#listen it was important to my story to have a vampire beekeeper
jinxedwood · 7 months
Also, weird things I discovered while researching for my nanowrimo book.
Medieval Ireland was obsessed with bees and honey. So much so, there was an entire section added to the Brehon Laws, called Bechbretha (trans: bee judgements) So far, so good - interesting but not exactly astounding info. The Brehon Laws were extremely comprehensive, and covered everything from how and when to cut down a tree to the proper way to enter a mill. (Go and have a read - there are quite a few extracts to be found online - three different kinds of marriages, peoples, and ten different kinds of 'unions')
But the bit that took me by surprise was that Ireland didn't have bees before the 3rd century! They were an import! WTF? Apparently, sometime between the 3rd and 6th century someone (probably monks) imported them into the country but before then we were beeless.
No honey in ireland.
No mead.
How could I have not known this?
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lollyholly99 · 5 years
PiCk OnE qUeStIoN fRoM eVeRy LeTtEr wItH OcS oF yOuR cHoOsInG
folks somebody is too sweet and values my time too much (more than I do) to let me fill out the ENTIRE thing w/ my ocs so instead we have this ^ prompt so hERE WE GO
A: Aptitude
1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
ok I NEED to do all of them for this since most of em are/began their life as DR ocs so their abilities are kinda? important to them
Hotaru - solvin them puzzles
Ren - relationship advice
Noburu - maths and comedy
Akiara - makes clothes
Sachiko - honestly? being a lil shit. and manipulating p much anything to work out in her favour
Mayu - acting
Morten - rly good leader
Chouko - shoot gun real good and accurate
Yaulmi - actually they don’t have anything they do all that well,,, but they’re having a fun time anyway!!
Momoko - knitting
Takara - any kind of skating (skateboarding, ice skating, roller skating, ALL of it)
Tarou - baking
Umeko - weightlifting
Kouta - doing (LEGAL AND REQUESTED) things to dead bodies
Isamu - directing films
Airi - beekeeping
Frances and Gumm and Freya - uh,,,,,, being baby,,,,
B: Basics
4. how old are they?
again I’m doing them all bc this one’s easy safdsg
all the dr babs are 22(?) if my working out of their timeline is correct \o/
Frances, by her vague count, is somewhere in her 20s? but she gave up keeping track of her age after being turned into a vampire ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gumm is. centuries old I’m thinking. but she’s also goop so time doesn’t affect her much
Freya is just baby!! built just 2 years ago but implanted with a functioning “brain” that does Not work like a two year old’s
C: Comfort
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
-Ren and Hotaru 
-Chouko and Airi
 -and Momoko and Umeko? Eachother!!
later on Momoko also gets to add Akiara to the folks who comfort her best uwu
D: Decoration
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
if it has aliens on it, Yaulmi is ALL OVER that (or rather it’s all over them bc it’s clothing,,,) bc they love human interpretations of aliens
E: External Personality
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
yes absolutely they are all memelords
F: Fun
3. who would they have the most fun with?
^^^ refer to answer C above ^^^
G: Gorgeous
1. what is their most attractive external feature?
now y’all can feel free to disagree but personally I’m STILL enchanted w/ Ren’s hair and imho??? most attractive part of any of these bastards
H: Heat
2. do they prefer summer or winter?
as dumbasses who wear black and refuse to give up their aesthetics, Kouta and Akiara will choose winter over summer in a HEARTBEAT
I: In-the-closet
1. what is their sexuality?
again i’m gonna go through all of them WOOO
k so all of them are bi except:
Ren, Mayu, Kouta, Freya - pan
Chouko, Airi - lesbian
Yaulmi - pan? they don’t get gender so they’re just attracted to whoever they’re attracted to
Takara - Takara-sexual (this bitch doesn’t pay enough attention to other people to consider attraction to anyone addfsdf)
J: Joy
2. who makes them happy?
^^^ refer to answers C and F ^^^
K: Kill
2. have they ever thought about homicide?
well uhhhhh some of them have and have,,, ACTUALLY carried out those thoughts(within the story that I’ve basically given up on writing for em) (bc they are/began as DR ocs)
Morten plans on killing Mayu and (accidentally) gets killed right back instead
Yaulmi kills Chouko
Tarou kills Momoko and Takara
Umeko kills Kouta
and Isamu kills Airi
L: Lemons
1. what is their favorite fruit?
Ren’s a big strawberry fan for the simple reason of I like to insert my own traits into these guys
M: Maternal
1. would they want a daughter or a son?
Ren and Hotaru are ABSOLUTELY gonna have kids and they don’t mind any which way what their genders’ll be
N: Never Have I Ever
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
gonna go with murder here, folks. for Morten and Yaulmi and Tarou and Umeko and Isamu \o/
O: Optimism
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
Momoko is a negative babby but Umeko makes sure to be the MOST positive force EVER for her
P: Personality
2. what is their worst personality trait?
Tarou’s a chill guy most of the time but when he gets mad he gets m a d
boy’s got a bad bad temper
Q: Questions
5. are they curious?
Yaulmi is just a big ball of curiosity abt anything earth/human related man they just Gotta know new things!!!
R: Rules
1. do they follow rules?
Sachiko has never followed a rule in her life and she’s not about to start now
S: Streets
1. are they street-smart?
Sachiko? absolutely.
T: Truth
1. are they honest?
Akiara’s too sweet to tell a lie!!! he’s an honest babby :>
U: Underdog
1. have they been bullied?
Airi’s been bullied plenty bc she’s ~weird~ and she likes bees like too much and she talks to them wha
she tends to ignore it
V: Vomit
2. do they get lots of stomach aches?
sometimes Isamu’s anxiety gets REAL bad and on those occasions the stomach aches start flaring up
W: Water
1. do they drink enough water?
all of em drink plenty of water bc they’re gonna be good role models in that regard
Stay hydrated, kids!!
X: Xylophone
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
watch me slap traits from myself onto my ocs and say Ren is, at any given time, listening to CRJ or vocaloids
Y: You
2. what inspired you to create them? 
Akiara was first and he came about bc I wanted to get in on making some fanganronpa content, and like visually? I realised halfway through making him that I’d been super inspired by Damien from dream daddy
Gumm well she’s here bC BERRI WAS TOO CUTE and i HAD to get myself a slime
I listened to Built 4 Love by TWRP for like an hour straight and then made Freya
and the only other one who I can place a specific inspiration for is Takara and for him it’s that I had the hots for Tom Hardy’s Bane and rly wanted to give a character a cool medicinal mask sfdafsgsgf
Z: Zebra
5. do they have any pets at the moment?
Momoko has one (1) dear little bastard cat who she loves and who plays with her wool while she knits c:
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