#little forest goblin reintegration
object-obsessed · 2 years
dehumanized au except liam becomes human after getting back to earth post-finale and somehow he brings airy there too but he stays Lamp and having been gone for 10 years he has nowhere to go and he just follows liam around like a dog. liam thinks it’s absolutely pathetic but doesn’t want to let him get into trouble so he takes him in and he gradually gets used to society again while learning to shift into Human Mode because the shenanigans. the fucking shenanigans
like like ok just. consider the following: 
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original au by @ecto-hazard​! (disclaimer i draw human liam with glasses and freckles 90% of the time lol, i really wanted to get these done so theyre quick and messy sorry about that)
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
for the ask game: 9, 10, 11, 16, 20, 22?
9. Care to share a sneak peek of a WIP?
Yes! I’ll put a little passage from A Farewell to Arms beneath the cut!
10. What frustrates you the most as a writer?
I have a tendency to focus too much on the details — details I certainly don’t pick up on as a reader. To give you an example, I recently blew hours researching English land law (and the practice of perambulation) for willow cabin, because I thought it would make the plot seem unrealistic if I didn’t have some background knowledge on that. Absolutely nobody reading 100,000 words of bastardised Lord of the Rings porn is going to care about English feudal land law, but my dumbass goblin brain insisted it was necessary. So. That’s frustrating.
11. What’s something you have learned as a writer?
This sounds kind of wanky but I’ve actually learned to read better! Because I spend so much time writing now, I’m constantly looking out for answers to technical questions I have in the things I read. For example, I love the novel War & Peace, love it like nobody’s business, but until quite recently I never read it because I was interested in how to handle a large cast of characters effectively. Or the Portrait of the Author As A Young Man, which was for a long time a totally inaccessible book to me, now feels like an instruction manual for beautiful descriptive language and character development. I’d never picked up on those things until writing became part of my daily routine, but now it’s made reading so much easier and more enjoyable for me!
16. Any ideas you wanted to write about, but never did?
Oh, so many. For Star Wars I’ve always been interested in writing about either Luke setting up his Jedi Academy, or Rey and redeemed Ben Solo setting up a Grey Jedi-style academy, but the fandom has been quite fraught recently so I haven’t really found the courage to try either. For LOTR I’ve got a whole bunch of ideas kicking about that may or may not get written. The big one just now is a Fourth Age next-gen fic, lightly inspired by Green Scholar’s Seeds of the White Tree, but focusing more on the frontier politics of Ithilien and how Elboron and Morwen (my HC daughter for É + F) deal with growing up in what is, I imagine, a fairly Wild West setup while also being prepared/expected to deal with life in the high halls of Gondorrim politics. A lot of that has to do with my questions about what role Faramir takes on when Aragorn starts to rebuild and reintegrate Arnor, and especially my belief that Faramir ends up taking on a Ruling Steward-esque role because Aragorn probably spends a lot of time in the north.
20. What’s one thing you want your readers to know about you?
Ooooh, this is a good one! I think it’s that I’m the king of missing the forest for the trees, which is why my fics will have a lot of unnecessarily accurate information (see my answer to #11), but plots that feel like they were pulled out of my ass thirty seconds before I hit publish. Because they totally are, I’m mostly just writing for the chance to do lots of research about weird minutiae lmao. So when people comment and are like “oh what if [character interaction] happened?” or “I think it’d be cool if [plot point] played out like this,” I am absolutely, 100% going to read that and take it seriously because those comments usually involve more thought about the plot than I’ve actually done lmao.
22. Care to share any future WIP ideas you have lined up?
So I’m doing the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang with a fucking beautiful Farawyn painting that I’m super excited about — it’s going to feature the early days at Emyn Arnen and is probably going to be a chance for me to do some obnoxious narrative wanking over Cambridgeshire before we move back up north. I’m also toying around with the idea of a Lady Chatterley-style AU featuring Faramir as Lady Chatterley and Éowyn as Mellors. If I ever get the courage, I also want to write about a Gondorian noble trying to overthrow Aragorn and using the red book as evidence to do it, though that would be a fucking nightmare to do lol.
Thanks so much!!! I’m gonna drop the AFTA passage below —
On the sixth day of travel, they crested a small hill and in an instant Éowyn’s world became infinitely more massive. She didn’t speak, didn’t ask to stop, just vaulted off Windfola and rushed to the very edge of the hillside road.
She had never seen anything like it before.
Even the endless, unfettered sky in the Wold could not compare to what lay before her. Never had she felt so at the mercy of the overwhelming power of things she could not control; never did she expect that she could be so at peace with that loss of control. It stretched out before her like a second sky but made rough, more alive by motion and imperfection. Under the blazing midwinter sun (warmer here than farther north) it glistened like a shattered mirror hastily reforged.
She had no expectations for the sea — it had occupied no space in her thoughts, it simply did not exist in her world. Now, the sea rushed into her mind like a summer wildfire engulfing the grasslands, it was everywhere and fast and with a quiet intensity she could scarcely begin to understand.
It was only as she was about to speak to remark on the quietness of it all that she finally heard it. No, it was not quiet, it was perfectly in balance with the soundscape around it. A sound she had thought familiar but now realised was very foreign indeed. It was a dull roar, but it was there, and it spoke to a world she had yet to know — vast and ancient and permanent.
Her knees trembled.
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