#little ringed plover
besidethepath · 1 year
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Recently in the mud
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wildstarts · 4 months
Ring of fury
Ring of fury: Seeing a Ringed Plover fighting with two Little Ringed Plovers was an unexpected way to compare these species side-by-side! #birding #my200birdyear
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sugiichi · 1 year
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Charadrius dubius [コチドリ,Little ringed plover]
幼鳥がたくさんいました。 かわいい😍
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blogbirdfeather · 4 months
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Little Ringed Plover - Borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira (Charadrius dubius)
Alcochete/Portugal (8/05/2024)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR; 1/2500s; F5,6; 400 ISO]
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dansnaturepictures · 4 months
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Our wild adventure in Yorkshire 1st-8th June 2024 
Over the past week we have had another fantastic, packed, relaxing and breathtaking wild holiday this year, this time returning to the Yorkshire coast for a trip based around visiting the incredible RSPB Bempton Cliffs. It was an amazing week. 
The main highlights came on the visits to Bempton on Monday and Friday, going on a boat trip underneath there and Flamborough Head on Wednesday and visits to Flamborough Head and North Landing and Thornwick Bay where we were mesmerised to be immersed in bustling seabird colonies. It was magical especially to be ensconced in the elegant world of Gannets, seeing these remarkable and bold sea kings and queens in huge numbers was an honour getting views of ones with vegetation in their bills, scuffles and many flying and still views. The enchanting Puffins with their parrot beaks were also stars of the trip, I can never tire of these birds which awaken by heart. As do Guillemots and Razorbills, more awesome auks treasured at close quarters this week. Another of my favourites the Fulmars meandered in the wind and brought me much joy. Also making Bempton and Flamborough stand out are true seagulls, the angelic Kittiwakes whose onomatopoeic calls provide the colonies’ main soundtrack, precious to witness seeing the quirky sight of the ones nesting on buildings in urban Bridlington too. The sight, sound and smell of seabird colonies enriched my soul. Also seen this week were Herring Gulls well including young, Shag, Sandwich Tern and loads of Little Terns on a first visit to places I had always wanted to go the peculiar and almost otherworldly Spurn and Kilnsea Wetlands.  
At Kilnsea Wetlands we saw a surprise bird of the trip with exhilarating views of our first Yellow Wagtails of the year, part of a rich farmland double of bird year ticks for me this trip alongside thrilling views of a grand pair of Grey Partridges on a walk from Bempton. We were spellbound to watch two owls, brilliant Barn Owl views at Bempton and epic views of stunning Short-eared Owl at Flamborough North Landing just before setting off for home today. Also standing out throughout the week were a scattering of other pretty passerines; luxurious views of Bempton’s gorgeous Tree Sparrows birds I love seeing, strong Sedge Warbler views, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Stonechat including young, Reed Buntings, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Starling, Goldfinch, Song Thrush, lots of views of hirundines Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin including on nests and Swifts. It was good to see Pheasants and Stock Dove too. Beautiful Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Avocet, Grey Plover, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Grey Heron, Teal and Wigeon mostly at Kilnsea Wetlands and Spurn were nice wader and waterfowl sightings with a Cuckoo’s call heard in a third area of the country for us this year alongside Hampshire and Scotland reverberating over the North York Moors landscape at Fen Bog Nature Reserve. 
Lepidoptera played a big part in the week with my treasured first sighting of a Small Copper this year a butterfly I needed to see at Fen Bog Nature Reserve and it was also good to see some of my last Orange Tips of the year I shall imagine with them coming to their end especially at home with lovely Painted Lady at Bempton Cliffs, Red Admiral, Dingy Skipper, Speckled Wood and Green-veined White other butterflies enjoyed. Silver Y and Mother Shipton were good to see too as was Brown House moth where we stayed. We also saw some nice caterpillars, burnet moth, Garden Tiger moth and Brown-tail moth. 
Onto other wildlife and mammals starred in the week with astonishing sightings of Weasel and Field Voles at Bempton Cliffs providing me some of my moments of the year, making my mammal year list my joint highest ever alongside last year’s total. It was breathtaking to watch iconic Grey Seals from land and from the boat at Flamborough Head with some powerful intimate experiences. Brown Hare on another holiday this year, Rabbit and Grey Squirrel were nice to see too. Fen Bog brought more marvellous moments with my first giant Golden-ringed Dragonfly and thrilling Common Lizard of the year, with bees, lots of snails and slugs including Black Slugs, flies, a Green Tiger beetle at Fen Bog also seen in Scotland, at home and Yorkshire for me this year and Long-bodied Cellar Spider at where we stayed other highlights. 
There were some fabulous flowers seen with hogweed and red campion painting swathes of colour on Bempton’s seaside meadows. Common butterwort and heath bedstraw at Fen Bog Nature Reserve and many marsh orchids adorning the coast were other key species seen. Other key flowers enjoyed across the week were meadow crane’s-bill, herb-Robert, yellow rattle, plantain, white and red clover, groundsel, oxeye daisy, daisy, chamomile, hawksbeard, sow thistle, milkwort, comfrey, poppies, mouse-ear chickweed, green alkanet, roses, buttercups, cuckooflower, vetch and seas of kidney vetch painting cliffs.
Thursday brought something slightly different for us with a look at nearby to where we stayed Sewerby Hall and Gardens; feeling inspired to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition and enjoying gladiolus, roses and forget-me-not in the gardens and Humboldt Penguins, Racoon Dogs and Rheas in the Zoo among others. Quite something to see Penguins which I love then see the auks Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffin on a look at Thornwick Bay later in the day; my early childhood obsession with Penguins meaning I was drawn to these northern hemisphere counterparts when I first got into birdwatching in my mid-late childhood sowing the seeds for my hobby and passion something I reflected on a lot this week in this big seabird experiences. Finally particularly centring on rugged and stunning coast but also including meadows, moor and marsh and hints of woodland with picture postcard seaside at Bridlington too I have taken in some breathtaking views this week and nice sky scenes too. An unforgettable and extraordinary week. 
The photos I took in this photoset from the week are of; Tree Sparrow, Yellow Wagtail, carrot type flowers at Flamborough North Landing, hawksbit type flowers with a fly and beetle on at Fen Bog Nature Reserve, view at Spurn and snail at Flamborough Head, view at Thornwick Bay, Kittiwake at Flamborough Head and views at Flamborough North Landing and Sewerby Gardens.
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birdsbeauty12 · 7 months
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 Little Ringed Plover:💥
The little ringed plover is a small plover. The genus name Charadrius is a Late Latin word for a yellowish bird mentioned in the fourth-century Vulgate. These birds forage for food on muddy areas, usually by sight. They eat insects and worms.
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anmibi · 1 year
El pretendiente/the suitor
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months
monday: 22hr sensation of heart attack
tuesday: rest
wednesday: go to seaside for my health
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hideki-koga · 3 months
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コチドリ(Little Ringed Plover)
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transient-winds · 23 days
Brainrotting a wind breaker daemon au during my last class for the week with my bestie on discord (😘 @prunus-rosales ) is definitely how I want to spend my weekend.
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His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman anyone?? I watched The Golden Compass (2007) movie a long time ago which I didn't know was my first exposure to daemons.
Anyways, since Sakura's young, his daemon would still be able to shift forms so here's my current list rn:
Tuxedo Maine Coon = frequent form
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White Bengal Tiger = usually used during fights (not all the time but when the fight gets especially brutal)
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Common ringed plover = also used in fights (to escape usually but will pluck another daemon's eye or two), but is also another frequent form especially if Sakura's too tired to carry a ~4kg furball on his shoulders or just to hide.
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The daemon's definitely going to be the same-sex as Sakura, so his daemon would be male and he'd probably the only one in Fūrin with a male daemon 😭. To add to his tragic backstory and ostracization from society ✨️.
I imagine his daemon would be very sweet maybe a little shy, like his inner desires for affection and acceptance you know? As Sakura gets more comfortable with Class 1-1 with time, his daemon would definitely take a more caring and parental approach to class' daemons. The class looks up to Sakura and their daemons look up to his daemon. Stick with me here, but visualize this: his daemon in his tiger form holding nirei's daemon by the scruff like they would a cub.
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Anyways yeah, since im doing this with Ales and with the help of some ideas in a windbreaker server she's in, there's a lot more to this au that has been established. (More than the jidaigeki au rip 💔)
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I'll make a better post that's more professional looking than this one w/ more research & exposition later and with ideas for other characters such as Umemiya & some of Class 1-1 + WITH NAMES!! (shit's tiring to type out [Character]'s daemon)...
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sugiichi · 2 years
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Charadrius dubius [コチドリ,Little ringed plover]
コチドリ若のバトル❕ 兄弟げんかでしょうか??
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blogbirdfeather · 1 year
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Little Ringed Plover - Borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira (Charadrius dubius)
Mértola/Portugal (24 & 25/04/2023)
[Nikon D7100; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR with Nikon AF-S TC-14E III; 1/2000s; F8; 400 ISO]

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dansnaturepictures · 4 months
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So I know I said I'd be pausing daily posts whilst away, and have so far done one every night! But over the past few nights I have felt I had the time to do some within time in evenings going through packed days for photos and they've not been as detailed as my usual daily posts so were quick to do. I don't know if I will end up doing some sort of post nightly in the end or if I will do them now and again for the rest of the week like with our last holiday, but with a few less photos taken today I felt like doing a post with a few more photos from the time away so far. I shall certainly do at least one post when home with more photos from the time away and saying a bit more about where we've been and what we've seen.
The photos from the past few days in this set are of; Chiffchaff at Thornwick Pools and Dingy Skipper at Fen Bog Nature Reserve on Sunday, views at Bempton Cliffs yesterday and Spurn today, Little Ringed Plover and Yellow Wagtail at Kilnsea Wetlands today and Kittiwake at Bempton Cliffs yesterday.
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brigittttoo · 10 months
Codywan 6
LORE <3 <3 <3 thank you for your patience! I let this one get away from me a little but I think it turned out pretty well :)
6 - This Is A Life by Son Lux, Mitski, David Byrne (EEAAO soundtrack)
The rubble is piling up, and isn't getting any better with the way both sides are shooting up the landscape. Obi-Wan grips calmly onto Boga's reins as she slides to a stop in the dust by Cody and his men. "Commander!" he says. "Contact your troops. Tell them to get to the higher levels."
Obi-Wan falls defensively into Golden Plover stance, arms up and legs wide. He'd dropped his sword further back in the forest and the grey-clad fighter in front of him holds it out against him now, the metal glinting in the streak of sunlight through the bamboo. "You might want to re-think this," Obi-Wan says, breath steady.
Cody nods. "Very good, sir." He half-turns to leave, and then smirks back at Obi-Wan. "Oh, by the way, I think you'll be needing this." He holds Obi-Wan's lightsaber up to him, and Obi-Wan gratefully takes it.
Cody sighs and slouches even further against the wheel of the tractor. "I don't know what I was thinking," he says, and Ben's hand comes up slowly to touch his knee. Cicadas hum relentlessly in the trees but here in the middle of the field it's just them and the evening wind brushing through the grasses.
"You were thinking of helping," he says. "You were thinking about doing the right thing."
"I was thinking of being selfish," Cody frowns, mulishly.
"Thank you, Cody. Now let's get a move on, we've got a battle to win here!" With a snap of the reins Boga takes off, limbs everywhere, Cody's 'yessir' drifting into the background.
Camera bulbs flash them into near-blindness but Obi-Wan just smiles through it, turning slightly to give a couple different angles. He's wearing an old suit jacket but he's got a new stylist, one that let him haul out the kilt and his father's sporran from his closet, and can practically hear the fashion bloggers leaping onto their keyboards with fervour. Just before he takes his next step down the carpet he sees Cody standing further up the queue, hands clasped professionally in front of him.
Cody's holocomm chirps, and he extracts it from his belt. "Commander Cody," the Chancellor says. "The time has come. Execute Order 66."
"I thought--" Obi-Wan gulps, hair dripping into her eyes with the rain sluicing down on them. The street lamp douses her in burnt yellow light. "I thought it might have just all been a stupid mistake."
Cody's words catch in her throat; she thinks she might be crying now, too.
CC-2224 nods. "Yes, my lord." He snaps off the call at the same time that the traitor's varactyl lets out a whooping call. "Attack them!" he orders, and one of the men makes the shot. The traitor and the animal go tumbling off the side of the cliff.
A wind rustles through the oak tree's leaves. The willow next to it receives the same.
Something in Cody's head short-circuits. He hears a sharp ringing noise, and after he's taken off his helmet and shaken the vertigo he sees the brothers around him do the same. "Obi-Wan," he gasps, lunging in the direction of the cliffs. "Someone--Furrow!" Cody shouts, the name plucked from his mind and sliced across his tongue. "Give me that speeder!"
Cody, almost floating out of the bamboo, jumps wholly onto the grey-clad fighter, sending Obi-Wan's sword toppling to the ground. He whirls around with sure hands clamped to either side of the fighter's head, and Obi-Wan dashes forward to re-arm himself.
"Sometimes," Ben says, "you gotta care for yourself, first," and when his hand clenches on Cody's knee, Cody looks over at him. Ben's eyelashes almost glow in the golden light of early evening, and Cody is helplessly drawn in.
In the dark of the theatre, a hand lays overtop of a hand on the armrest between them. Cody leans over slightly towards Obi-Wan, and whispers, "We made something so beautiful together."
"It wasn't a mistake," Cody says, barely audible over the rain but so completely sure of herself. "It just took me a little time to get my shit together. Here," and she holds out her umbrella, making room for Obi-Wan underneath it.
As the breeze dies down, one of the willow's long branches drifts over, brushing against the rough bark of the oak's trunk.
The freezing water cuts through all the gaps in Cody's armour as he dives down into the rock pool, but luckily the HOD in his bucket is unaffected in its scanning as he swims. There he is, 3 metres ahead and floating limply, so Cody strokes over like they were taught in training, drags Obi-Wan onto his back and hooks an arm around him. Obi-Wan splutters and heaves once he's on the hard sandstone but it's Cody who loses his breath saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Obi-Wan, forgive me," over and over again.
"Cody," Obi-Wan says after his first full breaths. He appears to swallow back something pithy, and hooks a finger absentmindedly around Cody's glove. "Always."
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew translations of some ocs
Petalsnow: Pfefiurch (Fluff petal-snow)
Snow prefix is supposed to mean snowfall
Hawkstep/star: Yi'issappa/Yi'ishai (Sparrowhawk-padding/star)
Not sure on the suffix
Rookstorm: Mraawbahahao (Crow-haster)
Doesn't seem to be a word for rook, went for haster because this man is a violent storm apparently
Willowmoon: Sawashowosha (Gray willow-moon halo)
Combined "shom" and "wosha" for the prefix, was very tempted to name them pussywillow but gray willow won in the end
Runningflame: Gabrllfyn (Crackling-cooking fire)
Sounds like a honor title tbh, this man can cook
Stoneclaw: Bponbkach (Boulder-claw)
She's a big woman, so big stone word it is
Monkeyfoot: Kossachungpwyyarr (Tree monster-foot)
Combination of "kossa" and "kichung" for the prefix, meant to be the generic term for certain animals. He'd likely have a honor title like Monkeyscar
Thundershine: Krrakashemimi (Thunder-has shined)
Meant to symbolize that lightning has hit and thunder will come soon
Splinterstripe: Karkseek (Chip-long stripe)
Couldn't find splinter so chip it is, neither of the stripe words really fit them but I went with seek because it sounds better
Piperleap/star: Krekekluara/Krekekshai (Gray heron-has jumped/star)
Piper wasn't on the lexicon so I just went for a bird word that began with K to match with their siblings. The leap part of their name symbolizes their shift from cleric training to becoming a warrior
Tinybounce: Eebpipip (Small-bouncing) or Peskepipip (small cluster of flowers-bouncing)
Little guy, so smol. Second translation was literally made because it fits with zir family's names so well (such as petal and rose)
Runningflame/Crackling-Cookingfire/Gabrilfyn is absolutely my favorite, TOTALLY sounds like an honor title, 100% excellent
Here's some more words for you! While I'm at it, I'll fill out the missing corvids;
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) = Naahg
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) = Niw
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) = Aai
Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) = Hraor
This, with Nyok for Raven, Rawk for Carrion Crow, Ke'ek for Magpie, and Mraaw for Corvids as a generic term, completes the entire family!
Next is a few wood-related terms that are missing;
Splinter = Koa
Wood (General) = Okok
Pith (The spongy inner wood of plants, usually in reference to flax or soft rush) = Sowa
And lastly... on pipers.
Pipers are a rare bird for Clan cats to see. They're mostly shorebirds that come in-land to nest. There's well over a dozen fat, thin-billed, long-legged little waterbirds (called Waders) they see on a regular basis, but the two piper species they'd know about would be very rare.
So here's a generic term for you, and a couple of the most common ones. I found a good way to give you a K-term while most of this family has peepy-type calls;
Wader (Generic) = Kikaboo From Fang + Beak + Fat. Includes rails, coots, pipers, dunlins, etc. Birds with long legs, long little beaks like a tooth, and round bodies, found near water.
Beak (of a bird) = Kaba
Moorhen = Ia The most common wader in the territory. The closest thing to a chicken the Clan cats have.
Curlew (Numenius arquata) = Urloop An interesting little bird that nests close to kestrel nests, in spite of the danger. Featured in a Clanmew saying, "Curlew in the shadow of a kestrel," roughly means, "Choosing danger for the sake of safety"
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) = Bieew A symbol of peace between RiverClan and WindClan in the Lake territory. The southern delta is mostly gravel and stony, the exact place that a Bieew likes to nest. Both Clans have an interest in protecting these pretty little birds, which can bring them together for negotiation.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) = Peepapi A rare shore-dwelling bird that occasionally comes in-land to nest; not discovered until the Clan cats returned to the Lake. When used as a name, has a connotation of traveling or going on a salt patrol.
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years
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Gemma Kahng - Little Ringed Plover, 2022
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