#little goblin chaotic powers are unmatched
theteapotofdoom · 3 years
Tomura just wears like, fuckin pastel whenever he goes out on not-villain business and he becoms unrecognizable, this becomes a problem when Tomura, also known as Tenko, accsidentaly becomes friends with the previous Ingeniumand .
The Pastel Tomura Agenda™ rises again! He is an icon who can pull off both chaotic goth goblin and soft pastel fairy effortlessly. 
This is so funny to think about. I always thought that it was hilarious that he used to be able to go out incognito just by not having the hand on his face (like at the end of season 2), but now that he has become more famous he has to put a little more effort into it! 
He puts on a comfy sky blue sweater and some pink jeans and maybe some mauve gloves and shoes, and he goes out looking like an absolute SNACC. 
And let me tell you anon, you are an intellectual because the mere concept of Tomura/Tenko and Ingenium/Tensei starting to hang out is extremely powerful. The two goodest boys??? Hanging out??? Being friends??? Maybe flirting a little??? Unmatched, groundbreaking, and poetic. They have a meet-cute and start to bond over how much they hate Stain. 
God this whole scenario is so chaotic ... Tomura being like “I hate all heroes equally but Tensei is no longer a hero so that makes it okay, I can still go on dates with him” and Tensei being like “Mom, dad, Tenya, I just met this very cute boy the other day, and I’m not saying that I’m gonna marry him, but I’m also not saying that I WON’T marry him.” And he introduces him, and Tenya is like “what a charming you man that is not at all familiar in any way :)”
This is truly so powerful.
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puntointerrogativo · 4 months
Calm down Ama, il livello di caos di Blanco non è facile da raggiungere per il concorrente medio
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