#literally had to resort g.oogling 'characters named with y'
doyouhatetheglasses · 9 months
spell out your url using characters you love from any media. then, tag as many people as there are letters in your url (or however many you'd like!) inspired by the song titles dashboard game.
d - D.eath of the E.ndless DC/Vertigo Comics o - O.stara, American Gods y - Yzma, Emperor's New Groove o - Ogura Jinpatchi, Please Save My Earth u - U.chiha Sasu.ke, Na.ruto h - Hell.o Ki.tty a - A.nakin Skywalker, S.tar Wa.rs t - T.oph Bei.fong, AtL.A e - Enju, Please Save My Earth t - T.odd, Jason, DC h - Harl.ey Q.uinn, DC e - É.owyn, Lot.R g - Gro.gu, The Manda.lorian l - Le.x L.uthor, DC a - Alexiel, Angel Sanctuary s - Steve R.ogers, M.arvel s- Sa.mwise G.amgee, Lot.R e -Emma Fr.ost, M.arvel s - Su.perman, DC [i had to, okay]
tagged by: @invidentius
tagging; if you want to hate your url, feel free to steal it and tag me
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