#listen i just. cant understand making a playlist of songs if you wouldnt actually listen to it
lesbianspeedy · 1 year
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x1uizy · 3 years
lmfao i kept putting off my woodz album review for so long for some reason 😭 but anyways here we go
(ive already listened to it a few times but im relistening in order to write this)
1. multiply
did we know that he was gonna do english songs????? anyways this is very chill, i like it! not my fave style from him but i wouldnt turn it off if i was just relaxing. also im glad that the lyrics make sense because that can be...rare 😅
2. thinkin bout you
i really enjoy this song but um. im also aware that its the type of music i imagine shawn mendes to make although idk if thats true. and this realization bothers me a lot 😭😭😭 but its seungyoun and i love the guitar and the vibes so whatever 🤪
3. sour candy
i think its cute!!! not exactly my favorite on the album but i dont think theres really anything wrong with it at all? dont ask me why but i feel like a girl group should cover this song, itd be so cute 🥺
4. kiss of fire
good, love the bgm (because bass and guitars lol). once again not my personal favorite but i can see myself listening to it a lot at the same time. i could hear a bunch of these on us radio including this one
5. chaser
my favorite....by like a lot 😅 hes serving the woodz-weeknd hybrid i always knew he could 😌 my only critique is that i wish this couldve been a tt in like. jan - march and then the rest could be on a repack. i kinda cant believe hes not promoting this one, its too good 😭😭😭
6. waiting
i wanna just say that i really enjoy albums where the title is not the first song. idk, it just feels like the order actually means something then? but ik thats not really true, its just how i feel. as for the song itself: i like it! i dont necessarily understand it as a tt but definitely moreso than others. i think that this album as is, i would put chaser as the tt with waiting as the promoted bside, but thats just me. this whole album was like. (a specific type of) guitars and bass and if a song has those two things i like the song, i just cant help it. so i like this song just like the others even though i dont have anything interesting to say about it. also, do the parts when he says "why u make me crazy?" and the like sound like "boy u make me crazy" to anyone else???? like i hear why when im looking at the lyrics but boy when im not 😭😭😭 i was like oh???? 👀 until i saw what the lyrics were lmfao
anyways u might be able to guess but song rank:
chaser > waiting ≥ thinkin bout you > sour candy ≥ kiss of fire > multiply
album rank:
woops >> equal >>>> only lovers left >>> set
although every single one of those albums made it to my top albums of 2021 playlist so.
...did i even do a review for set??? 😭 if i didnt, long story short: i think its very good but a bit boring. kinda stays on the same register the whole time, not unlike only lovers left
title track ranking (not comprehensive because i never remember which pre produce tracks were titles):
bump bump >>>>> love me harder >>> how have you been ≥ baby ride ≥ different ≥ feel like ≥ waiting
as for the a1 woodz playlist...i have to think about it. chaser definitely makes it, waiting probably does, as does thinkin bout u, but i have to relisten to the others more. i suspect they all might make it though. we'll see
sorry this isnt as interesting a review 😭 but im interested in hearing what other people think so feel free to lmk wherever!
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Sorry for bothering you, but I couldn't help but wonder, what do you think of Janus' playlist? After several days of analysing it, I'm so overwhelmed with all the emotions towards the snake boy! The character potential, possible development, ideas for fics are just bashing me on the head and heart! I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Lots of love and have a good day! P.S. Expect some requests for songfics for sure!
It's not a bother, thank you for asking! Oh I have many feelings, as I usually do for all the playlists but this one...man. Hope you like long answers XD
First just the overall impression is great. I love the sort of contradicting roaring 1920s nihilistic aesthetic. Makes me think of a tired anti-hero, their cape swirling behind them as they turn away from the chaos, knowing they'll have a mess to clean up later but for right now they would very much enjoy a glass of wine. Its smooth. Its jazzy. It's dark. Its nostalgic in a different way from Patton, where instead of tugging softly at your heartstrings it settles a weight on your shoulders. Not in a bad way, just like someone added an extra five pounds of awareness to what you were already carrying, if that makes sense?
He boils down to an emo with class for me and I love it.
I'm not gonna go song by song but heres a few thoughts.
I absolutely love Black Hole Sun being on it as a vintage cover. Soundgarden is such a good band and this song in particular is one of my favorites, right up there with Tighter and Tighter and Spoonman. It's a dark song that has contrasting themes and means different things to different people, which is perfect for Janus' outlook on life and Thomas. And of course the reference to the snake fits right in.
It Seemed The Better Way is one of my favorites on the list. The style of the song and Leonard Cohen's voice reminds of Mark Lanegan's style and is so soothing.
Talking at the same time just made me think of all the Sides talking through a dilemma but really just arguing and talking over one another, contradicting each other and themselves in the process. It makes me want to bang all their heads together and yell "COMMUNICATION BITCH" which I really hope season 3 addresses the important of good and healthy communication and it takes the last side to do it but I digress. It's a song that points out unfairness and frustrating contradictions and I love that the angsty snake likes this song.
Scarlett Johansens Trust On Me is one I'm posting a fanart of soon, it put such a clear image in my head of Janus smoothly talking to Thomas about listening to him and taking care of himself while below surface level hes desperately trying to hold this vision together of everything being fine while the world crumbles. It's just Tbomas walking along with his sides as they smile as the sunshine while Janus is stumbling behind with an old umbrella, batting away dead branches with his staff while everyone else is oblivious.
Mandy Goes To Med School. Janus canonically listens to the Dredston Dolls and no one else I've ever met listens to them or knows who they are and it fills me with unreasonable happiness that someone on the team got this song on the playlist. Many have interpreted this song as back alley abortions and illegal sex changes, both elective surgeries that have consequences if done improperly. I honestly think the bare bones of this song apply to Janus. Percieved "selfishness over selflessness" and the consequences being up in the air for both. A sort of damned if you do, damned if you dont situation, which definitely paints Janus, at least for me, as a world weary tired ex-optimist who's experiences have shaped his perception of the world in a way that can be hard for others to understand. I think this song fits him to a T.
Evil Night Together makes me think of him, Remus and Virgil just having a ball of a night causing chaos together and laughing all the way through. It fills me with a lot of happiness thinking of the idiocy those three got up to when they were on better terms with each other.
Dont Tell Mama...makes me way too excited fr the last dark side. I get this strong feeling from the song the Janus very much works in the shadows, to the point where hes even a bit secluded from the other 'dark sides' to an extent. Maybe the last one is someone who really tries to run the show and wouldnt be pleased with what Janus is trying to do. Not saying Mystery Orange is evil, none of them are.
I feel like You're A Cad is a comment on him and Virgils relationship. The way that they are now, secretive and closed off, a friendship cant really work between them but they keep coming back no matter how many times they broke eachothers trust. I don't think Janus and Virgil hate each other, I just think they need to communicate better like everyone else does but they kept trying without knowing how and hurting each other in the process.
As Far As I Can See feels like a self deprecating view point that all the "dark sides" have and it makes me want to hug not only him but Remus, Virgil and even Orange until they feel even a little bit better. In this house we love and appreciate our good bad boys.
Change. Okay first: the first line of this song is "theres something in the wind" and in Sally's Song on Virgils playlist the first line is "I sense theres something in the wind." Coincidence maybe and probably but I'm holding out for Remus' for the third. 'Lately, I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn?' is such an OOF I just cant. I strongly feel like this is Janus rethinking what his purpose could possibly be if no one is willing to listen. Could apply to Logan too but he has Erase Me already so.....
Come Little Children by Erutan. That's it, Janus also canonically also listens to the Willow Maid and cries the first time he heard no you cant change my mind. He also watches Hocus Pocus every year and loves it. Remus joins him. Virgil did when they were on better terms. You also cant change my mind on this. I think this song is just commenting on how Janus hides the truth for Thomas so he can see the world from a better perspective than what it actually is. Self preservation and lying to ourselves and all that.
Into The Unknown from Over the Garden Wall I think is telling us everything is changing and revealing itself the farther we go with Thomas' dilemmas. They're all stemming from somewhere so where will we end up? Who can say, but in the meantime aren't the lies we're telling ourselves pretty? Janus is observing everything falling apart and hoping he isn't lying when he tells himself everything will work itself out. Only time will tell. It's a sad, longing note to end the playlist on, but it's very fitting.
Overall this playlist cements the fact the the Angst Train really just said "Choo choo mothfucker" and steamrolled on regardless of the fact that were stuck on the tracks. And I love it.
Janus is a sad, angsty boy tired of everyone's bullshit and honestly just wants everyone to get along so he can finally sit back and play his game cube without his gloves on in the common room of the mindscape without being hissed or glared at, and is that really too much to ask? Also, he's crying in the art on spotify, with such a resigned look on his face and I just...my heart.
Sorry this is so long, like I said I have a lot of feelings. Add your own thoughts if you like, you and anyone else who wants to. This is my interpretation of only some of the songs so of course there are more and different things worth mentioning. This is a judgement free blog where all opinions are welcome.
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Ok so I know some people in the fandom don't like talking about Magnus' past lovers because anyone that isn't Alec everyone just turns their heads but ok listen. Your last response about Magnus and queer history my head immediately went to Freddie Mercury and oh please I would like a little more insight on how they met and their relationship. The only thing we knew was that Magnus would go to his concerts and even drag his friends along. What I would give to learn more about them.
FUCK MY LIFE anon listen idk if you fully know what you're getting yourself into by asking me this because i am literally OBSESSED with Magnus' relationship with Queen and Freddie like im literally VIBRATING rn i was answering the questions in order but i just HAD to answer this one immediately because !!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck i love magnus' relationship with Freddie Mercury and Queen so much you dont understand, i have already made some posts and i still plan on making a playlist of Queen Songs That Remind Me Of Magnus but anyway hell yeah let's DO this
okay so first im gonna talk a little bit about how i view their relationship. now, they probably weren't in a very serious relationship, since theres this whole Magnus Locked His Heart Ever Since Camille thing, but Magnus and Freddie have SO much in common i cant really think this was just a fling, either. so here's what i think: magnus and freddie were good friends who sometimes hooked up and that definitely had chemistry to have something special, but it never happened because Magnus never fully allowed himself to give in to it and neither did Freddie - im assuming their relationship was in the 70s, since in the 80s Freddie met his husband, Jim Hutton, and at that time Freddie also had a hard time trusting and loving. also, Magnus was already in New York, so it couldn't have been too serious. but Magnus would go around to watch their concerts and every time he would find Freddie somehow (it wasnt that hard, really, you just had to go to the local queer scene) and they would sometimes hook up, sometimes just talk and enjoy each other's company, sometimes both. that's what i think it's most likely.
but the absolutely OFF THE CHARTS amount of vibing they must have done. i dont think you fully understand - unless you're a queenie trash bitch such as me - just how similar magnus and freddie are. here's a short, comprehensive list of Freddie Mercury Traits:
Freddie was seen and stereotyped as an overly sexual, lothario, diva and inconsequential kind of guy, and to some extent he put on this facade, but in reality he was extremely closed off and insecure and loving, and this was mostly a persona he put on to protect himself
Despite that whole persona, Freddie was an extremely compassionate guy who did everything he could to help others, particularly other queer people. His personal assistant, his chef, his chaffeur, all were other queer guys (sometimes his exes even) that had nowhere else to go and were in need of a job, and Freddie was just like "oh, would you look at that, you're hired now. I'm gonna pay you, hm, 3 million" it was so. When Jim lost his job Freddie hired him as a gardener. They literally met because they were talking in a club and Freddie was all like "lets all go to my house" and brought in a bunch of strangers to his home. That's the kind of guy he was. His house was always open as well
Freddie was loyal to a fault and a little bit too trusting, and was stabbed in the back a few times. The most well-known one is P*ul, who outed him against his will despite them having years of friendship, a blow that Freddie never fully recovered from, but there were others. Despite being a shy guy and reluctant to open up, he actually wore his heart on his sleeve and this sometimes ended up hurting him, a lot
Freddie felt absolutely lonely and like he was unworthy of being loved. This is not a secret, its a common theme in a lot of his songs, the most prominent of them being somebody to love. He wanted to be loved and taken care of but at the same time wouldnt allow himself
He was also very insecure. Jim says in his book that Freddie would frequently ask him, out of the blue, if he loved him, despite the fact that they were, you know, married (not in the paper, of course, but Jim bought him wedding rings and Freddie called him his husband, so i consider them married)
He was constantly scared of being an inconvenience. When he found out he had AIDS, his first instinct was to tell Jim that if jim wanted to leave him he would understand. Jim, of course, said that was bullshit and he wouldnt leave Freddie because of that
He was a perfectionist and always wanted to do his absolute best, nothing less. He was also a creative genius as we all know
He loved cats and would bring random cats into his home constantly
He loved fashion and pretty things
He was a queer, gnc man of color
He had a pretty protective side to him; queen's bassist, John Deacon, was extremely shy and said that Freddie pretty much shielded him from the press attention, and also helped him polish his song writing skills and always wanted him to do his best. After Freddie died, John quit the showbusiness.
I mean, remind you of someone? Holy fucking shit, i nearly lost my goddamn mind when they mentioned that he hooked up with Freddie, because they're so similar in their issues and insecurities and interests it's almost meta. I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but i thank the sh writers every day for that line tbh honestly i am so blessed
Unfortunately i think they might kind of be too similar - you get two very insecure, afraid to be hurt people who kind of have a persona together and it's kind of hard to have them have a meaningful relationship. But where Freddie was shy, Magnus was extroverted and easygoing, and there were always parties (something the both of them loved) and they had enough common interests to bond over. Also, they both couldnt help but wear their heart on their sleeves, even when they tried not to. And i mean, i am 100% sure that Magnus absolutely loved Queen, because 1- who doesnt? 2- the songs are so intense and heartfelt and beautiful and theatrical and that's right on magnus' alley; 3- the lyrics just speak to him, because there Freddie was, writing about wanting to be loved and fearing to open himself up, and there was also Brian writing all these songs about seeing your loved ones die, and Roger was a domestic abuse victim - there was just so much for him to relate too. So i can definitely see Freddie and Magnus staying up awake late at night, looking at the window and talking about themselves, their fears, the personas they have created and how hard it is to break out of them, when they were alone in a hotel room and everyone else who was at the party was gone. Just the two of them, having heart-to-hearts, then sleeping, but the next day the magic was gone and they were both back to guarding themselves - also, Magnus was avoiding getting involved with mundane men, if you go by my headcanon. so there was just too much holding them back
but it was still an important relationship that helped the both of them learn more about themselves and get a little more used to opening up and allowing themselves to talk about themselves. they didnt really break up as much as drift apart - Freddie had the band and Magnus was high warlock of Brooklyn and the political tensions in the downworlder community were high. But they both got their happy endings after all - Freddie met Jim and they were together until the end of his life, and Magnus met Alec, who will be with him for the rest of eternity too because i said so :) so its all good, in the end, and Freddie will always have a special place in magnus' heart, as both an amazing human being that he was honoured to meet and someone who was really, really important to magnus and that helped him become who he is today and be a little happier and more comfortable with himself
he still loves queen and listens to them constantly. sometimes its bittersweet to think about him, but most times its just good to hear these songs that mean so much to him and think of how far theyve both gone
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rqs902 · 5 years
i didnt know lou jiongze was on season 2 lol however briefly 
also i think its kinda bittersweet that already from s2 ep 1 cai xukun is labeled as the most popular and hes already trying his best to fight for being known for his talent rather than just his popularity… similar to what he talked about in the final nine percent show….. hes been fighting this fight since 2016 wow
so yes im starting s2 HAHAHAHHA i cant believe winning s1 was basically meaningless bc all top 15 are recognized rather equally lol… and sad that wang guangyun isnt coming back??? or jinhyung? i was looking forward to seeing more guangyun tho :( does this mean i gotta watch tntb to see him again...? 
realizing this, ive suddenly gotten the urge to rank the top 15 in my own personal bias list LOL…. ok halfway through i realized how hard this is gonna be, because i dont think i know them enough to actually rank them in a detailed manner… i think of it more in tiers like 1-2 are like my actual favs (TT) and then 3-6 i have very soft spots in my heart for them and then 7-10 are from afo so i feel a bit more familiar with them than the rest 11-15 i just dont feel very familiar with?? but i do have a positive impression of like all of them…. i do think language barrier comes into play too
wu muti
yu gengyin
liu ye 
zhao pinlin
cai xukun
zuo qibo
tian shuchen
gouchen haoyu
zhu yunlong
he yifan
wang guangyun 
dai jingyao
zhao fangzhou
jo jinhyung
park yongju
uhhh wumuti is just too perfect!??!? and beautiful and cute and i love his facial expressions and his eyes and his reactions and his dancing and his stage presence and his relationship with his mom and it’s interesting to see how mature he is for his age, and sometimes it feels like hes got a lot going on behind that cute exterior ahhh but yu gengyin is like just so smiley with his smiley eyes and hes just so boyfriend / boy next door and his supportiveness and his voiceeee and hes so underappreciated wtf
also can we talk about how pinlin went from always being picked last and feeling unwanted to having the teachers fighting over him in season 2? wow progress :’) but really so proud of him
on another note… COME ON HOW COULD NONE OF THEM PICK YU GENGYIN!????????? EXCUSE/!!!!!!?!???? hes a recognized main vocal!!!! and hes improved so much with his facial expressions and his dancing is p good now too and he has stage presence!!! idk why they would pick some of these other randos ugh i dont understand!!!!!!! but also tbh i was really hoping when he did get picked, he wouldnt get picked into the group with all the newbies but alas…….. AAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH now i have to care about that group TT im literally screaming at my computer bc im SO MAD
but yea theyve really set it up to make the newbies not likeable???? why would you go around insulting the s1 kids who are already trained and already popular… its only gonna get you antis lol……… sigh these newbies are just there to add drama. if any of the s1 kids actually got eliminated in ep 1 i think everyone would riot lol (isnt zuo qibo like one of the most popular kids too? and they pretended like they were thinking about eliminating him HAH) this show should be grateful so many of them even came back =_=
but yea ive started listening to a swin playlist on youtube and picked out a few songs i like, but tbh i think they have a lot of songs but a majority of them just arent my style? idk i felt that way about some xnine songs too, like i really like the kids but the songs are just not…. for me…? idk EDIT LOL I TAKE THAT BACK SOME OF THESE ARE GROWING ON ME including the silly one about the seaside??? I thought it was a joke song at first but then I saw a dance practice video for it lol and the choreo is terribly cute to the point that its prob torture HAHAHAHA im cry
one things for sure, the new world mv is so extra but theyre so beautiful HAHAHAHHAHA 
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  420 stands for “4got 2 0pologize”  ’ ‘  all millennials do is commit minor felonies and be gay  ’ ‘  hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile! so multifaceted!  ’ ‘  i thought christmas was like… next friday or something its in like 3 days fuck  ’ ‘  if you’re not in love with me by 00:00:00 jan 1 then just block me. i don’t need that kind of energy following me into the new year  ’ ‘  who needs ghosts? haunt your own house. wander around your own living room wailing and crying  ’ ‘  my kink is not opening messages and pretending theyre not there  ’ ‘  u know when ur growing out of phases and mindsets but u haven’t found where exactly ur shift in identity is going yet? that’s tonight’s mood  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare  ’ ‘  there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you  ’ ‘  god knew what she was doing when she made bruno mars short if he had been tall he would be too powerful  ’ ‘  motivation? haven’t heard of her in years how she doin  ’ ‘  Do you think people with LED headlights know that everyone hates them? Like…really hates them in an oddly personal way? Do you think they know?  ’ ‘  and the final mood for 2017 is: you know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen?  ’ ‘  putting more importance into self care, spirituality, love and peace of mind. start with stretching and deep breathing.  ’ ‘  dont forget to tell someone you love that you love them, thank people who deserve to be thanked, be more patient on people having a hard time, be more considerate, understanding, and be kinder, always.  ’ ‘  do you think in the 1700s there were people who were like nah man Mozart’s a total sellout I only listen to peasants beating things with sticks it’s way more authentic  ’ ‘  2032 is gonna be my year just u wait  ’ ‘  I want a “I made a playlist for you” typa love  ’ ‘  @ 2018 the bar is literally so low  ’ ‘  Just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike.  ’ ‘  i have a “why am i like this” moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  very sad to hear about donald trump. nothing happened to him i’m just sad to hear about him  ’ ‘  *me, eyes wide open at 3am* what happened to chandler bing once he got to yemen  ’ ‘  tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside  ’ ‘  do ya ever bring your pet up to a mirror and ur like “that you”  ’ ‘  i guess im just too fucking dumb to lucid dream. cant ever realize im in a dream, i’ll look around me like damn i’m in my old elementary school and my teeth are falling out and im naked? well shit guess this is my life now. got fooled by my subconscious again lads  ’ ‘  u ever get no sleep and the next day ur body functions like the tumblr app  ’ ‘  you ever wonder how many people you’re in the “we’re friends but i would kiss you if you asked” club with  ’ ‘  is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week  ’ ‘  The only thing toxic that you should still be in contact with is that song Britney Spears made, because that song is lit.  ’ ‘  imagine if you named your kid dad. just dad.  ’ ‘  take care of yourself, please. i don’t know what id do if anything happened to you.  ’ ‘ crazy how personal growth can make you let go of people you swore you couldn’t live without.  ’ ‘  im in no position to have high standards but it doesn’t stop me  ’ ‘  you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.  ’ ‘  I’m gonna have a bomb ass life and I know it cause I’ve suffered so much and I know that wasn’t for no reason  ’ ‘  you ever just get in bed and ur like yep this is where i’m meant to be  ’ ‘  an unstoppable force (my love of books) meets an unmovable object (my lack of a desire to actually read anything)  ’ ‘  i just have this persistent feeling of “i’m not doing enough” combined with “i don’t have the energy to do anything” and it just really fucking sucks  ’ ‘  sorry I haven’t replied to ur texts I’ve been overwhelmed by literally anything that’s ever happened or will happen  ’ ‘  me when i see a wild animal in a metropolitan area: reclaim your space, we are the invaders, retake what is yours  ’ ‘  no offense but money would solve literally every single one of my problems. like all of them. i dont have a single problem that money wouldnt immediately solve  ’ ‘  i am not enough and it’s eating me alive  ’ ‘  what do u mean “what have i been up to” … i’m out here ruining my own life as always bitch  ’ ‘  always remember that love will always come back to u. in a different form, different person, different hobby, different touch. but in any way, love will always come back.  ’ ‘  The struggle between me wanting to be successful and me wanting to lay in bed 24/7  ’ ‘  If you play “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé at exactly 11:58:50 pm on New Year’s Eve, Beyoncé will say “World Stop” in 2017 and “Carry On” in 2018.  ’ ‘  Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta  ’ ‘  you ever just like “wow that’s my voice? people listen to this clown on a daily basis?”  ’ ‘  ravioli ravioli give me a reason to live  ’ ‘  finally worked up the courage to tell the starbucks girl she was beautiful and i only puked twice  ’ ‘  do i wanna know??? no. but thank u monkey friends  ’ ‘  hey this is kinda ns.fw but i wann h*ld your h*nd  ’ ‘  talent: overthinking  ’ ‘  have you ever had that feeling that you really wanna workout to get a flat stomach… but you also just wanna eat pizza and watch netflix.  ’ ‘  if you google eyebrows are you eyebrowsing  ’ ‘  *skips tutorial* how the fuck do you play this game  ’ ‘  Literally heard a convo at the library where a guy was telling a girl that he’s an omega and the girl telling him that she’s a beta, and my mind just did not automatically connect the context to fraternity pledge classes at all and I just whispered to myself “what the fuck?? What the fuck??”  ’ ‘  my hands? ready to be held  ’ ‘  Catch These Hands! with your hands. we’re holding hands now. this is nice  ’ ‘  kinda weird that u can think about someone as much as u want and they have no idea  ’ ‘  physically, yes, i could fight a bird. but emotionally? imagine the toll  ’ ‘  I would rather wander around a store for 9 hours than ask an employee where something is and this I do not understand  ’ ‘  my childhood, or, as i like to call it, the general abyss with one or two memories attached to it   ’ ‘  i know ‘gay’ isn’t an emotion but let’s be real,,,,,,,,,it kind of is and i feel it 24/7  ’ ‘  babe get ready for a night on the town, i just found an old Subway gift card and there’s still $9.45 left on it  ’ ‘  just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined  ’ ‘  i’m the person who’s 100% down for spontaneous adventures but also 100% down to lay in bed all day. i’m on both ends of the spectrum  ’ ‘  this year has changed me more than I ever thought it would.   ’ ‘  it’s ok to disappear for a lil while and get your shit together.  ’ ‘  if you wanna love me hmu  ’ ‘  calling me baby makes me so freakin weak  ’ ‘  i’m that one guy on spongebob always screaming about his leg  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  i just want someone who’s excited to make out with me and text me all the time.  ’ ‘  never apologize for your giant dogs getting overexcited, if i get taken down by a 100 pound mass of fluff then that’s how i go.  ’ ‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  THIS GUY JUST ASKED ME WHAT MY NAME WAS AND I DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE SAID SO I SAID 4:45  ’ ‘  my blood is glow stick juice. thats why all my bones crack when i move.  ’ ‘  are cute dates and rough sex too much to ask for  ’ ‘  honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. i want to be as loving and as kind as i can be.  ’ ‘  just a small dumb bitch…. living in a lonely ditch  ’ ‘  you’re not selfish for wanting to be treated well  ’ ‘  when y'all fake conversations in your heads do you sometimes say random sentences out loud too? i was just tying my shoes and said very sternly and loudly “i DO know how ants work, fucker”  ’ ‘  true space facts: if u look up there it is  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  how am i sensitive and a bitch at the same time  ’
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binniesthighs · 4 years
but rooooooooooo, listen!!!!!!!!!!!
it's 4:42 am here on a tuesday, i don't have morning classes, and i had to finish a few activities to lighten my load before getting some rest.
rest = reading your works
it felt so, so rewarding, ro. maybe because my parents raised me with the reward system stuff idk lol
no, but honestly?
it was dead silent in here.
or maybe not bc some dogs in the neighborhood were barking at cats probably passing by but
i didn't play any song.
for what i think is the first time since i realized songs would fit so well with fics
i thought i was only going to tear up a bit so i let it just out but then iT WOULDNT STOP HEJDHDJX
I had to grab a FEW tissues!!!!
God, ro. This chapter is beautiful.
This chapter is so, so beautiful.
it was so sweet and adorable how the snow slowly started to melt and her walls bit by bit started to come down too.
i love it so, so much.
and the part with jisung.
you notice how theyre usually naked bec of sex, right? but here in this chapter was, in my opinion, the only time that they were actually bare with each other. naked.
jisung admits to having feelings for reader, and reader admits he isn't the one she needed and wanted (anymore).
and i loved that crack on the wall pls--
that scene with chan, inside the booth when she was supposedly screaming her lungs out because that i think was what's planned to happen?
and she feels everything closing in, and chan, despite sitting close to her, gave her the comfort and space she just needed that very moment.
and the one with changbin.
the ugly tears i cant even---
ro, i love your writing. if you ever forget that, if you feel lost, if you feel like you don't deserve things, you know where to find me. or maybe i'll find you. i will find you. i will try, and i will.
you deserve what the reader deserves too.
although it just sucks that there's only one changbin in this world.
certainly you'll meet your changbin too, ro.
we all deserve a changbin so we'll all meet our own changbin!!!!!!!!
I almost cried while writing my essay shdkdjjdjdjd
Have a nice day, ro. Hope you have been resting well and have been eating on time and drinking lots of water. I love you.
- ☀️
sunshine ☀️ !!! oh my goodness 4am?? please get some rest dear!! Take it easy with all the work, kay? Hehe I'm so glad that my works can give ya a lil rest and a break from it all 🥺
more under here! 
*gently dries tears* it'll be okayyyyy it warms my heart so much that my words mean so much to you on an emotional level sunshine, i think that's what makes writing so important and amazing as an art is that I can communicate with you all on a deeper level with it 💖 i love listening to music too when I write! I get really inspired by music and have playlists for different moods haha 
gahhhh im so fuzzy you analyzing my work ahhh boom boom haha thank you for noting all my lil notes that I put in there! I really liked the metaphor for the snow for a few different reasons especially bc the season of winter was really impactful and important for the reader. i like how snow can be really fleeting and fragile but also really beautiful and cold. i wanted to apply this to a few aspects of this fic. AND the crack ahhhh fjalsdjfalk thank you for noticing that uwu i used that to symbolize the "cracks" in the reader and Jisung's relationship and how while they can make up a whole together, it is still flawed, and therefore they can't work. also the scene with the lil naked cuddles with Bin i will criiiii i think that one of the most intimate things that there is just kinda existing bare with a partner bc it's a very vulnerable thing and I wanted to illustrate that Bin and the reader are really close in this way too. 
welcome to the club sunshine hahahaha i've been falling in love with fictional characters since lolllll forever haha and now we can add HS!Bin to the list haha thank you so very much for saying that I deserve a "Changbin" too! we all do like you said!! i think that Bin in this fic really represents a kind of unconditional, patient, understanding love that everyone needs in their life!! hello stranger is really my like "ode" to this message haha that no matter who you are or what you've been through it doesn't make you less and your happiness is right around the corner and maybe even in places you might not expect! 
I've been resting better cutie!! i said this before in a different ask but the weather is changing where i live and i think that it's really helping my mood these days! I should go on a walk or something and not just sit at my computer like I usually do hahaha 💗i love you too bean!!
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
amazing news i live off of your recs basically (and deep breath) 😅 alright no hurry with listening 😊 & your dad has a point. born in the usa is like my least favourite springsteen song and i'm mad that's the one everyone knows. why not thunder road. or dancing in the dark. just anything but born in the usa. well understandable though i was thinking the same thing and then a migraine forced me to sleep at 11pm. idk if i'm thankful or not (1/3)
(2/3) but anyway i really hope you get some more sleep soonish 💕 oh good for you!! and i'm assuming now that means you're going back to college? also good for you 🙈 thank you love i really appreciate it ❤ it's just my brain being a little bitch i'm sure it'll pass at some point 🤷‍♀️ yes that is a good point i mean what even was post you blues. like what the fuck. also the fluff you posted? 11/10 bc you once again made the car a stick shift 😅
(3/3) honestly very happy for you phone calls and emails are the worst and it's very reassuring to hear that sometimes miracles happen and people just don't pick up. oh that's so exciting!! she sounds amazing and naming her noah would be very on brand for you 🙈 and the name in general is lovely and fits a guitar i think idk why but it does 😅 -fiancee
well that is good news to me also youve just reminded me to listen to the songs so im gonna do that before i answer the rest of these asks live reaction from me ill put my reactions under a cut tho so it doesnt get too long fair point tho fair point
11pm is such a good sleep time omg i am PROUD of you!! well done can’t relate however i hope the migraine went away im sorry :(((
i am indeed going back to college, leaving on sunday and moving in on monday. my roommate was really happy when i told her i think she was really upset when i told her i wouldn’t be coming back and like, so was i, so this is really the best thing. not like multiple people in my life, up to and including ainslee, TOLD me i would be but anyway
KJGKGLMDFKSGJJ well as we all know im chronically incapable of not doing a subtle stick shift flex <3 actually i was talking about that today w my dad lmaooo cos he asked what kind of car i’d want if i ever got one and i was like well i don’t Really care and i wouldnt mind a stick shift but then if my friends ever needed to borrow my car they wouldnt b able to cos nobody here can drive stick and my dad was like you can be the cool friend who teaches all your friends to drive stick!! and i was like haha thanks but im not gonna be the one to make them all cry <3 good one
akfjgkdfj i love that we’re like thank god the person you called DIDN’T pick up. i actually love leaving voicemails for my friends i get to be really silly and pretend i hate them it’s a fun time
thank you !!! yes i have decided officially to name her noah. not gonna lie to you, noah kahan didnt even OCCUR to me in the decision making process (the name is from something totally different) but from now on if anyone asks shes named for noah kahan :)) iba had the brilliant idea to name my next guitar jack after jack met also which is so fucking good so maybe my guitars will just all be named for jewish musicians i like in which case i should probably rename finn but whateva
springsteen takes under the cut <3
the river: okay i was NOT expecting the harmonica buuut the guitar is absolutely lovely. oh and when the drums kick in !! okay yeah i think springsteen’s voice is something that needs to grow on me a little bit but the rest of the song is nice and i like that he’s telling stories with the words
downbound train: hmm this is a good song i guess it sounds pretty standard springsteen to me based on what i know about him and his music i don’t know but i did look up the lyrics and they made me like it more what a story
if i should fall behind: ooooh i like this one. this is really nice. springsteen is vibier than i expected !!!! yes i really really like this ill wait for you and should i fall behind wait for me.........so sweet
tougher than the rest: cute song again w the harmonica it comes out of NOWHERE but i cant bring myself to hate it even though it is pretty jarring but i accept that it is simply part of the Vibe
hello sunshine: okay yes i like this this is nice energy. yes yes yes. i actually think this song fits the deep breath playlist?? do you agree? i put it on there anyway if you disagree i can take it off but i really really think it fits and it’s just so lovely
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imnotsebastiansten · 6 years
What is one moment that you missed out on that you wished you didn’t? Hmm well there were a couple of concerts that I missed that I coulve went to if I had the money and now I regret even more that I didnt go because I coudve tried and in one way or another i wouldve been able to go :( the first ones that come to my mind are hollywood vampires and megadeth
Who is your hero and why?
hmm well tom hiddleston is definitely one of my heroes because he just so kinda and nice witj everyone and hes a really talented person and idk man hes just so caring about a lot of stuff and so smart and i look up to him a lot
Do you believe that gay marriage should be legal or illegal? fuck yes and unfortunately my country might just fucking ban it for good now
Do you feel like your life is worth living? well im 16 so my life doesnt mean much atm because i dont do a lot that really helps anyone so idk man
Do you or have you ever had braces? nope
How often do you listen to music? daily oh my god
Can you play any instruments? yes, the piano and the flute
What is the highest number you’ve ever counted to? i have no idea 
Can you text? yea lol
What is one rule you have that you hate? hmm i cant really think of any?
Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? .who hasnt
What are you scared to death of? bruning alive and the ocean oh my god
What is your best friends name? i dont have a best friend
Are you currently in a relationship? no unfortunately
Do you take any drugs? nope
What do you hate the most about your computer? sometimes it disconnects from the wifi and i have to restart it to be able to connect again and its fucking annoying
Are you random or pretty on track? i think it really depends on the situation
Where do you like to shop for clothes? i dont have a place yet im still lokking because im kind of going through a style change and im looking for stuff i actually like
Are you more of a fruit or vegetable person? definitely vegetable
Do you like older or newer music? both, why choose
What do you want to do for a living in the future? i dont know yet but probably something cinema related
Do you do anything illegal? watch movies? download music? idk man if you count these things theres quite a lot of shit
What color is your pillow? i dont sleep on a pillow, i use this big plushie dog
Do you have any pets? yes!! i have a guinea pig and now i kinda have two because we are taking care of one of my moms friends guinea pig
When is your birthday? december 31
Have you ever been drunk? ehh idk for sure, i was definitely dizzy but i remember everything that i said and did
Are you good at art? i wish :(
What is your best physical feature? uh maybe my eyes idk man
Are you keeping a secret from anyone? yes kind of i never talk about my feelings so they sort of became a secret
What is your favorite TV show? the magicians and mr robot
Do you feel like people don’t understand you? yes
Do you do things online that your parents wouldn’t like?
eh i dont think so my mom is really chill
Do you own a webcam? my laptop has a webcam and even if it didnt i probably wouldnt because i would never use it
What is your most embarrassing moment? my entire life
Can you speak any other languages? well yes romanian
Do you like the city or the country better? definitely the city but the country side is nice too
What is your favorite fairy tale? there are quite a lot of stories that i really like
Do you still dress up for Halloween? we dont celebrate halloween in my country
What is one holiday that you don’t celebrate? halloween
What is your favorite genre of music? alternative
What singer/band sucks the most live? idk man i never went to a concert that didnt sound good
What is your lucky number? 11
How high can you count in Spanish? a like 4
Are you afraid of needles? I FUCKING HATE THEM OMG
Do you like to ride roller coasters?
not really
What TV show is the stupidest to you?
riverdale gooodbye
Do you hate being ignored? yes oh my god being left on read and ignored is one of my biggest pet peeves
Where do you currently live? romania
Are you a trustworthy person? yes
How many piercings do you have? only my ears oof
Do you like marijuana? never tried it
Do you talk about yourself a lot? only on these surveys
Do you donate to charity? no i dont really have the money
Where is your favorite place to go out to eat? not sure
Are you still in school? yep
Are you a fast typer? i think i am but when i type fast i also make a lot of typos
Are you a tree hugger? sort of
What is your favorite color? green
What question do you hate being asked the most? ”why are you so quiet”
Are you conservative or open with people? i wish i was open
Do you own a cell phone? yes
Do you wish you had more in life than you have now? right now im pretty cool
Do you wish you were older or younger? im fine at this age for now
Have you ever watched the Brady Bunch? nope
What is your favorite TV station? dont have one
Who was your first kiss with? lets not
Do you like to dance? not really and im also too shy to do it
Do you play games at arcades in the mall? never tried before
What do you do when you see a spider? i just let him be
Are you a friendly person? yes but i am too scared to initiate conversations so i probably seem really really unfriendly
Do you have an attitude with some people? probably lol
Do you currently have a job? no
What is your biggest pet peeve? so many oh my god
How many songs do you have on your Ipod/Mp3 player? i dont have an ipod or mp3 played but have a shit load of songs on my playlist
Do you like to go to carnivals? yes i guess
Which season is your favorite? autumn
Are you outgoing? no 
Are you a flirt? i wish i was good at that 
Could you go the rest of your life without saying the word “the”? nah
Do you try to put others before yourself? not really tbh
Do you or have you ever watched Pokemon? yesssss
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get-the-treasure · 7 years
school log #3
it was a busy day nd this is a day late
Hour 1 (AP Bio): we got our books at the end of class and thank god my locker is right by brians lol. for the beginning of class we did an experiment where 2 people were scientists and the rest of us were aliens. brain m nd sophie were the scientists so they left the room nd brian briefed us on our role. basically we would only reply to sophie because she wasnt wearing glasses (and everyone who normally wears glasses took them off) but we would only reply with yes. if she asked us individual questions wed copy her facial expressions. sophie figured out the face that we only replied to her pretty quickly and she even mentioned the fact that ppl like taylor nd sammy didnt have glasses on but she didnt connect the dots as to why we only replied to her. 
Hour 2 (ROPE): spent the entire time listening to music in my play more playlist and found 2 songs i played a few times. they were rlly good afjknsfa, song 1, song 2. i wrote maybe another paragraph as well!
Hour 3 (Homegroup/3B): cant rlly remember??? i think we discussed ppl buying donuts every friday or smthn nd playing games on friday 3bs w the hg but im seriously dead poor i cant get the hg donuts tf??? so i opted out lol. i wasnt going to tell them how poor we are that we can barely afford food so they probably think im not that poor but its rlly bad.
Hour 4 (English 12): we read another story from that thicc book and it was leagues better than the first one. this one made the other one look like a middle school book report lol. then we talked about it and i dont understand lizzies opinions like ever jabfksnaf. for a part that a normal person would take as like ‘oh thats a lil humor nd its endearing’ lizzie takes and changes it to be ‘THIS IS CONDESCENDING ND HONESTLY? I DONT LIKE IT’ like calm down he pointed out dude asked if u had to eat the whole cheesecake or if u could have a slice how is that condescending i just ughhh it didnt make sense its not that deep girl
Hour 5 (Free): all i can remember is that i went down to the office to check if i could get a summary so i could have smthn w proof of my birthday nd picture on it. they didnt know what i wanted so i figured id go check back later.
Lunch: i p much spent the time snaccin on a protein bar i lov it
Hour 6 (Free): eren and i worked on setting up appts to donate blood cause it was a whole mess and i checked back w the offic and they knew what i wanted so i got a copy
Hour 7 (Government): we watched a video about how you should form your own opinions then took notes. we have a quiz next week i think. 
Hour 8 (Advanced Drawing/Painting): sammy, ariel, mariya and i talked a lot abt jesus nd his good pal god nd stuff it was a lot of fun actually nd i finished a sketch.
after school: i went home to boil eggs because i thought i was going to donate blood so i made eggs for rye, eren, nd i to get our protein levels up. eren nd rye stopped by nd we left to go to greenfield to donate blood. eren ended up feeling too guilty disobeying her mom saying she couldnt drive to greenfield despite saying she didnt mind driving that far up themself so we turned around all dejected nd honestly i was kind of frustrated. like wed planned everything out multiple times throughout the day already and then by the end of the school day multiple people ended up saying they werent coming and plans had to change on the spot. and short term planning is already frustrating as it is but then when youre literally 10 minutes from ur destination adn everything has to be replanned then its even more frustrating. so we threw our plans out the window and started home. then eren had to return the car so we went to their house nd my mom picked us up and took us to the mall. we walked around for like 4 hours and bothered yadi but then it was basically fun adn i forgot abt how frustrated i was earlier. then we went to ross dress for less and tried on dresses (i only tried one cause my boobs were too big for the medium rye picked out for me) and rye and eren both ended up liking dresses i basically forced them to wear annnnd they ended up buying them. i paid half of this one dress eren wanted cause i hadnt gotten them a bday gift yet so i figured that would be the gift. before that wed been at boston store and tried on more dresses that we all picked out for each other, then we went to bobs furniture store to furnish our fake apartment ajhsbfasfla. then we had snacks from the store and got vagina punched by a massage chair which also almost broke every bone in my body on accident. so that was fun akjsfkjas. then yadi drove us to ross’ (to buy erens dress, because they didnt have enough money at the time nd i hadnt decided to pay half until wed been at boston store to bother yadi more) then back to the front doors where my mom (and liam) picked us up. we went to scores but eren nd i had spent all out money basically nd rye didnt have ny so eren got a $1.25 taco and rye nd i had water but i knew my mom wouldnt actually be like ‘spent all ur money too bad u cant eat’ so she bought appetizers (so rye could eat) nd 20 wings so eren, her, nd i could. liam had smthn else. we took pics nd peed as a squad but erens stall had ‘fuck bitches get money <3′ on the inside it was wild. thennnn they both slept over nd we did sheet masks which was my first nd eren nd i made ice cream cake from a bag while rye passed out on the couch. after all that mess we went to bed nd i checked what id missed throughout the day, had a private chat that needed to be taken care of, nd talked w the skype squad for a while so i ended the day on a rlly good note. overall the day was fun even if there were frustrating moments. 9/10 could have been warmer
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rqs902 · 4 years
wow im like 2 mins into the first round and they’re introducing fruit planet and im already convinced tencent did a better job at making this finale ep than youku did for snzm LOL 
oof these questions hit home right away. wow xiao zhi changed a lot to become the leader he is today, someone who wants to see his band grow together. you can tell youzi has done some serious reflecting too, to call himself too unrestrained before. ughhh you can just see how much they love runze and how much he loves them. i love parents. xiao zhi really gave runze the confidence he needed and they all gave qiang ge the encouragement he needed. im surprised the suo na worked as well as it did with the disco song and im so happy to see how happy they were on stage. 
LOL muji is the real one to rein in szb and is harsh on him bc he needs it. the way muji says hes not afraid to get on people’s bad side and be the bad guy kinda reminds me of huang enyu
hope hyt and xiao xiong have really learned through their growing pains (same to ljt and szb) does that mean fruit planet is the only group where the main duo’s main fight wasn’t against each other but tencent? lol i cant imagine xiao zhi fighting any of his kids? wow i still find it amazing that zhao ke can so proudly say that 熱帶低壓 was his happiest times in front of the rest of 氣運. like thats legit love he feels for 熱帶低壓 and they respect that. wowowowow hyt’s “i can be strict towards myself, but i gotta let go for them” is like the ultimate lesson for micromanagers and he’s learned to believe in and respect his teammates and not feel like he needs to control everything. good for him.
maybe im just biased but the pitchy-ness of 氣運’s singing (xiao xiong and ma zhe /cough) just bugs me so much ugh it makes me sad bc the song is nice and id like to add it to my playlist otherwise, but i cant listen to this without frowning at the vocals. to be totally transparent, I didnt like the 午睡 song much at all (sorry ljt TT) and disco is not my style (sorry fruit planet) but at least the fruit planet perf was fun. im just kinda disappointed by these perfs in general :\
tencent putting the order as fruit planet first and 午睡 second and 氣運 last is a sign they already know 氣運 is gonna win... bc fruit planet was first place last week but if they go first that puts them at a disadvantage aka no one will be a match for 氣運 lol 
lol wat is this intro video.... the plushie fruits hanging from their suits LOL im gonna have to go look up footage of their busking!! watching this second perf... this is a song i will add to my playlist :) i just love seeing xiao zhi jamming out like hes enjoying it from the beginning to end, and i esp like the contrast when wsh switched to his drum set and the part where youzi sang! his vocal tone is such nice contrast to yrz’s. and i love how theyve figured out how to incorporate qiang ge’s suo na into their music. i will say it was kinda messy in terms of runze’s rhythm and they messed up some of the lyrics but for the amount of time they had to prepare im happy with this last perf :’) 
aw idk how i feel about ljt voicing that he’d rather do a band than be a soloist... but LOL MUJI a gentle but cruel real talker lol okay. who came up with these intro videos wtf???? 
OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE DOING “I WILL MISS YOU” ARE THEY ALLOWED TO DO THIS SONG??? omg omg thats such a attack in the feels tho wtf this is such a throwback ugh i still remember this song from when zyx and ljt performed it on the first mrzz and now ljt’s bringing it back? omg but it has so many memories from the first mrzz kids and wow idk how i feel about this. i mean i know its HIS song so he’s perfectly entitled to perform it but its wild bc this song is so mrzz1 its kinda strange to bring it back for mrzz4. like does it feel like the mrzz1 kids are being replaced? or maybe i should take it like ljt is singing it in their honor and bringing it back to where he began. lol like zzn and mby know the lyrics bc theyve performed this song themselves before :’) okay so the beginning was a tiny bit pitchy but ljt is the best singer compared to everyone else!! the way he sings 揮揮手 with such power is so oof and i still just love his vocal timbre. one thing i like about 午睡 in particular is that none of them are trying to fight ljt to be a vocalist, which is unlike the other two group, and i think its nice that he can just be trusted to handle the vocals and it keeps it cleaner bc hes a capable vocalist on his own. im happy to see muji on bass too bc its cool he can be so versatile. LOL LJT introducing everyone in the middle of the song i love him hes so funnn. i will say, the arrangement of the song felt a little frame-heavy? idk if that phrase is the correct way to describe it, but i felt like there wasn’t enough sound filling the song, but jym is really jamming out in the background (im so happy whenever i see a glimpse of his drumming smile) and ljt is carrying with the vocals in the foreground. maybe its just bc im not used to this arrangement so it sounds strange to me. AW ljt going to zzn and mby to get them to singggg and AWWWWW muji running to yingge, sam, tyler, ruiyang they look soooo happy to hug him aawwwwwwww i love roommateesssss and also i still see them as this crowd of misfits who dont really fit in but can find solace in each other. can you imagine what wouldve happened if 太空餐廳 had stayed in this race? wild, i feel like they couldve made it to the end too. LOL ljt really treating this like a finale on a concert, such a pro LOL. OMG IM SO HAPPY TO SEE MAOMAO TALKING AND LJT TALKING BACK, i looove their friendshippppp awwww
wait i just had a random thought, but are the clothes they’re wearing like their own clothes? bc some of these 氣運 kids have a flashy wardrobe if so LOL 
omg xiao li’s written 78 songs for 氣運????? LOL CAN WE TALK ABOUT THESE INTRO VIDEOS BC 氣運 ‘S WAS SO NICE WTF HAHAHAHHA its so biased???? like wtf were the first 2 intro videos nonsense, and then you get to 氣運 ‘s and theirs is all artistic and pretty and dramatic and nice???? what???? hahahhahaha oh my goodness they even shipped hyt a drum set in the middle of a freaking grassy field wtf
okay i honestly think xiao li is the best singer in 氣運, maybe im biased but even he started a tiny bit pitchy but he adjusted quickly and his voice is just so nice and he puts a lot of care into his vocals even while playing piano! 
unrelated to the music, but honestly i thought i liked xiao li with short hair better but i do like the bangs he has framing his face here. i just prefer the back of it to not be so long LOL 
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WOW i said all that about xiao li’s voice before xiao xiong started singing (and i immediately wished xiao li would sing again.. oops sorry to xiao xiong, but he gets off key easily when singing soft and low contrast pitches) and then xiao li SANG THE CHORUS AND WOW his voice is so nice i like it so much!!! i really hope he feels satisfied with this perf, as its their last perf and hes said before that he couldnt face their songs straight-on yet. wow i just have to go back and listen to him sing the chorus again wow the way his voice sounded on "傷心" OOF. 
what is zhao ke looking at when he raps? lol i feel like hes always looking off in a random direction but maybe im just not remembering correctly. but also the vocal effects they put on his mic make it hard to understand what he’s saying? but he also sounds like he has an accent. I dont know much about zhao ke like where he’s from or anything, but im curious if thats just bc of the vocal effects or he actually has an accent. 
UGH im sorry but then xiao xiong starts singing again and hes still off key and im still cringing..... i mean id noticed he was pitchy in previous episodes but this episode seems particularly noticeable?? im not sure if its bc they did any autotuning in the past but idk xiao xiong’s kinda not doing so great today :\ also the transition from zhao ke’s rap to xiao xiong’s singing was weird??? okay xiao xiong is fine once he starts projecting and puts more strength behind his voice, and then his vocal color is pretty nice! but prior to that.... 
lol am i think only one who thought it was weird that they recorded the guitar solo instead of having someone play it live? was it xiao li that played it on the recording? also zhao ke outside of rapping is basically a accompanying bass vocalist at this point lol 
im happy to see hyt being so happy jamming out back there, but his drum set is legit WILD. 
i know xiao li isn’t super popular but i wish people could acknowledge that 氣運 would be nothing without him. ugh he does so much for their music and sound, look at how much he was involved with in the credits for this song gosh. 
thank you to nana for voting for fruit planet, even tho we could kinda guess she would. but honestly not voting /cough/ is basically voting for 氣運, because everyone knows theyre gonna win the popular vote sooooo 
XIAO ZHI IS A TOTAL DAD NAMING HIS KIDS, staking his claim to xiao xiong, runze and tyler L O L its cute that he told them they dont need to grow up 
also can we talk about how xiao zhi said fruit planet wouldnt be here without youzi.... yooo their friendship is so real 
LOL xiao li yelling at hyt REPEATEDLY that hes a flamingo LOL 
im really torn about his hair length, still thinking about whether i actually like it.....
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these are the superficial side thoughts that are going on in my head as i watch this show, yes. 
OOF qianye saying qiang ge is 優秀, not just his suo na aww i love seeing qiang ge laughing at pengpeng’s yelling at him and getting all this love and encouragement bc it feels like its taken him a while to open up but im glad he really seems to have
i like this yelling segment, will have to go look for more clips of it
wow this last performance really giving a visual demonstration of the group splitting is kinda sad for 銀河 bc they dont get to show up until the very end and theyre not even one of the last groups standing oof but also gives you a visual representation of how it’s been especially difficult for qiang ge, muji, and zhao ke, and also the others who had to go through group splitting. 
muji and sam smiling at each other at the end is all i need to see to smile. 
aw im kinda surprised (but not) that fruit planet came in third loll what can i expect from tencent. but also its nice but also sad to see them cheering for themselves. i think they knew they wouldnt win but i think they deserved better
lol the fact that they had a banner for 氣運, and 氣運 won by like a HUGE margin, lol everyone already knew who would win 
lol can we just talk about how all the kids and teachers are just like in their own world talking and hugging behind the kids giving their winning speeches LOL they give no effs to this live broadcast LOL 
well its over. now i can go watch the recording of yingge’s livestream from sunday without fear of spoilers LOL
honestly looking back, this was a good show. i started it not really thinking id get invested bc i was also simultaneously watching snzm and since snzm is an idol show i knew id naturally get more invested in that. BUT these mrzz kids have really grown on me. theyre good kids and theres lots of talented kids among them. im curious how wjjw will deal with having 3(?) bands to promote now, but who knows, im just hoping to see more of fruit planet, ljt, and xiao li’s music in the future. i went into this show for ljt, and i came out of it with more music on my playlist (which is always great) and a high appreciation for xiao zhi and xiao li. hoping to see more of them in the future! 
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