#ag seafóid
if anyone's wondering why i'm a little quiet outside of the queue lately [twirls hair] well, there's this farming sim ( ◡‿◡ *)
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athbheoigh an sheanbhrí ar ‘Bhéarla’: seafóid. hú? where’s the beach? á, gleoite! Tá an leanbh ag déanamh iarrachta caint a dhéanamh!
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isabrllawithanr · 3 years
rant abt irish (gaeilge) in irish lol
i mo thuarim is éard gaeilge ceann de na teangaí is álainne sa domhain, ach tá an cúrsa oideachas agus curaclam gaeilge ag márú é le haghaidh déagóirí na héireann inniu :( 
mar sin féin is brea liom an teanga é fhéin ach is FUATH liom ag foghlaim é gach lá ar scoil mar is CUMA liom faoi na gearrscéalta a caithfimid foghlaim faoi, níl siad ach leadránach agus amaideach, céad faoin gcéad seafóid.
freisin tá do mhuinteoir ceart, ní oibríonn google translate i gceart LMAO, ba cheart daoibh tearma.ie a úsáid in áit de. tá a fhios agam go bhfuil tú ag úsáid é anois ach stop! léigh é duit fhéin amadán! tá tú in ann é a dhéanamh! féin-muinín srl whoop whoop!
slán grma
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trailerparkk · 4 years
Yuukei Yesterday (Jin/Shinzen no Teki P) - Aistriú as Gaeilge (Version 1)
Tá áthas orthu, tá grian ag taitneamh as an speir
Ba mhaith leo go dul i mo chaoi
D’fhéach mé go feargach orthu
Tá scoilt san muir seo
Bhí an oíche aréir an-fhada
Téim thar na daltaí, tá cuma fheargach orm
Céard air a bhfuil tú ag stánadh?
“Maidin mhaith!” Béiceann sé orm, bhain sé searradh
Claonann sé a cheann mar a bheadh bunaidh ann
Má d’fhéachfadh sé idir an dá shúil orm
Thitfimis i ngrá ach ní chreidim an seafóid seo
Níl a fhios agam cén fáth
Ní feachann mé a shúile
“Ní fíor sin! Dún do bhéal agus imigh leat!”
Feachannn an ch-chu-chuid díom féin ag gathanna na gréine
Ach tá-tá-tá-tá eagla orm go bhfuil tú mo chroi a feiceáil
Is fuath liom mo smaointe agus cén chaoi ní deirim iad
Cén fáth gur bhfuil glór i mo cheann aisteach?
Wow wow wow
T-t-t-táim ag caint leis, agus déanaim drantán
Bristear mo bhréag, labhraíonn mé go stadach
“In aimn Dé! An dteann mé le báiní?”
I deireach, is duine amaideach mé
Rinne mé méanfach, tá an seomra seo ladranach
Táimid in aice le a chéile
Bhí eagla mo chroí orm, ní léireoinn riamh tú
Éistim leis an raidió i mo cheann
Sheas mé agus ba botún go simplí é
Mar rugadh san ócáid orm
Lig mé orm féin go n-éiste mo headphones
Ach ní sé i mo fhón poca
“Beidh an t-am á chaitheamh go tapa
Ní chuimhneoidh aon duine anseo, seo é?”
Ní thuigeann mé fós
Ar chaill mé mo theanga?
Ní déarfainn é go raibh fuath agam dó
Taispeánaim ch-ch-ch-chuid díom féin mar sin thuigfeá
Ach slogaim mo fhocail duit arís
Is breá liom an pleidhcíocht sin, áfach
Tomhaisim, is duine faiteach mé
Wow wow wow
“Is cosúil go raibh tú an lá go deas”
“An bhfuil tú ag irraidh mé a chrá?”
Bainim pinse asat, is fuath liom an meon atá agat
Chríochnaigh an lá eile arís
F-f-f-feachann chuid díom féin tríd gathanna
“Fan nóiméad, riomh fuineann tú!” Análaím a tharraingt
Tá mo ch-ch-ch-chroí ag preabadh agus ag gortú
Is iontach an mothú é, anois
“Tá mé ag i-i-i-irraidh rá leat” ritheann mé
Is buama atá mo chroí agus beidh sé ag pléascadh
T-t-t-tosaigh mé ag análú trom toisc fuinnean sé
Tá mé ag insint leat uaim
Cuidigh liom, más é do thoil é!
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 2 months
macbeth witches were so right, when the hurly burly's done it's so over for you guys
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 7 months
this is unlikely to hit for anyone but my stray few irish followers but i'm so fucked off that i've waited this long for 23.5 and its gleam of joy but this friday is such a nexus of stress for me because i have to go in a voting booth to beg the government not to take away more of my rights as a disabled person, while i've spent the rest of the week working on my green paper submission - my other thing i'm having to do to beg the government not to take away more of my rights as a disabled person. i just want to watch girls kiss and have adequate health supports goD
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 7 months
me making the medical appointment i've been putting off for literal years and looking for my parade
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months
monday: 22hr sensation of heart attack
tuesday: rest
wednesday: go to seaside for my health
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months
everyone wish me a very don't fly off the clutch for my driving lesson today!! (yes i'm still learning, you can put down the shape of an L on your forehead there, smashmouth)
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 4 months
realising that i strongly gravitate towards action movies when depresso. like a bit of cool fight choreo pow whallop boom is gonna do more for me than ms fluoxetine (sometimes it does)
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 9 months
put a call into the local cop shop bc a sheep in a field by my house has jumped the fence and is stuck standing in the river. just having a normal one like
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months
there is no hangover that wallops quite like sleeping pill hangover. i feel like i'm recovering from possession and i look like this
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months
constructive criticism for god: costochondritis imitating the symptoms and pain level of a heart attack? really man?
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once again fucking frothing with rage while i hunt for a physical copy of a piece of media, with the added sting of it being made in my fucking country WHEREFORE CAN A BITCH GET A DVD
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