pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
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20th Century Favourites, Part 1: Hugh Walpole. I’m halfway through the Herries Chronicles, a 200-year family saga set in the Lake District. Very entertaining indeed, with some arresting passages of prose. Another neglected writer from the past…
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
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Button Eyes
“Blind” your subject, so they no longer wish to spy upon you. This spell is a tad bit aggressive, so I am going to label it as a curse. It is based upon the Coraline book/movie.
What You’ll Need~
2 buttons (Black is traditional)
A Needle
Thread (Red or Black)
Write victim’s name on the paper/cloth. Better yet, draw them, or just their face.
Say (or think with intent) “Twitchy witchy little brat, with buttons on each eye, stick a needle through each hole and no longer shall they spy.”
Sew on the buttons. If you drew the person/their face, preferably sew it over their eyes.
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
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Jewelry by Alisa Maskaeva on Etsy
Browse more curated jewelry
So Super Awesome is also on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
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Spirit Away Mix 
(originally from Mrs B’s Guide to Household Witchery) 
4 parts fennel seed
4 parts dil weed 
4 parts rosemary 
2 parts basil 
1 part sea salt
1 part black salt 
Black or white candle 
“Produce a large batch to sprinkle around d the borders of your property or around your home to keep unwanted spirits out. Always burn before moving into a new house. This mix is wonderful to carry with you to graveyards; sprinkle it behind you, across your path, to help ensure you’re not followed home”
Note: I altered this with the addition of black salt and black candle/white candle to drive away negative spirits
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
Lance, softly: Hot damn..
Hunk: What're you looking at buddy?
Lance, snapping his compact shut hurriedly: Nothing.
Hunk: .. You were looking at yourself again weren't you?
Lance, who had been angling the mirror to discreetly check out Keith: YUp. You got me. Vain McClain. Can't keep my eyes off myself.
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
did someone say daddy bc hot dam
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doobles by myself, @vin-robles and @ograndsovereign respectively but I’m sure y’all already knew that
I can’t say this wasn’t fun (albeit frustrating) to ruminate on >:)
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Mr. Permanent Scowl who is first and foremost a giant mutt.
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
dear god
furry novakid walks into a room
howdy ny’all
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
Salt & Witchcraft
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Salt is a go to ingredient that witches seem to use abundantly.
Salt and it’s historical uses
In Germany, Normandy, and Scotland salt was sprinkled around a butter churn to keep witches from souring the butter or hurting the cow whose milk was used to make the butter.
An Irish folk remedy called upon the use of salt as well as the reciting of the lords prayer to get cure ‘faerie-struck’ children. Similar to the way the Bavarian and Ukrainian people used to figure out if a child had been bewitched.
Egyptian Caravans that were preparing to cross the desert would perform a ritual that involved burning salt on hot coals in order to prevent evil spirits nothing the travelers as well as to ensure a safe passage.
Provided protection from witches, witchcraft, demons, and the evil eye.
Salt and it’s uses in Witchcraft
Salt in general is used in ritual purification, magickal protections, and blessings.
Some witches place salt in the four corners of the room before casting.
Used in purification spells.
Used to symbolize earth, one of the elements, on your altar or when you are casting. Sea salt may be used as the element water due to the fact that it came from the sea.  
Used in the Witches Bottle
Can be used as an offering to the Gods.
Some people associate it with wealth, prosperity, and good luck.
Is an ingredient used often and abundantly in Kitchen Magick.
Creates a magickal, protective barrier.
Throw salt to ward off malevolent spirits and energies.
Repels many types of evil.
Absorbs psychic energies.
Place in your bath to cleanse and rid negativity. (Epsom Salt)
Salt and it’s superstitions
If someone spills the salt at dinner, it means a violent family quarrel is on the way.
It’s considered bad luck to lend salt to someone, because that can lead to a feud between the borrower and the lender. A good way to avoid this problem is if you get a cup of salt from someone, pay it back with sugar or molasses instead. Interestingly, in parts of northern England and Scotland it is also seen as bad luck to lend salt, mostly because the person borrowing it can use it as a magical link to curse you.
Salt can also be used to detect the presence of witches: in the Ozarks, it is believed that witches don’t eat much salt, so if someone complains about food being too salty, she might be regarded with suspicion. There is also a tale that bewitched cattle will not touch salt.
If you spill salt you must through it over your shoulder to bring you good luck and to keep evil at bay.
Types of salt and there properties
Himalayan Salt: Is commonly used for protection, especially around the home and against malevolent spirits. Also used to purify and to get rid of any negative energies. Used in spells to release from attachment. It has gentle, but strong grounding and centering energies. Brings prosperity and abundance into a home. Promotes love, happiness, and friendship.
Black Salt: Is used mainly for protection. Absorbs and contains any negativity. Can be used for hexing too. It drives away evil and protects your home and belongings. Use it to create boundaries with your enemies. Wardings, undoings, uncrossings, binding work, journeying to the afterlife, honoring the crone, and many other workings use black salt. Black salt can also be used to return curses and negative energies back to it’s caster. Working with the dark moon.
Sea Salt: Sacred to water deities and used often in Sea Witchcraft.  Make herbal salt scrubs. Used to consecrate. Commonly used to make magick circles. Used for protection as well. Can be used in curses. It is associated with purity, protection, purification, and blessings.
References: Paganwiccan.about.com
What is the most common way you incorporate salt into your craft?
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
Save the bees!
Bee Magick - Save the Bees
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This post is dedicated to the bees, make sure you do your part to save the bees! 
Facts to increase your love for bees:
They have personalities.
They can recognize human faces.
Their honey contains all the substances needed to sustain life.
Eating Honey can make you smarter.
Honeybees can only sting once.
They beat their wings up to 200 times per second.
Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans.
Bees don’t sleep.
All worker bees are female.
Ways to attract bees:
Plant flowers that attract bees.
Build a bee houses.
Place bee waterers and bee baths around your garden.
Do not use pesticides or herbicides of any kind.
Plants that attract bees:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Bee folklore:
It is unlucky to kill bees.
Believed to have the knowledge of the future and all secrets. 
If a bee lands on your hand, it suggests money is on it’s way.
If a bee lands on someones head, they will become successful in life. 
If a bee flies into a home, it means either good luck or a stranger is on their way. If you kill the bee it means the stranger will be bringing bad news.
Seeing a single bee will bring luck.
Bees buzzing around a child’s head foretells a happy, successful life.
Bee mythology:
Ancient Egyptian pharaohs used the bee as their royalty symbol. They believed honey bees were born from the tears of the sun God, Ra. To the Egyptians, bees represented resurrection and protected against evil spirits. 
Druids believed that bees represented the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community.
The Greeks thought that a babies whose lips where touched by a bee would become a great poet or a great speaker. In ancient Greece it was also thought that they symbolized industry, hard work, messengers of the dead, and obedience. Honey was often used as an offering to their Gods. They also believed bees were the surviving souls of the priestesses who served the Goddess Aphrodite. 
They have been seen as a symbol of sacredness and could be associated with the Great Mother or Divine feminine. The Mother can be symbolized as the queen bee. 
In Celtic mythology honey bees had great wisdom and thought to be messengers between worlds. Honey was sacred and used in rituals.
In some cultures they can be associated with purity, health, and wealth. Some also believed bees were a symbol of the human soul.
The druids believed that bees symbolized the sun, the goddess, celebration, and community.
Deities associated with bees and honey:
Melissa (Melisae)
Bees in Magick:
Bees are closely associated with the fae and their presence in gardens which indicates blessings of fae. Encourage the bees, by putting up bee houses, hives, planting bee-friendly plants and waterers and not using pesticides. Thus, encouraging the blessings from the fae, while harming bees can anger them and cause them to seek revenge. 
The symbol of a bee can be used to seal a spell with sweetness for one who appreciates good will and a sting for one who takes it for granted or doesn’t keep his end of the bargain. 
Honey stirred into your tea can ‘sweeten’ your day. 
Honey is used often in magick to sweeten a situation.
Anointing your lips with honey will make your words sound sweeter. 
Bees in your dreams:
May be a good omen.
Bees in your dreams may be telling you to take a look at your social networks. They may be pointing toward a desire for more harmonious and functional relationships, or celebrating the ones you already have.
A visit from a bee in a dream may also be notifying you that a friend or family member needs to speak with you. You will know as this person will also pop into your mind somehow. It means call them or perhaps, that you will hear from them soon.
Dreaming of a beehive usually relates to the home and family or your business and coworkers. A happy, buzzing hive means a happy, buzzing home. It may foretell incoming abundance, and fruitful times ahead. If the bees are swarming around the hive, rather than working in it, proceed with caution. There is a lack of harmony that is interfering with productivity.
A swarm of bees may indicate that you feel that a group of people upon whose cooperation you rely is becoming chaotic and out of control. Perhaps the need to balance your own interactions with your different business and social groups for your own sanity.
Beehives bring to mind abundance and prosperity: bees seem to work hard and are rewarded by flowing stores of honey. An empty beehive, then, represents the opposite: lost opportunity and financial misfortune.
A beehive can also represent a home. The fullness or emptiness of the beehive may indicate unconscious feelings about family life, marriage, children, or the house itself. Honey may represent your property or belongings.
A beehive on fire or burned bees are often interpreted depending on your emotional and physical condition. Burned bees may mean you are overcoming fear and want to take control of life and anger, are you’re progressing through life with more confidence without any fear of obstacles. Burned beehives can also mean you have lost something precious, like money, a relationship, or some valuable information that you’ve forgotten or ignored.
If a bee or a swarm of bees is chasing you in dream, it may mean there is some unsettled business or a memory that haunts you. Make sure you let it go from your mind or deal with it in order to avoid these bees.
If you dream about getting a bee sting then something may be bothering you, or you have a persistent annoyance in your life. Concerns about your relationship, career, finance, or some unknown issue is bugging your subconscious mind. Find out what it is and sort it out.
Magickal uses for Honey:
Can be used in binding spells to symbolically stick things together.
Used for offerings to fae and deities.
Can sweeten a person or a situation.
 Honey is sacred to Aphrodite.
Can be used in spells corresponding to purification, health, love, happiness, spirituality, wisdom, good fortune, fertility, 
Use certain types of honey that corresponded with your spell.
Bathe in warm water and honey to attract love.
A dish filled with honey can attract angels and beneficial spirits.
Do your part to save the bees they are an important part of our life and in our magick practices. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
Sources: witchipedia.com, kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.ca, exemplore.com
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
For when you need an oil for that.
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Yep, there’s an essential oil for that!
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
For all the starter witches. Credit to creator.
a masterpost for baby witches is on its way
Hello, everyone!
I have decided to organise my witchblr for myself and my followers. 
The biggest physical changes in my blog will be seen towards the end of January-beginning of February. 
I am going to organise masterposts with the following chapter titles and content.
“So, you realised you’re a witch?”  - What does it mean to be a witch? - Witchcraft & Wicca: An Understanding - Basic Witch Supplies & Tools: Where To Find Them and At Decent Prices - Your Craft: Your Witch Identity and What It Means
Beginning and Preparation - Cleansing & Banishing - Charging
”How do you pronouce that? Grimoire?” - What is a grimoire? - Your Grimoire: Ideas, Tips, Must-Haves
First: Witch Basics - Gem & Crystals: Their uses and purposes - Planets and Other Things In Space: A Cosmic Guide - Herbs & Plants: Outdoors and in your cupboard
These will be the first few masterposts of this blog. All of them with be coming out starting from the 29th of January and on throughout February. 
I will be posting twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Each post will include links/credit to my sources. 
Each of my own original posts will be tagged #northernforestwitch
Between each of the posts which come out on Wednesdays and Sundays, I will be sharing witchy posts/aesthetics and simple witch tips from other users. 
If any of you ever have any questions the please feel absolutely free to contact me. 
Also, I would love it if you guys let me know what kind of posts you’d like from me and I’ll do my best for you.
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
⋆✩Attract a Friend✩⋆
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 ⋆ Items Needed ⋆
- A small plushie of any kind (suggestively one that can be carried around with no problem) 
- A small amethyst stone/fragment
- Lavender, catnip, and rosemary
- A pink string
- A needle
⋆ Procedure ⋆
1. Find an area that you feel most comfortable and relaxed in. Make sure to bring your supplies with you!
2. Grab the small plushie, and make a small incision in it. Place the amethyst, lavender, catnip, and rosemary within the plushie. 
3. Put the pink string through the needle, and begin to sew the opening shut. With each stitch you make, think about the things you would want to do with your friend (i.e. read together, watch TV).
4. After the opening is closed shut, bring the plushie to your heart and visualize yourself meeting your friend, whether it be in person or through the internet. 
5. Carry it around with you! You can put your small plushie in your bag, your car, etc. 
✩ Kudos! ✩
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
Tarot Tips.
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I made a photoshop of a Tarot Spread inspired by Witches of East End.  There was an original image of this spread, it’s called the Truncated Celtic Cross. It wasn’t pleasing to look at so I remade it myself.
But nonetheless, this spread is what the Witches of East End used frequently and I really wanted to try this spread out!
The Central Issue: The theme of the entire spread, the issue at question.
What Crosses You: It could be a person, or anything that’s crossing you, getting in your way.
What Lies Below: Could be something you’re or the issue is standing on; the foundation.
What Lies Behind (past): The past, what created this issue. Could be a person, an object, or anything.
What Lies Above (possibilities): The possibilities that are above you, look up in the sky and think. Your thoughts, etc.
What Lies Ahead (future): What is ahead of you. Could be a person, an object, or anything. The outcome.
The best way to do this reading is to look at the symbols on your cards, the meanings behind the card, and what it represents to you. Use your intuition!
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pagan-pedia-blog · 8 years
The WiccanPedia
As the description of the entire page suggests, you can find all sorts fo spells reblogged from other Pagan pages. Please note, that when a spell is shared that it won’t be mind. I highly suggest that you follow the person that created the spell. Be sure to give us a follow and hit that notification tabs so you can keep yourself up to date to the many spells that’ll be shared in the future!
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