#little brother!fang fogarty
dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Miscellaneous Master List
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All 18+ content will be moved/posted to my 18+ blog @dizzy-after-dark — if you’re a legal adult feel free to check that out!
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Rafe Cameron
Rafe Cameron Playlist
The Bet
Dating Rafe and Being Best Friends with Kelce and Topper [Headcanon]
Topper Thornton
Topper Thornton Playlist
Kelce Smith
Kelce Smith Playlist
The Kook Boys
The Kook Boys Playlist
Random Headcanons #1
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Leo Valdez
The Daughter of Aphrodite
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Draco Malfoy
Daddy Issues
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Sweet Pea
A Cold Night For a Stroll
You’re in My Blood
Cutie Pie
Treat You Better
A Northside, Southside Romance
Y/n cuddling with Sweet Pea and her older brothers barge in [Headcanon]
Sweet Pea dating a girl whose family is the head of the Russian Mafia [Headcanon]
Being Sweet Pea’s little sister [Headcanon]
Sweet Pea dating Fang’s little sister [Headcanon]
Fangs Fogarty
Secret Santa [Headcannon]
Fangs dating Tall Boy’s daughter [Headcanon]
Reggie Mantle
The Friday Night Fight
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popcrone818 · 4 years
Spitfire Sweet Pea x Reader
Okay officially a new story, but don’t worry I am still working on some of my unfinished park as well. So if you follow me don’t be discouraged sweet pea kind of just jumped at me
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I followed Archie as he went to warn jughead about the dangers of becoming a serpent, I had to make sure my brother didn’t ruin any chance of keeping his friendship with him, it was my civil duty as younger sister. Jughead was leaving the trailer as we rounded the corner.
“Archie, Aurora,” Jughead started down the steps looking around frantically.
“We gotta talk Jug,” Archie started.
“Uh nows really not a good time, okay, you need to leave, okay, both of you.” Jughead put his hands on Archie’s shoulder but looked over at me, seeming to just remember that I was standing there too.
“What the hell is going on!” Archie tried to get jughead to talk to him.
“Serious man, take your sister and just go.” Jughead started to try to push Archie way.
“What the hell do we have here?” A strong deep voice that didn’t belong to Archie nor jughead growled from behind us. I whipped my head around to find a rather tall fierce looking serpent with what appeared to be the aftermath of a black eye slowly fading away from his left eye socket, making his way up to us. He was flanked by a few other younger serpents I had seen around. Fangs Fogarty being one of them, he and I had spoken on the occasion and he was one of the few that were nice to me.
“They’re just leaving alright.” Jughead said as he walked over to the tall serpent.
“You’re friends with these thugs?” Archie exclaimed from behind me. My head whipped in his direction ripping my eyes away from the serpents and their leather clad shoulders. Was he being serious.
“It’s not what you think,” Jughead stood slightly in front of the serpents as Archie walked up to him.
“Are you joining the serpents?” Archie questioned incredulously.
“If he survives.” Tall dark and stormy said dangerously. His voice was deeper than I originally thought.
I could see his serpent tattoo on his neck as he looked over at Jughead. “And go ahead and call us thugs one more time.” He started to make his way to Archie and I, a hard look written on his face, he clearly wanted a fight and if I didn’t get Archie out of here soon he surely would get what he wanted.
“Jughead! These are the guys that attacked me.” Jughead placed a hand on the tall serpents shoulder and pushed him back keeping him at arms length away from Archie and I. “And Reggie and Veronica and Dilton, your friends,” Jughead scowled at Archie, I was going to have my hands full with these boys if they didn’t stop soon.
“Is that why you’re here? To warn me?”
“No, I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty and Rory, she doesn’t want to see you anymore, and I don’t want to see you hanging around my place for my sister.” I could see the anger rolling off Jughead in waves. I noticed the tall serpent look over to Fangs and roll his eyes.
“Screw you I just saw Betty yesterday she,” a look of complete horror crossed his face “she was fine.”
“No dude, she’s been wanting to break up with you for weeks, she’s been agonising over it, since you crossed to the dark side, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.” Archie returned a look of remorse on his face.
“What so she sent you, Betty would never do that!”
“If you don’t believe me then call her, and feel free to tell her you’re a serpent now too I’ll bet she’ll love that, she saw where you were headed Jughead, okay we all did, and she knows you can’t be with them and with her and come on man you know it too.” I watched as Archie’s words started to sink in for Jughead, his bottom lip started to wobble slightly and tears gathered in his eyes. Suddenly his face changed.
“Tell Betty I got the message,” a hard look was plastered on is face.
“Yeah, come on Aurora, we’re leaving.” And he started to walk away from his best friend.
“I’m sorry Archie but I’m staying, I’ll see you at home.” He shrugged and walked off.
“Rory, just go home, you don’t need to see this.” Jug came closer to me and spoke softly.
“Listen to him Northsider, you don’t need to be here.” The tall serpent called out to me.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up, I’m going to be here for my friend whether you like it or not!” I turned my gaze to him, he looked shocked for a spilt second before his eyes darkened once again. Jughead turned to the rest of the serpents.
“What! Did you enjoy the show?”
“Show hasn’t even started yet.” Tall, dark and stormy crossed his arms over his chest before chuckling towards Fangs. Soon enough the serpents had made a pathway with Jughead standing at one end. I stood further off to the side to keep watch. As Jughead made his way through the line up of serpents I cringed every time a blow was landed on him. The gauntlet seemed intense, much more intense than the other challenges he had to go through. He had told me about them because I was less judgmental than my brother and the rest of his friends. Jughead spit out some blood before looking at the tall serpent from before.
“That all you got?” Jughead challenged him. There was almost half a foot between the two boys snd I winced when the serpent clenched his fist around a set of brass knuckles and swung for Jughead’s face. He was knocked to the ground and I covered my mouth in shock. I never wanted to be on the wrong side of this serpent. Jughead got back up and spit out some more blood. I held back a gasp as he looked over at me causing the taller serpent to also look over at me. Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone before I could decipher it. The serpents left, tall, dark and stormy giving me one more look before he urned away and followed the rest of them and I walked up to Jug and cradled his face in my hands. I led him into his trailer and sat him down to the dinning table before I walked into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. I cleaned up the cuts on his face before he stood up.
“I’ve gotta get to the wyrm. You coming or staying here?” He asked, Jughead was always more accepting of me wanting to be involved in things. Archie liked to lock me away from the world and protect me. I nodded at him and got up to follow him out. The tall serpent was playing on my mind the whole time as I wrapped my arms around Jug as we headed to the Whyte wyrm on his bike. He helped me off his bike even though he knows I don’t need the help, and we made our way inside where the lighting was tinged slightly red and it was dimmer than outside. I squinted before my eyes adjusted and Jughead placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the bar where a pink haired girl was standing behind the bar.
“I see you survived Juggie, Tall boy is just over there if you want to go get your very own jacket.” She said to him. He nodded at her before turning to me. I waved him off and turned around on the stool to the girl.
“I’m Aurora, but I usually go by Rory.” I held my hand out to her to shake. She shook it grinning.
“I’m Toni, but I usually go by Toni.” She giggled which caused me to giggle with her. My eyes found Jughead again just as he slipped his arms into his new serpent jacket. I smiled fondly at him.
“Are you two together?” She asked me as she poured out a glass of coke and pushed it towards me. I shook my head taking a large sip of the drink.
“No he’s my brothers best friend, but he knows that I’m more accepting of all of this than Archie is, or really any of our friends.” She nodded at me before gesturing behind me.
“Sweet pea hasn’t stopped watching you since you walked in.” I whipped my head around to look where she was looking and I noticed the tall serpent that had done Jug’s initiation. I looked down at what I was wearing, ripped black skinny jeans with a loose fitting band t-shirt, I don’t think I stood out that much. I shrugged at Toni before turning back around to her, before I could open my mouth to say something to her I heard a booming deep voice from behind me.
“You lost northsider?” I swivelled around on my stool and looked up at the giant of a serpent member.
“No I came with Jughead, got a problem take it up with him.” I turned back around to face Toni as she filled up my glass once again. His hands came to rest on the bar on either side of me, I felt his breath on the back of my neck and involuntarily shivered and I turned my head to look at him. All I could see of him was his deep brown eyes and a dark curl falling onto his forehead.
“The names Sweet Pea, but you are definitely not supposed to be here, this place is for serpents only.” He pulled away from me and I turned back around to look at him as he stared down at me. I could see Jughead out of the corner of my eye but he didn’t intervene he knew I could hold my own.
“Well then I might just have to become a serpent myself, I like this place.” I shrugged and I watched as both Sweet Pea and Jughead’s eyes nearly popped out of their heads.
“You want to become a serpent?” I heard from somewhere off to the side of me. I ripped my gaze away from Sweet Pea and looked at the serpent who spoke. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. Archie could kill me later, I wanted this. Everyone had been nothing but accommodating to me in the short time I had been sitting at the bar. Some of the older serpents had even tried to talk to me while I was talking to Toni. “Names Tall boy little lady, if you want to be a serpent then initiation will start for you tomorrow. Be here at 12 noon, and be ready.” He turned around and walked back up to what I assumed was the office reserved for only the leader of the serpents, usually FP but with him in jail it was Tall boy. Everyone went back to their own business after that including sweet pea, but Jughead made his way over to me.
“Are you insane? Archie will kill you!” Jughead sat down next me and I shrugged.
“I’m sick of being looked down upon as only Archie’s little sister. It’s time for me to be my own person don’t you think?” I asked him crossing my arms against my chest.
“I knew you and I were too similar for Archie’s liking.” He pulled me into his chest as he chuckled looking around. “I don’t know what they do for female initiation though so maybe talk to Toni about it.” I nodded against his chest before pushing him away and turning to Toni.
“So what happens? What have I gotten myself into this time?” She chuckled before filling a shot glass up with whiskey.
“You’re in for a real treat. Everything is basically the same, you get hotdog, gotta recite the serpent laws and gotta grab the knife. Only difference is us girls gotta do a strip tease for the other members.” I scrunched my face up at her as she pushed the shot glass to me. “Drink up, I think you need it because you didn’t think this through.” I nodded at her and downed the shot of whiskey. It ran smoothly down my throat without even earning a grimace from me.
“Wow that’s good, I’ve never had whiskey that smooth before.” I felt a body come up behind me.
“It’s the best the wyrm has to offer.” He breathed into my ear. I turned around and saw an older man maybe in his mid 30’s leaning against the bar beside me. “Only the best for the prettiest girl here.” He brushed a strand of my hair away from my face. “Names Jason sweet cheeks, what’s yours?”
“Aurora.” I could see Toni wanting to say something but I shot her a look to not do anything. Her eyes flickered behind me almost startled.
“Well Aurora, could I buy you a drink?” He asked me leaning in a little bit too close. I nodded my head and he gestured for Toni to get me a drink of the whiskey I had had before. I looked back around the wyrm and noticed Fangs, Sweet Pea and Jughead were all standing by a pool table. Sweet Pea was lining up a shot but our eyes connected briefly before Jason grabbed my attention again by placing his hand on my thigh. “I can’t wait for you to do he dance tomorrow night sweet cheeks.” His eyes were hooded and I could tell he had been drinking most of the night. Jughead came over just as Jason’s hand travelled further up my thigh.
“It think its time to go Rory.” He said to me placing a hand in my shoulder and glancing at he older serpent. I nodded and turned back to Jason.
“Thank you for the drink and the company, I’ll see you around.” With that Jughead lead me out to his bike to take me home.
I pulled off Jughead’s helmet from my head and passed it to him.
“Thanks for tonight, I’ll make sure not to tell Archie about any of it.” He gave me a hug and he was on his way home. I made my way inside the house and up to my room, getting stopped by Archie before I could open my door.
“Have fun with the snakes tonight?” He sneered at me, Archie had never been this way with me and I was curious as to way he suddenly changed his attitude during the night.
“What’s wrong with you? Your best friend just became a serpent to protect himself and his dad and all you can do is make his life hell by saying Betty doesn’t want to be with him anymore? You’re a real great friend there Arch, have fun being on your own because I think he’s done with you now. Because I know I sure am.” I hissed at him before going into my own room.
Sweet Pea POV
I watched as the red head that stuck around to watch the gauntlet for Jones walked in, she held herself differently from every other northsider. Instead of the air around her feeling arrogant she was just confident. She was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt and I found myself staring at her. Fangs nudged me in the side before giving me a look like go and talk to her. I shook my head at him and took my shot at the pool table ready to destroy Fangs.
“You know, she’s actually really nice, she’s always treated me like I was an actual person. We have bumped into each other at pop’s a few times. Other than being that red headed weirdo’s sister she’s pretty cool.” I chose to ignore him completely but I looked up at her a few times during our game. I noticed she got along with Toni well, the two giggling at something before the red head turned around to look in our direction. She looked down at herself before shrugging and turning back to Toni. I pushed my pool cue into Fangs before I made my way over to the two girls keeping my eyes on her at all times.
“You lost Northsider?” I sneered at her.
“No, I came with Jughead, got a problem with it take it up with him.” She turned back around to face Toni. I moved closer to the girl and placed both my hands on the bar on either side of her. I watched as she shivered as my breath hit the back of her neck. She turned her head to look at me and I was suddenly overcome with the feeling that I should kiss her. Her bright green eyes shone under the dim lights of the wyrm. I could tell she was intently looking at me too.
“The names Sweet Pea, but you are definitely not supposed to be here, this place is for serpents only.” I whispered in her ear before moving away from her. I watched as she glanced over to Jones before looking me in the eyes the best she could from her sitting position.
“Well then I might just have to become a serpent myself, I like this place.” I nearly choked on my own spit as Jones came up to us almost choking as well.
“You want to become a serpent?” I heard Tall Boy say as he made his way over to our small group. She nodded and looked at him. “Names Tall boy little lady, if you want to be a serpent then initiation will start for you tomorrow. Be here at 12 noon, and be ready.” With that he walked away, everyone else turned away from the scene and after I gave her one last look I made my way back over to Fangs.
After a game I watched as an older serpent named Jason made his way over to her, he was getting too close to her snd I could tell she was becoming uncomfortable with it.
“Dude, just go over there. She’s got bite and could give you a run for your money. But stop staring its weird.” Fangs shoved my side again before I took my shoot watching her out of the corner of my eye. I watched as she downed the shot of whiskey he bought her. She looked around the bar and our eyes connected briefly causing me to mess up my shot when he placed his hand on her thigh. She jumped slightly at the contact and I felt my jaw tense, he needs to learn how to keep his damn hands to himself. Jughead watched me before he made his way over to her and lead her out. I walked up to Toni to get myself a beer to calm down.
“You were watching her all night.” Toni said as she cleaned a glass that had just been washed. I didn’t give her an answer because it wasn’t a question. “You helping with her initiation?”
“I don’t get why she gets to just say ‘I think it’ll be fun to be a serpent’ and bam her initiation is tomorrow, most of us are relatives of old serpent members. Ahhh”. Slammed my hand down on the bar in front of me.
“Dude just chill, okay, she’s actually really cool once you get to know her.” Toni told me getting me another beer.
“I’ll be the judge of that. I’m sure Tall boy will make me do her initiation anyway.” I shrugged before finishing off my last bear and nodding to Toni and Fangs before I left.
Aurora POV
The next day I made sure Archie was nowhere to be seen when I made my way out the door. He was stood against my car with his arms crossed.
“Where do you think your going? And dressed like that?” He asked me, I looked down at what I was wearing, ripped grey skinny’s with a tight fitting tank top and leather jacket across my shoulders, under this I was wearing a sexy pair of red lacy lingerie ready for the serpent dance I would be doing later that night.
“I’m going out, to see your best friend because apparently you’ve forgotten you have one.” I tried to push him out of the way to get to my car.
“He chose them Rory, what do you want me to do?” He threw his hands up for emphases before letting them fall at his sides loudly.
“I want you to understand why he’s doing this. He goes to school there! From what I’ve heard it is not the best place to be if your not in a gang for protection, you might not think much of the serpents but in the few short months that I’ve been around Jug and the serpents I haven’t had a problem with them, so maybe get off your high horse and see that your best friend needs you before he replaces you with someone he see’s more as family!” I yelled at him as I finally got him to move away from my car. I slammed the door in his face and watched as his face fell as I drove out of the driveway.
My initiation was quick and all too soon I was standing by the stage ready to perform my serpent dance. I wrung my hands together as Toni walked up to me holding a shot glass.
“They’re all pigs out there, but its part of initiation and if you want to be a serpent all I can say to you is good luck and maybe find something or someone to focus on.” She held out the glass to me and without even thinking I downed the shot, feeling it spread throughout my body as the music started. “I’ll be waiting right here for you with your new jacket.” She gave me a thumbs up and I walked out on the stage.
I looked out into the sea of serpents hoping to find Jughead to have something to focus on. As I flung my shirt off my body my eyes connected with Sweet Pea’s, he held his beer in his hand bringing it up to his lips as I shimmied out of my jeans. He and I held eye contact as I finished up my dance. I could hear all the serpents chanting and hollering at me but all I could focus on was Sweet Pea. As the music stopped I rushed off the stage where Toni was standing with my jeans and new serpent jacket. I quickly redressed myself as Fangs and Sweet Pea joined us to the side of the stage. Sweet Pea helped me put my jacket on before he gathered up my hair to pull out of my collar.
“You’re officially a serpent now. How do you think your brothers going to react once he finds out?” He placed his hands on my shoulders. I shared a look with Toni, I had completely forgotten about Archie today.
“I guess he’ll just never find out then.” I shrugged as the four of us made our way to the bar. I felt Sweet Pea squeeze my shoulder before he sat down on a stool and turned to Toni who had already grabbed beers for us all.
“You’re brother is going to kill you Rory.” I felt Jughead place his hands where Sweet Pea had his moments ago. I shrugged at him as I took a sip of my beer.
“Honestly I think he needs to get his head out of his ass. You guys are actually really cool and I’m glad I get to call you my friends now too. Let him kill me he wouldn’t he loves me too much.” The door to the wyrm was thrown open and all I could see was a bunch of letterman jackets in blue and gold walk in like they owned the joint.
“Aurora! We’re going home now!” I heard Archie yell at me walking over to us at the bar.
“Um, no thanks I’m good here.” I turned my body away from him. He stood over me but I watched as Sweet Pea stood up to my right and Reggie stood up next to Archie. Part of me shied away from Archie and Reggie and the other part of me wanted to be a serpent, so I stood up next to Sweet Pea gently placing my hand on his as a way of telling him to stand down. I placed my body slightly in front of Sweet Pea’s and stared down Archie and Reggie as best I could being nearly a foot shorter than the three boys currently surrounding me.
“You’re one of them now? A serpent?” Archie scoffed in my face, I felt Sweet Pea stiffen slightly and move closer now touching my back with his lower stomach.
“Yes now please leave before you make a fool of yourself even more than your doing now!” I pointed to the door and watched Archie turn his head to look, I grabbed Sweet Pea’s bicep and basically ripped him back towards the bar.
“You know, I’d still bang you Andrew’s even if you are just another serpent slut.” Reggie whispered in my ear closest to Sweet Pea. I felt him tense up again but this time I let him go. He swung his fist into reggie’s jaw and suddenly there was an all out brawl in the middle of the wyrm. I watched Reggie and Sweet Pea continue to go at each other. Archie pulled Reggie off Sweet Pea and Jughead grabbed Sweet Pea.
“You’ve just made a big mistake Rory.” Archie yelled as he dragged the bulldogs out of the wyrm. I turned back to Toni who handed me a shot. I took it gratefully before I turned to Sweet Pea. He had a bruise already starting to form on his cheek and a cut lip.
“You didn’t need to do that Sweet Pea, I can handle Reggie.” I told him placing my hand on his cheek gently so as to not hurt him.
“What’s serpent law number 1 Rory?” He looked me in the eyes.
“No serpent stands alone.” I recited. He nodded and turned his head away from me. “I better go have a screaming match with my brother, I’ll see you guys later.” Toni nodded at me and I made my way out of the wyrm and started my walk back to the Northside
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wayward-river · 4 years
Charming 5 of ?
AN: Hey y’all here is the next chapter of Charming! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit but life and Covid has gotten in my way. Hope everyone enjoys this. This was beta’d by xserpentlife all mistakes are my own. I do not own the gif that was used. 
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(Sweet Pea POV)
I stepped into the small trailer, I couldn’t believe it was this easy. I should have known from the beginning this was the way to do it. Y/N and Fogarty had gotten close, too close for my liking. She could still be a spy and I intended to find out. I settled onto the recliner leaving the couch for the two of them as they put a bowl of popcorn in between.
Every so often my eyes flickered from the movie to them, Y/N was lazily lying down, her head in Fangs lap as he messed with her hair. For a split second I wished I was in his spot. I shook my head, I needed to focus. I cleared my throat.
“Hey where’s the bathroom?”
“Down the hall, first door on your right.” Y/N replied, her eyes not leaving the screen.
I pocketed my phone as I stood up heading down the hallway. There were pictures hung up, Y/N in most of them with the two older men that were with her when she showed up but there were also ones with two little boys and a brown haired girl. She looked different...happy. A look I’ve never seen cross her face since she’s been here. The first door came up quicker than I anticipated, I opened it, flicked the light on and then shut the door making as much noise as possible, as I made my way to the only other door quietly. It was open so that was a plus for me. I slowly entered, pulling out my phone and finding the flashlight.
As I made my way further into the room there wasn’t a lot here, more pictures and notebooks scattered around as well as books from school. My eyes caught the open closet door. Maybe I’d find more in there. My eyes scanned until it hit leather. Jackpot. I pulled out the kutte and shined my flashlight on it. Nothing about it made sense to me, but it was the same on the back Sons of Anarchy, California. The front Original 9 was a patch. What even was this?
“I stole that.” Your voice made me jump, spinning around the kutte still in my hands.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d put it down though. It’s special to me.” Y/N asked as she flipped the light on.
“I need answers Y/N.”
“You need answers? You, the one who said they’d be civil, the one who is snooping around in my bedroom might I add. Why should I give you answers?”
I laid the Kutte down gently. “This is the only family I got. I’m not going to be fooled by some new girl who seems to have half the Serpents...MY family might I add wrapped around her finger.”
You stepped around me, my eyes following your every move as you settled onto the bed as your hand laid gently on the Kutte next to you. “This was my dads…he died when I was real little. I barely remember him. Jax” you blew out a breath. “My older brother would kill me if he knew I had this. He thinks it's back home.”
I stood for a moment. “Why are you here Y/N?”
She gave a watery laugh as the tears finally started to fall. “I honestly don’t know Sweet Pea, I was drug away from all my friends and family and placed in this town of pep. I know I don’t belong here, you don’t have to keep telling me that. I don’t have a choice, and so yeah I tried to not make friends here but guess what Fangs is one of the best things to happen to me so I’m sorry, the punk wouldn’t leave me alone.” you paused “look I’m not here to hurt you, to spy on your gang, I’m just here until I’m told I can go back home, and I don’t know when that is. My dad and brother may be a part of the Sons, but I’m not. Yeah I hang around, give prospects a hard time but other than that I know nothing. IF they wanted to spy they wouldn’t send me.”
“They’d send those others that are a few trailers down” I cut you off.
“No, no they wouldn’t. They are there to protect me. Nomads that wander and help when needed. You don’t have to worry about them or me.”
I stood silent, staring at you. My shoulders slumped as I made my way out of the room and out of the trailer Fangs following me yelling behind me. I saddled my bike as I brought her to life. I needed to get away, Y/N was not who I expected, and I didn’t know if I liked my new feelings.
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xserpentlife · 4 years
7 Months
Requested: Yes: Could you possibly do a reader x Sweet Pea? Where the reader is Reggie little sister and she's dating Sweet pea and he finds out? Maybe a little angsty and fluffy?
A/N:  Thankyou to my favorite human and beta @wayward-river​ she helped me so much with this fic, so much so we actually co-wrote it. At first I had no inspiration and she helped me so much and gave me inspiration
Warning: a few fight scenes, guns scene from riverdale w/ archie.
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You laid back against Sweet Pea as he mindlessly drew shapes on your arms while the TV played, you didn’t even remember what movie you had put in as your mind was in overdrive lately. Sweet Pea had won you over seven months ago. Seven months of pure happiness yet no one knew.
“Hmm pretty girl?”
“Do you care that no one knows?” You picked at your nails as you stared at the wall in front of you. His hands stopped moving.
“No.” he paused as his hands started to draw circles again. “Do I wish I could take you out and show you off? Yeah, I hate that I have to pretend that I don’t know you at school-” His words were cut off as the trailer door began opening, you jumped forward as you tried to scramble to run to the bathroom but it was too late, neither of you had any warning as Fangs and Toni waltzed into the small living room.
Fangs and Toni stood as they stared at the both of you mouths agape. “What, how, when?” It seems like Fangs couldn’t even form a full sentence.
You ducked your head as you gave a small wave.
“Guys do you uh know…”
“Y/N Mantle… yeah we do.”
“Cool everyone knows everyone.” Sweet Pea tried his best to play everything off.
“Nu-uh, how long have you two lovebirds been cuddled up.”
“First off Fogarty, how weird are you? Second uh, well...”
“Seven months.” You finished for him as you glanced a look up.
“You kept a secret from me for seven months?”
“Fangs I had to.”
“I asked him too, you uh both know who my older brother is… and we’d appreciate it if he doesn’t find out… yet.”
Toni folded her arms across her chest “How do we know this isn’t some ploy you and your southside hating brother has come up with?”
“She would never do that Toni, and I love you like a sister but don’t ever talk to her like that, she is nothing like her idiot brother”
“Sorry babe, but it’s true…”
“I know, but you don’t have to say it out loud” you pushed him slightly, a chuckle coming out of him, and the smile that made you fall so quick. “Do you guys wanna watch the movie with us?”
“Fangs chill you’re like a lost puppy”
“Pea be nice!”
“Sorry they interrupted our cuddle sesh and I don’t appreciate it, but you guys can stay cause y/n offered” You drug him to the couch sitting down throwing your legs over his lap and cuddled into his side as Toni took the chair and Fangs leaned up against the side while sitting on the floor.
After a few hours of you mainly sleeping on the side of the couch, Sweet Pea had decided to take you home, you had tried to protest, telling him you’d just stay over but he wouldn’t risk it without a good cover, normally he’d want to piss off the older Mantle but looking at you he just wanted to protect your happiness.
Sweet Pea pulled his truck to the side of the road a block away from your house, he never chanced taking the bike when he wanted to take you home. You shivered as you slid across the seat to kiss him goodnight.
Goosebumps erupted on your arms as his hands rubbed up and down them. “Babe you’re freezing.” Sweet Pea reached into the back pulling out one of his flannels.
You took the flannel not even thinking about where you were headed. It was warm and smelled like him. Woodsy smoke and vanilla, almost like how your clothes smell after a bonfire. You leaned forward placing a quick peck to his cheek. “I’ll text you when I’m behind the enemy lines.”
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes as he gently pushed you out of the truck, watching you until you turned the corner, he never told you but he’d always inch the truck up slowly, making sure he made as little noise as possible to make sure you made it into your house safely.
You let out a content sigh as you walked into your house. Both of your parents' cars were gone, you thought you were pretty safe until you looked up into the questioning eyes of your older brothers.
“Hey Reg, what up bro?”
“What are you wearing?”
You looked down at yourself, your mind trying to calm you down. “Uhm a flannel?”
“You don’t wear flannels, I don’t wear flannels, and it looks a little big on you so I’d say that flannel belongs to a boy.”
You threw your hands up in mock surrender. “Oh you got me, it’s Jake’s we went for Pops and then went to the park and it’s chilly, he was a perfect gentleman. You should be proud at least one of your bulldogs has class.
Reggie watched you as you hurried up the stairs. He wasn’t quite sure if he believed you. You had been acting shady lately and he was going to get to the bottom of it.
You had texted Sweet Pea after school and had been around him and Fangs all afternoon. It was getting pretty late but you hadn’t wanted to go home so you decided to walk with them to the small convenience store for some popcorn and candy for the movie night you had planned, your parents and Reggie thinking you were in Greendale at a friends house.
You walked beside them for a while until you focused on what looked like Archie tagging the side of a building. “What the fuck is he doing?”
At this point both boys had seen what had captured your attention. Sweet Pea and Fangs headed over.
“Hey what the hell are you doing?”
Archie glanced over, “Back off I’m not here for you.”
“Oh yeah? Then whose this message for huh?” Sweet Pea got closer as he shoved Archie.
Archie tried to move forward both Fangs and Sweet Pea stopped him. “This is Serpent Territory you can’t just come here and tag our turf, so why don’t you get your ass back to the Northside, before somebody gets hurt.”
Your eyes flickered back and forth between the two boys wildly. Why couldn’t both sides just get along?
“Get out of my way, or someone will get hurt.”
You had never heard Archie talk like that before. Why was he being like this?
At his words Sweet Pea pushed you back behind him farther as Fangs stepped over blocking your view entirely.
“You just made a big mistake.”
You could hear the click of Sweet Peas switchblade, you looked to the ground as your heart raced.
At this point everything was eerily silent. Until Sweet Pea and Fangs started backing up, Sweet Peas hands behind him making sure he wouldn’t run into you and you were still behind him protected and out of view.  
What was Archie on?
“C’mon let's go!” Sweet Pea turned making sure he was still blocking you as he mouthed the word run.
You never took Sweet Pea lightly so when he mouthed that with the worried look in his eyes you gave a slight nod as you tried to run away with them as silently as you could.
You stopped a few blocks away.
“What-did oh my goodness.” You put your hands on your knees as you bent down. Sweet Pea laid his hand on your back.
“Hey breathe, we’re okay. Everyone is okay.”
You listened to the sound of his voice as you took a few breaths, standing back up you assessed Sweet Pea. “Are..are you okay?”
“Me? Baby I’m good. I promise.” He paused as he looked to Fangs. “That redhead on the other hand, he’s in for it.”
You spent the rest of the night wrapped in Sweet Peas arms, he seemed to hold onto you just a little tighter.
Ever since the other night you didn’t like being away from Sweet Pea for very long and it had been a few days, you paced back and forth in your room trying to decide what to do. Your decision was made for you when you pulled out your found and hit his name. Instantly calming when you heard him answer.
“Hey babe can I come over?”
“Yeah, of course, I need to run out with Toni and Fangs though...Serpent stuff is happening”
“Be safe okay?”
“Of course princess, always gotta come home to you plus you’re waiting there for me, even more reason, I love you and I’ll see you in a bit”
You waited for a while, the last time you checked your watch an hour had gone by, an hour turned into two and two into two and a half, it drew the line for you. You were about to leave to go to the Wyrm terrified beyond belief of what could have happened to him. Pea was your world constantly making you smile when no one else could. You grabbed one of his hoodies and your keys about to walk out the door when it slammed open, you jumped back and grabbed the bat next to the counter, you shut your eyes ready to swing until you heard his voice.
“Baby it’s me!”
“Sorry I thought…” You looked up to a bloody and bruised Sweet Pea standing in front of you “What the fuck happened to you”
“There was a fight” You ran up to him placing a hand on his cheek as he leaned into you
“Go sit on the couch baby and I’ll get the washcloth and med box”
“Just come sit with me, just wanna have you close” You looked at him wanting so bad to help him clean up but you knew more than ever that right now all he wanted was you, so you helped him sit and then laid our head across his lap as he leaned down into your touch as your fingers raked through his hair and his moved up and down your leg.
“Tell me what happened, I wanna know Pea, Who did it to you Pea”
“Baby it’s not important…”
“Pea tell me…”
“I can’t”
“Pea. You promised me no secrets. We’re in this together.”
“Fine, it was your brother”
“My brother!” you sat straight up the news shocking you more than anything
“Did you just say my brother did this to you! I’m gonna kill him” You got up grabbing your keys, running out of the house. Pea tried to stop you before you could leave but he barely made it to the last step when you peeled out of the driveway.
You barged into your house slamming the door behind you, silently thankful that your parents were away on a business trip. You ran to the stairs yelling up, imaging Reggie was up there cleaning up his face. “Reginald!”
“Y/N what the fuck are you yelling about” you watched him come down the stairs, dabbing at his eyebrow with a washcloth. You walked up shoving him back
“What the fuck is wrong with you!  I can’t fucking believe you”
“Like fuck Reggie, I just don’t understand what goes through your fucking... “ Before you could get another word out the door behind you opened, and you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N leave it, it’s fine”
“No Pea it’s not fucking fine”
“What the fuck are you doing here snake, get the fuck out of my house”
“He doesn’t have to leave Reggie, you don’t have the fucking authority to make him, so stop while your fucking ahead or I won’t hesitate to make you bleed form your other eyebrow got it”
“y/n why the fuck are you defending him!”
“Because he’s my fucking boyfriend”
“I’m sorry what!”
“As in I am dating him”
“Yeah, I got that part, what the fuck do you mean you’re dating him!”
“Y/N just drop it, you’re never gonna change his opinion”
“Don’t fucking talk for her snake!” You watched Reggie barrel towards Sweet Pea, you stepped in front of him, quickly being knocked down by Reggie in the process.
“y/n I’m sorry!” Reggie stared at you as Pea reached down checking you out and helping you up, he whispered asking if you were all right before kissing the side of your head
“This is what happens Reggie! You care more about where someone comes from and how they are seen than who they are. Sweet Pea is a good guy, he takes care of me”
“There is no fuckin way he could do that Y/N, I’m sorry I pushed you, but he is a fucking snake, he’s in a fucking gang, I mean he fights people! He does bad shit, ask anyone! The Sheriff, Archie, anyone will tell you they are bad people”
“The ‘they’ you talk about…” Pea grabbed your hand speaking up.
“Listen we don’t have to agree on much, but I won’t let you drag her away from me. I love your sister, I protected her when we got a fucking gun pulled on us because of your dumbass of a best friend, , and I will prot…”
“Wait You were there when Archie went!”
“You knew Archie went to the Southside to pull a fucking gun!’
“No I didn’t know he pulled the gun til after the fact, but why didn’t you fucking tell me”
“Guess we both have that question for each other”
“How did he not know you were there, did he see you!”
“He didn’t see me… I was hanging out with Pea and some of our friends when they caught him tagging the wall, none of us expected him to pull a gun, Pea pushed me behind him to protect me”
Reggie looked between the both of you and then down to your hands that were intertwined. “You, uh.” You watched him take a breath, almost like he was preparing himself for something.
“You uh protected her? Before yourself?”
Reggie looked skeptical, “Why?”
“I love her, I’d protect her from anything. I hate seeing her upset and hurt and it’s been hard for her keeping this from you,”
“Did you decide that?” Reggie crossed his arms cutting Sweet Pea off.
“No, I didn’t.”
Reggie looked at you then. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I love you Reg, but you don’t see what I see and I know you take the brunt of mom and dad so maybe that’s why you have this built up hatred but I love Sweet Pea, I was scared to tell you because I didn’t want this to happen.” You motioned in between the both of them.
“Well he showed up looking for a fight.”
You scoffed. “Andrews pulled a gun. He had it coming.”
Reggie sighed. “Look, I can’t tell you I like this...I don’t but if you are happy... I can try. Don’t expect us to be friends though.”
You nodded your head as you wrapped your brother in a hug.
“That's all I ask. Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here before mom and dad get home, there’s been enough excitement for one night.”
You grabbed Sweet Pea as you headed back out the door.
“I know that’s not how you pictured him finding out, but I’m glad it’s out now.”
You smiled as you stood on your tiptoes placing a kiss onto his cheek. “Yeah, me too.”
Sweet Pea gave a soft smile. “You staying with me tonight baby girl?”
“Yeah let’s go home.”
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Core Four (+ others)
Pretty Monster P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8/END (M)
Sick P2 P3 P4 P5 (M)
Cold (M)
Soft Lies P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 (M)
The Wolf Pack P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 (M)
Night Angel P2 P3 P4 (M)
Batboy (M)
Camping (M)
Zombie (F)
In My Dreams
Everybody Loves You (M)
Dark Vixen (F)
Archie Andrews
Imagine: Being a serpent and Archie liking you (M)
Imagine: Your boyfriend finding your drawings of him (M)
Imagine: Your boyfriend wanting to celebrate Day of the Dead with you (GN)
Imagine: Calling your boyfriend (GN)
Imagine: Archie confessing (M)
Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored (M)
I think I’m in love (M)
Girlfriends brother P2
Plot Twist
I Don’t Wanna Set The World On Fire
Two Guys, One Bed
Imagine: Getting stuck under the mistletoe with Archie
Headcanon: Archie having a crush on Malachai’s brother
That Night
Betty Cooper
Imagine: Betty having a crush on you, Archie’s sister and a Vixen (Fem)
Imagine: Betty asking you to photograph for Blue and Gold (Fem)
Imagine: Betty asking you to the dance (Male)
Imagine: Betty having a crush on you, a ‘bad girl’ (Fem)
Unhealthy Obsession (Male)
Baby Fever (Male)
Imagine: Writing about Betty in the playbook and feeling bad when she finds out (M)
I hate you (M)
Rebound (M)
Tongues and Teeth (GN)
Jughead Jones
Family (M)
Promise (M)
Veronica Lodge
Imagine: Being Jughead’s twin and catching Veronica’s eye on her first day (Fem)
Bad Boy, Rich Girl Part 2 (Male)
My Strange Addiction (Male)
Ozone (M)
Liar (M)
My Luna (M)
Kevin Keller
Headcanon: Kevin dating a delinquent (M)
Reggie Mantle
Bitches Broken Hearts (M)
I Wish (M)
Headcanon: Reggie with a tall boyfriend (M)
Headcanon: Reggie with a short boyfriend (M)
Imagine: Reggie keeping your relationship a secret and picking a fight (M)
Headcanon: Reggie dating a hiphop dancer (M)
Baby (M)
Chuck Clayton
Sorry (M)
Maniac (M)
Cheryl Blossom
Red (M)
Hi, It’s Me (F)
Toni Topaz and The Boys
Imagine: Toni and the boys comforting you after your breakup with Ronnie (Fem)
Imagine: Being a ballet dancer and Toni and the boys attending your dance (Gender Neutral)
Imagine: How the Serpents react to your death (Gender Neutral)
Sweet Pea
Imagine: Sweet Pea tending to your wounds (Male)
Imagine: Secretly dating Sweet Pea and your brother, Archie, finding out (Male)
Imagine: Breaking up with Reggie and kissing Sweet Pea (Fem)
Imagine: Being Sweet Pea’s ex (Male)
Imagine: Working at Pop’s and Sweet Pea liking you (Male)
Imagine: Leaving Riverdale and your boyfriend Part 2 Part 3 (Fem)
Imagine: Being a figure skater and Sweet Pea watching you at the rink (Male)
Imagine: Being Sweet Pea’s longtime boyfriend (Male)
Broken (Male)
Imagine: The Serpents finding out Sweets is the bottom Part 2
Pillow Talk (Male)
Silence (Male)
Imagine: Being rivals/enemies with benefits with Sweet Pea (Male)
Denial (Male)
Cowboy Casanova (M)
My Crazy Bastard (M)
No Scrubs (M)
Anchor P2 P3 (M)
I Just Wanna Know (M)
Headcanon: Sweets falling for a fuckboy after attempting to seduce him
Pinky Promise (M)
Leather and Football
Fangs Fogarty
Imagine: Being a teen dad and Fangs finding out (Male)
Imagine: Being in a secret relationship with Fangs and almost being caught (Male)
Imagine: Hooking up with Fangs and finding out he likes you (Male)
Imagine: Fangs comforting you during a storm (GN)
Moments in Love (Male)
Dangerous Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (M)
Name of the Game (M)
Uncomfortable (M)
Imagine: Standing up for Fangs
Never Again
Mean Boy P2
Accidents Happen
Imagine: The boys asking you out (Male)
Imagine: The boys crushing on you, Jug’s brother with a drug problem (Male)
The Runaway Part 2 (Male)
Imagine: The boys befriending you (GN)
Imagine: Taking advantage of the cold weather
That Pyscho Prequel Part 3 (M)
All I wanted (F)
Scary Love (M)
Heart Cookies (M)
Single (M)
Attached (M)
Numb (M)
Our Son (F)
Forever Yours P2 P3 END (M)
Trust Me P2 (M)
Imagine: Being the Ghoulie King (M)
The King (M)
High school sweethearts (M)
Imagine: Getting stuck in detention with Malachai (M)
Off to the races (M)
Unexpected P2 P3 (M)
Headcanon: Malachai’s partner becoming distant (GN)
Tiny Detective
Perfect Date
High Enough (M)
Christmas Spirit P2 P3
Hiram Lodge
Little Troublemaker (M)
Little Helper (M)
Hermione Lodge
Young Again (M)
Fp Jones
Imagine: being fp’s younger and scarier boyfriend (M)
Red Hearts (M)
Sharing is Caring
Reggie + Swangs
Heureux Me ‘oe P2 (M)
Lodge Family (+ others)
Not a Lodge (M)
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whoviancumberbunny · 3 years
The Butterfly and The Serpent - Part 1
The Butterfly and the Serpents An AU Riverdale Fanfic Riverdale Characters Owned by their creators
all OCs Created by Melissa C. Scraper
Lucy had been living in the southside of rioverdae for 6 years.   She had disowned the knowledge that she was a Collins. Her Attorney had helped her legally change her last name to DuPres-Topaz after her mother's relatives.  her half brother, via a one stand with her father's brother's fiance a the time of the one night stand, Declan had started living in Riverdale. and helped  Cheryl and Veronica open a gay bar.
Lucy was in a Polyamorous relationship with Fangs Fogarty and Sweet Pea.   She looked up to see her father coming "DJ, Take your brother to Toni and Cheryl's."
The Five Year old "Okay Momma." she took the little boy's hand "Come on, Tony. Momma's going ot have adult conversations."
Quentin "Lucero Tamsyn Collins i...."
"No, you refuse to call me the name i've bee using since i was 19.  DuPres -Topaz." she glared at him "Stop using the name of person who doesn't exist for me any more." "So you've become a biker whore!" "You Quentin Charles Collins are not even welcome here.  You pretend Mom was never a Serpent.  I belong here. while your trusted business partner tries repeatedly to destroy this land for his own selfish gain."
Sheriff FP Jones drives up "Betty and Jughead reported seeing you enter Riverdale. You were told last time when you crashed Lucy's Serpent Initaition. That you would be arrested for Trespassing."  he looks at Lucy "I will deal with him and you talk to him later when there are jail bars between you."
"Thank You FP."  she ad used most of her inheritance to revitalize parts of hte southside it was still a little rundown but it wasn't as bad as before.  DJ was the biological daughter of Fangs and Tony the son of Sweet Pea. Jughead hadn't like the idea of Lucy and Sweet Pea giving their son the middle name Pendleton.  he children called them both Daddy.
Later  at dinner "Fangs, is this what you and Sweet Pea have been going to the city for?"
"Yes.  A Friend of Ronni's  is a jewelry designer and she suggested  we have them make it."  he carefully takes out a silver necklace with five birthstones on it, one for for each of the kids, fangs, sweet pee and ibn the center an emerald, lucy's birthstone.  "Ronni and Cheryl pay us well working as bouncers at the Sakura Club."  
"You Deserve it Angel." Sweet Pea said as he kissed her "We love you so so much." even though they couldn't find anyone who would recognize them as a relationship.  they all wore wedding bands. Silver, because gold made Lucy's skin itch. "Are you going to tell Juggy and Betty the baby you're carrying for them is twins?"
"We are going we are having Lunch tomorrow. I will tell them then."  she said with smile. Betty and Jughead had been unable to safely conceive on their own and they had been uncomfortable with seeking out strangers to interview for surrogacy.  So Lucy had volunteered.  "Dad called me a Biker Whore." she said when they were talking after putting the kids to bed
"If we had been home when he showed up we would have punched the old man in the gut." "Fortunately he drove past Betty and Jughead's House and Juggy called his dad. FP arrested him before anything could escelate."    While Fangs cleaned the dishes  Sweet pea danced with  Lucy  "Oh Sweet Pea. You Fangs always know just the right thing to do."
The next day in the corner booth at Pop's "You don't need to pay for my meal."
"Betty was called into work last minute."  Jughead replied "Can you tell us the gender?"
"i want you stop eating so you don't choke when i tell you."  she waited until he finished the bite of food "I had thought it was my imagination that i was gaining more weight than i did with DJ or Tony." she takes out the ultrasound printout she had put it in a frame  and slides it over to him
He stopped for moment and stared at the image "Twins?"  he started smiling "Betty and I agreed if the baby is a girl we want to make the baby's middle name Lucero."
Lucy, "Juggy it is not needed i am just glad to be their god mother." she responded "their heart beats are both healthy." she paused  "Thanks for understanding that I didn't want a serpent tattoo when you accepted me into the group."
"I am allowed to make concessions i know you will be loyal to everyone."  he pays for Lunch and lucy gets three orders of fries to go. Veronica "On the house. I am testing out a new customer loyalty program." she hand her a card "with three spots punched.  and she whispered "The world may not recognize your relationship. but those two are your husbands." To Be Continued.... ‎Saturday, ‎May ‎1, ‎2021 7:48:46 PM
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Tag: @fanfics4all​
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thornyrose463 · 3 years
Leaving Riverdale (Riverdale one-shot)
This is a Riverdale (CW TV show) one-shot. It is the sequel to The Transfers. I couldn’t find good gifs of the characters in the one-shot, so I had to use pictures. The pictures are not mine. I found them on Google. All credit goes to the rightful owners.
Summary: Polly’s twin children leave Riverdale.
Rating: T
Warning: Swearing and mild sexual content
Lili Reinhart as Elizabeth “Betty” Cooper
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Charles Melton as Reginald “Reggie” Mantle
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Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
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Casey Cott as Kevin Keller
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Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
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Vanessa Morgan as Antoinette “Toni” Topaz
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Danielle Campbell as Emma Walker
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Dylan O'Brien as Jacob “Jake” Maxwell
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Britt Robertson as Lucy Collins
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Willa Holland as Hannah Pearson
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Jordan Connor as Nathan “Sweet Pea” Montgomery
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Drew Ray Tanner as Francis “Fangs” Fogarty
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Cole Sprouse as Forsythe Pendleton “Jughead” Jones III
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KJ Apa as Archibald “Archie” Andrews
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Tom McBeath as Smithers
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Marisol Nichols as Hermione Lodge
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Mädchen Amick as Alice Smith
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Tiera Skovbye as Polly Cooper
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Skeet Ulrich as Forsythe Pendleton “FP” Jones II
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Molly Ringwald as Mary Andrews
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Luvia Petersen as Brooke Rivers
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Martin Cummins as Tom Keller
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Robin Givens as Sierra McCoy
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Matthew Davis as Steven “Steve” Maxwell
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Rachel McAdams as Elaine Maxwell
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Ian Bohen as Matthew Walker
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Jodi Lyn O'Keefe as Caroline Walker
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Katheryn Winnick as Deanna Collins
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Erinn Westbrook as Tabitha Tate
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Cody Christian as Spencer Martin  
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Katherine McNamara as Sophia Cooper
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Cameron Monaghan as Liam Cooper
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Author’s note
There are some things you need to know before you read this one-shot.
Jacob Maxwell is Kevin’s boyfriend. He’s a Northsider. He’s gay. He started dating Kevin at the end of sophomore year. He was a writer for the Blue and Gold, and he was in charge of lighting and sound design for the musicals Kevin directed. I was not a fan of the Hedwig storyline, so I’m going to say Riverdale High School put on a production of Little Shop of Horrors instead.
Lucy Collins is Reggie’s girlfriend. She’s a Northsider. She was a River Vixen. She wasn’t involved in the musicals Kevin directed. Reggie dated Josie in sophomore year. Josie broke up with him and left Riverdale to go on tour with her father, Myles, at the beginning of junior year. Sierra stayed in Riverdale with Tom and Kevin. Reggie started dating Lucy shortly after Josie left Riverdale.
Nana Rose died in junior year. Penelope was sentenced to life in prison following the Gargoyle King reveal, and ownership of Blossom Maple Farms, Thistle House, the Belmont Lodge, and the Maple Club went to Cheryl. She sold Belmont Lodge and the Maple Club to the rest of the Blossom family. Toni moved into Thistle House. Cheryl went into business with Veronica, and the Blossom family’s maple syrup became part of the non-alcoholic rum Veronica sold at La Bonne Nuit. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Because Alice, Polly, Cheryl, Kevin, Toni, Fangs, and Principal Weatherbee never joined the Farm, Cheryl and Toni never found themselves having to look after Polly’s twins. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Because the Pretty Poisons never existed, the yearbook didn’t have a page dedicated to them, but it did have a page dedicated to the Serpents and the musicals. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Charles never dated Chic. He never visited Chic in prison. He left Riverdale after the Farm shut down. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Fred gave Archie the jalopy after they fixed it up in junior year. Archie got Fred’s truck shortly after Fred died. Fred’s brother, Frank, left Riverdale shortly after Fred’s funeral. Mary and her girlfriend, Brooke, stayed in Riverdale. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Because the Stonewall Prep storyline never happened and Gladys and Jellybean moved back to Toledo, Jellybean didn’t make disturbing videos of the citizens of Riverdale. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Shortly after Pop Tate died, Veronica signed over ownership of Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe to his granddaughter, Tabitha and sold La Bonne Nuit to the Southside Serpents, thus ending her partnership with Cheryl. La Bonne Nuit became the new Whyte Wyrm. I forgot to mention that in The Transfers. Tabitha doesn’t plan to franchise Pop’s. The Whyte Wyrm is a bar. It did not become a dance club like it did in season 5.
In season 5, Jughead and Sweet Pea have some new tattoos. One of Jughead’s tattoos is of Cosmo from Cosmo the Merry Martian. Cosmo the Merry Martian was a comic book published by Archie Comics in the late 1950’s. The comic was created by Bob White as a way to provide a family-appropriate comic for children with an interest in the then-current space race. The title character was the first Martian to visit Earth. In this one-shot, Cosmo the Merry Martian was an animated television show Jughead and Jellybean watched when they were children.
Betty didn’t kiss Archie. She doesn’t have sex with Archie. Betty and Jughead don’t break up, and neither do Archie and Veronica. Jughead doesn’t date Jessica, doesn’t sleep with Cora, and doesn’t kiss Tabitha. Veronica doesn’t marry Chad. Betty doesn’t date Glen. She doesn’t become an FBI agent, but she does go to Yale University and get a cat named Toffee. In sophomore year, a few months before Betty and Cheryl considered becoming Serpents, Betty had applied for the chemistry program at Yale University. She had been accepted into the program in junior year. I forgot to mention that in The Transfers.
Veronica goes to Barnard College, but she majors in history instead of economics.
Reggie doesn’t become Hiram’s right hand man. He attends Columbia University.
In junior year, Archie was interested in attending the naval academy. After Fred died, he changed his mind about attending the naval academy and decided to take over Andrews Construction. He didn’t join the army. He closed down El Royale Boxing Club. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers.
Jughead, Toni, and Fangs don’t go to college. After high school, they decided to become full-time Serpents, and so did Sweet Pea and Hannah. I forgot to mention that in The Transfers. Jughead doesn’t become an English teacher. Toni doesn’t become a guidance counselor. Sweet Pea and Fangs don’t become truckers. Like in the show, Cheryl decided not to go to college and worked to restore the Blossom name. She doesn’t become a painter. She and Toni don’t coach the River Vixens. When she isn’t running Blossom Maple Farms, she is being a Serpent. Toni does not get pregnant. Reggie doesn’t become a football coach, and neither does Archie.
Jughead outlawed the Serpent dance at the beginning of senior year. I forgot to mention that in The Transfers. If a girl wants to be a Serpent, she has to do the same thing a boy has to do if he wants to be a Serpent, with the exception of being punched by every member of the Serpents.
Shortly after Jughead published Anatomy of a Murder, he hired an agent. His agent, Sam Pansky, lives in New York. He communicates with him through e-mails and text messages. I forgot to mention this in The Transfers. He didn’t leave Riverdale. He didn’t become an alcoholic or a drug addict.
Archie got his Serpent tattoo removed shortly after he got out of Juvie. I forgot to mention that in The Transfers.
Hermione doesn’t leave Riverdale. She doesn’t appear in The Real Housewives of New York. She stays in Riverdale and continues being the mayor.
FP doesn’t leave Riverdale. He stays in Riverdale and continues being the sheriff.
In the author’s note at the beginning of The Transfers, I mentioned that Alice, Polly, Cheryl, Kevin, Toni, Fangs, and Principal Weatherbee never joined the Farm. If Polly wasn’t in the Farm, I couldn’t see her naming the twins Juniper and Dagwood, so I gave them different names. Their names are Sophia and Liam.
Jughead writes a book called The Outcasts, but it’s different from the book that was mentioned in the show.
Riverdale High School
Thursday, June 27, 2019
7:00 p.m.
In 1941, the first senior class of Riverdale High buried a time capsule the day after they graduated. Tonight, Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie would be burying their own time capsule.
After they buried the time capsule, Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie would be going to the Whyte Wyrm. After their graduation ceremony, Cheryl had brought up the idea of having a graduation party at the Whyte Wyrm. Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Toni, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie thought it was a good idea.
Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie were standing on the football field.
“Did everyone bring an item?” Betty asked.
Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie nodded.
“I’m putting in last week’s copy of The Riverdale Register and last week’s copy of The Blue and Gold. They were my last editions as editor-in-chief. I’m also putting in a bobby pin in case anyone needs it.” Betty put a copy of The Riverdale Register, a copy of The Blue and Gold, and a bobby pin in the time capsule.
Betty was wearing pale pink high-heeled sandals and a pale pink dress with spaghetti straps, a v-neck, and a circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her long blonde hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“I'm putting in a football signed by all of the Bulldogs. Long may they roar.” Reggie put a football in the time capsule.
Reggie was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Adidas sneakers with white laces. His short, straight black hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He was clean-shaven.
“I'm putting in a Pop's menu and a La Bonne Nuit matchbook.” Veronica put a Pop's menu and a La Bonne Nuit matchbook in the time capsule.
Veronica was wearing a white tank top that stopped a few inches above her belly button and showed off the lower part of her flat stomach, a navy blue circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh, and navy blue high-heeled sandals. Her shoulder-length wavy black hair was tucked behind her ears. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, her lips were plum and shiny, and her cheeks were rosy.
“I’m putting in programs for the musicals I directed.” Kevin put programs for Carrie, Heathers, and Little Shop of Horrors in the time capsule.
Kevin was wearing black loafers and a short-sleeved white button down shirt tucked into dark blue denim jeans. A black leather belt with a silver buckle was around his waist. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He was clean-shaven.
Cheryl sighed before putting her long-sleeved yellow and white HBIC shirt in the time capsule. “Oh, HBIC shirt, I found no one deserving of you. Therefore, toodles.”
Cheryl was wearing a red tank top that stopped a few inches above her belly button and showed off the lower part of her flat stomach, a black circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh, and black high-heeled sandals. Her long red hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her lips were cherry red.
“I’m putting in my pom-poms. Being a River Vixen was a lot of fun.” Toni put her pom-poms in the time capsule.
Toni was wearing a black tank top that stopped a few inches above her belly button and showed off the lower part of her flat stomach, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, and Archie could see her silver belly button piercing. Her long brown hair with pink highlights was parted in the middle and styled in loose curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a light shade of berry pink.
“I’m putting in my ticket for A Star is Born. That was the first movie Fangs and I saw as a couple.” Emma put her ticket for A Star is Born in the time capsule.
Emma was wearing a lavender t-shirt that stopped a few inches above her belly button and showed off the lower part of her flat stomach, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and lavender low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her long brown hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty coral pink colour.
“I’m putting in a picture of me and Kevin.” Jake put a picture of himself and Kevin in the time capsule. The words “Me and Kevin at Pop’s in 2017” were written on the back of the picture in black ink.
Jake was tall with fair skin and brown eyes. His short, straight brown hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven. His body was slender but muscular. He was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Vans sneakers with white laces. He didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks.
“I’m putting in a picture of me and Reggie.” Lucy put a picture of herself and Reggie in the time capsule. The words “Me and Reggie at Pop’s in 2018” were written on the back of the picture in black ink.
Lucy was tall and slender with fair skin and blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She was wearing green high-heeled sandals and a green dress with a v-neck, two spaghetti straps criss-crossing over the open back, and a circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“I’m putting in a picture of me and Toni.” Hannah put a picture of herself and Toni in the time capsule. The words “Me and Toni at Pop’s in 2018” were written on the back of the picture in black ink.
Hannah was wearing a black t-shirt that stopped a few inches above her belly button and showed off the lower part of her flat stomach, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and black combat boots with black laces. Her long brown hair was parted in the middle and styled in loose curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
“I’m putting in a picture of me and Fangs.” Sweet Pea put a picture of himself and Fangs in the time capsule. The words “Me and Fangs playing pool at the Whyte Wyrm in 2017” were written on the back of the picture in black ink.
Sweet Pea was wearing a black tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces. His Serpent tattoo was on full display. His straight black hair hung just above his ears. His bangs were parted to the left and stopped just above his eyebrow. He was clean-shaven. He was holding a shovel.
“I’m putting in a picture of me and Emma.” Fangs put a picture of himself and Emma in the time capsule. The words “Me and Emma at Pop’s in 2018” were written on the back of the picture in black ink.
Fangs was wearing a white tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His Serpent tattoo was on full display. His short, straight black hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. His hair was faded on the sides. He was clean-shaven. He was holding a shovel.
“Well, it's getting pretty full in there, but...” Jughead trailed off.
Jughead took off his beanie and put it in the time capsule.
Jughead was wearing a grey t-shirt with a black S on the front, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces. Black suspenders hung from the sides of his jeans. His straight black hair hung just above his ears and was tousled. He was clean-shaven.
“Finally.” Cheryl said.
“I’m putting in a guitar pick and a hammer from my dad's toolbox.” Archie put a guitar pick and a hammer from Fred’s toolbox in the time capsule.
Archie was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Converse sneakers with white laces. His short, straight red hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven.
Betty closed the time capsule. Archie and Jughead lowered it into the hole Sweet Pea and Fangs had dug. Sweet Pea and Fangs filled the hole up with dirt.
Betty and Jughead walked towards Betty’s car. Betty got in the driver’s seat. Jughead got in the passenger’s seat. Betty started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Reggie and Lucy walked towards Reggie’s car. Reggie got in the driver’s seat. Lucy got in the passenger’s seat. Reggie started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Archie and Veronica walked towards Archie’s truck. Archie got in the driver’s seat. Veronica got in the passenger’s seat. Archie started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Kevin and Jake walked towards Kevin’s car. Kevin got in the driver’s seat. Jake got in the passenger’s seat. Kevin started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Cheryl and Toni walked towards Cheryl’s cherry red 1961 Chevrolet Impala convertible. Cheryl got in the driver’s seat. Toni got in the passenger’s seat. Cheryl started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Sweet Pea and Hannah walked towards Sweet Pea’s truck. Sweet Pea put the shovel he was holding in the backseat. Sweet Pea got in the driver’s seat. Hannah got in the passenger’s seat. Sweet Pea started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
Emma and Fangs walked towards Emma’s car. Emma owned a green 2013 Honda Accord. Fangs put the shovel he was holding in the backseat. Emma got in the driver’s seat. Fangs got in the passenger’s seat. Emma started the engine and drove to the Whyte Wyrm.
The new Whyte Wyrm looked amazing. The floors were made of black square ceramic tiles. The ceiling was made of white square vinyl tiles. The walls were made of wooden panels. Green, blue, red, and purple neon lights were on each wall. A green neon sign reading The Whyte Wyrm was hanging on the wall towards the right. Pool tables were tucked to one side. Booths with square wooden tables that had double-headed snakes carved into them and black leather seats were scattered around. The bar took up the majority of the wall towards the left. A man stood behind the bar.
Betty ordered a Shirley Temple. Jughead ordered a beer. Reggie ordered a club soda with a lime wedge. Lucy ordered a strawberry daiquiri. Archie ordered a club soda with a lime wedge. Veronica ordered a lemon drop martini. Kevin ordered a club soda with a lime wedge. Jake ordered a mojito. Cheryl ordered a Shirley Temple. Toni ordered a beer. Sweet Pea ordered a club soda with a lime wedge. Hannah ordered a Jack and Coke. Emma ordered a Shirley Temple. Fangs ordered a Jack and Coke.
“Betty, Jughead, Cheryl, Reggie, Kevin, Emma, Jake, Lucy, Hannah, Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, I’d like to make a toast to you. You’re the best friends anyone could ask for. I don’t think if I would have survived high school if I didn’t have you and Veronica by my side. I hope our friendship lasts forever. Cheers.” Archie raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Betty raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Jughead raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Cheryl raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Reggie raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Kevin raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Emma raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Jake raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Lucy raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Hannah raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Sweet Pea raised his glass.
“Cheers.” Toni raised her glass.
“Cheers.” Fangs raised his glass.
“Jughead, I should have asked this question sooner, but where did the nicknames Jughead, Jellybean, Sweet Pea, and Fangs come from?” Veronica asked.
“When I was a kid, I had a long nose and big ears, making my head look like a water jug, but I grew into them once I started going through puberty. The nickname Jughead came from some guys in my grade 4 class. Jellybean’s real name is Forsythia. It’s a mirror of my real name. I disliked the name in any form and started calling her Jellybean when she was 5. The nickname came from the type of truck that crashed and caused the traffic jam in which she was born. Nathan is a big softie when he wants to be. When I transferred to Southside High, Toni told me she started calling him Sweet Pea when they were 13 and the nickname stuck. When Francis joined the Serpents, he wanted a nickname that would make him seem more intimidating. Fangs was the first nickname he thought of.” Jughead said.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
10:00 a.m.
Smithers had retired and would be going back to New York.
Hermione and Veronica dropped Smithers off at the bus station.
Smithers pulled Hermione into a hug. “Take care, Hermione.”
“You too, Smithers. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and Veronica,” Hermione said.
Hermione was wearing navy blue high-heeled pumps and a navy blue dress with a v-neck, short sleeves that fell slightly off her shoulders, and a slim-fitting skirt that reached her knees and had a straight, narrow cut. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her long straight black hair was in layers. Her bangs were parted to the right and stopped just above her eyebrow. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
Smithers pulled Veronica into a hug. “Take care, Veronica.”
“You too,” Veronica said.
Veronica was wearing black high-heeled sandals and a short-sleeved white button down shirt with silver studs on the collar tucked into a black circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh. Her shoulder-length wavy black hair was tucked behind her ears. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, her lips were plum and shiny, and her cheeks were rosy.
Smithers got on the bus. Hermione and Veronica waved at him as the bus drove away.
Hermione and Veronica walked towards the taxi they had taken to the bus station. They got in the taxi. The taxi driver headed to the Pembrooke.
Mary, Brooke, and Archie’s house
Friday, July 19, 2019
6:00 p.m.
Archie had invited Veronica, Betty, and Jughead over for dinner. Mary and Brooke were having dinner at Pop’s.
Veronica knocked on the door. The door didn’t open.
Veronica, Betty, and Jughead started walking around the yard.
“Archie?” Jughead called out.
Jughead was wearing a black tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces. His Serpent tattoo was on full display. His straight black hair hung just above his ears and was tousled. He was clean-shaven.
Veronica, Betty, and Jughead heard Archie say, “I’m in the garage.”
Veronica, Betty, and Jughead walked into the garage.
Archie rolled himself out from under the jalopy and wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a rag.
Archie spoke. “I was thinking we could drive the jalopy to Sweetwater River and watch the sunset, but all of my attempts to get it started have failed. I don’t think I’ll ever get it started.”
Archie was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length boots. His short, straight red hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven. His shirt and jeans were smeared with oil.
Betty spoke. “It could become part of the decor in Pop’s. It would fit with the vintage theme. Call Tabitha and see if she’s okay with having it towed to Pop’s, and if she is, call a tow truck.”
Betty was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her long straight blonde hair was piled on top of her head in a neat donut-shaped bun. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Veronica spoke. “But first, you need to shower, change your clothes, and eat.”
Veronica was wearing navy blue ankle-length boots with high heels and a short-sleeved white button down shirt tucked into navy blue cotton shorts that reached her mid-thigh. Her shoulder-length wavy black hair was tucked behind her ears. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, her lips were plum and shiny, and her cheeks were rosy.
Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead walked into the house.
Alice, Polly, and Betty’s house
Monday, August 5, 2019
10:00 a.m.
Alice’s car, Polly’s car, Betty’s car, Jughead’s motorcycle, and FP’s motorcycle were parked in front of the house.
Alice was standing next to her car.
Polly was standing next to her car. Her right hand was grasping the stroller Sophia and Liam were sleeping in.
Betty was standing next to her car. Two suitcases were in the backseat.
Jughead was standing next to his motorcycle.
FP was standing next to his motorcycle.
Alice pulled Betty into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Betty.”
Alice was wearing purple high-heeled sandals and a short-sleeved ruffled purple dress with a v-neck and an a-line skirt that reached her knees. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her straight blonde hair was in layers and reached her chest. Her bangs were parted to the right and stopped just above her eyebrow. Her blue eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss. She still had her Serpent tattoo. Even though she left the Serpents in high school, she hadn’t gotten her Serpent tattoo removed, because removing a tattoo was painful.
Alice’s Serpent tattoo couldn’t be seen underneath her clothes.
“Thank you, Mom,” Betty said.
Betty was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her long straight blonde hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Polly pulled Betty into a hug. “I’m proud of you too.”
Polly was wearing pale pink high-heeled sandals and a pale pink dress with a v-neck, two spaghetti straps criss-crossing over the open back, and a circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was parted in the middle and styled in loose curls. Her green eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Polly,” Betty said.
Betty was born in 2001. Cheryl and Jason were born in 2000. Polly was born in 1999. Jason had been in Polly’s grade. Cheryl had been in Betty’s grade. The reason for this is that Jason was super smart and skipped a grade.
Polly got pregnant in 2016. She gave birth and dropped out of high school in 2017. This September, she was going to start taking online classes in order to get her G.E.D.
Jughead pulled Betty into a hug. “Text us when you’re in your dorm, okay?”
Jughead was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces. Black suspenders hung from the sides of his jeans. His straight black hair hung just above his ears and was tousled. He was clean-shaven.
“Okay.” Betty said.
FP pulled Betty into a hug. “Drive safe.”
FP was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back. He had a hint of stubble. He still had his Serpent tattoo. Even though he retired from the Serpents when Jughead was in high school, he hadn’t gotten his Serpent tattoo removed. He didn’t get his Serpent tattoo removed for the same reason Alice didn’t get her Serpent tattoo removed. He had a tattoo of a jellybean on the left side of his chest. He’d gotten it shortly after Gladys and Jellybean left Riverdale for the first time. He had no plans to get it removed.
FP’s tattoos couldn’t be seen underneath his clothes.
“I will.” Betty said.
Betty got in her car and pulled out of the driveway.
Jughead got on his motorcycle and pulled out of the driveway.
FP got on his motorcycle and pulled out of the driveway.
The Pembrooke
10:15 a.m.
Mary, Brooke, Archie, Veronica, and Hermione were in the parking lot.
Veronica was standing next to two suitcases.
Mary’s car and Brooke’s car were parked next to Archie’s truck.
Archie would be driving Veronica to Barnard College. Mary and Brooke had come to bid Veronica farewell.
Archie took one of the suitcases from Veronica and put it in the backseat of his truck.
Veronica put the other suitcase in the backseat of Archie’s truck.
Hermione pulled Veronica into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Veronica.”
Hermione was wearing black high-heeled pumps and a short-sleeved ruffled black dress with a v-neck and an a-line skirt that reached her knees. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her long straight black hair was in layers. Her bangs were parted to the right and stopped just above her eyebrow. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Mom,” Veronica said.
Veronica was wearing navy blue high-heeled sandals and a navy blue dress with spaghetti straps, a v-neck, and a circle skirt that reached her mid-thigh. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her shoulder-length wavy black hair was tucked behind her ears. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, her lips were plum and shiny, and her cheeks were rosy.
Ever since she was in her freshman year of high school, Veronica had dreamt of becoming a history teacher. In her junior year at Riverdale High, she had applied to Barnard College. She had been accepted into Barnard College in senior year.
Mary pulled Veronica into a hug. “I’m proud of you too.”
Mary was wearing a green t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and green flats. Her shoulder-length red hair was styled in loose curls. Her bangs were parted to the right and stopped just above her eyebrow. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Mary,” Veronica said.
“Good luck at Barnard,” Brooke said.
Brooke was tall and slender with fair skin and brown eyes. Her straight brown hair hung just above her ears. Her bangs were parted to the right and stopped just above her eyebrow. She was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and beige ankle-length boots. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“Thank you,” Veronica said.
“Drive safe. Text me when Veronica is in her dorm, okay?” Mary asked Archie.
“Okay.” Archie said.
Archie was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Converse sneakers with white laces. His short, straight red hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven.
Archie and Veronica got in Archie’s truck. Archie pulled out of the parking lot.
Tom, Sierra, and Kevin’s house
10:30 a.m.
Tom’s car, Sierra’s car, and Kevin’s car were parked in front of the house.
Tom was standing next to his car.
Sierra was standing next to her car.
Kevin was standing next to his car. Two suitcases were in the backseat.
Tom pulled Kevin into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Kevin.”
Tom was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His short, straight grey hair was slicked back. He was clean-shaven.
“Thank you, Dad,” Kevin said.
Kevin was wearing black loafers and a short-sleeved white button down shirt tucked into dark blue denim jeans. A black leather belt with a silver buckle was around his waist. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He was clean-shaven.
Ever since his freshman year at Riverdale High, Kevin had dreamt of becoming a drama teacher. He had applied for the acting and musical theatre program at Carnegie Mellon University in his junior year. He had been accepted into the program in his senior year.
Sierra pulled Kevin into a hug. “I’m proud of you too.”
Sierra was wearing green high-heeled sandals and a short-sleeved ruffled green dress with a v-neck and an a-line skirt that reached her knees. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her black hair was parted in the middle, reached her chest, and was styled in barrel curls. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Sierra,” Kevin said.
“Drive safe. Text us when you’re in your dorm, okay?” Tom asked.
“Okay.” Kevin said.
Kevin got in his car and pulled out of the driveway.
Steve, Elaine, and Jake’s house
10:45 a.m.
Steve’s black 2003 Ford F-150 truck, Elaine’s green 2003 Toyota Camry, and Jake’s red 2013 Chevrolet Cavalier were parked in front of the house.
Steve was standing next to his truck.
Elaine was standing next to her car.
Jake was standing next to his car. Two suitcases were in the backseat.
Kevin pulled into the driveway and got out of his car.
Steve pulled Jake into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Jake.”
Steve was tall with fair skin and brown eyes. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He had a hint of stubble. His body was slender but muscular. He didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. He was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots.
In junior year, Jake had applied for the emergency medicine program at the University of Pittsburgh. He had been accepted into the program in senior year. Ever since he was a sophomore, he had wanted to follow in Steve’s footsteps.
Steve worked at Riverdale General Hospital as an emergency room doctor. Elaine worked at Riverdale General Hospital as a nurse. They had graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. They had applied for the emergency medicine program at the University of Pittsburgh when they were in their junior year at Riverdale High. They had been accepted into the program when they were seniors in 1993.
“Thank you, Dad,” Jake said.
Jake was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Vans sneakers with white laces. His short, straight brown hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven.
Elaine pulled Jake into a hug. “I’m proud of you too.”
Elaine was tall and slender with fair skin and green eyes. Her straight brown hair reached her shoulders and was parted in the middle. She didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. She was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black flats. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Mom,” Jake said.
Elaine pulled Kevin into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Kevin.”
“Thank you, Elaine,” Kevin said.
“I’m proud of you too.” Steve said.
“Thank you, Steve,” Kevin said.
“Drive safe. Text us when you’re in your dorm, okay?” Elaine asked Jake.
“Okay.” Jake said.
Jake got in his car and pulled out of the driveway.
Kevin got in his car and pulled out of the driveway.
Matthew, Caroline, and Emma’s house
11:00 a.m.
Emma’s car, Matthew’s green 2003 Ford Focus, and Caroline’s red 2003 Chevrolet Camaro were parked in front of the house.
Emma was standing next to her car. Two suitcases were in the backseat.
Matthew was standing next to his car.
Caroline was standing next to her car.
Fangs pulled into the driveway and got off his motorcycle.
Matthew pulled Emma into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Emma.”
Matthew was tall with fair skin and blue eyes. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He had a hint of stubble. His body was slender but muscular. He didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. He was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots.
“Thank you, Dad,” Emma said.
Emma was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and brown ankle-length boots with high heels. Her long straight brown hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty coral pink colour.
Caroline pulled Emma into a hug. “I’m proud of you too.”
Caroline was tall and slender with fair skin and blue eyes. Her long brown hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. She was wearing a green t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and green flats. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“Thank you, Mom,” Emma said.
In junior year, Emma had applied to the University of Baltimore. She had been accepted into the University of Baltimore in senior year. Ever since she was a sophomore, she had wanted to follow in Matthew and Caroline’s footsteps.
Matthew and Caroline were defense attorneys. They worked at the same law firm Sierra worked at. They had graduated from the University of Baltimore. They had applied to the University of Baltimore when they were in their junior year at Riverdale High. They had been accepted into the University of Baltimore when they were seniors in 1993.
Fangs pulled Emma into a hug. “Drive safe. Text us when you’re in your dorm, okay?”
Fangs was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His short, straight black hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. His hair was faded on the sides. He was clean-shaven.
“Okay.” Emma said.
Emma got in her car and pulled out of the driveway.
Fangs got on his motorcycle and pulled out of the driveway.
Deanna and Lucy’s house
11:15 a.m.
Deanna’s red 2003 Toyota Corolla and Lucy’s green 2013 Ford Fusion were parked in front of the house.
Deanna was standing next to her car.
Lucy was standing next to her car. Two suitcases were in the backseat.
Reggie pulled into the driveway and got out of his car.
Two suitcases were in the backseat of Reggie’s car.
Deanna pulled Lucy into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Lucy.”
Deanna was tall and slender with fair skin and blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was parted in the middle and styled in barrel curls. She didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. She was wearing a white t-shirt, a purple a-line skirt that reached her knees, and purple flats. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Deanna was a single mother.
When Lucy was in her freshman year at Riverdale High, her father, David Collins, died. He was a truck driver. One night, at the end of his shift, he was driving from Centerville to Riverdale, it was rainy, and the road was slippery. The truck slid off the road, flipped, and landed in a ditch.
Deanna was the math teacher at Riverdale Middle School. She had graduated from Columbia University. She had applied to Columbia University when she was in her junior year at Riverdale High. She had been accepted into Columbia University when she and David were seniors in 1993. David had no interest in college. His father ran a truck driving business. He died of cancer when David was a sophomore, and David took over the business. When David died, his fraternal twin brother took over the business.
“Thank you, Mom,” Lucy said.
Lucy was wearing a green t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and green low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her long straight blonde hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Deanna pulled Reggie into a hug. “I’m proud of you too, Reggie.”
“Thank you, Deanna,” Reggie said.
Reggie was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black high-top Adidas sneakers with white laces. His short, straight black hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He was clean-shaven.
In junior year, Reggie and Lucy had applied to Columbia University. They had been accepted into Columbia University in senior year. Reggie would be majoring in physical education. Ever since he was a sophomore, he had dreamt of becoming a gym teacher. Lucy would be majoring in English. Ever since she was a sophomore, she had dreamt of becoming an English teacher.
“Drive safe. Text me when you’re in your dorm, okay?” Deanna asked Lucy.
“Okay.” Lucy said.
Lucy got in her car and pulled out of the driveway.
Reggie got in his car and pulled out of the driveway.
Polly got her G.E.D. in June of 2020. She started working at Pop’s as a waitress.
In September of 2020, Vegas was diagnosed with gastric dilatation volvulus (a stomach torsion condition), and Hot Dog was diagnosed with lymphoma (a tumor of the lymph nodes). Mary and FP decided to euthanize them.
Alice, Polly, and Betty’s house
Monday, September 13, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Polly laid in her bed, cell phone in hand.
Polly was talking to Betty. “I’m seeing someone.”
Polly was wearing a green t-shirt and green and white plaid flannel pajama pants. She was barefoot. Her straight blonde hair reached her shoulders and was parted in the middle. She didn’t have a bra on. She didn’t have makeup on.
“Really? What’s his name?” Betty asked.
Betty was lying in her bed. Her roommate was at the library.
Betty was wearing a grey t-shirt with Yale University emblazoned on the front in black letters and black sweatpants with a white drawstring. The drawstring was tied into a bow. Her long straight blonde hair was parted in the middle. She didn’t have a bra on. She didn’t have makeup on.
“His name is Spencer Martin. We’ve been dating since July.” Polly said.
“He’s a nice guy. I’m happy for you,” Betty said.
Betty met Spencer the night she did her Serpent dance. He was born in 1999. He graduated from Riverdale High School in 2017. After graduation, he became a full-time Serpent. He joined the Serpents in his freshman year. In his junior year, his parents were killed during a fight with the Ghoulies. Sweet Pea’s parents had also been killed during that fight.
“Thank you,” Polly said.
Friday, November 5, 2021
6:00 p.m.
FP’s shift had ended. He decided to have dinner at Pop’s before he went back to his and Jughead’s trailer.
Archie’s jalopy was next to the jukebox. Tabitha had turned it into a memorial for Fred. A framed picture of Fred at his high school graduation in 1993 was on the hood, as well as a framed picture of Fred holding a 2 month old Archie. Mary had given her those pictures. She had painted the words “In loving memory of Fred Andrews” on the driver’s side door in white. She had painted the year he was born and the year he died on the passenger’s side door in white.
Tabitha walked up to FP.
“Good evening, Sheriff Jones. What can I get for you?” Tabitha asked.
Tabitha was wearing a Pop’s uniform. Her black ringlets were gathered behind her ears in a sleek low ponytail. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
"I'll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke." FP said.
FP was wearing his uniform. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back. He had a hint of stubble.
"Coming right up," Tabitha said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
“Here you go.” Tabitha said, setting FP’s food and drink in front of him.
FP smiled. "Thank you, Tabitha."
“You’re welcome,” Tabitha said.
Tabitha walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
In June of 2022, Sweet Pea and Hannah moved into an apartment in the Southside.
In June of 2023, Betty graduated from Yale University, Veronica graduated from Barnard College, Kevin graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, and Reggie and Lucy graduated from Columbia University. Betty and Jughead moved into an apartment in the Southside. Archie and Veronica moved into a single-story house in the Northside. Kevin moved into an apartment in the Northside. Reggie and Lucy moved into a single-story house in the Northside.
In September of 2023, Betty started working for the Riverdale Police Department as a forensic scientist, bought a cat, and named her Toffee. Veronica became the history teacher at Riverdale Middle School, Kevin became the drama teacher at Riverdale High School, Reggie became the gym teacher at Riverdale Middle School, and Lucy became the English teacher at Riverdale High School. When Betty wasn’t being a forensic scientist, she was helping Jughead run the Serpents.
In June of 2028, Spencer and Polly got engaged. Spencer, Polly, Sophia, and Liam moved into an apartment in the Southside.
In June of 2029, Emma graduated from the University of Baltimore, and Jake graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. Emma and Fangs moved into an apartment in the Southside. Jake moved in with Kevin.
Sunday, July 15, 2029
1:00 p.m.
Spencer, Polly, Betty, and Jughead had made plans to have lunch at Pop’s. Sophia and Liam were spending the day with Alice.
Spencer parked his red 2021 Ford F-150 truck in front of Pop’s. He and Polly got out of the truck. They entered Pop’s and slid into an empty booth.
Betty parked her green 2021 Honda Accord next to Spencer’s truck. She and Jughead got out of the car. They entered Pop’s and sat across from Spencer and Polly.
Betty smiled. “Hey, Polly. Hey, Spencer.”
Polly smiled. “Hey.”
Polly was wearing a white t-shirt, green cotton shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and green ankle-length boots with high heels. Her straight blonde hair was parted in the middle and reached her chest. Her green eyes were framed by long dark lashes, and her cheeks were rosy. She had on nude lip gloss.
Spencer smiled. “Hey.”
Spencer was tall with fair skin and green eyes. His short, straight brown hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven. His body was slender but muscular. He was wearing a white tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. He had a double-headed snake tattoo on his left shoulder. He didn't have any other tattoos besides his Serpent tattoo. He didn't have any scars or birthmarks. He didn't have any piercings.
Betty was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length boots with high heels. Her long straight blonde hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Polly smiled at Jughead. “Hey, Jughead.”
Jughead smiled. “Hey.”
Jughead was wearing a black tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His tattoos were on full display. His straight black hair hung just above his ears and was tousled. He had a hint of stubble.
In Betty’s freshman year at Yale University, Gladys and Jellybean died in a car accident. FP and Jughead drove to Toledo in FP’s green 2021 Ford F-150 truck and attended Gladys and Jellybean’s funeral. Shortly after he and FP got back to Riverdale, Jughead got some new tattoos as a way of remembering them and Hot Dog. In the middle of his chest, there was a tattoo of a crown surrounded by red roses. Gladys gave him the beanie he used to wear, and roses were in her wedding bouquet. On his upper left arm, he had a tattoo of Cosmo, the main character of Cosmo the Merry Martian, a TV show he and Jellybean watched when they were kids. On his upper right arm, he had a tattoo of Hot Dog.
Jughead smiled at Spencer. “Hey, Spencer.”
Spencer smiled. “Hey.”
“How are you, Polly?” Betty asked Polly.
“Good, and yourself?” Polly asked.
“Good,” Betty said.
“How are you, Jughead?” Polly asked Jughead.
“Good,” Jughead said.
“How are you, Spencer?” Betty asked Spencer.
“Good,” Spencer said.
Tabitha walked up to Spencer, Polly, Betty, and Jughead.
“Good evening, everyone. What can I get for you?” Tabitha asked.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a root beer.” Spencer said.
“I’ll have the spinach and ricotta casserole, a multigrain roll, and a root beer.” Polly said.
“I’ll have a chicken sandwich, fries, and a Coke.” Betty said.
"I'll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke.” Jughead said.
"Coming right up," Tabitha said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
“Here you go.” Tabitha said, setting Spencer, Polly, Betty, and Jughead’s food and drinks in front of them.
Spencer smiled. “Thank you.”
Polly smiled. “Thank you.”
Betty smiled. “Thank you.”
Jughead smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Tabitha said.
Tabitha walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
Saturday, July 21, 2029
6:00 p.m.
Kevin and Jake had made plans to have dinner with Fangs and Emma at Pop’s.
Kevin parked his green 2021 Honda Civic in front of Pop’s. He and Jake got out of the car. They entered Pop’s and slid into an empty booth.
Fangs parked his black 2021 Ford F-150 truck next to Kevin’s car. He and Emma got out of the truck.  They entered Pop’s and sat across from Kevin and Jake.
Kevin smiled at Fangs. “Hi, Fangs.”
Fangs smiled. “Hi.”
Fangs was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His straight black hair hung just above his ears and was tousled. He had a hint of stubble.
Kevin smiled at Emma. “Hi, Emma.”
Kevin was wearing black loafers and a short-sleeved black button down shirt tucked into dark blue denim jeans. A black leather belt with a silver buckle was around his waist. His short, straight brown hair was slicked back and parted to the left. He was clean-shaven.
Emma smiled. “Hi.”
Emma was wearing a white t-shirt, purple cotton shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and purple ankle-length boots with high heels. Her long straight brown hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Jake smiled at Fangs. “Hi, Fangs.”
Jake was wearing a green t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and beige ankle-length boots. His short, straight brown hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven.
Fangs smiled. “Hi.”
Jake smiled at Emma. “Hi, Emma.”
Emma smiled. “Hi.”
“How are you, Emma?” Kevin asked Emma.
“Good, and yourself?” Emma asked.
“Good,” Kevin said.
“How are you, Fangs?” Kevin asked Fangs.
“Good,” Fangs said.
“How are you, Jake?” Emma asked Jake.
“Good,” Jake said.
Tabitha walked up to Kevin, Jake, Fangs, and Emma.
“Good evening, everyone. What can I get for you?” Tabitha asked.
“I’ll have a chicken sandwich, fries, and a root beer.” Kevin said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a root beer.” Jake said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke.” Fangs said.
“I’ll have the spinach and ricotta casserole, a multigrain roll, and a Coke.” Emma said.
"Coming right up," Tabitha said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
“Here you go.” Tabitha said, setting Kevin, Jake, Fangs, and Emma’s food and drinks in front of them.
Kevin smiled. “Thank you.”
Jake smiled. “Thank you.”
Fangs smiled. “Thank you.”
Emma smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Tabitha said.
Tabitha walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
Friday, August 10, 2029
6:00 p.m.
Archie and Veronica had made plans to have dinner with Reggie and Lucy at Pop’s.
Archie parked his red 2021 Ford F-150 truck in front of Pop’s. He and Veronica got out of the truck. They entered Pop’s and slid into an empty booth.
Reggie parked his black 2021 Cadillac CT5 in front of Pop’s. He and Lucy got out of the car. They entered Pop’s and sat across from Archie and Veronica.
Archie smiled at Reggie. “Hey, Reggie.”
Reggie smiled. “Hey.”
Archie smiled at Lucy. “Hey, Lucy.”
Lucy smiled. “Hey.”
Veronica smiled at Reggie. “Hi, Reggie.”
Reggie smiled. “Hi.”
Veronica smiled at Lucy. “Hi, Lucy.”
Lucy smiled. “Hi.”
“How are you, Reggie?” Archie asked Reggie.
“Good, and yourself?” Reggie asked.
“Good,” Archie said.
“How are you, Lucy?” Archie asked Lucy.
“Good,” Lucy said.
“How are you, Veronica?” Reggie asked Veronica.
“Good,” Veronica said.
Tabitha walked up to Archie, Veronica, Reggie, and Lucy.
“Good evening, everyone. What can I get for you?” Tabitha asked.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke.” Archie said.
“I’ll have the pasta salad, a multigrain roll, and a root beer.” Veronica said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke.” Reggie said.
“I’ll have a chicken sandwich, fries, and a root beer.” Lucy said.
"Coming right up," Tabitha said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
“Here you go.” Tabitha said, setting Archie, Veronica, Reggie, and Lucy’s food and drinks in front of them.
Archie smiled. “Thank you.”
Veronica smiled. “Thank you.”
Reggie smiled. “Thank you.”
Lucy smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Tabitha said.
Tabitha walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
Sunday, August 19, 2029
1:00 p.m.
Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Hannah had made plans to have lunch at Pop’s.
Cheryl parked her red 2021 Ford Mustang in front of Pop’s. She and Toni got out of the car. They entered Pop’s and slid into an empty booth.
Sweet Pea parked his green 2021 Ford F-150 truck in front of Pop’s. He and Hannah got out of the truck. They entered Pop’s and sat across from Cheryl and Toni.
Hannah smiled at Cheryl. “Hi, Cheryl.”
Hannah was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and black ankle-length leather boots. Her long straight brown hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Cheryl smiled. “Hi.”
Cheryl was wearing a red t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and red ankle-length boots with high heels. Her long straight red hair was parted in the middle. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lipstick.
Hannah smiled at Toni. “Hey, Toni.”
Toni smiled. “Hey.”
Sweet Pea smiled at Cheryl. “Hi, Cheryl.”
The night before, Sweet Pea had gotten some new tattoos. On his left forearm, he had a tattoo that read “Serpents don’t shed.” On the top of his right arm, he had a tattoo of a snake wrapped around a knife. Above the tattoo of the snake and the knife, he had a tattoo of a red rose.
Sweet Pea was wearing a black tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His tattoos were on full display. His short, straight black hair was slicked back. A small piece of hair hung on the left side of his head, stopping just above his eyebrow. He was clean-shaven.
Cheryl smiled. “Hi.”
Sweet Pea smiled at Toni. “Hey, Toni.”
Toni smiled. “Hey.”
The night before, Toni had gotten rid of her pink highlights and her belly button piercing. The pink highlights had been replaced by blonde highlights.
Toni’s long brown hair with blonde highlights was parted in the middle and styled in box braids. She was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“Your hair looks fucking awesome,” Hannah said.
Toni smiled. “Thank you.”
Tabitha walked up to Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Hannah.
“Good evening, everyone. What can I get for you?” Tabitha asked.
“I’ll have the pasta salad, a multigrain roll, and a cherry Coke.” Cheryl said.
“I’ll have a chicken sandwich, fries, and a root beer.” Toni said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke.” Sweet Pea said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a root beer.” Hannah said.
"Coming right up," Tabitha said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
“Here you go.” Tabitha said, setting Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Hannah’s food and drinks in front of them.
Cheryl smiled. “Thank you.”
Toni smiled. “Thank you.”
Sweet Pea smiled. “Thank you.”
Hannah smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Tabitha said.
Tabitha walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
Saturday, August 25, 2029
After their lunch date at Pop's, Fangs and Emma went back to their apartment.
Emma walked into her and her boyfriend’s bedroom. He followed her. He shut the door.
Emma took off her clothes, leaving her in just her green lingerie.
Fangs left a trail of kisses on the side of Emma’s neck, rubbing his hands up and down her legs. She groaned in pleasure, taking off his clothes, leaving him in just his boxers.
Emma straddled her boyfriend’s body as they laid on top of the bed. She kissed down his body, creeping closer to his boxers. He flipped them over so that he was on top. The two kissed each other all over as they made love.
Fangs and Emma collapsed on the bed next to each other.
Spencer married Polly on Saturday, September 8, 2029.
In 2030, Archie married Veronica, Jughead married Betty, Cheryl married Toni, Reggie married Lucy, Kevin married Jake, Sweet Pea married Hannah, and Fangs married Emma.
In 2031, Archie and Veronica had a baby girl and named her Audrey Andrews, Jughead and Betty had a baby girl and named her Darcy Jones, Spencer and Polly had a baby girl and named her Claire Martin, Cheryl and Toni adopted a baby girl and named her Amelia Blossom, Reggie and Lucy had a baby girl and named her Olivia Mantle, Kevin and Jake adopted a baby girl and named her Natalie Keller, Sweet Pea and Hannah had a baby girl and named her Rachel Montgomery, and Fangs and Emma had a baby girl and named her Megan Fogarty.
Audrey was named after the actress Audrey Hepburn. Darcy was named after Fitzwilliam Darcy, a character from the book Pride and Prejudice. Natalie was named after the actress Natalie Wood.
In 2032, Jughead wrote his second novel, The Outcasts. It made it to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list. It was about two nerdy boys who decided to exact their revenge by uniting the outcasts of their high school against the quarterback of the football team and his friends after falling victim to a cruel prank. It took place in Los Angeles, California and was set in the year 1994.
In January of 2035, Alice, FP, Mary, Brooke, Hermione, Sierra, Steve, Elaine, Matthew, Caroline, and Deanna retired. Archie ran for mayor. He won the election. The new sheriff he hired moved from Centerville to Riverdale in 2021. He ran the RROTC program at Centerville High School. He joined the RROTC program when he was a sophomore in 2017 and became the leader of the program when he was a junior in 2018. He graduated in 2019. He was born in 2001.
In February of 2035, Mark and Kelly retired from the Serpents.
Spencer, Polly, Sophia, Liam, and Claire's apartment building
Thursday, June 28, 2035
1:00 p.m.
Spencer, Polly, Sophia, and Liam were standing in the parking lot.
Spencer’s black 2021 Ford F-150 truck was parked next to Polly’s red 2021 Toyota Camry. Sophia’s green 2021 Chevrolet Cavalier was parked next to Liam’s black 2021 Honda Accord.
Two suitcases were in the backseat of Sophia’s car.
Two suitcases were in the backseat of Liam’s car.
Sophia and Liam graduated from Riverdale High two days ago. Sophia was the valedictorian of their graduating class.
When Sophia and Liam were in their junior year, she had applied to Harvard University, and he had applied to Boston University. They had been accepted at the beginning of senior year. Sophia would be majoring in history. Liam would be majoring in chemistry.
Ever since Sophia and Liam were in their freshman year at Riverdale High, she had dreamt of being a history teacher, and he had dreamt of being a forensic scientist.
From sophomore year to senior year, Sophia had been a River Vixen, and Liam had been the basketball team’s point guard.
Sophia dated the quarterback of the football team from sophomore year to junior year. She didn’t date anyone in freshman year. She didn’t date anyone in senior year either.
Liam dated the editor-in-chief of the Blue and Gold from sophomore year to junior year. He didn’t date anyone in freshman year. He didn’t date anyone in senior year either.
Harvard was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sophia was moving to Cambridge. She had found an apartment near Harvard. She would be living alone, unless someone expressed interest in being her roommate.
Boston University was located in Boston, Massachusetts. Liam was moving to Boston. He had found an apartment near Boston University. He would be living alone, unless someone expressed interest in being his roommate.
Claire was spending the day with Alice. Polly had promised Sophia and Liam that she would say goodbye to Claire, Alice, FP, Jughead, Betty, Darcy, Cheryl, Toni, and Amelia on their behalf.
Polly pulled Sophia into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Sophia."
Polly was wearing a purple t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and purple flats. Her straight blonde hair was parted in the middle and reached her chest. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
“Thank you,” Sophia said.
Sophia had fair skin, green eyes, and a slender figure. She didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks. Her long straight red hair was parted in the middle. She was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue denim shorts that reached her mid-thigh, and beige ankle-length boots with high heels. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Spencer pulled Sophia into a hug. "I'm proud of you too."
Spencer was wearing a green t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. His short, straight brown hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven.
“Thank you,” Sophia said.
"Drive safe. Text me and Spencer when you get to Cambridge, okay?" Polly asked Sophia.
"Okay." Sophia said.
Sophia got in her car and drove away.
Polly pulled Liam into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Liam."
"Thank you," Liam said.
Liam had fair skin and green eyes. His short, straight red hair was styled in an Ivy League cut. His locks were a little longer on the top, allowing him to spike up his bangs. He was clean-shaven. His body was slender but muscular. He was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. He didn’t have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks.
Spencer pulled Liam into a hug. "I'm proud of you too."
"Thank you," Liam said.
"Drive safe. Text me and Spencer when you get to Boston, okay?" Polly asked Liam.
"Okay." Liam said.
Liam got in his car and drove away.
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waterloou · 3 years
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Full name: Dante Fogarty
Birthplace: Riverdale, GA, United States
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: he/him
Profession: gang member
Family: Daniel Fogarty (father, deceased), Uma Fogarty(mother), Elena Fogarty(sister), Daisy Cariña(niece), Fangs Fogarty(brother), Romeo Fogarty(cousin), Martín Fogarty(uncle), Maria Fogarty(Abuela)
Honorary family: Pallaton Abrejo, Chimalma Abrejo, Felix Mason, Angel Abrejo, the Abrejo kids, Atzi Abrejo, Sweet Pea, Hog Eye, Mama Bear, Marina Moretti(l oc)
Friends: Ruthie Soh-Peterson(court oc), CD Rhodes, Spyder De La Cruz
Love Interest(s): Joanne (l oc), Valentina Luna (v oc)
Weapon of choice: flame thrower, machete
Character: He was a little more outgoing before his father and Pallaton Abrejo died. He’d just graduated high school with some pretty nice grades, and then, within 5 months, both were dead. He moved quickly to go live in Centerville with CD and Spyder, of course driving down to Riverdale to visit Ruthie and his family. His visits became a lot less frequent once his younger sister showed up, pregnant, on his front porch, sobbing her eyes out. Maria Fogarty had kicked the girl out, and Dante, CD, and Spyder took her in and he dotes on his little niece so much. Stoic, graceful, pyromaniac. Used a makeshift torch before he got enough to buy himself a flame thrower. Known to be deadly in his gang. TALL(6’6). Two full tattoo sleeves, cobra tattoo on his throat, snake tattoo wrapping around his neck. In the centerville serpents, he does work with charity for freeing people in sex trafficking.
Tag: @s-s-southsideserpentine @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @nikolai-lantsv @kazinejghafa @raith-way @thecaptainsgingersnap @jinxsflame @humangrumpycat @hiddenqveendom @anna-phora
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Introduction: Sapphire Keller
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Name: Sapphire Victoria Keller
FC: Ksenia Islamova
Fic Title: TBD
Nickname(s): Pyre, Sappy, Starfire, My little gem (tauntingly by Persephone, lovingly by Tom)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
Career: New York City Detective.
Birthday: July 9
Height: 5’ 9
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Green
Place of Birth: US Army Garrison Wiesbaden Base, Germany
Hobbies: baking and cooking, running, spending time with family
Likes: Disney movies, roller coasters, milkshakes, Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe, helping her dad work on a case
Dislikes: Riverdale High Bulldogs, Riverdale’s past, Ghoulies, Persephone’s relationship with Malachai, Persephone’s “playdates” with Tom
Favorite Bands: The Veronicas, The Offspring, Nina Nesbitt, Little Mix
Family: Dewey Garrett Keller (paternal grandfather), May Savannah Keller (paternal grandmother), Alvin Kevin Holloway (maternal grandfather), Renee Helen Holloway (maternal grandmother), Clyde Ryan Samuels (step-maternal grandfather), Tara Lorena Samuels (step-maternal grandmother), Tom Martin Keller (father), Kathy Elizabeth Keller (mother), Kevin Casey Keller (younger brother), Denise Meredith Keller (younger sister), Sierra Robin McCoy (stepmother), Josephine “Josie” Ashleigh McCoy (stepsister)
Honorary family: Persephone Juliet Ochoa, Liam Jaxon Hobbs
Friends: Derrick Leo Mantle, Nixie Ariana Morgan, Oliver Michael Mantle, Tristan Dominick Morgan, Betty Copper, Cheryl Blossom, Fangs Fogarty, Joaquin DeSantos, Midge Klump, Moose Mason, Sweet Pea, Toni Topaz
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty
Optimistic or pessimistic:
Introvert or extrovert:
Occupation: student, Waitress at Pop’s
Extracurriculars: Cheerleading, track, tennis, RROTC
Favorite Animal: Jaguar
Favorite color: silver
Favorite book: Shadow and Bone
Favorite food: Churros
Favorite movie/ tv show: (m) Men in Black. (TV) Once Upon a Time
Background: The summer of her junior year she started waitressing at Pop’s working the graveyard shift leading her to be introduced to Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea, Fangs Fogarty, and Joaquin DeSantos.
Over the course of the summer, she became friends with the Serpents and flirted here and there with Fangs, and when Persephone came home for the school year, she was excited to hear about the flirting (or Persephone’s version) with Sweet Pea.
When it was discovered that the Serpents were involved with the death of Jason Blossom, she stood up for her friends.
Taglist: @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @thecaptainsgingersnap
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Lathyrus & Antirrhinum
Summary: Hanahaki disease AU! Sweet Pea/Fangs
Sweet Pea spends most of his life hearing horror stories of people choking to death on flowers. His parents don’t have that problem, not until two days after they get divorced and then Sweet Pea goes to live with his brother on the other side of town.
His parents lie in the morgue, choking on Anemone and Hydragea. His brother who buys the trailer and sends him back to Sunnyside refusing to be in the same house with someone who’s percentage of contracting Hanahaki shot up through the roof. He reads all he can about it discovering that 53% of the population carry a genetic marker for the disease.
That when two people who contract it form a relationship, any children they have will test positive for the marker. He learns that the surgery to fix it is far too expensive; it can only be undertaken once the flowers have started to bloom. The flowers only start to grow when you experience unrequited love; the surgery not only removes the flowers, but the memories of the person as well. Sweet Pea isn’t sure if he’d rather that or the flowers choking his lungs.
He forgets for years, even when he realizes he likes boys and girls, it doubles his chances of the flowers. People don’t speak of the disease; even those that cough and heave flowers in public are helped, but never spoken to or about.
Sweet Pea can feel something heavy in his chest, but he brushes it off as the fact he just grabbed a knife from a caged rattlesnake, nothing to do with the boy who stumbled in cheering just as enthusiastically as the rest of the Serpent’s when he holds the knife up. He see’s the boy, Fangs he learns, around, while he’s not a Serpent they treat him as one. It takes him two weeks to learn Fangs falls under the second law and Sweet Pea does his best to uphold that, despite the nagging cough he seems to develop around him.
Fangs smiles at him one day, thanking him for spending time with him. “I know you’d rather be spending time with real serpent’s ‘stead of me.” Sweet Pea wants to respond, he tries to say something but all that comes out is a hacking cough and a sharp pain, before he heaves something soft and waxy into his hand. Blood drips onto his finger and he scowls at the odd shaped petal as he tucks it into his pocket. “You okay?” “Yeah fine, just got a cold.” He shrugs. Fangs doesn’t question it instead nodding and inviting him over after school.
Fangs doesn’t ask when Sweet Pea coughs and heaves more and more around him as they walk home from school. When he meets Mrs. Fogarty, her bedside table covered with medication and flower petals. Sweet Pea doesn’t ask, but she tells them they’re forget-me-nots. She holds her hand out and he places the orange-y pink flower into her open palm. She smiles. “Snapdragon.” Fangs interrupts and the conversation is ended for good.
He gets better at hiding it, shoving the petals into his jacket pockets, he stitches one into is lining to keep and dry the best looking flowers. He knows he’s not the only one at Southside High with the disease; he’s the only one to keep it so quiet. Half the halfway is covered in petals and splatters of blood. He keeps a black bandana around his wrist to wipe the blood.
He’s not a fan of Jones but he watches when he moves forward Fangs hunches slightly, he can hear it, a sound so familiar it makes his chest ache. Fang’s heave almost silently, but not quiet enough for Sweet Pea to brush it off. He offers his hand out Fangs places the petal into his hand and Sweet Pea wants to scream. In his hand sits a blindingly white sweet pea flower. He can’t breathe the branches in his lungs surging with new growth as he offers a pained smile. “Tell Jones, it will save you pain.” He doesn’t wait for a response rushing to the bathroom and contorting over the sink as he vomits, its mostly blood, the branches twisting and puncturing his lungs, the snapdragons dripping from his mouth as much as the tears from his eyes.
Of course he missed his chance, of course Fangs would never want him as he wants to be wanted. Of course Jones had to be the reason for Fangs to suffer. Sweet Pea chokes down whatever flowers want to bubble from his lips. He won’t make Fangs suffer for his mistakes.
Jughead finds him almost nervous. “Something’s wrong with Fangs.” Sweet Pea’s confused, regardless of rejection confessing the love made the flowers die. He follows Jughead, to behind the school, where Fangs leans over, Kevin half holding him up as he vomits sweet pea’s mostly white and purple, although the amount of blood that speckles them is worrying. Kevin cringes patting his back. “Seriously Fang’s it’s alright. You heard him, it’s just a fling is all, it’ll be over and you can confess-“ “I can’t. He’s not; he’s not like me! It doesn’t-“
“I got Sweet Pea.” Jughead practically shouts and Fangs gags more. “Hey, come on Fangs.” Fangs sinks onto Sweet Pea’s side. “Come on, let’s get you home yeah?” Sweet Pea steps forward and Fangs clings to him. “No, not home. Mom’s, mom doesn’t know.” Sweet Pea raises his eyebrows but nods. “We’ll be at Pop’s. Milkshakes help the throat.” Jughead nods watching Fangs and nodding to him. Fangs shakes his head but it bangs into Sweet Pea’s shoulder.
“Here.” Sweet Pea shoves the tupperware container he normally keeps for himself into Fang’s hands. “Snapdragons?” “Graciousness, and strength, also deception but its more like concealment, so hiding.” He shrugs focusing on getting to Pop’s without adding to the small pile in the container.
They make it to Pop’s settling into a booth both ordering vanilla shakes. “Slow, seriously that was a lot of blood, considering how little time you’ve been-“ “Where did you hear it was little?” “Well it’s Jones right?” Sweet Pea frowns as Fang’s laughs. “You think it’s Jones? That I’m in love with him? That’s so stupid.” Sweet Pea rolls his eyes. “Right he’s not ‘having a fling’ as Kevin said.” Sweet Pea pulls a face before drinking his shake. “So, you’re mom doesn’t know? Why?” “If I told her she’d make me tell him, I can’t ruin all our years of friendship.” “Joaquin then?” “What no? Will you stop fucking guessing, I’ll just start guessing yours!!” Sweet Pea pales. And nods. “Fine, no more guessing.”
They finish their shakes in silence and Fangs is falling asleep when Sweet Pea decides to bring him back to his place. “Sweet Pea, we haven’t done this in years.” Fangs mumbles slumping on the couch coughing faintly as Sweet Pea shoves him slightly to move him. “Well you had a tough day, Serpent never stands alone. Come ‘ere.” Sweet Pea tries his best to swallow the snapdragons. “It’s okay Sweet Pea, I don’t mind, they’re pretty.” They’re for you. Is what he wants to say, instead he dumps a handful onto Fang’s face. Fangs retaliates by shoving a handful of sweet pea’s into his ear. “Fangs!” “Sweet Pea!” Fangs rolls his eyes and Sweet Pea glares. “see we can both yell.” Its quiet for a moment, the hum from the TV all the noise.
“Should I tell him; Do you think I’d have a chance?” “Well what’s he like?” Sweet pea wants to scream when Fang’s face lights up. “He’s amazing Sweet, he’s just, he makes me so happy just when I get to see him during the day, we don’t even have to talk, just seeing him, god; it just, he’s it for me. You know?” Sweet Pea nods, choking as he can feel the branches ripping through his lungs. “Yeah I know Fangs.”
They don’t say anything about feeling their pain. Sweet pea’s not sure what happened but he hears the gun, see’s the blood, but as his hands reach for Fangs he can’t help the blood soaked flowers he vomits onto the street. He can’t help the way he panics how his brain screams at him to put pressure on the wound, he has to jerk his hands away from his own stomach. He can see Toni watching, he knows she know, but as she looks to Fangs a glare on her face Sweet Pea realizes she knows about his too.
He’s hissing when half a flower hangs from Fang’s mouth, his breathing jerking and twisting his body as Sweet Pea tries his best to press over the wound. “Fangs, hey, come on. Fangs.” Sweet Pea hisses through his stream of flowers, the snapdragon’s falling over him. Fangs turns his head, coughing slightly grimacing as sweet pea’s fall from his lips. He’s sweating, his breathing coming out in rasps, between the flowers and the bullet wound he’s too pale, his eyes glassy as he tries to focus on Sweet Pea.
“Fuck, Fangs tell me who it is, please, so I can get them. This is making it so much worse please. Please Fangs. Let me help.” “Fucking idiot.” Sweet Pea can’t breathe, he’s shaking as someone starts to pull Fangs away. He wants to scream he wants to confess but all that comes out are streams of snapdragons. He tries his best to block out the information about when an unrequited lover dies. He heaves onto the concrete as they move to the hospital. Unrequited lovers who die before confession, the one afflicted with the disease with expel a full plant usually the force at which they expel the plant rips their lungs apart; usually fatal. Sweet Pea doesn’t care about anything besides trying to keep Fangs alive. When he’s standing in the hospital coughing up snapdragons with leaves, heaving and shaking on his knees as he can’t see past the red splatter covering the flowers.
He can hear someone shouting to help him, but he tries to shove them off. He can feel the leaves, the tang they leave on his tongue as he tries his best to crush them back, he can’t help it, he knows he’s crying, sobbing for them to help Fangs, to fix Fangs not him.
He wakes up on the waiting room chairs, a spare blanket draped over him. He opens his eyes to see Toni and FP Jones staring at him. “You tell him when he wakes up, or so help me you’re out of the Serpents.” FP states as he stands and walks off. Toni crouches in front of him. “They had to sedate you, gave you some anti-floral medication. Sweets they did imaging, your lungs.. Sweet Pea you have to tell him. They gave you two months at most. They won’t even do surgery, the repair work is too much.” He sits up sighing shaking his head.
“I can’t he has someone else, I can’t; I can’t make him feel like he’s letting me down.” Toni shakes her head and groans. “Please, when he wakes up, tell him. If FP doesn’t kick you out, I will. You tell him or else.” She half smiles and hands him a cup of coffee.
When FP Jones shows back up Sweet Pea notices how his hand shakes. “He didn’t make it.” His voice is quiet and Sweet Pea swallow’s waiting for the snapdragon plant to uproot itself and kill him. Instead he just vomits his stomach’s contents.
He’s dizzy, his head spinning as someone sits him down on his couch and hands him water. He can hear voices half paying attention and they repeatedly ask ‘what do we do?’ ‘is he okay?’ ‘do we bring him to the hospital’ He laughs shaking his head but that just makes him more dizzy.
“Morgue, not hospital. Just wait okay, flower’ll come up soon once it hits me..” Someone lays him on the couch pulling a blanket over him. He’s not sure if he falls asleep but he knows they have someone stay with him, he can hear them cooking.
He wakes up and vomits, he can’t move so he just leans over the couch and hopes its not on his shoes. He’s sweating with the effort of gagging and heaving and as whoever is staying with him flicks on the light they both share the same confused noises, covering his shoes are at least twenty snapdragon petals. He looks up, staring at Toni who prods them with her foot.
“He’s not dead.” “If you don’t tell him when we find him, you will be.” Sweet Pea just laughs rolling over and smiling, spitting a petal out to let it float down on his face. He’s drifting off content to tell Fangs when they see each other next regardless of whoever he spits flowers for. Sweet Pea’s eyes widen as the door opens. “Toni!” He screams and she stumbles over herself wide eyed as he looks up at her. “What?”
Fangs stumbles in looking at Sweet Pea as he vomits flowers and blood onto the carpet. “Sorry, sorry I’ll just, I had to, sorry. I just-“ Toni pulls him towards the couch, Sweet Pea scoots over, still sluggish from the drugs as Fangs just flops over laying half on him and half off the couch. Sweet Pea sighs tugging him all the way, letting Fangs lie against his chest.
“Sweet Pea.” He chuckles as he spits a few flower petals. “Yes?” Sweet Pea answers, smiling. Fangs is clearly still on some sort of pain medication. It’s the justification for what he says next. “I cough up your flowers. Like your name and cause I love you.” Fangs smiles sleepily and Toni just watches as Sweet Pea’s face morphs into panic. “Did you hear that? He must be on so many drugs.” Sweet Pea coughs waiting for the snapdragon petals to fall confused when nothing comes up.
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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Real Name: Lucia Colette Diaz
Aliases/Nicknames: Lu, Luce, Lucy
Birthdate: September 5th, 1989
Species: Human
Relatives: Oscar Diaz (Father), Julia Diaz (Father), Rosa Diaz (Older Sister), Bee Ortiz (Older Sister), Anthony Ortiz (Brother-In-Law, deceased), Rain Ortiz (Niece), Misty Ortiz (Niece), Fangs Fogarty (Adoptive Nephew)
Affiliation: Seattle Fire Department
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Firefighter
Sexuality: Pansexual
Character Description/Background: Lucia was born and raised on the South Side of Riverdale until her parents moved to New York when she was sixteen, her sister Rosa following to work for the NYPD shortly after. When Lucia turned twenty she decided for a new start, moving to Seattle and signing up to be a firefighter. For ten years her life went smooth sailing. She kept up a good relationship with her sisters and parents and was really close with her nieces and nephew. Then she got into a relationship that slowly but surely turned her life upside down. So much so that she eventually decided to pack up a bag and go home to Riverdale for a while to reconnect with Bee and her nieces once again. When her ex-boyfriend follows her shortly thereafter, Bee quickly notices that he's not all he's cracked up to be. Lucia is a kind, giving, and warm woman. She always looks out for the little guy and is a great friend, albeit a little hesitant to approach people. She would love to start a family but has yet to find someone to do it with. She loves video games, crossword puzzles, and riddles - anything to keep her mind busy. She also loves to hike and the occasional skateboard stunt.
TAGGING: @hughstheforcelou @firsthorror @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @raith-way @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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snarkwrites · 4 years
09 | gangsta; sweetpea
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SO.. I uhh... Got super into writing this recently. I just really liked where it was heading after part 7. Yes. Yes, I realize that literally no one asked for more of this but.. I wrote it. Might as well share it.
I warn in advance. There as a graphic and detailed fight in this chapter. Also. There is a LOT going on in this chapter. A LOT.
This is the second of four parts I have already written and waiting to go. I know, I know.. Literally no one asked for this. But you’re getting it anyway.
loosely canon compliant - this is the biggest warning, so if you’re into things that follow exact canon plot you are… definitely not going to like this. angst & slow burn, heavy sexual tensionstarting now, actually - this is just so everyone who started reading this thinking the smut would transpire in a hurry knows that apparently, it is not. violence / swearing & fighting, possible underage drinking and other shenanigans- look.. it’s high school. shit happens. also apparently, my ofc Alyssa uses the word fuck like all the time?…eventual sexual content / a virgin original character- this one is self explanatory. yes, i plan to write a smutty chapter in this at some point. when? i don’t rightly know. it’s got a while before we get there.
Andrews!Sibling OFC, Alyssa x Sweet Pea
Other Parts:
[ one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight -   soundtrack ]
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc ]
@brithedemonspawn​ is the only person on my Riverdale tag list. If you’d like to be tagged for this story by all means.. Please let me know. Please, I beg. It’d make me super duper happy!!!
“What do you mean Hiram asked you to go cut their chains? Archie, this is not your place. They’re trying to fight back against this bullshit. Because that’s what this is, in case you’re wondering.”
“You need to make other friends. Literally anyone but them, Al.” Archie answered calmly. I glared at my brother from across the dining table. My father surprised me when he spoke up.
“You’re still friends with Jughead, right? How is that any different than your sister, being friends with Toni? Or that Fogarty kid? Or the other one, the moody one.. What’s his name?” my dad asked.
“Sweet Pea?” I questioned, taking a few more bites of my cereal. Grumbling about Hiram Lodge as I did so.
“He’s trying to help this town.” Archie muttered.
“What he’s doing is making people homeless. I bet you wouldn’t say that crap if he were trying to run anybody on this side of town out, Archie.” I snapped, pushing my chair away from the table, standing abruptly.
“Okay you two.” my father warned, glancing from me to my brother. Adding quietly, “Your sister has a point. That’s exactly why I’m going to talk to Hermione today about terminating the contract to build the housing.”
“Dad, you needed that contract.” I protested. Going quiet.
“I don’t need it bad enough to watch people gettin run out of their homes, tiny. I can find other jobs.”
“Dad..” I started, but he shook his head. Judging by the way his jaw was set, he’d made his mind up on this. I sighed, going quiet. Assuming that it was probably my fault he even made the decision that might just cost him the construction company in the first place. I think he could tell I was worried, because he caught me on my way out the door for school after Archie had stormed out, bolt cutters in hand to go and do Hiram’s bidding.
“I chose to do this on my own, okay? I just want to make sure you know that, Al.” my dad searched my face, waiting on me to give confirmation that I understood. I wasn’t entirely sure it was true, because for the past twelve hours, the fight had been ongoing between my brother and I.
“Actually, it was your mom who kind of reminded me what getting mixed up with the Lodges might bring on me. Has nothing to do with you and your brother fighting. But I wish you two would sit down and talk.”
I nodded, sighing. “I wish I knew he’d listen. But he’s changed so much since he started taking up with Hiram…” I shook my head. For the first time ever, I was actually kind of disappointed with my big brother.
If he weren’t under Hiram’s thumb right now, I have no doubt in my mind he’d either be helping Jughead with their protest, or he’d be doing everything he could to call attention to the issue.
“I know. Happens sometimes, tiny. All we can do is hope this whole thing is a phase and it doesn’t backfire on him. Be there for him when it does backfire.” my dad advised, pulling me into a hug.
As I went to step out, my dad tossed a brown bag towards me and I caught it. He smiled and shrugged. “Pretty sure when your friends get to school today, they’re gonna be starving. FP said they hadn’t eaten since 8 last night. This was some kinda hunger strike. Tell Fangs to share the bacon. I know he’s a growing guy, but shit.”
I laughed and smiled, doubling back to hug my dad. Really giving him a good squeeze.
“I love you too, kid. Now you need to get going.” my dad laughed when the hug broke, walking to the door and leaning in it, watching me til I got to the end of the street.
I spotted Cheryl waiting at our usual spot as of late and I made my way over. Opening the bag and letting her take out a biscuit. “Dad sent food for the others. That is, if Hiram doesn’t insist that my brother, idiot he is, escort them all straight to the police station.”
“Has your mother gotten back to you at all on the legality of what Ms.McCoy did before she stepped down as mayor?” Cheryl asked. I shook my head. Watching the sidewalk from the direction that Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea normally came from intently.
“Where are they?”
“Toni texted me a few minutes ago. They’ll be here.”
“So Hiram didn’t make my brother and the other guys on the wrestling team take them to the station? Because if he thinks for a second I won’t dig into my college fund to post bail, my brother’s a bigger idiot than I ever imagined. Because I will.”
Cheryl was smiling at me. Giving a soft laugh as she bit into the biscuit she’d taken from the bag in my hands. “ Take deep breaths, lioness.”
I took a deep breath, deadpanning at Cheryl, “Happy?”
“It will suffice.” Cheryl’s grin broadened when she caught sight of Toni.
I let out a ragged breath when I saw our friends heading our way, fuming in anger. Sweet Pea seemed to be the angriest, arguing loudly with Jughead and Fangs about how they should’ve just let him go and not held him back or tried to stop some fight.
Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea came to a stop in front of Cheryl and I. I held out the bag to Toni and she grabbed it, not wasting a single second. Grabbing a biscuit and groaning as she practically inhaled it. Then grabbing a few strips of bacon. “Oh my god, I love your dad too.” 
“There’s enough in there for everyone. Fangs, he said you had to share the bacon, man.” I laughed at the way this made Fangs pout a little.
I stopped in front of Sweet Pea who was still angry, almost shaking at this point. I grimaced at the bruise forming on his jaw. Stepping a little closer. “Are you going to eat, Hulk, or nah?” I teased, shaking the bag at him.
“I’m too fuckin pissed right now, Cherry.” Sweet Pea answered, a harsh tone. His jaw setting.
“Oh.” I muttered. I realized just how close I was standing to Sweet Pea and suddenly aware of that, I stepped away a little and let Fangs take the bag because I was tired of holding it. As we started to walk to school, I found myself walking right next to Sweet Pea all over again when Kevin Keller caught up to us and chose to walk next to Fangs, putting me in between Sweet Pea and Fangs by the time we’d all sort of formed a line.
“Kevin, don’t you own a car?” I teased gently, giving him a knowing smirk. I’d kind of picked up on the fact that he might or might not have himself a little crush on Fangs.
“It’s broken right now.” Kevin answered my question, nodding towards Sweet Pea covertly as he smirked at me. I bit my lip, glancing over at Sweet Pea as I shook my head. Because I knew what Kevin was about to assume and I knew that at best, Sweet Pea only tolerates me because of Fangs and Toni.
“Dad’s supposed to take me out to let me try getting used to driving his truck this weekend.”
“I’ll be sure to let my dad know so he’s on standby.” Kevin taunted, making me stick out my tongue at him. “I’m not that bad.”
“I’d like to agree, but I have Snapchat, so I know about your driving. I saw the go-kart thing. I had no idea  you could make a go kart drift, if we’re being honest. You drive like a lunatic, woman.” Kevin taunted. I pouted at him, folding my arms. “I do not! I just wanted to win.” I pretended to be annoyed, holding my hand up at him.
Sweet Pea’s hand brushed against my other hand and I glanced down. Curling my pinkie around his. Giving it a squeeze. I didn’t dare to look up at him as I did this, of course. When he didn’t pull away, I didn’t either.
He was upset. I considered him a friend. I tried to tell myself that my hopes in doing what I was doing were to calm him down. Nothing more.
But deep down, I was starting to realize that this might not exactly be the case. That maybe I felt things…
Things I knew he’d never feel in return.
Things I knew I needed to get over.
He bit his lip when he felt her finger curl around his. A glance over at her revealed that she wasn’t even looking at him, instead, she was buried in something Kevin was showing her on his phone. He’d almost swear that she didn’t even realize she’d grabbed hold of his finger again, but then, she gave it a little squeeze a few seconds after she glanced up from Kevin’s phone.
She still hadn’t looked at him. Or let go of his finger.
Every part of him knew he should let go but he didn’t want to. And he kept telling himself that more than likely, it wasn’t anything more than just her, trying to be a friend because he was madder than hell and it was obvious.
Oh but he wanted it to be so much more than that.
Their sides brushed again and his breath caught in his throat a little.
Fangs had a good point the night before when they’d been talking. It was getting harder and harder to hide the way he felt.
The fight he’d gotten into with Alyssa’s brother came back to him and he used Archie’s words as a reminder as to why he needed to forget the way he felt.
Because Archie did have a fair point when he pointed out that Sweet Pea wasn’t good enough for her and sooner or later, Alyssa spending so much time around them was going to get her in serious trouble or worse yet, hurt somehow.
But then what Fangs and Jughead both insisted the night before came back to him too and their advice made him want to fight. To act on the way he felt. To prove her brother wrong. To be with her. Be the guy who made her laugh. The guy she cuddled up with on a rainy Saturday to watch her horror movies. The one she came to when she was hurt or scared or just needed him.
They were making their way across the parking lot and she still hadn’t let go of his finger. To be fair, he hadn’t let go of hers yet, either. The connection was keeping him calm. Giving him other things to think about beyond the way he wanted to lose his entire mind over the fact that he was losing everything and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He felt powerless. He hated the feeling.
But the way she linked her finger through his and left it there gave him something else to focus on for a change.
And now, thanks to it, all he could think about was just how hard it was getting to keep his feelings himself.
“Yeah, Kev?”
“Are you going out for the play? Come on, you have to.” Kevin pleaded.
Alyssa mulled it over, shrugging. About to shake her head before Kevin frowned. “You have to.”
“I’m not good at the whole getting up in front of people crap. We’re lucky I can manage cheering at the games without freaking out, Kev. Or have you forgotten the fairy debacle from Kindergarten?”
“It wasn’t that bad!” Kevin was giving her the pleading face.
“Kevin. I left the stage and ran to my dad. In front of the entire school.” she shook her head, laughing. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, me singing? The sound of cats dying. I am not going to put people through that.”
“Oh come on.”
“Nope. Not happening, man.” she shook her head, smiling.
“Toni and I are thinking about it.” Cheryl spoke up.
Toni raised a brow, laughing as she nodded. “Thinking is the key word here, babe.”
Sweet Pea took a deep breath. Willing himself to either let go of her finger first or push things a little further. Maybe grab hold of her hand. Or brush his hand against her hand. He grumbled in frustration when he couldn’t make himself do either thing.
After a second or two, he managed to find a way to graze his hand against her hand and make it seem as if it were an accident. To his surprise, before he could pull his hand away, she’d linked her fingers between his.
She glanced up at him for a second or two, licking her lips. Giving his hand a little squeeze. They were almost to the doors of Riverdale High by this point. He figured she’d let go of his hand, but she hadn’t yet.
Everyone else split off, going to their own classrooms. He let go of her hand to push open the door, letting her step into the room as he held it open, letting it close behind him. As they took their assigned seats, she sank down in her chair, digging around in the pocket of her jeans.
Holding out a pack of chewing gum to him. Sweet Pea took a stick of the gum, unwrapping it. Popping it into his mouth.
After opening the text books, their teacher spoke up, addressing the class.
“We’ll be doing a bit of a different assignment. We’ve been studying genetics and I feel that it would be interesting to give this a try. You’ll be given dice.”
Sweet Pea chuckled when one of the other Serpents in class with them muttered an audible, “Finally, somethin I fuckin know about.”
Mr. Keaton glared at the other Serpent, silencing him. And then Mr. Keaton continued. “You will then roll these dice to determine what physical traits that offspring between yourself and your lab partner would inherit. You will chart the results and write a detailed summary. If you choose, for extra credit, you may draw this offspring.”
Sweet Pea coughed, shifting around in his seat awkwardly. Because all this entire project brought to mind for him was a mental replay of a particularly dirty dream he’d had about Alyssa not too long ago. The silent acknowledgement that he felt this magnetic pull to her and the harder he fought it lately, the more it refused to stay buried. The way it felt when her finger curled around his or the way it felt when he’d taken hold of her hand on their walk to school.
Every single touch, accidental or otherwise as of late.
Alyssa fidgeted a little herself, he noticed. He found himself wondering if she was fidgeting because she was suddenly regretting being paired with him for the term, or if she was fidgeting for the same reason he’d been fidgeting.
,, There’s absolutely no way she’s into me.” his mind taunted.
Mr. Keaton passed out dice and once they’d gotten their dice and the list of physical traits that Mr. Keaton compiled they’d be rolling for, Sweet Pea cleared his throat.
“Wishing you’d made a fuss about now, hm? Gotten switched to work with no brains over there?” he said it only half jokingly.
“Why? Are you?” Alyssa asked, gazing over at him, a brow raised. Laughing softly. “It’s just an assignment, Sweet Pea. And you’re not like.. You’re not a leper or something. I mean, I could do a lot worse.”
“If you’re fine with it, what the hell.” Sweet Pea shrugged, chuckling to himself quietly. Trying to fight back the sliver of hope that chose that exact moment to rise to the surface. The fact that she wasn’t switching, while surprising, didn’t necessarily mean anything. He had to keep reminding himself of that.
From the back of the classroom, Reggie spoke up. “Mr. Keaton, I’ve been thinkin… Maybe I should switch partners with Sweet Pea.”
Sweet Pea tensed.
When he knew Alyssa wasn’t looking, he shot Reggie an angry glare.
Reggie smirked at him, daring him to say something.
Mr. Keaton looked from pair to pair, rubbing his chin. “Amanda? Alyssa? Would either of you want to switch?”
Mandy was just about to speak up. He felt Alyssa tense up beside him and heard her mumble to herself, “Not today, Satan..” as she turned in her seat, giving Mandy an angry glare.
Mandy glared right back at Alyssa before giving their teacher the sweetest smile she could muster. “I’d love that, Mr. Keaton. Reggie’s an idiot. I’m sure even that Serpent is so much smarter.” 
“The Serpent has a name, bimbo. You wouldn’t like it if I only called you bimbo, right?” Alyssa whirled around in her seat to snap at Mandy before she could stop herself. “Anyway, Reggie’s no stupider than you. Kind of a perfect fit if I do say so myself.” 
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at Mandy, but he cleared his throat, tapping Alyssa’s shoulder so she’d turn around before she got into trouble. He found himself super focused on the way she got heated just now because Mandy hadn’t bothered saying his name.
“If he makes me switch, I swear to god, I’m unleashing my wrath.” Alyssa grumbled to herself. Making Sweet Pea take a shaky breath or two.
Why did this matter so much? 
Sweet Pea found himself a little surprised. He honestly thought she’d be jumping at the chance. He assumed she’d be happy to get away from him.
“Alyssa? Your thoughts on the matter?” Mr. Keaton questioned.
“ Nope. I refuse to have that absolute pig be the  father of  my non-existent children, sir. I’m fine where I am.” Alyssa answered, turning to shrug at Reggie as she said it.
Reggie pouted a little.
Sweet Pea smirked, shrugging at Reggie when their eyes met. Reggie glared at him, finally turning around when Mandy cleared her throat.
“You could’ve switched, Cherry.”
“ I realize this. But I didn’t want to.” Alyssa answered, finally meeting his gaze. Biting her lip. “Unless you wanted me to switch?”
“No, no. Fuck no.” Sweet Pea’s answer tumbled out in a rush. Alyssa laughed softly, managing a little smile. “In that case, we should probably get started. This is a pretty long list. Oh, while I’m thinking about it.. We’re trying to avoid my shitty eyesight, red hair and skin that burns at even a hint of sunlight.” she muttered, glancing over at him.
Sweet Pea caught himself doing it again, getting caught up in her eyes. Staring like an idiot. He nodded. “Okay, since we’re going there, Cherry. We’re trying to roll with the hopes that this kid doesn’t knock their fucking heads off every time they walk through a door.”
“I mean, it’s better than climbing shelves and counters to reach things your idiot brother puts out of your reach deliberately, but hey.. Go off I guess.” she teased gently, smiling at him. Holding out the dice.
“You roll first. I am.. Not good at dice.” Alyssa pleaded. Sweet Pea chuckled and shook his head. “Oh no. No, you first.” he smirked at her, he couldn’t resist it.
Alyssa pouted but  took the dice and rolled.
“Okay, so.. Doubles..” Alyssa announced when both the dice settled on the side with one dot.
“Twins.” Sweet Pea consulted the list. “We were rolling for a number of offspring just then, right?” he asked.
“They better have given me good drugs.” Alyssa joked, filling in the chart. “I’ll roll for one, you can roll for the other?” she asked. Sweet Pea nodded. Silently hoping to god she hadn’t noticed him staring yet again. He answered in a daze, “Yeah.” as he took the dice to roll again. This time they were rolling for hair color.
“You better roll again, sir. Remember? We’re trying to avoid red hair.” Alyssa nodded to the dice settled on the top of the desk between them.
“Actually, no. I’m not. You are, but I’m not.” Sweet Pea smirked, the smirk growing when he saw her pout a little about it. “Deal with it, Cherry.”
“Well, we’re off to a great start. Can’t even agree on hair color.” Alyssa teased, noting that they’d gotten the red hair trait from her.
She took the dice back. “Come on dark brown and functional brown eyes..” she muttered, smiling when she rolled for Sweet Pea’s eye color, but scowling a little when she managed to roll that yes, they’d have vision trouble. “Poor kids.” she shook her head, laughing. Holding out the dice to him.
Sweet Pea had been in a daze yet again. Luckily, he managed to pull himself out of said daze when she placed the dice in his hand. He rolled. Grumbling when he got himself for the height gene.
The bell rang a few seconds later. Alyssa gathered her books and started for the door. Sweet Pea caught up to her. “Wasn’t so bad.” he mused. Carefully.
Alyssa smiled, shaking her head. “No, it wasn’t.” hiding a laugh as Reggie and Mandy made their way past in a very heated and angry argument. She nudged Sweet Pea, nodding towards them. “Some people should never be allowed to procreate.”
“They really shouldn’t.” Sweet Pea answered, swallowing down a lump as it formed in his throat. Letting his gaze linger for a few seconds. “Hey, if you want.. We can finish this tonight at the Wyrm.”
“You’d be okay with me showing up at the Wyrm.” Alyssa eyed him carefully.
He shrugged. “It’s not any different than all the times you came with Toni.” 
“I’ll be there, then. Oh and Pea?” Alyssa turned back to look at him. He chuckled. “What?”
“Your name is coming off the top of the Mortal Kombat leaderboard. Tonight. Better bring your A game, sir.”
He bit back a groan at what she said. There was just something about the look in her eyes just now.. Teasing and playful… that combined with her calling him Sir definitely gave him a reason to need the walk to his next class.
Because he needed to pull himself together. He needed to get his head around everything and more importantly, he needed to really stop and think if he wanted to keep fighting whatever was starting to happen between them.
Because he’d been fighting it since he’d seen her around town for the first time. And he just couldn’t anymore.
Fangs caught up to him. “Didn’t you hear me yellin at you, man?”
“I was thinkin.”
“Maybe you were right. About what we were talking about last night?”
Fangs smirked. “You’re gonna go for it?”
“I want to. Doesn’t mean I will. But I can’t keep saying I don’t.. Ya know.. When I do. Because it’s driving me fucking insane, man.” 
“Want her?” Fangs filled in the blank, snickering when Sweet Pea gave him a dirty look but nodded. As they made their way into class and took their usual seats in the back, Fangs leaned across the aisle. “For what it’s worth… I think she’s into you, man.”
“Yeah. I doubt that.” Sweet Pea looked at his best friend as if Fangs were losing his mind. He wished that were true. He wanted it to be true. But he doubted that it was.
“You’re blind.” Fangs chuckled, turning his attention to the note Kevin had slipped into his locker. Chuckling and rubbing his chin in thought as he debated on what his response was going to be.
Practice had just ended. I made my way over to my locker in the girls locker room and I opened the door, thinking I’d grab the clothes I bought to change into after practice. Clothes that were nowhere to be found.
I grumbled to myself, annoyed. A quick glance around the locker room put me onto the fact that Mandy and her little army of skanks were circled up, looking at me. Whispering and laughing. Mandy was bold enough to call out, “Missing something, are we?” as she held up my clothes, laughing… Slinking over to the door that lead into the hallway.
Tossing my clothes right out in the middle.
I turned and glared at her. “You bitch.”
“Aw, are you upset right now? What are you gonna do, Alyssa? Go cry to big brother? Go sic your Serpent trash loverboy on me? I’m so so so scared.” she nudged her friend Kaylie. “I bet she doesn’t do anything. I bet she just sits there and fumes like usual. I’m surprised she had the nerve to call me a bimbo earlier in class if we’re being honest.” Mandy smirked as she said it, glancing at me. Nodding towards the door. 
“If you want your clothes, sweetie, they’re right there! All you have to do is go get them…. Unless you’re afraid? Don’t flatter yourself, Alyssa. Nobody wants to see you in your underwear. Absolutely no one.”
I clenched my fists and took a deep breath or two. Mandy and her friends were all staring at me, waiting. Gazing from the hallway, where my clothes were piled up, back to me. Smirking and laughing because they were starting to think Mandy was right. That I wasn’t going to do anything. That I’d just turn and ignore Mandy’s attempts to goad me into a confrontation and shove down all my anger like I usually did. 
,, she wants you to turn the other cheek like you’ve been doing until lately. If you do that, you’re basically telling her she can get away with this crap.” the thought came and rather than shove it out in favor of being the bigger person, I leaned into it.
Because today was not the day and I was not the one.
I stood and walked out into the hallway. Right as the bell to dismiss final class for the day rang and the hallway was starting to flood with students. One of them being Sweet Pea. We locked eyes as I walked past, calmly going to the Riverdale crest on the floor that she’d tossed my jeans in the center of. Bending to pick up my jeans. Sweet Pea’s arm shot out.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, out here like that, Cherry? Have you lost your mind entirely?”
“Nope. I’m getting my fucking clothes. Since Mandy the thundercunt scattered them all over the hallway.”
Sweet Pea growled quietly, his fists clenching and unclenching. He took off his Riverdale polo, holding it out to me, but I shook my head, biting my lip and smirking as I did so. “Oh no. No.. see, if I don’t do something major now, she’s never going to fuck off. So thanks but no. Now put your shirt back on before you get in trouble.”
Sweet Pea eyed me. Shaking his head. I tapped my foot impatiently, holding his gaze. “Sweet Pea… Put the goddamn shirt back on. I know what I’m doing, okay? This is to prove a point.”
“What good is that gonna do when you’re caught by a teacher and you wind up in detention, huh? Take the fucking shirt, Cherry. Take it now.” Sweet Pea used his firmest tone, but I was too angry. It didn’t do anything to me.
“Put the shirt back on, Sweet Pea. Now.” I muttered firmly. A hand on my hip. “Do it. I’m willing to stand here until a teacher spots me if that’s what it’ll take to keep you from doing something that we know might get you expelled.”
“Goddamn it.” Sweet Pea gave up arguing, finally realizing I wasn’t going to budge one way or the other. Not until I’d done what I came out to do. And the less he argued with me, the quicker I could get it done and get back in the locker room.
I spotted my favorite Motley Crue crop tee near the girls bathroom. And totally zoned out, so angry that I was actually shaking a little, I paid not one single bit of attention to the fact that a few people were staring.
I was too pissed to be embarrassed and that is probably a good thing. Because if I wasn’t so pissed, I’d have wanted the floor to open and swallow me whole.
I spotted the red and black plaid shirt I’d been wearing over my tee shirt hanging over the rim of a garbage can and I calmly walked over, plucking it out. With my clothing gathered, I went to step back in the locker room, ignoring the one or two whistles and the Ghoulie who felt the need to comment something so gross that I debated heavily on walking over and twisting his dick in my hand until it twisted off.
I flung the door of the locker room open wide and when I did, it connected with Mandy’s face because she’d been standing there. Probably recording the whole thing to post on her socials later.
Because that’s totally something girls like her do for funsies.
She stumbled back, holding her nose as blood began to slowly pool between her fingers. And before she had a chance to react, I was slamming her against the lockers immediately to the right of the door. My forearm against her throat to hold her there.
“You’re going to erase whatever video you just recorded. Don’t fucking test me, you diseased thundercunt. Erase the video. I know you recorded the whole thing.”
“You little bitch, you broke my nose!” Mandy slammed her head into mine, causing me to drop my forearm from her throat and grab for my own nose. Once she was free, she threw a punch. I ducked it and came up swinging. Connecting with her jaw. And before she could even recover from the punch, I was grabbing her by the hair and shoving her head at the locker door.
She charged at me, knocking me on the ground. I grabbed hold of her face, trying to go for her eyes and once she was trying to block that, I flipped it and reversed it so that I was straddling her hips now. The first thing I did was grab hold of her phone and throw it on the floor a few feet away as hard as I could. When she tried to reach up and choke me, I choked her back and she rolled us so that she was on top this time. Fists were flying again. The benches that ran the middle of the locker room were being moved out of place. Lockers were being hit as we made full use of the floor in the girls locker room.
Her friends tried to rush over to help but Veronica and Cheryl stopped them from getting close as Cheryl called out to me, “Get her! It’s about time!” and she told Veronica firmly, “Lock the doors. Nobody gets in or out. Amanda has had this coming for a while now.”
Veronica nodded, locking the door to the locker room. Betty held off Mandy’s friends with Veronica and Cheryl’s help. Determined to let the fight keep going. At least until one of us or the other calmed down.
 I stood up, pulling Mandy off the floor. Pulling her towards the showers.
Turning on the water full blast and as cold as I could get it. Shoving her into it and as soon as I had her cornered, I leaned down to her level. Grabbing hold of her white and yellow Riverdale Vixens ringer that now had blood spattered on the front of it.
“You better hope that video got erased, Mandy, or this is just a preview of what your life’s gonna be like, honey.”  I said it quietly and calmly. “And if you think for even a second about messing with me again… Remember this.”
“You’re actually insane.. You crazy little bitch. Just wait. I’ll get back at you. This isn’t over, Alyssa.”
“Oh, I’m counting on that, you diseased mega skank.” I shrugged as I walked away from her, facing her. My middle finger up in the air. “You might want to clean yourself up, Amanda. We can’t have anybody thinking we were up to no good in here, now can we?” I challenged.
A teacher was pounding on the door and it started to click into place what I’d just done. I sank down on the nearest bench, panting to catch my breath. Trying to calm down. Letting the anger and everything subside.
Cheryl made her way over, Veronica and Betty in tow. Stopping to unlock the door as they went. Whatever Cheryl told the teacher had the teacher satisfied that nobody was up to anything bad in the locker room and leaving and once they had, Cheryl shut the door quickly. Leaning against it with her hand over her heart. “Whew. That was so close.”
Veronica sank down on the bench in front of me, the first aid kit we kept in the locker room open and across her lap.
“This is going to hurt, Al. I’m sorry in advance.” Veronica winced as she started to apply hydrogen peroxide to the few scratches on the side of my face and cheek.
All I could do was nod. Because I was still coming down from the adrenaline.
“If she messes with you again after this, she’s clearly an idiot.” Veronica spoke up after a few seconds. I shrugged. “Oh, she’s not done with me yet. But it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry we couldn’t stop it before all hell broke loose.” Cheryl spoke up, wincing as I looked up at her and laughed it off, shaking my head. Trying to flinch away from Veronica as she came at my face with a cold and damp washcloth to clean the blood away from underneath my nose.
“Cheryl, trust me. I’m fine. I can handle myself. You guys were trying to count the votes, it’s not a big deal. Besides. I needed to stand up for myself.”
“I know, but if I’d been in here, I could’ve stopped her.” Cheryl butted in, gently but firmly.
“I should’ve stood up to her way before now, if I’m being honest. Take the high road, they said. It’s better in the long run, they said. That’s a load.” I grumbled. 
“Ouch fuck ouch hey.. Can you wipe less painfully?” I pleaded with Veronica.
She grimaced and muttered an apology.
“I can’t wait to hear about this crap later. Or try explaining it to my dad and Archie. Archie’s going to take the chance to spin this so that somehow, it’s anybody’s fault but mine.” I grumbled, shaking my head, disgusted at the thought.
“He’s just being a protective brother.”
“I wish sometimes he’d not do that.. So much. Did you know that he just stood back and let Reggie and Sweet Pea fight earlier when the team went to cut everyone loose?”
“I’m still angry with my father about that.” Veronica muttered, adding a second later, “But, that’s typical of him, though. He’s not happy until he owns everything and everyone.” Veronica fumed, shaking her head with a disgusted look on her face.
I bit my lip, nodding. Keeping my own opinions on the subject to myself. Because it’s not like she can control what her parents choose to do. And she tries to be better, she tries to make it so that there’s a very clear and obvious difference between herself and her parents, but with parents like hers, you wind up having to get your hands dirty sooner or later.
I’d just finished getting dressed and stepped into the hallway, finding Sweet Pea leaning against the wall.
“What the fuck was going on in there?”
I shrugged.
Mandy walked past with her friends and Sweet Pea looked from Mandy back at me. Grimacing as he caught sight of my face. Stepping closer. 
“Did she do that?” he eyed me in concern. Tensing up a little. The soft edge to his voice had my heart fluttering a little, but as fast as that started, I was quick to shove it down. Reminding myself that Sweet Pea only tolerated me because we happened to share two friends in common. His hand raised, gingerly touching at a bruise forming along my jaw. Hissing as he shook his head. I tensed a little because now that the adrenaline was completely gone and the shock I’d been in or whatever for the duration of my fight was wearing off too and now everything just plain hurt.
“Mhm.” I answered quietly, swallowing down a lump as it formed in my throat. Gazing up at him. I blinked when my body brushed up against his, not aware that I’d stepped closer to him.
“Did you do.. All that?” he nodded to where she stood at her locker in the hallway, glaring daggers in my direction, her friends flocking her.
“I hope you’re prepared to pay for Amanda’s broken nose, you crazy witch.” Kaylie called out calmly. “Her mother is going to make sure you pay for the fight.”
Mandy smirked at me. “I can’t wait to tell my mother everything. I’m almost as excited to talk to her about the way you’ve been bullying me as I am to post the video of you wandering the hallway of our high school in underwear.”
I tensed, taking a step away from Sweet Pea and forward in the hallway. Sweet Pea reached out quickly, grabbing me up and away by my hips. Putting me behind him as he eyed Mandy calmly. “You really don’t value your life at all, do ya?”
Mandy eyed him, gulping.
“It’s a simple question, Mandy.” Sweet Pea shrugged, smirking a little.
“What are you gonna do, Serpent? I can make one call and have you arrested.”
I growled from behind Sweet Pea. “Try it you fucking gremlin. Try it.” I threatened.
“Enough.” Sweet Pea’s tone was calm and firm as he looked from Mandy to me, folding his arms over his chest. I went quiet and Mandy’s lip quivered a little as she gazed up at him. 
“What you’re gonna do, Mandy… Erase whatever you recorded. If you don’t, you’re really not going to like what happens.” Sweet Pea stepped closer to her, giving a menacing scowl as he towered over her.
Just the way he said it had a slow and lazy heat settling in the pit of my stomach. Had my breath catching in my throat because of just the tone he took… You’d think he was my actual boyfriend. He was acting more like one than any of my past boyfriends, Reggie included.
If I were more hopeful, I’d almost want to say he meant every word of the threat he made to Mandy.
Mandy hurried off and Sweet Pea turned, settling his gaze on me. Eyeing my nose critically and grimacing. “It’s not broken. What the hell happened?”
“She was practically leaning against the damn door so when I threw it open, it hit her in the nose. She went to swing at me, I threw her against a locker… Then it kind of spiralled out of control from there?” I shuffled my feet, going fidgety under his intent and concerned gaze.
“Who locked the door?” Sweet Pea asked, admitting a few seconds later, “I tried the handle when I saw Mrs. Ellis heading for the locker room. I heard all the yelling and every time somebody hit a locker or the wall, so I figured something was going on in there… I was gonna warn you...”
“Oh, that was Cheryl. She wasn’t going to risk anybody going to get a teacher to come in and break it up.” I gave a soft laugh, shaking my head. I nodded towards the doors at the end of the empty hallway.
“We should probably get going. The last place I want to be locked in overnight is here.”
“Yeah, I was waiting on Fangs, but apparently, he ditched me.” Sweet Pea shrugged. I raised a brow, because that wasn’t like Fangs. Usually if he said he’d be somewhere, he was there.
“I haven’t seen him since lunch, come to think of it.” I spoke up after a few seconds.
“He probably bailed. He’s probably already at the Wyrm.” Sweet Pea shrugged. I nodded, agreeing.
“So.. ready?” I asked. Trying my best not to get my hopes up. Preparing myself for Sweet Pea to suggest going to my dad’s or to Pops instead of going to the Wyrm. Shocked more than a little bit when Sweet Pea smirked and nodded.
“Yeah. Just so you know, Cherry… If you think for one second you’re wiping me off the leaderboard, not gonna happen.” he chuckled as we walked down the hall and he paused to push the door open for me.
About halfway to the Wyrm, my hand brushed against his. I glanced down, biting my lip. Debating heavily on just grabbing hold of his hand.
Because friends held hands, right?
I mean.. I held hands with Cheryl and Toni all the time.
Except deep down, I knew that was not even remotely the real motive behind holding Sweet Pea’s hand. The simplest truth was that I just… Couldn’t stop myself from doing something. Anything.
I took a deep breath and carefully, I slipped my hand into his. Gazing down for a second or two after I’d done it. Shocked I’d actually had the damn nerve to go through with it. Even more shocked when Sweet Pea didn’t immediately scowl, tense up or let go.
Instead, his fingers laced with mine.
And like this morning, neither of us really mentioned it. But that tension that seemed to hang around us like a heavy cloud recently?
It got so very much thicker.
He pushed open the door to the Wyrm and I stepped under his arm, into the building. He stepped in behind me, nodding to a table with two chairs towards the back. Where it was a little quieter.
“We should be able to get everything finished back there, Cherry.”
I nodded. My eyes darted around. Finding it odd that the same people staring at me currently never even gave me a second look when I wandered in with Toni and Fangs.
I shoved the thought out of my head.
We were just two classmates.. Two friends.. Meeting to finish an assignment for school.
We made our way to the back of the bar, taking a seat at the table. At one point, while we were deep in rolling and making notes for the chart we’d been given and for our report we’d have to write later, FP wandered past.
“That’s good kid. Nice to see you actually takin school seriously. Don’t give Alyssa a hard time, buddy.” he flashed Sweet Pea a smirk and Sweet Pea nodded. Smirking right back at FP.
“People are looking at us like you’re doing something wrong.” I leaned in and whispered when I just couldn’t take the way people were watching like a hawk anymore and it had me curious.
Sweet Pea glanced up and around, shrugging. “ Most of the older guys think it’s impossible to be friends with a girl and won’t bring one around unless they’re involved with her. Is it bothering you?” he gazed at me, that concerned look in his eyes again.
I shook my head profusely. Taking a sip of the wild cherry pepsi that FP had brought over to us to drink earlier and wanting to kick myself for even mentioning it, because I had a feeling I’d probably just made things awkward.
And that was the very thing I was trying to avoid. 
We finally finished rolling for genetic traits and I finished up the sketch I’d been doing.
“Okay. If you laugh I swear to God.” I gazed at Sweet Pea nervously as I shoved the sketch pad across the table to him.
“Did you just do this?” he asked, staring at the sketch.
“Yeah. I’m not the best.”
I reached for the sketch pad. But not before it flipped a few pages and settled on a drawing I’d done of Sweet Pea when he hadn’t been paying attention one day while we were all hanging out in here, playing the Mortal Kombat arcade game.
Lucky for me, he saw that I’d done sketches of Toni and Cheryl sharing a Twizzler at lunch one day and Fangs working on his motorcycle in the parking lot before school one morning. When he got to the sketch I’d done of Reggie, he scowled a little.
“I wanted to burn that too but Cheryl convinced me if I ever decided to actually get off my ass and apply to art school after I’m done with Riverdale High, it’d be good for my portfolio. She literally tried to throw herself on the fire to stop me from burning all the sketches I did of Reggie.” I laughed quietly, wincing as I shook my head.
Every time I caught myself thinking about the fact that I’d been taken in by a charming smirk and flirtatious mannerisms and the charisma of one Reggie Mantle, it only reminded me how gullible I was. How soft-hearted.
You’d think that getting involved with a guy who all but stalked me and tried to spread nasty rumors and suggestive pictures of me that I never should’ve sent in the first place when I finally got smart enough to break it off with him before leaving Chicago would be enough to teach me.
Apparently, it wasn’t. Because I came here and what’d I do? I got involved with Reggie Mantle. And now, that was over and I was starting to feel things for Sweet Pea, a guy who probably only tolerated me because we shared friends in common.
That was another huge reason I was not keen on opening myself up too quickly all over again. I might not always make the best choices, but even I had the common sense to know that I needed time… I needed to bounce back. Figure things out on my own.
And all of that was another  huge reason I was determined to keep whatever I was starting to feel for Sweet Pea close to the vest. The more I could keep whatever I felt at bay, the better off I’d be. Because realistically, I just didn’t dare hope.
I was starting to realize I just couldn’t trust my own judgement when it came to emotional things. Until I got to a place where I could, I was doing the best thing I could for me.
Something tells me this is going to be so much harder than I could ever imagine though.
The door to the bar flew open and Toni barged in. Over to the table Sweet Pea and I were sitting at.
“Have you talked to Cheryl at all this afternoon?” Toni asked in a rush. 
“I tried to call her earlier but it kept going to voicemail. And we were just saying earlier that Fangs is MIA too…” I rubbed my  temples. I had the sneaking suspicion that I knew exactly what might have happened to Cheryl, because not so long ago, her mother had kind of caught wind of her relationship with Toni. And her mother was not thrilled.
I grumbled, digging in my jeans pocket for my phone.
It clicked for Toni that Sweet Pea and I had come to the Wyrm. Alone. Without her or Fangs present to act as a buffer.
“You’re here together, fuck. I’m sorry. I’m just.. I’m freaking out right now.” Toni glanced from me to Sweet Pea and then back again. “Are you two finally going to stop being snipey assholes and get along though?”
Sweet Pea shrugged, giving me a teasing smirk. “Maybe she’s not so bad… For a princess.”
“Maybe you’re not so bad either. For a giant grumpy asshole.” I teased right back. Feeling my cheeks burn hot just a little at the look in his eyes and the way he put emphasis on the word princess.
Because no, that did not help my current ongoing mental dilemma at all.
“You’re staying with me until we figure out this situation with Cheryl, right?” I asked Toni. Toni nodded, stealing a sip of my Pepsi. “I swear to God, if her mother’s hurt her…”
“If her mother’s done anything to her, she’s going to answer to both of us. I’ve got your back, Topaz.” I spoke up, giving Toni a reassuring look. I tried to call Cheryl again on my phone, but it went straight to voicemail too. I frowned at it, putting my phone away.
Toni eyed me and then glanced in Sweet Pea’s direction as if she were indicating that she wanted details later tonight when we were back at my dad’s place. Mouthing to me, “Well?”
I shook my head, shrugging. “We were just finishing that thing for Biology.” I mouthed. Glancing at my cell phone. I was not getting a good feeling at all. And the more Cheryl’s phone rang and went to voicemail, the more that bad feeling grew.
“It’s going to voice. He’s normally here already if he ditches.”  Sweet Pea swore to himself and shook his head.
“Wait.. he got called to the office right after lunch.” Toni spoke up. Swearing when she tried to call Cheryl yet again and the call went to Cheryl’s voicemail as it had just done for me. She shoved her phone into her pocket and took a few deep breaths. “Maybe she just went to sit with her Nana. They haven’t let her out of the hospital yet, I don’t think.. That has to be it.”
The door flew open again and this time, my brother and Jughead were rushing in. Stopping to talk to a few of the other Serpents we went to school with who were present. Whatever Jughead told them had them rushing out the door in a hurry. I eyed them but quickly turned my attention back to the situation at hand involving our two missing friends. Trying to retrack the events of the day. I remembered it then, Fangs had been called to the office during lunch and after that, I hadn’t seen him again.
We had the second to last class of the day together. He hadn’t been there. 
“You guys have to get out of here. Get everyone out of here and out of this side of town now. They’re about to raid the Wyrm.” Jughead and my brother rushed over to us. My brother let out a ragged breath when he caught sight of me. “Thank god. There you are. I was worried when I couldn’t find you. What the hell happened to your face, pixie?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.. You guys. Explain. What the fuck do you mean we have to get out of here? Archie, what’s going on? What have you let that jackass talk you into this time?”
“Nothing! It’s something I overheard, okay, look. I know you’re still pissed at me. But you guys need to get everyone together and get the hell off of this side of town, okay? Just trust me. Do it. I told Dad what was going on and he said that we could put people up until FP figured something out.”
Sweet Pea eyed my brother with a wary look. I eyed him too, wondering briefly if this were some kind of a trick that Hiram put him up to. Wondering how the hell he managed to get Jughead in on it if it were.
“What the hell is going on tonight?” I wondered aloud after a few seconds.Not even ten seconds later, one of the older bikers wandered in, getting a hold of FP, taking him to the back to talk.
“Are you makin this up, Andrews? Is this a trap? Because to me, that’s what it feels like.” Sweet Pea tensed. His fists clenched at his side and my brother shook his head. “No. This is me. Trying to make up for all of the other stuff, okay? Look. Hiram set the whole thing up this afternoon after he got done arranging to have Fangs arrested earlier.”
“He’s not lying. I just went down the the station, man. Fangs is there. They’re holding him for questioning and they won’t say a fucking word about why he’s even there. And while I was there, I heard some of the guys in the break room joking about how fun it was going to be, cracking some Serpent skulls tonight. If we leave now, they have nothing. They don’t get any evidence, they can’t make any arrests.” Jughead explained impatiently. “We have to go. We needed to be gone ten minutes ago, if you want the honest fucking truth, Pea.”
“Dad really said he’d let them hide in our house. You’re not lying.” I questioned my brother, gazing up at him. Standing taller. “Because I swear to God, Archie, if this is a trap.. If any more of my friends get arrested because you have a burning desire to be Hiram Lodge’s long lost son or whatever the fuck it is you want to accomplish.”
My brother cut me off. “I’ve been working undercover. I wasn’t supposed to tell you anything. I wasn’t supposed to say anything to anyone, actually. Getting close to Hiram is… for the greater good.”
“Uh huh.You mean like the actual greater good or the oh look, pops bought me a ferrari for christmas because I’m a good little fucking stooge greater good?” I questioned, a brow raised and my hand on my hip.
“Al, we can finish this argument once your friends have their shit and they’re heading back to our side of town. I’ll gladly finish this discussion then. Dad sent me and Jugs to get everyone away from here.”
“I don’t know..”
Sweet Pea cleared his throat. “I’m not saying I trust you, Andrews. But I’m willing to take what Jugs says with a grain of salt. He is one of us now.”
Toni and I exchanged a surprised look, but then everyone started to rush around and gather their things as quick as they could. And as soon as we were all out in the alley behind the Wyrm, the first of at least six police cars came flying by, blue lights flashing and sirens blazing.
I let out a ragged breath and glanced up at Sweet Pea. When I caught on to the fact that he was both angry and silently freaking out, I reached down, gently grabbing hold of his pinkie finger with mine. Giving him a weak smile when I glanced up at him.
He didn’t smile back, but as we rounded the corner and promptly had to find another alley to go down to hide because another cop car rushed past, I felt him squeeze my pinkie finger with his more than a time or two.
Almost the second we crossed over into the North Side, I realized just how eerie and quiet it was.
Too quiet.
Nobody was saying anything. We were all too tired from running. Hiding. 
At one point, Toni reached down and grabbed the hand of mine closest to her, giving it a squeeze as she muttered into my ear quietly, “I hope Cheryl is okay.”
“We’ll get up to my room and figure something out, okay?”  I promised in a whisper.
And on the other side of me,  I felt Sweet Pea’s hand lazily close on mine. A squeeze so light that I honestly didn’t think he even realized he’d done it.
It took a few seconds, but I dared to glance down. Eyes fixing on the way his hand engulfed mine. His fingers laced between my fingers. Before I could stop myself, I dragged my thumb knuckle lazily over his palm. Gave his hand a similar light squeeze as I glanced up at Toni to pretend I wasn’t aware I’d done it.
Once we were all in my dad’s house, FP showed up. Explaining that he was currently trying to figure out somewhere everyone could go. Letting people who’d gotten separated from family during the whole scramble to leave whether their people made it and were incoming or at another place that FP had taken the other half of South Side to keep the cops from finding everyone at once or whether they’d been caught and were going to need bail.
My dad and Archie took over the kitchen with the help of FP and Jughead, making food for everyone. Once everyone else was set up and occupied and there wasn’t anything else I could do to help my dad and my brother, I went to go find Toni and we slipped out of the chaos downstairs, retreating up to my room.
The second the door was closed behind me, Toni spoke up.
“You don’t think Penelope killed her.”
“Toni, no. But I do think that she’s keeping her somewhere. Remember Cheryl telling us that she needed to tell us something important? I think that whatever she was going to tell us is the reason we can’t find her right now. Her mother makes Joan Crawford look like a fucking saint.” I fell back across my bed and stared at the ceiling. Sitting up a few minutes later.
“Hey, that girl in my English class… her mom’s a nurse. I can ask if Cheryl’s been there to sit with her nana.”
I dug my phone out and texted the girl in question. Frowning when the girl answered that she’d been there earlier, but she’d left to go home.
“She’s not there. Okay, I do not like the way this feels.”
“Me either.”
We sat in silence on my bed for a few minutes, trying to figure out a way to find out what happened to Cheryl. As I tried to think of places she might have gone or hidden at, I texted my mom about Fangs being kept at the station.
She texted me back, asking if I knew why they were holding him and I texted her back that we were trying to figure out why and we were hoping she’d call and scare someone into giving some form of an answer.
I frowned when she called a few minutes later and explained that she hadn’t been able to get anything. She asked what the hell was going on in town tonight, telling me that while she’d been talking to the secretary at the station, she’d heard a lot of yelling and angry chanting from outside. And a lot of whispering and hushed laughing.
I told her about the raid and I told her about Midge’s body being found during the school play. I told her that people had been starting rumors for whatever reason that Fangs might have done it, because Midge and Fangs had something going on.
“You’re staying out of trouble though, right? With your brother going through whatever it is he’s going through, sweetie…”
“About that.. I kind of got into a fight. But none of the teachers know. Nobody saw it.”
My mom sighed and I frowned, tensing up a little at a possible lecture incoming. When it started, I sat there with the phone away from my ear, letting her go on for a few minutes before I explained calmly, “I’m not going to stand back and be a doormat either, mom. And since Archie is doing all this and showing his entire ass, I need to take care of my own problems. Mandy was a problem, I solved it. End of discussion.”
“First of all, don’t take that tone with me. Second of all.. Does your father know? Did you tell him any of what you just told me?”
“No. I only told you what I just did to get you off my back. Mom.. I’m.. I love you and I’m sorry. I can’t be perfect and I can’t be something I’m not.”
“I’m not asking you to be perfect. I’m asking you to stay out of trouble.”
“It doesn’t feel like that though.”
We exchanged tense goodnights and goodbyes and I ended the call, tossing my phone at the top of my vanity as I flopped back against my bed.
“Ever feel like the black sheep?” I wondered aloud. Feeling bad about it after I said it, because I realized that Toni literally only had the Serpents, Cheryl and her grandfather and me. I palmed my face and shook my head, ashamed. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I get it. My grandpa and I argue a lot.” Toni gave me a sympathetic nod. 
I shook my head at myself. “I swear, my mom and I are constantly butting heads. It’s part of the reason I never understood why she insisted I was the one to go to Chicago with her and that Archie stay here in Riverdale with Dad.”
“Probably because trust me. There are some things that men are not equipped to deal with.”
“I mean, true, but…”
Toni laughed quietly. Stretching a little. “Maybe Cheryl just wanted some space. I haven’t found anything out from anyone else.”
“All I know is what she told me before she left practice. She was going to see her Nana Rose again.”
“Yeah, she told me that too. But she’s been jumpy all day. Like she’s scared.”
“I noticed too.” I agreed, nodding. “Maybe she’ll be at school tomorrow. If she’s not, we’ll ditch and try to find answers or something.”
“Yeah. I’m too wiped to think anymore right now and if I do, I’m going to drive myself insane. And if I do that, we both know I’m going to go off and do something fucking dumb.” Toni admitted as she pulled back the cover on the other side of my bed.
“You’re cool with sharing a bed? I mean, all things considered.”
“Please,I know you have a very specific type of red-head and it ain’t me... Besides. You’re my friend. I’m not making you sleep on the floor.” I answered, gathering my things because I figured that everyone who was planning to shower tonight had probably done so already.
I made my way down the hall, reaching for the handle to the bathroom door right as Sweet Pea pulled it open from the other side. With a towel wrapped around his waist. I spun around, immediately going red in the face. “Shit, fuck. I’m sorry, I.. I thought everyone had already gotten a shower and gone to sleep?” I called out without daring to turn around and face him.
He cleared his throat. “Nah. I told Archie to go before me. I’m the one staying in your house. Didn’t want to intrude.” he tapped my shoulder when he’d pulled on his jeans and I turned around. He took a step forward to come out the door at the same time that I took a step forward to go in the door. We wound up body to body in the hallway. I gazed up at him, licking my lips.
He grimaced as his eyes settled on the bruise on my jaw from the fight earlier in the afternoon. “Did you show your dad? That looks a lot worse now.” His voice took on a concerned tone. 
I shook my head. “Nope. I already had more than enough lecturing about it from my mom earlier when I called to get her to see if she could find out anything about why Fangs was arrested and being held.”
Sweet Pea raised a hand, dragging it through damp hair. A droplet of water trickled down his forehead. Then dropped onto his nose, rolling down it’s slope. When it dripped down and rolled down his lips, my eyes were glued to it’s movement.  He cleared his throat, repeating the question that he’d asked me I apparently hadn’t heard. “Did she find out anything?”
“Just that they’re holding him until they have to let him go. If I had to guess though, it’s because people were saying crap about him and Midge having a thing going..” I muttered quietly. Shuffling my feet against worn wooden floorboards. 
“At least you tried.” he muttered quietly, gazing down at me. His eyes darted to my bruises and scrapes from my fight with Mandy earlier and he cleared his throat. “You should go tell your dad what happened. Just in case she is dumb enough to upload anything she might have recorded and we can’t coerce her into taking it down on our own.”
“If she does, she does. Won’t be the first time something like that happened.” I blurted it out, going quiet as soon as I realized I had. Tensing a little because I really hoped that he didn’t pay it any attention. Or that he didn’t push to know what I meant.I wasn’t even sure why it slipped out. I fidgeted a little, nervous. He eyed me, but luckily, he didn’t ask for further details.
The last thing I wanted right now was for him to know exactly how stupid and pathetic I was and still am. If he knew I’d been dumb enough to sext Dave and Dave had turned and used the photos against me or any of the other shit that I got into in Chicago… I pushed the intrusive thought out of my head.
“Cherry?” Sweet Pea muttered quietly. His eyes fixing on mine. Hints of a smirk playing at his lips. As quickly as the thought came ,, he has literally no idea just how devastatingly handsome he really is, I swear to God.” I hurried to shove it out. Bury it way down deep. Try to ignore the way I felt the slightest flutter of my heart. Or the way my throat seemed to close up when I realized that we were migrating closer to each other and that his hand was brushing against my hip just barely.
“Yeah, Pea?” I finally managed to pull myself together enough to get out the words. Gazing right back up at him, falling in right over my head and virtually powerless to stop it from happening.
“Night.” he yawned as he stepped out of the doorway, making his way back downstairs. From the sound of it, my brother had dragged out one of his old gaming systems. And apparently, he and a few other Serpents were sitting up, playing some long forgotten game. I made my way away from where I’d been peering down the stairs just to make sure that things weren’t tense between everyone and I turned, slipping into the bathroom.
Turning on the hot water and leaning against the wall, letting it cascade down onto my body from above. Just… trying to process the entire craziness of the day so far.
By the time I slipped into my side of the bed, Toni was already asleep, wearing my black velvet eye mask over her eyes. I found one of my other ones and slipped it down over my eyes.
And it seemed like in literally no time, I was out like a light. Exhausted from everything that had gone down in one day.
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wayward-river · 4 years
My Blessing?
AN: This isn’t really a pairing it is a Hidden Identity drabble so you’ll see reader, Sweet Pea and fam again, all mistakes are my own, you will understand as a stand alone or you can read the Hidden Identity story as it seems to never end, I will never let it go. Thanks to my lovely beta @xserpentlife. 
Warnings: A curse word or two, none really. !Dad Sweet Pea...I feel like that should be a warning. 
Again all mistakes are my own, I do not own the gif used. Enjoy! 
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You smiled as you looked out the window and saw Brooks Fogarty’s truck pull into the gravel driveway, Poppy next to him. You couldn’t help but laugh when she had texted you last week telling you her news. Her only request was that the whole family be there, so you had done your best planning a small barbeque knowing they would show up. 
You greeted them as they walked in, Brooks’ arm dropping as he looked around. “It’s just me in here, no need to hide anything.” 
You watched as Brooks playfully looked to your daughter. “Mama Pea knows and you didn’t tell me?” 
Poppy couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face. “Yeah...sorry B” 
Your eyes flickered to the backyard where everyone was settling in around the small fire, “Now everyone is here… does your dad know yet?” 
Brooks shook his head, “It’s been hard to keep it from him... but no. I wanted to tell everyone together.” 
At that sentence Ace walked in Moe by his side laughing. “Hey Pops, been awhile, oh and your friend” Ace emphasised the word “friend” “Brooks is here” 
You watched Poppy roll her eyes at her younger brother. “Mom knows.” She deadpanned. 
Ace looked over to you then a shit eating grin on his face, he reminded you so much of you while Poppy took on basically everything from her father. Even in her heartbreak the last few months, all you could see was Sweet Pea. She had stopped eating at first, always asleep, your heart broke as you remembered. 
You stood in front of the kitchen counter, your head down as you tried to think of ways to help your daughter. Her heart had been ripped out completely. Things had gotten rough, and you were trying almost anything to cheer her up, you had made multiple trips to Greendale and beyond for certain stores that she loved to go to. Currently all of her uncles were planning a “date” night like they would have when she was younger which used to normally consist of tea parties but they could improvise, they were all pretty smart. 
Sweet Peas arms wrapped around you as he buried his face into your neck. “Breathe baby.” 
Tears welled in your eyes, you knew he was struggling just as much as you were with this, and he was trying to comfort the both of you, and take care of himself. You sniffled. “I can’t help her Pea and its… its breaking me. She’s not eating, she’s barely sleeping even though she’s not leaving her bed, I can’t get her to smile.” 
Sweet Pea kissed your shoulder before leaning up and turning you, his hands cupping your face as he used his thumbs to swipe your tears. “It’s only been a few weeks, she’ll be okay and you can’t fix everything mama, even though I know you feel like you have to. I’ll make sure she’s eating and getting some sleep okay? How about you and Toni go out tomorrow? Have a girls day, get out of the house, you can’t help her if you are hurting too.” 
All you could do was nod before collapsing into his arms. 
*End Flashback* 
After a few weeks Poppy was more back to herself and Sweet Pea had been right, all it took was Brooks Fogarty being back in her life, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the way he talked when he got back from the Wyrm, scolding him just a little bit for his actions he displayed that your daughter had given you an earful on over the phone. 
You hung up the phone after calming Poppy down, she was so angry at Sweets. You sat on the couch waiting for him to get home. 
When the door finally opened you couldn’t help the anger you felt. “Noah...” 
Sweet Pea stilled at the use of his full name, you had only ever done that twice before and both times were not good. “Hey baby, you look beautiful. Have I told you that today?” 
“Why on earth would you get into it with Jax?” 
“Is that really a valid question?” 
You folded your arms across your chest, “When your daughter calls me, yes it is.” 
Sweet Pea put his hands up, “Okay, okay mama bear hear me out. I walk into the Wyrm and our hothead of a son is about ready to beat the shit out of him, I handled the situation and then had a few choice words...Poppy showed up at the wrong time is all.” He paused as he smirked. “Do you know who she was meeting at the Wyrm?” 
You shook your head. 
“Brooks. She was meeting Brooks so they could work their shit out, our Poppy is gonna be back to Chick Pea in no time.” 
“Lay off Jax around places your daughter frequents, and don’t give her too much crap about Brooks.” 
Sweet Pea stepped to you, wrapping you up in his arms, “Does that mean I’m out of the doghouse?”
You nodded, laughing into the celebratory kiss he placed on your lips. “Do you ever stay in there for too long” 
“Well no, but…”
“Get your ass up the stairs, I deserve a reward for being such a forgiving wife” 
*End flashback* 
“Are you two ready to tell your fathers?” 
Poppy and Brooks both nodded as they grabbed the beers that you offered as a peace offering, they were nervous and you wished you could tell them that they didn’t have to be, however you knew how Sweet Pea was to boys who even looked near his daughter. 
You watched as Ace came up behind Poppy giving her a little push towards the door, following them outside. 
Poppy looked through the back door taking a deep breath, as she opened up. 
“There’s my Chick Pea!” 
Poppy smiled as she hurried down the stairs into Sweet Pea’s arms. 
Poppy’s POV
Dad hugged onto me tightly, he had started doing that ever since the night he picked me up from the old trailer. “Dad… I have to breathe.” I wheezed out as Uncle Fangs laughed across the yard. 
“I know, I just missed you Chick Pea.” he let go of me as he nodded to Brooks. I felt sick to my stomach as I thought about telling them. 
“You okay Pops?” Ace chuckled. My eyes flickered around, everyone but Dad and Uncle Fangs were engrossed in a conversation. 
“Just peachy… Dad can we uh, talk to you.” 
I watched as Dad walked over to Uncle Fangs, missing the wink that was sent to Ace. 
I tapped my finger against my thigh as we stood there silent. I suddenly didn’t have the words and I knew Brooks was letting me take the lead. 
The silence got to Uncle Fangs first. “Oh God… Poppy are you pregnant?” 
At his words, mom was by dad’s side quickly, tucking herself into his side. His eyes darted to Brooks. “She better not be.” 
“NO! No...I’m uh not pregnant but it would be fine if I was….because well….look Daddy, I… ” 
“I love your daughter.” Brooks blurted out as he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. 
Malachai choked on his beer as Chase watched the scene with a small smile, he knew what it was like being in love with the girl that had been by your side forever. He had told Y/N a long time ago this was going to happen, he could see it in the way Brooks had looked at Poppy since they were third graders. 
They both waited on baited breath for each father to speak. 
“I know.” 
“You know??” I squeaked out. “How?”
“You think I don’t have eyes? I’ve known since the kid fell for you in the third grade when you punched someone out on the playground. You don’t need our approval but…”
“We approve” Fangs finished smiling. 
Sweet Pea POV
The barbeque got on after the little show and it felt normal. Everyone was family here and I couldn’t be happier. 
“Brooks.” I cleared my throat as he walked over leaving Poppy talking to Fangs. 
“Sweet Pea.” 
“I know you’ve heard this before but you’ve always been on the other end but hurt her and…” 
“I don’t plan on it, I actually uh’” Brooks scratched the back of his head as his eyes flickered to each person nervously. “I well, I’d like your blessing…” 
“My blessing?” 
Brooks nodded. “To marry your daughter sir.” 
A smile broke across my face. “Yes.” 
Forevers: @theflameofdeath @whenallsaidanddone @lover2448
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Riverdale OC Masterlist
(several of these ocs may end up getting scrapped entirely, but I’m not ready to commit to that yet so they’re on the list for now)
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Name: Amethyst Andrews
Story: (Cast Not Your Stone at the) Wayward Daughter
Series: (Child, They’re) Seeking Weakness Tonight
Face claim: Kaya Scodelario 
Love interest: queerplatonic poly Serpents, endgame romantic Sweet Pea & Jughead Jones
Summary: Amethyst Adams was 8 years old when her father died, 12 when she joined the Serpents, and 15 when her adoptive father, Fred Andrews, was shot in a diner. Between trying to run a gang, keep her family alive, and maybe, just maybe, not die along the way, her return to Riverdale never had a chance of going smoothly.
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Name: Aaliya Andrews
Story: My Brother’s Keeper
Series: (In Their Triumph Die) Like Fire And Powder
Face claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Jason Blossom; eventual Sweet Pea & Fangs Fogarty
Summary: Aaliya Andrews loved her brother more than anything, and she would do anything for him; even keep her summer a secret.  Archie didn’t need to know that she’d joined the Southside Serpents towards the end of their freshman year, he didn’t need to know that she’d done a strip show in a sketchy biker bar to earn the jacket that she hid in the back of her closet, and he definitely didn’t need to know that she’d started that fateful Fourth of July by waking up in bed with Jason Blossom.  But then sophomore year starts, and with that comes cheerleading and football, playing guitar and talking about going professional, her boyfriend’s - now ex boyfriend’s, she’d suppose - body being found in the river, and an investigation that threatens to reveal every secret she’s ever kept.
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Name: Abigail Adler
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Fic: Swan Song
Love Interest: Archie Andrews
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Name: Addison “Addy” Blake
Face claim: Troian Bellisario
Fic: Alike In Dignity
Series: (From Ancient Grudge) Break To New Mutiny
Love Interest: Sweet Pea & Toni Topaz
Summary:  Addison Blake had it all. Class president at Greendale Prep, captain of the field hockey team, reigning champion of Riverdale’s Country Club’s teen tennis tournament, all around top girl. But when a shocking scandal shuts her school down and she’s forced to start at Riverdale High, she’s less than impressed—especially when she learns that an entire gang is transferring there too. When one of the boys catches her eye, she tells herself that she can resist the electricity she feels, but something is hanging in the stars, and star crossed lovers have never had a chance.
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Name: Adelynn Andrews-Smith
Story: Abyss
Face claim: Phoebe Tonkin
Summary: Back in 2000, Mary Andrews was told that she could never have kids; and so, she and Fred looked into adoption.  They found eight year old Adelynn Smith; and despite her temper and how many families had given up on her, they knew that she was perfect for their little family.  And when Mary miraculously got pregnant with Archie a couple of years later, they were thrilled that their family was going to grow.  And for several years, everything was perfect.  They knew, and Adelynn knew, who her parents were; they allowed and encouraged her to develop her relationship with her father; and they always listened when she talked about her long-since adopted twin brother.  And when, shortly after Fred is shot, Adelynn tells them that the Chic claiming to be Charles Smith is definitely not her brother, they listen.
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Name: Alina Allan
Story: Violent Delights
Face claim: Krysten Ritter
Love Interest: FP Jones
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Name: Ally Andrews
Story: Home Again
Series: (Make This Place) Your Home
Face claim: Adelaide Kane
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Name: Amber Andrews
Story: Petrichor
Face claim: Kennedy McMann
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Name: Anastasia Andrews
Story: Say I’m In Too Deep
Series: (Cause I’ve Still Got) A Lot of Fight Left in Me
Face claim: Abigail Cowen
Love interest: Jughead Jones
Summary:  Starting high school was supposed to be fun, right?  Apparently whoever said that had never found their brother hooking up with the pedophilic music teacher on their first day, but Anastasia Andrews could tell you from experience, that ruined it.  And if Archie was lying about his relationship with Grundy, could that mean he was also lying about July 4th?  She might not care about Jason Blossom, but she cared about protecting her brother, and if the best way to do that was to team up with Jughead Jones to solve the case themselves, well, she’d do it.
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Name:  Angela DeSantos
Story: Gold Lie Promises
Face claim:  Sofia Carson as Evie
Love interest: Veronica Lodge
Summary:  Angela De Santos was a born Serpent, although she and her twin brother didn’t officially join until they were thirteen.  She loved the Serpents, she really did, and she would do anything for them.  So when her brother got roped into disposing of Jason Blossom’s body, she kept her mouth shut; when he got assigned to seduce the Keller kid to keep an eye on the investigation, she gave him a folder of research on all of his interests and hobbies; and when she got assigned to seduce the Lodge heiress to keep an eye on her parents?  Well, it’d hardly be the worst thing she’s done for the gang, so long as she can keep her own feelings out of the mix.
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Name: Ariel Blossom
Title: I’m No Princess of Pain
Series: (Something) Next to Normal
Face claim: Holland Roden
Love interest: Malachai
Summary: As the oldest Blossom child, Ariel was always supposed to inherit the family business.  But after learning the truth she rejected the “maple industry”, moving to California the day after she graduated.  Pursuing her dream of acting and modelling, she had no desire to ever look back.  She wouldn’t have ever stepped foot in Riverdale again, if not for her baby brother’s corpse being found with a bullet hole in the head.
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Name: Artemisia Andrews
Story: Watch What Happens
Face claim: Katie Douglas
Summary: When Arti Andrews first left Riverdale during her parents’ divorce, she was happy to get away from the small town and live in a big city.  But over the years, things changed, and she wanted nothing more than to go home and reunite with her dad and her twin brother.  So when, five years later, Ari Andrews is finally going home, she couldn’t be more excited.  But Riverdale isn’t the town that she remembers, and with all of the secrets she’s keeping, the stakes are higher than ever.
Name: Astoria Topaz
Story: There’s A Fire Burning In My Bones
Series: (Hell Is Empty) And All The Devils Are Here
Face claim:  China Anne McClain
Love interest: Jughead Jones
Summary: Astoria Topaz was a Serpent by blood, and by choice.  She joined with her twin sister and their two best friends, Fangs and Sweet Pea, when they were all thirteen, and had quickly risen in the ranks among teenagers.  She never expected to be a leader though, until FP Jones got arrested.  Suddenly there was a hole that needed to be filled, and apparently Astoria would have to fill it.  That’s fine, she’s a born Serpent and knows how to keep her family together–or she did, until Jughead Jones walks into the Wyrm, suddenly ready to take on his legacy.  But still, Astoria was born a Serpent, and she’ll die a Serpent, she’ll live as a Serpent come hell or high water.
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Name: Barbie Booth
Story: New Girl In Town
Series: (Cause I Am) So Much Better Than Before
Face claim: Candice King
Summary: By fifteen, Barbie Booth already had her eye on the prize: early admission to Tisch for musical theatre, followed by an upper east side apartment with her best friend Veronica Lodge - who would be studying business at Columbia, and then starring as Elle Woods in a revival of Legally Blonde The Musical.  But her plan didn’t include Veronica’s dad getting arrested, and her other half moving to some bumfuck town called Riverdale, leaving her alone for her sophomore year at Spence.  And it definitely didn’t account for her parents up and moving them to Riverdale, for reasons that they refused to explain.  But at least she’d be with Ronnie again, and at least Ronnie told her that Riverdale High wasn’t as bad as they’d imagined.  But then they get to Riverdale, and her plans really go to shit -not only did her parents not research the town that they were moving to, but they bought a house on the south side of the town, dooming her to the rundown school on the wrong side of the tracks, riddled with gangs, murder investigations and, worst of all, no musical theatre program.
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Name: Becca Jackson
Story: Everybody Else’s Girl
Series: (Maybe One Day) She’ll Be Her Own
Face claim: Sofia Carson
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Name: Bella Baxter
Story: The Beauty of A Secret
Face claim: Ciara Bravo
Love interest: Reggie Mantle, Sweet Pea & Fangs Fogarty
Summary:  Bella Baxter is as Northside as they come. Raised in a two story house with a white picket fence, River Vixen since freshman year, best friends include Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Kevin Keller, and Jughead Jones.  The only thing that isn’t “proper Northside” about her is simple, FP Jones, the Serpent King himself, is her godfather–and more importantly, has been her legal guardian since she was ten years old. Bella has clung desperately to her Northside image for the past five years, but when Jason Blossom goes missing, it’s time to decide: is her loyalty to her family or to the persona she’s so carefully crafted.
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Name:  Beverly Mantle
Story: Steady Satellite
Series: (I’ll Walk Through) Hell With You
Face claim: Arden Cho
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty & Sweet Pea
Summary:  Everyone at Riverdale High knew the Mantles.  Beverly and Reginald, Bev and Reg, as inseparable as they’d been in the womb.  Vice-Captain of the River Vixens and Vice-Captain of the Bulldogs, they were untouchable.  And Jason Blossom’s murder only brought them closer together.  They’d never had any secrets from each other, it was them against the world.  Or it was, until a fight causes Beverly to run away, to cross the bridge to the Southside, where she meets two boys as attractive as they are mysterious, and she knows that she can never let Reggie find out.
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Name:  Beverly Mantle
Story: The Inevitably Cursed Life Of Beverly & Reginald Mantle; The Inescapable Secrets That Follow You From Riverdale
Series: (I’ll Walk Through) Hell With You
Face claim: Arden Cho
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty & Sweet Pea
Summary:  Fangs got shot, the Serpents were at war, Archie had just been arrested, and Beverly had been shot. Well, the Mantle twins had always known how to cut their losses. They’d already dealt with being emancipated, after Reggie’s jingle jangle business had Marty hospitalizing both of this children, so it was clearly time for the next step. Get the hell out of Riverdale. Rosewood seemed like a nice enough place to go, and they already had a friend there. Sure, they hadn’t talked to Allison since last summer but really, how much can change in a year?
(aka the PLL crossover that nobody asked for)
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Name: Caden “Adder” Archer
Story: Snake Bite
Series: (In Unity) There Is Strength
Face claim: Tyler Posey
Summary: Caden and Carson Archer, Adder and Asp to most of the world, had always been inseperable.  Even as young children, stuck in the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy orphanage, they were always together.  So when the Archers showed up, looking to foster a child, they knew they had to take the pair.  Growing up on the Southside brought them closer, and the duo found themselves joining the Serpents together and quickly embracing their new names; Adder, dangerous but only when provoked, and Asp, unassuming but volatile and lethal.  But even after they joined the gang, found themselves an extended family in the form of rough around the edge bikers, they were always closest with each other.  And that’s why they’re the only ones who know the truth - on July 3rd, Caden and Carson Archer were hooking up with Cheryl and Jason Blossom and on July 4th, they heard a gunshot.
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Name: Cameron Newton
Story: Ghost Of The City
Series: (The Ashes Of The People) You Really Meant To Be
Face claim: Maia Mitchell
Love Interest: Archie Andrews
Summary: After the creep in a black suit - the Gargoyle King - took over her town and sent her parents to work at his prison-slash-drug-den, Cameron Newton really didn’t think that anything could surprise her.  And then the so-called Red Paladin showed up with nothing but his best friend an an absolute determination to destroy the man who ruined his life.  Well, Cam can relate, and she quickly appoints herself as their third musketeer - if only she’d known what the quest had in store for her, for all of them.
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Name: Candy Barker
Story: Sweet As Sugar
Series: (The Loneliness) Of Loving You
Face claim: Elizabeth Gillies
Love Interest: Poly Serpents
Summary: Candy Barker knew that the Blossom and Cooper children didn’t know that they were related.  She also knew that they didn’t know that there had been a third brother once, who broke off from the family and changed his name to Barker.  And that was fine with her, she could keep the secret from her cousins - it’s not like they’d ever talk to ‘Southside Scum’ anyways.  No, Candy had no problem with keeping the secret between herself and her closest friends.  At least, not until Jason Blossom is murdered in the Wyrm and Candy’s life gets thrown into madness.
Name: Carolyn Cooper
Story: Dirty Little Secret
Face claim: Dianna Agron
Love Interest: Reggie Mantle, Archie Andrews, endgame Poly Serpents
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Name: Carson “Asp” Archer
Story: Snake Bite
Series: (In Unity) There Is Strength
Face claim: Shay Mitchell
Summary: Caden and Carson Archer, Adder and Asp to most of the world, had always been inseperable.  Even as young children, stuck in the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy orphanage, they were always together.  So when the Archers showed up, looking to foster a child, they knew they had to take the pair.  Growing up on the Southside brought them closer, and the duo found themselves joining the Serpents together and quickly embracing their new names; Adder, dangerous but only when provoked, and Asp, unassuming but volatile and lethal.  But even after they joined the gang, found themselves an extended family in the form of rough around the edge bikers, they were always closest with each other.  And that’s why they’re the only ones who know the truth - on July 3rd, Caden and Carson Archer were hooking up with Cheryl and Jason Blossom and on July 4th, they heard a gunshot.
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Name: Carter “Lilith” Lane
Story: No Sweet Dream
Series: (I Keep A Record Of) The Wreckage Of My Life
Face claim: Nina Dobrev
Summary:  Everyone at Riverdale High had heard of the infamous Serpent, Lilith Lane, and the equally dangerous Ghoulie, Carter.  But no one would have guessed that they were the same person, let alone that she was their very own Carter Lane.
Carter “Lilith” Lane was something completely unheard of in Riverdale - a Ghoulie and a Serpent.  Born to parents in rival gangs, she’s never really known who she was.  Lilith Lane didn’t deal anything harder than weed; she was a party girl; she was very vocal about hating the Serpent Dance.  Carter was the best drug dealer in town; a street racing champion; a part time stripper.  And Carter Lane?  She was little more than a ghost; a River Vixen who hated Cheryl Blossom, the main supplier for Bulldog parties who never showed up herself; someone who everybody knew of but who nobody knew.
It had always been easy to keep those parts of herself separate.  And then summer came around; Carter Lane got emancipated, Carter moved into the House Of The Dead, and Lilith Lane dumped Jason Blossom’s body into Sweetwater River.  And she’s fine.  
But then school starts up again, and when Jughead Jones decides to investigate the events of the summer, her worlds start to collide.
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Name: Cecilia Chambers
Story: Miss Americana And The Serpent Prince
Face claim: Josephine Langford
Love Interest: Jughead Jones
Summary: In a town like Riverdale, everybody knew everything about everyone.  Or at least they liked to think that they did.  And they certainly thought that they knew everything about Cecilia Chambers.  They thought that she was the perfect All-American girl, the sweet, blonde, girl next door type.  They didn’t know that she was a Southside Serpent, born and raised.  They didn’t know that FP Jones was her godfather, and her parents’ best friend.  They didn’t know that, when Archie bailed last minute, she was the one FP went to, whom he begged to get Jughead out of town for the summer.  And even she didn’t know why, didn’t know what dark secrets he was trying to protect them from.  But she agreed, and  found herself embarking on a cross country road trip with Jughead Jones.  
Name: Charlotte Jones
Title: No One Has to Know
Series: (This Time Maybe) I’ll Be Bulletproof
Face claim: Britt Robertson
Love Interest: Malachai
Summary:  Alice Smith told FP Jones that she was pregnant, and he decided to raise their daughter.  Serpent princess, heir to the mantle, and protective older sister, Charlotte would do anything for her family, including keep the secret about what happened to Jason Blossom; and she knew the truth, she dumped the body.
Trying to protect her brother without letting him in on the secret should have been easy, if only he hadn’t decided to write a novel about what happened on the Fourth of July.
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Name: Christine Cooper
Title: Young & Beautiful
Series: (When I’ve Got Nothing But) My Aching Soul
Face claim: Sasha Pieterse
Love Interest: Poly Serpents
Summary: Christine Cooper had always gone after what she wanted.  She’d gone after the Queen Bee title of Riverdale High, ruling the school with her best friend Cheryl.  She’d gone after her older sister’s boyfriend, sneaking into Thornhill for clandestine hookups with Jason.  She’d gone after the picture perfect life, existing in a different world from most of the town.  And everything she went after, she got.  She got the popularity, she got the boy, she got the dream tv life.  And then Jason ran away with Polly - no, then Jason died.  And the perfect, lovely, completely fake life that Chris had build fell apart.
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Name: Daphne Dwyer
Fandom: Katy Keene
Story: Pasts That Haunt
Face claim: Leighton Meester
Love Interest: Katy Keene
Summary: Of course Daphne Dwyer remembered Riverdale, how could she not?  Even when she wanted to, there were too many reminders: daily texts from her former foster brothers, Fangs and Sweet Pea, the leather jacket that she hid so carefully in the back of her closet, and, especially, the serpent tattoo she covered up every single morning.  But she wasn’t a teenage biker gang member anymore.  No, she had left that behind her when she was eighteen, when she moved to New York, when she began to climb the ladder as an Upper East Side socialite.  Now she’s up and coming designer DeeDee; now her past is in her past and she’s only looking forward; now her best friend Katy is introducing their newest roommate - her former brother’s former fling, the daughter of Riverdale’s last mayor, Josie freaking McCoy
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Name: Delaney “DC” Carlyle
Story: This Business Of Surviving
Face claim:  Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: Endgame Jughead Jones & Archie Andrews
Summary:  Matthew Carlyle was innocent, Delaney would bet her life on it.  But, despite DC’s absolute belief in her father’s innocence, the FBI agent was still arrested for the murder of his fellow agent, Christopher Wells.  So Delaney’s mother packed up their house in Washington, DC and moved her daughter back to her own hometown.  But when they get to Riverdale they find a town shaken to its core by the disappearance of Jason Blossom.  Honestly, DC couldn’t have cared less; she only cared about solving her father’s case and proving his innocence.  At least until her mom brings her to the local Drive-In and everything changes.  
First, she meets a boy in the projection booth who’s writing a novel about the murder; then she meets a man who turns out to be that boy’s father, her mom’s childhood best friend, and a gang leader - a gang that her mom is apparently a part of; finally she meets another boy, one with a snake tattooed on his neck and an undeniable magnetism. That’s when her whirlwind summer begins.  But just as quickly as it started, her summer of romance, Serpents, and mysteries ends, and it’s time to make her space in a new school. DC is ready to put the past behind her and focus on the future, when in walks the daughter of Hiram Lodge - the last man her father put in jail.
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Name: Doria Mary Wallis
Title: Untitled
Face claim: Jenny Boyd
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Name: Drake Dawson
Title: Son Of Steel
Series: (Cause He’s) Stronger Than You Know
Face claim: Matthew Daddario
Summary: FP Jones and Derek Dawson had done everything together.  They’d been Southsiders at Riverdale High together, they’d joined the Serpents together, they’d joined the army together, they’d even gone to Afghanistan together.  But only FP came back.  Drake Dawson had been raised by FP Jones for as long as he could remember, had idolized the man who was like a father to him, and had always tried to make him proud.  And now, after four years of military service, the Serpent Prince is back in Riverdale.  But everything has changed, and Drake no longer recognizes the town he grew up in.
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Name: Emily Blossom
Story: Bloom
Face claim: Debby Ryan
Love Interest: Jughead Jones
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Name: Everett Evernever
Story: Ain’t From No Heaven
Face claim: Madison Davenport
Love Interest: tentative poly Serpents
Summary: Of course Everett Evernever loved the Farm.  Of course she respected her father and of course she pretended that her mother was her sister.  Of course she only had one kidney and a partial liver.  She would never consider anything else, would never question Edgar’s rulings.  At least, not until her psychology class started to study cults.  And the more Everett learned, the more things seemed familiar.  But the Farm couldn’t be a cult, could it?  It was her family.  So she started acting out, determined to prove herself wrong.  And that’s when Alice Cooper comes into the picture.  In order to prove her loyalty and dedication, Alice is assigned to set Everett back on the right track.  And it’s while she’s living with the Coopers that Everett meets the Southside Serpents, and her perfectly planned, perfectly secret life is thrown into a whirlwind.
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Name: Evan “Fairy” Fogarty
Story: Don’t Take My Kindness For Weakness
Series: (Gonna Feel Me) When I Fight Back
Face claim: Lana Condor
Love interest: Sweet Pea & Jughead Jones
Summary: Evan Fogarty has been affectionately known as “Fairy” by the Serpents since she was nine years old, trailing after her brother and his best friend.  It was Sweet Pea who came up with it, thought it was fitting for the sweet girl who paired a leather jacket with pastels, a switchblade with her ice capps, and razor blades with her pigtails, and honestly?  She loved it.  The Serpents, her family, knew that she was a lot tougher than she let on, but the Northsiders constantly underestimated her.  They hear the nickname and expect an airhead child, not a girl who’s been taking care of her sick mother since she was ten.  They expect a naïve fool, not the brains to her brother’s brawn.  And yeah, she’d rather make peace with the Northsiders than start an all our turf war, but if that’s what’s happening, she’ll still be on the front lines.  And when FP Jones is arrested for a murder she knows he didn’t commit, Evan knows that war has finally come to Riverdale.
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Name: Fallon Parris “FP” Jones
Story: Every Day Is Like a Battle
Series: (We’re On the) Road to Ruin
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
Face claim:  Brenna D'Amico
Love interest: Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea, Reggie Mantle
Summary: Fallon Parris Jones, FP to her friends, was taken to Toledo against her will when her parents separated.  She would have stayed, for Jellybean, except her dad called her and told her that her twin had just been hauled in and questioned for murder.  Fallon may play at obedience, but her twin’s wellbeing is always the most important thing in the world, so she hops on the next bus to Riverdale with no intention of leaving him ever again.  It isn’t until she arrives that she finds out just how deep her family is in this mess, and clearly no one else can be counted on to fix everything.  Armed with nothing but her well-worn Serpent jacket, a switchblade, and an unstoppable determination to protect her brother, Riverdale is about to find out that they messed with the wrong family
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Name: Francesca Jones
Story: Living In Sin
Face claim: Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: poly Serpents (not Jughead of course)
Summary: Hal and Alice Cooper had only ever wanted two children, two perfect daughters for their perfect family.  But when Alice found out that she was pregnant with twins, they agreed to keep both, and Francesca and Elizabeth Cooper were born.  But then they found out that Francesca was deaf and, despite their decision to keep both twins, they were quick to give her to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.
Shortly after Jughead was born, Gladys Jones was told that she could no longer have kids.  Devastated, she and FP were quick to look into adoption, and found the perfect addition to their family; Francesca.  
Francesca Paige Jones grew up on the Southside with her brother Jughead and their miracle sister Jellybean, although she chose to stay on the Southside and not interact with the other side of town, despite knowing that she had a twin sister and biological parents somewhere across the tracks, despite knowing that Jughead was even friends with her twin. But then Gladys and Jellybean move to Toledo, Jughead leaves home, FP helps dispose of Jason Blossom’s body, and suddenly the Northside is paying attention to them.  She would have been perfectly happy to fly under the radar, to continue to pretend that she had no ties to the Northside, had she not come face to face with a mirror image of herself named Betty Cooper.
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Name:  Genevieve Grundy
Story: Perfect Stranger
Series: (Don’t Like Your) Little Lies
Face claim:  Natalia Dyer
Love interest: Poly Serpents
Summary:  Genevieve Grundy wasn’t a born Serpent like her friends, but she was still Southside through and through.  She’d been raised on the Southside by her grandma, until her grandmother died and she was taken in by Serpent foster parents.  She’d attended Southside High and joined the Serpents, she was a Southsider.  Keyword being was.  But after the Jason Blossom Incident, as they had taken to calling it, Gen found herself being moved to the Northside.  She would be fine, she told herself, she could still visit her friends and it might be nice to go to a better school.  She would be fine.  And she almost believed it, until she walked into her first music class of the year, only to find that the teacher was using her grandmother’s name.
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Name: Harley Day
Story: Legendary
Face claim:  Bianca Santos
Love interest: Poly Serpents
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Name:  Harper Hope Harrison
Story: My Demons and My Muse
Series: (Though It’s Truth You Find) It’s Innocence You Lose
Face claim:  Dove Cameron
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty, eventual Fangs & Sweet Pea
Summary:  In the midst of her parents’ messy divorce, Harper Harrison and her mom go to live with her mom’s cousin, Fred Andrews. She was really excited, her Uncle Fred was the coolest person ever, and apparently her cousin Archie is now as into music as she is. But after an accident during the drive to Riverdale lands her in the hospital instead of onstage, Harper has to reconsider everything she’s ever known. She doesn’t think that she could ever be on Broadway now, not after the accident left her with severe hearing loss, but the boy across the hall, recovering from a gunshot, is determined to prove otherwise.
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Name: Hera Lodge
Story: Sins Of The Father
Face claim: Camila Mendes
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Name:  Holli Hansen
Story: A Thousand Cuts
Face claim:  Skyler Samuels
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Name: Ivy “Vine” Verona
Title: Dreamers Often Lie
Series: (Look Like The Innocent Flower) But Be The Serpent Under’t
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Summary: If there was one thing that Ivy Verona was good at, it was lying.  She lied to the Northsiders; she said she was Northside pure, that her guardian was an accountant, that she’d never even heard of the Whyte Wyrm.  She lied to the Southside too; she said she was flunking all her major classes, said cheerleading was only a front, said she planned to stay in Riverdale the rest of her life. And then there was the lie that she told the entire town - that she had no idea what might’ve happened to Jason Blossom.
Only her uncle FP and best friend Joaquin knew the truth.  She’d been Jason’s dealer; she’d brought him to the Wyrm; she’d watched him die, and then washed away his blood; she dumped his body in the river and pretended it never happened.
But the biggest lie she told was to herself - that Jason Blossom’s death was not her fault.
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Name: Jac Daniels
Story: Light In The Dark
Series: tbd
Face claim:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty & Sweet Pea
Summary: Despite being a Southside Serpent, Jacqueline Daniels was one of the last truly good people in the town of Riverdale.  Despite being surrounded by darkness, she wore her heart on her sleeve and always kept her heart open for more strays.  Of course the majority of it was taken up by her three best friends and fellow Serpents, but when Jughead Jones transferred to Southside High, she knew there would be a place for him too.  And there was, and Jughead found himself with a new tour guide slash bodyguard slash friend, whose open heart and pure soul were rivalled only by her fierce loyalty and protective nature.  But even the brightest light in Riverdale has a breaking point, and when Northside drama starts to endanger her friends, her family, Jac may just discover her own.
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Name: Jasmine Blossom
Story: Archaic
Face claim:  Abigail Cowen
Love interest: tentative Archie Andrews
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Name: Jennifer Andrews
Story: Two Can Keep a Secret (If One Of Them Is Dead)
Series:  (Though It’s Truth You Find) It’s Innocence You Lose
Face claim:  Dove Cameron
Love interest:  FP Jones
Summary: Before there was Harper or Archie or Jughead, there was Jennifer and Fred and FP.  The Rebel Girl, the All-American Boy, and Mr. Varsity.  Jennifer and Fred Andrews may have been cousins, but they were as close as siblings, and rarely seen without their best friend FP Jones.  They’d always been inseparable, and detention was no different.  While Fred and FP were in trouble for streaking, Jen had gotten caught spray painting the boys’ locker room.  It was just supposed to be one Saturday, but instead it ended with a corpse, hair dye, and a secret to bring to grave.
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Name: Jennifer Andrews-Harrison
Story: My Demons and My Muse
Series: (Though It’s Truth You Find) It’s Innocence You Lose
Face claim:  Kristin Chenoweth
Love interest: FP Jones
Summary: Jennifer Harrison (née Andrews) had been in love once and married once, but they weren’t the same man.  She’d been in love with Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr. since she was fifteen, although she only confessed it when she was sixteen and left Riverdale for good.  She’d been twenty five and three months pregnant when she married Joseph Harrison, and they’d managed to put up with each other for sixteen years.  But when she finally files for divorce, she realizes that she can’t keep her daughter in the middle of it, and moves her to Riverdale.  She tells her boss that it’s to write an exposé on the small town now rife with crime and corruption–a girl had just been murdered during a school musical, after all–, she tells her cousin Fred that it’s for her daughter’s sake, and she tells the town that it’s to get away from her husband.  She didn’t realize that going back to her hometown meant going back to a secret she buried twenty five years ago, or to feelings that she’d tried to bury the exact same day.
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Name: Jett Jones
Story: Daddy Lessons
Face claim: Crystal Reed
Love Interest: Jason Blossom, Archie Andrews
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Name: Opal “Jewel” Cooper
Story: This Be The Verse
Series: (In This Town) There’s No One To Trust
Face claim:  Grace Phipps
Love Interest: poly serpents (not Jughead, of course)
Summary:  Opal Cooper, the youngest of the Cooper sisters, had always known that she was different.  How could she not? Her dark hair made her the literal black sheep of her perfectly blonde family.  Sure, her mom always claimed that she inherited it from her grandfather, but Opal knew that something was different.  So, in the summer before she started high school, she did some digging.  She wasn’t surprised at all to find she wasn’t a Cooper, but she was more than a little shocked to learn her biological father was none other than FP Jones.  A simple desire to build a relationship with her real dad started Opal down a road that she never expected; a road of gangs and murder and nicknames.  Starting high school armed with a switchblade and the truth about what happened to Jason Blossom, the newly nicknamed Jewel Cooper was nothing like the Opal anyone remembered.
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Name: Julia Smith Thomas
Story: Begin Again
Face claim: Lily James
Love Interest: FP Jones
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Name: Juliet Capes
Story: Star Crossed
Face claim:  Sarah Jeffrey
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty
Summary:  When Fangs Fogarty got dared to seduce the uptight Northside princess Juliet Capes, he knows it’s a dick move. But he also knows that it’ll get him his stripes, get him accepted with the teen serpents. The river vixen is easy to win over, and soon he’s claimed all of her firsts. Fangs would be happy to keep his motivations, and the gunshot they heard, a secret, but in a town like Riverdale, the truth always comes out, and someone always gets hurt.
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Name: Fraser Paxton Jupiter Jones
Story: Amphisbaena
Face claim: Dylan O’Brien
Love Interest: Poly Serpents (not Jughead)
Summary: Fraser Paxton Jones was many things.  He was a Riverdale Bulldog, a Southside Serpent, Cheryl Blossom’s boyfriend, Jughead Jones’ big brother, FP Jones’ firstborn son; he was Jupiter Jones.  The one thing he wasn’t was a murderer.  But when Clifford Blossom showed up at the Wyrm in early summer, threatening to kill his little brother if the Serpents didn’t do what he said, the line between who Jupiter Jones was and wasn’t started to blur.
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Name: Kathryn Keyes
Story: All That Glitters (Isn’t Gold)
Series: (Glory And Gore) Go Hand In Hand
Face claim: Olivia Holt
Love Interest: Archie Andrews
Summary: Kathryn Keyes loved growing up in Orange County.  She loved the sunshine and the beaches, Disneyland and busy streets, shopping and even school.  She loved that boxing classes, her dojo, and her ballet studio were all within five minutes of each other, with a Starbucks in between.  Really, she loved everything about her perfect glittery life.  But that didn’t stop her parents from moving her all the way across the country to some hick town called Riverdale.  There’s no Disneyland or busy streets, no beaches or shopping, not even a Starbucks.  But there’s a gym and a studio, a forest and a river, so her summer is spent boxing and dancing, running and swimming.  And on July Fourth, she runs into something - a redhead boy who couldn’t be any older than she was, and a woman at least twice their age, and despite what they said, it definitely wasn’t just music lessons.  But still, when the boy offers to walk her home, she says yes; she figures she might as well have one friend at her new school, after all.  
But then they hear a gunshot and Kathryn finds herself drawn into the web of lies surrounding that day.  She knew that helping to unravel the mystery would reveal some secrets, but she never expected to learn that her perfect glittery life in California wasn’t quite as golden as she thought.
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Name: Keegan Rhodes
Story: Everybody Else’s Girl
Series: (Maybe One Day) She’ll Be Her Own
Face claim: Jordan Fisher
Love interest: Stevie Cooper
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Name: Kit Cooper
Story: It Gets Worse Here Every Day
Face claim:  Kiernan Shipka
Summary: Hal and Alice Cooper had only ever wanted two daughters.  Two perfect daughters.  They’d never wanted the third; the wild child, the unplanned twin.  They were going to keep her, they weren’t going to separate Betty from her twin, but when Kit Cooper was diagnosed with severe hearing loss and that was the last straw.  Only five years old, Kit was shipped off to The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy, out of sight, out of mind.  They told her sisters that she was at a private care facility, one that was better equipped to handle her disability than they were.  They would have gotten away with it, if ten years later they hadn’t sent Polly to the Sisters as well.  Now the secret is out, and Betty and Polly will do whatever it takes to get their sister back.
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Name: Kristiana Keller
Story: Silver Screen
Series: (Know the Water’s Sweet) But Blood Is Thicker
Face claim:  Danielle Campbell
Love interest: Toni Topaz
Summary: If the Keller twins could explain one thing, just one thing, to the people of Riverdale, it would be that they were exhausted.  With their father as Sheriff, it always seemed like they were held to a higher standard than the rest of the town.  Lieutenant of the cheer squad and the best wrestler in his weight class; student body vice president and social coordinator; Model UN Secretary General and Chargé D’Affairs; 4.0 GPAs; and a secret to take to the grave.  And if anyone found out that they heard the gunshot on the fourth of July, it might just be to the grave.
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Name: Lola Lexington
Story: Living Like A Devil
Series: (Find Me) Where The Wild Things Are
Face claim: Emeraude Toubia
Love Interest: Toni Topaz & Sweet Pea
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Name: Lyra Lovell
Story: Unconquerable
Series: (With A Devil) On Your Back
Face claim:  Haley Lu Richardson
Love interest: Jughead Jones
Summary: When Jughead Jones moved to Toledo after his dad’s arrest, he thought that he was finally leaving  Riverdale, and the Serpents, behind him.  But when his mom introduces him to his guide, he knows that’ll be impossible.  Lyra Lovell was a Serpent legacy like he was, and left her mom in Riverdale to move to Toledo with her dad.  Being surrounded by the so-called Toledo Serpents would have been bad enough, but then FP is proven innocent and Gladys sends him straight back to Riverdale. Fully prepared for the worst, he’s pleasantly surprised to find out that Lyra has decided to go home too–if only they can find a way out of their seemingly inevitable destinies.
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Name: Mallory Mason
Story: Lamb To The Slaughter
Face claim:  Willa Fitzgerald
Summary:  Mallory Mason had been popular once - with Moose as her brother and Cheryl as her best friend, she couldn’t have been anything less.  She had been popular once, and happy, and desperately in love with her best friend.  And then she came out.  At fourteen, Mal Mason was sent to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy for conversion therapy.  At sixteen, her best friend and first crush shows up in Mal’s personal hell.  And then she gets rescued, and drags Mal out with her.  And suddenly, after two years, Mal has to face Riverdale again.  And, more importantly, Mal has to face her family.
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Name: Mila Turner
Story: Fearless
Face claim:  Victoria Justice
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Name: Nova Nixon
Story: Serpentine
Face claim: Emma Dumont
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Name: Olivia Cooper
Story: Walls Come Tumbling Down
Series: (Does It Almost Feel Like) Nothing Changed At All
Faceclaim: Lily Collins
Love Interest: Sweet Pea & Fangs Fogarty
Summary:  As much as Olivia Cooper loved her sisters, and she truly did, it often felt like she was living with strangers.  While Betty and Polly were thick as thieves, she never quite fit in.  But she still knew her sisters better than anyone, and she knew that Polly wasn’t sick.  No matter what their parents said, she knew her twin and she knew that something wasn’t quite right.  She just never expected her investigation to bring her face to face with two magnetic Southside Serpents, and she definitely never expected to find herself feeling more at home with them than she ever had with her sisters.  But that won’t stop her from finding out the truth about Polly, no matter how many secrets get revealed along the way.
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Name: Pandora Peabody
Story: The Snake Whisperer
Series: (It Isn’t In) My Blood
Face claim: Ashley Benson
Love interest: Poly Serpents
Summary: Everyone on the Southside knew Panda Peabody, daughter of the Snake Charmer, Penny Peabody herself.  A king pin in the making, Panda was virtually untouchable, and she had her mom’s talent for business.  But instead of dealing in favours, she deals in secrets.  
Everyone on the Northside knows Pandora Patterson, the aloof queen bee herself.  Pandora isn’t popular the way that Cheryl Blossom is, through a desperate grasp at the social ladder, but rather because she’s so disinterested.  She walks like she owns the halls, she keeps to herself, and she knows everything about everyone.  
While the Serpents knew that their own Snake Whisperer was a student at Riverdale High, dealing in both secrets and drugs, the Bulldogs had no idea that their It Girl was not only a Serpent, but the one most capable of destroying all of them.
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Name: Persephone Parsons
Story: Heartbreak Is The National Anthem
Face claim: Ginny Gardner
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Name: Presley Palmer
Story: Living In The Garden Of Evil
Series: (Tell Me All Your) Sweet, Sweet Little Lies
Face claim: Carlson Young
Love Interest: Sweet Pea & Toni Topaz
Summary: Presley Palmer wasn’t just a normal Northsider.  No, she was the peak of the Northside.  Raised by a single father who was as rich as the Blossoms, in a sprawling mansion near Thornhill, and Cheryl Blossom’s best friend and co-captain of the River Vixens, she was the girl that every Northsider wanted to be or to be with.  But, as popular and social as they were, Presley and Cheryl were equally insular.  It was always, only, the two of them; ice and water; Queen Pres and Cherry; Presley and Cheryl.  Two sides of the same coin, they knew everything about each other.
Well, not everything.  Cheryl didn’t know about the snake tattoo that Presley covered up every day; she didn’t know that on the other side of town, Presley Palmer was known as Prissy Peabody, the only daughter of the infamous Snake Charmer; and she most certainly didn’t know that it would be Jughead Jones’ investigation into her brother’s disappearance that would bring those secrets to life.
Name: Queenie Quincy
Story: Liability
Series: (Die Only For) You Above All
Face claim: Marlo Kelly
Love Interest: Toni Topaz
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Name: Raven Richards
Story: Cruel Summer
Series: (This Town Will Be) The Downfall Of Us All
Face claim: Emma Mackey
Love Interest: Poly Serpents (not Jughead)
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Name: Rayne Rivers
Story: An Ounce Of Loyalty
Face claim:  Lucy Hale
Love interest: Poly Serpents
Summary: Maybe Rayne Rivers wasn’t the most popular Serpent, or the most feared Serpent, or anything special whatsoever by her gang’s standards, but she was loyal. Loyal enough that FP Jones asked her, personally, to help deal with Jason Blossom’s body. Loyal enough that she did so without question, without complaint. Loyal enough that now that his body has been found, Rayne would sooner die than give her up her gang’s secrets. But in a town like Riverdale, be careful what you wish for.
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Name: Renee Steele
Story: Ourobos
Face claim: Winona Ryder
Love Interest: Robert Steele
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Name: Riley Richards
Story: Cruel Summer
Series: (This Town Will Be) The Downfall Of Us All
Face claim: Kathryn Newton
Love Interest: Jughead Jones & Archie Andrews
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Name: Robert Steele
Story: Ourobos
Face claim: David Harbour
Love Interest: Renee Steele
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Name: Rose Blossom
Story: A Rose By Any Other Name
Series: (Ill Met) By Moonlight
Face claim:  Sophie Turner
Love interest: Sweet Pea & Jughead
Summary:  The youngest of the Blossom siblings, Rose had always been the most spoiled. Affectionately, and mockingly, referred to as Princess Blossom, she was everything a Northsider, everything a Blossom should be.  Of course, things started to fall apart when her brother disappeared, but when she joined the River Vixens, things seemed to be getting back on track.  At least they were, until her brother’s body is found with a bullet hole in his head.  Unsure of what to do next, Rose runs.  She runs and runs until she finds herself on the Southside, falling into the arms of a tall, dark, and handsome stranger who goes by Sweet Pea.  And then there’s the question of Jughead Jones, and the magnetic attraction she feels towards him.  The cycle always ends the same way; a Jones and a Blossom, a Serpent and a Blossom, but by god, Rose will make sure that she’s not Riverdale’s next tragic Juliet.
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Name: Rosebud Reynolds
Story: The Price Of Your Greed (Is Your Son And Your Daughter)
Series: (I Gotta Recognize) The Weapon In My Mind
Face claim: Halston Sage
Love Interest: Archie Andrews, Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea, endgame FP Jones
Summary: At seventeen years of age, Rosebud Reynolds had… well, she definitely didn’t have it all, but she had what mattered.  She had the Serpent jacket that she’d been wearing for ten years and the nickname she’d had for even longer - and god help anyone who used her real name.  She had fifteen years of ballet lessons under her belt and an upcoming audition for Juilliard.
But everything is on the line when she gets sent to Riverdale High to keep an eye on Jughead Jones.  It would have been fine, if he hadn’t decided to investigate the disappearance of Jason Blossom.
It would have been fine, if she didn’t know the truth about what happened.
It would have been fine, if she hadn’t watched her father shoot him.
His son.
Her brother.
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Name: Roxie Harrison
Story: Nothing Town
Face claim:  Shelley Hennig
Love Interest: Poly Serpents
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Name: Ruby Klump
Story: Blood In The Water
Series: (This Town Kills You) When You Are Young
Face claim:  Meg Donnelly
Love interest: Fangs Fogarty, eventual Fangs x Sweet Pea
Summary: Ruby Klump had been thirteen when she was first sent to a school for “troubled kids” on the outskirts of Greendale and, despite still living in Riverdale, that had been the beginning of a lifetime of isolation.  She barely knew any other teens in Riverdale, not even her older sister’s friends.  Her parents had worked long and hard to keep their problem child away from their perfect Riverdale life, but when Midge is murdered during the school musical, Ruby has to come to the funeral.  And once the floodgates are open, there’s no going back.  Finally making friends in her town, Ruby refuses to be hidden away anymore.  Especially after she befriends a particularly cute boy in a leather jacket… who just got arrested for her sister’s murder.
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Name: Ryann Hernández-Viamonte
Story: A Real Nightmare
Series: (Dangerously Having) The Time Of Our Lives
Face claim: Sofia Carson
Love interest: Toni Topaz
Summary: Next to her brother Malachai, Ryann Hernández-Viamonte had always been underestimated, never seen as a real threat by anyone outside of the Ghoulies.  But the Ghoulie Princess knew that, despite everyone’s assumptions, she was one of the most dangerous people in Riverdale.  And after the stunt that Andrews kid pulled at the drag race, Ry found herself spending eight months in Juvie.  Finally, two months after her brother and most of their fellow Ghoulies were released, Ry is back in Riverdale, only to find that everything has gone to shit.  First she finds out that she’s now attending Riverdale High, and then she learns that not only did Malachai make a deal with Penny Peabody, but now they’re also working for Hiram Lodge?  Well, not if she has anything to say about it.
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Name: Samantha Cooper
Story: Glissade
Face claim: Willow Shields
Love Interest: Fangs Fogarty & Sweet Pea
Summary: Skating was, and had always been, Samantha Cooper’s entire life.  But not by choice.  No, as much as she had always loved skating, it was her mother who had forced her to focus her entire life on perfection, on the Olympics.  It was her mother who didn’t let her have friends, or hobbies; who didn’t even want her to go to a proper school.  And Samantha really didn’t mind skating being her priority, but she’d always wanted a real life.  And when Alice pushes too far, when Samantha runs off in the middle of the night, right into the arms of two tall, dark, and handsome boys from the wrong sides of the track, she may finally get her chance.  But everything comes at a price, and Sam is soon going to find out the cost of her choices.
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Name: Skylar Smith
Story: Lonely World
Series: (This Town Has Got) The Youth Of Me
Face claim: Amanda Seyfried
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Name: Stevie Cooper
Story: Everybody Else’s Girl
Series: (Maybe One Day) She’ll Be Her Own
Face claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Keegan Rhodes
Summary: The middle Cooper sister, Stevie never really knew or cared about the Riverdale drama or the Cooper drama, because she was “eat, sleep, breathe, gymnastics”. She didn’t even live in Riverdale, she lived just outside of New York City at an elite facility, where top athletes could train with the best of the best, while also attending a school designed to accommodate their training.
She knew that Polly had been dating Jason Blossom, but didn’t really care as long as Polly was happy; she knew that Betty had been in love with their neighbour since she was eight, and that she was spending the summer with some fancy internship, but that was it.
But after a broken wrist takes her out of gymnastics for a while and she has to trade her gymnastics-oriented boarding school for Riverdale High, just in time for the first day of class, she realizes exactly how much shit her little sister is caught up in, at school and at home, and god help anyone who tries to stop her from protecting her.
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Name: Summer Simmons
Story: Such Sweet Sorrow
Series: (Serpent Heart) Hid With A Flowering Face
Face claim: Janel Parrish
Love interest: Archie Andrews
Summary: Much like her twin brother Sweet Pea, Summer never used her real name.  No, no one needed to know that–most people didn’t even know their last name.  So yeah, names had never really meant anything to Summer, until she finds out that the Archie she’s been dating, ever since he walked into the Wyrm in a Riverdale High varsity jacket, is none other than Archie Andrews–her brother’s new enemy and now the leader of some teen vigilante gang that’s sworn to hate her gang–her family.  Well, as Shakespeare would say, the course of true love never did run smooth.
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Name: Talia Steele
Story: Ourobos
Face claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: tentative Poly Serpents
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Name: Tanya Conway
Story: Yesterday’s Girl (Is Not What You See)
Series: (This Human Place) Makes Inhuman Monsters
Face claim: Kat McNamara
Love Interest: Poly Serpents
Summary: Identity was fickle, as far as Tanya was concerned. To some she was Tanya Trent, a first generation serpent whose mother was the principal of Southside High, until the Black Hood killed her. To others she was Tanya Svenson, a Southside punk whose father was the janitor at Riverdale High, until he was killed for being the Black Hood. To herself she was Tanya Conway, a teenage girl who knew that the Cooper family had killed her dad’s family; who knew that, even after they divorced, her dad loved her mom; who knew that, no matter what anyone said, her dad wasn’t the Black Hood. And now she’s just Tanya, a scared but stubborn girl with no sense of identity who’s just been sent to Riverdale High with her fellow Serpents, armed with nothing but the snake tattooed on her back and the need to clear her father’s name.
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Name: Tiara Blossom
Story: Dollhouse
Face claim: Maddison Brown
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Name: Victoria Lodge
Story: You Inherit The Sins, You Inherit The Flames
Series: (Now We’re In The Ring) And We’re Coming For Blood
Face claim:  Jenna Ortega
Summary: Victoria Lodge was the black sheep of the Lodge family.  She didn’t care about the constant parties or connections, she didn’t particularly like her dad, she’d never even watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and oh, right, she had no interest in being a mob princess.  Maybe that’s why she’s the only one looking forward to moving to Riverdale–until she realizes she’s walked onto the set of a real life murder mystery, and even her parents are suspects.
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jenny-jensen · 5 years
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Coming soon
(hopefully next week!)
live a little (it’s okay)
It's amazing, he thinks, as he watches the older man's face carefully, just how far someone can be not to even have an ounce of remorse for their own actions.
Edgar shoves the tablet back across the surface of his old wooden desk, stoic.
"Where did you get this?" He demands.
Fangs, hidden behind the rest of the Serpents surrounding him, steps forward, grinning cockily. “Father Evernever."
"Brother Josiah," Edgar grits out, as recognition floods through him. “I knew you weren't a true believer."
"Well you believe in some fucked up shit," he replies bluntly.
He shoots Fogarty a single look, and the man falls back into line without question. His old friend is a great liar, almost too believable. Perhaps if life had dealt a different hand, he could have been a detective mastering in undercover work, but instead he is a Serpent with a gift that he is more than willing to let the Serpent king use again and again.
This time was personal. This time, Fangs volunteered himself before he could even ask!
To give him some credit, Edgar Evemever doesn't let on just how scared he is.
"What do you want?" He asks. "To make this all go away, what do you want?”
He casts a glance to Toni, at his right, and then Sweet Pea, standing to his left, and simultaneously, they nod, as do the rest of the Serpents. Completely united.
"You know exactly what I want."
The older man sighs, running a hand over his face. "I should have guessed. That is more than a fair trade. I assure you. Sister Elizabeth has been... difficult to say the least."
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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Real Name: Rain Calliope Ortiz
Aliases/Nicknames: Sis, Rainey, AcidRain
Birthdate: December 30th, 1991
Species: Human
Relatives: Bee Ortiz (Mother), Anthony Ortiz (Father, deceased), Misty Ortiz (Younger Sister), Fangs Fogarty (Younger Adoptive Brother), Rosa Diaz (Aunt), Lucia Diaz (Aunt), Oscar Diaz (Maternal Grandfather), Julia Diaz (Maternal Grandmother)
Affiliation: South Side Serpents, Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, Hawthorne (@firsthorror collective)
Marital Status: In a relationship with Booker Lambert
Occupation: Waitress, Administration, Part-Time Hotline Operator
Sexuality: Demisexual and Biromantic
Character Description/Background: Rain was born and raised on the South Side of Riverdale. Known mostly as Sis by everyone around her, Rain had always been a protector to everyone around her - especially the younger Serpents. She leads them with grace and is well respected within the community. Rain was hit hardest by her father's death. She found it hard to let go of him for the longest time, prompting her to take up a part-time job at a suicide prevention hotline while also waiting tables at Pop's alongside her mother. She starts dating Booker Lambert when he starts his Senior year at Riverdale High, trying to keep him safe when he joins the Serpents. When Rain isn't working, she's usually busy trying to keep her younger siblings and their friends in line. After Misty graduates and leaves town with Benji and DJ, Rain doesn't hear from her sister in a while which prompts her to go to The City and find out what's happening. When she finally does she starts working for Hawthorne in an administrative position to keep and eye on her sister and moves to The City with Booker. Rain is kind, protective, and always looks out for the little guy. She likes to paint and is a big mental health advocate.
TAGGING: @hughstheforcelou @firsthorror @eddysocs @raith-way @foxesandmagic @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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