#listen to it at like 1.25 speed if you can too
amaryscita · 11 months
Hi! Could you do a fluff miles 42 x reader, where she’s very hyper active and talks insanely fast and hands move when talking. He’s just staring on how she hasn’t run out of breath but attentively listening.
I leave the subject up to you ☺️
Miles 42 x Fast talking reader!!
Now Miles gotten used to your 1.25 talking speed he’s never gonna tell you slow down but before he was like woah..
You were talking about something and then you ended up talking about it pretty quickly and making hand motions and Miles was like ‘what?’
“Woah woah woah- what?” Miles asked making you stop talking and look at him “Wha?” You asked, Miles was so confused on how you’re not outta air yet “What’d you say? Like right at the part you said ‘so basically’ what did you say after?” Miles asked as you explained it again still in a pretty fast tone and Miles didn’t wanna be rude and tell you too slow down so he just tried to keep up with you
Like he would listen to sped up songs and speeds up shows anything with words basically so he can get used to the fast pace speaking he wants to understand his princess to the best ability
Next time you spoke fast w cute hand movements Miles was curious on how you didn’t run outta air but yah know, he understands you now bae
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
After getting excited over Kawi matching colours with the plushie, and then forcing @respectthepetty's hand into revealing her theories, I said I would do a re-watch of the four Be My Favourite eps so far. I did...and to be honest it was a slog to get through them again (I even watched at 1.25 speed). BUT I wanted to see things with a fresh eye...and to collect all the mint green. Because it seems to be important.
Is it symbolic of the connection between Kawi and Pisaeng?
Does it represent clarity, truth, and communication?
Is it just mint green or is teal included too? Blue as well?
I don't have answers, and may not for a while, so I just want to collect all the instances of mint green/teal during the series so far. So here's what set me off at the end of ep 4:
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And then the presence of mint green at the moments of confession or truth reveal; Kawi telling Pear that he's her secret buddy, Kawi confessing to liking Pear, and Pisaeng revealing he knows of Pear's affections towards him.
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And Kawi's mint green phone in the past - as my dear Pet has already mentioned, phones are all about open communication.
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And then there's the senior's shirt with the mint green design - I think it's the art for Penguin Villa's song Acrophobia (which seems originally to be blue). Interestingly, the song is about how someone is out of someone else's league - perhaps reflective of the groups perceptions of Pear and Kawi. (lyrics under the cut below)
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And then some possibilities but the colour looks a little more blue; Kawi accidentally telling Piseang that he doesn't want them getting close, and Kawi revealing he's a virgin to, well, everyone.
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And these that are more in the teal range: Not's phone through which everyone listens to Kawi's confession to Pear, and it looks like the graduation colour might also be teal - so something about enlightenment and knowledge?...
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Finally, I thought this was also interesting, Pear has several bracelets...one of which is the peachy pink colour she wears a lot, and the other is mint green. So maybe these colours are connected...or, since the background of Kawi's fantasy wedding is also teal, perhaps it's Kawi's (fantasy) happiness?
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No theories on this, just filing away for later reference...and general feral screaming over.
As you were.
Acrophobia lyrics:
Saw, Saw, Saw, I saw you walking by Suddenly, started to feel trembling Quivering in my hand; Upsetting my stomach Dizzy in my eyes; like my heart’s on fire It’s always been like this You’re out of my league. I’m losing it
Oh, Can you hear my voice? you are up there Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me afraid to look at So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes
Lay, Lay, Lay, I lay down on the lawn Once looked up at the sky, I felt the same Quivering in my hand; Upsetting my stomach Dizzy in my eyes; like my heart’s on fire It’s always been like this You’re out of my league. I’m losing it
Oh, Can you hear my voice? You are up there Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me afraid to look at So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes
Dare not to
Oh, Can you hear my voice? You are up there? Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me crazy for you So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes If you can’t come down, give me the ladder; I’ll climb there
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Hello!!!! I’ve been following you for ages and I know that you’re a big CritRole fan. I’ve never really been able to get into it, cuz the thought of going back and watching it all from scratch is supremely intimidating. However. I finished all of EXU Calamity in a weekend (and lost my entire fucking mind) and I’m really enjoying TLOVM show. Do you have any tips for watching any parts of C1, C2, or C3 in addition to that? Or would it be smarter to wait for C4 to start and go fresh from there?
Hello dear, lovely to hear from you. I hope you're doing well.
Critical Role is very intimidating to get into. I was fortunate that I got into it early on, roughly a year after they started filming, so it didn't take me as long to catch up. Anyone trying to get into it now is going to feel daunted, that's for sure. Unfortunately, D&D sessions do tend to run long, I know my group's average is 4 hours and we used to run for up to six when we had more open schedules.
Calamity is a fantastic place for any newbie to start. There are other oneshots and mini-campaigns they've done too, like Taliesin's eldtrich horror mini campaign, the Undeadwood campaign, and Marisha's Honey Heist and its sequel. Calamity introduces you to the world and is just. brilliant improv storytelling from all the players. but it's only six episodes for the complete story. So if anyone reading this ask wants to bite into a good tragedy and wants to know what the whole TTRPG craze is about, Calamity is a great one.
When it comes to the full campaigns... you kind of have to resign yourself to the fact that it'll take a while. Campaign four won't start for another year or two, and so you can wait until then, but that is a bit of time to hold out.
I would personally recommend you listen to campaign one. Campaign two seems to be the favorite for the majority of fans, but since you've already watched TLOVM, which is based on campaign one, that'll give you some background info and a baseline to help you get into the swing of things. The first few episodes will be a bit rough, since the cast is getting used to being filmed in a studio rather than hanging in a living room, but you'll be surprised by how fast you latch onto the characters.
Additionally, I think it's just fun to watch the cast journey from being in a spare room at the Geek & Sundry studios, to their own studio, slowly decorating that studio, then moving to a bigger studio, which is where they'll stay for campaign two. it's just nice, in my opinion, to see those little details as the show grows in real-time.
My friend recommends listening at 1.25 speed, and sometimes she speeds up the combat to 1.5 speed. You can also listen rather than watch, as some of my friends have done, so you can listen (either just put the video on and don't look, or they have created podcast versions of the episodes - nothing changed in content, just made it into an audio file to download) while doing other things like folding laundry. I prefer watching, to see facial expressions and nonverbal reactions, but given that this is a popular option among my friends, I don't think you'll miss anything too vital. And you can always supplement with YouTube compilation videos of reactions and favorite moments!
I can also say that it'll go faster than you think it will. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can blow through a few episodes.
So, yes, either wait a year or two, or resign yourself for a commitment, unfortunately that's kinda how it goes. You can't really skip episodes or only do "highlight" episodes since so much happens in each one, you can miss a lot of context. If that still intimidates you I'd really recommend diving into the other mini campaigns and oneshots they've done like Honey Heist, Undeadwood, etc.
Also, if you liked Calamity, then I recommend Dimension 20. Brennan Lee Mulligan is the game master for that crew, just as he was in Calamity, and their campaigns are a lot shorter. So that can also help you get into the TTRPG show groove. Their campaigns tend to run 15-20 episodes and the mini campaigns are around 6.
Again if you are going to dive into a full CR campaign I recommend the first campaign with Vox Machina since you already know the characters and a lot of the plot arcs - and it's fun to watch TLOVM when you've seen campaign one, since you can see how it's a truncated "this is the legend" version while the CR campaign is "now here's what really happened with these dumbasses." But campaign two is the more popular campaign so there's nothing wrong with starting there.
I hope that all this has been helpful! Good luck on your CR/TTRPG show journey!
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source-of-support · 11 months
Wu Tang had it right.
You can laugh yourself into enlightenment. the side effects of what you’re doing is gonna determine how long you’re going to enjoy your enlightenment. - RZA on the track Enlightened Statues on Chamber Music CD
I’ve been living this Wu Tang enlightenment for a little while. The length was long. it’s still going, the flame lit.
I started down a different path. I had to. Some might say an argument that its necessary. to carry the flame wherever it may lead. Mine led me to Nihilism. Ignore what you think about the word and listen a sec. I don’t know what it means either. I just know this story to guide you to where I’m standing so you can see for yourself what I can’t explain, I’ve seen it a long time and hopefully you can see it too and if you follow me this far, a little further ahead is light.
When I was a youngin I was a swimmer. A poor swimmer, bereft of skill or speed. I just plopped in the water and waddled my legs and arms. So I was held back in the guppies, the YMCA’s designation for entry level swimmers. I was at an outdoor pool and saw these two fish that I knew well. The two guppies mascots in person. Now I’ll say this. I wasn’t naive. I knew they weren’t real fish. as most children wouldn’t. I however had the sudden vision that if they weren’t fish what were they? They were in a costume. they ?? people. So I said to my mom as she coaxed me to embrace them, There’s people in there. she said what? I said there’s people in those fish/costumes. (I can’t remember the phrasing at this part.)
We give our children a pretend world to interface with. I take it a step further today and have for a while. The world we live in is a pretend one. that money is valuable. those who break off from the game of pretend are homeless. some god damn game eh? Holden aside, and the hotshots aside, every story is an interface. The game being a game? Who am I talking to? Who are you that I talk with you? Do I have hope that by asking for help with my problems I’ll be saved from this nothing that is a life without games?
Another story. I was in elementary school and my mom gave me 2 dollars for lunch. Lunch was 1.25. I paid for lunch and said to myself. I like my friends. Let’s play a game where I can make them like me and give them a boon as well. I said come over here. I have a few quarters and they’ll be whoever’s who retrieves them. I gathered three or four people and threw my quarters in the air and a guy, Christian, said, you could have just given them to us. I was ashamed at my selfishness. I hadn’t considered they might dislike my game. But slapping hands and exchanging quarters for nothing wasn’t fun for me. It made me quite sad in the moment.
My eleventh grade teacher taught my class a word. it was a d- word. I forget it and am on the lookout for it. It’s an old word. before internet culture erupted into a cesspool of inbred references. The word was for someone who arranges the activities of their friend group. Say they go on a trip and it’s coordinated by this person and the word describes this person’s coordination and leadership.
This is all to say that underneath it all, like a blanket or rug that hasn’t been looked under for a while, the games we play the activities we like, the doers who create the rules for these games to preserve their esteem and officiality amongst such a diverse crowd and population, is a nihilism. A meaninglessness that is fought off by experiencing the nothing and relaxing. not convulsing. not evading it. or drowning it.
I’m aware now that there is a power that resides outside me that is a sort of natural physical and philosophical energy that draws from me and breathes into me curiosity. I used to cop out of relying on this energy. I said, If I had a friend who I could travel the world and relate to them the things I care about and they reciprocated, I’d be happy. Instead of venturing forth in brave ignorance to see what the world was, I relied on the energy of my fellow gamesman. Now I’m getting past the convulsing part. For me it’s caused by an unrelenting loneliness. But I know, from many recent experiences I am capable of holding a conversation. I’m unafraid of people. I’m afraid of the games they play but not the threat of their presence.
And with those stories told and my location being signaled. What say you? what do you see? Feel free not needing to respond. It’d be quite odd for this to be my first response I get from a tumblr post. Not a one person has talked to or dm’d me here. And this is my natural mode of being. To think and to express and be anonymous. To experience my solitude is getting easier. I thank you for your time if you took the time to read through this. I hope you feel okay.
Sources : Wu Tang Chamber Music Enlightened Statues RZA
Eternalized - Youtube . com Nihilism Encounter with Nothingness
And a long story I’ve been trying to get rid of and failing at doing so. The story of a man who cried a river and drowned the whole land. he looked so mad in photographs but I absolutely am him in the flesh.
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