change all of his sweet words. He won’t stand to share this small apartment with them any longer, and Loki will be back on that riverside. “How you see me is not... how I am.”
Mobius is patient. Mobius waits. Maybe Loki wasn’t wrong about Mobius after all. Maybe Mobius, like them, is imperfect and a little afraid but trying.
Slowly, Loki pulls Mobius’s hands from their face so as not to burn him with the cold of their skin as they lift the glamour that hides their Jotunn form.
They want to look away, to hide from the horror they are sure to see on Mobius’s face, but simultaneously are too desperate to see any and every reaction.
Mobius’s eyes grow wide. His lips part. He blinks a few times.
“Loki,” Mobius says, and Loki braces for fresh heartache. But then he smiles, real and true and bright, a lighthouse in a lifetime of hurt. “Blue like the ocean.” The adoration never dims from his eyes. “You are beautiful.”
Mobius insists he doesn’t care, but Loki only feels comfortable again with their glamour restored.
“Either way,” Mobius says, and sends Loki off to the bathroom to shower and change. “I’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re done.”
When Loki leaves the tiny bathroom in their silk pajamas, they find the small two-person table lit by candlelight. Mobius stands beside it, wearing one of the dark suits Loki picked out for him at the store, with a deep green tie that’s slightly askew.
“What’s all this?” Loki asks.
“I know we’re soulmates, and our fates are destined and everything,” Mobius says, tugging at his collar. A bit of pink dusts his cheeks. “But some things should be done the old fashioned way. I want to win your heart, so I thought...” He clears his throat. “I want to wine and dine you. Properly.”
“Ah.” Loki slides further into the room, heart lighter than it’s been in the past forty-eight hours. All the lingering hurts are mended. And Mobius looks delectable in that suit, just as Loki thought he would. Loki strides right up to him, reaches out, and adjusts his tie. “You are attempting to seduce me.”
Mobius’s cheeks redden. He glances away for the briefest of moments before his eyes return to Loki’s face.
“You are everything a guy could want,” Mobius says. “More than I ever dreamed.”
Loki finishes fixing Mobius’s tie, but leaves their hands flat on Mobius’s chest. Mobius takes one and brings it to his mouth. He places a kiss to Loki’s palm.
Loki shivers, but not from any cold.
“Loki,” Mobius says, giving so much weight to the name - things unspoken, maybe not ready to be said, but are known - so known, and ready to be shown.
Mobius leans, and Loki stays very still, waiting, wanting but so, so afraid.
Mobius stops just out of reach. His breath hot on Loki’s lips, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Loki swallows all their fear and whispers, “Please.”
Mobius closes the distance and presses their lips together.
Fireworks ignite in Loki’s chest. Their heart thunders. Their hands itch for more, so they grab Mobius by the shoulders and hold, clinging, ruining the new suit and not caring at all.
Mobius cups Loki’s jawline, guiding them closer, tilting gently, positioning Loki just as he wants them. Loki goes willingly, opening their mouth as Mobius licks his way inside.
They should have done this long ago. They should do this all the time. This should never, ever stop.
Loki moans as Mobius’s fingers comb into their hair. Mobius breaks for air, tilts his head, and comes back for more. Loki holds Mobius so close, they are certain their heart beats straight into Mobius’s chest.
It’s perfect, passion incarnate, and Loki wants so much that they -
Loki’s stomach growls. Loudly.
Mobius smiles against Loki’s lips.
Loki groans as Mobius plants one more soft kiss and pulls away.
“Wining and dining time,” he says with a wink.
Loki is both endeared and annoyed. “I will have more of this.” His stomach grumbles again. “After dinner.”
Loki doesn’t miss the flush of Mobius’s cheeks, even as his easy smile returns. “It would be my absolute pleasure, and I mean that.”
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thejokersenigma · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson x Reader - All Coming Back to Me - Part 1
So I've been an idiot and started a new series. Based off a song again because that's where I get all my inspiration from and I feel emotions really well through songs - especially when played particularly loud through my headphones.
So here's part 1. Part 2 probably won't be available till late next week as I have some uni work due in Tuesday that needs priority!
Hope you like it - I'm just trying to get into the habit of writing something, but i am a bit rusty so bear with me!
“So, is there a Mr [L/N]?” Tony asked, getting to his feet and heading to the bar.
You snorted incredulously, “Definitely not.”
“Boyfriend? Girlfriend?”
You smirked weakly, shaking your head as you took a sip of your drink.
“So, you’re a one-night stand kinda girl?” Tony asked, turning back to you, “That’s cool.” He nodded, pouring himself another drink.
“I’m a nothing ‘kinda girl’.”
“It’s not my thing.” You shrugged.
“’Not your’ –“ Tony looked around for help, but everyone just watched vaguely amused at his disbelief. “Does no one else find that strange?” He gestured at the rest of the Avengers as he made his way back to his chair, his back to you. Romanoff just shrugged and the others seated around the large living room just glanced indifferently at one another.
Tony sighed dramatically.
“Why do you care so, Stark?” Thor chuckled, “Anyone with heart ache is unlikely to date.” He stated, gesturing his beer towards you. You felt your heart drop.
This piqued Tony’s interest, “Heartache?” he repeated, turning back to you with a raised eyebrow. You tried to swallow discreetly so as not to encourage him.
“Tony –“ Steve warned, not moving but his tone was stern.
Tony ignored him, “Who broke your heart, doll?” He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
You shrugged without care, “It was a long time ago.”
Tony narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, “So how come you’re not dating?”
“Tony.” Steve warned again, now leaning forward.
“I’m just saying, there’s plenty of strapping young men in this room who are single,” He explained feigning innocence as he gestured around the room, “why shouldn’t a beautiful young lady try her hand?”
You made a show of looking around the room at each of the boys then shook your head, “Hm, no thanks.” You smirked and Steve winked at you whilst Thor feigned hurt.
“Harsh.” Tony pointed at you with the hand that held his drink, “But I like that.” He admitted with a tilt of his head before flopping back down into his seat. “So, who’s up for a game of who can kick whose ass?” He suggested to the room.
The room broke out into conversation then, some joining straight in with the game, others refusing to play yet somehow getting dragged into it. You just let out a quiet sigh of relief that the attention was off you and your love life.
You watched the activities of the rest of the night mainly from a far, quite content to sit back and let everyone else enjoy themselves. You liked everyone and their company, but you were still new here and didn’t always feel able to join in their inner circle - especially because you didn’t want people like Tony asking you uncomfortable questions.
“Right, I’m calling it a night.” Barton declared, pushing himself to his feet.
“I agree.” Nodded Thor, finishing its drink by downing it. “Before I leave, I must remind you all that I have a guest arriving tomorrow.” He smiled.
You frowned at this, unaware and glanced at the others. No one seemed confused like you, but no one seemed overly happy.
“Just keep him away from me if you don’t mind.” Barton muttered before heading out the door. Thor raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything, turning back to the rest of the group. “You’re definitely sure about this, Pointbreak?”
“Yes, ‘Metal man’,” Thor quipped back, “I give you my word that he has changed. This will be a rehabilitation back to the world.”
“Yeah, the world he almost destroyed.” Romanoff muttered.
Thor frowned slightly, “I will be held accountable for any of his actions, I assure you.”
“We’ll see.” Tony muttered, getting to his feet and bidding the room goodnight. The others followed on behind, Steve clapping Thor on the shoulder and assuring him it would be alright. You and Thor were left in the room alone and you offered him a small smile as you stood up. He returned the smile, the wide, familiar beam warm and comforting after the somewhat awkward evening.
“Goodnight, [Y/N].” Thor smiled back, bobbing his head in farewell as he too headed for the door.
“Goodnight.” You nodded back, then hesitated, “Uh – Thor?” The God paused in the doorway, glancing back. “Who is this your guest that you have coming tomorrow? How come I haven’t heard anything about it?”
Thor grinned widely at you, “My brother is coming.”
You frowned, unaware that he had a brother and wondered if you truly knew the man before you as well as you thought you did. “How did I not know you had a brother?”
“Maybe you just chose to forget.” Thor shrugged simply, but there seemed to be a twinkle of something in his eye.
You frowned at this, unsure what he meant by it, “Does no one like him, then?” You asked, referring to the others’ reactions a moment ago.
“He has a history.” Thor confessed, with a reluctant bob of his head, then his eyes seemed to lock onto yours, “But I truly believe he has changed,” He enthused, his face and tone completely serious for a rare moment “And I simply wish everyone to give him another chance.”
You were taken aback by his steely gaze and imploring eyes that seemed to bore into yours. You had never met this man he was talking about, so why did Thor seem to make out like you were the one that needed convincing? You nodded in understanding despite your confusion, “I’m sure it is only your belief that matters to him,” you smiled kindly, “But, for you Thor, I promise to treat him with complete open mindedness.”
“Thank you, [Y/N],” Thor smiled, “I am grateful for your kind heart.” He nodded his head again and bid you goodnight once more before heading to his room. You put your glass away and headed to your own room.
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 17
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 3800+
Warnings: Angst, violence, suspense, kidnapping
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Nat kept a watchful eye on Thor when he came back to the waiting room. He was twirling his phone in his hand when his eyes connected with hers; He shot her a hard glare before shaking his head. She grimaced, letting out a scoff and stood up a little straighter. She turned her attention back to assist Clint with asking routine questions to Bucky, Carol, and Val. Bucky’s eyes connected with hers, and he reached out, taking her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go. She nodded, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
Nat tried to focus on doing her job, but she was too close to this. You were one of her best friends, and she was scared for you in this situation. She wanted to believe what Thor was saying about Jig and Billy being the same person, but she needed proof or some sort of evidence, pointing them in that direction. Steve’s phone was the key to this, but she couldn’t go through it in case they needed it to use against him in court. She didn’t have a problem with lying, but if the defense found out what she did, she would be screwed and possibly lose her job. Billy deserved to be locked up for everything he did to you, and that cell phone would be another reason on a long list of reasons to lock him up. She wanted to protect you like Thor did, but it needed to be done right. 
“Natasha,” Thor shouted, forcing her head to snap in his direction. He was heading their way with Sam behind him. “Sam can confirm Billy and Jig are the same person. He met Jig once.” 
She narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. “Is this true, or are you making it up?” 
“It’s true,” Sam nodded. “I met him one night at Happy’s. It was a quick meeting, but you don’t forget that white boy’s pretty face.”
Nat’s mouth dropped open, covering it with her hand in shock. Bucky was beside her, placing a reassuring hand on the small of her back. She looked over at him with tearful eyes as her mind drifted to the worst-case scenario. Bucky pulled her into a hug, and everything around her became white noise.
Billy got to you; he abducted you and almost killed Steve in the process. She squeezed her eyes shut, pulling Bucky closer. How did this happen? How did he even find you? How long has he been here? What was going to happen to you? All these unanswered questions flooded her mind until everything went silent. This was what she needed, evidence to find you and bring you home safe. Her eyes snapped open, pulling away from Bucky. She smirked at him, and his blue eyes narrowed at her. 
“Keep me updated on Steve, will you?” She whispered, putting her hands on his cheeks.
He nodded. “As long as you do the same with YN.” 
She kissed him, turning around and catching Thor’s eye. “Thor, let’s go.”
“Wait, what? Where?” Thor was looking between everyone as if asking if they had the answers.
“To find your sister, but we may have to ask for a little help.”
“But, I thought you weren’t technically on the case?”
“Small technicality. Nick will forgive me; I’m one of his favorites,” she winked, and Clint nodded in agreement. “Besides, I’m also a concerned friend of the victim, and I’m just following a possible lead. It could lead to something, or it might not.” Nat shrugged, looking over to Clint. “Cover for me?” 
“It’s what I do best.”
“Let’s go get this bastard,” Thor stated, giving Nat a forgiving nod. 
The soft melody coming from the radio woke you up, but you didn’t move. A breeze hit your face, and the smell of the ocean hit your nose. A calm sensation came over you as you moved ever so slightly, feeling your hands bound, restricting your movement. Taking in another breath, a hint of familiar cologne came to your senses. You gulped, turning your head to what you hoped was a window. A sharp pain hit the side of your face, making you wince, causing your eyes to flicker open. The car sat parked near the ocean, and you could see the sun rising in the distance, cascading a soft glow over the landscape. You glanced at your hands, seeing a zip tie wrapped around them. You gulped, looking over to the driver’s seat to find your ex-husband wrapping his wrist. Your eyes widened as your mind flashed to him on the other side of the door, Steve laying motionless on the ground, the struggle in your condo, Cosmo attacking, and a punch to your face that knocked you out cold. 
“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?”
“What… what did you do?” You stammered, feeling tears start to form in your eyes. 
He smirked, taping the gauze on his wrist. “I think the better question is what did you do?” You narrowed your eyes, wincing as a sharp pain traveled alongside your face. Your hand shot to your face, touching the tender area between your eye and cheekbone. “I warned you what would happen if you left. People would get hurt, but you didn’t listen.” 
“Is he dead?”
“Who? Steve? Would it make a difference if he was?” He quirked an eyebrow as your bottom lip trembled, staring out the window at the ocean. “I wouldn’t worry about him anymore.”
“Why did you do that?” Your voice cracked as a sob escaped from your mouth. “He was a good man.”
“Steve was a great guy. I didn’t want to hurt him. I liked Steve. He was one helluva pool player, and we were friends,” he paused, your head snapping in his direction. “But, when he put his hands on you. I wanted to kill him.” Billy clenched his fists, shaking his head. “Steve doesn’t deserve you. He was never good enough for you. Hell, he was just using you to get over his dead wife.” He let out a breath, his dark brown eyes connected with yours, sending a shiver down your spine. “If you stayed home and didn’t leave me, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. Steve wouldn’t be dead because of you.”
Your stomach dropped, with tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. You squeezed your eyes shut as the sharp pain radiating from your cheek was welcoming compared to what you were feeling inside. You swallowed down a sob, but your shaky breath didn’t dissipate. Your head clouded up, blocking out any other sound besides your racing heart. You slowly opened your eyes, trying to blink the tears away, but a few escaped down your cheeks and landed on your jeans. You stared at the wet droplets, unable to move, only being able to concentrate on your breathing. You sniffled, clearing your throat. “How long have you been watching me?”
“Does it matter?” He arched a brow at you. “I will give you some credit though, leaving that note saying you and Loki took an impromptu trip together. At first, I didn’t think much of it. I mean, you two are attached at the hip, so I knew you would be back in a few days, but you never did come home. Even after I saw Loki’s posts about being back home, but still no you. ” He leaned back in his seat, rubbing a hand over his mouth. 
“The most frustrating part of all was that you never returned my calls, which led me straight to Loki, and he told me you were staying with him for a few more days. I thought, ‘Alright. I get it. You want some time.’” He sighed, shaking his head. “After a few more days of no new texts and no returned phone calls. I decided to sneak into Loki’s and quickly realized you weren’t staying there. In fact, it looked like you were never there. Then I proceeded to go to your work, which I now realized I should’ve done to begin with because I discovered you quit.” He paused, hitting the steering with your palm, making you jump in your seat. 
“It was embarrassing to find out your wife left you in front of her co-workers.” He clenched his jaw, staring daggers at you. “This led to me tracking your phone, but it never did tell me where you were.” He smirked. “I am almost positive it involved an anti-tracker app. Smart play.” He nodded. “Nice to know you learned a few things from me during our time together, but I’m surprised you didn’t think I wouldn’t be able to find you?”
“Who's to say I didn’t,” you countered, wiping the tears from your cheeks. 
He cackled in the seat next to you, shaking his head, and in one quick motion grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at him. You tried to jerk away, but he tightened his hold. All the mischief in his eyes was gone, replaced with his harsh gaze. He clenched his jaw, making you gulp and stare into the depths of his emotionless eyes. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you? Running off to your big brother, thinking he would protect you. It’s cute really, but deep down, he didn't do his job the first time, let alone this time. He didn’t protect you. He didn’t keep you safe. It’s comical, just how easy it was to get you back.” He scoffed, licking his lips. “And Loki’s all the same. They’re both egoistic, self-absorbed, and out for themselves. It’s poetic, how you were always there for them, but they were never there for you like I was.” He reached over and dragged his fingers against your cheek. You clenched your jaw, pulling away from his touch.
“What do you want from me?” You mumbled, observing him from the corner of your eye. 
He sighed, dropping his hand. “Isn’t it obvious? I want you to come home where it is safe. Come home to someone who actually cares about you. My god, YN, you have no idea how much I have missed you and….and I’m sorry,” he confessed as his voice cracked. Your head snapped in his direction to see him running a hand through his hair. “I was an asshole for how I treated you, and I can’t believe I became that person.” His gaze caught yours, noticing his lips trembling. “I told you I would change, but I didn’t, and I don’t know why.” He paused, clearing his throat. “I want to change, but I don’t think I can do it without you. I need you. You have always believed in me more than I believed in myself. I don’t want to lose what we have together. Please come home to me. I forgive you for running. I want to start over, start fresh, start that family you always wanted. Anything; I will do anything,” he begged with tears on the verge of falling. 
You swallowed, staring wide-eyed at him, not knowing what to say. Billy has always been a confident talker, telling you what you wanted to hear and making all the right promises.  He could coax you into coming back every time you left him with his caring apologetic words. You believed you could trust him time and time again. He could persuade you into getting what he wanted, not what you wanted. 
You rubbed your lips together, knowing what you should say or at least what he wanted you to say. But, you didn’t need him anymore, like he needed you. You moved on, and in this moment, he couldn’t control you anymore. “I want to start a family, Billy.” His shoulders sank in relief as a smile crossed his features. “But, I don’t want it with you. I don’t want anything to do with you. Our relationship is a repeating pattern that causes both of us pain. I can’t do this with you anymore,” you breathed, your eyes flickering to his; they changed from sincere and honest to dark and destructive in a matter of seconds. 
He brought his hand down his face, shaking his head. “You don’t get to say when this is over. I do.” He let out a deep breath and slapped you across the face. You yelped, sending a shooting pain down your same cheek, bringing tears to the corner of your eye. You leaned away from him, reaching for the door handle, and tried to push it open, but he grabbed a hold of you and held a knife to your throat. 
 “STOP MOVING,” he grunted through clenched teeth. You quit squirming and stared at the blade against your throat. “It didn’t have to come to this. ” He clenched his jaw, grabbing the passenger seat belt and strapped you in. He leaned forward, his breath fanning against your ear as he whispered, “I have a plan, but unlike yours, it will work.” 
Thor and Nat walked through the doors of your dispatch center. Thor’s eyes scanned the many individuals typing away at their screens and talking into their headpieces. It was a different scene than what he was used to. It felt calmer and less hectic, but on the other end of the calls, he could only imagine what people were going through.
Bruce made eye contact with them, holding up his pointer finger as he helped one of the dispatchers at their desk.  
“Bruce, busy man,” Thor chuckled, and Nat hummed in agreement.
“Thor, Nat, hi. Any news? Have the police found anything?” Bruce asked, walking over to them.
“Don’t get me started on the police. At YN house, they were walking around finding clues and placing their little yellow numbers by them, and taking pictures. Like, what is that going to do? They should be out looking for her since I already told them who abducted her, but no one believed me.” Thor shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Calm down, big guy, it’s called procedure, and we were finding evidence.” Nat patted him on the shoulder before turning to Bruce. “Anyways, we came to ask for a favor, and we think you could help us with it.”
“Name it,” Bruce nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. 
“We need to track this number, but the fastest way without a warrant is to go through dispatch, or so I heard,” Nat hinted, raising her eyebrows.
“What is it? Landline or cell phone?”
“Cell phone.”
“Cell phones are trickier since we don’t get an automatic address like we do with landlines. Our system has to digitally request the phone’s location from the cellular network. I will have to put in a manual request, which won’t be a problem, it will just take some time,” Bruce stated, going over to one of the computers. “What’s the number?” Thor read the number off his phone as Bruce typed it in and quickly filled in the necessary information.
Billy pulled into a gas station and parked the car behind it. He reached behind your seat, hearing him shuffle around and come forward with a scissor, wet nap, and a baseball cap. He cupped your face in his hands, using the wet-nap to wipe your face. You squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring the pain on your cheek. “There’s my girl, all cleaned up.” He lifted your head with his finger and tilted it in all directions. He grabbed ahold of your bound hands, cutting the zip tie from your wrists. “Put this hat on, and just know, if you run, you don’t want to know what I will do.” 
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. He squeezed your hands before getting out of the car and coming around the front to get you. He opened the door, instantly putting his arm around your shoulder, leaning into you. You tensed up, smelling the all-to-familiar cologne that sent your nerves firing in warning. It was a cologne you loved, having picked out for him when you first started dating, but now it filled your head with many unpleasant memories. 
“Loosen up, hon, you can trust me,” he whispered in your ear, hitting the bill of your hat, making you readjust it. 
You gave him a hard nod, forcing a tight smile. He let go of you as someone was walking out, holding the door for the two of you. You looked the man straight in the face, hoping he would take a look at you and help in some way, but Billy mumbled a quick thanks and took your hand. You glanced at the guy behind the register, but he stared down at his phone while Billy dragged you to the drink coolers. 
“What do you want?” 
“Can I run to the bathroom? Can’t pick anything on a full bladder,” you smirked, squeezing his hand.
“Of course, make it quick,” he nodded, letting go of your hand.
You walked back up the aisle and down another, glancing at the man behind the counter, who was still staring down at his phone. Keeping a watchful eye on Billy, you snatched a set of permanent markers from the shelf and hid them in the front of your pants and under your shirt. You took one last peek over your shoulder to see Billy’s eyes following you and opened the door to the ladies restroom.
You locked the door and leaned against it, taking in your surroundings, but there was nothing that could help you. It was a single stall bathroom with no windows. How come the only bathrooms that ever seemed to have windows were in the movies. You sighed, rubbing your forehead. There weren’t many options left: leave a note and hope someone sees it and gets help. It felt silly, but what did it hurt? You pulled the markers from the front of your pants and grabbed a brown paper towel, scribbling out a message and placing it by the sink along with the markers. 
Gripping the edge of the bathroom counter, you let out a deep breath, staring down into the semi-dirty sink. You removed your hat, running your hand through your hair, and looked up at your reflection in the mirror. It was like you were right back to where you started, staring at the fragile woman you thought you left behind. The color around your right eye was changing to a dark black and blue, your cheek was puffy, and there was a small cut on your lip. 
“You can get through this,” you reassured yourself, splashing cold water on your face. “Someone is looking for you.” Splash. “Someone will find you.” Splash. “Steve isn’t dead because of you.” Splash. 
You stared at the water flowing out of the faucet as images of Steve started filling your mind. His signature smirk, his chest-grabbing laugh, his caring yet determined personality, and how he... Tears began forming in the corner of your eyes, blurring your vision. You squeezed them shut, sniffling, before opening your eyes to your reflection. “No crying; not yet at least; first, you need to make it out.” You cleared your throat, promising yourself with a nod. You slipped the hat back on and opened the door, jumping in surprise to find Billy waiting there.
“Grabbed your favorites,” he grinned, holding them up. You forced a smile, following him to the register. Billy placed the drinks, snacks, and a few wound cleaning supplies on the counter. You smirked, remembering Cosmo’s rescue efforts. The front door jingled, pulling your attention to a mother and her young daughter walking in.
“Okay, Monica, run to the bathroom, and I’ll grab us some snacks.” You let out a small sigh of relief, smirking at them going their separate ways. 
“We should start a family once we settle into our new home,” he whispered into your ear with a smirk on his lips.
“New home?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes at him.
“It’s part of my plan.” He wiggled his eyebrows, paying the man with cash. “You always wanted a family; why not start now.” He shrugged, leaning into you. He smiled at the clerk, grabbing the bag and holding out his other hand to you. You took it, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
Billy dragged you back out to the car and let go of your hand. He opened the back door while you headed for the passenger side door. “Wait, don’t get in; we’re switching cars. He should be here any minute.”
“I’m sure the police already have the make and model of this car through surveillance video or the license plate number from the note you left in the ladies room.”
“What note?”
“Don’t play stupid. I’m not an idiot, besides why else would you be smirking at a mother and daughter,” he sneered while a car pulled up beside them. “Speak of the devil, right on time.”
A Rolls Royce Wraith pulled up, forcing you to roll your eyes. This was his getaway car, more than a quarter of a million-dollar car, and he expected to get away with you. It was the same car he owned in New York, but this one had updated California license plates. A bald man got out of the driver's side, coming over to you and Billy. It was hard not to be creeped out by him, with a milky left eye and a scar underneath it. 
Billy’s phone buzzed once more in his hand. He looked down at it, letting out a quiet snicker. He read off the abduction alert, including your name, what you looked like, and what you were wearing last. “Turns out you got someone looking for you after all. It’s a shame they aren’t going to find you.”
You gulped, noticing the bald man smirking. “As requested, your new phone--” he handed Billy a flip phone while Billy handed him his smartphone “--with a few contacts that you can trust and help you if it’s necessary.  And everything you requested is in the back seat, but knowing you, Billy, you two have already disappeared.”  
Your breathing quickened at his words, your eyes darting between the two men shaking hands. Billy had the perfect plan, and you were stepping right into it. You were going to disappear, become a ghost, and no one was going to be able to find you. Your defeated eyes caught Billy’s, not missing the amusement dancing in his. You bit your lip, staring into the distance, hoping the daughter saw your note and called the police. But it dawned on you that help wasn’t coming, which left you with two options: start over and try to be happy with him, or adapt and overcome. 
“Thank you for your help, Agent Orange. I’ll owe you one.”  Orange nodded at Billy, walking over to the previous car before getting in and driving away. “Well, get in, honey. It’s time to go on our road trip.”
AN: Thanks for reading Part 17! This doesn't sound like it will be a fun road trip, and from the looks of it, Billy seems to be one step ahead of her with every move she makes. How is she gonna out think him? If you haven't noticed already, Billy is a real piece of work, and I'm hoping he came off as a psychopath in this part. If not I tried my best, it's hard to tap into a dark mindset like that! Haha! I will say though, Ben Barnes, who plays Billy Russo, is an attractive man, but I will admit his brown eyes can get scary dark sometimes. Like when he's mad, you can just see it in his eyes, so I tried to play off that. And it seems like he has a buddy helping him, Agent Orange, I wonder how they know each other? Also, we kind of have a better understanding where Nat's head was at at the end of the last part. She was worried about her friend and wanted everything to be done right, and put Billy away for good. And what do you think of her and Thor teaming up to find her? And can't forget that little assist from Bruce, but will they be able to find her before she disappears forever or will something worse happen along the way? Is Steve gonna pull through? And man, I sure hope Cosmo is doing okay! Until next week, thanks again!
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