#literally recreated a scene from one of my wars fics in mc the other day
wayfayrr · 1 month
Hello! I was rereading your self aware series and I got to Wild’s and was like “Wait a minute… I know the boys don’t hold anything against reader for playing their games a lot but… what if reader was just a really bad gamer?” So like, I’m terrible at video games. But I love to play them! So I was wondering if the self aware boys could really not hold anything against reader if reader was just exceptionally bad at their game and caused them lots of pain? For example, I killed Link (ACCIDENTALLY) about 8 times last night during a single shrine… and that’s just my average gaming experience. I was just curious if the boys ever get mad or something after falling off a bridge for the gazillionth time whenever bad gamer reader grabs the controller. Is it like a love hate relationship? Like they go “Yes! My love has graced me with their presence!” *The realization hits.* “Oh no… not again.”
literally got this ask while watching @peepthatbish play skyward sword badly /lh/hj (love ya peep, even if you are stressful to watch play and we even talked about this exact thing a couple times!)
There really isn't much that they could hold against you, because when they've fallen for you, they're more than a bit delusional. Anyway you play the game in their minds is just you spending time with them. with that said though I honestly think they'd also blame themselves for getting hurt, are their controls that hard? what are they doing wrong? can they make it any easier for you? Sure they got hurt but you healed them!!!! they're so delusional that even just hurting them for fun can be rationalised in their minds (not that you would right? right???)
but I said not much right? well something they would hate you (or more themselves) for though? Rage quitting. They would rather you sitting there laughing, repeatedly intentionally killing them over you leaving the game like that. Because then you aren't with them, they're back in control of their own body because their game was too hard for you to play. it's their fault you abandoned them. They don't care how you spend time on their game just that you do and they respect that you can't play 24/7, they understand that! but quitting because it's too hard destroys them.
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