#literally peaking only after everyone has abandoned the app
violetsystems · 4 years
Because of the Internet, cycles of things don’t really follow the same pattern as the older generation is used to.  They think they know obviously.  Their favorite game is called human capital and we are the pawns, bishops and knights on the chessboard for them to sacrifice.  I’m forced to read a lot of financial opinions as an outsider.  For somebody in the aforementioned camp, Mario Gabelli had at least acknowledged that the Fortnite generation has been slowly growing up.  Apps like Robinhood have opened the market up to steal your hard earned pennies.  And then accounts get hacked, money gets stolen, and the older generation laughs and shakes it’s head.  You stupid kids and your lack of motivation.  If you didn’t spend all your time living your life instead of making us money.  I think he forgets like most boomers do that there’s an entire generation after them that was born and bred on Tron.  I didn’t land into the stock market after playing Call of Duty with my bros to be honest.  I melted down a twenty year pension from a place of employment that ghosted, derezzed and ignored my entire identity.  Other people might have traded online through simulations, harvested their bitcoin at the behest of their electric bill or just have rich parents,  I’m not like other people.  We all have figured this out after how many years of writing these to an invisible tribunal of amazing people.  I often read these other perspectives about the financial industry controlled by pundits, investors, and people who generally talk down to the little person like me.  We are what people refer to as “the retail investor.”  We’re written about like the plague mostly because nobody can really control our strategies or bully us into submission.  Much of the idea of retirement is hinged on investments in America.  Social Security is about to run out at some point.  My generation will probably be the first to see my government stiff the bill and run away.  Corporations and working for them at times can be a whirlwind of interconnected dots.  Money and loss on paper becomes a zero sum shell game for the rich.  It’s not about the work you do.  It’s about the money you spend for them.  Donald Trump took a loss for almost two decades which is incidentally how long I was gainfully employed.  A typical artist in America can take a hobby loss for up to five years.  The same artists with no healthcare to speak of.  The fiscal cliff that we all dread is nowhere reflected in the markets.  Neither is the actual driving force behind their profit.  America is a consumer based economy and America is simultaneously shrinking and bursting at the seams.  These are all stitched together by a frail, aging ideology that doesn’t want to let go.  Generation X’ers like myself are used to being forgotten about.  I travelled the world looking for someone to look at me as more than a number.  And now people follow me around because I’m a name on their company registry.  But nobody really ever speaks to me directly.  I’m a dataset and a demographic that only speaks as a number on paper.  Until I do things that the financial elite can’t stand.  I make a decision that is based on things they don’t value.  I choose to put my money elsewhere.  And this is why people hate us.  Because you can’t speculate on chaos that you do not control.  And America is simply profit off of speculation which is a value amounted to 20.83 trillion dollars in debt.  Which doesn’t sound much like it’s in control of anything except printing money.
I grew up on computers.  My mother helped me start my first bulletin board system.  I had my very first phone line in my bedroom around the time wargames came out.  I used to post the number on boards before I had even set up a system like Telegard.  I would advertise it like a mysterious military site out of a Gibson book.  People would call and the modem would pick up the carrier tone and dump them to a blank monochrome screen.  From there my twelve year old self would punk people into thinking I was an AI.  Years later I found a twenty year career in Information Technology in the Arts which abandoned me in a wholly disturbing way.  My knowledge of computers still stayed and those skills kept me alive in these times.  I grew up playing games because I had no friends and suffered horrible bullying.  I was an only child who was ridiculously intelligent but often quiet and ignored.  Years later it’s not so much different.  The bullying is still out there.  America rewards the loud and the forthcoming mostly because it is too lazy to seek out the nuances.  Convenience has warped America’s attention span beyond the regular flow of time.  Computers and connection over the years have rapidly accelerated the dominance of these ideals.  Jobs exist all over the world these days.  Most of the ones I’ve been interested in have been in China.  But due to the circumstances of my situation, I was forced to take a larger sum of income this year than I would have liked.  Sounds terrible right?  No shortage of people trying to scam me into spending it.  Any further income accrued this year becomes taxed horribly.  Ironically, the Illinois fair tax law changes the game even further as retirement income was not taxed before the amendment.  If passed, any retirement income that was not with held will be owed.  Another round of layoffs to liquidate pensions from the bottom line in cities like ours will definitely affect people worse than me down the road.  I’ve been stumbling through the process alone since the end of July.  A lot of what I had done was to part out and budget money in my own way playing a waiting game that I’ve grown used to in my life.  I am at the peak of stagnancy at the moment.  Staring out at another blank screen typing into the void every week while people lift bits and pieces for their own convenient narrative of me and my value in human capital.  Headhunters no longer stalk the internet.  They follow you around in the street with forced intimidation expecting you to read into what they think you deserve to spend the rest of your life doing.  All the while trying to wrap you up back into an ecosystem for less pay, shrinking benefits, and an economic ecosystem of investments of both human and monetary.  Debtors are paired with debtors.  Marriages are arranged for tax purposes and rich oligarchs with political ties find more ways to pay less.  And yet they never really understand the power of connection they do not have.  They don’t communicate.  They project.  They expect you to believe that we’re all in this together when they never hear a word you say.  The only time they listen is when you take your money away.  I’m single.  Never been married.  An only child.  And pretty much an exile on Wall Street with more liquidity and equity suddenly than most people in America.  And much like everyone paying more taxes to a government that has basically turned into a formulaic limp dick reality show.
A reality show that treats me like the Babadook at best these days.  I can’t even leave my house anymore without somebody following me or watching me.  I realize this might just be the hazards of my next pivot into global employment.   I thought these long forms of prose were enough of a background check for the FBI at this point.  It’s called “transparency and accountability” Scully.  I realize ethics aren’t a valuable skill in America.  But the utter lack of human emotion for my situation speaks volumes to me.  And it should be a wakeup call for most who live and work in this dangerous time.  They really don’t give a fuck about us in such a comedic way that they don’t realize our power.  Our power is confidence and they find ways to undermine it.  Tell you that you aren’t beautiful enough so that you spend more money on things you do not need.  Ignore and isolate you until you breakdown and ask for their help.  Until you treat yourself in bankruptcy so they can print more money.  These times are abusive at best in a way that I have never been prepared for.  But those on top don’t really understand how it feels to be under the thumb for years.  I do.  Corporations aren’t human and neither are most rich people.  I realize that life here is literally all about money.  Last night was a very good example of that when I read the news about a game I played shutting down.  I cried because it was the only thing connecting me to anything social without being overbearing and weird.  And I had invested a sizeable amount of my pension in the thought that this might keep the ecosystem alive.  The lesser of two evils of investing.  Put money where you think it will be used fairly and wisely.  Water the garden and watch it grow.  The amazon stock is literally over three grand per share.  They own everything.  They’ve shattered their profits due to the shift from COVID to delivery.  Small businesses shutter.  Hard artistic work is pissed to the wind.  And people like myself are left to wonder why the fuck Jeff Bezos needs any more money from me to treat me like a fucking lab rat.  These companies do not give a fuck about you as a person.  They want your money.  They want to leverage your image, your words, your narrative to push something that doesn’t benefit you at all.  There is no excuse for me to be invisible after all these years let alone from what happened to me in July.  And yet, there is no real way to get back at it.  Other than to completely divest from something that only hurts.  Capitalism is funny that way.  It desperately wants your participation to stay alive.  A two trillion dollar company like Apple cares only about the cut for their investors not the art that drives these bricks that become obsolete in two years.  The reason the old generation is contentious to us is that we see the scam in broad daylight.  We trolled you behind the scenes.  And when we learn the truth, it hurts.  We can always hurt back.  I divest.  I decouple.  I wonder what motivates me as a human being and not a bottom line for some rich fuck who got their way scamming people into thinking they’re worth less so they could have more.  The internet moves pretty fast.  It can all fall apart in a keystroke.  And these people will still be making excuses and not staring us point blank in the eye.  I’ll still be playing video games and you’ll still be investing in what you think you know about me.  Which last time I checked is jack shit other than the fact that it’s safe enough to plant a nuclear physicist under my apartment for a year without me knowing.  Shall we play a game?  See you at the opening bell Jeff!
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lunarity2013 · 5 years
🥀 ❓☀️ o-o
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(NOTE: THIS IS MY FIFTH TIME TRYING TO POST THIS, PLEASE DEAR GOD LET THIS WORK THIS TIME! At least I had all this stuff copied into a note app to post easier just in case this happened)
Real quick, @taurrigan - THANK YOU for being so patient! Hopefully this one works!
So for reference, my HPHM oc is named Lucy Stone (that’s her in my icon, but I use my actual name in the game bc it’s just easier for me). I’m also going to use my main D&D character, a lesbian half-elf Rogue 8/Bard 1 named Naeris.
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
LUCY — After everything that happens trying to find her brother (Nathan, not Jacob bc I’m so original and decided this literally just now), Lucy feels extremely let down and betrayed by her only brother. She didn’t ever actually think she’d find him in the vaults, really only searching to gain some sort of closure for herself and their muggle parents. Finding him, however, and seeing how consumed he was by this pursuit really just broke her heart. It was like she truly did lose her brother after all. 
NAERIS — Naeris grew up with her human mother, with very little money to support them both, so she’s always felt abandoned by her elven father and his family. After her mother passed away and she was forced to move to the Feywild with him, she was still very resentful of his lack of presence in her childhood. On top of that, when she finally left to return to the material plane, only to find the busted remains of the village she once called home after apparently 60+ years had passed, she had never felt more alone than in that moment. Even now, she still can’t find where her mother was once buried, even the headstone turned to dust.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
LUCY — (a drabble, for you. Also, please check out the ficlet @hogwartsmysterystory wrote for me a while back — it really helped me get inspired to write this!)
As “riveting” as the history of magic should have been, Lucy found that Binns’ monotone droning took much of the “magic”, as it were, out of what should have been her favorite subject in this school. Really, a whole history of magical learning and events, and all they did was read out of a textbook while their transparent professor bored them near to death as he clearly once did to himself many years before.
So it wasn’t any wonder, really, that she often spent this hour gazing dreamily out the window, thoughts drifting from one daydream to the next. Today was one of those days, brown eyes staring vacantly through large-framed glasses and out to the thick raindrops splattering the window outside. And it wouldn’t have surprised her friends to know what she often saw in these sleepless dreams of hers.
Gone were the days of endless worrying of Nathan and his disappearance from her life. He still came up, of course, but now more seemed more the image of a long-dead relative or yet-unsolved mystery than as pressing a concern as he was in her first year at Hogwarts. No, these days, a different face occupied her deepest thoughts and desires, once with the kindest eyes and a smile, one reserved just for her.
She wondered if he was taking her advice to heart, now; his concerns and her suggestions at his learning difficulties may not have saved him from their last test, but they, combined with constant care and practice, may just be his saving grace come finals. And if they managed to inform their professors, and get all their friends to help out, maybe Barnaby could show everyone who had ever doubted him just what he was capable of.
Lucy had always known he was smarter than people gave him credit for. Since she first met him, confused and vaguely threatening in the potions classroom years ago, she knew there was more to the Slytherin than met the eye. And as she watched the skies clear and the sun begin to peak out, she knew that she would do whatever it took to help everyone else know it, too.
NAERIS — (a question, provided by my sister for you) — What’s the dumbest thing your OC has ever done?
The dumbest thing Naeris ever did was, in our old campaign after multi-classing as a bard, she began using prestidigitation to prank her party members, specifically the halfling ranger (Phae) and half-orc barbarian (Oz).
Specifically, this one incident had Naeris hiding under Oz’s bed in an inn, and making loud sounds outside the door with the cantrip. This caused Oz to storm out into the Hall to figure out wtf happened, and with one failed stealth save, he found her and broke open a window to toss her out into the snow, 2 stories down. She was fine, but I couldn’t breath, and my best friend’s character (tiefling warlock Nerium, Naeris’ girlfriend) almost dumped her ass for her stupidity.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
LUCY — The happiest Lucy has been in a while was at the Celestial Ball. No responsibilities, no cursed vaults, and no losing house points. Just her friends and getting to go on her first (unofficial) date with Barnaby — they both were so bad pining after each other after it that even Charlie was almost willing to swear off dragons if it got them to just shut up and kiss already… Almost…
Beyond that, she loves to read in the quiet of the Hufflepuff common room (her favorite spot at Hogwarts — if she could bake, it would be the kitchens, which is currently favorite spot number 2). She still remembers some of the music and dance lessons she took as a child, but almost never uses them outside of the ball and frog choir. She’d like to play quidditch, but feels she already has too much on her plate, and is content to cheer on her friends when they play (especially Barnaby, who makes one hell of a beater lol).
NAERIS — Naeris feels most at home in the comfort of her own room, in the place her party has built in Phandalin. She hasn’t had a place to really call her own since her mother died, and even then she shared one room with her mom, so having a room just for her plus extra space for poison-making, archery practice, and learning new spells and instruments is a real luxury to her.
As for favorite people, she’s still getting used to Phae and Oz. She likes them, and trusts them, but their combined antics are a force to be reckoned with, and she often has to play tough parent-fun parent with Nerium to get them to keep from drinking too much or running headfirst into the fray. But sometimes she gets to be a bit of a good herself, just like she always tried to cheer her mother up when she was I’ll, and seeing her newfound family smile (even at her own expense) was always worth it.
Plus, Nerium is a gorgeous tiefling babe with scary Raven Queen magic who not only willingly puts up with her less-than-ideal quirks, but chooses to love her in return. That’s always hella dope.
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed! If anyone has any more questions, or would just like to know more about my OCs/D&D characters, feel free to send me an ask in my box! I’m happy to answer your questions! 😊
(If y'all want a list of all my OCs and what fandoms, let me know, and I’ll post one for y'all)
(EDIT: fixed an inconsistency with Lucy's skills, as surprise! She actually can't bake worth a shit, and is only marginally better at actual cooking, so she just sneaks into the kitchens for snacks).
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/month-ahead-october-2019-sun-sign-horoscopes/
By Rose Marcus
October 13: Full Moon in Aries: 2:08 pm (20:14 Aries)
October 27: New Moon in Scorpio: 8:38 pm (4:25 Scorpio)
October 2: Pluto ends retrograde: 11:37 pm
October 3: Mercury enters Scorpio: 1:15 am
October 3: Mars enters Libra: 9:22 pm
October 8: Venus enters Scorpio: 10:06 am
October 23: Sun enters Scorpio: 10:20 am
October 31: Mercury stations retrograde: 8:42 am (27:38 Scorpio)
**Please note, all times listed are PDT, please check your local listing.
Dates to Watch: October 1 – 8, 12 – 15, 27, 28, 30, 31
October Overview:
Have you felt stalled, stuck, or stymied over the past few months? That is about to change. Saturn in Capricorn has recently ended retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn will do the same just before midnight (PDT) on October 2. Time and reality’s dictates hit the forward march, now heeding a more specific drumbeat. Both transits are hard at work on the completion of lengthy chapter while also actively in script development for the next storyline.
We have also been under the influence of Jupiter’s square to Neptune, a transit that has been in effect since the start of the year. Jupiter/Neptune has kept the potential and the uncertainty well afloat. Having surpassed their peak as of last month (see paragraph below) the duo will progressively disengage as the month advances. As this happens, what is already in existence but that has escaped full view will make its presence better known. Once the writing on the wall becomes clearer, Jupiter in Sagittarius, a future bound archetype, aims to take the ball and run with it.
The last Jupiter/Neptune peak (September 21) has launched the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump. (For those astrologically versed, transiting Jupiter is exactly on Trump’s south node and opposing his Uranus.) Undermining his campaign for re-election on October 21, Jupiter/Neptune has also unearthed old photographs of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in blackface costume.
British supreme court has ruled that Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament was illegal (misleading the Queen is almost a literal interpretation for Jupiter/Neptune). At the time of this writing, parliament is back in session and requesting Johnson’s resignation.
Ceres, travelling in Sagittarius for most of this year, catches up to Jupiter on Oct 25. This conjunction completes the information gathering mandate started in 2012. Marking the start of a new hunting season, Ceres/Jupiter have a target already lined up – to true our aim regarding what is in our highest and best interests, to realign our beliefs in order to maximize our creative potential, and to get us better up to speed with what lies on the road ahead. Supporting the Saturn and Pluto agenda, Ceres/Jupiter moves us further along a completion and a seeding track of significance.
To a large extent, what’s in motion and what is meant to bridge us into the next phase of the journey is already well under way. That is not to say that life or the future is fated, but that it is becoming more transparent, that progressively we are getting better clued in. (Setting bigger wheels in motion, the Ceres/Jupiter transit on October 25 makes a direct impact to Trump’s chart, shooting directly at his moon (conjunct), opposite his sun.The transit is likely put Trump on the run or into flight in some increased way.)
All three personal planets change sign this month. On October 3, just a few hours after Pluto ends retrograde, Mercury enters Scorpio.Mars enters Libra at the end of the same day. Through the middle of November, Mars revs up personal, social, and financial relationships, trends, politics and contracts (karmic, actual). What’s motivating or compelling you, them or it? What’s lurking in the recesses of desire, need, and compulsion?Venus in Scorpio on October 8 takes it deeper, makes it more emotional, more impactful, and perhaps more urgent. Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Libra in mutual reception (in each other’s signs) are enriched by each other’s resources.
Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio, and Mars in Libra have slated this next month or so for a powerplay, for the undertaking of important and critical karmic work. The full moon in Aries on October 13 (square Pluto) and the new moon in Scorpio on October 27 (opposite Uranus) loan themselves out for exactly this purpose. (Remember that you will only feel the impact of these transits on a personal note if they are making direct contact to your chart. Otherwise, you’ll simply bare witness or be indirectly affected).
The full moon in Aries on October 13 (Thanksgiving weekend in Canada) is in dynamic tension to Pluto. Noting favour from Jupiter (trine the sun, sextile the full moon) it could be the start of getting things moving in a better direction. It can make for a good weekend for a getaway. Let yourself off the hook or cut yourself extra slack.
The new moon in Scorpio on October 27 could have quite a kick to it. It could even feel somewhat like a full moon, thanks to the involvement of Uranus by opposition and Mars/Saturn square. Watch for the brakes to come off or for a hot button to be pushed. This new moon could trigger difficult breakup, see a difficult (but necessary and timely) corner turned, or provoke something political. A weather extreme is within possibility too. Uranus is always good for some degree of intensity, stress, or shock value. On the other hand, Uranus can trigger an exceptional opportunity, especially for the brave of heart and the astute visionary.
Mercury in Scorpio begins retrograde motion on October 31. Stay on watch for preliminary hints and clues. Don’t take things for granted, don’t discount or glaze over it, you could miss out something important. At the same time, don’t let fear or obsession get the better of you! The retrograde agenda will start to set up as early as October 10/11 when Mercury begins what is known as the shadow phase. Mercury ends retrograde at the same degree (11 Scorpio) on November 21. The retrograde can dial up issues of trust and abandonment, sex, drugs, addictions, and self-sabotage. To the plus, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio can help you to get more committed to an empowerment initiative, whether that has to do with inner work, health, finances or relationship situation.
At the time of this writing, Brexit is scheduled to take place on October 31 at 23:00 hours GMT, approximately 5 hours after Mercury begins retrograde. It’s not the best time to be starting anything! Will it get pushed back again or will the deal fall apart? Noting the upcoming eclipses (Dec 26, Jan 10), it is likely Brexit will get a time extension (to the end of January) and leave with a contract in place.
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