#literally scum of the earth. worst woman on the internet
lobotomizedlady · 7 months
I wouldn't normally wish violence on another woman but I truly do hope that pearl gets mauled beyond recognition by a chimp on pcp
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Like the thing with this particular section of radblr is like "well i said we're in favour of race realism but i didn't know what it meant!!!" (google is free) and then you have a nazi blog like a literal nazi talk about trans people (about a trans woman's LITERAL DEATH in this case) using slurs and the very same derrogatory disgusting language (ehem i mean ~scientific~ and ~factual~) you use, and that doesn't raise any red flags for you? You just merrily reblog? What's it gonna be? Are you gonna make a stupid excuse again?
Like the way I see it, there's 3 reasons for why a so called "radfem" (which you are not if you reblog from nazis let's make that very clear) would reblog that post.
a) she's fucking dumb and just thought the post came from a radfem also, didn't even check the url
b) she knew exactly who the post came from and didn't give a fuck because either spreading hatred about trans people is more important than not endorsing nazis, or she just straight up agrees with nazis
c) she knew where the post came from and didn't agree with the poster, nor did she consciously believe she was spreading hate BUT because of her internet radblr echo chamber her empathy has rotted away so much that seeing slurs and glee at the death of a person due to horrible medical malpractice does not register in her head as something shameful and horrifying that only the worst scum of the earth would say, but in fact, as logical statement.
All of these options are bad btw I know you're all fucking stupid but they are bad and so are you.
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spelviin · 5 years
endgame thoughts, not because i think i have anything valuable to say abt it, more just bc i want to get my initial unsullied opinions out before various overly nitpicky or overly praisy internet thinkpieces come around
okay so. first of all, i’m tired to death of the way folks talk about the mcu. like, it’s either a godly feat of everything and the most important thing ever or the literal devil incarnate and the source of all evil in this world. i am literally so fucking bored of both these perspectives and have zero time for either of them. 
yes, the mcu is emblematic of a lot of problems in the current state of the film medium as a whole. yes, it is also a really cool feat of storytelling that a whole bunch of movies spanning a whole bunch of years could all come together and culminate in a big huge blowout finale. yes, it could have been far better, but yes, it also could have been far worse. 
i wasn’t a fan of thor being a punchline in this film. like, the whole “lol thor fat” thing was like, really tired and not cool. and the fact that his genuine moments of expressing grief and the significant trauma he’s been through were played off for laughs more often than not bc “lol thor supposed to be big many man but he’s crying like a wimpyboy instread.” like, fucking please. it’s 2019 and other male characters were allowed to be shown crying and processing their trauma but thor’s??? not allowed for some reason??? anyway they did him dirty in this movie and i’m not super pleased abt that. 
i didn’t like that they fridged natasha. i’m not a fan of scarjo so much these days, but i did like natasha. 2012 me adored her and was 100000% behind her as the Only Woman (despite being miffed that she was the Only Woman) and i really liked her character and redemption arc through the films that she appeared in. and like, i get the justification for fridging her. like i get that she was this assassin who killed a bunch of folks and in the end, not only wiped out the red in her ledger, but saved the whole damn universe in doing so. i get that. i’m just annoyed that they literally went and fridged the Only Woman to give the boys manpain before the third act. 
speaking of the ladies.... the One Scene Where Women Get To Do Things. my god. the critical feminist part of my mind greatly resented the obvious lip service of that scene, and the fact that the ladies only got the one shining moment before we got back to the sausage fest. but lord, the lesbian part of my mind hella enjoyed it. like i was legit bouncing in my seat like YESSSS FUCK EM UP LADIES i was just completely stoked. 
and my god. MY GOD CAN WE TALK ABOUT CAROL’S HAIRCUT AKA A GIFT TO THE LESBIANS. THIS MOVIE HAS MANY SINS BUT WE CAN ALL THANK IT FOR THAT HAIRCUT. (and again, feminist me is like, hey, dont focus on her appearance, focus on the important shit she did in singlehandedly turning the battle around for everyone, but lesbian lizard brain is hhhhhhhhhhhhh girl hot)
anyways. 2012 me was a month out of a major jaw surgery when i saw the first avengers, puffy faced, on heavy painkillers, and unable to eat any solid foods, and just generally weak and miserable. i dragged myself to the theatre and i smiled the whole way through that movie bc even though i was feeling super shitty, that 360 shot of the team made me so excited and happy. so happy that i watched and rewatched a bootleg download over what was probably the worst summer of my life, and it made me happy and gave me hope, dumb as that may sound. 
i havent watched the first avengers movie in a long time, and i’m not sure if i’d feel the same way seeing it now. remembering how it felt then still makes me happy, but seeing that same 360 shot repeated in endgame didnt stoke much emotion. tumblr fandom took a lot of my avengers joy away. the drama and character hate and constant complaining and cringe culture bullshit exhausted me. and the recent turns of the mcu also contributed to that. a lot of things contributed to it, i guess. but i dont feel as happy as i once did. so a lot of this movie rang a little bit hollow, needless to say. 
that being said, though, i did feel a little flicker of that joy. for all the movie’s and the franchise’s faults, of which there are many, i can say that the moment where all those portals opened up and the revived characters stepped though, i felt that happiness again. i legit almost cried when i saw shuri’s silhouette step out of that circle. that moment when the score came in with that booming version of the avengers theme, i was 2012 me again, just for a moment, and i think that’s worth something. to me, that’s worth something. so for all its sins, i thank the movie for that. 
this is rly rambly and im tired so im just gonna say 2 more things. things i’m not personally super invested in, but other people are, and so i feel i need to have an opinion on em.
first is bucky. i fucking adore him, and i am kinda miffed that he got like, no interactions with steve. i know steve/peggy is the canon ship, i knew it was always endgame (heh) and that stucky is just a fandom thing. but god damn it, even if they were never gonna have their relationship go there (which tbh i literally never even came close to expecting to happen) it still feels a little bit unfair to have steve basically ignore probably the most important person in his life. like, i know he wanted to live his happy straight life with peggy, and passing on the shield and identity of captain america to sam is super important, and i loved that moment and would never begrudge him that bc i adore sam. i was just... really sad that bucky had to get kinda shafted for that. (literally all i was saying in the last half hour was “but where’s bucky? but what about bucky?” our boy deserved better. 
second is tony. tony tony tony. i know folks have a lot of strong feelings about him, both ways. i know of folks who think he’s the scum of the earth for some dumb reason, and i personally know others who think the entire mcu should revolve around him, for equally dumb reasons. i’m more neutral. i think he’s a good character who made questionable decisions in the past. i feel for him and his struggles with PTSD. i respect him as a character in-universe and also for what he and RDJ accomplished. like, if he hadn’t hit it out of the park with that first movie like a fucking decade ago, none of this would have been possible, and i think that’s pretty damn cool, regardless of feelings on the monster juggernaut the mcu has turned into. basically, i know some folks are maliciously rejoicing at his death while complaining that he got a hero’s send-off when he is a Bad And Not Morally Pure Man, which is. boring. and other people (namely one who i know personally in my family) who are mad because he is an Angel and deserved the Best Happy Ending Because No Bad Things Are Allowed To Happen To This Perfect Boy. i’m not here for either opinion. i’m okay that he died (peter crying over him did get to me in a huge way, but i think tom holland just has a power that if he’s crying, i’m crying so idk). i think it’s cool that he got to save everyone and got a heroic and well deserved send off. this isnt a revolutionary opinion i just wanted to throw it out there bc im bored with the polarization. 
and... yeah? i think that’s it? sorry, im really tired and this probs doesn’t make sense but i just felt like i had to get the initial reactions and feelings down before the thinkpieces get to me lmao. 
oh, also nebula deserved better 2kforever i just love her a lot and want her to be happy and not suffer, kthxbye 
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aquaticsapphic · 7 years
I mean, all that haven't been answered already. You don't really have to do them all if you don't want to
(1) For that questions thing, if you do all of them, I’ll do all of them
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
not too important
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
worth……. what? the time? I mean, if both people make each other happy then hell yeah
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
I’m……. not in a relationship……
6. Are you single this year?
yeah I”m not in a relationship but I’m not single either. you know how it is. /s
7. Can you commit to one person?
I feel like I could. I don’t have much experience w long-term relationships tbh
9. Describe your perfect mate
-likes me
-is nice
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah, but I believe in lust at first sight
11. Do you ever want to get married?
it sounds cool. it’s hard to imagine bc I’m pretty young still. I really just want to wear a wedding dress and shove cake in my face while my close friends and family watch tbh
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
hell no. once someone betrays me, they go on my Shit List. and then I never forget them and constantly wish them the worst of luck
15. Do you have any piercings?
16. Do you have any tattoos?
20. Do you shower every day?
bitch I don’t even sleep every day
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I mean, I’m sitting in the same room as my roommates and talking on the group chat so I sure damn hope so?
if it means romantically, then no
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
oh god I hope not. unless I somehow become a lady-killer overnight, and learn about what relationships are actually supposed to be like.
but ultimately I want to make sure I know what I’m doing with my life too? like I know some of my friends want to move after graduation and others want to stay and like…. what if I want to move and my gf doesn’t? what if my gf wants to move and I don’t? there’s a lot of things I’m not sure about in regards to my future so I feel like sharing that would give both of us a lot of stress
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
uhh….. I don’t think so?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
I can’t say for 100% certainty that I have…… but it sure damn seemed like it
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
no, I’m not a shitty person. like I admit I’m not a good person, but I’d never do that to someone. it’s just…… so shitty
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
yeah. idk if it really counts as plastic surgery per se, but one of the things I’ve considered is getting laser hair removal because I’m super lazy and I hate shaving but I like the aesthetic of shaved legs
but then I found out that laser removal isn’t permanent and is expensive and I quickly decided against it but it was definitely an idea
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
I’m a lesbian. It practically comes with the title
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
no, but at the beginning of the friendship with my ex my parents didn’t like her at all
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
not really
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
hahahaha…. yeah
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
bitch u bet ur ass I have
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
48 hours give or take a few seconds
43. How long was your longest relationship?
one week lmao
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012?
I think I was still in middle school? everybody knows you don’t overcome cooties until you’re in high school
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
if we’re dating? “bye bitch”if it’s just a crush? “cool, go get ‘em tiger” (and then depending on how close I am to them, I might be sad a while)
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
I love how she just…………. doesn’t exist
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
FUCK NO. I’d probably punch her in the face tbqh
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
maybe? hmm probably not.
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
I give up on crushes all the time. I feel like that’s just part of crushes in general.
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
all h//eterophobes
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
see aforementioned Shit List
55. Share a relationship story.
uh after my ex and I broke up we went to a froyo shop down the street from my school and it was really awkward bc we were trying to be friends still after a rough breakup and then one of the employees came by and was like “hey can I take your picture and post it to our facebook?” bc they wanted us as models or something I guess? and we kinda just look at each other and go “……no”
57. Things you want to say to an ex
a. fuck you
b. I hope he treated you as bad as you treated me
c. you’re literally the scum of the earth
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
a. cuddles
b. going out of the way to do something nice for me
c. gifts of any kind, especially hand-made stuff
d. remembering little details about me
e. attention
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
ok I’ll do that after I post thisI know I have something conrad tagged me in about pics of myself so I’ll do those together
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
I think it’s just been a 1 year gap
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
their sense of style
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
love me with all of their heart 👌😩
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
well, when two people love each other very much……..
64. What is your definition of cheating?
damn, even just thinking of another person romantically
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
connect 4
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
does d&d count?
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
a n y t h i n g
as long as I can spend time w my date I’m happy
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off?
anything phallic
70. What turns you on?
a lightswitch
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
die for me 😍
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
I luv…… hair….. it’s always so good-looking 👌
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
alison always makes me super nice handmade gifts and it’s so nice
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I legitimately can’t think of anything, sorry
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
there’s definitely an acceptable range. and it varies, especially as one gets older (like 20-25 seems weird, but 40-45 doesn’t seem too bad)
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I used to lay on the ground all the time at my high school. the floor is pretty dirty tbh.
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
senior year of high school.
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
never. (unless like friend/family love, which would be today, ~2 hours ago?)
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Teresa Palmer, Cara Delevingne, Diane Guerrero, Yael Grobglas, Grace Victoria Cox
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my roommate probably
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
……you know, this whole time I never really understood the question, but now that it’s 4am I get it. yeah. in fact, that’s probably one of the only ways I can find girls to date.
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p5 finally ends its first arc after like five million episodes and it's as weird, disappointing and disturbing as I could ever dream it to be. so they mindbroke the le evil bad guy, and after spending a few days presumably locked up in his house freaking the fuck out because he'd just been mindbroken he shows up at the school and blurts out a confession. Then he tries to "run" because he's completely just freaking the fuck out, and our main girl reeeees at him to not run from his crimes how dare he!! ... except that's exactly what he was just doing, not running, and instead dragging himself in terror to the school to call himself a horrible person in front of everybody because some unknown mind event scrambled his brain and made him like this against his will. And after all that you still feel the need to scream at him for acting like an actual human and being terrified by the actions and thoughts forced on him by an outside entity, even though he came this far on his own. I mean what's it even gonna matter if he runs anyway, everyone heard him confess, the police can easily still catch him- nope, beat him down even more for not acting like a perfect little punish-ee, make him call himself even more terrible, because we said so. I- I don't know.
Probably doesn't help that he was such a cartoony villain I can hardly bring myself to believe he's a human being who actually deserves a punishment for his actions. It's like someone created a strawman as an excuse to have some mental torture fantasy and feel righteous about it. It's the kind of villain you have around to get instantaneously brutally murdered, a death/punishment as equally ridiculous and shallow as the events that made him deserving of it. You can't just have some cardboard-y villain suddenly deserving a three-dimensional, thought out into every little corner of his mind meat-space punishment. Or rather, it's like I can barely believe this sort of ridiculous charicature of a person could exist and take these actions in the way this character did, so his punishment by mental torture and forced guilt ends up feeling paradoxically undeserved due to how "real" it is by comparison. It's just somehow unsettling. Also he's entirely repentant while he's freaking out. It's not like he's like "a ha, I can get away with the crimes I was just forced to acknowledge and confess to if I run now!", was he? I don't now, maybe my brain was melting too much after watching this shit and I missed him return to being a cardboard evil villain for a femtosecond there that totally justified this shit. fuck idk
Oh, and it doesn't get any better after that. For one we have the slurge of "look guys, game mechanics!" moments. First main guy meets the world's least interesting fairy, who looks exactly like any of the other generic fairy monters they've fought in the dungeon already but this one randomly decides it'z a perzona and it lives in main guy's head now. Okay, you expect this to be useful later, right? Nope, before the fairy ever sees a second of use it gets thrown into the succpot along with the super-cool, imposing and iconic-looking Arsene and turned into this useless, pointless little Pot of Greed-looking motherfucker. Which we're then visually informed is totally more powerful than any cool-looking monters we might have actually wanted to see on screen. Okay. It's a completely pointless and underwhelming piece of script but there's totally gonna be people defending it because le "it's in thu game!!!!". Blah.
Then they get the crown, and it... turns into a medal. Because the game had a very thoughtful table of items in it that had no connection to reality- probbly something like, there's a generic but impressive item used to portray treasure, but once you pick it up it has a specific but arbitrary name or description depending on whose it is, without any real connection between the two- and the anime just had to show off all that generic haaaaard work without actually putting in the work to make it actually make any sense. This brings up its own little logical conundrum until the anime uses another logical conundrum to shit itself and cover up the first one. The medal, the cat says, is something as important to evilteach as a crown to a king, or some shit, as though it's an important item to him- given what it is, it's something like a first-place prize he's very proud of winning. Something that was a wonderful memory, maybe something that inspired him on the path to becoming a teacher, before it all became corrupted by greed and ambition. Yeah, that'll really help him, to physically steal the one thing most precious to him that might be his last decent memory and sell it for cash like it's trash- oh wait, never mind, the cat said it's just a mindclone or something. W- what? Yeah, now they just... sold a counterfeit medal to a pawn shop for dough, that's all. Much better. The pacing of this is astoundingly fucked, too. First we're told the crown turned into the medal after the palace collapsed, then we're shown a flashback of that happening that adds absolutely nothing to what we were just told. Then, we're told the medal is some important thing as valuable as a crown so that's why the crown, which represented the thing at the center of the teacher's mind, represented the medal. Except then, after they sold the medal for god damn money, we're told the medal... also just represented the thing that the thing represented... ???? What a confused fucking metaphor. They keep saying one thing and giving it just enough time to sink in before saying it's something else. All that because the game allows you to sell the treasure as arbitrary vendor trash.
Oh yeah, and the kids went to a pawnshop and bought a fucking gun before this, because fuck you. Or rather, because the game has to have these sorts of useless extra attacks- weak early-game moves and support moves that probably use less mana or whatever, because using the impressive persona powermoves all the time while dungeon-grinding would devalue them and make them less impressive. But that's not the case in an anime. The time spent battling is cut down significantly and looks much better if you use it to focus on the reason the franchise exists, the Personas, rather than wasting any of it on ridiculous battle toys. There's a reason that the only part of this part of the battle system that survived in the P4 anime was Yusuke or whoever showing up with katanas and being made a joke of, because these things can go unscrutinized in game mechanics where it's an arbitrary sprite and name attached to whatever but is ridiculous and pointless outside of it. It's like in megucas where Sayaka brought a baseball bat to a witch barrier and Mami basically humored her by putting a shield magic thing on it, so Sayaka swung it around pointlessly while the shield that came out of it was the only thing really doing anything.
And then it adds another layer of stupid- the kids decide to look up a bit-time villain in the collectiveness consciousness palace, fine enough. There's already a fansite full of people begging the phantom thieves to fix problems for them, because uuuuuhhhhhhhhSo they start looking at crimes, read one that sounds not particularly like one they have reason to not respond to, decide to skip it, move on to the next one and OH WHOA WOW IT'S A SOMEONE BEING STALKERED BY THEIR EX! It's a MAN committing MAN-CRIME against WOMAN-VICTIM! Wow we'd better get on this one right now guys. So they go to the collective sewer-subway of the mind, encounter him; he strawmans himself out as le evil man who literally views his ex as property because any human being ever actually thinks like that; they take him out in one shot and he doesn't fight back at all but they try to make it look like it's totally impressive anyway, and he ends it by seeing the light and calling himself an evil man-crimer who should will respekt whammen from now on like it's a fucking Natty comic. What And then the group and the cat decide they'll only ever go after real big-time evil people, which is what they came all the way down here exactly not to do. Why
And thennn they look up Akechi's kawaii instagram feed on the internet because reasons, insult his detective ability for no reason, decide his interest in the Phantoms is totally not because he's detective and that's what he does and call him a stalker instead. Remember, like that stalker just before this that we decided was the worst possible most evil scum of the earth and we need to go take him out now? Except now nobody really cares, because... I don't know, because the target is vague and unspecified, and vaguely implied to be primarily the main guy because he's the leader and he's the one looking at Akechi's snapchats at that moment I guess, and that's not nearly as somethingorotherly as when the victim is definitely and exclusively le femlae. Except theennnnn the girl character says she feeeeels like she's been being stalked, and now we're supposed to care. Because feels. And it's clearly not even because we're supposed to have suspected before this point that someone was actually stalking her, because the "stalker" shows up like one minute later and it's some guy we've never seen before. ok. Why is every little thing just... like this?
And now this next episode starts off by turbo-frontloading exposition about how awfully terrible the next main villain is, and my brain can't take any more of this right now I'm done. bye
... Wait, if the next super-evil-palace guy is the guy who "stole" the stalker's girlfriend, doesn't that potentially... exonerate him? Like, he's keeping people in a dungeon somewhere making art for him, if your girlfriend got caught in that you'd probably be pretty frustrated and go try to figure out what happened to her, right? The request did say "Madarame", didn't it? Wait, if the girl is chained up in the art basement who posted the request? If it was her why the heck was she just whining about her ex and not about Madarame? What the FUCK is happening???
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